1897 Corsicana High School Graduation Exercises
& Class Photo Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas |  HOME
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I saw that there is a commencement notice
in Corsicana Daily Sun about this class that it is posted on
the Navarro County website. Here is a photo of the 1897
class. My grandfather, Al Sowell, is seated on the front row
in the middle. I thought you might want to add on the site.
...Tom Sowell
Apr 23, 1897
The Commencement exercises of the Corsicana high school will be held at the
Merchants' opera-house on Thursday night, May 21. The graduates are as follows: Mabelle Molder, Ewing Edens, Inez Freeman, Al Sowell, Jewell White, Annie Mae Douglas, May Lea, Walter Guthrie, Meta Ransom, Mary Rainwater, Aggie Witherspoon, Pearl Carter, Eva Richardson, Edna Martin, Charles Gibbs. The following programme will be carried oth: Invocation, Rev. M. S.
Hotchkiss; salutatory, Miss Mabelle Molder, oration, "Ancient and Modern Nations of Liberty," Ewing Edens: music, chorus class; essay, "Backward and Forward," Miss Inez Freeman; declamation, "Funeral Oration of Euclid," Al Sowell; music, orchestra; essay, "Let There Be Light," Miss Jewel White:
recitation, "Thora," Miss Annie Mae Douglas: music, orchestra: essay, "An Ideal City," Miss May Lea: Shakespearean burlesque, Misses Meta Ransom, Mary Rainwater, Aggie Witherspoon and Pearl Carter; oration, "The Achievements of Our Civilization," Walter Guthrie: chorus, class: essay, "The Wire Puller," Miss Eva Richardson: recitation, Miss Edna Martin: music, orchestra: valedictory, Charles Gibbs.
Delivering the diplomas to the class by Superintendent J. T. Hand.
Submitted by Dana Stubbs |
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams