Electrician Carl P. Bruner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Bruner, of Frost, Texas, was born at Kerens, Texas, March 5,
1900. He received his education in the public schools, being a graduate of
Frost High School, and also spending one year at Baylor University.
Volunteered for service with the United States Navy and on May 2, entered as an
apprentice seaman and trained at the Great Lakes, in Illinois, two months; was
then sent to Harvard University, where he completed a course in the Naval Radio
School and was promoted to Radio Electrician of the Second Class. He was
then assigned to sea duty on the U.S.S. New Mexico, going to many European
ports, and with which ship he remained until he received his discharge, March
26, 1919.
History of Texas World War Heroes