Red Blooded American Boys Witness Great Demonstration
Special to the Sun.
Blooming Grove, Texas, April 27—Twenty-nine red-blooded American
boys were sent from this place yesterday afternoon at 3:30
o’clock. The people of Blooming Grove celebrated the occasion
with appropriate addresses by Rev. Dr. Ellis, rector of St.
John’s Episcopal Church, Corsicana, and Major C. H. Mills, also
of Corsicana. Dr. Ellis spoke on the flag raising, in which he
gave the history and significance of the American flag. Major
Mills strongly and eloquently presented the importance of
Liberty Bonds.
Blooming Grove was the first town in the county to subscribe its
quota for Liberty Bonds and as a reward it received from State
Chairman Hoopes of the Liberty Bond campaign, a very handsome
honor flag. It was this flag that was raised today and as it
took its place immediately below Old Glory there was a great
shout went up.
The crowd that assembled on this occasion was admittedly the
largest in Blooming Grove’s history and it was a common
expression among this great outpouring of patriotic men and
women that America is becoming thoroughly aroused as to its