The Corsican
Volume 21 - 1936
Year Book of Corsicana High School
Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas |

Index || Corsicana High School
1936 CHS Classmates
Index || Corsicana High School
Index ||
Classmates 1936
To the spirit of those noble man and women of pioneer Texas days - who lived
their lives brilliantly and dangerously, and were not afraid to die - we
dedicate this volume. May that spirit ever be the inspiring force which will
cause us to uphold the thing the founders of the Empire State fought and
died for.
Board of Education
Mr. W. P. McCammon - President
Mrs. H. R. Stroube - Vice-President
Mr. C. A. Middleton - Secretary and Treasurer
Mr. Suttle Roberts
Mr. Lloyd Wheelock
Mrs. W. T. Shell
Dr. J. Wilson David |
W. H. Norwood - Superintendent of Schools
O. P. Douglas - Principal of High School
J. F. Gardner - Mathematics
B. E. Jeffers - Mathematics
Annie Maud Shaw - Mathematics
Hazell Hardage - Biology
John A. Pierce - Mathematics & Mechanical Drawing
J. G. Willard - Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Anna Bell Kiber - English
Don Q. Adams - English
Hortense Davant - English
Eunice Lindsey Orr - Spanish, Typing
Emma Dorcas Morgan - English
Mary Few - Spanish & English
R. A. Armistead - English, History, Speech Activities
Louise D. Agnew Elliott - Latin & English
Minnie Wiles - History
Frances DeWitt Cochran - History, English
Harmon Kendrick - English, History
H. C. Allen - History
Helen Bonner - History
Mrs. Leslie K. Wareing - Secretary to Principal
Hallie McClure - Secretary to Superintendent
Mrs Murphy Williams - Home Economics
Eda Watson - Librarian
L. P. Forsythe - Industrial Education
Margaret Lowry - Music
K. Manette Wilson - Commercial |
Senior Class Officers:
Randolph Mitchell - President
Elizabeth Ann Blackburn - Vice President
Fannie Halbert - Secretary
Virginia Kerr - Treasurer
P. W. Chunn, Jr. - Reporter |
Tracy Smith - President
Buford Harris - Vice-President
Virginia Kerr - Secretary
Tom Sharp - Treasurer
Berinice Pickens - Reporter |
Tom Johnapelus
Alvin Shwarts
William McPherson
Margaret Castles
Bernice Pickens
La Rue Cummins
Louine Planchard
Mataline McBroom
Ben Delahay
John W. Thomas
Randolph Mitchell
Eugene Flynn
Priscilla Baum
Frank Walker
Adolph Weidmann
Margaret Osborne
Robert Nelson
Mildred Petty
Roy Baker
James Nelson
Dearvin Hales
Alf Milligan
Kathleen Woolley
Dave Herman
Buford Harris
Tom Sharp
Barney Austin
Roy Neese, Jr.
Nelma Michael
Maudie Pearl Bowman
Marie Beauchamp
Walton Andrews
J. H. Brown
Milton McAfee
Maurice Brooks
Dethnea Howell
Catherine McMullan
Grace Williams
Elizabeth Hitchcock
Jeanne Hedrick
Bobby Doolin
Ray Donoho
Allen Calloway
William Levine
Kay Beaton
Carvel Neal Jenkins
B. B. Munsey
Eleanor York
Jimmie Kate Roxburgh
Eugene Harwell
Mary Alice Johnston
Jane Coulson
Mary Virginia Smith |
Helen Harshaw
Maurice Klutts
Flora Nell Renfrow
Edith Wilds
Elizabeth Pulliam
Sara Lunn
Jeanne Carroll
Bill Barley
Catherine Bryant
Fanne Halbert
Ed Williamson
Nell Roberts
Billie Inman
Louise Slate
Frankye Mae Pope
Martha Bays
Thelma Whitehead
Hubert Travis
Mary Elizabeth Sparks
Roberta Beaton
Ada May Boyd
Wallace Bates
Billy Blue
Ruth Linden
Ira D. McAfee
Bruce Nutt
Pauline Bounds
Louise McKinney
Wayne Norris
Billye Doris Langston
Antoinette Chirafis
Frances Finch
Elizabeth Ann Mitchell
Edwin French
Vallye Lou Cheney
Helen Evans
Elizabeth Rascoe
Bernice Grimmett
Marilynn Cole
P. W. Chunn, Jr.
Ruby Harris
Virginia Harwell
Joseph Wood
Eugene Ragland
Clarence Robinson
Jim Johnston
Eva Rae Parish
Katherine Jones
Gwyne Harris
Blanche Gordon
Elizabeth Ann Blackburn
Lynn Sanders
Alvin Mitchell |
Patty Hickey
Irma O'Daniel
George Edmonds
Evelyn Smalling
Lorraine Brannon
Walton Kenner
Josephine Watt
Virginia Kerr
Glen Stewart
Billy Bowden
Marcus Loftis
Truxton George
James Wilkinson
Curtis Pike
Sam Frost
Nell Watson
Maurine Hayes
Emily Seale
Jack Hornbeak
Sidney Gottlieb
Tracy Smith
Annette Griffin
Bob Gilcrease
James Brantley
Ruth Rogers
Vernon Ashworth
John Fowler
Ross Loper
William Baker
Raymond Garrett
Dollie Morrison
Roberta Bohn
Billy Gibson
Fred Mullins
Virginia Bowden
Wildred Walton
Robert Nash
Vernon Bower
Mac Hargrave
Elwyn Neal
Paul Brent
Samuel Hoffman
Doroty Oden
Mary Castellaw
Aubrey James
Oneda Petty
G. E. Ewing
Arlee King
Eben Stover
Aubrey Smith
Carlene Stover
Ward Walling |
Junior Class Officers:
Jack Stroube - President
Reynald Stroube - Vice-President
Winkie Pierce - Secretary
Madie Maggard - Treasurer
Marilyn Sharp - Reporter |
David McElwrate - President
Reynauld Stroube - Vice-President
Essie Elizabeth Slaughter - Secretary
Sara Holmes - Treasurer
Alvin Marks - Reporter |
Verna Lee Denbow
Ambeline Bolin
Wesley Bernard
Merlin Sanders
Margaret Estes
Pauline Treadwell
Alfred Highnote
Inez Nelson
Haunera Herod
Katie Ruth Hightower
Emma Jo Pickering
Harry Ezell
Thelma Nowell
John McKinney
Madie Maggard
Glenna Watson
John Norwood
Nellie Frances Inman
Jerry Robinson
Eula Era Hedrick
Frances Jo Ware
Joyce White
Loree Younger
Alcy Lou Marshall
Sara Beth Knox
Marilynn Sharp
Essie Jewel Sawyer
Jaunita Renfro
Mildred Raley
Minnie Belle Keith
Erma Lea Beauchamp
Alfred Highnote |
Florine Farmer
Mary Frances Clowe
Dewey Osteen
Katie Frost
David Harrison
Harriett Thames
Kay Tatum
Frances Storey
Kenneth Wood
Josephine Layton
Virginia Wright
Ambrose Edens
Gelene Keathley
Thomas Adams York
Elizabeth Stough
Malone Sanders
Undine Harris
Mary Ann Gillespie
Elizabeth Mason
Carolyn Megarity
Dora Mae Hall
Dorothy Hopkins
Jimmie Stout
Mary Lou Smith
Elton Skinner
Mary Porterfield
Reynaud Stroube
Judith Polk
Sara Lee Garitty
Billy Robinson
Helen Ruth Starkey
Frank White |
Allie Mae Shipp
Albert Sowell
Florence Hebert
Billy Clarkson
Cosette Crews
Sara Holmes
Ben McCandless
Eugenia Highnote
Martha Jo Calloway
Frank Keathley
Yvonne Planchard
Marion Harris
Jack Stroube
Martha Martin
David McElwrath
Sammie Palmire
Pauline Bounds
Roy Moore
Vivian Sue Kent
Wade Smith
Beatrice Gonzales
Jesse Key
Alvin Marks
Winkie Pierce
Essie Elizabeth Slaughter
Geraldine Wright
Willis Allmon
Edwin Walker
Corinne Nokes
Rosanna Rector
Horace Sims |
Sophomore Class Officers:
Jane Jester - President
Dick Calkins - Vice-President
Elinor Pinchbeck - Secretary
Frank Taylor - Treasurer
Bettye Jo Ellett - Reporter |
Jane Jester - President
Neal Bryant - Vice-President
Jewel Taylor - Secretary
Frank Taylor - Treasurer
Margaret Sullivan - Reporter |
C. M. Hagle
Johnny Nutt
Henry B. Sikes
Sammy Palmeri
Roy Harwell
Billy Robinson
Atwood Allen
Horace Scruggs
Jack Bellringer
Neil Bryant
Ben Carroll
Billy Bond
Gulick Robinson
Modena Jones
Leama Lennon
Pauline Pickering
Jacqueline McCord
Donna Gillmore
Minnie Lee Griffith
Edyth Kurts
Kathryn Phillips
Maxine Barnaby
Audrey Murphey
Rose Marie Coffey
Jewel Taylor
Mary Louise Kerr
Robbie Love English
Virginia Lee Jackson
Wilma Jo Poole
Joe Borsellino
Marion Perkins
Billy Bowden
Charlie Roy Brent
Edward Gerault
Jessie Childress
Caxton Bivin
Carl Young
Marvin Neese
Ed Graham
Clay Fluker
Lloyd Grooms
Jackie Lee Ellington
Ella Mullins
Marcella Stevenson
Josepine Nelson
Eddie McCoslin
Mary Elizabeth Cheatam
Annie Whitehead
Emma Jo Holloway
Dorothy Copley
Maud Muller Burleson
Gwendolyn Dorough
Elaine Norris
Mary Rose Bonner
Chessie Carter
Lois Cooper
Anetha Moore
Ruth Wassum
Paul Zarafonetis
Billy Canady
Q. D. Nicks
Glen Norwood
Billy Talbot
Woodrow Sandlin
Frank Farmer
Aubrey Poarch
Alvin Sanders
Justin Dunlap
Gillean Rea
Glendon Bolin
Eugene Walling
Frank Taylor
Bonnie Ruth Slauson
Helen Belle Boyles
Billy Patrick
Jean Smith
Pat McGlothlin
Angie Bess Martin
Clarice Palmer
Emery Holloway
Inez Plunkett
Billie Rehders
Betty Jo Ellett
Ruth Sanders
Theda Pyburn
Mary Jo Williams
John L. Nelson
Louise Butler
Elinor Pinchbeck
Winnifred Spence
Billy Hurley
Anita Anita
Helen Russell
Hughland Lee
Frankie Smith
Sarah Matthews
Buford Cagle
Maurice Daniel
Elby Reid
Albert Metcalf |
John Rainey
Ralph Dickson
Kathryn Lee
Thomas Swearigen
Dorothy Kaplan
Thomas Shivers
Patty Wilson
Paul De Haes
Maie Fountain
Bernice Johnson
Burnett Estes
Wardine Magnenat
Hal Bookout
Elnora Howard
Leland Murphey
Marguerite Scoggins
Earl Gathright
John Slate
Vine Johnapelus
Elmer Smith
France McCord
John Bill Swink
Gene Massey
Christine Jackson
L. C. Morgan
Clarece Redden
Neal Prince
Junior Powell
Dorothy Burkhart
Elizabeth McMullan
Ernest Beckham
Hal Brown
Johnny Harris
Wilson Roe
Paul Brown
Christine Hanks
Inita Herod
Judd Clayton
Earlyne Joyner
Gene Berry
Ruby Milton
Clyde Hanks
Juanita Watt
Athel Reid
Gracie Lea Andrews
Merle Crouch
Mrya Weatherby
Hilma Wilson
William Croft
Elaine Labban
Edward Smith
Julia Jo Miller
James Autry
Betty Jane Milligan
J. D. Gilliam
Minnie Rogers
Odell Rogers
Aline Mann
Lavell Wood
Louise McLeod
James Ward
Leonard Winter
Helen Haste
Josh Halbert
Blanche Beauchamp
Robert McMullan
Jacqueline Sikes
Autry Ray Tyner
Franchelle Absher
Maxine Bates
Charles Martin
Catherine Horne
Virgil Nokes
Mary Jo Hodges
Dorris Hagler
Jim Kerr
Margaret Loftis
Fred Griffen
Martha Ann Cook
Edgar Wareing
Shirley McShan
John Roxburgh
Margaret Sullivan
Rose Mecham
John Harper
John Mayfield
Winnette Laudan
Dorothy Nell Shheppard
Mary Jane Little
Virtelle Baker
Edgar Sears
Pauline Harris
Earl Ralston
Iris Sheppard
Elbert Neely
Dorothy McCarter
Daniel Allen
Annie Ruth Robinson
Earl Wilson
Tom Sheehan |
Bill Stokes
Cordelia McSpadden
Robert Hoffman
Jean Katherine Beshell
Jarrell Austin
Lynn Baker
Dora Osteen
Robert Yarber
Sibyl Summerall
Frank Bridges
Jimmy Brown
Wendell Grantham
Era Sharpley
Julian Redden
Nadean Shipp
Clarence Tripp
Margie Smith
Allen Molloy
Clyde Cagle
Jimmie Lou Bush
Bessie Massey
Bettye Brown
Hazel Ruth Warren
Betty Burross
Elsie Baker
Lendon Long
S. J. Cooley
Mary John Davis
Audie Kellum
Tubby Leonard (Emma Jean)
Pearl Donaho
Mary Frances Atkinson
Margaret Earley
Martha Martin
Jane Jester
Elizabeth Baker
Jackie Coker
Jimmie Gipson
Winona Stewart
Martha Lockhart
Frances Blake
Paschal Iker
Eldridge Patterson
Phyllis Harwell
Sara Walling
Calvin McDougle
A. D. McKinney, Jr.,
Loyd Dunn
Dorris Weaver
Doyle Godley
Martha Breithaupt
Robert Paul Burgess
Katherine Patrick
Grandon Willard
Joe Humphries
Fort Bellringer
Melba Cowden
Victor Watts
Jack Kenner
Dorothy Roberts
Jack Megarity
Vastine Tanner
Romia Lee Rascoe
Gracie Giles
Mary Bess Love
Robert Patterson
Mera Parks
James Anderson
Ruby Mae Henderson
Glenn Rea
Eloise Harris
Jerry Mims
Marcialete McAfee
Paul Harrell
Frances Nutt
Freeman Farrell
Dorothy Fae Lightsey
Melba Neel
Billie Fair Johnston
Carl Newton
Johnnie B. Varnell
Neil Wilson
Louise Blackwell
Leo York
Grace Glasgow
Carmen Roxburgh
Vernon Stark
Harmolena Burns
Weldon Hagler
Dorothy Louise Lewis
Billy Sowell
Ruby Gandy
Lawrence Griffith
Gerald Easton
John Curington
Ivy Conant
Darrell Hughes
Dick Calkins |
Priscilla Baum - Most Representative Girl
Randolph Mitchell - Most Representative Boy
Florence Herbert - Most Beautiful Girl
Carvel Neal Jenkins - Best Looking Boy
Fanne Halbert - Queen of the Whole High School, Sweetest Girl
Tom Sharp - Most Athletic Boy
Winkie Pierce - Most Ambitious Girl; Beautiful Girl
P. W. Chhunn Jr. - Most Ambitious Boy
Jerry Robinson - Cutest Girl
Frank Taylor - Cutest Boy
Jane Jester - Cutest Girl
Louis Elliott - Favortie Teacher
Mary Castellaw - Beautiful Girl
Fanne Halbert - Beautiful Girl
Mary E. Sparks - Beautiful Girl
Christine Jackson - Beautiful Girl |
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February, 2020
Edward L. Williams