Obituaries from Navarro County, Texas |  HOME
Douglas Lafatte Brown Mar 3, 1916 - Jun 21, 2005
Douglas L. Brown, 89, of Corsicana passed away Tuesday, June 21, 2005, in Corsicana.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home.
Services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Corley Funeral Chapel with Brother Bill Honea officiating. Interment will follow at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. Charles Brown, Donald Palmeri and Bill Register.
Mr. Brown was born March 3, 1916, in Jester. Survivors include his sisters, Velma DuBois of McKinney, Oleta Saxton of Corsicana and Hetty Graham and husband Delroy of Corsicana; 10 nephews and two nieces.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Mattie Conger (Yeater) Neblett Jan
23, 1860 - Dec 18, 1929
Mrs. Mattie C. Neblett Dies at Corsicana Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, Dec. 18. - Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Conger Neblett, 69, native of Missouri, but resident of Corsicana for fifty years, who died at her home here Wednesday will be held from the family residence Thursday morning. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Jack Hagar and Mrs. R. B. Molloy, both of Corsicana, and a son, Robert Neblett of Schenectady, N. Y. Mrs. Neblett was born in Montgomery, Mo., June 23, 1860, and with her parents, the Rev. A. J. Yeater and wife came to Texas when only 3 years of age. She spent her childhood at Anderson and Hearne, Texas. She was married at Hearne to R. S. Neblett in November, 1879, and came immediately to Corsicana, where she has since resided. Her husband preceded her to the grave several years ago.
Mrs. Mattie Conger Neblett, aged 69 years, native of Missouri but
resident of Corsicana for fifty years died at her home, 418 West Third
avenue Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock following an illness of three
years and ten months, and the funeral will be held from the home
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock with interment in Oakwood Cemetery.
Services will be conducted by the Rev. H. J. Ellis, rector of the St.
John's Episcopal church, of which deceased had been a lifelong member.
Pallbearers will be C. G. Davidson, Robert Cooksey, Sidney Story and Ed.
M. Polk, Sr.
Sutherland Funeral Home will have charge of the funeral.
Mrs. Neblett, who has been an active figure in Corsicana church and club
work and all activities for the betterment of her home city, had resided
in Corsicana fifty years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Jack
Hagar and Mrs. R. B. Molloy, of Corsicana, and one son, Robert Neblett
of Schenectady, N.Y., all of whom were at her bedside when the end came.
After leading a most active life, she was stricken nearly four years ago
and her life was despaired at that time, but excellent nursing and
attention of her children and her strong will power enabled her to do so
far recover that hope had been expressed only recently that she might
regain her health, but a few days ago a turn came and her enfeebled body
was unable to withstand the gradual passing of life.
Came to Texas early.
Born in Montgomery, Mo., June 23, 1860, Mrs. Neblett came with her
parents, the Rev. A. J. Yeater and wife to Texas when only three years
of age. Her childhood and girl-hood were spent at Anderson and Hearne,
Texas, and she was married in the latter place to R. S. Neblett in
November 1879, and came immediately to Corsicana, where she has since
resided. With her assistance the struggling young attorney husband
attained a place high in the annals of the Navarro county and Central
Texas bar. Mr. Neblett preceded her to the grave several years ago.
Mrs. Neblett has rightly been called a wonderful character. She lived
for her family and her friends and all who knew her were her friends.
Her home was ever open to all who would come and her time and talent was
given unstintedly and unselfishly for others. Mrs. Neblett was one of
the best read women in this section of Texas. She knew her Bible as few
others knew it and she knew art, literature and music as few other knew
them. It had often been said that when one could not find facts
concerning a certain subject—in fact most any subject—that if Mrs.
Neblett could not give the desired information she could tell the seeker
after knowledge in what book or journal the particular knowledge could
be found.
Mrs. Neblett was possessed of wonderfully bright mind, a remarkable
memory and a most excellent education. But her education did not end
with the ending of her school days. She read good books and kept abreast
of the times and while a source of comfort and interest to older persons
she still retained her interest in young people and loved them and was
deeply loved by them in return. It is safe to state that no woman or man
in Corsicana had more friends among the young, the middle-aged and the
elderly than did Mrs. Neblett up until the time her active life was cut
off and she became a shut-in on account of her health.
Among her other activities she never lost sight of her beloved church
and its affiliated activities. Until stricken several years ago she was
a regular attendant on church and Sunday school and often was called
upon to teach the Bible class in St. John's Sunday school, being the
teacher of the women's class for many months. She loved her church and
was ever faithful to its precepts and teachings. Her early home life as
the daughter of an Episcopal clergyman, prepared her well for the active
part she later took in her community and her church parish.
Funeral services for Mrs. R. S. Neblett, aged 69 years, and for fifty
years a resident of Corsicana, who died at her home, 418 West Third
avenue at an early hour Wednesday, following more than three years
illness, were held from the home Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, with
Rev. H. J. Ellis, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, of which
deceased had been a life-long member, conducting the burial services of
that church with the home filled to overflowing with friends of Mrs.
Neblett and her family who came to pay their last sad farewell to the
body of a much loved friend.
Following the services the funeral cortege moved from the home to
Oakwood cemetery
where the body was laid at rest beside that of her late husband, the
Hon. R. S. Neblett, who preceded her in death several years ago, with a
great profusion of beautiful floral offerings covering the grave. Seldom
has there been a greater profusion or more beautiful flowers for the
memory of Mrs. Neblett seen in Corsicana.
Pallbearers were C. G. Davidson, Ed M. Polk, Sr., Robert Cooksey, and
Sidney Story, and the Sutherland Funeral Home were in charge of the
Mrs. Neblett who came to Corsicana immediately following her marriage to
Mr. Neblett at Hearn in 1879, and has resided here since that time, is
survived by three children, Mrs. Jack Hagar and Mrs. R. B. Molloy,
Corsicana, and Robert S. Neblett of Schnectady, New York. She was the
daughter of the Rev. A. J. Yeater, an Episcopal minister, and wife and
was born in Missouri, but came with her parents to Texas when three
years of age and spent her childhood and young womanhood at Anderson and
She has lived in Corsicana and lent her aid and assistance to every
worthy cause for half a century. She was truly unselfish, both of her
means and her knowledge, of which she possessed a rare store. Mrs.
Neblett was one of the best informed women of the age on matters
pertaining to the Christian religion, art, literature, music and kindred
subjects and her mind was a veritable store-house of good things
garnered through the passing years.
Washington Halbert, Dr. Feb
22, 1881 - Mar 12, 1929
Dr. W. W. Halbert, 48, Dies at Corsicana Special to the News CORSICANA,
Texas, March 12. - Dr. W. W. Halbert, 48, president of the Navarro County Medical Society, died suddenly at his
home here shortly before 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. He is survived by his wife and four children.
Funeral services for Dr. Wm. W. Halbert, 55, native Texan and resident
of Corsicana for 9 years, president of Navarro County Medical Society,
who died suddenly Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his residence, 1700
Sycamore avenue, will be held from the family home Thursday afternoon at
3 o'clock with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The funeral will be conducted
by Rev. Paul J. Merrill of Fort Worth formerly pastor of the First
Christian Church in Corsicana, assisted by Rev. Tom Lenox, pastor of the
First Christian church. The Masonic lodge will have charge of the
funeral at the grave.
Dr. Halbert was born in Sabine county and was a graduate of Sewanee
University of Tennessee. He had been slightly ill with an infection of
the eye but was not considered serious. His condition took a turn for
the worse about noon Tuesday.
Surviving are his wife, four children, Clyde Halbert, student of the
University of Texas; Miss Maurine Halbert and Wayland and John Paul
Halbert, all of Corsicana; mother, Mrs. Arletha Halbert, Corsicana; one
brother, A. A. Halbert, Los Vegas, N. M.; two sisters, Mrs. Abbie
Harris, Marshall; Mrs. Lottie Adams, Center; and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be members of the Masonic lodge and honorary
pallbearers were members of the Masonic lodge, Navarro county Medical
society and all friends of the family.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Dr. Wm. W. Halbert, 48, who died at his home,
1700 Sycamore avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock were held on
Thursday afternoon from the family home with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. Tom Lenox, pastor of the First
Christian church, assisted by Rev. J. Howard Williams, pastor of the
First Baptist church. The Masonic lodge had charge of the services
at the grave.
Dr. Halbert died suddenly after becoming seriously ill about noon
Tuesday. He was a native of Texas and had resided in Corsicana nine
years. He was a graduate of Schwanee university of Tennessee and was
president of the Navarro county Medical society as well as prominent
member of the Masonic order and member and medical examiner for the
local Knights Pythias lodge.
Surviving are his wife, four children, Clyde Halbert, student of the
University of Texas; Miss Maurine Halbert and Wayland and John Paul
Halbert, all of Corsicana; mother, Mrs. Arletha Halbert, Corsicana;
one brother, A. A. Halbert, Los Vegas, N. M.; two sisters, Mrs.
Abbie Harris, Marshall; Mrs. Lottie Adams, Center; and other
Pallbearers were members of the Masonic lodge and honorary
pallbearers were members of the Masonic lodge, Navarro county
Medical society and all friends of the family.
The funeral was under the direction of the Corley-McMahon Funeral
Many Out-of-Town Relatives and Friends At Halbert Funeral
The hearts of all Corsicana were saddened at the news of the
untimely death of one of the city's prominent and much beloved
physicians, Dr. W. W. Halbert, which occurred very suddenly
Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services at the home Thursday
afternoon at two o'clock, which was attended by a large
concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives, the following
being out of town: Mr. C. D. Finley of McAlister, Okla., Mr. J.
A. Finley of Fort Worth, brothers of Mrs. Halbert, her father,
Mr. H. D. Finley and sister-in-law, Mrs. D. M. Finley of
Marietta, and her sisters, Mrs. De Graffenreid and husband of
Dallas, and Mrs. R. P. Miles of Shreveport, La. Dr. Halbert's
brother, Mr. A. A. Halbert of Las Vegas, N. Mex., and his
cousin, Mr. H. B. Halbert, wife and son Ed of Frankston, Mr. and
Mrs. B. J. McMillan and daughter, Cleotice, Mrs. W. D. Daniels
of Hughes Springs, Mrs. G. C. Robinson of Naples, Dr. Joe Becton
of Greenville and Dr. Halbert's sister, Mrs. Harris and husband
of Marshall.
Deepest sympathy is extended the bereft wife and children by
their large circle of friends here and elsewhere.
Annie Margaret
(Blair) Hall Jun 10,
1850 - May 6, 1936
HALL - Corsicana, Texas. May 6. - Mrs. Annie M. Hall died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Effie Hall Lewis at Eastland Tuesday night. The funeral will be held here from the First Presbyterian Church Thursday morning with burial in Oakwood Cemetery, the Rev. W. R. Hall, pastor of the church officiating. Mrs. Hall was the daughter of the late Dr. J. M. Blair. Mrs. Hall resided in Corsicana many years. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Lewis; two grandson, Jack and Blair Lewis, all of Eastland, and a sister, Mrs. Mary E. Kerr, Corsicana. Notes:
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie M. Hall, former well-known
Corsicana resident, who died in Eastland Tuesday night, were
held Thursday morning from the First Presbyterian church with
burial in
Oakwood Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. W.
R. Hall, pastor of the church.
Mrs. Hall was a daughter of the late Dr. J. M. Blair, pioneer
physician of Corsicana and had lived in this community
practically all of her life.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Effie Hall Lewis, Eastland; two
grandsons, Jack and Blair Lewis both of Eastland; a sister, Mrs.
Mary E. Kerr, Corsicana, and a number of nieces and nephews and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were Dr. L. C. Polk, F. C. Paul, H. R. Stewart, John
C. Hughes, H. O. Blanding and John Sullivan.
Sutherland - McCammon Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Mrs. Annie M. Hall died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Effie
Hall Lewis at Eastland Tuesday night. The funeral will be held
here from the First Presbyterian church Thursday morning at 11
o'clock with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. W. R. Hall, pastor of the church.
Mrs. Hall was the daughter of the late Dr. J. M. Blair. Mrs.
Hall resided in Corsicana for many years.
Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Lewis, two grandsons, Jack and
Blair Lewis, all of Eastland; a sister, Mrs. Mary E. Kerr,
Corsicana; a niece, Mrs. M. E. Woodrow, Corsicana, a nephew,
James Kerr, Corsicana, and other relatives.
The body will arrive in Corsicana late Wednesday night.
Pallbearers will be Dr. L. C. Polk, F. C. Paul, H. R. Stewart,
John C. Hughes, H. O. Blanding, and John Sullivan.
Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Sutherland –
McCammon Funeral Home.
D. R. Hall
Oct 14, 1871 - Feb 7, 1920
HALL - Corsicana, Texas, Feb. 9. - D. R. Hall, 49 years old, died at the P & S Hospital here Saturday. He had been a resident here for many years and is survived by his wife and one daughter.
D. R. Hall
D. R. Hall, son of . J. Hall, also deceased, who died February 7th was
born at Hall's Mill, Alabama, October 14, 1871; moved to Corsicana in
1894, at which place he lived for twenty-six years. He is survived by
four brothers; T. T. Hall and A. S. Hall of Hamilton, Ala.; W. U. Hall
of Pontatoc, Miss., and J. A. Hall of Stamford, Texas.
Mr. Hall was a man of sterling worth; a man of the cleanest honor and
integrity. Faithful and true to all trusts, and unswerving in the
pursuit of duty and what he conceived to be right. He was not a member
of any church, but his was a life of the highest ideals, and he said
that he was ready to go; that all was well with him.
He leaves a beloved and devoted wife, a darling little daughter, who was
the joy of his life. He was always kind and loving and even in his dying
hours his thoughts were for others and not for himself. A good and noble
man has gone and those who knew him best feel that his influence for
good will never die. A FRIEND.
Elizabeth "Bessie" Hail,

Jan 16, 1856 - Apr 25, 1936
HAIL - Corsicana, Texas. April 27. - Funeral services for Miss Bessie Hail, 78, resident of Corsicana and Navarro County practically all of her life, who died Saturday afternoon were held from the family home Sunday with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First Methodist Church, officiating. Miss Hail had been a life-long member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are four sisters, Miss Nannie Hail, Corsicana; Mrs. Jessie Burleson, Corsicana; Mrs. Lou Allen, Mexia, and Mrs. Fannie Bonner, Mexia. Notes:
Miss Bessie Hail, aged 78 years, died at her home, 2009 West Fifth
avenue, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Funeral services will be held
from the home Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First
Methodist church.
Miss Hail had been a resident of Corsicana and Navarro county
practically all of her life. She had also been a lifelong member of the
Methodist church.
Surviving are four sisters, Miss Nannie Hail, Corsicana; Mrs. Jessie
Burleson, Corsicana; Mrs. Lou Allen, Mexia, and Mrs. Fannie Bonner,
Mexia, and a number of nephews, nieces and other relatives.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Miss Bessie Hail, aged 78, resident of
Corsicana and Navarro county practically all of her life, who died
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, were held from the family home,
2009 West Fifth avenue, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock with interment
in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First
Methodist church. Miss Hail had been a life-long member of the
Methodist church.
Surviving are four sisters, Miss Nannie Hail, Corsicana; Mrs. Jessie
Burleson, Corsicana; Mrs. Lou Allen, Mexia, and Mrs. Fannie Bonner,
Mexia, and a number of nephews, nieces and other relatives.
The funeral arrangements were directed by the Sutherland-McCammon
Funeral Home.
Mary Jane Hall Died Feb 1938
HALL - Corsicana, Texas. Feb. 14. -
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Jane Hall, 78, who died Sunday, were held Monday with burial at Kemp. Mrs. Hall had made her home in this vicinity
for the last fifty years. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Belle Hall, Corsicana, and Mrs. Nannie Millican, Pasadena, Calif.; five grandchildren
and six great-grandchildren. Notes:
Theodocia Ernest Morris
30, 1893 - Nov 3, 1956 Rites were held Monday for Mrs. Frank L. Morris, 63, who died at her home in Floydada Saturday. Services were held from the First Christian Church at
Blooming Grove. Burial was in White Church Cemetery. Rites were conducted by the Rev. Chuck Mull, pastor of the church.
She was a native of Frost and had resided at Floydada 14 years. Surviving are her husband of Floydada; five sons, Frankie Morris, Mack Morris, and Milton Morris, all of
Dallas; Woody Morris and Billy Morris, both of Floydada; four daughters, Mrs. Phil R. Barham, Blooming Grove; Mrs. Lois Nelson, Dumas; Mrs. Helen Norvell and Mrs. Ruth
McKinney, both of Lubbock; 21 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Notes:
Omer Kinnel 'O.K.' Vinson
Mar 9, 1886 - Mar 1953 Frost Rites Held For O. K. Vinson Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, March 29. - Funeral services for O. K. Vinson, 67, retired teacher and coach, of Frost, were held Sunday at 3 p.m. from the Frost Methodist Church. Burial was in the Dawson Cemetery with the Masons in charge of graveside rites. Vinson died in the Navarro Clinic here early Saturday morning. Vinson taught and coached at Dawson, Hubbard, Navarro, Frost and other points in this section. Surviving are his wife of Frost; three sons, Fred Vinson, San Antonio; O. K. Vinson Jr., Houston, and Milton Vinson, United States Air Force; two brothers, P. O. Vinson, Collidge, and J. G. Slade, Mexia; five grandchildren. Notes:
Mrs. R. J. Voss Died Jun 1928
VOSS - Corsicana, Texas. June 25. - Mrs. R. J. Voss, 89, died at her home in Petty's Chapel Sunday night and burial was in the Hamilton Cemetery Monday. Surviving is her husband.
Sarah A. Vinnedge Died Sep 1941
Mrs. Sarah Vinnedge Dies at Denison DENISON, Texas, Sept 21. - Mrs. Sarah A. Vinnedge, 81, resident of Denison forty-two years, died suddenly here Sunday at her home. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at the First Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery. Born in Summerville, Tenn., Mrs. Vinnedge came to Texas with her parents in a covered wagon before railroads entered the state. They crossed Red River north of here and settled at Corsicana. She married Charles H. Vinnedge June 1, 1879 at Corsicana and they came to Denison in 1899. Mr. Vinnedge died in 1927. Surviving are a son, Guy D. Vinnedge, Denison, and three grandchildren. Notes:
Jacky Dallas Vaughn Died Aug 1948
Boy Dies of Injuries Special to The News ATHENS, Texas, Aug. 18. - Jacky Dallas Vaughn, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Vaughn, died in a Corsicana hospital of injuries received when he was run over by a trailer on his father's farm in the Mill Run community. Funeral services were held at the Central Baptist Church in Athens. Surviving are his parents; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. White of Athens; a half-brother, Ray D. Vaughn of Minneapolis, Minn., and a half-sister, Mrs. Stanley Lucious of Nashua, N.H. Notes:
Ellis Junior Valentine Died Aug 1947
Ellis J. Valentine Dies Special to The News Ellis Junior Valentine, 18, United States Navy, died Sunday at Long Beach, Calif., and the body will be returned to Corsicana for burial. A graduate of the Corsicana High School, Valentine had been in the navy a year. Surviving are his father, J. E. Valentine, Roxana, Ill.; mother, Mrs. Georgia Bryant, Gladewater; sister, Mrs. F. D. Dodgen, Tyler, and grandmother, Mrs. E. T. Valentine, Houston. Notes:
Oscar L. Valentine
Aug 12, 1901 - Jul 6, 1925
Man Is Hurled to Death by Blast Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas. July 6 - Hurled into an old water well by the explosion of accumulated gas in the well while he was attempting to cover it, O. L. Valentine, 30 years old, of this place, was killed instantly at 8:40 o'clock
Monday morning. The body was recovered from the well by firemen with the use of grappling hooks. W. W. McClendon, City Engineer, who was standing near by, was knocked down and badly bruised by flying timbers from the building covering the well. Valentine was on the building when the blast occurred. A lighted match is believed to have caused the trouble. It took more than three hours to recover Valentine's body. The explosion rocked many buildings near by and rattled windows in the uptown district. Valentine is survived by his wife, one small child and two small stepchildren. He also is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Valentine of Blooming Grove, and eight brothers. Notes:
Funeral services for Oscar L. Valentine, 22 years old, who was killed
Monday when gas exploded at the old city well on South Twelfth street,
were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Hamilton cemetery
with burial.
Valentine was employed by the Conner & Hudson Company of Dallas, at the
time of his death, who are contractors for machinery installation at the
Natatorium Company construction work which is being done in the vicinity
of the well where the accident took place. His body fell in the well
which is 200 feet deep after he was struck by the explosion and dropped
from the well housing on which he was working. The accident happened at
8:45 o'clock and his body was lifted from the shaft bottom by grapple
hooks three hours later.
Machinery is being installed at the well to use the water in the new
Valentine is survived by his wife and one small child and two small
step-children, who live at 617 South Thirteenth street. He is also
survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Valentine, of Blooming
Grove; eight brothers, Joe, 28; Dee, 25; Horace, 19; Clarence, 18;
Hershel, 15; J. B., 13; Odie, 11 and Orval, 10; three half brothers,
Levi, Austin and Bruce; two half sisters, Mrs. Dora Solomon and Mrs.
Fannie Reviel; two uncles, Will Garrett, of Alvarado, and J. B.
Valentine of mart, and a number of cousins, nieces and nephews.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, July 7, 1925
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Sallie (Stewart) Woods-Valentine married Aug. 4, 1923-son
Carlton O'Neal Valentine born Aug. 4, 1924 s/o James Monroe
Valentine and Mary Louise (Garrett) Valentine
- (a death certificate was filed for in 1947-it has the wrong
birth year and wrong death date 1923-census has him born 1901
newspaper has death date as Jul. 6, 1925)
W. N. Vaught Died Dec 1928
Man Hit by Car Dies Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas. Dec. 14. - W. N. Vaught, 56, died in the Navarro Clinic Friday afternoon as the result of injuries received last Saturday afternoon when he was struck by an automobile. His skull was fractured and his scalp severely lacerated. He is survived by a wife and several children. No funeral arrangements have been announced. Notes:
Martha E. (Griffin) Banks Sep
23, 1879 - May 22, 1951
Banks Funeral Rites Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, May 24. - Mrs. J. B. Banks, 72, died at her home here. Funeral services were held Thursday. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Beula Huff and Mrs. Doyle Pevehouse, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. A. P. Smith, Dallas; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ruby Banks, Dallas; five brothers, W. H. and Robert Griffin, both of Purdon; Sam Griffin, Blooming Grove; J. C. Griffin, Dallas, and L. A. Griffin, Richland; two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Bowen, Blooming Grove, and Mrs. J. S. Dalton, Van, and three grandchildren.
Mrs. J. B. Banks
Died On Tuesday
Mrs. J. B.
Banks, aged 72
years, died at
her home 1565
West Fifth
avenue, late
Tuesday night.
Funeral services
will be held
from the Griffin
Chapel Thursday
at 3 p.m. Burial
will be in
Oakwood Cemetery. The
rites will be
conducted by Dr.
Chet C. Henson,
pastor of the
First Methodist
Mrs. Banks had
been a member of
the Methodist
church since 12
years of age.
Surviving are
three daughters,
Mrs. Beula Huff
and Mrs. Doyle
Pevehouse both
of Corsicana,
and Mrs. A. P.
Smith, Dallas; a
Mrs. Ruby Banks,
Dallas; five
brothers, W. H.
and Robert
Griffin, both of
Purdon; Sam
Blooming Grove;
J. C. Griffin,
Dallas and L. A.
Richland; two
sisters, Mrs. J.
W. Bowen,
Blooming Grove,
and Mrs. J. S.
Dalton, Van, and
Pallbearers will
be Kelly McKeown,
Harold Green,
Oscar Ingram,
Robert Davidson,
Rufus Pevehouse,
Pevehouse, Hugh
Cummins and
Frank Montfort.
Mrs. J. E. Bamburg Died Apr 1951
Mrs. J. E. Bamburg Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, April 13. - Mrs. J. E. Bamburg, 52, died in a local hospital Wednesday. Surviving are her husband, three sons, O. B., A. D. and Arnold Ray Bamburg; two daughters, Mrs. Jim Cornell and Mrs. J. A. Adair, all of Corsicana. Notes:
Mrs. J. A. Baker Died Aug 25, 1898
Mrs. J. A. Baker died at the family residence, in this city, this morning, and the remains were shipped to Belton this afternoon for burial.
Mrs. Rex V. (Smith) Bailey Died Jun 1952
Funeral services for Mrs. Rex V. Bailey, 42, were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband; s son, Jummy Bailey of Corsicana; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith of Cash; a brother, Dennis Fred Smith, United States Navy, San Diego, Calif., and a sister Mrs. Wayne Frances of Dallas. Notes:
Larry Lynn Auerbach
Jan 6, 1934 - Aug 22, 1946
Auerbach Services CORSICANA, Texas, Aug. 24. - Funeral services for Larry Lynn Auerbach, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Auerbach of Kerens, who died in a Corsicana hospital Thursday, were held at Kerens Friday afternoon. Surviving are his parents, three sisters and two brothers. Notes:
KERENS. Aug. 23—(Spl.)—Funeral services were held at 4 p.m. Friday at
the First Baptist church for Larry Lynn Auerbach, 12, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Auerbach. The youth died in a Corsicana hospital Thursday
at 8:45 p.m.
Dr. Elmer Pate, pastor, assisted by the Rev. Maggart Howell, Methodist
pastor, conducted the rites. Burial was at
Oak Grove cemetery, under
direction of the Stockton Funeral Home. Fellow Cub Scouts served as
honorary pallbearers.
The youth's parents moved to Kerens when he was a small child.
Survivors include, besides his parents, three sisters, Mrs. Tom Nowlin,
Palestine; Mrs. Archie B. Massey, Kerens, and Mrs. Jim Orchard, Alamo;
and two brothers, Glen C. Auerbach, Hobbs, N. M., and Don Lewis Auerbach,
Billy Clay Bedford
Dec 29, 1916 - Dec 12, 1927
Corsicana Boy Dies Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, Dec. 13 - Billy Clay Bedford, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bedford, died here Monday night. The funeral will probably be held Wednesday but definite arrangements had not been perfected Tuesday. Notes:
When Ominous Clouds Are Lifted.
‘Tis better to hope, tho' the clouds hang low,
And to keep the eyes still lifted;
Fort the sweet blue sky will soon peep through
When the ominous clouds are rifted,
There was never a night without a day,
Or an evening without a morning,
And the darkest hours, as the proverb goes;
Is the hour before the dawning.
Billy was laid to rest Wednesday afternoon under
a canopy of beautiful flowers, which completely
hid his little grave, and seemed to speak the
silent sympathy of his many friends that he had
made with his short stay on this earth.
His love ones will miss him, also his comrades
in school and church classes. He was always
faithful to his God and Church and was always
first in serving God the best way he knew how.
May the beauty of his life help those that loved
him to bear the sadness of his loss more
By his former Sunday School teacher.
Josie Franklin
(Todd) Ayers Feb 2, 1877 - Mar 6, 1944
AYERS - Mrs. Josie Franklin, passed away Monday in local hospital, residence 5110 Vickery-blvd., age 67. Survived by four sons, J. E. Ayers, Mack Ayres and Clayton Ayers, Dallas; Hugh Ayers, Greenville: two daughters, Miss Leona Ayers, Dallas; Mrs. F. H. Roberson, Corsicana, Texas. Remains leaving Dallas 8:30 a.m. Tuesday for services, 11 a.m., at Tupelo, near Rice, Texas. Arrangements with Crane-Shelton-Longley Funeral Home, 4709 Ross. Notes:
Funeral Services For Mrs. A. C. Ayers At Tupelo Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. A. C. Ayers, age 77 years, long time
resident of the Tupelo community who died at Dallas early Monday
morning, were held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock from the Tupelo
Surviving are four sons, two daughters, six grandchildren, two great
grandchildren and other relatives.
Corley's Funeral home assisted in the local arrangements.
Guy Moore Gibson, Jr.
Feb 10, 1915 - Aug 13, 1954
Guy M. Gibson Jr. Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas. - Guy M. Gibson Jr., 39, farm manager, died in the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic after several weeks' illness. Funeral services were held at the Corley Chapel Saturday at 11 a. m. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, and mother, Mrs. Guy M. Gibson Sr., both of Corsicana; a brother, Billy Gibson, Dallas, and two sisters, Mrs. Lunsford Livingston, Oklahoma City, and Mrs. Newton Burnett, Dallas. Notes:
Saturday Rites For
Guy Gibson
Funeral services for Guy M. Gibson, Jr., 39, lifelong Corsicana
resident, who died early Friday in the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic
were held Saturday at 11 a.m. from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, pastor of the
Westminister Presbyterian church, and Rev. T. I. Sandlin, pastor of the
Central Presbyterian church in Wortham.
Gibson had been in ill health several weeks. He had been the manager of
the extensive Gibson farm interests in area southeast of Eureka on
Richland and Chambers Creeks.
Surviving are his wife, mother, Mrs. Guy M. Gibson, Sr., both of
Corsicana; a brother, Billy Gibson, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Lunsford
Livingston, Oklahoma City, and Mrs. Newton Burnett, Dallas; three nieces
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Lod Allison, Dee Poindexter, Jr., Aaron Montgomery, Ed
Watts, Joe Anderson, Dr. C. B. Bronson, Alton Justiss and Charlie
Elbert J.
"El" Gibson Feb 26,
1872 - Jan 7, 1929
Funeral services for Elbert J. Gibson, aged 55 years, well
known lawyer and native of Navarro county, who died here
Monday morning at 6 o'clock following a heart ailment, were
held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of
his sister, Miss Mollie Gibson 404 West Fourth avenue, with
interment in the Old Gibson burial lot in
Oakwood cemetery.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. Howard
Williams, pastor of the First Baptist church; Rev. H. J.
Ellis, rector of St. John's Episcopal church, and Rev. P.
Martin Baker, pastor Third Avenue Presbyterian church.
Mr. Gibson was educated in the Corsicana schools and in
Virginia Military Institute. He studied law in the office of
McClellan & Prince. He practiced law in Dallas for a number
of years and was assistant county and assistant district
attorney for Dallas county. He was also formerly city
attorney of Corsicana and county attorney of Navarro county.
He was well-known in legal circles of Texas and practiced
before the higher state courts.
Surviving are his wife, one daughter, Miss Mary Anna Gibson
of Columbia University, New York City; two sisters and other
Sutherland Undertaking Company had charge of the funeral.
A number of officers of the Navarro county courthouse were
closed during the funeral hour.
Mr. Gibson was the senior member of the law firm of Gibson,
Lovett & Lovett.
Active pallbearers—Hon. W. A. Tarver, J. C. Beck, Frost,
Judge Hawkins Scarborough, Judge C. L. Jester, J. N. Edens,
Norris W. Lovett, Jno. R. Currington, Judge C. W. Taylor.
Honorary pallbearers—Judge W. J. J. Smith, Judge C. A.
Pippen, Judge Arch Allen, Hon. Jed C. Adams, J. H. Young,
Hon. Jake Newberry, Hon. Carl Callaway, Hon. Ted Monroe,
Hon. Maury Hughes, Dallas; Hon. Jno. H. Sharp, Ennis; Hon.
Olin W. Finger, Judge W. C. Morrow, Austin; T. W. Lovett,
Wayne Howell, Judge H. H. Daviss, Cleo G. Miller, J. W.
Stewrt, J. N. Garitty, Hon. Rufus Hardy, W. M. Peck, Sr.,
Judge Clay Nash, Judge A. P. Mays, Hon. Richard Mays,
Lawrence Treadwell, R. B. Molloy, Sol Gottleb, Gene Allen,
M. L. Levine, I. N. Cerf, Hon. H. E. Wassell, Hon. W. W.
Harris, C. E. McWilliams, Judge B. L. Davis, S. M. Kerr,
Louis Rothkopf, Judge Warren Hicks, Judge H. E. Traylor, J.
S. Simkins, Fred Upchurch, Hon. J. S. Callicutt, C. E.
Upchurch, Judge J. F. Stout, Hon. J. L. Halbert, Bullard
George, Beauford Jester, Hon. W. H. Jack, Hon. J. H. Woods,
S. Z. Burke, J. O. Burke, T. J. Worthington, R. L. Frazier,
Judge H. S. Melear, Charles Bannister, Judge R. R. Owen, A.
H. Willie, Aaron Ferguson, C. L. Knox, Judge J. M. Blanding,
W. P. Goar, H. C. Ballew, J. M. Tullos, W. A. Babb, Rufus
Pevehouse, Walter Hayes, W. S. Knight, W. W. Carter, J. B.
Fortson, J. T. Fortson, C. M. Thornell, J. C. West, A. P.
Young, A. L. Lotspeich, Dr. L. E. Kelton, Dr. J. D. Hathorn,
Dr. D. B. Hommill, A. N. Morrison, Sam Goldman, George
Campbell, Robert Cooksey, Walter Smith, Corsicana; A. G.
Whittington, Teague; R. L. Harris, Blooming Grove; Frank
Wright, Wortham; J. Afton Burke, Cisco; R. M. Wilkinson,
Judge Grover Adams, Whitney Montgomery, B. C. McDowell, Rob
Petty, Hon. Mike Lively, Hon. Lewis Carpenter, Hon. John
Carpenter, Dr. George W. Truett, W. C. Proctor, Hon. Robert
B. Allen, Dr. Small, Hon. E. R. Brown, Marion Church, Geo.
Myers, Harold Bateman, Frank Paul, Dallas; W. B. Coates, J.
J. Walker, Bob Coates, Kerens; W. C. Montgomery, Eureka;
Hon. Luther A. Johnson, Washington, D. D.; J. G. Christian,
A. D. Wilson, Powell; Charles Searcy, Frost; Joe Dempsey,
Purdon; A. L. Gamble, Black Hills; Lawrence Woods,
Shreveport, La.; A. D. McQueen, Temple; Hon. Walter Scott,
G. G. McBride, Judge William Pannill, Fort Worth; Hugh
McDaniel, Milford; P. F. Halbert, Rice; John Tullsck;
Sherman; Dr. W. K. Logsdon, W. A. Chambliss, Corsicana;
Dexter Hamilton, Dallas; J. L. Bugess, Dallas; E. M.
Wilkerson, Dallas; W. P. McCammon, Corsicana, and all other
friends. |
Corsicana Lawyer, Once of Dallas, Dies Death Takes E. J. Gibson Corsicana Man, Once Dallas Assistant District Attorney Special to The
News CORSICANA, Texas - Jan 7 - Elbert J. Gibson, 55, native of Navarro County and widely known attorney, died at the home here of his
sister, Miss Mollie Gibson, Monday morning. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence of his sister Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery. The services will be conducted by the Rev. J. Howard Williams, pastor of
the First Baptist Church. Mr. Gibson was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gibson and was born on the old Gibson and was
born on the old Gibson homestead about ten miles form Corsicana. Several days ago he expressed a desire to go to the residence of his sister,
his mother's old home, to pass his remaining days. He was educated in the Corsicana schools and later at Virginia Military Institute and
studied law in the offices of McClellan & Prince, Corsicana. Mr. Gibson was formerly city attorney of Corsicana and also was County Attorney
of Navarro County. He was the senior member of the law firm of Gibson, Lovett & Lovett here and a number of years ago practiced law in Dallas in
the firm of Gibson & Calloway. He also was Assistant District Attorney of Dallas County. Surviving are his wife, formerly Daisy Evans of Los
Angeles; one daughter, Miss Mary Anna Gibson, student in Columbia University, New York City, and two sisters. Judge Gibson came to Dallas from
Corsicana in 1910 and practiced law here for a number of years. He was known throughout North Texas. During the administration of Mike T. Lively he
served as Assistant County Attorney and was First Assistant District Attorney here during the administration of J. Willis Pierson in that office.
Jan 9, 1929
Funeral services for Elbert J. Gibson, widely known Navarro County lawyer, who died Monday at Corsicana, will be held at 10 a. m.
announced, according to information received in Dallas Tuesday. Services will be held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mollie Gibson. Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana. Mr. Gibson formerly was City Attorney of Corsicana and also was County Attorney of Navarro County.
Memorial services honoring Elbert J. Gibson and Spencer H. Jack,
deceased, were held in the thirteenth district court room in the Navarro
county courthouse Sunday afternoon by members of the Navarro County Bar
association. A number of friends of the families and members of the bar
attended the services in spite of the inclement weather.
Numerous palms and pot plants softened the austere atmosphere of the
courtroom. Beauford H. Jester, president of the bar association called
the meeting to order and called former Senator J. H. Woods, chairman of
the memorial and resolutions committee, to preside over the services.
“Does Jesus Care” was sung by a mixed quartet from the First Baptist
church. The singers were C. C. McClung, Mrs. B. M. Henderson, Mrs. R. R.
Range and Dow Mooney, Rev. J. Howard Williams pronounced the invocation.
In a brief introductory address, Mr. Woods announced that it was the
usual custom of the bar to hold memorial services in honor of deceased
members and that the occasion was doubly and because there were two
vacant chairs in the circle reserved for members of the bar. He pointed
out that the lives of men were close intertwined and intermingled, and
that only in man's aims, desires and ambitions did he live alone.
Spencer Houston Jack
John S. Callicutt was then recognized and presented a brief historical
sketch and resolutions of respect to Spencer Houston Jack, W. A. Tarver
was next recognized and presented a similar treatise on Elbert J.
Gibson. In moving the adoption of the resolutions, Mr. Tarver stated
that his friendship with the late El J. Gibson began in 1907, and that
the deceased would be remembered as a man with a great and varied array
of friends, numbering them among all walks of life.
Mr. Callicutt spoke in behalf of the adoption of the resolution. He said
that he had known and loved “Ted” Jack for many years, and that although
he was nearing the mark of 70 years that he had died in the harness,
actively engaged in the practice of law until a few days before his
demise. He traced his early history in the mercantile business, his
study in the law office, and his practice both at Kaufman and Corsicana
for more than forty years. Public office he declared held no appeal for
the deceased, but he was a Southern democrat and was zealous in his
support of the party.
The deceased was a lawyer of the old school, Mr. Callicutt declared, and
was impulsive but forgiving; his strength of character was pleasingly
portrayed by his love of children.
Closing with an appeal to the younger generations to step into the gaps
within the ranks of the association, the speaker reviewed the list of
prominent members of the bar who have died since 1886, which included
William Croft, Sam R. Frost, John D. Lee, E. O. Call, Fred Lee, Robert
A. Greer, D. Edward Greer, R. S. Neblett, W. J. McKie, E. J. Simpkins,
H. F. Stone, A. M. Call, John J. McClellan, and Robert E. Prince. He
declared that many of these men had almost been forgotten, but it was
due to their efforts and brilliance that Navarro County Bar holds an
enviable position in all of the courts of the state.
Elbert J. Gibson.
C. L. Jester, a classmate of E. J. Gibson both in the public schools and
at Staunton Military Academy, sketched the varied career of his friend
as a stenographer, insurance agent, mining agent, and attorney. He paid
tribute to his outstanding success in criminal practice. No man was more
courageous, more loyal to his friends, nor possessed of a more charming
personality than his late friend.
Judge H. B. Daviss, Navarro county prosecuting attorney, declared that
he had suffered a distinct loss in the death of the two members of the
bar. He asserted that the members of the bar were the only people to
whom were intrusted all the values of life without bond. Speaking of S.
H. Jack he declared that he was liberal to a fault and devised all his
interests to be of service to others. He was loyal to his duty and to
society, and was possessed of a genial sense of humor. He also paid
tribute to the late El Gibson, declaring that he was among the greatest
examples of the principles of the profession which he represented.
Judge Hawkins Scarborough was the next speaker and declared that if the
profession of the bar had any one outstanding fault it was
over-zealousness in behalf of their clients. He recounted incidents from
the early life of Mr. Jack and asserted that he had studied along with
him as he started his preparation for the legal profession. He declared
that the deceased was a democrat without the need of adjectives to
describe his position.
He recalled that Mr. Gibson was the only man, as his memory served him
that was defeated in his first race and then at the next election had no
opposition. He asserted that he was intellectually honest and hated
The meeting was thrown open for further addresses but because of the
lateness of the hour no other speakers arose. The benediction was
pronounced by the Rev. J. Howard Williams.
The resolutions drafted follow:
Jack Resolutions
Corsicana, Texas, Feb. 24, 1929.
Hon. President and members of the Navarro County Bar association:
Your committee heretofore appointed to report resolutions to the Navarro
County Bar association upon the death of Mr. Spencer Houston Jack,
respectfully submit the following:
On Sunday the 25th day of November, A. D., 1928, at high noon, S. H.
Jack died after an illness of a few days and its announcement deeply
touched his neighbors and friends and the members of his profession with
whom he had been associated for many years.
He was born at Bandon, Mississippi, on the 26th day of February 1859. He
came to Texas in an early day and resided for a time at Navasota in
Grimes county, Texas, where he successfully engaged in the mercantile
business with his oldest brother, Captain S. M. Jack.
Mr. Jack came to Corsicana in 1886 and studied law in the offices of
Messrs. Read, Greer & Greer, who were prominent lawyers in Corsicana at
that time and for years afterwards.
In 1887, he removed to Kaufman, Texas, where he was licensed to practice
law by the late Judge Anson Rainey. He formed a partnership, in that
year, with his brother, Mr. W. H. Jack, at Kaufman, Texas, which
continued until he removed to Corsicana in the year 1903, and had been,
since that date in the successful and continuous practice.
In 1907 he again formed a law partnership with his brother, Mr. W. H.
Jack, in Corsicana, which continued for a period of about ten years,
since which time he continued to practice along until the date of his
Mr. Jack was engaged in the active and successful practice of law at
Kaufman, Texas, and Corsicana, Texas, for a continuous period of more
than forty years and at Corsicana for more than a quarter of a century.
He was married in Kaufman, Texas, in 1888, to Miss Anna Foster, who
survives him. He is also survived by two sons, Spencer H. Jack, Jr. and
Elwood F. Jack and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Kate Pinchback and Mrs. Ana
Lee Marr, and nine grandchildren.
As a lawyer, he was an energetic and zealous advocate and represented
with skill and ability the cause of his clients entrusted to his care.
His ancestors, for many generations lived in the Southland and many of
them were lawyers and held high positions both political and judicial,
and it can be truly said of him that he was a chivalrous son of the old
South and merited and enjoyed the approbation and confidence of those
with whom he came in contact.
He never sought or held public office; but in politics he was naturally
a democrat of the old school and was aggressive in his support of
political measures which he espoused and of men who ran for office in
whom he believed and gave his support.
As a husband and father, he was at all times kind, thoughtful and
indulgent, and the welfare and care of his family were always uppermost
in his thoughts and actions.
We mourn his departure from the walks of life among us.
We recommend the adoption of the following resolutions:
Therefore, be it resolved:
1st. That in the death of Spencer Houston Jack the Bar of Navarro county
has lost a capable and distinguished member, whose life and conduct as a
lawyer commend him to our profession.
2nd. That in his death we have lost a loyal and good citizen who merited
and received the sincere respect and regard of his neighbors and
3rd. That his family has lost a kind, affectionate and indulgent husband
and father, who, on all occasions, was faithful, generous and kind.
4th. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished by the secretary of
the Navarro County Bar association to his family, to whom we tender our
sincere sympathy in their bereavement.
5th. That the daily press be furnished with a copy of these resolutions
for publication.
6th. That the foregoing statement and resolutions be presented to the
district and county courts of Navarro county to be duly recorded in the
minutes of said courts.
Respectfully submitted,
Elbert J. Gibson.
Elbert J. Gibson, youngest son of Captain John S. Gibson, was born in
Corsicana, Navarro county, Texas, February 26, 1872. He was stricken
with illness some four years ago-from this he never recovered; however,
as a result of the tender, devoted care of his wife, he did regain his
strength sufficiently to continue his work, both at the office and in
the court room. In December 29, 1928 he became troubled with his heart.
This more or less brought about a return of his previous malady, and he
became fearful that he would not again be well. The latter part of
December, he expressed to his wife a desire to return to the home where
his mother had spent her last years, so he and his wife moved to the
home of his devoted sister, Miss Mollie Gibson, at 403 West Fourth
avenue, Corsicana and here for three weeks he hovered between life and
death, tenderly and lovingly cared for by his wife and sister and his
doctors. At six a. m. on the 6th of January, 1929, his heart gave up the
fight and his valiant spirit left its temple of clay. He was fifty-seven
(57) years of age. On January 10, 1929, from the home of his sister, his
body was carried away to rest in Oakwood, joining thus father, mother
and brother. His wife, two sisters and his only child, Miss Mary Anna
Gibson survive him.
He attended the public schools of Corsicana as a boy, and later was a
school mate of C. L. Jester, George E. Jester and I. N. Cerf in the
Staunton Military Academy at Staunton, Virginia. In his young manhood,
he was married to Miss Hattie Dixon of Milford, Texas, and to this union
there was a daughter, Miss Mary Anna Gibson, who survives him. His first
wife died August 29, 1921, and on September 6, 1922, Mr. Gibson was
married to Mrs. Daisy Evans, who survives him.
Mr. Gibson prepared himself for admission to the Bar in the office of
McLellan & Prince. He held the offices of city attorney of Corsicana for
six years, the office of county attorney of Navarro county for four
years, and was assistant district attorney of Dallas county, Texas, for
two years. In each of these positions, he showed marked ability, a
thorough grasp of the principles of the criminal law, and he thoroughly
familiarized himself with the practice of the same. These were the only
offices he ever held or sought.
Mr. Gibson, early in his practice formed a partnership with L. R.
Calloway, the firm being known as Gibson & Calloway. This firm practiced
in Corsicana for several years, and later moved to Dallas, Texas. After
removal to Dallas, the partnership was dissolved, and on January 1,
1923, Mr. Gibson returned to Corsicana and formed a partnership with T.
W. Lovett, the firm being known as Gibson & Lovett. In 1926, Norris
Lovett, son of T. W. Lovett, became associated with the firm, under the
name of Gibson, Lovett & Lovett. This firm continued until Mr. Gibson's
As a lawyer, Elbert J. Gibson possessed rare gifts in the court room. He
knew how to prepare his written pleadings, he was thorough in the
development and presentation of his evidence, and was a capable cross
examiner. In argument before the court, he was clear and cogent. He had
the power of analysis and discrimination and could distinguish the
essential from the non-essential in the decisions of the courts. He was
particularly adroit and competent in the preparation of his records for
appeal. In his addresses to the jury, he was captivating, persuasive and
convincing, and at times impassioned and eloquent. He won a great many
cases in the trial courts and more than his share of victories in the
appellate courts. And like all his brother lawyers, those of the present
as well as those of the past he lost many legal battles in the trial
courts and on appeal.
His sense of professional honor and integrity was delicate and just and
his agreements with his brethren of the bar were scrupulously kept.
As a friend, El Gibson had no superiors. He was sincere, loyal,
characterable and unselfish in his friendships. Consequently, his circle
of friends was a large and varied one. He was friendly and democratic,
and among his friends were all the classes—the rich and poor, good and
bad, high and lowly, learned and illiterate, the white and black—and to
them all the same generous noble traits were exhibited.
As a personality of charm and winsome qualities, Elbert J. Gibson was
first among us. In the crowd, in the office, in the car, in the social
circle, among men and women or both, his powers of conversation gave him
easy away and furnished gripping entertainment for group or individual.
As a citizen, Elbert J. Gibson, was pronounced in his views and
convictions. In politics he was a democrat, with the Jeffersonian point
of view. He believed the principles of the Declaration of Independence,
and the constitution of the United States should be applied to all the
problems of government. He was acquainted with the principles on which
the government of his country rests.
He read books. Up to the last night of his life, he continued to read
great books. Among the last he read was Beveridge's great, true,
impartial life of Lincoln. It appeal to El Gibson. It was fair and just
in the discussion of the great questions which led to the Civil war.
Perhaps the very last book he read WAS Claude Bowers' wonderfully
thrilling work on Jefferson and Hamilton. He read this solid book in one
night. These are sufficient to show the bent and sweep of his mind. But
he read history, poetry, fiction and the Bible. Thus, he fed the fires
of his brilliant and imperious mind.
El Gibson was affectionate, generous and devoted to his loved ones, and
they most of all shall miss his knightly and chivalric presence.
Therefore, it is resolved that in the death of Elbert J. Gibson, the bar
of the State of Texas and County of Navarro have lost one of their
brilliant and well known and well loved members, who shall be greatly
missed and affectionately remembered; the county a thoughtful,
intelligent, patriotic citizen, of deep and abiding convictions; his
friends, one whose place cannot be taken; and his family, an
affectionate, generous and beloved husband, father and brother.
Resolved further that proper record and these resolutions be made in the
minutes of the local and appellate courts; that copies be furnished the
daily press, and copies be sent to his family.
Respectfully submitted,
Committee on resolutions, Navarro County Bar Association.
February 24, 1929.
Elbert J. Gibson, aged 55, native of Navarro county, and well-known
attorney, died at the home of his sister, Miss Mollie Gibson, 403 West
Fourth avenue, Monday morning at six o'clock following a lingering
illness with a heart ailment and the funeral services will be conducted
from the residence of his sister on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock with
interment in Oakwood cemetery. The funeral services will be conducted by
Rev. J. Howard Williams, pastor of the First Baptist church. Sutherland
Undertaking company will have charge of the funeral.
Mr. Gibson was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gibson
and was born on the old Gibson homestead about ten miles from Corsicana.
Several days ago he expressed a desire to go to the residence of his
sister, his mother's old home, to pass his remaining days.
He was educated in the Corsicana schools and later at Virginia Military
institute and studied law in the offices of McClellan and Prince,
Mr. Gibson was formerly city attorney of Corsicana and also was county
attorney of Navarro county. He was the senior member of the law firm of
Gibson, Lovett and Lovett here and a number of years ago practiced law
in Dallas in the firm of Gibson and Calloway. He also was assistant
district attorney of Dallas county. He was recognized as one of the
leading attorneys of the Navarro County Bar and was well known in the
legal circles of Texas, doing considerable practice before the high
state courts in Austin.
Surviving are his wife, formerly Daisy Evans of Los Angeles, one
daughter, Miss Mary Anna Gibson, student in Columbia university, New
York City; two sisters, several nieces and nephews and other relatives.
The passing of El Gibson, as he was familiarly known to many Corsicanans,
brings to an end the career of one of the city's brilliant young
attorneys of days gone by. Mr. Gibson graduated from the Corsicana high
school at an early age, being one of the youngest graduates in the
entire history of that institution. He took up law after his college
education had been completed and as was then the usual custom, entered a
local law office, that of two of the best known attorneys in Texas at
that time, McClellan and Prince. He soon grasped the rudiments of the
law and was admitted to practice. His career was at once meteoric and he
advanced rapidly in his profession until he was known as one of the best
young lawyers in Central Texas.
He held many offices of trust and held them well, fulfilling his duties
to his fellowman in a most acceptable way. He was a true gentleman of
the old South a worth son of a worth sire, and he easily made friends
and held them throughout an eventful life. In the passing of El Gibson
it can truly be said that a true courteous gentleman of brilliant legal
attainment has passed to his reward, with many many hearts having been
made sad by his going, for few men had md more friends than did El
Gibson. He was truly a friend of men and realizing that we pass this way
but once, left naught but friendship and love behind.
Funeral services for Elbert J. Gibson, aged 55 years, well-known lawyer,
who died at the old family home, 403 West Fourth avenue, Monday morning
at 6 o'clock following an illness with a heart ailment, will be held
from the residence Thursday morning at 9 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery on the old
Gibson burial lot. The daughter Miss Mary Anna Gibson, student of
Columbia University, New York, is scheduled to arrive sometime
Mr. Gibson who was born in Navarro county and had resided here the
greater part of his life. He practiced law in Dallas for a number of
years and was well-known at the Dallas bar as well as in the high state
courts at Austin. He was formerly assistant district attorney of Dallas
county. He was the senior member of the firm of Gibson, Lovett and
Lovett and was formerly city attorney of Corsicana and county attorney
of Navarro county.
The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. J. Howard Williams,
pastor of the First Baptist church. Sutherland Undertaking company will
have charge.
Active pallbearers—Hon. W. A. Tarver, J. C. Beck, Frost, Judge Hawkins
Scarborough, Judge C. L. Jester, J. N. Edens, Norris W. Lovett, Jno. R.
Currington, Judge C. W. Taylor.
Honorary pallbearers—Judge W. J. J. Smith, Judge C. A. Pippen, Judge
Arch Allen, Hon. Jed C. Adams, J. H. Young, Hon. Jake Newberry, Hon.
Carl Callaway, Hon. Ted Monroe, Hon. Maury Hughes, Dallas; Hon. Jno. H.
Sharp, Ennis; Hon. Olin W. Finger, Judge W. C. Morrow, Austin; T. W.
Lovett, Wayne Howell, Judge H. H. Daviss, Cleo G. Miller, J. W. Stewrt,
J. N. Garitty, Hon. Rufus Hardy, W. M. Peck, Sr., Judge Clay Nash, Judge
A. P. Mays, Hon. Richard Mays, Lawrence Treadwell, R. B. Molloy, Sol
Gottleb, Gene Allen, M. L. Levine, I. N. Cerf, Hon. H. E. Wassell, Hon.
W. W. Harris, C. E. McWilliams, Judge B. L. Davis, S. M. Kerr, Louis
Rothkopf, Judge Warren Hicks, Judge H. E. Traylor, J. S. Simkins, Fred
Upchurch, Hon. J. S. Callicutt, C. E. Upchurch, Judge J. F. Stout, Hon.
J. L. Halbert, Bullard George, Beauford Jester, Hon. W. H. Jack, Hon. J.
H. Woods, S. Z. Burke, J. O. Burke, T. J. Worthington, R. L. Frazier,
Judge H. S. Melear, Charles Bannister, Judge R. R. Owen, A. H. Willie,
Aaron Ferguson, C. L. Knox, Judge J. M. Blanding, W. P. Goar, H. C.
Ballew, J. M. Tullos, W. A. Babb, Rufus Pevehouse, Walter Hayes, W. S.
Knight, W. W. Carter, J. B. Fortson, J. T. Fortson, C. M. Thornell, J.
C. West, A. P. Young, A. L. Lotspeich, Dr. L. E. Kelton, Dr. J. D.
Hathorn, Dr. D. B. Hommill, A. N. Morrison, Sam Goldman, George
Campbell, Robert Cooksey, Walter Smith, Corsicana; A. G. Whittington,
Teague; R. L. Harris, Blooming Grove; Frank Wright, Wortham; J. Afton
Burke, Cisco; R. M. Wilkinson, Judge Grover Adams, Whitney Montgomery,
B. C. McDowell, Rob Petty, Hon. Mike Lively, Hon. Lewis Carpenter, Hon.
John Carpenter, Dr. George W. Truett, W. C. Proctor, Hon. Robert B.
Allen, Dr. Small, Hon. E. R. Brown, Marion Church, Geo. Myers, Harold
Bateman, Frank Paul, Dallas; W. B. Coates, J. J. Walker, Bob Coates,
Kerens; W. C. Montgomery, Eureka; Hon. Luther A. Johnson, Washington, D.
D.; J. G. Christian, A. D. Wilson, Powell; Charles Searcy, Frost; Joe
Dempsey, Purdon; A. L. Gamble, Black Hills; Lawrence Woods, Shreveport,
La.; A. D. McQueen, Temple; Hon. Walter Scott, G. G. McBride, Judge
William Pannill, Fort Worth; Hugh McDaniel, Milford; P. F. Halbert,
Rice; John Tullsck; Sherman; Dr. W. K. Logsdon, W. A. Chambliss,
Corsicana; Dexter Hamilton, Dallas; J. L. Bugess, Dallas; E. M.
Wilkerson, Dallas; W. P. McCammon.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Jan 8, 1929
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- CHS graduate; 1st wife Harriet “Hattie”(Dickson) Gibson 2nd
wife Daisy (Evans) Gibson married Sep 6, 1922; s/o John Stephen
Nancy Adams
Adams - Corsicana, Texas, Feb. 19. - Mrs. Nancy Adams, an old resident of Corsicana, died at Little Rock, Ark., last night. Her body is expected to
reach here tonight for interment. Notes:
Franklin Vandergriff
Nov 23, 1872 -
Jun 18, 1948
M. F. Vandergriff, 75, Passes at Corsicana Special to The News CORSICANA. Texas, June 20. - Services were held here for M. F. Vandergriff, 75, who died Friday. He was a native of Tennessee. Surviving are two brother, H. T. Vandergriff, J. D. Vandergriff, both of Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Betty George, Mrs. Ocie Lee Fann
& Mrs. Willie Lance, all of Tennessee. Notes:
M. F.
Funeral services
for M. F.
Vandergriff, 75,
who died at the
P. and S.
Hospital here
Friday afternoon
were held at the
Corley Funeral
Home chapel at 2
p.m. Saturday.
Burial was in
cemetery, with
Rev. C. O.
Gunter and Dr.
and Mrs. Joe B.
conducting the
Vandergriff was
born in
Tennessee, but
came to
Corsicana a
number of years
ago, and had
lived here ever
Survivors are
two brothers, H.
T. and J. D.,
both of
Corsicana; three
sisters, Mrs.
Betty George,
Woodbury, Tenn.,
Mrs. Ocie Lee
Fann, Old
Hickory, Tenn.,
and Mrs. Willie
Claremont, Tenn.
Nephews served
as pallbearers.
Alla Mae (Derryberry) Capps
Dec 9, 1935 - Jun 21, 2005
Alla Mae Derryberry Capps, 69, of Dallas, a manager of Cole Manor Estate, passed away Tuesday, June 21, 2005, in Dallas. She was born Dec. 9, 1935, in Barry. Memorial services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Munger Place United Methodist Church in Fort Worth.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Alice and Leslie Derryberry; brothers, Wilburn and Oscar Derryberry; and her husband, Jim Capps.
Survivors include her daughter, Lesa McGraw Jeffcoat and husband Paul; grandchildren, Leslie Mundell and husband Nick and Sarah Allen; great-grandchildren, Amaya, Zachary and Mackensie Mundell and Drew Allen; sisters, Velma McClure and Mildred Jones; and many nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Skyvue Funeral Home, Mansfield. Notes:
David O. Coffee
Oct 28, 1936 - Jun 22, 2005
David O. Coffee, 68, of Stephenville passed away Wednesday, June 22, 2005, at Stephenville Nursing Home after a courageous battle with cancer. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Stephenville Funeral Home.
Services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church in Stephenville with the Rev. Dean Reed officiating. Interment will follow at Gardens of Memory Cemetery in Stephenville.
Mr. Coffee was born Oct. 28, 1936, in Mexia. He married Theo Tillman Aug. 10, 1956, in Kerens. He had lived in Stephenville for 44 years. He was a member of the Lions Club, Kum Dubl Sunday School Class at First United Methodist Church and a 33rd degree mason in Stephenville Lodge No. 267. He was Erath County sheriff for two years, a state trooper for 25 years and co-owned C&H Civil Processing.
Survivors include his wife, Theo Coffee of Stephenville; daughter, Phyllis Adams of Stephenville; brother, Jerry Coffee and wife Susan of Plano; sister, Marilyn Campbell and husband James of Rusk; sister-in-law, Kathy Tramel of Bossier City, La.; two granddaughters, Lauren Adams Saxon and husband Brandon and Kristy Adams, all of Stephenville; one grandson, Trey Adams of Stephenville; and two great-grandchildren, Tristian and Harper Mae Saxon; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be made to American Cancer Society, First United Methodist Church in Stephenville, American Heart Association or National Diabetes Association.
Arrangements by Stephenville Funeral Home, Stephenville. Notes: - Corsicana Daily Sun - Jun 24, 2005
On double marker with Theo Tillman Coffee (1936-2019); "married Aug.
10, 1956"; Erath County Sheriff's logo on marker; reverse of marker
reads "Daughter: Phyllis / Grandchildren: Lauren, Kristy, Trey"
Rev. Ray Calvin Clark
Jul 9, 1925 - Jun 21, 2005
Rev. Ray Calvin Clark, 79, of Las Vegas, NV passed away Tuesday, June 21, 2005 in Las Vegas. Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home.
Services will be 10 a.m. Saturday at Corley Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Von Lombard officiating. Interment follow at Oakwood Cemetery.
Rev. Clark was born July 9, 1925 in Alamosa, CO. He was a veteran.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Minnie Pearl Clark.
Rev. Clark is survived by a daughter, Carol Yvonne Eldfrick of Las Vegas; grandson and wife, Monte Alan Eldfrick and Melinda Joy Eldfrick of Boise, Idaho; great grandsons, Jacob Alan Eldfrick, Jonah James Eldfrick, Josia Ray Eldfrick and John Steven Eldfrick, all of Boise; broter, Everett Martin Clark of Bayfield, CO; brother and wife, Daniel Joseph Clark and Mary Clark of Colorado Spings, CO; sister and husband, May Marie Lombard and Wilton Irvon Lombard of Mobile, AL; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. Notes:
Billy Mack Lowe
Dec 2, 1936 - Jun 22, 2005

Billy Mack Lowe, age 68, of Plano passed away June 22, 2005, in Plano. He was born Dec. 2, 1936, in Navarro County to Thomas Chester and Dura (Dockery) Lowe. He married Vivian Rutherford on Aug. 26, 1960, in Mesquite. Mr. Lowe served in the U.S. Air Force. He owned Billy Lowe Automotive for 42 years and was a member of Powell Baptist Church.
He is survived by his wife, Vivian Lowe of Plano; sons, Mike Lowe of Plano and Brian Lowe of McKinney; grandchildren, Adrian and Sean Lowe of Plano, Brandy Lowe of Sachse and Alyssa and Dalton Lowe of McKinney; great-grandchildren, Steven, Kayelynn and Zachary of Sachse; brother and sister-in-law, T. M. “Boe” and Anne Lowe of Plano; and sister and brother-in-law, Barbara and Michael Gentry of Springfield, Mo. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Chapel. Interment will follow at Oakwood
Cemetery in Corsicana.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Powell Baptist Church, P.0. Box 188, Powell, TX 75153. Arrangements by Turrentine-Jackson-Morrow Funeral Home, Allen.
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams