Blooming Grove Went Far Over Top in the Red Cross Drive
Mr. J. R. Griffin of Blooming Grove was in town today. Mr.
Griffin is greatly pleased with the results of the Red Cross War
Fund Drive in Blooming Grove. “We began our donations too
low—that is, we didn’t begin by asking each individual for
enough. A lot of us got together and doubled and trebled our
original donations. Then we went out asking for more and got
it. The people were willing to give,” he said, “and they did
so, cheerfully and generously.” The Mr. Griffin gave an
example; “Saturday we sent away some of our boys to war. The
women gave a dinner and there was the biggest crowd I think that
ever gathered in Blooming Grove. The women raised $400. We
turned on a regulation auction in which various articles were
sold over and over. A basket of little peaches netted $7.00. A
widow sent in four frying size chickens and they brought $36. A
yearling sold for $147, and a little red pig brought $49. The
auction netted $300 or more. Then after it was all over $80 was
made up and given to the Orphan Home Band with which to buy
uniforms for the boys. It was a great day and one that the
people enjoyed. Blooming Grove’s quota was $2150. We donated
The Corsicana Daily Sun -
Wednesday, May 29, 1918
Submitted by
Diane Richards