Letter from Mollie to her brother, James Hodge
June 1, 1864


Civil War Letters Index


Letter from Mollie to her brother, James Hodge - June 1, 1864

Contributed by Barbara Knox

Chatfield June 1st 1864

Mr James Hodge

Dear Brother I will try to interest you for a few minutes as you say anything from home is interesting. Our family is well although Pa [Capt. Robert Hodge] and I are still considered on the sick list we both have been right sick but up now. there is some sickness at Chatfield now. Cousin Sue has two very sicn children John and the baby John is improving slowly but the baby I do not think will live many days it has been affected all of its life John has some kind of fever, none of our relations besides these are sick. Mary Jeffers and Amanda Sessions have been quite sick but are now getting well. We have just heard from Parsons Regiment and Hervey's company some men came home from Herveys company that had their horses killed in the last fight. King Tate was one. Major McKie another.....fortunately none of our particular friends killed. John Westbrooks was killed and some others from this county but I am not acquainted with them so do not know their names. Bob Cooksey was wounded in the foot and will not be able for duty for some time. His mother is almost crazy about him. None other of our Chatfield boys hurt. Cap Brown is dead so reports say and Judge Browns son is dead. John Baird was with him. They say that they will have no more fighting to do for some time. I hope not for they have had enough to do for awhile. Miss Lutie Baird spent the day with me yesterday she says her mother is looking for Robert home every day. I do not know what ground she has to expect him but I hope he will come. Uncle William and family have returned from Jefferson. They are staying at Mrs. B. they spent a day and night with us last week. Old Mrs. Richards has gone nearly bline and has a canser, she is to be pittied. Cousin Mat's family are all well except Harry he is not much sick she is weaving a peace of cloth here now. Pa Emma Miss Julia & myself payed a visit to Fairfield last week, had quite a pleasant visit found sister as fat as a pig Mat Neel is with her but very much dissatisfied. Sister will go back next session but I hardly think Mat will. I have understood that Lrs. Lowery and Miss Julia are to start to Ark this week. You requested me to chose you a sweet heart. I do not know any one that would suit you and besides you are a man of your own head. If I were to get you one she would not suit you. E. received your letter in answer to hers while she was here. She came off upstairs and when I came I found her bathed in tears. I believe she sincerely repents her hasty letter to you. I know she does and would blot it out of existance if she could. Jim Stokes is now with his old company and I hope he will do better for his mothers and Emmas sake. I believe Mrs. Stokes is a good woman and I love her. I think a good deal of E. and will as long as she loves me as much as she does. Kate is in one of her mad fits again what about I cannot tell. I will just let her worry it our and say nothing to her such a disposition I do detest. David is in very bad health but wont except a discharge or furlough. did you ever see such a boy. I have had quite a treat today. some very nice ripe cherrys from our trees. We also have some few aples. I suppose we will have a good many peaches this year we are having a good many vegetables now and very nice younr chickins you ought to come home now for we live very high I can tell you. I wish you were here very often, expecially when we have something extra nice I carried Sister a plentiful supply of goodies. I wish I could send you some, but we have no chance as it is so far and no one passing. You are doing just as I wish you to for some of us get letters nearly every week. I hope you will continue to do so, all send love to you. Howdy to Tobe. I remain yours Truly Mollie

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© Copyright March, 2009
Edward L. Williams & Barbara Knox