1956- The Britton Dawson Family
- Early Winkler History
- Indian Life in Navarro County, Texas
- Early Dresden
- Chatfield, Texas
- What Use Coffin?
- A Short History of the Corsicana Shallow Oil Field
- Navarro County Indians
- Navarro County Historical Society - Charter members
1963- Beginning of Corsicana
- The Mail Went Through - The Early Post Offices of Navarro County
- The Episcopal Church in Corsicana, Texas
- Where are the Others? A Brief Survey of the Schools of Navarro County
- The Red River Campaign
1965 The Centennial Issue - The War Between the States 1861-1865
1968- Music in Navarro County
- History as Reflected in Newspapers
- History of the Flag that inspired the writing of the Star Spangled Banner
- By-gone Era of Corsicana
- Clan Kerr: The Last Thousand Years
- Excavations of Caddo Indian Burial Sites
- The Halbert House
- Pioneer Village Museum Catalog
1969- The Horrell - Higgins Feud
- Navarro County before 1900
- Remarks on a Book Written by a Member
- Black Diamond [with additional related stories from other sources]
- Forty Years Reporting
- Collecting Guns That Were Used by Early Texans
- Administrators of Corsicana Public Schools 1881 - 1967
- Inventory - Pioneer Village
- Dedication of Jester Markers
- Petroleum Industry Park Dedication
- Tribute to Richard W. Knight
- Constitution and By-Laws of Navarro County Historical Society
1970- Autograph Party Honoring J. M. Dawson
- Corsicana's Contribution to the Confederacy
- The Rocks of our Earth
- Early Corsicana Movie Theaters
- Historic Watches and Clocks of Navarro County
- History of Oil Industry in Navarro County
- Chambers Creek Levee Districts
- History of Jackson High School
1972- The Story of Jose Antonio Navarro in Memory of Alva Taylor
- Welcome by Wyvonne Putman
- Corsicana Story
- Ethan Melton Story
- Alva Taylor Story
- The Britt Dawson and George W. Hill
- Jose Antonio Navarro, The Man
- Summation of Appreciation
- Navarro Pageant for 1976
- Corsicana Natatorium
- A Brief History of the Pecan
- Highlight of 1972
- Faith of Our Father's Heritage in Story and Picture
- NJC - Dr. Hames Hardin Siske History Class and Students impression of Pioneer Village
- Charlie M. is given a final Resting Place in the Pioneer Village
- An old Fashoned Christmas in Story and Picture
- Articles of Aquiration, cataloged by Eva Putman
1973- In Memory of J. T. Glass
- Dr. J. M. Dawson Memorial
- Rural Shade
- History of Cosmetology
- The Journal of a Merchant written in 1865
- Summary of a Century, the United Methodist Church of Blooming Grove, 1873-1973
- The Assessment of the Navarro County Historical Survey Commission
- Powell Oil Field Memorial Dedication (marker text)
- Pioneer Village Restoration, Love offering of Navarro County firms and individuals after the tornado, 1973
- Catalog of Accession of Pioneer Village
1976- In Memoriam, Drew Gillen
- The Sheriffs of Navarro County
- Dresden United Methodist Church
- Samuel David Andrew
- Westminster Presbyterian Church
- Ladies Home Industry Club Minutes
1978- A Brief History of the Town of Dawson
- Burleson Family Cemetery
- Annie Carpenter Love [author of A History of Navarro County, published 1933]
- The University Training School
- Robert Calvert
- The Lawrence Family Cemetery
- History of Powell - Includes Tribute to Louis P. Hodge, former President
1980- Farewell to Eva Clark Putnam
- Navarro County Historical Society Progress Report - 1980
- Historical Marker Program
- The Edison Scholarship Contest
- History of St. John's Episcopal Church
- R. N. White
- First Baptist Church
- Pleasant Grove Methodist Church
- Diary of Jacob Elliot
- Civil War Soldiers of Navarro County
1982 - 83- Brief History of Blooming Grove
- J. M. Polk Civil War Memoirs From the North and South [written in 1914 by J. M. Polk of Austin, Texas]
- Navarro County History - Anglo American Immigration 1820 to 20th Century
- Members of Co. I, Fourth Texas Infantry, Hood's Brigade, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, organized at Corsicana July 1861
- Kirkpatrick Diary
- Corsicana 100 Years
- Alexander Beaton
- Rice Cemetery
- Dates of Navarro County History
1989- Introduction
- Geology
- Agriculture
- Number & Distribution of Inhabitants
- Composition & Characteristics of Population
- Occupations of Inhabitants
- Civic Considerations
- Assessed Valuations
- Tax Rates
- Bonded Indebtedness
- Building Valuations
- U.S. Post Office Statistics
- Educational Facilities
- Climatic Conditions
- Labor Considerations
- Financial Considerations
- Economic Factors
- Real Estate Considerations
- Transportation Facilities
- Manufacturing
- Wholesale & Retail Trade
- Market Considerations
- Public Utilities
- Manufacturing Facilities
- New Types of Industries Recommended
- Forecasted Development
- Conclusion
- Maps
1991 - 1992
1993 - 1994