The Corsican
Volume XII - 1927
Year Book of Corsicana High School
Names List Only


Corsican Index || Corsicana High School Index || 1927 Corsican Extract


NAVARRO COUNTY TX 1926  Corsican (Corsicana High School Annual)

NAVARRO County   1927 Corsican - Corsicana High School Annual

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives [email protected]
 Don Brownlee

 1927 Corsican, Corsicana High School

The faculty and students are listed in order of last name, first name, class and page. 

For seniors, the yearbook also includes a quotation and club memberships during the previous four years.  For example,  Margaret Woods selected this statement: "Bright as the sun her eyes the gazers strike.  And like the sun, they shine on all alike. - Pope."

For further information from the yearbook, researchers are welcome to contact [email protected].


Adams, Burrows, fr, 58
Agnew, Louie D., fac, 22
Albritton, Claude, so, 54
Albritton, Jewell, fr, 58
Albritton, Mabel, jr, 47 103
Allen, Deen, fr, 57
Allen, Frances, fac, 22
Allen, Jack, fr, 57
Allen, Lewis, so, 54
Allen, Mary Helen, so, 53
Allen, Nell, fr, 57
Almon, Elizabeth, jr, 47
Anderson, Kathryn, fr, 57
Anderson, Murl, so, 54
Armstrong, Elizabeth, fr, 58
Arp, Hazelle, fr, 58
Ashley, Allison, jr, 47
Ashley, Jean, fr, 58
Ashmore, Maurine, fr, 58
Atkins, Ada, so, 54
Atkins, Evelyne, fr, 58
Atkinson, Dorothy Nell, so, 53
Austin, Hattie Earl, fr, 58
Bagby, Hilary, so, 53
Bags, Ora Mae, fr, 58
Baker, Gladys, so, 53
Ball, Ruby Mae, fr, 57
Banks, Elliott, fr, 57
Bannister, C. T., fac, 18
Barker, Othal E., so, 54
Barley, Mary Louise, so, 53
Barrington, Kathleen, sr, 27
Barron, Calvin, fr, 57
Barsellino, Frank, so, 54
Barth, Louise, so, 53
Baxter, Georgia, fr, 58
Beale, Allen, jr, 47
Beale, Nellie, so, 54
Becton, Ruby, so, 53
Bedford, Frances, jr, 47 59
Bedford, Rufus, fr, 58
Bell, Clifford, sr, 26
Benson, Melbourne, so, 53
Benton, Edith Fay, so, 53
Berry, Jessie, fr, 57 106
Bessley, Lena, fr, 58
Blackburne, Lucille, jr, 47
Blair, Inez, fr, 57
Blanding, Harry Jr, so, 54
Bolton, Anne, so, 54
Boltz, Marie, sr, 26
Bondurant, Cecil, fr, 58
Bonner, Eula, so, 53
Borg, Marie, jr, 47
Bottoms, Vivian, so, 53
Bounds, Harry, fr, 57
Bowden, Hubert, so, 53
Bowden, Max, jr, 47
Boyd, Elizabeth, fr, 58
Bragg, Louella, so, 53
Braswell, Gladys, sr, 26
Breithaupt, Katherine, fr, 57
Breuchner, Pauline, fac, 20
Brocker, John W., so, 53
Brocker, Ned, fr, 58
Brooks, Hannah, sr, 26
Brooks, Newell, sr, 26
Brown, Clara, ffr, 58
Brown, J. T., so, 54
Brown, Marion, sr, 42
Brown, Pansy, so, 53
Brown, Virginia, jr, 47
Brownlee, Ned, sr, 26
Bryan, Bertha, fr, 57
Bryant, Allan, so, 53
Buck, Elora, sr, 27
Buck, Leon, fr, 58
Bumen, Owen, so, 53
Burkham, Pearl, fr, 57
Butler, Anita Fay, jr, 47 59
Butler, Mrs. J. E., fac, 18
Butler, Nell Rose, so, 53
Byrne, Maxie, sr, 27
Caldwell, Dorothy, so, 53
Carl, Lee, jr, 47
Caroll, W. G., jr, 47
Carr, Gordon, jr, 47
Carroll, Virginia, so, 53
Carson, Claudine, fr, 58
Carson, Marie, fr, 58
Carter, Sybil, jr, 47
Castellow, Edna Mae, so, 53
Castles, Jack, jr, 47 74 113
Cavender, J. T., jr, 47
Cavender, Lorena, sr, 27
Chambliss, Aline, so, 53
Charles, Lillian, sr, 27
Cheney, Gladys, fr, 58
Chrisman, Palmer, so, 54
Church, Christine, sr, 27
Church, Elizabeth, so, 54
Clark, Gordon, fr, 57
Clarke, Robert, so, 54
Clements, Katie, so, 54
Clements, Mary Waller, fr, 58
Coggins, Mary Frances, fr, 57
Compton, L. G., so, 53
Cook, Calvin, fr, 58
Cook, Samuel, fr, 57
Cooksey, Herbert, so, 53
Coulson, Billy, so, 54
Coulson, Renee, fr, 58
Cowan, Kert, so, 54
Crass, Marton, so, 53
Cray, Katherine, fr, 57
Cross, E. E., fac, 20
Crouch, Ethel Clyde, so, 53
Crowther, Katherine, jr, 47
Cudney, Corwin, so, 53
Culver, Ann, fac, 22
Cushman, Mary, jr, 47
Davidson, C. G., fac, 18
Davidson, Helen, so, 53
Davidson, Jim, fr, 57
Davidson, Naomi, sr, 28
Davis, Jacob, so, 53
Davis, Josephine, so, 53
Davis, Robert, so, 53
Daviss, Philpot, sr, 42
Delahay, Jean, fr, 58
Denton, Annie Bue, sr, 28
Deskin, billie, so, 53
Deskin, Jessie, jr, 47
DeWitt, Jack, jr, 47 75
Dill, Geline, sr, 28 59 67
Dill, O. E., fr, 57
Dillon, Ruth, jr, 47
Dobbins, Ashley, sr, 28
Doss, Thelma, so, 53
Douglas, Albert, jr, 47
Douglas, O. P., fac, 20 113
Drane, Frances, sr, 28
Drane, Hugh, so, 54
Duncan, Barney, so, 54
Dunn, Nell, so, 53
Dunn, Pauline, so, 53
Eliot, George, fr, 57
Elliott, A. G., 131
Elliott, Dave G., so, 53
Elliott, Ralph, so, 54
Engram, Juanita, fr, 57
Eubank, Alberta, fr, 58
Evans, Thurman, so, 54
Evetts, Bennie Gertrude, sr, 28
Evetts, Virginia, fr, 58
Fagin, Richard, sr, 24 29
Fauber, Eleanor, sr, 29
Fendley, Mrs, Harrison, fac, 21
Fentress, Grace, so, 53
Ferguson, Charles, so, 53
Ficklin, Annie Beth, fr, 57
Fillers, H. D., fac, 18
Finch, John, sr, 29
Finger, Mary, fac, 20
Flagg, Dorothy, sr, 29 71
Flowers, Jaunita, sr, 29
Flowers, Vivienne, fr, 58
Flucker, Harry, sr, 30
Ford, Stanley, jr, 47
Forsythe, L. P., fac, 20
Foss, Richard, so, 54
Foss, Virginia, fr, 58
Frost, Polk, fr, 57
Fullerton, Frances, so, 54
Galliard, Loreta, jr, 48
Galloway, Albert, sr, 30
Galloway, William, fr, 57
Gantt, Georgia, fac, 22
Garitty, James, 141
Garrett, Thurbert, so, 53
Gartman, Earl, fr, 57
Garvin, Frances, fr, 58
Gerauty, Mary Lee, fr, 58
Gibson, Sue, sr, 30 59 104
Gladney, Pauline, sr, 30 74
Goldman, Helen, so, 53
Goodwin, Milton, so, 54
Gordon, Gladys, fr, 57
Gottlieb, Manuel, so, 54
Granberry, R. C., so, 54
Graves, Henry, jr, 48
Greene, Ruby, fr, 57
Greenlee, James, so, 53
Greenlee, Joe, fr, 58
Greenlee, Paul, sr, 30 74
Gries, Tom, so, 53
Griffin, Mamie Rae, fr, 57
Grinstead, Verda, so, 54
Grise, Ethum, jr, 48
Grossman, Julia, sr, 30
Hable, Geneva, jr, 48
Hagins, Pauline, fr, 57
Halbert, Clyde, sr, 31 59
Halbert, Maurine, so, 54
Haley, Clifford, fr, 57
Hall, Katharine, sr, 42
Hamilton, Grace, fac, 22
Hamilton, Nalda, sr, 31
Hamilton, Robert, so, 54
Haney, Clara Mae, jr, 48 59
Hardage, Hazell, fac, 21
Hardy, Floyd, sr, 31
Harper, Alpine, sr, 31
Harper, Edwin, sr, 31
Harper, Mary Elizabeth, so, 52 53 99
Harrell, Aleine, so, 53
Harris, Henry, fr, 58
Harris, Lawrence, so, 53
Harris, Orrie, fr, 58
Hart, Mary Sue, jr, 48
Harvin, Lena Rose, fr, 58
Harwell, Lester Lee, fr, 58
Hashop, Rosa, so, 53
Hashop, William, fr, 58
Haskin, John Sam, jr, 50
Haslam, Sam, so, 53
Haynie, Dulon, fr, 57
Heifner, Bessie, fr, 57
Henry, Bernard, fr, 58
Herod, Aline, jr, 48
Herod, Bacil, jr, 48
Herod, Conrad, fr, 57
Hervey, Margaret, sr, 31
Hickerson, Clayton, fr, 57
Hickey, Alexander, fr, 58
Higginbothan, Stella, fr, 57
Highnote, Esther Mae, sr, 32
Hill, Catherine, fac, 21
Hodge, Clarence, sr, 32
Hogan, Louise, fr, 57
Holland, Lula Mae, fr, 58
Holloway, Felicia, sr, 32 59 105
Holmes, Harriette, sr, 32
Holmes, Mary, fac, 22
Hornbeck, J. W., so, 53
Hosack, Mary, jr, 48
Houston, Edith, fac, 22
Houston, Eva Louise, jr, 48 63
Houston, Josephine, jr, 48
Howard, Jack, so, 53
Howard, James, fr, 57
Huff, Eula, sr, 32
Huff, Harmon, so, 54
Huffman, Lora Inez, so, 53
Huggins, Frances, jr, 48 59
Huitt, Arthur Lee, so, 53
Humphries, Louis, fr, 58
Isom, Margaret Jo, so, 53
Jackson, Josephine, jr, 48
Jackson, Mae Alice, sr, 32
Jackson, S. J., fac, 18
Jackson, Ruth, sr, 33
Jackson, Thelma Lee, sr, 33
Jefferess, Douglas, fr, 57
Jenkins, James, so, 54
Jester, Katherine, sr, 33 59
Johnson, Howell, sr, 33
Johnson, Jack, so, 53
Johnson, Wayne, so, 53
Jones, J. C., sr, 33
Jones, Talmer, fr, 58
Jordan, Bennie, fr, 58
Jordan, Irvin, jr, 46 48
Kaplan, Bernard, so, 54
Kelly, Louis, so, 53
Kennedy, Martha, so, 53
Kennedy, Mary, fr, 58
Kerr, Elizabeth, so, 54
Key, Augusta, fr, 58
Kidd, Maibelle, sr, 33 74
King, Corallie, fr, 57
King, Frank, fr, 58
King, Lassie, fr, 58
King, Zelda Mae, fr, 57
Lake, Gladys, jr, 48
Lanham, Eleanor, sr, 34
Leonard, Eddie Bess, so, 53
Leonard, Ruth Alice, sr, 34
Leverette, Mattie, sr, 34
Levine, Bessie, fr, 57
Lewis, Lendon, sr, 34
Lewis, Walter, jr, 48 69
Lichlyter, Walter Lee, so, 53
Locklar, Agnes, so, 53
Loper, Floy, sr, 34
Loper, Joyce, fr, 58
Loudon, Maurice, fr, 57
Love, Elizabeth, sr, 35
Love, Virginia, so, 53
Love, William, so, 53
Lowry, Max, sr, 34
Lowry, Scott, jr, 48
Lumsden, J. F., ?, 114
Lynch, Ewing, fr, 58
Lynd, Jeff, fr, 58
Lyons, Mary Anna, so, 53
Marks, Alvin, 135
Martin, Hattie Louise, sr, 35 59
Martin, Rupert, so, 53
Mash, Nadia, so, 53
Matheny, Louis, fr, 57
Matthews, Gladys, fac, 20
Matthews, La Donne, so, 53
Mattingly, Margaret, jr, 48
McAfee, Aletha, so, 53
McAfee, Hester, sr, 35
McAfee, Lendon, fr, 57
McCammon, James, jr, 48
McCammon, W. P., fac, 18
McCandless, H. R., jr, 48
McCarver, Annie Laura, sr, 35
McClanahan, Edwin, fr, 58
McClung, Estelle, so, 53
McClung, Gerald, so, 54
McClure, Hallie, jr, 48
McElwrath, Redus, fr, 58
McEntire, R. B., jr, 48
McEntyre, Homer, fr, 58
McGarity, Eldon, jr, 48
McKenna, Bertha, so, 53
McKeown, Florra Beth, so, 53
McKeown, Trenton, sr, 35
McMullins, Katherine, jr, 48
McNeill, Martha, jr, 49
McNutt, Jack, jr, 49
McReynolds, Grace, jr, 49
McReynolds, Guy, fr, 58
Medford, Toma, sr, 35
Medford, Zelma Lee, so, 53
Megginson, Louise, so, 53 59
Meloy, Eunice, so, 53
Middleton, C. A., fac, 18
Middleton, Leldon, fr, 57
Milburn, Frank, so, 54
Milburn, Jesse, so, 54
Miles, Anita, fr, 57
Miller, Alvin, jr, 49
Miller, Elise, fr, 58
Miller, Kathleen, fr, 57
Miller, Mrs, T. A., fac, 18
Millerman, Morey, jr, 49
Mitchell, Anne, jr, 49 59
Mitchell, Elizabeth, fr, 58
Mitchell, Grahm, jr, 49
Mitchell, John, so, 54
Mitchell, Marcelle, jr, 49
Mitchell, Martha, jr, 49
Mitchell, Paul, so, 53
Mixon, Evie Ruth, fr, 58
Mixon, Mary Perry, sr, 36
Molloy, Mae, jr, 47
Moncrief, J. D., fr, 57
Monroe, Lonnie, so, 53
Montfort, Frank, sr, 36
Montgomery, Richard, so, 53
Moore, Laura M., fac, 21
Moore, Merle, sr, 36
Moore, Richard, fr, 58
Moore, Thurman, fr, 58
Morwood, George, sr, 115
Moss, Mabel, jr, 49
Mowlam, Elizabeth, so, 53
Munns, Neadum, jr, 49
Murchison, Iza, jr, 49 73
Murchison, John, fr, 58
Murphy, Edith, so, 54
Neely, J. C., sr, 24 36
Newland, John, fr, 58
Newton, Doris, jr, 49
Nichols, James, fr, 58
Nicholson, Danny, sr, 36
Nolen, Marvin, so, 53
Nolen, Mayers, so, 53
Norred, Geneva, jr, 49 74
Norris, L. V., jr, 49
Norwood, W. H., fac, 9, 19
Nutt, Clyde, sr, 36
Odom, Bobbie Lee, fr, 57
Orr, Marion, sr, 37
Orrell, Weldon, so, 54
Osteen, Eula, fr, 57
Owen, Neil, fr, 58
Palmer, Willie, so, 53
Parker, Mary Alice, fr, 57
Parker, Walter E., so, 53
Parrish, William, sr, 37
Patterson, Hazel, jr, 49
Patterson, Ruby, so, 53
Patton, James, so, 53
Paul, Jack, fr, 57
Peeples, Louis, so, 54
Penland, Billy, 153
Pickering, Alton, fr, 57
Pickering, Claude, sr, 37
Pierce, J. A., fac, 20
Poindexter, James Dee, fr, 58
Pollack, Georgia Ruth, so, 54
Pollard, George, sr, 37
Powell, Arny, sr, 37
Powell, Katie Mae, jr, 49
Pressly, Matoaka, so, 53
Price, Edwin, so, 54 115
Pryor, George Charles, fr, 57
Puckett, Velma, sr, 37
Pugh, Anno Lee, fr, 57
Pugh, Lorraine, jr, 49
Pugh, Meme, jr, 49
Pulliam, Mary Knox, so, 53
Putnam, Helen, fr, 58
Rakestraw, Leah, so, 53 59
Ramsey, Josephine, jr, 49 69
Ramsey, Marie, jr, 49
Ramsey, Thelma, jr, 49
Redden, Charles, fr, 58
Reece, Jimmie, fr, 58
Reily, Newt, fr, 57
Renfrow, Cleo, so, 53
Rhoads, G. C., 132
Rhoads, W. C., 132
Richardson, Melvin, fr, 57
Riley, Mary Ethel, jr, 49
Roberson, Marie, sr, 38
Roberts, Jack, so, 54
Roberts, Louise, sr, 38
Roberts, Myrtle, fac, 21
Roberts, Ruth, fr, 58
Robinson, Louise, fr, 58
Robinson, Thomas, fr, 58
Roe, J. C., fr, 57
Rogan, James, fr, 58
Rogers, Lillian, so, 53
Rogers, Mable, fr, 57
Roland, Miranda, fr, 58
Ross, John, jr, 49
Ross, Wilson, fr, 57
Rothkoff, Hannah, so, 53
Roxburgh, Dura, so, 53
Samuels, Melville, fr, 57 67
Scarborough, Lillie, sr, 38 73
Scoggins, Leslie, so, 54
Scoggins, Lorraine, fr, 58
Sears, Evelyn, fr, 57
Sewell, Isla Duncan, fac, 22
Sheets, Evelyn, so, 52 53
Sheppard, Reuben, so, 53
Shivers, Leo, sr, 43
Shivers, Modena, so, 53
Shivers, W. D., so, 53
Simpson, Quentin, jr, 49
Simpson, Parsifel, jr, 50
Sims, Wilson, so, 53
Sitton, J. C., sr, 42
Skinner, Bertrand, fr, 58
Smalling, Johnnie, so, 53
Smith, George, jr, 50
Smith, Gola Fay, so, 54
Smith, Irma, jr, 50
Smith, Phillip, jr, 50 65
Smith, Tom, so, 53
Smith, William, sr, 38 61 114
Smotherman, Opal, jr, 50
Sowell, Marianna, so, 53 56
Sparks, Marie, so, 53
Spikes, Evelyn, fr, 58
Spikes, Mary Frances, jr, 50
Stamps, Marie, jr, 50
Stander, Leon, so, 54
Stander, Sarah, sr, 38
Standifer, Muriel, fr, 57
Stark, Gladys, jr, 50
Stark, Juanita, so, 53
Starkey, Hallie, so, 53
Steeley, Willie, so, 53
Steely, Margaret, jr, 50
Stewart, Eugene, so, 54
Stewart, Ferma C., so, 54
Stewart, Maco, fr, 58
Still, Oscar, fr, 58
Stone, Vera Mae, sr, 39 63
Stroud, Clyde, jr, 50
Stroud, Emy Neil, fr, 56 58
Stover, Clovis, so, 53
Suttle, Betty Lloyd, so, 54
Suttle, Gazzie, fac, 22
Sutton, Carlos, fr, 58
Sutton, Paul, so, 53
Swaltney, Marie, so, 54
Talbot, Richard, jr, 50
Tarbutton, Geneva, so, 53
Tarver, Esther Mae, sr, 39
Tatum, Billie B., so, 54
Taylor, Edna, fr, 58
Taylor, Inez, fr, 57
Taylor, Marjorie, jr, 50
Thomas, Billie, fr, 57
Thomas, Mattie, fr, 57
Thomas, Willie Mae, fr, 57
Thornell, Eleanor, sr, 39 71
Thornell, Pearl, jr, 50 59
Thurston, J. W., fr, 57
Tidd, Edeina, fr, 58
Tidd, Kathleen, sr, 39 59 102
Towns, John B., fr, 57
Traw, Ruth, so, 53
Treadwell, Fannie Jean, so, 53
Treadwell, Lawrence, so, 53
Treadwell, Maurine, fr, 58
Treadwell, Pierce, jr, 50
Treadwell, Ralph, fr, 58
Treadwell, Rankin, fr, 58
Tucker, Ivan, sr, 39
Tuley, Floyd, fr, 58
Tuttle, Mary, sr, 39
Tynor, Ermon, so, 53
Walker, Dean, so, 53
Walker, Roy Jr, fr, 58
Walton, Elaine, fr, 57
Walton, Lonnie, jr, 50
Wareing, Leslie, jr, 50
Warner, Lillian Mae, fr, 57
Warner, Mary Lou, so, 54
Warren, Elizabeth, so, 53
Warren, Maxine, so, 53
Wassell, James McClellan, so, 54
Wassum, Marvin, so, 54
Watson, Virgil, so, 53
Weatherby, D. B., fac, 20
Weaver, Clem, sr, 40
Weaver, Jack, jr, 50
Weichmann, Erma, jr, 50
Wells, Glenn, so, 54 114
Wells, Joe Kelton, sr, 40 65
West, Doyle, sr, 40
White, Almer, so, 54
White, Ava, fr, 57
White, Charles, fr, 58
White, Elmer, so, 53
White, Felix, jr, 50 115
White, Harmon, fr, 58
White, Katie Lee, fr, 57
White, Lucille, sr, 41
White, Marion, jr, 50
White, Rosa George, so, 54
Whitlock, Dee, fr, 58
Whitlock, Weldon, jr, 50
Wiles, Minnie, fac, 21
Wilkerson, Louise, so, 53
Wilkinson, Nellie B., sr, 40
Willard, J. G., fac, 21
Williams, Beulah, fr, 57
Williams, Edith, sr, 40
Williams, Eula Mae, fr, 57
Williams, Fannie Bell, fr, 58
Williamson, Kelly, so, 54
Williamson, Merle, sr, 40
Willie, Harper, so, 53
Willie, Bettie, so, 53
Wilson, Cy, so, 54
Wilson, Eloise, sr, 41
Wilson, Manette, fac, 21
Wilson, Marguerite, sr, 41
Wineburg, Glenn, fr, 58
Wineburg, Rex, jr, 46
Wischart, Jimmie, fr, 58
Witherspoon, Judith, fr, 58
Witherspoon, Minnie, fac, 20
Wood, Goodwin, sr, 41
Woods, Baldwin, fac, 21
Woods, Margaret, sr, 41 100
Wright, Calvin, fr, 58
Yates, David, fr, 58
Yates, John Leslie, so, 54
York, Katherine, sr, 41
Young, Annie Mae, fr, 58
Young, Evelyn, jr, 50
Young, Lois, jr, 50
Young, Mary Jo, sr, 42 101
Younger, Tommy, sr, 42
Zarofonetis, John, fr, 58

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Edward L. Williams & Barbara Knox