4/22/2004 Old depot winds way to new
home in Allyn Park

The only original freight depot known to be left in Corsicana took up residence
in what is hoped will be its final resting place.
After a fun-filled trip through town, the depot settled at Allyn Park on Seventh
Ave. The plans are to renovate the old wooden structure, turning it into a
visitor's center. The City of Corsicana, using Hotel/Motel tax funds, may even
make it the permanent home of the oil museum.
"It used to be kind of behind the Jalapeno Grill, and dates back to 1896," said
Malinda Sharpley of the Main Street Project. "About 50 years ago, it was moved
to a location at 12th Ave. and Fourth St., where it was well protected by
shrubbery and trees that grew around it. It is very well preserved for a 100
year-old wooden structure."
Sharpley said work will begin on the exterior right away, but "are probably a
good 12 to 18 months out on being able to be in the building."
Sutherlin House Moving and Northland Cable crews did the moving, along with city
Deanna Pawlowski may be contacted via e-mail at
[email protected]
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