Corsicana High School - Built in 1902 for $30,000 Picture Postcard from the collection of Edward L. Williams

Corsicana High School Corsicana, Texas
Inscription: Ms Anna Carpenter, Powell, Texas
Dear Anna; When are you and E. comming down again? I'm going up to Corsicana next week. All are well. Your Counsin, Myra. Picture Postcard from the collection of Edward L. Williams

Postmarked, KERENS TEX. 1909 FEB 8 5PM
Picture Postcard from the collection of Edward L. Williams

High School Building,
Corsicana, Texas Picture Postcard from the collection of Edward L. Williams

High School - Corsicana Appears to be older version of the card directly above

This School was replaced with
the building that is now
the Drane Elementary School Buildin