The following
text was copied from "Corsicana Texas - Compliments of Will S.
Knight, Chief of Police". Pictures for this page were
taken from an original copy. The entire book was reprinted in the
Navarro County Scroll (1991 - 1992) and is used here with permission
of the Navarro County Historical
An oil town's transient
population cannot be picked or carefully chosen and the lawless
element that invariably comes into such places is sometimes supreme
in its low line of endeavor. However, Corsicana goes
tranquilly on, giving hardly a thought as to what the situation
might be if it were not for its ultra-efficient police department;
an organization that moves so quietly and smoothly that the
thoroughness with which it works is taken for granted. In
fact, a stranger entering the city for the first time would have
difficulty in discovering its main livelihood if it were not for the
tall derricks towering over its suburbs.
It has been truly said that
no business is better than its head, and the same thing is just as
true of a police department; it is no better than its chief.
Will S. Knight, chief of police of the City of Corsicana for the
past seventeen years, has no peer as a guardian of the law in the
entire Southwest.
Began Career Early in Life
Chief Knight began his
career as a peace officer when only a lad, in 1897, serving as a
deputy under Robert J. Allen who was at that time sheriff of Navarro
County. Upon Mr. Allen's retirement in 1900, the Mayor
and City Council of Blooming Grove, Texas, appointed Mr. Knight city
marshal of that municipality. His service proved so eminently
satisfactory that in April of 1901, he was elected by the people to
the same position and continued his work as City Marshal of Blooming
Grove until November of 1902, when he resigned and returned to
Corsicana to act as deputy to Sheriff J. J. Hale for a period of two
In 1904 Chief Knight
accepted a position as patrolman on the Corsicana police force, and
served in this capacity until 1906, when he was appointed Chief of
Police, which place he has held continuously until now.
When Mr. Knight assumed his
duties as Chief, his staff consisted of four men besides himself.
A year later he added a mounted patrolman and has gradually been
building up his force until now he has more than twenty men.
The equipment of the department has increased from probably a couple
of horses to two motor cars, one motorcycle, several horses and
other paraphernalia necessary to the department.
Has Worked Out Two Wonderful
Since his inauguration,
seventeen years ago, Chief Knight has perfected tow valuable systems
for his department that are unequaled in any city the size of
Corsicana in the South. By merely pushing an electric switch
he is able to talk to any of his patrolmen on duty, within from one
to two minutes and sometimes in only a few seconds. This
device keeps the Chief in constant touch with every man on duty both
day and night.
The other, his system of
complete filing of all police records. When a patrolman goes
on his beat he is given printed slips, one of which must be filled
out whenever an arrest is made or when there is a disturbance of any
kind in his territory. When he goes off duty he must
turn his data over to the officer on the desk who in turn transfers
these reports to permanent records that are filed each day in Chief
Knight's private office. Records are thus kept of every arrest
made in the city, and without delay Chief Knight can give detailed
information concerning any arrest that has been made by his
department since 1915, when the system was installed.
Another feature of Chief
Knight's filing system is evidenced in the reports he prepares for
the grand jury. Each case is described in minute detail and so
thoroughly worked out that they can be laid before this
investigation body in a very short time.
Never Had a Prisoner Escape
Probably the outstanding
feature of Chief Knight's career as a peace officer is that during
his long period of service he has never had a prisoner escape.
Chief Knight contends that there is no legitimate excuse for the
escape of a prisoner while being transported from one point to
another or while under the surveillance of an officer of the law,
and if such should occur in his department the man responsible would
be immediately dismissed.
When a man applies to Chief
Knight for a place on his force he is asked a number of questions
which he must satisfactorily answer. Each applicant must be of
proven honesty before he is even considered for appointment.
Following the employing of a new man, he is kept under close
observation at all times to see that he attends strictly to his
duties and if he proves to be unworthy he is summarily
discharged. During the first six months of a man's
service as an employee of the police department he is styled a
probationary patrolman.
Makes Enviable Record
Chief Knight has an enviable
record for recovering stolen automobiles. His most
successful year was in 1921, when every car stolen in and around
Corsicana was returned to its owner.
An intimate friend of Chief
Knight has remarked that the Chief works harder and talks less than
any officer he has ever known. Even Mr. Knight's own men at
times are surprised when the personal investigations of their chief
culminate in the jailing of guilty persons. Chief Knight is a
very retiring gentleman, never seeking to exploit his own
achievements in any manner and certainly never encouraging any kind
of notoriety for either his department or himself. His motto
is: "A man who attends to his own business has a good steady
job," and the public is well aware of the fact that it can at
all items get unparalleled service from its police department.
Testimonial of Efficiency
In a recent case which the
Chief handled personally and that terminated in the arrest of a
notorious gang of "safe-crackers" and "hold-up"
men, a leading business man in Corsicana, who had been robbed, made
the statement that money paid for outside protection was wasted, as
the City's own police department always has done the work on which
the outside organizations had failed. A prominent insurance
man added that all of his investigations had been made by Chief
Knight and his department, and that the companies which he
represented were well pleased with the services they had received,
and were loud in their praise for Chief Knight.
Mr. Knight is a member of
the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and in1914 was
elected president of the Chiefs of Police and City Marshals
Association of Texas. After serving the allotted one year in
that capacity he was made a member of the executive committee of the
later organization, which post he has held until a year ago when he
failed to attend the convention.
The foregoing is an
innovated way of expressing the fact that Chief Will S. Knight is
considered by the law-abiding citizens of his city as the one man to
occupy and hold the high place to which he has been appointed.
The fact of his long years of service in itself proves that the
judgment of the mayors and city commissioners whom he has served in
the past as well as the ones under whom he is now serving, was sound
when they named him Chief of Police for Corsicana. During his
entire tenure of office there has never been any friction between
the mayors and commissioners and the police department.
Will S. Knight
Mar. 17, 1875 - June 20, 1936
Will S. Knight, 60, Corsicana's Chief For 30 Years, Dies
Veteran Police Official, Native of Leon County, Will Be Buried
CORSICANA, Texas, June 20 - Will S. Knight, 60, police chief for
thirty years, died Saturday. Funeral services will be held at the
First Christian Church Sunday at 5 p.m. The Rev. Tom Lenox of
Sweetwater, former pastor of the First Christian Church here, will
conduct the services, assisted by the Rev. O.W. Reece, pastor.
Chief Knight was born in Leon County and spent his early life there.
While in his teens, he moved to Navarro County and lived at Blooming
Grove, Cryer Creek and other communities before moving to Corsicana.
He was named as Deputy Sheriff by Sheriff Bob Allen before he was 21
and spent the rest of his life as a peace officer. Knight was
elected City Marshal at Blooming Grove in 1900 and was renamed in
1901-1902 and in September, 1902, he resigned the marshalship to
become a deputy under Sheriff Joe Hale.
In 1901, Knight was named on the city police force by the late Mayor
E.O. Call. He was named chief of the department in 1906 and had held
the post continuously since. From 1906 to 1918 when a new city
charter was adopted, he was appointed annually but after that date,
his assignment came biannually. His last appointment was on April 7,
1936, for two years. After receiving his twenty-second appointment
to his post this year, he pointed out a dissenting vote never was
cast against him by a member of the City Commission.
Chief Knight was active in State and national peace officer
organizations. He served as president of the Texas Chiefs of Police
and City Marshals' Association in 1911. He was named third
vice-president of the association in 1934. He was a member of the
International Association of Chiefs of Police, and for several years
was one of the vice-presidents for Texas of the Sheriffs and Police
Officers' Association of America.
He was a member of the First Christian Church of Corsicana, the
B.P.O.E., Knights of Pythias, I.O.O.F. and other fraternal
organizations. His wife survives.
June 21, 1936
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- Will
S. Knight (17 Mar 1875 - 20 June 1936) & wife Maude Spivey
Knight (8 Dec 1884 - 2 Dec 1957) buried at the
Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX (Section G. Row 6) ...additional info elw
Will S. Knight, aged 60 years, Corsicana police chief for the past
30 years, died in the Navarro clinic Saturday morning at 10 o’clock
following several days serious illness. He had been in ill health
for some time.
Funeral services will be held from the First Christian church Sunday
afternoon at 5 o’clock with interment in
Rev. Tom Lenox, now of Sweetwater, former pastor of the First
Christian church here, will conduct the services, assisted by Rev.
O. W. Reece, pastor of the church.
Active pallbearers will be A. G. Elliott, W. T. McElwee, N. F.
Garrett, R. L. Wheelock, C. W. Taylor, Claude Cunningham, Ed M.
Polk, Sr., Wesley Edens and Ed Rittersbacher.
Honorary pallbearers will be all city officials and employees and
friends of the family.
Chief Knight was born in Leon county in 1876 and spent his early
life there. While still in his teens, he moved to Navarro county and
resided in Blooming Grove, Cryer Creek and other communities prior
to moving to Corsicana. He was named as deputy sheriff by Sheriff
Bob Allen before he reached his twenty-first birthday and spent the
remainder of his life as a peace officer. Mr. Knight was elected
city marshal at Blooming Grove in 1900 and was renamed in 1901-1902
and in Sept., 1902 he resigned the marshalship to become a deputy
under Sheriff Joe Hale.
Named Chief in 1906.
In 1904, Knight was named on the Corsicana city police force by the
late E. O. Call, mayor at that time, Knight was named chief of the
department in 1906 and had held the post continuously since that
time. From 1906 to 1918, when a new city charter was adopted, he was
appointed annually, but after that date his assignment came
biennially. His last appointment was on April 7, 1936, for two
years. After receiving his twenty-second appointment to his post
this year, he proudly pointed to the fact that he had never had a
dissenting vote cast against him by a member of the city commission.
During his term of office, the chief several years ago estimated
that he had handled well over 5,000 men and women with criminal
records, and his career carried his service through the years of the
oil booms in Corsicana and vicinity which attracted hundreds of
undesirable characters to this section.
Identification Bureau
One of his proudest accomplishments was the installation of an
identification bureau a number of years ago which now has on file
thousands of records, photographs and fingerprint classifications of
persons with criminal records both in Texas and other sections of
the United States.
Chief Knight had been active in state and national peace officer
organizations. He served as president of the Texas Chiefs of Police
and City Marshall’s association in 1911 after serving in minor
capacities for several years. He was named as third vice president
of the association in 1934. He was a member of the International
Association of Chiefs of Police, and for several years was one of
the vice presidents for Texas of the Sheriffs and Police Officers
association of America.
He was a member of the First Christian church of Corsicana, also of
the B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F., and other
fraternal organizations.
Surviving are his wife, nee Miss Maude Spivey of Blooming Grove, and
a number of other relatives.
Was of Kindly Nature.
Although stern and uncompromising when dealing with criminals who
sought to evade the law and the consequences of their crimes, Chief
Knight was known as a man of tender sentiment and kindliness by
those who knew him best and had opportunities to know the friendly
side of the man. Even those who broke the law and came in contact
with him as offenders often praised his absolute fairness and
justice. There was nothing vindicative in his nature—just a
faithfulness to his duty as guardian of the public as their chief
law enforcement officer.
He loved his home and whenever his duties permitted he could be
found at his own fireside. Truly a real man in every sense of the
word and his passing will be keenly felt in all walks of the city’s
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home is in charge.
(Spivey) Knight
Dec 8, 1884 - Dec 2, 1957
Wednesday Rites For Mrs. Knight
Funeral services for Mrs. Will S. Knight , widow of the late
Corsicana police chief, native of Blooming Grove, will be held from
the First Christian Church Wednesday at 3 p.m. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Dr. Ambrose Edens of TCU, interim pastor
of the church.
Mrs. Knight died in the Navarro Clinic Monday morning. She was
stricken Saturday morning in her automobile near the post office and
was rushed to the clinic.
She was long active in the First Christian church, serving as
president of the Women's Missionary Society and as a teacher of a
couples class in the Sunday School for years.
Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. J. H. Brooks, Corsicana; Mrs. Frank
B. Taylor, Blooming Grove; Mrs. J. T. Fitzgerald, Port Neches; and
Mrs. J. W. Stokes, Memphis, Texas, and a number of other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Wesley Eden, Jr.; C. B. Haley, Albert Fullerton,
Byron Harwell , Allen Breithaupt and Perry McCammon.

Marker Photo by Karen

Marker Photo by Karen

Marker Photo by Karen