Blooming Grove Hi School Classes Elect
BLOOMING GROVE, Nov. 2.—Organization of various classes in the local
high school has been announced as follows:
Senior Class—Jackie Dale Jordan, president; J. C. Fulton, vice
president; Mattie Ruth Hiler, secretary; Maxine Gillen, treasurer;
Joyce Nelson, reporter; Mrs. Joe Walton and Mrs. G. E. Ramsey, Sr.,
Junior Class—Thomas Furra, president; Bonnie Mae Boyd, vice
president; J. W. Frederick, secretary-treasurer; Mack Crawford,
reporter; Miss Opel Allmon and Coach Joe Walton, sponsors.
Sophomore Class—Thurman Neeley, president; Billy Jo Johnson,
secretary treasurer; Jerry Daniel, reporter; Miss Bettye Brown and
M. S. Hammack, sponsors.
Freshman Class—Mack Tucker, president; Norma Jean Garrison,
secretary-treasurer; Sonny Boyd, reporter; Mrs. Miller Reid and Mrs.
Mildred Aycock, sponsors.