My Great Grandmother Louise
Lutita Willis Campbell Byrdie Jane Campbell’s mother She was born March 18,1851 in Navarro, County, Texas. Lutitia married
Joseph P. Campbell September 15, 1869. She died on October 23, 1928, and is buried in the Campbell-Elrod
Cemetery, Navarro, County, Texas. Her father was William E Willis, born May 22, 1822 in
Tennessee. He married Mary Jane Lemmon in 1845. William died August 28, 1873, and is buried at the Campbell-Elrod Cemetery, Navarro, County, Texas. His wife Mary Jane died October 28,1914, in Freestone, County, Texas.
“In loving memory of our dear grandmother, Mrs. L. L. Campbell:”
The death angel visited our home on October 23, 1928, and took from us
our darling grandmother. She was sick almost three months. All was done
that loving hands could do but God saw fit to call her home.
She was seventy-seven years of age. She was born in Navarro county on
March 18, 1851. She has lived in and around Corsicana all her life and
at the time of her death she lived at 524 North Commerce street.
She lived a true Christian life. She joined the church when she was a
small girl. She belonged to the Methodist church at Drane, where she was
lovingly laid to rest among those who have preceded her.
She was married to J. P. Campbell on September 15, 1869. To this union
were born eight children, six of whom are still living.
She leaves to mourn her death, one brother, six children, a number of
grandchildren and great grandchildren, other relatives and a host of
friends for she was loved by all that knew her. Grandmother had a smile
and a kind word for every one.
Death has stroked its icy hands
On one we loved so well;
And took her home to heaven,
Forever there to dwell.
Our darling grandmother has left us,
She has gone to live on high;
She is living in that country,
Where they never say good-bye.
No more will we hear her laugh,
Or those smiles so bright to see;
But up in the glory world,
Her we hope to see.
Grandmother from us is gone,
A voice we loved is still;
A place is vacant in our home,
That never can be filled.
Now let’s all live for Jesus,
And meet her over there;
Where all is peace and joy,
In that home so bright and fair.
She is free from pain and troubles,
She is wrapped in spotless white;
She will live forever with Jesus,
In that land of pure delight.
When our journey here is ended
And our Saviour calls us home;
Let us be prepared to meet her
In that bright and happy home
Farewell, grandmother, sweet thy rest,
Weary with health and suffered pain;
Farewell, till in that happy place
We shall behold they face again.
Written by her loving granddaughter,
Erma McDowell.

Campbell-Elrod Cemetery,
Navarro County, Texas