Lieut. Roark
Montgomery, of Corsicana, was born October 6, 1895, and was educated
in the Emhouse High School and the A. & M. College.
Entered the service July 15, 1917. Trained at Washington, D.
C. and was assigned to the U. S. S. Salem and was in convoy service
between Boston and the Canal Zone. At time data was gathered
he was still in service, on duty as Paymaster on the U. S. S. Salem. History of Texas World War Heroes - World War 1
Roark Montgomery, Sr.
Oct 6, 1895 - Feb 21,

The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wed., Aug 4, 1948
- Submitted
Diane Richards
h/o Jewell (Carroll)
Corwin-Montgomery; s/o Morrison T. Montgomery & Addie Viola (DeRusha)
Montgomery buried in Pattison cemetery, Emhouse, TX
Montgomery Is Improved;
Need Blood Donors
Roark Montgomery, Sr.,
who underwent surgery in
Baylor hospital Monday
night and Tuesday
morning was reported
considerably improved
Friday night.
Additional blood
donations are needed and
arrangements have been
made for taking of the
blood at Memorial
hospital laboratory.
Retired Navy Captain
Dies After Surgery
Roark Montgomery, Sr.,
69, retired United
States Navy Captain,
realtor, 1555 West Fifth
avenue, died in Baylor
hospital in Dallas
Sunday afternoon
following major surgery
earlier in the week.
Funeral services are
scheduled from the
Corley Chapel Monday at
4 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Sidney
Roberts, pastor of the
First Methodist church
of which he was a
Born, October 6, 1895 at
Emhouse, Montgomery
graduated from Texas A.
and M. College and then
entered the Navy,
serving in both World
Wars I and II, retiring
in 1948, returning to
Corsicana to reside.
Montgomery was active in
civic and other circles
and served once as a
city commissioner. He
was active in the
Johnson-Wiggins Post No.
22, past post commander.
He was engaged in real
estate for several
A week ago he was
elected as chairman of
the Salvation Army
advisory board and was
scheduled to have been
installed Tuesday night
had he not become ill.
The banquet-meeting has
been postponed until
March 23. He served as
vice chairman of the
advisory board in 1964
and had been active in
this work for years.
Surviving are his wife
of Corsicana; three
sons, Roark Montgomery,
Jr., Corsicana; Carroll
Montgomery, Abilene and
Hank L. Corwin, Waco;
six grandchildren; a
brother, Sam Montgomery,
Dallas; two sisters,
Miss Linnie Kate
Montgomery, Dallas, and
Mrs. F. C. Chiapetti,
Flagstaff, Ariz., and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be
Ernest Moore, Doyle
Collins, Bob Lavender,
Bob Gladney, Ben
Blackmon, Dick Everett,
Granville Carroll,
Roosevelt Pease, Alton
Justiss and T. L.