1944 - Heavy Toll in Lives Cost of
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Heavy Toll In Lives Cost Of War to This Community 36 Months
Daily Sun Staff
What has three years of war cost Navarro County? Not in money and
materials, but in blood and tears! There have been 80 service men
killed, 117 wounded, 32 missing and 45 prisoners of War. These boys
have paid the price!
This does not include the sleepless nights, heartache and fearful
days spent by the wives, mothers and relatives awaiting messages of
loved ones, dreading the ring of the telephone and fearing the knock
at the door.
This does not begin to tell or portray the anguish and sorrow of the
telegrams from the war and navy departments.
“We regret to inform you that…..,” telling of the death, wounding,
missing or capturing of a husband, father, or maybe a youngster out
of high school only a few months—old enough to die for Freedom, yet
not old enough to vote—that the totalitarian threat to civilization
may be crushed.
And yet, America, Texas and Navarro county were most fortunate than
most of our Allies—particularly Britain, Russia, France, China,
Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Denmark and others—our land have not
been under the Nazi or Jap domination and occupation—we have not
been subjected to bombing and the robot menace slaying of hostages
in reprisals, machine-gunning of innocent civilians.
(The names and figures included in this resume of the losses in
blood and lives of Navarro countians up to this third anniversary of
the treacherous attack at Pearl Harbor by Japan, plunging Americans
into war with the Axis nations, are only those as carried in reports
published from time to time in this newspaper. Some of the
information necessarily is incomplete and there is the liklihood
there are many casualties involving Navarro countians that have not
been reported to this newspaper. Any relative with additional
information not contained herein is invited and requested to report
the same as in that manner a more complete record of Navarro
countians will result.)
Slain Or Died In Service
First Lieut. Thomas E. Brown, Jr., 26, formerly of Richland, died in
Fort Benning, Ga., June 20, 1943, buried at Richland.
S-Sgt. Scott Bowden, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bowden, Rice 1
(Tupelo) missing in action, Sept. 9, 1943, serial gunner on Mitchell
bomber, North Africa Theatre, completed 48 missions, graduate of
Rice high school. He entered service August 5, 1941. Sgt. Bowden was
killed in action, Sept. 9, 1943.
George H. Bennett, killed March 14, 1942, at San Diego Bay plane
crash. Husband of WAC Judith Polk Bennett of Corsicana. Buried here.
First Lt. Elliott H. Beale, air officer , 12th F. A., Second Div.,
killed in action, June 11, 1944, in France, liaison officer with
Division since June 1943. Entered service in November, 1940. Wife
resides here.
James Norman Brinkley, seaman, 2-C, U. S. Navy, killed in action,
according to message, Nov. 5, 1942. Son of James W. Brinkley,
First Lt. James H. Brantley, 26, bomber pilot killed in action over
England, Aug. 6, 1944. Survived by wife, two children, San Antonio,
parents, A. L. Brantley, Galveston, and Mrs. Jesse L. Watkins, New
Haven, Conn.; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Marr, Corsicana and
Mrs. J. H. Brantley, Nacogdoches.
S-Sgt. Bill Baldwin, 30, U. S. Army, infantry, died June 21, 1944,
of wounds received June 19, in action in France. He is the son of W.
I. Baldwin, Richland Route 1.
Capt. Clarence Coleman, negro, Coast Artillery, South Pacific, died,
son of Will Coleman, 818 East 8th Ave., Corsicana, telegram, March
2, 1944.
Major Andrew L. Chilton, 25, Ft. Worth, USAAF England, killed in
action over Germany, May 21, 1944. Wife, Jane Jester Chilton,
Corsicana; Air Medal. P-38 Lightning group operations officer.
Graduate of University of Texas. One year old daughter, Mary
Chilton, Corsicana, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chilton, Fort Worth.
Sgt. William Carl Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Chapman,
Blooming Grove, accidentally killed with pistol, Ventura, Calif.,
March, 1942.
James Chaney, killed France, June 21, 1944. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Chaney, Spring Hill.
S-Sgt. James A. Coleman, killed in action, Italy, June 9, 1944. Wife
resides in Fort Worth; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coleman, Streetman.
S-Sgt. William Neal Davis, 35, Kilgore, reared at Richland, killed
in action in France, July 26, 1944. Wife resides in Dallas, mother,
Mrs. Maggie Davis, Richland.
Sgt. Arthur Coy Dewey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Dewey, 1222,
West 12 1-2 Ave., Corsicana, killed in action, North Africa, May 6,
1942. One of first American soldiers to land in North Africa.
Pvt. Juan P. Dimas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Dimas, Chatfield,
killed in action, South Pacific, April 7, 1944.
Pfc. Frank DeLaerus, killed in action Feb. 24, 1944, in Italy;
sister, Mrs. Lina Ramirez, Corsicana.
Pvt. Lee A. Denbow, 36, killed in action, France, July 4, 1955.
Wife, Mrs. Lucile H. Denbow, 1701 1-2, Maplewood, Corsicana.
Collie Frost, negro, killed in action somewhere in North Africa,
July 28, 1944. Son of Wiley Frost, Blooming Grove.
S-Sgt. Denton Farmer, 29, infantry, killed in action in France, June
12, 1944. Son of Mrs. Tommie Farmer, Purdon, entered service, March
1942, overseas, April, 1944. Worked at American Well and Prospecting
Company, Wife Joyce Farmer, Abilene.
Cpl. John D. Fields, 27, killed in action, North African theatre,
Sept. 15, 1943. Salerno beachhead, bazooka gun operator. Wife, Faye
Garvin Fields, a son, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fields, Frost.
Member 132 Field Artillery, 36th. Division when mobilized, November
Eddie Ferguson, U. S. Army, prisoner of war, died in Japanese
prison, war department telegram July 9, 1943, revealed to father,
Arthur Ferguson, Angus Route 1.
Pvt. Lou W. French, 21, infantry, seriously wounded in France, June
16, 1944, while in action. Telegram received July 24, 1944, that he
had died of wounds. Son of Mrs. Annie L. French, 410 West Tenth
avenue, Corsicana. Graduated from Corsicana High School, and entered
service in October 1942. He had been overseas six months. Two
brothers in armed forces.
Ship Cook 1-C James Johnson Goodman, 23, U. S. Navy, killed by land
mine, Sept. 8, 1944, according to information to his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Goodman, Albany, formerly of Frost. Goodman was born at
Frost and graduated from Mertens High School. He had served four
years in Navy.
Capt. James R. Gilcrease, Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Gilcrease, 2012 West Third avenue Corsicana killed near Chicago, May
21, 1943, when army bomber crashed into illuminating gas tank. A
1938 graduate of CHS, he received his commission and wings in 1940.
Surviving are his wife, young son and parents.
S-2C Norman Barney Godwin, 17, U. S. Navy, died of wounds in line of
duty, telegram to mother, Mrs. Maudie White, Corsicana, July 28,
1944, revealed. Born and reared at Blooming Grove.
A-C J. D. Gilliam, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton N. Justiss,
Corsicana, killed in plane crash near Houston, July 21, 1842, while
on a mission out of Lake Charles training.
Pfc. Elmer N. Griffin, infantry, died of wounds, Oct. 30, 1943, in
Pacific area, Son of Robert M. Griffin, Purdon. First report was
that he was seriously wounded and also missing since August 15 while
being evacuated for medical treatment.
Paul Harshaw, Dallas, formerly of Corsicana, killed in plane crash,
Las Vegas, Nev., March 25, 1942. Buried here.
Sgt. Charles Lynn Haywood, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haywood,
Streetman Rt., killed in action in France, word received Aug. 30,
1944. Enlisted October, 1940. Wife and baby in Kansas City.
S-Sgt. Billy D. Hurley, 23, radio operator and gunner on B-24 Army
Air Forces, killed near Boise, Idaho, Dec. 26, 1942. Body buried
here. C. H. S. and Hillsboro Junior College ex-student. Son of Mr.
and Mrs. Monroe Hurley of Corsicana.
Sgt. Vernon H. Hartley, U. S. Army Air base, accidentally killed
October 31, 1943. Funeral at Blooming Grove. Reared in State Home.
Wife resides at Denton. (A brother, Curran A. Hartley prisoner of
war of Japs.)
Percy N. Kelly, U. S. Navy, missing in action, Nov. 30, 1942 and
message, Dec. 18, 1943 said the Navy presumed him to be dead. He was
the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Kelly, Corsicana.
Everett Keathley, son of Mrs. Zack Keathley, Frost, killed in
Action, Sept. 10, 1944, in Italy. Decorated for bravery at Anzio
Beach. Graduate of Teague High School. Father is O. O. Long, of
Pvt. Wilham Lendon, Long. U. S. Army Ferry Command, lost life, Feb.
3, 1943. He had previously been reported missing in action in the
North Atlantic area. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long of
Fort Worth, formerly of Corsicana.
Pvt. Perry Wayne Layfield, infantry, killed in action, according to
telegram received by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bunk Layfield, Kerens.
Reported March 9, 1944.
Charles Eugene Lewis, 19, seaman second class, U. S. Coast Guard,
killed accidentally, April 17, 1943, while rolling a baseball field.
He died in a U. S. Marine hospital, Norfolk, Va., and was buried at
Dawson. He is the son of Mrs. C. W. Lewis of Oklahoma City.
Pvt. Joseph W. Lusk, killed in action, reported July 1. 1944, to
sister Ruby Lusk, 509 North Fifth street, Corsicana.
Pfc. Vincent Martinez, son of Pablo Martinez, South Fourteenth
street, Corsicana, killed in action, reported Aug. 28, 1944.
Cpl. John W. Matlock, Jr., army, Camp Polk, La., found dead. Son of
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Matlock, Frost.
Lieut. John P. McKinney, 24, U. S. Air Forces, killed in accident,
April 26, 1943, at Barksdale Field, Shreveport, La., when medium
bomber crashed at take off. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. P.
McKinney of Corsicana. A graduate of Corsicana 1937, he was
commissioned at Ellington Field McKinney attended Texas A. M.
Pvt. James T. McCulloch, 19, Waco, reared at Dawson, killed in
action, Aug. 7, 1944, in France. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Zola D.
McCulloch, Waco, he is also survived by a brother, three sisters,
and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hampton, Waco, and Mrs. Jim
Prater, Dawson.
First Lieut. Ashbell G. McClung, 23, killed in action, Dec. 8, 1943,
with the 36th Division in Italy. Son of Mrs. Hazel McClung of
Kerens, he graduated from Kerens High and attended Texas A. and M.
College and Texas Tech.
Flight Officer Richard R. Massengale, 21, died in North Africa area,
Sept. 26, 1943. Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Massengale, Blooming
Cpl. Georgia L. McCafferty, missing at Corregidor, in 1942, and a
telegram to his mother, Mrs. Agnes McCafferty, 812 West Eleventh
avenue, May 25, 1944, from the war department stated that government
presumed her son to be dead. The Purple Heart decoration was awarded
Pfc. James B. McMillan, 19, U. S. Marine, killed in action, Jan. 2,
1944, in Southwest Pacific area, according to message to mother,
Mrs. Alma Womack, 501 North Commerce street, Corsicana. Pvt.
McMillan enlisted Oct. 20, 1942, and went overseas in June 1943.
Sgt. Theo Masters, Jr., 23, killed in action, June 13, 1944, in
France. Wife, Inez, and little daughter reside with her father,
Frank Chapman, Corsicana fireman. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Theo Masters, Sr., of Hubbard.
Robert Henry May, U. S. Navy, died at San Diego, Calif., April 9,
1944. Funeral was held here. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. May
of Navarro.
Pvt. Wilmer H. Brinkley, 19, U. S. Infantry, died in France, August
15, two days after being wounded, according to telegram received by
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brinkley, Corsicana 2. He attended
Powell High school. Entering the service, Aug. 11, 1943, he went
overseas in February, 1944.
S-Sgt. Gorman L. O’Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. O’Daniel,
Petty’s Chapel, Corsicana Route 5, “missing in action since Dec. 12,
1943, and telegram of February 4, 1944, stated he was killed in
action in Italy. He was wounded Sept. 25, 1943, in Italy, but
returned to active duty with the 36th Division later in the year. he
enlisted, Jan. 31, 1941.
Pvt. Weldon Perkins, 21, Army, died Sept. 23, from wounds received
in action in Italy. Husband of Laura D. Perkins, Blooming Grove. Son
of Mrs. T. R. Perkins, near Italy, Texas. Entered service, Dec. 4,
1942. A brother, Pvt. Orby Perkins, Italy, Texas, wounded in the
Salerno battle in Italy.
S-Sgt. Robert J. Page, Jr., 80 Service Squadron, Luke Field,
Phoenix, Ariz., died natural causes, November 11, 1942. Funeral held
at Blooming Grove with burial at Dresden cemetery.
Pfc. Alton Ray Pierce, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pierce, Powell
1, killed in action, August 6, in France. Entered services, February
10, 1942. Surviving are parents and four brothers.
Flight Officer John Ralph (Red) Hewitt, 26, slain in action over
Madgeburg, Germany, Sept. 12, 1944, relatives were advised. Graduate
of Blooming Grove High School, he was employed in the AAA offices
before enlisting in the Air Forces prior to Pearl Harbor. Surviving
are his mother, Mrs. Lennie V. Donnell, Fort Worth; aunt, Mrs. Rubye
Ellis, Blooming Grove, with whom he resided; grandmother, Mrs. J. O.
McSpadden, Sr., Blooming Grove, and three brothers. He received Air
Medal and other decorations.
Pfc. Samuel Thomas Bridges, Marine, 22 killed in action, July 28,
1944, on Guam. Enlisted Jan. 22, 1942, and went overseas, January
1943. Surviving are parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Bridges, Corsicana;
three brothers, two sisters, two half-sisters and five
S-Sgt. Tom Conn, 26, killed in action, Sept. 2, 1944, in France. He
was in infantry. Landed Cherbourg, June. 7. Wife, six-months-old
daughter, Corsicana; father, Jack Conn, Wortham.
Pfc. John C. Harris, 18, U. S. Marine, killed in action, Sept. 21,
1944, somewhere in Pacific, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Harris,
Streetman. Enlisted, Dec. 31, 1943.
V. E. (Tiny) Johnson, 25, U. S. Navy, killed in action, South
Pacific, reported Nov. 13, 1944. Reared in State Home. Worked in
Cotton Mills.
Pvt. Lionel Marlow, 21, U. S. infantry, killed in action, Sept. 30,
in France. Wife, son, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Marlow, Electra.
Attended Corsicana High.
Sgt. David C. McNeel, Marine, killed in action, Sept. 16, 1944, in
Pacific. Wife at Alburquerque, father, C. H. McNeel, Emhouse.
Capt. Gulick Robinson, 23, killed in action, August 2, over France
near Metz. Pilot of P-47 Thunderbolt fighter plane stationed in
England. Had completed 75 combat missions. Former football star at
Corsicana High and Hillsboro Junior College, spent year on patrol
duty in Panama Canal Zone. Wife is in Hillsboro. Mother, Mrs. Nettie
Sutton, resided in Paris.
Bailey B. Ragsdale, Lieut. U. S. Army, graduate of State Home here,
Legislator and politician. Killed in action, June 3, 1944, in Italy.
Wife and 13-year-old daughter resides in Austin.
Charles A. Roberts, 39, petty officer, second class, U. S. Navy,
killed while working on ship at Norfolk, Va. Wife resides at Fresno,
Calif.; mother, Mrs. Lizzie Roberts, Corsicana.
Leroy Reese, former Corsicanan, 36th division, killed in action in
Italy, reported here Dec. 29, 1943, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Reese,
Itasca, brother of Mrs. H. D. Bunch of Corsicana. Wife and small
baby survive.
Pfc. Richard F. Harris, Marines, killed in action early in November,
1944, in Pacific Theatre of operations. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
K. Harris, Winkler. Entered service, Sept. 1942, and had been
overseas two years.
Pvt. Roy M. Smith, army, killed in Southwest Pacific, reported here
Feb. 28, 1943. Son of Mrs. Altha Smith, Corsicana.
Pfc. J. P. Shields, 36, Eureka, killed in action on Los Negros
Islands, Admiralty group, March 21, 1944. Brother of Mrs. Effie
Bonner and Mrs. Louis Weaver, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Luther Greer,
Eureka; Tom Shields, Corsicana; Will Shields, Navarro and Lloyd
Shields, Houston.
Cpl. Claude Thomas Thompson, 21, killed in Louisiana while on
maneuvers when tank broke through bridge. Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
S-Sgt. Louis W. Tirado, 36th, Division, Purple Heart, missing in
action in France, Sept. 20, 1944, and Nov. 10, message to
step-mother, Mrs. Louis Tirado, 706 North Thirteenth St., Corsicana,
killed in action, Sept. 20, 1944.
T-Sgt. Jesse V. Warner, infantry, seriously wounded in France, June
6, 1944. D-Day; wounded Sept. 1, 1944, and was killed in action,
Sept. 11, 1944, in Belgium. Attended Hubbard High School, .
Enlisted, Oct. 21, 1935. Brother of Mrs. Lorene Woods, 405 South
Twenty-Third and One-Half street, Corsicana.
Victor Ed Watts, U. S. Navy, Arizona battleship, was killed in
action at Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941, according to information
received Dec. 22, 1931, by his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. T. T. Watts,
Corsicana. Graduate of Corsicana High School, 1936. Watts as the
first casualty reported from Navarro county in World War II.
Pfc. Homer L. Wood, 24, antitank company, missing in action since
May 7, 1942, after fall of Corregidor, presumed to be dead,
according to letter from the war department to parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey H. Wood, 214 East First avenue, Corsicana.
Orland Watson, 23, native of Barry, resident of Dallas, killed in
action, March 29, 1944, over Germany. He was an aerial gunner,
Flying Fortress, based in England. Had been in England only three
weeks when slain. Son of Mrs. Willie Watson, Dallas, and nephew of
Mrs. G. F. Gay, 1213 West Fourteenth avenue, Corsicana.
T-Sgt. Claud Willis, 23, infantry, Second Division, Third Army,
killed in action, August 31, 1944 in France. Son of Mr. and Mrs. S.
H. Willis. Entered service, Oct. 17, 1940, and went overseas,
November 1943.
Loyce George Young, Marine killed in action, announced Dec. 24,
1942. Son of F. G. Young, 213 North Twelfth street, Corsicana.
Pvt. William H. York, 33, infantry, killed in action, June 28, 1944,
in France. Son of Mrs. Ada York, Purdon.
Odell Dean, signalman, 3-C, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B.
Dean, Dawson, missing in action, March 12, 1943. Later said by Navy
presumed to be dead.
Sgt. William D. Loftis, 20, U. S. Army Air Forces, tail gunner, B-17
Flying Fortress, killed in action over Germany, October y, 1944,
message from adjutant general’s department to parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. L. Loftis, Pursley, formerly of Corsicana, revealed. Graduate of
Corsicana High School, he entered the air forces, February 1943, and
went overseas, August 1, 1944.
Sgt. Finis D. Murphy, 24, infantry, killed in action in Pacific,
according to information received from General Douglas MacArthur,
but time and other details were not revealed. He was reared in
Corsicana. Surviving are five brothers, Troy L. Murphy, Corsicana;
Curtis Murphy, Houston; Durwood and Eldon Murphy, both of Galveston;
Sgt. Northam Murphy, Pacific area; and a sister, Mrs. Tom Adgate,
Galveston. He had been overseas 18 months.
Prisoners of Germans
Pvt. Joe A. Borsellino, U. S. Army, North Africa, reported missing
in action, April 1, 1943, and prisoner of Germans, May 12, 1943.
Wife resides in Fort Worth. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Borsellino,
First Lt. Robert Noel Ballew, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Ballew of Frost, missing after his Thunderbolt escorted a Flying
Fortress over Europe. Enlisted in Canadian Air Forces in 1941 and
transferred to American Air Force. Was awarded Air Medal and an Oak
Leaf Cluster. Lt. Ballew was reported a prisoner of the Germans,
April 25, 1944. The officer formerly was employed in the display
advertising department of the Dallas Morning News.
Lt. Preston E. Conner, missing in action over Austria, Feb. 22,
1944; son of N. P. Conner, Dallas, formerly of Corsicana. Lt. Conner
resided with aunt, Mrs. P. A. Simpson, prisoner of war of Germans,
telegram April 20, 1944.
Harold Carter, pharmacists mate, USN, prisoner of Germans, held in
France, telegram, June 30, 1942. Wife resides in Corsicana.
Homer L. Davis, infantry, prisoner of Germans, Dec. 10, 1943.
Missing in action Sept. 13, 1943; parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Davis,
T-Sgt. Walter Farmer, 20, Air Forces, stationed in England, missing
March 20, over Germany, later prisoner of war of German government.
Received decorations. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Farmer, 817 West
Park avenue, Corsicana. (Later promoted to staff sergeant.)
Lt. Morris Lee Floyd, missing in action, May 29, 1943, and was
wounded, later a prisoner of Germans. Lt. Floyd, the son of Mrs. J.
B. Floyd of Kerens, was a navigator of a Flying Fortress B-17.
M-Sgt. James T. Foster, 36th, Division, Italy, wounded twice in
action, received Purple Heart Decoration, telegram to wife, Mrs.
Glenna Foster, missing in action since June 26, 1944, later through
International Red Cross, prisoner of German Government.
T-Sgt. William P. (Jack) Howard, son of Mrs. C. D. Howard, 110 South
20th, St., prisoner of Germans, according to information received
May 20, 1944. Had completed 15 missions. Wife resided in San
T-Sgt. Grady Hawgley, crew chief, B-17, Flying Fortress, missing in
action somewhere in Europe, Sept. 6, 1943, later reported prisoner
of Germans. Stationed in England. Wife, Fayrene Hawgley, resides at
Kerens and was presented Air Medal in ceremonies at Corsicana Field
in January, 1944.
Cpl. Woodrow Kelly, medical corps, prisoner of war of the Germans,
January, 1944. Awarded Gold Star, Purple Heart and Oak Leaf Cluster
decorations. Brother of Odell Kelly, Brushy Prairie community.
Sgt. Sam Moore, Jr., chief turret gunner, bomber, missing over
Germany in March, 1944, and April 19, 1944, reported prisoner of
war. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore, Frost. Graduate of Frost High
School in 1942 and formerly was captain of football team.
S-St. Coy Martin, prisoner of Germans, reported April 27, 1943,
after being shot down, Feb. 4, 1943. Graduate of State Home. Mother,
Mrs. Mattie McCaslin, resides at Archer City.
S-Sgt. Leamon E. McCulloch, waist gunner on B-17 bomber, prisoner of
war of Germans, May 19, 1944, after being reported missing in action
over Poland in April.
Lt. W. H. Power, prisoner of Germans, after missing in action from
June 13, 1943. Navigator in flying forces of U. S. Stationed in
England. Lt. Power had made many flights over France and Germany.
Wife is the former Christine Neese of Corsicana.
Lt. James P. Roberts, March 9, 1944, reported prisoner of Germans.
Missing in action over France, Feb. 4, 1944. Son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Roberts, Chatfield.
Capt. Randolph Robinson, 40, U. S. prisoner of Germans since Sept.
14, 1943. Local National Guard officer and was in Fifth Army, being
captured at Salerno Beachhead. Son of Mrs. S. A. Robinson of Eureka.
First Lieut. Dan Story, Air Corps, missing, March 1, 1943, Middle
East Command, reported prisoner of Italians, March 13, 1943, father,
S. P. Story, received DFC and Air Medal decorations at Corsicana
Field, June 19, 1943. Later was transferred to German prison camp
when Italy got out of war.
Van Simmons, navigator on Flying Fortress, missing in action, April
17, 1943, flying over Germany and was reported prisoner of war, July
17, 1943. Air Medal and two Oak Leaf Clusters awarded to father, J.
W. Simmons, of Kerens at Corsicana Field, Jan. 17, 1944.
Sgt. Lawson L. Wade, 31, 614 West Fourth avenue, 36th Division,
missing in action since Sept. 14, 1943 and Nov. 30, 1943, reported
prisoner of the Germans.
First Lieut. Charles A. Whitlock, Jr., reported prisoner of war,
Nov. 11, 1943, after being reported missing in action since Aug. 16,
S-Sgt. Tom B. Wheeler, Flying Fortress, missing in action over
Germany, Oct. 18, 1943, and Jan. 21, 1943, prisoner of war. Son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wheeler, Tupelo.
Prisoners of Japanese
Eldred L. Costlow, FA, USA prisoner of war, Japanese, Java, in 1942.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Costlow, 629 North Main St. Reported
missing in action, June 1942 and prisoner in January, 1943. Wrote
doing all right in prison camp, Aug. 7, 1944.
Pvt. Raymond C. Carrizales, prisoner of Japs; mother, Mrs. Santos
Carrizales, Richland. Report, May 26, 1943.
Pvt. Tom S. Chandler, Air Corps, prisoner of Japanese, Phillippines,
son of Mrs. Ethel Chandler, Streetman, reported Jan. 23, 1943.
Harvey Crenshaw, prisoner of Japs, Philippines, son of Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Crenshaw, Corsicana; notification, Feb. 19, 1943.
Eddie L. Donaho, Army, prisoner of Japs; son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie
Donaho, Corsicana, Route 3; volunteered for Philippines, November
1941, prisoner in Java, notification, January, 1943, after missing
in June 1942.
Norman Lee Gilbreath, 21, USA, missing in Philippines, June 7, 1942,
Prisoner of war, Feb. 8, 1943. Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Floyd
Gilbreath, Corsicana, Route 1.
Hugh Garland, U. S. A. missing in action, Java, June 11, 1942. Later
prisoner of war of Japanese government and moved to Japan, May 1943.
Son of Supt. And Mrs. H. A. Garland, Mildred.
Pvt. James E. Hinkle, Marines, 1-c, prisoner of Japs, Shanghai, July
4, 1942. October 16, 1942, letter at interment camp in Central
Cpl. Curren A. Hartley, army, prisoner of war, Japanese,
Philippines, Feb. 8, 1943. Brother of Joedean Hartley of Denton,
formerly of State Home.
Jack Kenner, army, missing in action Java early in 1942. Reported
prisoner of Japs May 6, 1943. Son of Mrs. Louis Hollan of El Paso,
formerly of Corsicana.
Capt. Harry Katz, army, prisoner of war of Japs, according to
message, July 1, 1943. Brother of Mrs. Leon Daniels, Corsicana.
Ronald N. Moses, son of Mrs. Alma Steele of Corsicana, reported
prisoner of war of Japanese in Java, Jun. 28, 1943. He left
Corsicana with National Guard unit, Nov. 1940, and later transferred
to Pacific duty.
Dayton Mayo, army, missing in action, reported prisoner of Japanese,
Jan. 29, 1943. Inducted with National Guard unit, Nov. 1940.
Sgt. James B. Morris, 28, U. S. Army 7 years, captured by Japs on
Corregidor, May 7, 1942. Broadcast to brother, J. L. Morris, 604
East Second avenue, Corsicana, June 27, 1944.
Vernon Fate Puckett, chief machinist mate, U. S. Navy, Manila,
missing, according to report May 9, 1942. Reported prisoner of war
of Japanese, March 8, 1943, in Philippines, and on Aug. 20, 1943,
card written in Camp No. 1, Philippines stating he was uninjured and
Pvt. Hurshel Reeves, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves, Frost,
missing in action in Philippines message reported Aug. 18, 1942,
Bataan, April 19, 1943, message from war department that he was
prisoner of war of Japanese. Enlisted May 11, 1941.
Billy J. Sawyer, army, Philippines, missing in action, reported,
June 28, 1942, and mother, Mrs. Dona Sawyer, Dawson, advised son
prisoner of Japanese, March 12, 1943.
Lieut. Commander Jerry A. Steward, 49, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Steward, Sr., Steward’s Mill, Freestone county, missing in action,
Manila Area, June 1942. May 20, 1943, advised Commander Steward was
prisoner of Japs. Received Navy Cross award for bravery in
Philippine Islands.
Pfc. William E. Schultz, 27, son of Mrs. Gertrude Lee Fuller, 800
South Main Street, Corsicana, prisoner of war of Japs in the
Philippines, reported Jan. 29, 1943. He had been reported missing in
action May 7, 1942. Born at Mertens and attended Frost High School.
Dewey Lee Spruiell, army Japanese prisoner in Camp No. 2 Philippines
reported Sept. 24, 1943. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Spruiell and
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spruiell, Dawson.
Pvt. William Thomas, son of Mrs. Floda Smith, Kerens, reported
prisoner of Japan in war department announcement, July 9, 1943.
Lieut. W. M. Taylor, Jr., missing in action, Philippines, July 20,
1942. Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Taylor, Corsicana, May 26, 1943,
telegram from war department prisoner of Japanese. Letter in
November, 1944, Lt. Taylor either drowned or recaptured by Japs
after freighter sunk by Americans as prisoner of war being shipped
from Philippines.
Prisoner of Italians
Cpl. Edmon L. Hardy, army, prisoner of Italians, July 19, 1943. Son
of Mrs. Betty A. Hardy, Richland, Rt. 1. (Probably turned over to or
taken by Germans.)
Missing in Action
Lt. Lynn Bostick, 23, missing in action European Theatre, April 19,
1944, flying first mission as co-pilot. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar
Bostick, Dallas, formerly of Corsicana. Football star at SMU.
Primary training at Corsicana Field Class 43-I.
Johnny Lois Burgett, USN, son of Mrs. J. C. Carver, Pursley, missing
in action, since October 1942, message April 27, 1943, stated. Saw
service in Nicaragua and at Pearl Harbor. His rating was that of
chief machinist mate.
James Capps, infantry, missing in action, July 23, 1944, returned to
active duty, July 30, according to wife’s telegram, war department.
Lt. Bob Campbell, China-Burma-India area, missing in action Feb. 24,
returned and missing and returned second time.
Pfc. Luther English, USA missing in action, North Africa, area
(including Sicilian campaign), son of Mrs. Millie English, Wortham,
Aug. 25, 1943.
Joe D. Freeland, Jr., T-Sgt., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Freeland,
Sr., Dawson, missing over Germany since Feb. 21, 1944.
Capt. J. R. Griffin, Jr., Air Forces, Australia, missing, April 13,
1942, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Griffin, Blooming Grove.
Sgt. Lloyd M. Gabriel, native Navarro countian, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Gabriel, Sr., Groesbeck, missing in action over Germany since
Jan. 30, 1944. Turret gunner in England.
Lt. Meredith Hart, reported missing over Italy since June 4, 1944,
according to report to wife, Miss Helen Haste of Corsicana, now of
San Antonio.
Sgt. R. M. Jennings, Jr., Navarro, missing in action since June 13,
1943. Was tail gunner on bombing plane. Volunteered for air forces,
July, 1942, and had been overseas several months in the European
theatre when he was missed.
First Lieut. Roy J. Moore, holder of Distinguished Flying Cross,
missing in action, Southwest Pacific, since May 22, 1943. Son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy M. Moore, 1203 West 13th, avenue, Corsicana, and
husband of Mrs. Janis Moore, Los Angeles, Calif. Graduate of
Corsicana High School, he enlisted as an aviation cadet while a
senior in the Law School of the University of Texas. Hit a Jap
5000-ton transport and other ships, March 3, 1943.
Taylor McCulloch, army, missing in action in Italy, according to
report of Nov. 6, 1943. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
McCulloch, Navarro Mills.
Robert Porter Mangum, mess attendant first class, U. S. Navy,
missing, according to message to father, Eldridge Mangum, Kerens,
Sept. 18, 1942.
Lieut. James Moore, 26, Army, co-pilot, bomber, stationed in
England, missing over Germany since May 8, 1944. Graduate of Baylor
in 1939 and ex-student of the University of Texas. Lieut. Moore is
the husband of Mrs. Dean Moore of Milford and Frost, and the son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moore of Frost.
Pfc. Winston Oliver, Wortham, missing in action in Mediterranean
area, reported Nov. 22, 1943. Son of Ed Oliver of Wortham.
Sgt. Pace P. Payne, missing in action, New Guinea since June 26,
1942. Volunteered April 22, 1943, and was tail gunner on plane. Son
of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne, Corsicana 5.
Leonard M. Power, U. S. Army, son of Mrs. Belle Schitosky, 1716
North Beaton street, Corsicana, missing in Philippines, reported in
story, Aug. 22, 1942. Enlisted in 1938.
Billy Gene Payne, U. S. Navy, missing in action Southwest Pacific
since Nov. 24, 1943. Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Payne of Pursley.
Cpl. Jimmy Doyle Carroll, missing in action in France, learned here
Oct. 13, 1944. Former captain of Blooming Grove football team,
highest scholastic average of senior boys in 1941. Son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Carroll of Ellis county, formerly of Blooming Grove.
Hershel A. Daniel, 19, S-2c, U. S. Navy, missing in Pacific area,
gunner on Navy bombing plane, date not mentioned in telegram to
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Daniel, Corsicana, Oct. 14, 1944.
Graduate of Corsicana High 1942. Wife resides in Corsicana.
Lieut. Wm.. B. Robeson, U. S. Air troop carrying transport pilot,
missing in Latin-America, May 1943, found and rescued next month.
S-Sgt. Dewey L. Rhoads, 20, Air Forces, left waist gunner, Fortress
Picadilly Ann, missing over France since June 19, 1944. Awarded
second Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal decoration. Son of Mrs. Ruth
Rhoads, 623 North Beaton street, Corsicana.
Pfc. James C. Richards, 23, infantry, missing in France since Sept.
21, 1944. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave M. Richards, Emhouse, Overseas,
June 10, 1944.
Pfc. George Berton Sartor, 25, previously reported missing in action
in Italy, June 14, 1944, returned to duty with his outfit, June 27,
according to information received by wife, Lorene Sartor.
John C. Stevenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson, Frost Route 1,
reported missing prior to March 24, 1944. One of seven in draft age.
Sgt. Robert Lynn Stevenson, 21, gunner on a Flying Fortress, AAF
stationed in England, missing reported March 13, 1943. Son of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Stevenson, Frost, Route 1. One of seven brothers in the
Pfc. W. O. Venable, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Venable, Corsicana
Route 1, reported missing in action over France since June 19, 1944.
Native of Ellis county.
Lawrence Elmer Warner, s-1c, Navy, missing in action, Nov. 8, 1944,
telegram to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Warner, 2013 West
Thirteenth avenue, Corsicana. Age 24, wife, Atherine Warner, resides
Lt. M. Y. Wilson, Jr., Hamlin, formerly of Corsicana, missing in
action over Germany since April 11, 1944. Wife resides in Chickasaw.
S-Sgt. Joe Williams, 1939 Corsicana High graduate, missing over
Germany since April 11. Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Williams,
Waxahachie, formerly of Corsicana. Member of a bomber crew based in
Pvt. Oscar O. McCrory, 34, U. S. Army, infantry, missing in action
since Nov. 14, 1944, in Germany, according to war department message
to his wife, Mrs. Pearl L. McCrory, Corsicana, Route 4. Formerly
employed at the American Well and Prospecting Company, he entered
the armed forces, February 16, 1944, and went overseas, Sept. 19,
1944. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McCrory, reside at Zion’s
Rest. He is the father of four children, Jean, aged 12 years; Mary
Sue, 9, Jackie, 6; and Claudie Wayne, 4.
S-Sgt. Raymond W. Myrick, U. S. Army, Infantry, missing in action
since Nov. 19, 1944, in Germany, according to telegram received by
his wife, Mrs. Margaret Myrick of Corsicana, from the war
department. He had been in armed forces the past 18 months and
overseas since October. He formerly was employed at the Oil City
Iron Works.
Wounded In Action
Sgt. Greely Aston, 112 North 14th St., Corsicana, wounded in Italy,
recuperated in North Africa hospital.
S-Sgt. Oliver E. Allen, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Allen,
Emhouse-Corsicana, wounded in Central Pacific area.
Pvt. James H. Baldwin, 22, U. S. Army, wounded at Cassino, April 9,
1944, veteran North Africa and Sicilian campaigns. Husband of Mrs.
Pauline Baldwin, Corsicana Route 1; son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Baldwin, Richland Route 1. A brother, Floyd H. Baldwin, U. S. Air
Forces, station in New Guinea.
T-5 William B. Berry, son of Mrs. Letha Berry, Wortham Route 1,
slightly wounded.
Benjamin L. R. Beeman, Kerens, Texas, USNR, wounded in legs while
landing troops at Bougainville and returned to San Diego Naval
Pvt. John W. Bates, U. S. Army, son of C. W. Bates, Emhouse wounded
in Mediterranean area.
William T. Berry, USMCR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Berry, Dawson,
flesh wound in chest, Feb. 18, 1944.
Billy Prince Berry, Cpl. U. S. Marines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Berry, Kerens, recuperating in rest camp from slight hip injury
received in Saipan battle.
S-Sgt. Paul Bell 3rd Armored Division, wounded in France, June 30,
1944, Purple Heart, wife, Helen Bell, Frost, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
C. Bell, Corsicana 4.
Pvt. James H. Carroll, 20, U. S. Army infantry, wounded in Action,
Italy, May 22, 1944. Graduate of Blooming Grove High, football star,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carroll, Richland 1.
First Lt. Bruce Carlton Cagle, 28, U. S. Army infantry, wounded in
action in France, advices July 7 and 15, wounded second time in
France. Purple Heart award. Mobilized, November, 1940.
Sgt. Troy Cooley, wounded in Mediterranean Area early in 1944.
Husband of Mrs. Lucile Cooley, 1113 West 14th avenue, Corsicana,
back in states.
Ensign Washburn Crawford, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover
Crawford, Kerens, wounded in leg in Italy early in March 1944. He
was a skipper of a ship.
Sanford L. Chambers, wounded in action, Mediterranean area,
announced Jan. 27, 1944; wife, Mrs. Melba F. Chambers, Kerens.
Sgt. Brooks, Costlow, wounded, found in ward of hospital in
Australia by his sister, Emma Costlow, also of Corsicana. He had
been wounded in combat.
Pfc. James N. Crawford, U. S. infantry, wounded in France, July 12.
Landed June 6 D-Day—son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Crawford, Corsicana 3.
Received Purple Heart and sent to Hospital in England, learned Sept.
7, 1944.
Troy E. Dixon, chief petty officer, U. S. Navy, entered from Kerens,
wounded, reported Oct. 29, 1942.
Edmond (Si) Deming, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Deming, Corsicana,
both legs and hand injured in jeep accident. Reported on March 29,
Alvin N. Dillard, wounded in action France, June 14, 1944. Son of
Mrs. Maggie M. Dillard.
Maurice Davis, 23, infantry, seriously wounded France, July 31,
hospital in France. Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis, 1116 West 11th
avenue, Corsicana.
Sgt. James C. Allsup, wife, Mrs. Marjorie Allsup, 2312 West Fourth
avenue, wounded in European area.
Sgt. Walter M. Almond, wounded in European Theatre, wife Mrs.
Josephine Almond, Dawson, Route 2.
Cpl. Ed Ellington, paratrooper, 16th, Division, 5th Army, Italy,
wounded June 25 in spine. Hospitalized in Naples. Son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Ellington, Chatfield.
Tech. Sgt. Leonard A. Elkins, infantry, seriously wounded in France,
June 14, 1944, son of Mrs. Nola Elkins, Corsicana. Arrived in
McCloskey Hospital, Temple, Aug. 30, 1944, wounded by 88 shrapnel in
foxhole holding defensive position. Wounds in right shoulder and
Hubert Milan Ashcraft, U. S. Army 7 years, wounded in action, July
15 in France and returned to McCloskey General Hospital, Temple,
Aug. 31, 1944. Overseas 11 months in Ireland, England and France.
Wife resides at Cannel City, Ky.
Homer Fullerton, Jr., army, wounded in action, July 31, in France,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fullerton, Sr., Streetman. Hospitalized in
Lt. Wm. B. Frost, infantry, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Frost, Wortham,
Route 1, slightly wounded in action, May 26, 1943, in North American
area. Athlete. Graduate of Wortham High School.
Pvt. Marshal Franks, 23, infantry, wounded in France, June 23, 1944,
message to parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Franks, Rice.
Lt. James R. Goolsby, wounded in action, North Africa, message July
23, 1943, son of James O. Goolsby, Wortham.
Pvt. Alfred J. Griffin, son of Mrs. Rhoda Griffin, Blooming Grove,
wounded twice—June 13, and Aug. 10, 1944. He joined army in October,
1940 and went overseas to England, November 1943.
Eugene Gable, U. S. Marine, accidently shot in shoulder at rifle
practice, San Diego, Calif.; paralyzed. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Gable, Dawson.
T-Sgt. Hall W. Grimmett, wounded Mediterranean area, son of Joe N.
Grimmett, Corsicana, Route 1, March 13, 1944, and the second time
wounded in Italy, May 29, 1944.
Pvt. Ruben F. Green, wounded in action Mediterranean area. Mother,
Mrs. Martha Green, Kerens.
Sgt. Chas. D. Borsellino, 5th Army, 36th Division; wounded in both
feet. In hospital, Sept. 23, 1944. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul B.
Borsellino of Corsicana.
Pvt. Billy V. Calame, 21, 29th Infantry Division, wounded near St.
Lo, France, July 12, by mortar fragment that killed two and wounded
three soldiers. Landed on D-Day. Entered armed forces Oct. 20, 1943
and went overseas April 6, 1944. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Calame of
Wortham. Brought home to McCloskey General Hospital in Temple.
T-5 Nel Holloway, 29, half-track driver with Seventh Armored
Division; wounded in action Sept. 11 in France. Entered service
February 1942 and went overseas June 1944. Wife resides in
Capt. W. W. Hamilton, 26, Gen. Stillwell’s Chinese-American tank
forces, seriously wounded in action May 12, 1944. Wife Patricia
McGlothlin Hamilton, and son of W. M. Hamilton, are in Corsicana.
Parents are Mayor and Mrs. W. B. Hamilton of Wichita Falls. Now in
hospital in El Paso.
S-Sgt. Mose Herman, wounded in action in Italy, early in 1944. Son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Butler of Corsicana.
Sgt. Altus M. Horn, son of Ellis M. Horn of Dawson, wounded in
action in North Africa, learned here June 17, 1943. Received Purple
Heart and Military Merit decorations.
Leon Howard, army, slightly wounded in Italy. Son of Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Howard of Corsicana. Wound received late in 1943.
Sgt. Roy Hodge, son of Mrs. Eva Hodge Angus, reported wounded in
action in the Mediterranean area, Jan. 4, 1943.
Sgt. Joseph HIghnote, wounded in right side in France, according to
letter written Aug. 24 from a hospital in England.
S-Sgt. Haywood E. Howard, 23, infantry, wounded in action, Sept. 12,
in France. Entered army Sept. 12, in France. Entered army Sept. 8,
1943, and overseas March 3, 1944. Attended Mildred High school. Son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Howard, Corsicana 5.
Sgt. Henry E. Jackson, wounded in action, Mediterranean, according
to information obtained July 24, 1944. Wife, Mrs. Thelma Jackson,
resides in Corsicana.
Robert Jackson, U. S. army, wounded in France in September, 1944,
according to telegram to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Johnson,
Pfc. Sam A. Johnston, infantry, slightly wounded in France Aug. 5,
1944, and awarded Purple Heart decoration. Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Johnston, Corsicana, formerly of Mildred.
Pfc. Albert W. Johnston, army infantry, seriously wounded in action
August 7, in France. Recuperated in hospital in England. Sent Purple
Heart to his mother, sept. 7, 1944. Attended Mildred school. Son of
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Johnston, South Thirteenth street, Corsicana.
Warrant Officer Albert V. Kirkland, wounded slightly in action in
Italy, according to word to wife from war department revealed Jan.
3, 1944.
Carter Kirven, U. S. Navy, wounded Pearl Harbor attack Dec. 7, 1941.
Later was discharged from navy and entered civil service job with
navy on Pacific Coast.
Sgt. Billy Levine broke leg jumping in foxhole to escape falling
bombs, reported May 6, 1944. Returned to McCloskey Hospital in
Temple. Served with the army in Italy.
Theo Montfort, 21, airplane gunner, son of Mrs. Bertha Montfort,
Corsicana wounded over Holland in June 1944.
Pfc. Bob R. McDonald, infantry, 38th Division, seriously wounded in
Italy Dec. 11, 1943. Was inducted Feb. 28, 1941. Son of A. M.
McDonald, 512 North Commerce Corsicana.
Sgt. William Lynn Matthews, Dawson, received seven wounds in the
body when hand grenade exploded in France according to message
received by his mother, Mrs. Clay Matthews. Reported recuperating in
hospital in England Sept. 8, 1944.
Capt. David McElwrath, 4th Division field artillery, wounded in the
leg in France, according to July 20, 1844 report; recuperated in
England and returned to outfit. He is husband of Essie Elizabeth
Slaughter McElwrath of Corsicana.
Pvt. Wiley McClain, army, slightly injured in France, July 29, 1944,
according to report to brother, S. C. McClain, Dawson. He had been
in army four years.
Pfc. Durand O. Mann, lost three fingers of right hand, Nov. 30,
1942, when he fell between freight cars en route to bus station to
return to post at Muskogee, Okla.
Lieut. Gordon A. MacInnes, chaplain, U. S. Navy, escort carrier,
Block Island, sunk in Atlantic and chaplain hurt. Resigned as pastor
of Third Avenue Presbyterian church here to enter services.
Pvt. Robert E. McCleary, 24, field artillery, 36th Division, wounded
twice, Purple Heart and Oak Leaf Cluster, reported Sept. 6, 1944. He
is son of Mrs. Earl McCleary of Kerens. Prior to being mobilized he
attended Kerens schools. He saw action with the 36th in North
Africa, Italy and France.
Pfc. John Milton Miller, 21, field artillery wounded in February,
1944. Purple Heart. He was in the National Guard before it was
mobilized November 1940. He landed at Salerno. Miller is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Miller, 1912 West First avenue, Corsicana.
Sgt. Doyle C. Moore, 27, infantry, wounded Aug. 26, 1944, in France
and returned to hospital in England. He has received Purple Heart.
Rangers Badge and Combat Infantryman’s Badge. Sgt. Moore, the son of
Buford Moore, Corsicana t, landed on Chergourg, D-Day. He entered
the armed forces, November 1941, and went overseas September, 1943.
His outfit was at the front in France 67 days.
John L. McAfee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McAfee of Corsicana, was
wounded in action, July 28, 1943, in North African area and received
Purple Heart decoration, later being returned to the states after
the Sicilian campaign.
Cpl. Eugene Nutt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Nutt, critically injured
in accident at Camp Edwards, Mass., early in February 1943. Later
was discharged from service after losing eyesight in the explosion
at Camp Edwards. Cpl. Nutt was with the National Guard when it was
federalized in November 1940.
Pfc. Daniel B. Nevill, wounded in Mediterranean area, reported June
26, 1944. Son of Mrs. Ora E. Nevill of Corsicana.
James M. Pike, U. S. Army, slightly wounded in action in Italy,
reported Jan. 7, 1944. War department telegram to mother, Mrs.
Nellie M. Pike.
S-Sgt. James C. Perkins, medical corps, seriously injured, February
5, 1944, at Bougainville Island. Brother to Lester Moland of
Blooming Grove.
Pvt. George S. Peden, 30, infantry, seriously wounded in action,
July 13, 1944, in France. Enlisted May 18, 1942 and went overseas in
February, 1944. Son of Jim Peden of Barry and brother of Mary I.
Peden, Barry, Route 2.
Tech. 5th Grade Eulin Parker, wounded in action in Italy, reported
here May 10, 1955. Son of Mrs. Ida Parker, Dawson, Route 2.
Pfc. Frank M. Powell, 21, U. S. Marines, wounded in action, Nov. 23,
1943, in Southwest Pacific, according to information received by
parents, Mr. and Mrs. b. A. Powell, 319 West Tenth avenue.
Pfc. Earl C. Pryor, 22, 36th infantry, wounded in action learned
here Aug. 12, 1944. Awarded Purple Heart and Combat Infantry Badge.
Son of W. W. Pryor, Enlisted in army, October 1940. He was reared at
Sgt. Buford L. Benfield, Corsicana, wounded in action in European
area, according to Associated Press reports. His wife, Ellen I.
Benfield, resides at 713 West Eleventh avenue, Corsicana.
Sgt. Dilbert C. Cox, 24, army, wounded Sept. 11, 1944, in France.
Wife resides at Richland.
Pvt. Joseph H. Cooper, Dawson, wounded in action in European
Theatre, reported Nov. 1, 1944. No details or relatives given
Pfc. Will R. Fulton, 21, seriously wounded in France, Oct. 26, 1944.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fulton, Blooming Grove.
Pfc. Ira T. Fuller, wounded in action, European Theatre, Associated
Press list. Son of Mrs. Anna Fuller, 1507 West Twelfth avenue,
Corsicana, Texas.
Major Jack Griffin U. S. Air Forces, seriously wounded in action,
Sept. 11, 1944, over Germany. Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Griffin,
Blooming Grove. Returned home for re-assignment in October on leave.
Pfc. Billy D. Gorden, 18, Marine wounded on Palau Island, and
brought to Oakland hospital. Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gorden,
Corsicana, Route 1.
Sgt. Olin L. C. Graves, U. S. Army, son of Lester M. Graves, Frost
2, awarded Purple Heart decoration for wounds on Petell Islands in
Palau Group. Reported Nov. 18. Details and extent of wounds not
revealed. Decorated in New Caledonia hospital.
Pfc. Kelton Harris, husband of Lottie Harris, wounded in European
Theatre, newspaper release. Worked at filling station here. Wife is
in Dallas.
Sgt. Roy Miller, 31, infantry. Wounded in action Oct. 20, 1944 in
the Philippine invasion, war department advised his wife, Mrs. Flora
Miller, 1538 West Third avenue. Entered service in June, 1941.
Pfc. Leroy Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reed, Kerens was wounded
in Italy and received Purple Heart, according to announcement Jan.
30, 1944.
S-Sgt. Carmen D. Roxburgh, wounded in Mediterranean area, reported
March 8, 1944. Grandson of George Roxburgh, Corsicana.
Pfc. Homer L. Reeve sounded in action, Mediterranean area, reported
Jan. 29, 1944. Sister, Mrs. J. L. Parrish, resides at Rice, Route 1.
Lt. Chris L. Roper, wounded in both legs, shrapnel, in France,
announced Aug. 1, 1944. Brother of Mrs. A. E. Garland. Wife resides
in Dallas. Formerly attended SMU and worked at K. Wolens.
1-C Gunner’s Mate Vernard J. Roe, wounded, reported May 3, 1944.
Recovered and back on duty with U. S. Navy. Son of Constable and
Mrs. T. J. Roe of Corsicana. Assigned to shore duty in November
Cpl. Lee A. Robinson, 34d Armored Tank Division; wounded Sept. 1,
1944, shrapnel in hip in France, and hospitalized. Son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Robinson, 1605 West Seventh avenue, Corsicana.
S-Sgt. Andrew Lee Steele, son of Mrs. Effie Steele, Streetman Route
1; had been wounded twice in Italy and the Purple Heart decoration
was sent to his mother, March 24, 1944.
Pfc. Clifton M. Sharrer, 26th Division; wounded in leg May 14, 1944,
in Italy. Wife resides at Overton. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sharrer,
Kerens. He was with Kerens National Guard when it was mobilized
November 1940.
Major Richard D. Salter, wounded in action Oct. 16, 1942. Hit Jap
cruiser at Kiska. Later missing in Asiatic area and arrived home
safely April 1944. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Salter, Corsicana and
Pfc. Eugene Sheppard, Marine; wounded learned here March 17, 1944.
Nephew of Mrs. Laura Hampton, 118 South Twenty-Sixth street,
Pvt. Alvis D. Sykes, wounded in Mediterranean area. Reported here
Dec. 7, 1943. Wife, Mrs. Sylvia G. Sykes, resides on Corsicana route
S-Sgt, Billy W. Starnes, 26, seriously wounded in action Aug. 6,
1944, on Guam Island. Infantry. Graduate 1935 of Corsicana High.
Served three years in cavalry, 1936-1939, and re-enlisted in 1939.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Starnes, 312 North Ninth street,
Cpl. J. Howard Shivers, 36th Division; wounded in left leg by
machine gun in Italy, reported March 1, 1944. Son of Mr. and Mrs. T.
P. Shivers.
Pfc. Gideon Taylor, Marines; wounded in Solomon Islands area in
head, losing sight of one eye. Reported Nov. 28, 1942. Wife resides
with parents, County Commissioner and Mrs. Jim Taylor, near
Corsicana, while Taylor overseas. Arrived home April 6, 1943, from
hospital with honorable discharge and returned to work for Humble
Oil and Refining Company in East Texas.
Vernon Webb Turner, radioman, 1-C U. S. Navy, wounded; reported Nov.
1, 1943. Son of Vernon Orville Webb, Streetman.
First Lieut. James. B. Teer, wounded, European area. Son of Mrs.
Ellen Teer, Dawson, Reported Sept. 11, 1944.
S-Sgt. William Z. Vargo, seriously wounded in action Oct. 31, 1944,
in France. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vargo, Corsicana, Route 2. In
army four years, overseas for second time in July.
Pfc. Bennie F. Vaughn, 24, son of Mrs. Ettie F. White, Athens;
seriously wounded in Italy June 6, 1944. Member of Athens National
Guard unit mobilized November, 1940 with 36th Division. Native of
Navarro county.
Pfc. Hersell Wilson, husband of Mrs. H. T. Wilson, 1312 West Tenth
avenue, wounded in action and recuperated in English hospital.
Reported July t, 1943, awarded Purple Heart.
Pvt. John L. Woodland, seriously wounded March 9, 1944 in action in
Italy. Son of Mrs. Etta Woodland of Blooming Grove. Awarded Purple
Pvt. Troy K. Williams, wounded in North Africa. Brother of Mrs. J.
T. Andrews, Kerens, Route 2.
Pfc. Albert D. Watkins, Barry; wounded in Italy reported Oct. 27,
1943. Husband of Lillian D. Watkins, Barry.
Sgt. Clifton O. Whitley, wounded in Mediterranean area; announced
Nov. 29, 1943. Son of Mrs. Alice Whitley, Corsicana, Route 5.
Lieut. George A. Watkins, critically injured Jan. 29, 1944, when
B-24 plane crashed at Colorado Springs, Colo. Five crewmen killed
and three injured. Son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Watkins, Emhouse.
Alfred Willoughby, wounded in Mediterranean area; announced Feb. 28,
1944. Son of Mrs. Leta Willoughby.
S-Sgt. Lloyd R. Williams, 1937 graduate of State Home here; received
Purple Heart; announced Oct. 18, 1943. Student in Sam Houston State
Teachers College, Huntsville, when mobilized November 1940. July 27,
1944, wounded in foot in Italy with 36th Division and promoted on
battlefield from technical sergeant to second lieutenant for
leadership shown.
Pfc. Cecil L. Williamson, awarded Bronze Medal for gallantry in
action ; announced October 28, 1944. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Williamson, 816 South Eighteenth and One-Half street, Corsicana.
S-Sgt. Charles Hodge, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hodge, Eureka;
slightly wounded in action in Holland, Nov. 3, 1944, according to
war department.
S-Sgt. Jack White, awarded Silver Star for gallantry in action,
August 20, 1944, in France and Purple Heart for wounds received in
action Sept. 20, 1944 in Germany; message to parents Mr. and Mrs.
Joe White revealed. Enlisting in January 1940, he has 28 months
overseas duty, including the North African, French, Belgium and
German drives. He is in an English hospital suffering from shrapnel
wounds in the leg and foot.
Pfc. Harold E. Cagle, 22, army; wounded in South Pacific area, May
28, 1944. Awarded Purple Heart decoration. Wife and 10 months old
son reside at Dawson. He is the son of the late Leon Cagle of
Cpl. Glen Franks, 24, U. S. army; wounded in action during invasion
of Philippines according to information from war department received
by his wife, Mrs. Audie Franks, 308 Blevins, Fort Worth. Entered
armed forces Oct. 31, 1942. He is the son of Mrs. M. D. Clarkston,
616 North Fourteenth street, Corsicana, and had been overseas four
Lieut. Wade Blackford, U. S. infantry, 90th Division. Patton’s Third
Army, wounded according to information, revealed Nov. 28, 1944, to
his wife, Virginia Wright Blackford, Corsicana. His home is in
Arlington, Va. The officer had been overseas since June, 1955. The
time and extent of the wounds received by Lt. Blackford were not
revealed in the message.
Billy Joe Smith, U. S. Marines, is recuperating in a navy hospital
somewhere in the South Pacific, from his second wounding, according
to information from the navy to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. S.
Smith, Corsicana, revealed Dec. 1, 1944. He has been overseas 10
Pvt. Kenneth L. Blacklidge, U. S. Marines; wounded according to navy
notification to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond L. Blacklidge of
Richland; revealed Dec. 2, 1944. Time and extent of wounds not
Sgt. Johnny Chirafis, U. S. army, has received the Purple Heart
decoration for wounds received in action in Italy, according to
information received here recently by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Chirafis. Details and the time of the wounds were not revealed
in the announcement.
Pvt. Charles Henry Harrison, 20, U. S. Army, Infantry, 79th
Division, was wounded in action Nov. 14, 1944, in France according
to a government telegram and letter received by the parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Harrison of Corsicana. A shrapnel wound was received in the
hip. A 1941 Corsicana High graduate. Harrison entered the armed
forces March 29, 1944 and went overseas Sept. 14, 1944.
Steve Thompson of Corbet, U. S. armed forces, has been wounded in
action in Germany, according to information received by his wife of
Corbet, it was revealed Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1944. He is the first
Corbet boy wounded in the present war.
Pfc. Jack Holloway, 19, U. S. Army was seriously wounded in action
Nov. 19, 1944, in France, according to a war department telegram
received by his mother, Mrs. Mittie Holloway, 817 South Eighteenth
and One-Half street, Corsicana. He had been in the armed forces two
years and went overseas in September 1944. He attended State Home
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams