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The 1953 Bulldog is
dedicated to the Faculty of Rice Public School. We, the students,
wish to thank each and every member of the Faculty for the interest and
help we have always received.
Board of Education
Mr. J. T. Allen
Mrs. Sloan Wear
Mr. C. F. Newman
Mr. W. F. Carver
Mr. J. W. Rose
Mr. Arne Voetmann
Mr. R. M. Bowden
Mrs. Maude P.
Mrs. C. L. Burks
Mr. L R. Cockerell
Mrs. J. K. Bradley
Mrs. R. M. Hudnall
Mrs. J. P. Hodge
Mrs. A. D. Ellis
Mrs. J. M. Biggar
J. R. Buchanan -
Bertie Faye Coffey - Assistant Editor
Uyless Wayne Ray - Sports Editor
Jim Hodge -Special Events Editor
Peggy Daniels - Assistant Editor
John W. Robinson - Art Editor
Katherine Voetmann - Assistant Art Editor |
Shirley Rose - Secretary
Bonnie Dickerson - Class Editor
Jess Mae Bell - Advertising Commitee
Helen Thompson - Advertising Committee
Ann Murff - Advertising Committee
Mrs. Hudnall - Sponsor
Mrs. Buchanan - A Friend Indeed |
Jan Walker
Lynitta Franks
Nancy Marshall
Frankie Knott
J. R. Buchanan |
Bonnie Dickerson
Kenneth Ellis
Oscar Rasco
Patsy Threet
Ruth Helen Toabise
Marquita Threet
Morris Kirby
Don L. Taylor
Burmah Riggins
Jimmie Phillips |
Shirley Rose
Jim Hodge
Caleb Threet
Betty Jo Weaver
Wanza Smith
Ott Loper |
Billie Daniels
Joyce Knott
Mertie Dickerson
Wanda Perry
Kenneth Sands
Ann Murff
Betty Ribble
Jimmy Perry |
Jerelyn Carver
Marion Leach
Kay Voetman
Laura Kirby
Henry Griffith
Mary Rainwater
Glenn Rasco |
Brooks Wheeler
Peggy Sue Weaver
Robert Campbell
Ruby Franks
Tim Hartley
Judy Wear
Weldon Higginbotham
Nellie Taylor
Jimmy Bell |
Olene Jarrett
Dorinda Grace
Barbara Atchley
Virginia Walker
Betty Jo Greer
Tiny Beth Greer
Shirley Loper
Martha Hooper |
Rosa Thompson
Kenneth Horton
Lois Ellis
Billy Dickerson
Ann Marshall
Billy Foffey
Cleta Happer
Billy Earl Threet
Betty Dechaume
Don Carver
Ann Burks |
Joe Wayme Robinson
Patsy Griffith
Larry Shelton
Georgia Taylor
Bobbie Jo Medlin
Frances Rasco
Lynn Loftin
Billie Ann Rogers
Danny Joe Jones
Sherry Jean Rurkhalter
Irene Wade |
Roy Lynn Rose
Sandra Walker
Joe Biggar
Linda Sands
Jimmy Caragan
Joe Ann Knotts
Quincy Smith
Sue Threet
Carl Atchley
Howard Hughes
James Patton |
Dianne Carver
Ronnie Mahaley
David Brown
Kennith Knott
Jimmy Batson
Sue Loper
Clemens Perry
Lois Bowden
Hershell Bolden
Raymond Wilson
Corinne Figueroa
Dwight Cofield |

Beth Patton
Perry Lynn Travis
Judy Burkhalter
Bob Dickerson
George Coffey
Doris Poarch
Don Mahaley
Linda Dickerson
William Higginbotham |
Nancy Threet
Charles Yates
Mike Lofton
Betty Szenasy
Daniel Salik
Mary Lou Rogers
Jackie Fowler
Johnny Alldredge
Gregoria Sauala |
Carolyn Patterson
Hugh Thomas Shelton
Alice Sue Batson
James Hartley
Roland Leach
Loanna Gaines
Jessie Lee Griffith
Frances Jones
Christine Atchley
Gilford Grace
Carolyn Coffey
David Phillips
John Thomas Brewer
Alvina Grace |
Tommy Jeffcoat
Zoe Ann Leach
Clarence Glasgow
Dianne Brown
Betsy Montfort
Billy Ray Dechaume
Frank Loftin
Paulette O'Neal
Raymond Ellis
Sandra Daniels
Patsy Ann Brewer
Donna Gay Murphy
Bobby McKay
Martha Jackson |
Payton Gaines
Janet Burkhalter
Richard Dickerson
Linda Rose Ellis
Raymond Figueroa
Mary Ethel Griffith
Willie Ed Franks
Linda Mahaley
David Robinson
Julia Figueroa
James Marriott |
Peggy Jo Murphy
Eddie Knott
Elaine Kirby
Bowmer Knott
Rebecca Fowler
Robert Whitehead
Earlene Hutchins
Julie Delarosa
Ruth Allredge
Patricia Medlin
Sundee Delarosa
Barbara Bolden
Walter Bigger
Minnie Ruth Brewer
Bobbie Lou Stanton
Don Brewer
Janice Marshall
Peggy Burkhalter
Saundra Robinson
Katherine Yates
Rudy Villerreal
Patsy Cofield |
Jerry Leach
David Bear
Ruby Sparks
J. C. Perry
Verla Mae McHughes
Alice Sue Wilson
William Dechaume
Robert Medlin
Billy Phillips
Ronald Stanberry
Billy Eark Petty
Geneviva Bolden
Pete Delarosa
Rita Dickerson
Larry Atchley
Betty Griffith
Woodrow Tobias
Sharon Bates
Kenneth Perry
Kaynita Brewer
Obie Lee Sparks
Danny Mahaley
Corinne Harper
Eddie Lee Parish
Barbara Eppler
Gary Hutchins
Lupe Figueroa
Paul David Poarch
Billy Knott |
Susie Jeffcoat
Mabry Patton
Dale Grace
Helen Eppler
Ray Eppler
Linda Turknett
Charles Emmertt
Terry Montfort
Shirly Carter
Wayne Whitehead
Vonnie Grace
Ronnie Travis
Lawrence Glasgow
Sam Glasgow
Paul Villarreal
Frances Teague
Jimmy Wood
Joe Robinson |
Uyless Wayne Ray -
Jess Mae Bell
Oscar Joe Rascoe - Bonnie Dickerson
Shirley Rose - Caleb Threet
Ann Murff - Jimmy Perry
Robert Campbell - Peggy Weaver
Larry Shelton - Ann Burks
Linda Sands - Clemens Perry
Don Mahaley
Tommy and Donna
Peyton and Rebecca
Verla Mae and Donde
Terry and Corrine
Jess Mae Bell - The
duchess of Rich High Scholl in the Corsicana Fair and Rodeo
Terry Montfort -
Prince of Grade School
Corinne Harper - Princess of Grade School
Grade School Chorus
Larry Shelton
Neil Roberts
Howard Hughes
Jimmy Carrigan
Barbara Higginbotham
Irene Wade
Kenneth Horton
Roy Lynn Rose
Ann Burks
Rosa Thompson
Dianne Carver
Frances Rasco
Laura Kirby
Ronnie Mahaley
Kennith Knott
Bettye Jean Dechaume
Sandra Walker
Jerelyn Carver
Danny Jones
Bobbie Jo Medlin |
David Brown
Sue Threet
Judy Wear - Student Director
Peggy Weaver
Betty Ribble
Don Carver
Jimmy Bell
Olene Jarrett
Ann Murff - Accompanist
Katherine Voetman
Tim Harley
Joe Wayne Robinson
Lois Gail Ellis
Mrs. J. K. Bradley - Director
Lois Bowden
Bettye Jo Greer
Tiny Beth Greer
Wanda Perry
Climons Perry |
Duke of the First
Grade ... Paul Poarch
Duchess of the First Grade ... Rita Dickerson
Duke of the Second Grade ... Don Brewer
Dutchess of the Second Grade ... Sundra Robinson
Duke of the Third Grade ... Peyton Gaines
Dutchess of the Third Grade ... Rebecca Fowler
Duke of the Fourth Grade ... Hugh Shelton
Dutchess of the Fourth Grade ... Donna Gaye Murphy
Duke of the Fifth Grade ... Don Mahaley
Dutchess of the Fifth Grade ... Beth Paton
Duke of the Sixth Grade ... Clemons Perry
Dutchess of the Sixth Grade ... Sue Threet
Duke of the Seventh Grade ... Don Carver
Dutchess of the Seventh Grade ... Rosa Thompson
Duke of the Eighth Grade ... Brooks Wheeler
Dutchess of the Eighth Grade ... Peggy Sue Weaver
Duke of the Ninth Grade ... Henry Allen Griffith
Dutchess of the Ninth Grade ... Laura Fay Kirby
Duke of the Tenth Grade ... Jim Hodge
Dutchess of the Tenth Grade ... Marquita Threet
Duke of the Eleventh Grade ... J. R. Buchanan
Dutchess of the Eleventh Grade ... Bonnie Dickerson
Prince of High School ... John Willie Robinson
Princess of High School ... Jess Mae Bell
Prince of Grammar School ... Terry Montfort
Princess of Grammar School ... Corinne Harper
King of Rice High School ... Uyless Wayne Ray
Queen of Rice High School ... Birtie Faye Coffey
The Melody Maids:
Bobbie Jo Medlin, Nellie Taylor, Ann Marshell, Judy Wear, Lois Gail
Ellis, Francis Rasco, and Tiny Beth Greer
Valentine Tap:
Betsy Montfort
Sweethearts: Roy Lynn Rose, Betty Szenasy, Kenneth Horton, Linda Sands,
Diane Carver, Danny Jones, and Lois Bowden
Basketball Team
Birtie Faye Coffey
Bonnie Dickerson
Wanza Smith
Helen Thompson
Jess Mae Bell
Peggy Daniels
Laura Kirby
Shirley Rose
Kay Voetmann
Burmah Riggins
Ann Murff
Jerelyn Carver
Mr. L. R. Cockerell - Coach
Basketball Team
Uyless Wayne Ray
Oscar Rascoe
J. R. Buchanan
Jimmy Phillips
Caleb Threet
Glenn Rascoe
Morris Kirby
Henry Allen Griffith
Mr. L. R. Cockerell - Coach
Uyless Wayne Ray
John Willie Robinson
Oscar Joe Rasco
Don L. Taylor
Glenn Rasco
Jimmy Perry
Jan Walker
Jimmy Phillips
Morris Kirby
Henry Allen Griffith
Caleb Threet
Mr. Roy Cockerell - Coach
Photos but
participants not named