Dated July 24th 1895 Letter on nice illustrated letterhead Henry & Hartzell General Dry Goods Blooming Grove Texas. Has a star which possibly represents the Lone Star and in its rays it says " Clothing , Boots , Shoes , Hats Dry Goods ". Buren Haden is writing to his cousin Lucille. He has been at Charlie's sickbed. On Saturday the 27th Jack will be in Corsicana when the Dallas train arrives and will see her on board the train for Blooming Grove , she will be detained at Corsicana one half day. Charlie has had one of his attacks of bilbous colic ,
this time attended with a congestive chill.... I am watching for military news just now , they are making some army changes and my boy's regiment is to be moved. I hope he will be sent to Kentucky. ...... See Also: |