Left photo George W. Summers born 1837 died August 04, 1864 in
Confederate Army Hospital Wilderness, VA. George W. Summers was married to Mary C.
Roach in Rome, Floyd, GA. George was the brother of Louis Summers.
Right photo Louis Stewart Summers born July 17, 1844 Cobb County, GA.
died March 19, 1928 in Corsicana, Navarro, Texas. He married Florence V.
Roach in Rome, Floyd, GA. Louis Summers enlisted on February 15, 1864 in Strawberry Plains
Tennessee where his brother was already located with the Co. H. 8th Regiment
Volunteer Infantry ( known as the Floyd Infantry). From all records the above
picture was taken at camp while waiting for orders to reinforce General Lee at
Wilderness, VA.
Photographers were known to follow the camp sites and take pictures.
Louis Stewart Summers
Jul. 17, 1844 - Mar. 19, 1928

Louis Summers, lived in Corsicana.
He is buried at the Civil War Veterans Section
of the Oakwood
Cemetery in Corsicana, TX.
Corbet, Texas. April 26, 1926.
The Sun-Light Publishing Co.
Corsicana, Texas.
Gentlemen:--I should like to have a small space in your paper seeing
nothing from this part of the moral vineyard for quite awhile and
our annual reunion at Birmingham is so near at hand it brings back
to my mind four big battles fought in a radius of ten or eleven
miles in Virginia, where over a hundred thousand men bit the dust,
Fredricksburg, Chancellorsville, The Wilderness, and Spottsylvania
Court House.
I was in three of those battles, as follows: Fredericksburg, The
Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House. I was not at
Chancellorsville, but that grand chieftain General Jeb Stewart was
there. He was there when Jackson was mortally wounded. He knew
Jackson’s plans and maneuvers. He was selected nest morning to lead
Jackson’s corps. He came leaping up the line on that old black
charger singing “Joe Hooker, Won’t You Get Out Of The Wilderness,”
and by twelve or one o’clock that day he had old Hooker hunting a
crossing on the Rappidan.
His ride around McClellan’s army in ’62 with McClellan with a
hundred thousand men, and only had ten or eleven of his men slightly
wounded, and brought out thousands of commissary and quartermasters
stores for the Confederacy has never been excelled. When he fell at
Yellow Tavaran on the 10th of May 1864, he told them around him to
tell his friends that he fell with his face to the enemy.
I believe the carrying away of General Jeb Stewart hurt the
Confederacy very near as much as the removal of Veteran Marcher
General Jackson. Stonewall Jackson was a great man, being one of the
greatest marchers in the Virginian Army. General Stewart was a great
general too.
General Lee had them all named. He called Stewart, his eye, Jackson,
his right arm, and Longstreet his iron horse.
It is only a short time till all we old Confederates will be
bivouacking on the tented fields of a Confederate Soldiers heaven.
Yours respectfully.
In Remembrance of Louis Summers.
The death of Mr. Summers was only another manifestation of God’s
He claims His own in His own chosen time and we mortals must look to
Him, trust in His wisdom, and stay with those loyal, few, “Thy will
be done.” Some times we cannot understand because it is hard to give
up those we love, but some sweet day after a while we shall know and
understand. Mr. Summers had lived a long time, but it only seemed to
make it harder to give him up; he was always so friendly and jolly.
It was a great pleasure to know and associate with him. He was so
happy even unto the end, always optimistic as to the outcome of his
return to health.
He died March 14, 1928, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George
Tucker, after an illness of several days.
“Dearest Father, thou hast left us,
And our loss we deeply feel,
But it’s God that has bereft us.
He can all our sorrows heal,
Yet again we hope to meet thee,
When the Day of life has fled,
When in Heaven in joy to greet thee
Where no farewell tear is shed.”
Mr. Summers was born in 1844 in Cobb County Georgia, somenear
Atlanta. He loved his old home, and often have I heard him talk of
the pleasures, he had there; and quote original poems about the old
state that meant so much to him. He married Miss Florence Roach of
Rome, Georgia, at the age of twenty-four years. Unto this union were
born thirteen children, ten of whom are still living.
Mr. Summers was a Confederate soldier of the truest type. His talk
concerning the war was the most interesting that I ever heard. He
enjoyed telling of his war experiences whether addressing a small
group or a big congregation, and he was not the only one that
enjoyed it, for all who heard it did so. He could just make you feel
the things he had seen and done, because his descriptions were so
graphic and clear. He served in Company H, 8th Georgia regiment.
One of his greatest pleasures to attend the entertainments given by
the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the veterans reunions,
whether county, state or national.
“Tis hard to break the tender cord
When love has bound the heart,
“Tis hard, so hard, to speak the words:
‘We must forever part.’
Dearest loved one, we must lay thee in the peaceful grave’s embrace.
But thy memory will be cherished,
“Till we see the heavenly face.”
Many people will cherish his memory as long as they live. Almost
everyone knew him and loved him; he had lived here in this community
so long—he had lived in this county 42 years.
Submitted by his sincere friend,
1928 Confederate Veteran, Official Journal of the Sons of Confederate Veteran, Vol XXXVI page 268 Obituary Louis Summers Louis Summers, poet laureate for Camp Winkler, UCV, of Corsicana, Texas, died on March 14, 1928, at the home of his daughter Mrs. George Tucker, after an illness of several weeks. He was a Confederate soldier, enlisting in Company H, 8th GA Regt., and served throughout the war. A native of the State of Georgia, born near Atlanta, and possessing all the chivalry, of a true Southern gentleman. Not only was he a perfect representative of the gallant gentleman of the South, but a real soldier and one who gladly answered the call of his country, making the sacrifice and enduring the hardships of war. Despite his eighty-five years, his memory was remarkable, enabling him to be the most interesting and entertaining member of the Camp with his readings of his own compositions of prose and poetry, which were always a special delight to his hearers. He was proud of his for years' service in the infantry, and his mind was rich with ideas and beautiful words with which to clothe his war-time experiences. He was rightly named "Summers" for he was the embodiment of the sunshine and gentle breezes of Summer. His nature was kind and sympathetic, always cheerful and optimistic. Louis Summers had been a resident of Navarro County, TX, for forty-two years, and had won the respect and admiration of a wide circle of friends. The South has lost a brave soldier and Camp Winkler a faithful member. He was a welcome visitor to the UDC Chapter of Navarro County, and received great pleasure from attending the annual reunions of Confederate Veterans. We shall miss him greatly. Now we can only try to emulate those traits of character-to imbibe those principles which contributed to the making of his striking personality. [Mrs. W. A. Hammetts, Adjutant Camp Winkler, U. C. V.] Notes: |