Table of Contents
- Site Navigation
- Who owns this
- Can I copy the information
posted at the website?
- How
accurate is the information posted at the website?
- Why don't you post
cemetery & marriage records?
- Do Queries really get
answered & how can I post a query?
- Can I contribute information to the website?
- Can
you send me my family history?
- Can you send me
copies of records from the courthouse?
From the Top or Bottom of each page, this icon will return you to the Navarro County TXGenWeb Homepage. |
Returns to the top of the current page |
Link to: |
Links preceded with this text will link to a site outside of the Navarro County TXGenWeb. We have no control over the content or
existence of the target. If you find a broken link, please contact the site coordinator so we can remove or repair it. |
Some sections include the Photo ICON next to names where
the Obituary or Biography contains a photograph of the person listed. |
This icon appears on the text pages of the obituary
section. It indicates that I may have more additional information in
my off line files concerning this person. You can contact Ed
Williams for more information. |
Barbara Knox and Edward L. Williams are the coordinators
for the Navarro County TXGenWeb site. They maintain the website and all information
located there. Server space and computer time is donated by the Rootsweb organization.
Information posted at the site has been donated by the Navarro County Historical
the Navarro County Genealogical
Society, the coordinators and dozens of volunteers and
visitors who just want to share and help others.
Can I copy the information posted at the website?
Much of the information at the website is used with the permission of the Navarro County Historical Society. All information can be used for personal research but may not be copied to other websites without permission of the
contributor and the site coordinators. We impose this restriction as we are continuously applying updates and additions as new information is submitted by volunteers. We do, however, allow other websites to create links to our website.
We strive to provide the most accurate and complete data as possible. Keep in mind that when using information from this, or any other website, mistakes can, and do, occur. It is always a good idea to check original source documents whenever possible. We appreciate all corrections and additions. Of
course, many listings, such as the veterans and CSA burials, are incomplete. These pages are updated weekly with new information submitted by our volunteers and
guests. Because the information posted comes from a number of different sources, we cannot assume responsibility, legally or otherwise, for its accuracy.
The Historical & Genealogical Societies have donated a tremendous amount of information to this website. The cemetery and marriage records, however, have been transcribed in book form and are sold by the Navarro County Genealogical Society to raise funds for activities and projects supported by that
group. We often reference these sources but encourage you to purchase these volumes. They are a super value considering the prices County Histories bring in
the secondary market (such as eBay). Information on how to purchase these publications can be found at Navarro County Genealogical Society,
Navarro County Historical Society, and the Selected Bibliography Page.
Do queries really get answered and how do I post a query?
The site coordinators, as well as volunteers of the Navarro County Genealogical Society, regularly review posted queries and answer as many as possible. In addition, visitors to the website often scan the query lists looking for others researching the same families or points of historical interest. Barbara
and Ed have met dozens of distant cousins from queries posted at this and other GenWeb sites.
Please send all queries to Barbara Knox.
We encourage individuals to contribute information to this WebSite. Not only will you be helping others to discover their genealogical and historical roots but it is also great way to locate relatives and others researching like surnames. We are always looking for old articles, obituaries, and other
information of historical or genealogical interest to post. We recognize and credit the contributor of information unless the request is to remain anonymous.
We wish genealogy was that easy. While we will do all we can to assist you in your research, you will need to do most of the work. Sometimes family histories are submitted to this website for posting, so be sure to check the Biography Index page. Be sure to check the index to the Navarro County History Volume II and Volume VI. These volumes, published by the Navarro County Historical Society in Corsicana, are indexed here
and may be purchased from that Society. You may also want to check the index for "The Scroll" and the "Leaves and Branches" publications.
Neither of the coordinators of the Navarro County TXGenWeb site currently live in Navarro County although Barbara and Ed both have deep family roots in the
county and a great love for its history. If you need copies of county records, they may be ordered from the Navarro County Clerks office. You may also post a query, or write to the Navarro County Genealogical society for other information.