Blooming Grove Men Examined
of Navarro County, Texas


Navarro County WWI Index


Examination of Enlisted Men Concluded.
The board announced to a Sun representative
today about 2 p. m. that
they had examined about 360 registered
men up to that hour and that the
work of making examinations would,
be concluded this afternoon and that
on tomorrow they would be ready to
give out the list of all who have been
accepted and those who have been rejected.

Exemption Board No. 2.
The board met Monday and at once
entered upon the work of examining
the boys for physical fitness. The ac-
tive working force was composed of
R. S. Loyd, J. L. Cox, Dr. Arthur Wil-
kinson, Dr. Roberts near Corsicana
Dr. Bates, Purdon, with Oscar Ingram
and Clark Wilkinson clerks to make
The first day, Monday, there were
108 examined and of this number 33
were, under the requirements, physic-
cally disqualified.
Out of the 133 examined first day
there were only thirteen who did not
claim exemption.
Tuesday there were 104 examined
and 37 disqualified and therefore ex-
empt, 62 claimed exemption and their
claims will be gone over later. Only
15 on Tuesday out of 104 put in no
claim to be exempt.
Wednesday was the last day and
the work was so heavy that, we could
not get it in time for paper.
Those who claim exemptions be-
cause of wives to support and chil-
dren dependent upon them, put in
their claims and were given blanks to
fill showing upon what grounds they
based claim. Quite a large per cent
secured these blanks and they have
ten days in which to make and file
claim, so it will be some time before
these will know whether they are ac-
cepted or allowed to stay at home.
Just as soon as we can get the data
we will print list of those accepted
and those disqualified. — Blooming
Grove Rustler.

The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, August 9, 1917

Names of Those Accept
ed and Those Who
Ask Exempion
Local Exemption Hoard No, 2 for
Navarro county, with headquarters at
Blooming Grove, have finished their
examination and checking up of all
those men who were called for exam-
ination for service in the new national
army under the, selective draft law
at Blooming Grove last week. As was
stated in Saturday's Sun, the board
completed their, work late in the ev-
ening of Saturday, but were unable to
get the list here in time for publica-
tion, it reaching the Sun yesterday.
Board No. 2 has divided those who
were examined into two classes, those
who were called into the service of
the United States, and not exempted
or discharged, find those who have
filed claims for exemption of dis-
Those who were found physically fit
and did not file exemption claims fol-
T. E. Grinstead, Blooming Grove.
Valley Nabers, Frost.
Jake Curry. Barry R. 1.
John Franklin Jones, Barry
Will Davis, Corsicana R. 3.
Nathaniel Matthews (Masters),
Hubbard R. 5.
Tommie Smith, Barry R. 2.
John Elver Whitten, Purdon R. 1.
John Williams, Emhouse.
Willlam H. Talbott, Dawson R. 1.
Ulysses Bradford, Streetman.
Allen Brady York, Purdon.
Walter Love, Corsicana R. 2.
Perry Atchley, Rice.
William Johnson, Rice
Burrell Williams, Rice,
Minton Holloway, Rlchland.
Frank Pool, Dawson R. 1.
Tom Howard, Corsicana R. 2.
Acy Butler, Emhouse
E. L. Brown, Blooming Grove.
July Blanford, Blooming Grove.
Arthur Roberts, Streetman,
Duff Bryant, Barry R. 1.
Elijah L. Brown, Barry R. 3.
Carl D. Heather, Rice.
Bennie Wilson, Rice
Ernest B. Barksdell, Waco.
L. H. Dunnagan, Frost R. 3.
E. J. Treadway, Blooming Grove.
G. W. Williams, Dawson R. 1.
Lewis Chapman, Frost.
O. C. Owens, Corsicana R. 2.
G. E. Craig, Rice.
T. E. Orrell, Blooming Grove.
Fleet J. Miller, Wortham.
Rebbie Cloud, Dawson.
E. B. Cartwright, Corsicana R. 2.
Clem Burns, Blooming Grove.
Van, G. Clark, Wortham.
William L. Bingham, Barry
John Jones, Spring Hill.
Howard B. Brown, Frost
L. L. Powell Barry.
Harvey Brown Jr., Richland,
R. O. Williams, Hubbard R. 4.

Claiming Exemption and Discharge:

The following persons have filed
claims for exemption or discharge:
Ben Arnold, Hubbard.
Simon Andrews, Dawson.
Sam Ayers, Dawson
Alex Armstrong, Blooming Grove.
Chas. D. Allen, Emhouse.
George Anderson, Dawson.
W. L. Beauchamp, Streetman.
P. B. Brantley, Dawson.
Tom Bonner, Corsicana.
J. L. Boyte, Kerens.
James Breilhaupt, Barry.
W. J. Barnes, Frost.
Lorenco Castillo, Frost.
Earl Brim, Barry.
J. E. Berry, Barry.
G. S. Barnes, Mertens.
B. F. Bounds, Wortham.
H. B. Bentley, Corsicana.
A. T. Clark, Corsicana.
R. B. Clemons, Purdon.
W. H. Christian, Purdon.
Lee Cleveland, Frost.
Charlie Conner, Richland.
Wilmer, Catrell, Dawson.
W. H. Cruse, Barry.
Oscar Carter, Wortham.
Jessie G. Caskey, Purdon.
Roger Davis, Dawson.
Lee Roy DuBose, Wortham.
Arthur Dunn, Wortham.
V. J. Elkins. Richland.
T. M. Earls, Dawson.
K. V. Ellis, Barry.
Will T. Flowers, Emhouse.
W. C. Farmer, Purdon.
Ira Thomas Forgey, Blooming Grove
Eugeney Finley, Mertens.
Osey Lee Gan, Purdon.
R. M. Goodman, Mertens.
J. K. Goodman, Frost.
B. W. George, Blooming Grove.
Clarence Gowan, Emhouse.
Robert H. Gregory, Richland.
Henry Gordon, Wortham,
John Homolka, Ennis.
J. H. Hardman, Hubbard.
Lewis Haynye, Barry.
James A. Harrison, Corbet.
Owen F. Howard, Purdon.
S. L. Hobbs, Rice.
Lawrence Elmer Hill, Corsicana.
William A, Hopkins, Emhouse.
Jim, Hicks, Blooming Grove.
R. R. Hightower, Frost.
Jesse Howard, Corsicana.
W.B. Hooser, Frost.
Arzo Herendon, Richland.
James Hood, Dawson.
Ottis Ivy, Corbet.
Frank Ivy, Corbet
Arthur Jordan, Dawson.
Masellers Jefferson, Wortham.
Clem Jones, Kerens.
Johnnie Jackson, Dawson.
T. A. Key, Purdon.
Jim E. Linch, Dawson.
Joseph T. Langham, Richland.
James S, Lansford, Wortham.
John O. Lewis, Streetman.
Jim Matthias, Guffey.
Fred B. Matthews, Dawson.
Charlie Maggard, Emhouse.
J. T. Miller, Hubbard.
Carson E. Mayo, Richland.
Isidor Mlller. Purdon.
G. A. Michael, Wortham.
Willie T. Matthewson, Irene.
H. A. McElroy, Purdon.
W. A. McClintock, Barry.
Knox McCord, Frost.
D. A. McCulloch, Dawson.
H. M. Nicholson, Barry.
Tom Orand, Richland.
U. S. Orr, Frost.
S. F. Odom, Corsicana.
Bill Olliver, Dawson.
J. W. Offill, Barry.
C. T. Offill, Corbet.
Ed Pierce, Waco.
Edward Pullin, Dawson.
L. J. Payne, Frost.
C. D. Porter, Hubbard.
W. A, Phillips, Blooming Grove.
Hal Parker, Purdon.
Ed Phillips, Blooming Grove.
Albert Rodgers, Blooming Grove.
Steve Rodgers, Purdon.
William Raven, Wortham.
Charlie Russell, Corsicana.
Lyn Roebuck, Blooming Grove.
J. A. Roberts, Blooming Grove.
Bailey Roberts, Streetman.
C. T. Starks, Dawson.
Silas Staggs, Blooming Grove.
R. S. Stedman, Wortham.
S. H. Shue, Alma
W. G. Sims, Dawson.
Ira Stewart, Rice
J. D. Skinner, Dawson.
W. H. Steelman, Richland.
P. R. Stough, Barry.
B. F. Shell, Purdon.
S. M. Starks, Corsicana.
Jim Smith, Dawson.
G. A. Todd, Corsicana.
H. R. Thomas, Emhouse.
George T. Vyers, Emhouse.
J. R. Williams, Corsicana.
S. Williams, Frost.
George Wright, Rice.
W. A. Wood, Barry.
A. Woodard, Purdon.
Dee White, Rice.
B. F. Widener, Purdon.
E. C. Whittenberg, Purdon.
R. J. Wallace, Purdon.
J. B. Winn, Blooming Grove.
Henry Wills, Emhouse.
S. A. Banks, Blooming Grove.
Austin, Beacham, Hubbard.
Johnnie Beckham, Emhouse,
C. L. Boswell, Barry.
S, F. Call, Barry.
M.C. Coleman, Hubbard.
Wiley Curry, Barry.
Dallas Fillmore, Mertens.
J. M. French, Frost.
D. Gregory, Corsicana.
Wm. Hollingsworth, Barry.
Otis Johnson, Dawson.
W. W. A. Langford, Dawson.
G. T. Murphy, Wortham.
F. L. Prater, Purdon.
S. J. Reynolds, Blooming Grove.
G. E. Schuyler, Barry.
S. Stockard, Dawson.
R. Q. Tekell, Purdon.
A. B. Williams, Emhouse,
M. E: Tinkle, Emhouse.
W. C, Wharton, Frost.

The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, August 13, 1917
Submitted by Diane Richards

Navarro County TXGenWeb
© Copyright February, 2020
Edward L. Williams