Civil War Aeronjaut Historical Marker
Rural Shade,
Navarro County, Texas |

Civil War Aeronaut
Brevet 1 Lt. A. E. Morse entered as a private in the CSA on Aug 1, 1861
at Savannah, GA into Capt. Wheaton's Co. (Chatham Artillery) serving in
the illustrious Artillery unit until he received special duty orders.
This is when he received his own famous status. He became one of three
officers of the Confederacy that soared in the Southern skies for
Confederate States air reconnaissance. He, his captain, C. Cevors, and
six other able bodied Confederate veterans became the crew for the
illustrious "new multi-colored vertically striped Savannah balloon, the
Gazelle". After numerous ascensions in and around Richmond, Virginia in
1862, the balloon was captured and the Union officers cut the prized
Gazelle into little pieces and sent them to each member of their
Congress. (Two of the silk trophies are preserved at the Smithsonian Air
and Space Museum) Cevor and Morse built their second balloon for
Confederate States service and made numerous military observation
ascents defending the Charleston Harbor area into late summer of 1863.
Morse is considered the last military balloonist to ascend the skies
during the War for Southern Independence. After the special duty was
over he went back to his original unit of Cheatham's Artillery and
served until their surrender, April 14, 1865. Morse and his family moved
to Navarro County Texas where he farmed until the death of his wife.
After some time, he moved into the home of his son in Waxahachie, Texas
where he lived out the rest of his life. They brought him back to
Corsicana to be buried in the family plot.
Marker Located in the Oakwood Cemetery (This marker may have
been replaced with the one in the link below) |
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams