The following text was copied from
"Corsicana Texas - Compliments of Will S. Knight, Chief of Police". Pictures for this page were taken from an original copy. The entire book was reprinted in the Navarro County Scroll (1991 - 1992) and is used here with permission of the Navarro County Historical Society.
A speedy trial for any misdemeanor, no matter how trivial, is the aim of H. S. Melear, judge of Corsicana's Corporation Court. Any
person, who has been placed under arrest can be tried upon arrival at the police station.
Judge Melear was born in Lincoln County Tennessee, August 26, 1858, and came to Texas ten years later. He settled in Navarro County where he received a splendid education at the hands of private tutors. In November of 1885, Judge Melear entered the school teaching profession and served as
principal of the Kerens and Blooming Grove schools until he was given the principalship of the Corsicana High School. He served as principal of the high school until he was elected Superintendent of Public Schools, which position he held until 1902, when he resigned to begin the practice of law. From 1906 to 1910, he acted as assistant prosecuting attorney of Navarro County. Three years later Judge Melear was appointed
Judge of the Corporation Court here, and has served in this capacity continuously since that time. On October 30, 1889, he was married to Miss Artemesia Dobbs of this county. They have two children. Judge Melear is truly an advocate of speedy justice and has bent every effort in that
direction. It will be noted from his length of service that he is not only a man who can be trusted implicitly to fulfill all the duties of his office, but is also a man who will gladly go into all the details connected with his court. |