The Emhouse public schools opened the 1934 fall semester Monday
morning with 325 students enrolled in high school, elementary and
primary grades, it was announced by Superintendent E. C. Butler.
Eighty-four high school students enrolled, and it is thought they
will number 95 by the last of the week.
First general assembly of all the students was held at 10:30 Monday
morning with speeches being made by R. E. Huling, chairman of the
school board; Dr. Elizabeth Smellage, deputy state superintendent,
of Dallas, and Miss Lanthrop, director of adult education, state
department of education.
Since school dismissed at the end of the last term, considerable
improvements have been made in and around the school buildings.
Sand and gravel have been put on the grounds, two new tennis courts
have been built, the street leading to the grounds is being graveled
and new sewing and cooking equipment has been installed in
connection with installed in connection with the addition of a home
economics department in the high school.
New High School Credits.
The high school now has 18 ½ affiliated credits, and since the close
of school last term has added four and a half units. The new credits
include one in home economics, one in vocational agriculture, one in
bookkeeping, one in music and a half in commercial law. With
addition of these units, the Emhouse High school has one of the best
equipped rural schools in this and surrounding counties and a large
and varied curriculum.
The faculty, as announced, by Superintendent Butler includes: High
school, Miss Margaret Dill, principal and English; E. E. Marshall,
vocational agriculture; Miss Billie Williamson, home economics; Miss
Louise Graves, commercial and history; Clyde Martin, science and
coach; and Miss Gladys Watson, music supervisor. Intermediate grade
teachers, Mrs. E. C. Butler, Miss Mary Price and Miss Ruth Roach.
Primary grade teachers: Miss Pattye Hobbs, Miss Lillian Ross and
Miss Lois Hobbs.
Many parents attended the first general assembly Monday morning.
The Corsicana Daily Sun -
Tuesday, September 11, 1934
Submitted by Diane