Civil War Index
Some ladies and myself have reactivated the Chapter 106 UDC. Following are several things pertaining to the old chapter. ... Dana Stubbs January 2002 Attention, Camp Winkler, April 20, 1911 The Daughters of the Confederacy have appointed next Sunday, April 23rd, as the day for decorating the graves of our Confederate dead, showing thereby how they esteem the memory of the men who wore the gray. Comp Winkler has a part to perform in this loving work. It is our duty to put in order the graves of such of our comrades as have no relatives in this country to care for them, and also to mark all of them with Confederate flags.Therefor all members of the camp are requested to meet at Oakwood Cem. Sat. morning, Apr. 22, 9:00, armed with a hoe and remain there until the duty has been performed. A. F. Wood, Commander. From the Sun, April 29, 1911 Some one should take a subscription list and circulate it for the purpose of raising $40 or $50 to be used in paying the fares of a half dozen veterans to the Little Rock reunion. Needn’t ask anyone to contribute more than $1.00. This amount would not embarrass anyone and would result in great pleasure to a few deserving men. UDC Memorial Day Committees, April 20, 1911 MEMORIAL DAY Graves of Veterans Will Be Decorated Sunday. Following is the program for Memorial Day, Sunday, April 23: Odd Fellows Band. Invocation, Rev. E. W. Tarrant. Address, Rev. H. R. Ford. Music, Odd Fellows Band. Bestowal of crosses of honor. Roll Call of the members of Camp Winkler who have died during the past year, H. G. Damon. Music, Odd Fellows Band. Benediction. Everybody is requested to bring flowers and assist, especially the school children. Anniversary Committee.
Following are the UDC committees for Memorial Day, April 23, 1911. First Avenue.—Mesdames A. C. Sloan, T. P. Kerr, Wiley Johnson, J. M. Blanding, A. C. Johnson, Carrie Pannill. Second Avenue.—Mesdames J. W. David, Emma Townsend, J. D. Callicutt, J. B. Cooksey, Tom Cobb, J. W. Edens. Third Avenue.—Mesdames W. C. VanHook, W. M. Tatum, J. D. Cunningham, Burrows, F. Y. Doke, Miss Allie Johnson. Fourth Avenue.—Mesdames Jennie Clarkson, Cassie Ferguson, Murphy Williams, Charles Graves, Nicholas Garitty. Fifth Avenue.—Mesdames George Miller, W. R. Burns, W. L. McCreary, A. M. Milligan, Henry Matthews, Conrad Matthews. Sixth Avenue.—Mesdames R. P. Halsey, Mamie D. Peck, L. E. McCormick, Sallie Caldwell, G. T. Jester, G. J. Jeflin, Richard Mays, Miss Louise Pace. Seventh Avenue.—Mesdames W. G. Baker, A. Angus, Helen Bright, R. D. Adkinson, Charles Walton, S. W. Bogy, C. H. Allyn, W. J. McKie. Eight Avenue.—Mesdames J. D. Roberts, C. B. Richards, F. L. Houser, Kate Rogers, D. M. Ransom, J. J. McClellan, Miss Hattie Kenner. Ninth Avenue.—Mesdames M. P. Lea, Anna Shaw, Bank Sutherland, Blanche Vaughn, Emily Jeffers, Lena Witherspoon. Tenth Avenue.—Mesdames R. B. Caldwell, Maybelle Caldwell, Kate Burgess, Eli Fox, Joel Kerr, S. A. Redden, Mary Kerr, A. L. Lotspeich, Ruth Lotspeich. Confederate Lot.—Mesdames Kate Talley, Kate Mooring, C. W. Jester, M. C. Hardy. Old Cemetery—Mesdames W. N. Kenner, James Lotspeich U.D.C. 1911 Meeting The Daughters held their meeting at 4 o/clock Wednesday at the Carnegie Library, with Mrs. A. F. Wood, our president, in the chair. After some discussion it was deemed advisable to change the time of Decoration Day to Sunday, the 23d of April, as it would give a better opportunity to business men to attend. Mrs. Talley and Mrs. Mooring were appointed to arrange for the substitution of marble markers for the graves in lieu of the wooden ones now in use. A rising vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Dr. Mills for contributing $5 to the funds of our society. Mrs. Kenner and Mrs. Mooring were appointed to take charge of the proceedings of Decoration Day on April 23d. they request everybody to send flowers. Reporter Flowers for the Living, May 1, 1911 Prompted by the sentiment of bestowing flowers upon the living Mrs. W. G. Baker will head a committee of the Daughters of the Confederacy who will solicit funds for the purpose of defraying the expenses of Confederate veterans who are unable to personally meet the same to the reunion at Little Rock. The Sun feels sure that Mrs. Baker and her committee will meet so hearty a response from the people that his work will be made both light and pleasant. From the Sun, May 1, 1911 The Sun’s suggestion that a fund be raised for the purpose of sending some of the Confederate veterans to the Little Rock reunion who are unable to personally bear the expense, has touched a popular chord. Several parties have expressed themselves as waiting to be called upon for a contribution. From the Sun, May, 1911 Mrs. W. G. Baker and Mrs. C. S. West, yesterday in a few hours secured the necessary funds for defraying the expenses of some of the veterans to the reunion. There patriotic women did a good work for a noble cause. All honor to them and the cheerful contributors. May 6, 1911 Corsicana Sun Tomorrow will be observed as memorial day by the Daughters of the Confederacy from time to time on account of disagreeable weather. the program previously arranged and published will begin at the cemetery chapel at 3:30 p.m. and will close with flowers being placed on the grave of fallen comrades. May 8, 1911 Corsicana Sun Memorial Services The memorial services to the Confederate dead in Oakwood cemetery yesterday afternoon were well attended and entirely appropriate to the occasion. Rev. W. K. Howe delivered the invocation and Rev. Mr. Foard of the First Christian church delivered the memorial address. One Confederate, Mr. D. A. Stewart, had a badge of honor presented to him by the Daughters of the Confederacy, Mrs. A. F. Wood making a most touching address in conferring this honor upon the new recruit. the Corsicana brass band furnished the music for the occasion, playing several martial airs most beautifully, and many beautiful and fragrant flowers were placed upon the graves of the sleeping Confederates. TWO DEATHS AT LITTLE ROCK They were not from Navarro Co but in Corsicana Sun and about the Ark Reunion, Dana |