WALTER J. BLACKMON Walter J. Blackmon,
an old settler of Navarro county, was born in Alabama, October 2, 1847, and was
then first child in a family of two born to Benjamin F. and Mary E. (Jones)
Blackmon, natives of South Carolina and Virginia, respectively. The Blackmon
family is reckoned among the first families of South Carolina and the Jones
family were among the old settlers of Virginia. Both families were large and
influential and the sons became wealthy planters. The maternal grandfather of
our subject, John C. Jones, was an early Baptist minister of Alabama. B. F.
Blackmon came to Texas in 1853, and settled in Freestone, near Fairfield. He was
a physician and practiced in a small way, but devoted most of his time to
farming and stock-raising. Mr. Blackmon was not an advocate of the late war, but
as his interests were identified with the South and his home was there he
espoused the cause of his section, and in 1863 he joined the Confederate
service, under Captain Bradley, and served until the close of the war, being
stationed in the southern part of the State. After that cessation of hostilities
he resumed his occupation and continued farming as his principal vocation until
his death, in 1888, at the age of sixty-three. In 1874 he was elected to
represent his county in the State Legislature, having moved to this county in
1860. At the time of the nomination, Mr. Blackmon was not at the convention and
was unaware that his name was being placed before it, and when notified that he
was the Democratic nominee for the Legislature he was completely surprised. He
had always been a man of irreproachable character, and he served his term with
credit to himself and the entire satisfaction of the people, and when
summoned to his home above it could be said of him, "Thou good and faithful
servant, who among us is worthy to take thy place?" He was a prominent Master
Mason and his death was mourned by the people of Navarro county. His wife died
in 1883, at the age of fifty-three years. She was a member of the Baptist Church
and of her two children, one was our subject and the other, John T., is a
merchant of Eureka of this county. Walter J. attended
school for fifteen months at Fairfield, and at that time had to ride five miles,
morning and night. His educational advantages were somewhat limited, but he
enjoyed five months at Baylor University, at Waco. Arriving at man's
estate he has assiduously applied himself, and is now one of the best posed min
in the county. He was reared to farm life on his father's place, and in 1864 he
joined Company A., of Colonel Timmon's regiment and served at Galveston. After
the war he returned to this county, where his father had moved in 1860, and
remained here until his twenty first birthday. He was
married November 7, 1867, to Miss Fannie D. Johnston, a native of Ireland and a
daughter of D. J. and Isabella (Milling) Johnston. They came to America when
their daughter was an infant, settled in Alabama and before the way moved to
this State and located in Leon county, where Mr. Johnston died. Mrs. Johnston
moved to this county in 1866, and here her daughter was married. Mr. and Mrs.
Johnston were the parents of six children, namely: William M., a member of
the State Legislature and a prominent attorney of Leon county, resides in
Centerville; Mary H., deceased, was the wife of Robert Hall; David J., of this
county; Catherine; Thomas M., deceased; Isabella is the wife of James M. Hopper,
one of the editorial staff of the Louisville Courier Journal; and Fannie D.,
wife of our subject. Mrs. Johnston died in 1888. After
marriage Mr. Blackmon engaged in farming for four years and for four years
more he handled stock in connection with his farm. In 1880 he engaged in
mercantile business at Eureka and continued for seven years, during which time
he did not pay much attention to farming. Since closing out his mercantile
business he has engaged extensively in horse-raising. He has been a man who has
taken quite an active interest in Politics, but has never asked for any office.
He has a fine farm of 650 acres, wit 125 under a fine state of cultivation, and
his raising of fine horses and mules has become an important industry. He and
his wife have three children, namely: Paul J., a merchant of Eureka; James S.,
who lives in Corsicana; and Mary B., who is at home. Mr. Blackmon has a home in
Corsicana, where his family reside, and he and his wife are members of the
old-school Presbyterian Church, in which he is a Deacon. In politics he is a
Democrat. Notes:
