Pierce Treadwell, Sr.
Jan 12, 1879 - Oct 21, 1918 The Blooming Grove Rustler 10/ 27/1918 (Friday)
O. P. Treadwell
The news of the death of O. P. Treadwell, near San Angelo, was received here with great sorrow. Mr. Treadwell was well known to most of our readers. He married Miss Alice Cox of this city, and the devoted wife and five children survive him. A message came Monday to the Cox family and immediately Mrs. Cox and Alvin left for the bedside of the stricken man, but he died before they reached there.
The deceased was about 38 years old, a staunch citizen, a level-headed business man and dealt extensively in cattle, living a happy ranch life. He had just returned from Ft. Worth where he marketed several cares of fine cattle, was seized violently with the dreaded epidemic, influenza, and passed away in a short time. O. P. Treadwell was a big hearted, whole-souled citizen, a man of stamina, good character and possessed all attributes which go to make a well rounded gentleman. Notes: - Posted by Virginia Crilley
- h/o Alice Rebecca (Cox)
Treatwell (1880-1971) buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX
- s/o Winston Wood Treadwell & Cornelia Evelyn (Garner) Greadwell
- Fort McKavett Cemetery,
Schleicher Co., TX
George W. Voss - Moved to George Washington Voss Biography Page
Thomas Voss
Jr. FUNERAL NOTICE The friends and acquaintances of Thomas Voss Jr. are invited to attend his Funeral services at the First Presbyterian Church on tomorrow at 11
o'clock, a.m. Services by Hugh (Calv-unreadable) Smith. February 18, 1885 Notes:
Mary (West) Miller
Jul 1845 - Nov 20, 1876 Corsicana Observer, Dec. 2, 1876 Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Mrs. Mary Mills, Wife of Dr. N. J. Mills, who Died Nov. 20, 1876, Aged 32 Years
It is but just to the departed that some token of love and affection should be expressed towards one who was so pre-eminently beautiful in her womanly character. Mrs. Mills was born in Washington Co. TX. Her parents, named West, came to Texas at an early day, and dying soon after their arrival in a strange land, left the subject of this memoir an orphan when but an infant. She was adopted by a lady and gentleman named Higgins, who raised and loved her as if she had been a daughter indeed. Their son, Judge Higgins, took peculiar pairs with her education, founding her information upon a practical, common sense basis. This care and love she repaid with the most devoted attachment. She was a favorite with all classes of society in her girlhood's home, and drew all hearts towards her within the influence of her genial disposition. But these dear adopted parents and brothers passed away from earth. She married Major McPhaill, of the 5th Texas cavalry, during the war. He, too, died, leaving her alone with one child, a girl. Ere another year passed she laid her child within the bosom of mother earth. She was a saddened, almost heart-broken woman; but these severe trials but ripened the pure gold of her nature; and when Dr. Mills brought her from Brenham a bride, nearly seven years ago, she came to his friends as to dear loved ones indeed. Her nature was affectionate, true and the most unselfish of any one's I ever knew. She prized the affection of all her relatives and friends as the most precious boon of life, and with delicate, womanly tact knew how to keep that love bright and glowing. Her husband was her oracle of wisdom and tower of strength, her children she idolized as only such a mother could. A visit to their home was an oasis in life's desert, for there was found hearty hospitality and flattering attentions, so cheering amid the barren politeness of the world; and a woman and friend. But the destroyer marked her for a victim. She was seized with an unexpected malady, which snapped the brittle cord of life. Her babe lived only a few moments, and just one week afterwards the mother's spirit passed away from earth, after sufferings of the most agonizing and intense, but of which she was, happily, unconscious. Mrs. Mills was a consistent Christian, and had an every day life of purpose, and was sustained amid every trial by her trust in the Savior's love. She was never afraid to die; and we know when the struggle ended that she was "safe at last." While weeping friends surrounded her dying bed, bright angels trooped around and bore her chastened spirit to the land of the blest. Me thinks the heavenly choir struck a new song of welcome I ever knew reached that peaceful home, and the crown of life was placed upon her brow. Her place can never be supplied to her husband, children and friends. That home she adorned and beautified is dismantled and lonely without her presence; but may we all imitate the pure example of her life, and so live that when life's fitful fever ends we shall meet again where pain, parting and death are unknown. One less tie to earth, one more link to Heaven. A. V. W. Notes:
Robert Hamilton McMillan

Mar 25, 1855 - Nov 20, 1876 Corsicana Observer, Dec. 2, 1876 Obituary Died - On Monday, November 20th, at 10
o'clock a. m., near Dresden, Texas, Robert H. McMillan, aged twenty-one years. Robert spent his short life in this county, and the past fourteen months in this city, where he made many acquaintances and friends, who will be glad to know that his closing scene was one of triumph. He was remarkably patient and submissive during his last illness, and a short while before be died became very, very happy. He bade all an affectionate farewell; and while his dying face beamed with joy, he exclaimed in the rapture of his soul, "I had rather died than to live now." Early in life he had committed himself to Him who is able to save; and his greatest regret was not having done more for his Heavenly Father, and his greatest anxiety in induce all around him to embrace religion. May this sad bereavement be blessed to the good of many that knew him. Notes:
J. Malcom Eliot 
Sept 17, 1826 - Nov 23, 1876 Corsicana Observer, Dec. 16, 1876 Obituary Died At his residence in this city, Nov. 23rd, Mr. J. M. Eliot, aged 50 years. Mr. Eliot was born in Edgar Co. Illinois, Sept, 17th, 1826, and came to Texas in 1849. The task of one's life is to write, Died! When the word carries with it the grand proclamation from God, that a friend-a good citizen-"a man among men"-had been called to another world. "He's gone! our friend of many years! We have no words-we have no tears- For words could ill express our grief, And tears would bring us no relief. The kindly look, the pleasant smile, That lit a face that knew no guile- The hearty pressure of the hand, That made you feed and understand- The man meant all that he professed." For twenty-seven years Mr. Eliot has resided in Texas, and for the whole time was engaged in surveying and locating lands. In all suits in courts or troubles over titles, J. M. Eliot's assertion was positive evidence, where he had ever made a survey, and was always proof positive. He went to the grave without an enemy. He went to the grave mourned by a whole community. He went to the grave believing- "There is a calm for those who weep, A rest for weary pilgrims found; They softly lie and sweetly sleep, Low in the ground." His dear ones left behind can only water the flowers that bloom above his earthly bier with the tears of affection; and his friends extend to them earthly pity. His place can never be filled. Notes:
Dillion Blackmon
Sep 2, 1844 - Nov 29, 1921 Corsicana paper, Dec. 1921
Remains Interred Yesterday Dillion Blackmon, aged 74, and a Confederate Veteran, died at his home, 503 East Eleventh Av. Monday night, and the remains were interred in Oakwood yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock. The deceased is survived by his wife and several grown children. Notes:
William Thomas Yarborough
Dec 21, 1842 - Apr 25, 1922
VETERAN PASSES AWAY Had Been a Resident of Navarro County Forty Years Thomas Yarborough, aged 80 years, died last night at his home, 924 West Fifth Av. Of a stroke of paralysis that came to him two weeks ago. The deceased had lived in this county for forty years, having made his home near the town of Navarro before coming to Corsicana a few years ago. He was a
Confederate veteran, and a highly esteemed citizen. Surviving the deceased is his wife, and these children: Mrs. Tom Watkins, Houston; Clayton Yarbrough, OK; Mrs. N. H. Carothers, South America; and Clifton Yarbrough, of Corsicana, Interment will take place in Oakwood tomorrow morning at 10:30 with Rev. F. N. Calvin officiating. Active pall bearers are: Sid Crews, Owen Cheney, Fred ___, A. C. DeVeney, Howard Marsh, Wes Redden; the following who are all ex-confederate soldiers will act as honorary pall bearers: Capt. E. L. Bell, A. J. Hook, John Duren, A. J. Brown, John Walling, W. L. Phillips and J. S. York. Notes:
Remains Interred This Morning.
The remains of the late Thomas Yarbrough were laid to rest in
this morning at 10:30 with funeral rites conducted by Rev.
F. N. Calvin. There was a large attendance of friends and many
beautiful flowers.
William Jacob Warren Kerr, Dr.

Dec 1, 1834 - Nov 12, 1916
Dr. W. J. W. KERR.
(Tribute by his brother, Reid.)
Dr. W. J. W. Kerr was the eldest of the three brothers who served in the
Confederate service throughout the four years of the war between the States.
He was born in Giles county, Tennessee, December 1st, 1834, and died
November 12, 1916, after a long illness of over one year, although not
confined to his bed previous to his demise but 24 hours. Two days before his
passing he called for an album that contained pictures of old army friends
As life's evening shadows grow, and his heart beats slow,
His memory seemed to linger on the scenes of long ago.
He was surgeon of Camp Winkler and also Medical Director of the Texas
Division of the U. C. Veterans with rank of Colonel. He was prisoner of war
for several months at Camp Douglas and Point Lookout, in the winter of 1862.
In the summer of '63 he had charge of the smallpox hospital at Chattanooga,
Tenn., afterwards train surgeon. He was placed with Capt. Wirz's command
- out
of Anderson prison where so many Federal soldiers were imprisoned - and was
indicted by a military commission with Jefferson Davis, Capt. Wirz, Cobb,
White, Stevenson and others.
On page 67 of Capt. Page's book, “A True History of Andersonville, Prison,”
(who was a prisoner at Andersonville), he says, “Chief among the surgeons
were Drs. White, Stevenson and Kerr and no medical men North or South
performed their duty more laboriously or conscientiously than the above
named gentlemen.”
After the war he practiced medicine at Kossuth and Corinth, Mississippi,
until January, 1873, he came to Texas, and located at Corsicana, where he
lived for 43 years an honored citizen, member of the Cumberland Presbyterian
church, Mason and one of the Past Grand Patriarchs of I. O. O. F., prominent
in establishing the Widows' and Orphans' Home of that order at Corsicana,
which is the pride of all Odd Fellows of Texas.
He was nearly 82 years of age and the last service he rendered his country
was to vote for Woodrow Wilson.
He leaves a devoted wife, two living children, Mrs. Maggie Kerr Sanders, of
Chicago, and James Wade Kerr, of Gulfport, Miss., and two brothers, D. H. M.
Kerr, Headrick, Okla., and J. C. R. Kerr, Corsicana, Texas, in his immediate
In the beautiful Oakwood cemetery they laid him away among a profusion of
lovely flowers. He fell asleep like a tired child without a struggle or a
moan and has met
With comrades in regions
Where all conflicts cease,
Among all the legions
That are resting in peace.
Dallas Citizen Recalls Faithful Deeds of a Former Comrade
2628 Hickory St., Dallas, Texas,
Dec. 12, 1916
Mr. J. C. R. Kerr, Corsicana Texas,
My Dear Sir:--Your note of November 16, 1916, informing me of the death of
your brother, Dr. W. J. W. Kerr, should have been acknowledged far more
promptly, but for a series of circumstances over which we poor mortals have
but small control; and for which I now would crave your indulgence.
While the contents of your note brought with it a severe shock, to me the
death of your brother was not unlooked for; notwithstanding the very
cheerful manner in which he wrote me on October 1, and again by postal cart
on October 11, returning a manuscript and a pamphlet I had previously mailed
to him.
On October 1st he spoke of having fallen, some three weeks before, against
the sharp edge of a gate and broke the lower rib on the right side, an
accident which no doubt hastened the end. Yet he said then; “As to my health
I feel finely, if I could only get strong in my legs.” Again on October 11,
he wrote me; “I am getting along very well, I weighed 180 pounds today, a
gain of 25 pounds since June 5th. I feel fine, eat and sleep well.” But he
still complained of weakness.
Just one short month after penning these hopeful words to one with whom he
had been in close and intimate friendship and brotherhood for fully forty
years “ he joined the silent majority.”
“Tender hands may close the eyelids; But the sleeper knows no waking - He has
entered Bye-and-bye.”
My dear friend, in my estimation of this man, your brother, has left behind
him more than one monument of his usefulness, as a sojourner in this vale of
suffering and sorrow that while the time continues, will go to prove “this
world was made better, in that he lived in it.”
One of these monuments is his published vindication of “The True Character
of Capt. Henry Wirz.” Who in 1864 was in charge of the Confederate prison at
Andersonville, Ga., and who was executed by Federal authority for crimes he
had no more to do with, nor responsible for than the unborn babe.
Sectional hate, however, required a victim, and in Captain Wirz it found it,
to the eternal shame and disgrace of civilization so-called.
I have before me a copy of your brother's vindication of that innocent man
and Confederate officer, as published in “The Light” of May 22, 1903, and
prize it beyond price.
Another monument, more practical and real, and one that should “Ever keep
green” the memory of Dr. W. J. W. Kerr, throughout this State of Texas, is
the I. O. O. F. Orphans' Home at Corsicana.
Knowing, as an Odd Fellow, and being intimately and immediately associated
with Brother Kerr in the orgin, rise and progress of that institution, I
know whereof I speak when I assert that the plan or scheme to have such a
“Home” originated with your brother, and became a practical fact through his
influence at a meeting of The Grand Encampment and Grand Lodge at Paris,
I am stating this to you, his brother, as there has been more than one
attempt made to rob him of this well merited honor. I was one of the
original six of the Grand Encampment at Paris, Texas, who agreed to speak on
and fight for just such an institution as Brother Kerr there and then
proposed; and which has been so practically carried out before his death.
I feel that you will excuse me for thus entering into such mundane matters
at this time; but I do it from the fact that I and your brother had an
intimacy of friendship not often entered into or held outside of blood or
family relationship: and now by his death I feel “alone”, but know that “the
call” will soon reach me also as it will all, sooner or later.
With many kind wishes for the future and trusting you will read and receive
this in the spirit in which it is written and if desirable, will be pleased
to hear through you of the Doctor's family, as I have never met your
brother's wife, now sadly widowed.
Very respectifully yours,
(Note: Menzies Miller Cumming age 55 died of Accidental drowning July 17,
1944 in Abilene, Texas and is buried in Dallas, Texas he had epilipsy)
November 14, 1916
Kerr - Corsicana, Texas, Nov. 14. -
Dr. W. J. W. Kerr, for more than fifty years a resident of Corsicana and
who had reached the ripe age of 82 years, died at his home on North
Thirteenth street Sunday afternoon at 3 clock, after many months of
sickness and suffering. He was buried this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Following are the pallbearers: Active-R. M. Whitten, W. W. Clopton, H.
E. Taylor, H. C. Nash, T. J. Walton, J. Highee, H. D. Johnson and B.
Franklin. Honorary-Dr. T. A. Miller, Dr. L. E. Kelton, Dr. W. D. Cross,
Dr. I. N. Suttle, Dr. E. H. Newton, Dr. J. M. V. Mills, Dr. B. F.
Houston, Dr. J. E. McClung, Dr. T. B. Sadler and Dr. J. S. Daniel. The
deceased was a Mason, Odd Fellow and member of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church. He was a Confederate soldier. He practiced medicine
here up to the time of being stricken with his final illness. Surviving
the deceased is the wife and two children, Mrs. Sanders of Cleburne and
Wade Kerr of Mississippi.

1916 - Confederate Veteran vol 25 page 31 , Official Journal of the Sons of Confederate Veterans
Obituary Dr. W. J. W. Kerr. Dr. W. J. W. Kerr was the eldest of three brothers who served in the Confederate service throughout the four years of war. He was born in Giles Co. TN., December 1, 1834, and died November 12, 1916, after a long illness. Dr. Kerr was Surgeon of Camp Winkler, U.C.V., of Corsicana, TX., and also Medical Director of the Texas Division, with the rank of Colonel. He was a prisoner of war at Camp Douglas and Point Lookout for several months in the winter of 1862. In the summer of 1863 he had charge of the smallpox hospital at Chattanooga, TN. And was afterwards train surgeon. He was placed with Captain Wirz's command at Andersonville Prison, where so many Federal soldiers were imprisoned, and was indicted by a military commission with Jefferson Davis, Captain, Wirz, Cobb, White, Stevenson, and others. On page 87 of "A True History of Andersonville Prison" Captain Page, who was a prisoner at Andersonville, says: "Chief among the surgeons were Drs. White, Stevenson, and Kerr; and no medical men, North or South, performed their duty more laboriously or conscientiously than the above-named gentlemen." After the war Dr. Kerr practiced medicine at Kossuth and Corinth, MS, until January, 1873, when he went to Texas and located at Corsicana, and there lived for forty-three years an honored citizen, a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, a Mason, and one of the Past Grand Patriarchs of I. O. O. F., and was prominent in establishing the Widows and Orphans' Home of that order at Corsicana, which is the pride of all Odd Fellows of Texas. He was nearly eighty-two years of age, and the last service he rendered his country was to vote for Woodrow Wilson. He leaves a devoted wife, two children, a son and a daughter, and two brothers, D. H. M. Kerr, of Keadrick, OK. And J. C. R. Kerr, of
Corsicana. Like a tired child he fell asleep. In beautiful Oakwood Cemetery he was laid away among a profusion of lovely flowers. Notes: - Posted by Dana Stubbs - 9/2000
- 12/1/1834 - 11/12/1916
- Served in Ford's Battalion of Grey Beards in Tennessee. Also in Hospital Corps as Assistant Surgeon
1880 Census Navarro Co., TX
page 506A
KERR, William J. W. 45 white male physican & druggist TN TN TN
KERR, Mollie C. 33 wife white female keep house SC SC SC
KERR, Albert A. 25 white male son druggist TN TN SC
KERR, Maggie N. 7 dau white female MS TN SC
KERR, James W. 5 white male son TX TN SC
KERR, William J. W. Jr. 9/12 infant TX TN SC
BOSTICK, Jas 22 white male border Clerk druggist AL AL AL
ADKINS, Henry 21 white male servant laborer TX TN AL
Jane (Roberts) Sheffield
Dec 5, 1778 - Oct 18, 1873 Corsicana Observer, Nov. 26, 1873 DIED On the evening of the 18th inst. At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Cloe Lane, in this county, Mrs. Elizabeth Sheffield, aged 94 years, 10 months and 13 days. She was born December 5, 1778. She leaves three sons, four daughters, 23 grandsons, 21 grand-daughters, 71 great-grandsons, 60 great-granddaughters, 5 great great grandson and 5 great great granddaughters to mourn her loss. Four sons, 22 grandsons, 13 granddaughters, 15 great grandsons, 6 great granddaughters, and two great great grandsons had died before her. She had one son, 24 grandsons and 1 great grandson in the Confederate Army. Of these, one grandson was killed, eight died in service, two lost a leg each, three were severely wounded and one slightly wounded. Mrs. S. moved from Pulaski to this county in the year 1819. It will be seen by the foregoing that Mrs. Sheffield had two hundred and fifty-four descendants-only one hundred and ninety-two of whom survived her. We are indebted to Mr. W. C. Sheffield, one of her grandsons, for the above information in regard to the deceased. Notes: -
The Bainbridge Weekly Democrat - Nov
13, 1873, v.3 #5
Sawhatchee Cemetery, Blakely, Early
Co., GA
- Submitted by
Dana Stubbs
Turner Lamar Swink 
Jan 26, 1833 - Apr 3, 1877 Corsicana Observer, May 5, 1877 Tribute of Respect. At a regular meeting of Pursley Grange, April 28th, 1877, the following resolutions, were unanimously adopted: Whereas, It hath pleased our divine Master above to call from our midst our worthy and much esteemed brother, T. L. Swink; therefore be it resolved: 1. That in the death of our brother, T. L. Swink, our grange has lost a true and faithful patron, the Church a useful member whose influence as such cannot be easily supplied, and whose devotion to our causes is seldom equaled. 2. While we deeply mourn the loss of our departed brother, we believe our loss his eternal gain; and submit with becoming resignation to Him who "worketh all things after the council of His own will." 3. That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Grange, and a copy be furnished the Examiner and Patron and Corsicana papers for publication, and that a copy be sent to his family. 5. That the members of this Grange wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. W. C. Carroll, D. C. McCaully, W. H. Pursley - Com. Notes:
Andrew F. Wood
Sep 8, 1844 - Feb 19, 1914 Confederate Veteran, Official Journal of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1914 Obituary A. F. Wood On the morning of February 18, 1914, there passed to his final reward at Corsicana, TX, A. F. Wood, Commander of Camp C. M. Winkler, UCV, a splendid Christian gentleman, beloved and respected by all who knew him. He was a devoted son of the South. Early in the conflict, on June 2, 1861, when a boy of sixteen, he entered the
Confederate Army as a member of Co. I, 14th AL, Inf. and soon afterwards was ordered to Virginia. He served first under Joseph E. Johnston and afterwards under General Lee until captured at Hanover Junction May 24, 1864. From that time until the close of the war he was a prisoner at Elmira, NY. Previous to this he had participated in most of the great battles that had been fought on Virginia's soil-Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Gaines' Mill, Frazier's Farm, Second Manassas, Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and many minor engagements. Comrade Wood went to Navarro Co., TX, in 1865 and engaged in farming, then taught school, and later moved to Corsicana. He was at one time postmaster in Corsicana and afterwards served in the State legislature. He was intensely loyal to the South, was proud of its record and gloried in the part he took in its defense. He believed in the Confederate Veteran and was a subscriber from 1895 up to the year of his death. He leaves a wife, daughter, and two sons to mourn their loss. Notes:
John H.Harison
Aug 20, 1830 - Nov 4, 1897 1897 - Confederate Veteran, Official Journal of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, vol. VII page 301 Obituary Comrade H. W. Burton, Corsicana, Texas, sends a sketch of Capt. John H. Harrison, who died at his Texas home November 4, 1897: "He was a native of Pickens Co. AL, and when very young moved with his parents to Neshoba Co. MS, where he grew to manhood. When the war was brewing he enlisted in Co. E, Thirty-Fifth Mississippi Regiment of Sears's Brigade, French's Division. He was elected first lieutenant, and then captain, serving in the latter capacity under Gen. Hood. He was at the siege of Vicksburg, and participated in the great battles of Corinth, Franklin, and Nashville. In the latter engagement he was captured and sent to Johnson's Island, where he was kept a prisoner until June 15, 1865. He had several narrow escapes, but was not wounded. Soon after the war he was married, and moved to Navarro Co. Texas, where he engaged in farming. In war he was brave and patriotic, and in the peaceful pursuits of life he was kind, courteous, and considerate. His wife survives him, and continues an appreciative interest in the Veteran. Notes:
Harrison Word Burton
1840 - Jul 12, 1902 Major; 1902 - Confederate Veteran, Official Journal of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, vol. X page 370
Obituary H. W. Burton Another comrade has been called to answer the last roll call. Harrison Word Burton died at Corsicana, Texas, on July 12, 1902, after an illness of several weeks. He was born in Buckingham Co. VA, August 30, 1840, and reared in Richmond. In April, 1861, he enlisted in Co D, First Virginia Regiment, commanded by Col. P. T. Moore. After a year in the infantry, he re-enlisted in the Otey Battery of Richmond (Capt. George Gaston Otey) in which he served to the end of war. After the surrender he returned to Richmond and remained there for a short while; and then, moving to Petersburg, he took a position on the staff of the "Petersburg Index and Appeal". He wrote under the nom de plume of "Harry Scratch." He married Miss Mary Virginia Tappey, of Petersburg, who survives him. In 1877 he moved to St. Louis, MO, where he was appointed on the Governor's staff, with the rank of major. After a few years in St. Lewis, he moved to Texas, where he lived up to the time of his death. He leaves an only brother, Robert C. Burton, of Baltimore, who served side by side with him in the same commands. Major Burton was a man who will be sadly missed in his community. His fine character and noble qualities earned for him hosts of friends, in whose hearts his place will not soon be filled. He was a Mason in good standing and a prominent member of the Presbyterian Church, and a member of Camp Winkler, U. C. V. Major Burton was a justice of the peace at the time of his death, and was unusually popular with all classes. He was genial, kind-hearted, a good friend, and above reproach. Notes: ---------
BURTON - Corsicana, Tex., July 12. - Major H. W. Burton, a well known citizen and ex-Confederate soldier, died at
his home on West Confederate avenue this morning after a long illness.

Notes: - Submitted by
Dana Stubbs
- H. W. Burton, 1840 - Jul 1902
- July 12, 1902
Fielding YeagerDoke Obituary moved to Fielding Yeager Doke Biography Page
Capt. Kenner Obituary moved to W. M. Kenner Biography Page
Felix H.
1846 - 1911 1911 - Confederate Veteran, Official Journal of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Obituary Death Among Doctors in Texas In the death list of doctors in a Texas medical journal four of the six deceased physicians reported were Confederate soldiers-viz: Dr. Felix H. Johnson, born in Tuscahoma, AL, in 1846 and died October 11, 1911. He was of a family of seven sons and daughters. His father was Dr. E. M. P. Johnson of AL, who moved to Texas in 1852. Dr. James Newton Cheny died the same day as did Dr. F. H. Johnson, and was fourteen years older. He was a native Georgian. He practiced medicine in Newborn, GA, until 1884, when he moved to Navarro Co., Texas. Notes:
George W.Carr
Oct 20, 1850 - Oct 25, 1918 1918 - Confederate Veteran, Official Journal of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Obituary George W. Carr Three months ago there was laid to rest in Oakwood Cemetery at Corsicana, Texas, a son of the Old South, George W. Carr. For more than thirty years he was a familiar figure upon our streets, and those who knew him intimately and best loved him. He had many excellent qualities of mind and heart. His love for the aesthetic and the beautiful in literature, in nature, and in art was keenly developed. His soul was so attuned that it was thrilled by harmonies and beauties which the untrained ear could not hear and the untrained eye could not see. He loved his country with a deathless devotion. As a beardless boy he fought under the Stars and Bars with General Lee and General J. E. B. Stuart (both of whom he idolized) as a member of Stuart's Horse Artillery. Many of this command were boys, yet they were heroes of a hundred combats and had held their ground in the most desperate encounters against vastly superior numbers at Cold Harbor, Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and many other conflicts. Never were there braver fighters than Stuart's Horse Artillery, and George W. Carr was one of them. When the United States went into the war against Germany, the martial spirit of this old veteran was again aroused, and he longed to fight under the Stars and Straps of his reunited country. Comrade Carr was courteous, chivalrous, and the soul of honor. His was a sympathizing heart; he could hear no story of suffering without sympathizing. He was sixty-eight years of age. He came to Texas in 1882 from Virginia, his native State. [E. L. Bell, Commander Camp Winkler, No. 147, U. C. V.] Notes:
Had Been Picturesque Character Here For Many
A picturesque character passed away here this
morning when Geo. W. Carr breathed his last at 8
o'clock at the P. and S. hospital as a result of
asthma and complications. The deceased was born
sixty-eight years age in Charlottsville, Va.,
and was reared and educated in the best schools
of that state. He was the only child of his
parents and at the age of fourteen became a
member of Lee's army in 1864, and as a youthful
soldier saw service during the closing period of
the civil war, and re-entered school and
completed his education after the war closed,
choosing the profession of a civil engineer. In
1882 he came to Texas and located in Corsicana
here he soon became a popular member of society.
Added to his naturally strong and thoughtful and
well-trained mind, he was a genius as a
draftsman and singer. He was for many years a
member of the Presbyterian Church and a leader
in its choir. Having a splendid bass voice he in
his young manhood was much in demand on musical
occasions and did much to add to the pleasures
of others. He was an omnivorous reader and few
men were so well informed in literature,
history, sacred and profane and withal a most
entertaining companion. In fact, his mind was
nearly always so taken up with these things that
he cared nothing for making money or the
accumulation of property. All intelligent men,
rich or poor, respected him for his intelligence
and his manly character and pronounced opinions
on all public questions. He was a graduate of
the University of Virginia.
The deceased has many distant relatives in
Virginia and a few in Texas that are as close as
cousins. Mrs. W. G. Baker of Corsicana is among
these. The parents of the deceased were both
first cousins of Mrs. Baker's mother, making the
deceased a double third cousin of Mrs. Baker. An
own cousin, John Overton Carr, lives in Houston
and for many years was paymaster for the Houston
and Texas Central railroad. Another cousin, Mrs.
Clara Dabney lives in Bonham.
The deceased was a grand nephew to the wife of
Thomas Jefferson, who was a Miss Carr before her
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at
11 o'clock from the Sutherland Undertaking
Parlors, under the auspices of the Confederate
Veterans, Rev. Chas. Oberschmidt officiating.
The pall bearers are as follows: Active, Jno
Curing, Mike Howard, Fred White, Walter Burgess,
W. E. Slaughter, Wiley Robinson. Honorary: Capt.
Jas. Garitty, Hon. Geo. T. Jester, Dr. L. E.
Kelton, E. A. Johnson, J. J. McClellan, Col. P.
C. Townsend, Judge J. E. Norwood, Judge T. Don
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Friday, Oct 25, 1918
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- (grand nephew to the wife of Thomas Jefferson, who was a Miss
Carr before her marriage) Single s/o Frank Carr and Sallie (unk)
Carr per death certificate
The funeral of the late Geo. W. Carr occurred
from the Sutherland Undertaking Parlors at 11
o'clock. Rev. Chas. Oberschmidt officiated and
many friends attended the last sad rites and
there were many pretty flowers.
George W. Carr.
There was laid to rest in Oakwood
cemetery last Saturday
morning a son of the old South - George W. Carr.
For more than thirty years he was a familiar
figure upon our streets. While his life from a
financial standpoint could not be counted a
success, those who knew him intimately and best,
loved him.
He had many excellent qualities of mind and
heart. His love of the aesthetic and the
beautiful in literature, in nature and in art,
was keenly developed. His soul was so attuned
that it was thrilled by harmonies which the
untrained ear could not hear and the untrained
eye could not see.
He loved his country with a deathless devotion.
As a beardless boy he fought under the stars and
bars with General Robert E. Lee (whom he
idolized) as his chieftain. And he seemed to
live over and over again those historic days. A
little more than a year ago he attended the
Confederate Reunion held in Washington, D. C.,
and while away spent many days in the old
Commonwealth of Virginia, viewing again the
historic battlefields where he had risked his
life for the Confederacy, and also visiting the
scenes where he spent his happy childhood days.
When the United States went to war with Germany
the martial spirit of this old veteran was again
aroused and he longed this time to fight under
the stars and stripes of his reunited country;
he pleaded for some place in the army where he
might render some service to his country, but
his age would not permit. The last time the
writer talked with him he was telling of having
again renewed his application and had written to
a friend in another State to enlist his aid in
seeing if he could not be placed in the
artillery where with his mathematical knowledge
he said he could at least be of assistance in
determining the range of the guns.
He was courteous, chivalrous and the soul of
honor. His was a sympathetic heart; he could
hear no story of sorrow or of suffering without
displaying the deepest emotion.
In days gone by his deep base voice was much
sought after and was often heard in our
churches. The writer, when a child, used to hear
an anthem entitled “The Beautiful Golden Gate,”
which the choir of the old Cumberland
Presbyterian Church used to sing, and the
matchless voice of George Carr helped to make it
a prime favorite and to cause its rendition to
produce such a lasting impression.
A number of those who rendered that beautiful
anthem in those early days have now passed way
and let us hope that they have all “entered that
beautiful Golden Gate” and their voices are now
heard in the celestial choir of that City, whose
maker and builder is God.
Blackmon Grayson - MD
Mar 1, 1833 - Feb 28, 1903 T. B. Grayson, M.D. died at his home near Winkler, Freestone Co., Texas, February 28, 1903. He was born in Wilcox County, Alabama, March 1, 1833. Coming to manhood he chose the medical profession as his life work, in which he graduated with honor. This profession he followed till his death with credit to himself and great benefit to the people among whom he lived. Dr. Grayson was married to Miss Carrie A. McArthur, an accomplished young lady of Wilcox County, Alabama; moved to Texas in 1854, began practice at Fairfield. Some years afterward he located at Winkler, where he continued faithfully at work in the medical harness up to within a few hours of his death. He attended Church, read the minutes to the church
the morning of his death. From church he returned home, where his children & grand-children had gathered to unite in the celebration of the birthday, the Sabbath following. But immediately before the call to dinner the message came and his spirit went home to God, who gave it. Had he lived one more day he would have reached his seventieth birthday. As I proceed to say something of his life and character I feel a deep sense of my inability to do him justice. Having known him; having been his pastor for a number of years. While living at Winkler I was intimately associated with him, I call to mind many talks with him upon religious experiences. Dr. Grayson was a Christian from the heart, while he lamented his own failures, he was ever ready to give a reason of the hope within him of -(cant read this section) - sympathetic heart he enjoyed the esteem & friendship of all who knew him, the better he was known the more he was appreciated. Dr. Grayson was a practicing physician over 40 years, was all his life one of the most active practitioners in the State of Texas. He was always ready to go to his calls good weather or bad. Never did the "dear old doctor" stop to inquire whether they were rich or poor, and in no case did this writer ever know him to press anyone for bills. His charitable nature and noble heart were well demonstrated by his many deeds of benevolence. He professed religion, joined the church then known as Little Hope, but now New Hope Church, in 1873, under the preaching of Elder J. C. Averitt, but at his death was a member of the church at Winkler, organized a few years ago. While we submitt to the will of our Heavenly Father we can but say that many will sadly miss the kindly face and helping hand in time of need. He leaves a devoted wife, who has been faithful helpmante, only two years his junior, and 7 children, as follows: Mr. W. S. Grayson, an honored citizen & prosperous merchant at Winkler, Tex; John Grayson, of Birdston; O. B. Grayson, Mrs. May Robinson, of Midway; Bertha Glass, of Winkler; Mattie Bonham, of Corsicana, and Miss Corinne, who is still with her mother. We could say many nice things of our lamented friend, but we leave to some more able pen to record his many virtues, which are familiar to so many of his friends & relatives. As this old family friend, we commit all his dear ones to the tender care of a kind Heavenly Father - W. F. Harvard.
A. "Carrie" (McArthur) Grayson 
Jun 6, 1835 - Aug 3, 1916 OBITUARY - Reprinted in the Navarro County Leaves & Branches Nov. 1995 PIONEER WOMAN DIED IN STREETMAN YESTERDAY Oldest Member of the Well-known Grayson Family Passed Away at Home in Streetman. At 4
o'clock yesterday morning, one of the pioneers of Navarro County, "Grandma" Grayson, passed away at the home of her son, W. S. Grayson, in Streetman, after an illness which has been hopeless for the past few days. She was surrounded by her relatives when the end came, and a large concourse of the family's friends followed the remains to their last resting place yesterday, interment at Winkler.
It was at Winkler that the family settled before the Civil War, when the deceased and her husband, Dr. Grayson, were a happy young people. They lived there for many years and the family was one of the most prominent in this section of the State. A few years ago, several members of the family moved to Streetman and for the past few years, Mrs. Grayson has resided there with her son. She is survived by three sons, Wm. S. Charles and John.
There are numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren, among whom are several in this city, as follows: Mrs. Dexter Hamilton, Mrs. R. Douglas Johnson, Mrs. Lloyd Kerr and Miss Mary McConnico.
Sarah A. Persons "Sallie" Berry 
Dec 2, 1829 - Mar 7, 1852 Corsicana Observer, Corsicana, Feb 4, 1871 Died at the residence of Mr. James Talley, near Chatfield, Navarro County, Texas, on Thursday, Jan. 19th, 1871, at 2
o'clock a.m. Miss Sallie P. Berry of Wadeville.
"Truly in the midst of life we are in death.," Little did we think that when but a few days ago she left us but to enjoy a pleasant visit to her relatives and friends that the sad news would soon come by the swift flight of a messenger that "She is dead! She is dead!" What a shock is felt at the utterance of those words. Yes, she's dead. Gone in the bloom of youth and beauty. Her deportment was ever exemplary - so kind, so amiable, so lively - she won the love and admiration of all who new her.
And sadly do we realize that she's gone. Her bright smile will cheer our hearts no more. The mellifluous tones of her voice will greet us no more. Her Graceful form has adorned our church and Sabbath school for the last time, - she is gone. The purest of the pure; but well do we know that as her eyes grew dim on earth, and earthy objects receded and disappeared, that they brightened on immortality and the scenes of a better land and a brighter clime than this.
And may we not fancy, when it was announced to the inhabitants of that better country, -she comes! - She comes! - there was a rustling of angel wings, - a thrilling of joy in those angelic spirits at the re-union of father, mother and daughter.
May that God who giveth and who taketh heal the broken hearts of her sorrowing friends and may they remember "That beyond the wilderness of life Are gathered friends and landscapes fair, Where sorrow, sin, and toil and strife Are past ! we can meet and love here there." - FRIEND [Note: Sallie was the only child of Beverly Miller Berry and Sarah A. Persons who married in Livingston County, Ky. Sarah died soon after Sallie's birth and the baby, with her father, came to Texas with the James Persons family. She was reared by her grandmother, Catharine Hodge Persons, and was visiting her aunt, Kate Persons Talley, when she died. She and her father are buried in the
Jimmerson Cemetery near Kerens, Navarro County] Notes: - Posted by Barbara Knox on Sun, 3 Sep 2000
- d/o Bevery Miller Berry & Sarah "Sallie"
(Persons) Berry
- Photo copy of obit printed in Navarro County Leaves & Branches, Vol 25, Issue 2, May 2002
William Martin
Dec 21, 1858 - Sep 4, 1925 ALL RELATIVES PRESENT WHEN LINDSEY DIES Pioneer Buried Near Old Home in Nearby County W. H. (sic) Lindsey, veteran pioneer citizen of this section of Texas, and for the past seven years residing near Mexia, died at his home on the Tehuacana road, just beyond the oil field district, Friday afternoon, Sept 4. He is survived by his wife, nine daughters, one son, 31 grandchildren, one greatgrandchild, two half brothers and a half sister, all of whom were present when he passed away. In all 72 members of the immediate family and more remote relations were present at the home Thursday, representing every living relative. Such an illustration, showing closer family ties probley has never been duplicated here or anywhere else, evidencing the high esteem and affection in which the deceased was held by his devoted loved ones. For several years he has been in poor health and for the past two months or more his condition has been known to be serious, suffering from stomach trouble. Everything that medical science and love could do for him was done, but these were unable to combat the trouble that brought him to his death. He was carried to the Brown hospital for treatment and later returned home where he died Friday afternoon at 8:15
o'clock. Deceased was born in Arkansas, December 23, 1858. In early manhood he removed to Texas in which state he has resided ever since. He located in Navarro county, near Dresden, where has was buried Saturday afternoon, Rev. Corbett, pastor of the Blooming Grove Baptist church officiating. He married soon after coming to Texas, his first wife dying in about one year. To this union was born one son, dying in infancy. He afterwards was wedded to Miss Nannie Jane Osborne. To this union were born thirteen children, ten of whom service. He moved from Navarro county to Bosque county where he resided two years, then came to Mexia, locating about a mile east of town where he and family lived until about five years age when he purchased the place northwest of town about two and a half miles, just beyond the oil field district. He was a lifelong member of the Baptist denomination, his membership being in the Emmett Baptist church in Navarro county. He helped build the church and was faithful to it even after moving here, never willing to withdraw his membership from it. The funeral procession left about noon with a long line of relatives and friends attending. The J. T. Riddle Undertaking company had charge of the arrangements. The surviving members of the family are his wife, one son, and nine daughters, as follows: Wallace Lindsey, wife and three children; Mrs. Alice Shepherd her husband and three children and one grandchild, of Hico; Mrs. Mary Ballew, her husband, seven children of Frost; Mrs. Carrie Thompson, husband, five children, of Frost; Mrs. Johansa Hester, husband and five children, of Temple; Mrs. Troy Fowler, husband and one child of Brownwood; Mrs. Willie Thompson and husband of Wortham; Mrs. Lucy Boyd and husband of Mexia; Mrs. Ruby Sewell and husband, of Mexia. One son, George, died 1929; a daughter, Mrs. Jeannettie Chunn also died in 1912 and another son, Arthur, died in infancy. Mrs. George Lindsey survives and is now Mrs. Maudie Williams who with her child, a grandchild of the deceased, were also present, as was the child of Mrs. Chunn. Half sisters were Mrs. Mollie Green of Frost and Mrs. Nettie Green, deceased. Half brothers were Samp Williams of Corbet, Navarro county, and Joe Williams of Corsicana. Notes:
Charles Stewart Matthews
Nov 18, 1867 - Feb 10, 1933
SPRING HILL, Feb. 16. - (Spl.) - The entire community was saddened Saturday
morning when we received word that C. S. (Charlie) Matthews had died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. D. Wilkes, of Houston. He had reached
the age of 66 years. He was brought to Dawson to the home of his aunt,
Mrs. Lou Sims and the funeral was held at the Cumberland Presbyterian
church, conducted by Rev. F. O. Waddill, assisted by Reverend Cheek of
Hubbard, Reverend Sanders of Taylor and Reverend Hellums of Dawson.
Burial was in the Spring
Hill cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Minnie Matthews of
Delia, and five children, two daughters and three sons, Mrs. Vestal
Wilkes, Houston, Mrs. Minnie Lee Jennings of Delia, Wilton of Spring
Hill, Coulous of Roswell, N. M., and Virgil Matthews of Delia.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matthews of Trinidad and Mr. and Mrs. Waller Payne of
Malakoff were here to attend the funeral of their brother and uncle, C.
S. Matthews Sunday afternoon.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Friday, Feb 17, 1933
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Libbie (Cates) Matthews
married Dec. 4, 1892 2nd wife Minnie (Shilling) Matthews married
Mar. 25, 1906; s/o John Calvin Matthews & Margaret Adney (Sims)
------- CHARLES STEWART MATTHEWS February 10, 1933 "Uncle Charlie"
Composed by F H Butler Editor of The Dawson Herald
C S (Charlie) Matthews died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harold Wilkes in Houston Friday, Feb. 10, at 6
o'clock p.m., after a critical illness of heart
trouble of some three weeks duration. Mr. Matthews had been in failing health for a year or more, but his condition was not considered dangerous until he arrived at his daughter's home during the last days of December.
Charles Stuart Matthews was born in Maury Co. Tenn., Nov. 18, 1867, he having reached the age of 65 years, 2 months, 22 days. At the age of two years he came with his father's family to Texas, settling at Spring Hill, where he grew to manhood and engaged in farming until three years ago, when he rented his farm and came to Dawson. In past years he took an interest in the political, school, and other affairs of his community, county, and state. In 1892 he united in marriage to Miss Libbie Cates and to the union three children, Wilton of Spring Hill, Mrs. Harold Wilkes of Houston, and Culous of Roswell, N M, were born. His wife preceded him in death more than thirty years ago, and just before leaving the small, happy family, she charged her husband with the duty to take care of their three small children. Though the trials and hardships with these motherless children were many, he kept the faith, and lived to see them grown, honorable citizens, taking their places in the affairs of men and women.
By a later marriage Mr. Matthews is survived by a wife and two children, Mrs. Minnie Lee Jennings and Virgil Matthews of Delia. He is also survived by on brother, Theo Matthews of Trinidad, and two aunts, Mrs. Lou Sims and Mrs. Eva Wright.
In early life he was converted and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Matthews knew for some three weeks that death must soon claim him, and he told his three children and son-in-law, all of whom were at his bedside for several days, that he was ready to go. He was conscious to the last minute of life and just before he passed away he told his children that he was going.
It was this writer's good fortune to have known Mr. Matthews long and well, and we only knew him to esteem him more highly as the years passed by. He was our FRIEND. Today we miss his kindly smile and cheerful, friendly greeting; we long again to feel his genial presence. But it can never be, for we have stood beside his open grave, near the scenes of his youthful, happy days, as the last sad rites were performed, and as the clay of earth closed above his silent resting place, we said with the poet:
"Cold in the dust the perished heart may die, But that which warmed it can never die.
Mr. Matthews loved the open, plain, frank things of life; and his life was an open book. He believed in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man; he believed that the man who scatters flowers in the pathway of his fellowman, who lets into the dark places of life the sunshine of human sympathy and human happiness, is following in the footsteps of his Master. Always, his convictions, whether right or wrong, were sincere, deeply respecting the beliefs of all others. He was a man of generous impulses, and he practiced the hospitable ways of the early settlers. The stranger, especially the man to whom fate has been unkind, never failed to find food and shelter is he sought it at the hands of Charlie Matthews.
His passing has brought a cup of bitter sorrow to not only relatives, but to many friends throughout this vicinity. My God's purest angels guard his slumbers.
His body was brought from Houston Saturday by Undertaker Wolfe and carried to the home of Mrs. J F Sims, from which place the funeral service was held at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock, conducted by Rev. F O Waddill, assisted by Rev. J T Sanders, Rev. DeForest of Hubbard, O S Hellums,
and Rev. J T Taylor, the church being inadequate to accommodate the large number of friends who came to pay a last respect and tribute. The profuse floral offering was beautiful.
After the funeral service the body was conveyed to the Spring Hill Cemetery and laid to rest by the side of his wife to await the resurrection.
Frances Emeline (Neill) Powers 
Sep 7, 1839 - Feb 10, 1861 The Navarro Express, Feb 27, 1861 (L&B II: 3) Frances Emeline Powers, born in Washington County, Texas Sept. 7th, 1839; educated at McKenzie Institute, near Clarksville, and became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, soon after she had attained the age of thirteen years; was united in matrimony to William R. Powers, in Corsicana April 29, 1858, and departed this life after a brief illness, of congestion of the brain, at the residence of her mother and step father C. M. Winkler in Corsicana, on the 10th day of February, 1861, at 10 minutes past 1
o'clock A.M. The writer is not prepared to speak in appropriate terms of the many estimable qualities of the deceased. The Christian graces which she possessed in an eminent degree, will long be cherished in the memory, and held up as an example worthy the imitation of her numerous acquaintances and friends. Her affectionate attachment will never be forgotten by her husband, her mother, her sisters and other relations, and her early departure will be sadly mourned by many a dear one; yet those who knew her well, have no reason to doubt that her gain has been infinitely greater than their loss, and rest in confidence that her once lovely form now sleeping beside her little Emma Lou in death, will at the resurrection, be raised in immortal beauty, and with all the faithful enter upon the eternal joys of Heaven. ------------- Frances Emeline Powers was born in Washington County, Texas, Sept. 7, 1839; educated at McKenzie Institute, near Clarksville, Texas; joined the Methodist Episcopal South after she had attained the age of thirteen years; was united in matrimony to William R. Powers, in Corsicana, April 29, 1858, and departed this life after a brief illness of congestion of the brain, at the residence of her mother and step-father, C. M. Winkler, in Corsicana, on the 10th day of February 1861. Her affectionate attachment will never to forgotten by her husband, mother, sisters and other relations. She now sleeps beside her little Emma Lou. (Navarro Express, Feb. 27, 1861)
Capt William Barden The Navarro Express, Aug 15, 1861 Died on Monday, 12th inst, at Long View the residence of W. D. Talley, Esq. Capt Wm. Barden, aged 83 years. A native of Charlotte County, Va., he through a long and eventful life, sustained the reputation of a noble family, and maintained the character of a true Virginia gentleman of the old school. A true friend, a high toned honorable man, he at one and the same time commanded the respect and admiration of all who came to know him well. Endowed
by his God with a fortitude that no trouble could lessen, through long years of affliction and night, he lived on cheerful and kind to those he loved, and now sleeping beneath the prairie sod of his adopted land, far away from the home of his fathers he loved so well, no one can say aught against him, but all in passing his grave will, with one accord, say, there lies an honest man - the noblest work of God.
Col. & Judge Clinton McKamyWinkler 
Oct 19, 1821 - May 13,
1882 Dallas Times Herald May 18, 1882 DEATH OF JUDGE WINKLER By our Austin dispatch received last night it will be seen that the name of Judge C. M. Winkler is added to the death roll. This will be sad news indeed to all who knew the illustrious character, the manly man that has left us for the Nevermore. He died early yesterday morning from a complaint that he had experienced for only a few days. We saw him less than a fortnight ago at the capital, the very impersonation of robust health and cheerfulness and vigor, and little suspected then that he would so soon lie on the lone couch of his everlasting sleep. Judge Winkler was in every since a splendid man and most valuable citizen. When the late civil war opened, it found him in a good line of legal practice, but like other patriotic Texian, he responded with alacrity to the call of his state, donned the gray and shouldered a musket and remained in the service of his section until, gurded with gloom and garmented with grief, the Confederacy went down with its banner, though wreathed in glory all torn and trailing in the dust. But brave as the bravest that bore it, and true as the truest that swore to uphold it, he quickly went from the private rank to the higher commissions, regimental and brigade. He was with General Hood in Virginia, with Lee in the Wilderness, etc. and twice on the field of battle with his life blood proved the correctness of the choice that elevated him to leadership.
When the war closed and hushed was every belching gun with all their crimson glories, he retired to his county again to engage in his profession at Corsicana and there built up a fine practice. Recognizing his pre-eminent fitness for the responsible post, he was elected in 1866 as it was thought, to the district judgeship, and under the impression held two terms of court, if we recollect rightly; but it being subsequently ascertained that his opponent, Judge Robert & Gould, the present chief justice, was really and truly elected, he immediately with characteristic fairness surrendered his claims to seat the man who ever afterwards remained as he was always before his sincere friend. Subsequently placed in the senate by his admiring constituents, he so well discharged their wishes that they compelled him to accept the position of their representative in the house. So just so honorable, so equitable in his views and actions, the Galveston convention in 1876 determined him for an associate-judgeship in the court of appeals. Here his conduct, his decisions speak for him in trumpet tones of praise, clearer, louder and more eloquently by far than we can do. His brothers of the bench and bar will in due time and proper mode, do justice to his
memory in common chorus with the Masons of the state, of which he was grand high priest and past grand commander. He leaves a wife and children, their hearts enshrouded and their brightest hours over shadowed at the faded laurels that the warrior wore, and the representative, the judge and the gentleman, lays down.
That judge has gone with his Record to the Supreme Arbiter of Heaven's High Court of Appeals and may there submit his case without fear as to the verdict. Upon his bier we ask only the privilege of placing this single tributary token knowing not how we can now give a richer gem than sincere sorrow's diadem. For his family we have the deepest sympathy, for ourselves sweet memories of him. See Also:
Angelina Virginia (Smith) Winkler
Jun 2, 1842 - May 4, 1911 Mrs. Winkler Dead. Wife of Well Known Confederate Dies in El Paso. By Associated PressEl Paso, Texas, May 4. Mrs. A. V. Winkler, late of Corsicana, widow of Judge Winkler of the Texas appellate bench, died suddenly here this morning. She was regent of the Confederate Museum at Richmond, VA. Notes:
Ida Viola (Powers) Nuclkes 
Feb 9, 1875 - Jan 22, 1936 Mrs. Ida Viola Powers was born February 9, 1875, was converted in 1887, and joined the Presbyterian Church at the age of 12 years. She joined the Baptist Church in 1906. She was married to J. W. Nuckles November 28, 1893. To this union was born Mrs. Clara Watts. She came to Texas in 1910 and in 1911 joined with the
Prairie Grove Baptist Church at Emmett. After an illness of six (6) years, she gave up this life at 9:15
o'clock, Wednesday night January 22, 1936 at the age of 66 years, 11 months and 13 days. She lived a devoted Christian life for more than 48 years and said she never grew tired nor weary of worshiping her master. She is survived by her husband, J. W. Nuckles, daughter Clara, Grand daughter Wanda Jean and grandson Francis Max Watts. One brother, S. G. Powers of Corsicana, texas. Nieces and Nephews
are Mrs. Rita Miller, Henderson, Texas, Mrs. Undine Widman of Dallas, Texas, Mrs Vivian Toten, Corsicana, Texas, Mrs. Fay Ridman, [Redmon], Van Texas, Mr. Reno Powers, Corpus Christi Texas, Mr. Terry Powers, Dallas Texas, and a host of their loved ones, relatives and friends. She loved her home, her church, and many friends, was a devoted wife and tender mother and in sorrow and love her friends bow to the will of "Him who doeth all things well." Therefore Be it Resolved that a copy of this be sent to the Baptist Progress and a copy spread on the church records and a copy be sent to the bereaved family. Committee: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stroder, Mrs. W. H. Bowen. Notes:
Long Time Resident Emmett Community Was Buried Thursday
Mrs. J. W. Nuckles, long-time resident of the Emmett community, died
Wednesday night and the funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock with interment in the
Emmett cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Marion Watts, Emmett;
two grandchildren, one brother, S. G. Powers of Corsicana, and other
William Harvey Moore 
Apr 20, 1882 - Aug 15, 1936 Obituary of Bro. W. H. Moore Bro. W. H. Moore was born in Navarro County Texas April 25, 1882. Was Converted at the age of Eleven (11) years and joined the Prairie Grove Baptist Church at that time. He has lived a faithful christian life from that time. He has been a Deacon for several years. He was at his post of duty in the church as long as health permitted. He died August 15,1936. He is survived by a daughter, mrs. Lucille Strain, Frost, Texas, two sons, Bl. L. Jr., Irene, Texas, and Aldine of Emmett. He was laid to rest in the Emmett Cemetery. [Prairie Grove Cemetery] Bro R. D. Burlison Conducted funeral services. Committee Mrs Maud Bowen, Mrs. M. B Stroder, J. T. Stroder Notes:
W. H. Moore, aged 53 native of Navarro county wealthy
land-owner and president, died at his home in the Emmett community
Saturday night at 11 o'clock. He had been in 111 health for several
In addition to extensive land and other Interests,
Mr. Moore was president of the First National Bank of Irene, Hill
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock from the Emmett Baptist church of which he had been a long-time
member, with Interment in the
Emmett cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs, Nora Moore of Emmett;
two sons, B. L. Moore, Jr., Irene, and Aldean Moore, Emmett; a daughter,
Mrs. Johnnie Strain. Frost; a granddaughter, Paula Moore, Irene: father.
B. L. Moore, Sr., Emmett; two brothers, G. E. Moore, Frost, and Robert
I. Moore, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. J. T. Stroder, Emmett, and other
William Shelby Dunagan 
Feb 4, 1872 - Feb 2, 1937 Obituary of W. S. Dunagan Bro. W. S. Dunagan was born February 4, 1872 in the Emmett Community where he lived until his death February 2, 1937. He was married to Miss Josephine Coxsey November 30, 1892. To this union nine children were born. Six boys and three girls. Alva of Ft. Stockton, TX, Lewis of Austin, Texas, Harold, Calvin, Cecil and Leon of Emmett, Ollie Draper of Pursley, Tex, Mayme Kilgore of Dallas, Texas, and Athelee Holcomb of Emmett. Bro. Dunagan was converted and joined the Prairie Grove Baptist Church at the age of 19, where he remained a member until his death. Bro. Dunagan who had faith in God, lived in faith and died in faith. he was ever ready to help his fellow Christian. The appeal of the unfortunate never fell on deaf ears. When the appealed t him. His aid, Council, an advice will be missed. He was always ready and willing to give his family the best he had. He was always found to stand for the right in church, work and the up building of the community. He was a true companion, faithful father, and a good citizen. He leaves his wife, children, 10 grandchildren, six brothers, three sisters besides a host of other relatives and friends to mourn his death. His place is vacant in the home and the church. Weep not for his sudden going dear loved ones for our loss is his gain. resolved that a copy be sent to the Baptist Progress, a copy spread in the records of the church, and a copy be sent to the bereaved family. ... Committee. Notes:
Lifelong Resident Emmett Community Died Suddenly
W. S. Duanagan, about 66 years of age, life-long resident of the
Emmett community, died suddenly Wednesday evening while doing chores
about his home, according to information received here Friday.
Surviving are his wife, nine children, several grandchildren, three
sisters, four brothers and a number of other relatives.
Bascomb Lycurgus "Kirk" Moore 
May 1, 1850 - June 23, 1937 Bro. B. L. Moore was born in Alabama March 1, 1850. Died January 23, 1937. He was converted when a young man and joined Prairie Grove Baptist Church of Emmett in 1893 where he was a member at the time of his death. He was married to Miss Estella Wilkerson December 5, 1878. To this union was born five children. Mrs. Nannie Belle Stroder, William Harvey, George Eddie, Ruth and Robert. His wife, Ruth and Harvey proceeded him in death. Mrs. Nannie Bell Stroder, George Eddie and Robert remain to mourn his departure. He was laid to rest in Prairie Grove Cemetery, June 24, 1937 in the presence of a great concave of relatives and friends the last said rites being conducted by Rev. R. D. Burleson assisted by Bro. Zack Corben. He was a faithful husband, and a loyal father. He served as Superintendent of the Sunday School 25 years. He was faithful to the church he supported it by his prayers, means, and presence. His wish was to see his church and community prosper. Be it resolved a copy of this be spread on the church record,
a copy to the bereaved ones, and a copy sent ot the Baptist Progress. In the Bible you'll find it so - If in Heaven we'd have our treasure We must strive to find his will and seek not selfish gain and pleasure if we our mission would ju...?.. We believe this was the life Br. Moore Lived. ... Committee. Notes:
B.L. Moore, Sr., aged 87 years, pioneer resident of the Emmett community
died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.T. Stroder, at Emmett Wednesday
night at 8 o'clock. He had been in declining health for some time.
A native of Alabama and resident of Tennessee prior to coming to Navarro
county sixty-odd years ago, Mr. Moore long was a large land owner in the
western section of Navarro county.
Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Emmett
where interment was made. He had been a member of the Baptist church for
many years.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Stroder, Emmett; two sons, G.E. Moore,
Jr., Frost and Robert L. Moore, Dallas; fifteen grandchildren, five
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
- Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - June 25, 1937
- Submitted by Karen
Maude (Osborne) Bowen 
Mar 6, 1880 - Feb 7, 1943 Mrs. Maud Bowen (nee Osborne) was born March 6, 1880. Past on to that home in the Sweet Beyond February 7, 1943, at the age of thirteen she was born into the Family of God and United with the Prairie Grove Baptist Church at Emmett and loved a Christian Life. She was a true wife and a loving mother. The wisdom of God called her to say "L'll live for him while here I stay." Ill choose the Right leave off the wrng, and Praise the lord in Deed and Song. She was married to Will Bowen on November 7, 1892. [should be 1897]. To this union was born three children as follows: Charlie Bowen, Abilene, Texas, Mrs. Leo Reed, Corsicana, Texas, and Mrs. Calven Dunagan, Emmett, who with her husband , four grandchildren one sister, three brothers and a host of relatives and friends she leaves to morn her going. She is gone but not forgotten. ... Committee. Notes:
Mrs. W. H. Bowen, aged 62 years died at her home in the Emmett community
Sunday afternoon following a stroke Saturday morning.
Funeral services were held from the Emmett Baptist church Monday
afternoon with burial in the
Emmett cemetery. A native of Emmett, Mrs.
Bowen had resided in that community all of her life except for a few
years spent in Ellis county.
Surviving are her husband, Emmett; a son, Charley Bowen, Abilene; two
daughters, Mrs. Leo Reed, State Home, Corsicana, and Mrs. Calvin
Dunagan, Emmett; several grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Pearl Ballew,
Emmett; three brothers, Albert and Melvin Osborne, both of Corsicana,
and P. G. Osborne, Coolidge and other relatives.
Floyd Cornelieus Butler 
Dec 18, 1889 - Oct 4, 1941 Floyd Cornelieus Butler was born in Navarro County, Texas, December 18, 1889. He was married on December 1, 1908 to Mertis Mae Robertson, wh departed this life on April 2, 1932. To this union was born eight children. Mrs. Butler was converted and joined Post Oak Baptist Church in 1923. In 1927 he moved his membership ot the Prairie Grove Baptist Church at Emmett where it remained until his death. He was always a kind and loving father all his hopes and dreams were for his children. Mr. Butler passed away Oct 4, 1941. He is survived by his wife, eight children, four boys and four gils. George of Stillwater, Texas, Floyd of Dallas, Texas, J. F. William and Gracie Mae, Duncanville, texas, Edna of Frost, Nellie Fae of Dallas and Gladys of cedar Hill, Texas. One brother, Ed Butler of Arizona, one sister, Mrs. Will Davis, Corsicana Six grand children and a host of relatives and friends. Notes:
Martha Melinda "Linda" (Ballew) Northern
Jun 6, 1870 - Feb 26, 1943 We now hold it a "Sweet Memory" to call to memory our beloved Mother, Sister, and Friend, Martha Malinda Northern, nee Ballew, who departed this life February 26, 1943. She was born in Polk Co., Tennessee June 6, 1870. Being Seventy two years, eight months and twenty days aged. She was truly converted and joined the Missionary Baptist Church at the tender age of twelve years. She moved to Emmett, Navarro Co., Texas September 8, 1894, placed her membership in the Prairie Grove Missionary Baptist Church where she remained a consistent and consecrated member until her death. This Christian Mother was the Eldest child of a family of ten noble Christian men and women whose parents were Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ballew who are deceased. She was married to W. B. Northern in September of the year 1895. To this union were born four children, three daughters and one son. One daughter having died at the age of four years 1903. Mrs. Herman Wyatt, Malakoff, Texas, Mrs. R. J. Fuller, Talco, Texas, D. H. Northern, Angus, Texas and grandchildren survive her. Her husband W. B. Northern died in November 1904 leaving this mother to rear and educate her children t the best of her abilities. For this cause she gave her best. Her toiling hands never idle or grew weary in will doing, her long life of useful is far fruit of the spirit.
Where as God in his wisdom saw fit to call from our midst a most faithful friend, sister, Mother and where as we feel God has blessed the lives of others with the life and example of this Mother and Sister and where as we now bow ourselves in the most humble submission to Him who doith all things well.I We laid her to rest in the Prairie Grove Cemetery, Beneath a mound of lovely flowers to await the resurrection of those who sleep. Burial services were conducted by Eld. F. R. Vaughtn of Blooming Grove Texas who reminded us of the fact that the Earth has no Sorrow that God cannot heal. Be it resolved that the Prairie Grove Missionary Baptist Church extend her most sincere sympathy to each of her children and loved ones and that a copy of the Resolution be presented to each of her children and that a copy be sent to the Baptist Progress. ... Committee Notes:
NORTHERN - Corsicana, Texas. - Funeral services were held at Emmett
for Mrs. Linda Northern, 72, who died near Malakoff. Burial was in the
Emmett Cemetery. Surviving are a son, Dewey Northern, Angus; two daughters,
Mrs. H. L. Wyatt, Malakoff, and Mrs. R. T. Fuller, Talco; nine
grandchildren; f our brothers, Will Bailey, Dawson; John Ballew, young
County; Frank and Charlie Ballew, both of Frost and two sisters, Mrs. Laura
Miller, Dallas, and Mrs. I. D. McAfee, Corsicana.
Mrs. Linda Northern, aged 72 years, native of Tennessee, but long-time
resident of Emmett community, died Friday afternoon at the home of a
daughter, Mrs. H. L. Wyatt, near Malakoff, after an extended illness.
She had made her home with her daughter for more than a year.
Funeral services were held from the Emmett Baptist church Saturday
afternoon with burial in the
Emmett cemetery.
Surviving are a son, Dewey Northern, Angus, employed in the Houston
shipyards; two daughters, Mrs. Wyatt, Malakoff, and Mrs. R. T. Fuller,
Talco; nine grandchildren, four brothers, Will Ballew, Dawson; John
Ballew, Young County, and Frank and Charlie Ballew, both of the Frost
community; two sisters, Mrs. Laura Miller, of Dallas, formerly of
Corsicana, and Mrs. I. D. McAfee, Corsicana and other relatives.