1929 IOOF School
Commencement Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas |

Commencement exercises for the
graduating class of the I. O. O. F.
Home high school, the awarding of
numerous cash and other prizes to
various students and the formal
presentation of diplomas by Barry
Miller, Dallas, lieutenant-governor
of Texas and grand master of the
Texas I. O. O. F., were held at the
auditorium of the school Friday evening
at 8 o'clock. A. M. Blackman,
high school supervisor of the
state department of education, Austin,
delivered the class address. A
number of the high officials of the
I. O. O. F. lodge were on hand.
In the beginning of his remarks
Mr. Blackman stated that he had
seen the heart and soul of Odd Fel-
lowship and the spirit that actuates
that order at the Home Friday.
He referred to the great educational
institutions in Texas—how
the people of Texas spend much
money for education, has $180,000,
000 invested in school buildings and
plants; pays the 40,000 teachers
$45,000,000 yearly; has 1,250,000 students
in the schools; and sends out
25,000 high school graduates annually.
He declared that the entire
school expenditure in Texas
yearly aproximated $60,000,000.
Just Starting Life
Directing his remarks to the
members of the class, Mr. Blackman
stated that he had rather be a
member of that class than to be
John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford,
Thomas A. Edison or President
Hoover as the men named were on
the descinding side of life while
the graduates were just beginning
their lives. He declared that there
was plenty of adventure and opportunity
in the world, although practically
all of the exploration of
territories had been completed. The
fields of inventions, electricity,
medicine, transportation, government
and education present, plenty
of work and opportunity for lead-
ership and changes. He stressed
the fact that only a people can advance
who are educated.
In the presentation of the diplomas
to the graduates, Grand Master
Miller advised the boys and girls
that he was the spokesman of 40,
000 Odd Fellows in presenting them
their diplomas who were with them
were interested in their welfare.
He said that their paths would not
be all sunshine, but that when adversity
came, that they could still
go to the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs
for help and comfort who were
with them still even if they were
leaving the I. O. O. F. Home here.
Banquet Is Held.
At the conclusion of the program,
the senior class held a banquet
honoring the ex-students of the
home who were present.
Each member of the graduating
class and those students who are
leaving the home due to the age
limit, twenty-one in number, were
presented $5 each by J. H. Rattan,
noble grand of the Fort Worth I.
O. O. F. Lodge No. 251.
Following Is the program:
Selection—Home orchestra under
the supervision of W. O. Barlow,
Invocation—Travis Brooks, Port
Arthur, Texas, formerly superintendent
of the I. O. O. F.; Sunday
Salutatory address—Melba Chapman.
Vocal selection—Girls' sextette.
"Scrap Bag"—Wilbur Johnson.
"Good Night"—Piano solo, Melba
Valedictory address—Opal Whitaker,
Class address—A. M. Blackman.
Class song—Senior class.
Presentation of diplomas and
awarding of diplomas—Barry Miller,
Dallas, grand master of Texas.
Awarding of fine art medals-
Ross G. Harris, superintendent.
Awarding of W. H. Wray prize—
W. H. Wray, Dallas, treasurer of
Home board.
Awarding of Francis prizes—W.
R. Francis, Fort Worth, vice chairman,
Home board.
Awarding of Masters prize—C. P.
Masters, Pecan Gap, trustee of the
Distribution of $250 in prizes for
Industrial and vocational work—
Ross G. Harris, superintendent.
Awarding of books for highest
average in each grade in school—
Dr. E. A. Johnson, Corsicana, secretary
of the school board and past
grand master of Texas.
The Home Robekah Lodge No.
128, through Mrs. Ed Sheets and
Mrs. Sam Spikes presented both
the boys and girls with hose.
Lodge Officials Present
Among officials present and not
participating in the program Friday
evening were J. K. Sasche,
Sasche, Texas, chairman of the
Home board; E. Q. Vestal, Dallas,
grand secretary; and Mrs. May
Hatcher James, Dallas, treasurer
of the Rebekah Assembly and new
member of the school board. Mrs.
James succeeds Mrs. John C. Hughes
of Corsicana as a member
of the school board of the Home.
Following are the prizes and winners:
Fine Arts.
1. Melba Chapman
2. Kitty Arledge
Expression, Grace Gibson
Commercial Department.
Opal Whitaker, medal
Pinson Prizes.
Kindergarten, Ollie May Webb; first
grade, Sam Helleson; second grade,
Johnnie May Hearon; third grade, M.
Goodloe; fourth grade, Bessie M.
Nelson; fifth grade, Clisto M(not legible)
sixth grade, Lottie May Own(not legible)
seventh grade, Helen Knight; eighth grade,
Catherine Brown; ninth grade, Bill Webb;
tenth grade, Ruby Hitt; eleventh grade,
Opal Witaker
Vocational Prizes.
Boys—Billly Webb $20; Sterling Brister,
$10; Bill Vest $10; Pascal McMenemy $10;
R. D. Hitt, $10; Neal Nelson $10; Woodrow
Harbin, $10.
Girls—Mae Foster $15; Pearl Fletcher, $10;
Opal Patterson, $10; Linnie Jackson $10;
Lillie McMenemy, $10; Elizabeth Trice, $5;
Rose Thanert, $5; Lillian Miller, $5.
Wray Prize.
Mary Ellen Yarborough, best all-round
student $25.
Francis Prizes.
Catherine Brown, first. best grade $10.
eighth grade with average of 92, 5-6 Jack
Erwin and Neal Nelson, boys both of the
eighth grade were tied for the honors with
averages of 91 1-6 and were given $5 each.
Masters Prize.
Oscie Williams won the $5 prize given
by C. P. Masters for the best work in the
seventh grade.
Superintendent Harris presented the
scholarships to the high honor students.
The vocational cash prizes are provided
for by the Kienery trust fund.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, June 1, 1929
Submitted by Diane Richards
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams