Chatfield Farm to Market 1603,
12 mi N. of Corsicana in Chatfield, TX
Photo by
Dana Stubbs
Chatfield United Methodist Church
In 1846, the Rev. J. E. Ferguson,
whose son was to be a governor of Texas, preached to Methodist in this area. Robert Hodge,
who founded Chatfield, built a brush arbor and let camp meetings be held at his spring. In
1858, he donated a site for a lodge hall, where all faiths worshiped for years. In 1886,
Mr. and Mrs. Nail McMullan gave the Methodists a site for a church of their own. Peak
membership came in 1896 under the Rev. George Clark. The original building was destroyed
by a storm in 1937; the present one was completed in 1938. (1976)