Harmony Hill School, Navarro County, Texas, 1917-1918
(pupils in upper grades)
Front row, seated, left to right: 1. Ottie Emmons; 2. Mack Ryno; 3.
Lois Kavanaugh; 4. Beatrice Thornton; 5. Janie Demings; 6. Hub Carter.
2nd row, standing, left to right: 1. Vada Mathison; 2. Mary Dunn; 3.
Truey Thornton; 4. Nora Cox; 5. Nettie Mathison. 6. Joe Johnson.
3rd row: 1. Roy Mathison; 2. Ishmael Cox; 3. Maurice Johnson; 4. Eli
L. Emmons; 5. Isaac Thornton.
Standing on porch: 1. Dess Ballard (teacher of lower grades); 2. Dot
Ballard (teacher of upper grades).

On left side of steps:
1st row: 1. J. B. Carter; 2. Small boy unidentified; 3. Stella Ryno;
4. Ola Ryno.
2nd row: 1. Harvey Woods; 2. Eris Emmons; 3. Henry Livingston; 4.
Jeff Woods.
On right side of steps:
1st row: 1. Unidentified; 2. Ida Livingston; 3. ____ Michael; 4.
2nd row: 1. Unidentified; 2. Edrie Johnson; 3. Unidentified; 4. Katie
3rd row: 1. Annie Livingston; 2. Lois Kavanaugh; 3. Nettie Mathison;
4. Nora Cox.
Standing on steps:
lst row: 1. ______ Michaels(?); 2. Unidentified; 3. Visitor with
Michaels; 4. ______ Michaels; 5. Buddy Cox.
2nd row: 1. Unidentified; 2. Bessie Dunn; 3. Unidentified; 4. Roy
Mathison; 5. Unidentified.
3rd row: 1. & 2. Unidentified; 3. Jody Yates; 4. Harvey Cox.
4th row: 1. Dot Ballard (teacher); 2. Alice Ryno; 3. Leola Yates; 4
Beatrice Thornton; 5. Janie Demings; 6. Dess Ballard (teacher).
Top row standing, left to right: 1. Rex Livingston; 2. Mark Ryno; 3.
Ottie Emmons; 4. Hub Carter; 5. Isaac Thornton; 6. Joe Johnson; 7.
Maggie Cox; 8. Eli L. Emmons; 9. Ishmael Cox; 10. Maurice Johnson;
11. Roy Mathison; 12. Vada Mathison; 13. Truey Thornton; 14. Mary
Dunn (cut away).
Here are 3 photos that my mom's Aunt Beatrice Thornton
Keeling took circa 1915-1918. I've enclosed mom's email along with her
captions for each (below each respective photo) for you to post onto the
Navarro County Website. Happy Easter and regards, -Russell Smith Forwarded
Message: Dear Russ:- I'm attaching captions for the three school photographs
of students at Hardy's Chapel, 1915-1916, and Harmony Hill, 1917-1918
(students in upper grades) and one of the entire student body. It should be
noted that all of these are by the courtesy of Beatrice Thornton Keeling who
made them available to me. Thank you so much for scanning the pictures and
forwarding them and these captions to Eric Wood. He will see that they get
to the webmaster of the Navarro County website. (Note, includes the
Hardy's Chapel Photo)