James Thomas "Jim" Berry
Sep 21, 1875 - Sep 10, 1924
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Sept 11. - James T. Berry, 48 years old, well-known Corsicana business man, died at his home, 511 North Eleventh street,
Wednesday night following an illness of several weeks. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, with Dr. E. P. Kennedy, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Mr. Berry is survived by his wife, four sons, Jack L., 20; James T. Jr., 18; Ford, 16, and Gene, 4, and a daughter, Miss Jessie, 13. He also is survived by three brothers, Frank Berry, Marietta, OK.; Sam Berry, Ardmore, Ok.; and Jack Berry, Elida, N. M., and three sisters, Mrs. Willie Summers, Waco; Mrs.
Bessie Wright, Dallas, and Mrs. Ethel Boston, Corsicana.
Mr. Berry was born at Zion's Rest Sept. 21, 1875, the son of W. M. and Susan Duncan Berry. He married Miss Minnie Morrow, who survives him, June 15, 1905.
James Thomas Berry, who was born at Zion’s Rest, Sept.
21, 1875, and who has lived here practically all of his
life, died at his home 520 North Eleventh street, at 11
o’clock last night after an illness of several weeks.
The deceased was married to Miss Minnie E. Morrow, June
15, 1903, and is survived by his wife, four sons and one
daughter. These are Jack L., Jas. T. Jr., Ford M., and
Gene Newton berry, and Miss Jessie M. all of whom are at
The deceased also has three brothers, Frank Berry,
Marietta, Okla.; Sam Berry, Ardmore, Okla., and Jack
Berry, of Lida, New Mexico and three sisters, Mrs.
Willie Summers, Waco; Mrs. Bessie Wright, Dallas, and
Mrs. Ethel Boston, Corsicana.
The parents of the deceased, long residents here, died
some years ago.
The funeral will take place from the home Friday
afternoon at 4 o’clock, Dr. E. P. Kennedy officiating,
and interment will be in Oakwood.
The deceased was a member of the First Baptist Church
and was a Knight of Pythias. He was a Knight of Pythias.
He was long engaged in the restaurant business here and
had many friends.
“Jim” Berry was a man of many noble impulses. He had a
kind and generous heart, was a good husband and a loving
provident and affectionate father. Many are those who
have received deeds of kindness at his hands, and those
who knew him best will remember him best, and ever
retain kind memories of his life and character.
Mr. Berry was the son of W. M. and Susan Duncan berry
who were pioneer residents of Navarro county.
Following will be the active pall bearers: Hon. W. A.
Tarver, Judge Hawkins Scarborough, L. J. Woods, P.
Mayer, Ernest A. Newman and C. P. Stephens.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, Sep 11, 1924
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Minnie Etta (Morrow) Berry married Jun. 15, 1903 s/o William
Monroe Berry and Susan Kesiah (Duncan) Berry-Vest
On account of the inclement weather and because some of
the relatives have not yet arrived the funeral services
for the late James T. Berry, who died at his home on
North Eleventh street, Wednesday night, have been
postponed from this afternoon at 4 o’clock until Sunday
afternoon at the same hour. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Following are the pall bearers:
Active—Hon. W. A. Tarver, Judge Hawkins Scarborough, L.
J. Woods, P. Mayer, Ernest A. Newman and C. P. Stephens.
Honorary—Hood Cheney, J. N. Royall, Will S. Knight, Clay
Nash, C. A. Middleton, J. S. Callicutt, Will C.
Hilliard, Sam Jackson, R. L. Frazier, Homer Pace, M. W.
Miller, Billy Penland, George Walton, Will Walton, C. B.
Haley, O. L. Albritton, J. E. Skinner, J. J. Newton,
Gene Allen, J. L. Milburn, John Stewart, Jarvis
Whiteselle, El J. Gibson, C. G. Davidson, Dr. O. L.
Smith, W. S. Goode, Dr. Saddler, C. E. White, T. J.
Walton, H. F. Marr, Bell White, J. N. Garitty, J. R.
The funeral for the remains of the late James T. Berry
took place yesterday afternoon from the family home,
corner of North Eleventh street and West First avenue at
4 o’clock and was largely attended. The last sad rites
were said by Dr. E. P. Kennedy, and members of the First
Baptist church choir rendered appropriate music.
There was a magnificent display of beautiful flowers
that completely covered the bier.
The deceased has many friends who deeply sympathize with
his family in the great and irreparable loss that has
come to them.
Frank Colquitt. Benson
Mar 7, 1893 - Oct 6, 1918
A Few Brief Facts Concerning The Navarro County Boys Who Made The Supreme
Sacrifice Following is a list of the boys from Navarro county who made the
supreme sacrifice during the world war, whether being killed on the
battlefield or dying of disease in France or at the various army camps
throughout the country. After untiring work this list has been compiled and
is believed to be correct:
FRANK C. BENSON—Died of pneumonia. Died at Camp Merritt, New Jersey.
Was sick only five days, trained at Leon Springs, Texas. Entered the service
May 12, 1917. Was 25 years and 7 months old at time of death. Was a first
lieutenant. Body buried in Oakwood Cemetery,
Corsicana, Texas. Was single. Belonged to Ninth Detachment, Administration
Labor Company Commander. Address of deceased, Corsicana, Texas. Parents, Mr.
and Mrs. N. L. Benson, Corsicana, Texas.
Lieutenant Benson Dies at Camp Merritt
Special to The News
Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 7 - Lieutenant Frank Benson died last night at Camp Merritt, N. J., of Spanish influenza. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. L.
Benson of Corsicana and the is first Corsicana boy to die in the service, His body will be buried here.
Remains of Frank Benson, Expected Here Thursday Night
N. L. Benson, father of Lieutenant Frank Benson, who died at Camp Merrit
received a telegram from a friend of Mrs. Benson, who was in New York at the
time of Frank’s death, advising Mr. Benson that Mrs. Benson arrived there
yesterday afternoon and that he met Mrs. Benson and broke the sad news of
Frank’s death to her. He stated that Mrs. Benson is holding up well and that
Frank was given every attention during his sickness.
The remains of Lieutenant Benson will leave Camp Merrit this afternoon
accompanied by a soldier escort and Mrs. Benson and they are expected to
arrive here Thursday night.
Frank was born 07 Mar 1893 in Carrolton, GA. His parents were Mr.
and Mrs. N. L. Benson. He had worked for several years at the SA
Pace Grocery Company. He was medium height and build with brown eyes
and brown hair.
He left Corsicana on May 8, 1917 to train at Leon Springs, Texas.
Formally entering on May 12, 1917, he served as a first lieutenant
in the 90th Detachment, Administration Labor Company.
On the weekend of Nov 12, 1917, he visited his parents in Corsicana.
If the people of Navarro Co happen to visit the Majestic Theater in
Corsicana on December 4, 1917, they would have been treated a view
of Camp Logan at Houston, Texas, which was comprised of a group of
officers at that place that included Frank C. Benson. And he was
home again that year for the Christmas season. The second week of
Feb 1918 his mother went to visit with him in camp Logan.
He was at Camp Merritt, New Jersey, working night and day so was
even to busy to return his customary letters home when at the age of
25 years and 7 months he became very sick. His condition was
serious, and that a daily report of his condition would be wired to
the family. His father contacted Camp Merritt inquiring the nature
of the illness which as it turns out was Spanish influenza. Only
after a 5 day battle, on 06 Oct 1918, with the dreaded diseases he
was over come and crossed over the river. His mother left for New
York to accompany the remains of her son home to be buried with
military honors at the Oakwood cemetery in Corsicana.
As Mr. Benson went to meet his wife with the remains of his son in
Tyler, TX, and escort them the rest of the way home. At this time
War Work Board committee comprised of W. H. Hastings, J. A.
Thompson, Orville Hyndman, Joel Trimble, Roy Thompson and Wm.
Clarkson Jr. held a meeting and decided to abandon the plans for the
funeral as first had been announced due to the fact that there is
now a quarantine on which prohibits any soldiers or military bands
from leaving camp.
With that announcement the funeral took place from the First Baptist
Church Saturday morning at 11 o'clock with Rev. HW Vining
officiating and interment at Oakwood Cemetery with the following
pallbearers: Active, Jim Nick Garitty, Roy Thompson, Orville
Hyndman, Jas B. Robinson, Kerr McClellan, Houston Holland, Homer
Pace, Guy Tata of Dallas, Oscar Burns and Conrad Matthews; honorary
S. A. Pace, W. M. Wilson, Hon. Geo. T. Jester, C. H. DeLafosse, C.
E. Lee, Sam Millerman, Geo. F. Miller, Bige Tinkle, Lieut. S. S.
Shannon of Camp Upton, Capt. C. F. Judson of Camp Logan; Robt.
Childress, Beauford Jester, Tom Ransom, John Garitty, Robert Mower,
A. H. Berry of Mexia, Geo. K. Jester, Dr. Homer Jester, Geo.
DeLafosse, Byron Cheney, W. J. Cheney. Emmett Wilkerson, D. C.
Redden, Leon Guynes, W. L. Logan of Dallas, Otto Lowry, Clyde
Stroud, J. M. Hugh, Gus Mays, F. J. Lindsey, Tate Lindsey, A. A.
Wortham and K. M. Polk.
Tribute To Lieut. Benson printed in the Corsicana Daily Sun.
Thos Who Knew Him Best Praise His Virtues Most Highly
We whose names are signed to this article having worked side by side
with Lieut. Frank C. Benson as his fellow employee at the S. A. Pace
Grocery Company, desire to give this public expression of our esteem
of him and by this means publicly declare his worth, so much better
known to and so much better appreciated by us by reason of our
personal association with him in the every day concerns of life. At
the close of the public school in
Corsicana a little more than eight years ago, he began his career
with this institution by seeking and obtaining, from the President
of the Company, Mr. S. A. Pace, employment as a truck clerk. He
spent the summer months in this position, displaying talent and
energy, and noticeable fidelity and loyalty. These qualities were
observed by all of his associates and especially impressed Mr. Pace,
the manager of the company, who insisted upon his finishing school
and taking his diploma, with a view later of assuming a high and
responsible position.
It did not seem practicable to him to follow this advice and he
insisted upon continuing with the company and he was accordingly
retained and continued his services without interruption.
His promotion was steady from the first and at the time he responded
to the call of his country, about a. year and a half ago he left us
to devote himself to the national service for the period of the war
he occupied one of the most responsible positions in the office.
He was modest, unassuming and pleasant in all of his associations
and relations with the officers and employees of the company; and he
had the uniform esteem and affection of them all. We looked with
pride upon his successful career in the army. His career as a
soldier, we knew could not be other than an honor to himself and his
country, and we looked forward hopefully to the day when he would
return to the pursuit of his successful civilian career among us,
all being sure that his worth as a man would bring to him
distinction in the business world. Full devotion to duty was his
mark of distinction. Difficulties were never great enough to deter
him from its full performance. We take consolation from the fact
that he gave his life to his country in the line of duty.
Frank C. Benson is a noble example of the martyrs making the supreme
sacrifice, to the righteous war waged by the great country for which
he sacrificed a useful life filled with promise.
S. A. Pace, H. E. Pace, J. B. Robinson, J. H. Holland, J. B. Burns,
O. S. Burns, J. W. Cheney, J. M. Pugh, J. S. Beauchamp, H. K.
Wilder, F. L. House, John Nelms, Dave Jones, Lynn Adams, Ruth Curry,
Louise Pace. |
Military Funeral
for Lt. Frank
Benson Could Not
Be Held
The special
appointed by the
War Work Board
to arrange for a
military funeral
for the late
Lieutenant Frank
Benson, held a
meeting and it
was decided to
abandon the
plans for the
funeral as first
announced, due
to the fact that
there is now a
quarantine on
which prohibits
any soldiers or
military bands
from leaving
The committee
having the
matter in charge
was composed of
W. H. Hastings,
J. A. Thompson,
Orville Hyndman,
Joe Trimble, Roy
Thompson and Wm.
Clarkson Jr.
Lieut. Frank C. Benson Laid to Rest After Beautiful Church Service
Possibly no more appropriate or beautiful funeral services were ever held in
Corsicana than that over the remains of the late Lieut. Frank C. Benson at
the First Baptist Church this morning at 11 o’clock. The remains accompanied
by the mother the deceased and by Sargt. C. S. Davis of Nashville, Tenn.,
who is secretary to the captain to whose company Lieutenant Benson was
attached at Camp Merrit, New Jersey, where death overtook Lieut. Benson. The
remains were taken to the family home in a casket draped in an American
flag, and at 10:30 this morning were taken to the First Baptist Church in an
ambulance that carried a large national flag hanging on each of its sides.
The church was draped in the American colors, the pillars supporting the
gallery being wrapped in the National Colors and American flags were hanging
over all of the entrances to the building, while the pulpit and choir stand
were a literal bower of beautiful floral offerings.
The service opened with the choir singing “America,” followed by a prayer by
the pastor, Rev. B. W. Vining. “Sometime We’ll Understand” was sung, Eugene
Mays rendering the solo and the choir joining in the chorus.
The pastor took a verse of scripture as the basis for his remarks the 9th
verse of the 12th chapter of Paul’s second Epistle to the Corinthians: “And
he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made
perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my
infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
These words were used as a basis for a beautiful message of consolation to
the family and a beautiful tribute to the memory of the dead soldier. The
occasion was one of beautiful and sacred solemnity, and the house that was
crowded to overflowing was in deep and heartfelt sympathy with the occasion.
The services were most appropriately concluded at the grave, which was
surrounded by an immense throng of sorrowing and sympathizing friends and at
the conclusion the grave was covered by the hundreds of fragrant and
beautiful flowers.
All Corsicana mourns with Mr. and Mrs. Benson in the loss of their son who
was esteemed by all as one of the town’s most promising and lovable young
men. Among the floral offerings was a most beautiful one from Capt. Judson
of Camp Logan, Houston, under whom the deceased and served before going to
Camp Merrit.
The parents of the deceased have received numerous letters of sympathy,
among them one from an army officer who knew Lieut. Benson in which he paid
the deceased a glowing tribute both as a gentleman and soldier, and declared
that his death was just as truly the death of a soldier as if it had come to
him on the battlefield, for he declared, Lieut. Benson’s whole heart was in
the war and that he was looking forward to going overseas to do his bit with
all the eagerness of a true patriot.
Among out of town relatives and friends who were here were Tom Little of
Houston and Roy Bass of Mexia, both cousins of the deceased, and Mrs. R. J.
Ellington of Mexia and Monte Hurst of Dallas.
Among the sacred legacies left to the parents of the deceased is his
passport overseas, and which he was to keep on his person while in the
service. The identification paper has on it the nation seal and a splendid
small photographs of the dead soldier, taken just a few days before his
death, and the only picture they have of him taken in his uniform.
The mortal remains of Frank C. Benson have been consigned to the grave,
“earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust,” but his memory will be
alive as long as time lasts.
Into the cold clay of earth today
Goes the body of Lieutenant Frank C. Benson,
Corsicana’s first sacrifice in the World War,
Upon the eve of his departure for the battle front,
Already worn by his over-zealous labors for his country.
A dread malady seized this gallant young soldier—and he fell—
Though not without a fight, as it was always Benson’s custom
To “fight clean and fight to the last ditch.”
In the end Death won and there passed from our great army
This young hero, whose career, so brilliantly begun,
Promised great achievement not only in times of war,
But also in times of peace.
At home, at church, at the office, on the street in all Corsicana,
As well as in the cause for which he made the supreme sacrifice,
Frank Benson will be missed.
No finer specimen of noble young manhood
Was ever reared in Texas.
“None knew him but to love him,
None named him but to praise.”
He now lies cold to blame or praise
But a poor civilian, proud to have known him long and to have loved him
Offers these lines to his noble memory.
Fern Lowrence (Munger) Benson
Nov 19, 1904 - Aug 3, 1933
BENSON - Corsicana, Texas. Aug. 4. - Funeral services for Mrs. N. L. Benson Jr., who died Thursday night in Altus, Ok., will be conducted Saturday
morning at the home of Mrs. N. L. Benson Sr. by the Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband, a son, Ralph and her mother, Mrs. R. L. Munger, Jordan Valley, Ore.
Sad News Received Death Popular Matron
Although messaged had been received during the day advising relatives of the
serious illness of Mrs. N. L. Benson, Jr., the many friends of this lovely
young matron here were distinctly shocked and grieved when the wire was
received about 9 o’clock last evening stating that she had passed away. Mr.
and Mrs. Benson and little son have been residing in Atlus, Oklahoma. The
sad death followed an operation which Mrs. Benson underwent the early part
of the week.
Funeral services for Mrs. N. L. Benson, Jr., aged 28 years, formerly of
Corsicana, who died in Altus, Oklahoma, Thursday night at 8:30 o’clock
with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
The services were conducted by Rev. W. E. Wood, pastor of the First
Baptist church of Purdon.
Surviving are her husband, and a son, Ralph, her mother, Mrs. R. L.
Munger, Jordan Valley, Ore., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Jim Skinner, Andrew G. Steele, Earl Bragg, Finis Farr,
Clyde Boldin, Alvin McCleary, C. M. Gillespie and Dr. E. H. Hincliffe.
The funeral was directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Caroline (Parker) Benton
Apr 24, 1838 - Sep 30, 1921
BENTON - Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 1. - Mrs. Caroline Benton, 83 years old,
died at the home of her son-in-law, J. D. Ricker, at 10 o'clock last night and the funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The
Rev. E. P. Kennedy, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Corsicana, will conduct the services. She had been a resident of Navarro County for sixty-five years and had lived in Corsicana sixty years. She is survived by
three children, as follows: Mrs. J. D. Ricker of Corsicana, Mrs. B. O. Fry of Throckmorton County and C. A. Benton of Houston, and a sister, Mrs. E. Fowler of Corsicana.
Venerable Lady Passed Away
Had Been a Resident of Navarro County Sixty-Five
Mrs. Caroline Benton, aged 83 years, died at the
home of J. D. Ricker, her son-in-law, at 10 o'clock last night and the
funeral will take place at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon from the Ricker home, 620
South Sixteenth Street. The deceased had been a resident of Navarro county
for sixty-five years, and had lived in Corsicana sixty years. She is
survived by three children, Mrs. J. D. Ricker of Corsicana, Mrs. B. O. Fry
of Throckmorton county, and C. A. Benton of Houston; and a sister Mrs. E.
Fowler, of Corsicana.
She was greatly loved by a large circle of
friends and will be missed by all who knew her and were associated with her
in life.
The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. E.
P. Kennedy, and the following will act as pall bearers:
Active-J. C. Hughes, C. B. Lewis, Bige Tinkle, C.
N. Olsen, Carl Cole and Tom McElwee.
Honorary-Dr. T. A. Miller, Charles Langston, H.
J. Harvin, D. T. Neal and J. S. Murchison.
Corsicana Daily Sun, October 1, 1921
Daughter of John and Elizabeth (Pittman)
Parker; Wife of William Benton; Mother of Barnisa, Martha, James W.,
John D. and Columbus Benton.
Submitted by
Dana Stubbs
P. McCammon
Jan 13, 1890
Capt. P. McCammon
Capt. P. McCammon, an aged and honored citizen of this city, this morning, at 2:30 o'clock, breathed his last after a protracted and severe
illness. He was in the neighborhood of 70 years of age. The funeral rites were this afternoon conducted by Rev. D. H. Dudley in the First Presbyterian church, of which deceased was a deacon.
Homer McCammon
Apr 3, 1879 - Oct 22, 1918
T. H. McCammon, 39 years old, died yesterday at 413½ South Ervay street. He was employed in Dallas by one of the oil companies. His father, Daniel McCammon of Corsicana, will arrive in the city this morning to take charge
of the body.
October 24, 1918, Dallas, Texas
The body of T. H. McCammon, 39 years old, fireman on the Katy Railroad, who died Tuesday at 413½ South Ervay street, was sent to Corsicana by
Undertakers Ed C. Smith & Bro. yesterday afternoon.
Popular Young Man Laid To Rest
The remains of the late Homer McCammon, who was found dead in his bed in Dallas Tuesday, were laid to rest in Oakwood here this afternoon. The funeral took place from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. McCammon at 3:30, conducted by Rev. C. H. Booth. Many friends attended and there were many pretty flowers.
Well Known
Corsicana Young
Man Passes Away.
Homer McCammon,
aged thirty-nine
years, son of
Mr. and Mrs. D.
K. McCammon,
died suddenly at
his boarding
house in Dallas
afternoon. The
deceased had not
been in good
health for a
long time,
nevertheless the
death came as a
great surprise
to his family
and his many
friends in
Corsicana. Where
he was reared.
The remains
reached here at
2:15, and the
funeral will
take place
afternoon at 4
o’clock from the
home of his
parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. K.
McCammon on West
4th Avenue with
interment in Oakwood.
Rev. C. H. Booth
will officiate
and the
following will
act as pall
bearers: Active,
Wes Redden,
Elmer Keith,
Note Goodman,
Nat Pinkston,
Tom Pinkston,
Sam Wallace and
Mr. Allen of
Honorary, W. C.
Proctor, Walter
Burgess, W. W.
Gage, Henry
Robbins, John
Harper and Mr.
Sharfstein of
Howard McClanahan
Died Dec 1931
Howard McClanahan Dies
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas. Dec. 31. - Howard McClanahan, 28, died Wednesday following an operation and the body was forwarded to Pecan Gap, where the funeral
services will be conducted Thursday. Surviving are his wife, teacher in the Montfort schools; three children, Howard McClanahan Jr., Robert Ray McClanahan and Janis McClanahan; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McClanahan,
Roane; two brothers, Hershell and Campbell McClanahan, and one sister, Miss Frances McClanahan, all of Roane.
Wesley Armstrong
Mar 18, 1856 - Jan 15, 1934
ARMSTRONG - Corsicana, Texas. Jan 16. Funeral services for Wesley Armstrong,
77, who died in the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic Monday night at 8 o'clock, were held Tuesday afternoon at the Chatfield Church with burial in the Chatfield Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by the Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, three daughters, Miss Alma Armstrong, Corsicana; Mrs. Kate Smith, Dearborn, Mich., and Miss Jessie
Armstrong, Corsicana, and a son, Sam J. Armstrong, Powell. Mr. Armstrong was a native of Mississippi, but had resided in and near Corsicana for the last thirty-eight years.
Funeral services for
Wesley Armstrong,
aged 77 years, who
died in the
Corsicana Hospital
and Clinic Monday
night at 8 o’clock,
were held Tuesday
afternoon at 2
o’clock from the
Chatfield church
with burial in the Chatfield Cemetery.
The rites were
conducted by Rev. T.
Edgar Neal, pastor
of the First
Methodist church
here. Mr. Armstrong
resided on the
Blooming Grove road
northwest of
Surviving are his
wife, three
daughters, Miss Alma
Corsicana; Mrs. Kate
Smith, Dearborn,
Mich., and Miss
Jessie Armstrong,
Corsicana; and a
son, Sam J.
Armstrong, Powell.
Mr. Armstrong was a
native of
Mississippi, but had
resided in and near
Corsicana for the
past 38 years.
Pallbearers were
John Sloan, Oran
Springfield, W. M.
Huff, Kelly McKeown,
J. L. Jackson,
Herbert Mitchell.
The funeral was
directed by the
funeral Home.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tuesday, January 16, 1934
- Submitted
Diane Richards
h/o Mollie Davis
(West) Armstrong; s/o D. A. Armstrong & Mandane (Burdine) Armstrong per
death certificate
Robert M. Fagg
Died Dec 1966
Funeral services for Robert M. Fagg, 60, of Lake Dallas, a former longtime Dallas resident and restaurateur, will be held at 2:30 p.m.
Monday in Sparkman's Ross Avenue Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Restland
Memorial Park.
Mr. Fagg died in Dallas Friday.
Mr. Fagg, a native of Dawson, Navarro County, was a Navy veteran of World War II. He was a member of
the East Dallas Christian Church.
Survivors: Wife, a brother, Vernon Grover Fagg of Dallas, and two sisters, Mrs. George S. Payne of Dallas and Mrs. Gladys Fagg Wilson of Lake Dallas.
James H. Farrald
Died Nov 1943
Corsicana Burial Set For James H. Farrald
The body of James H. Farrald, 68, Navarro County resident for more than fifty years, will be taken to Corsicana for funeral services there
Mr. Farrald died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Keeling, 3205 Stanford. He came to Texas from Madison, Ala., and for a time was station agent to Purdon, near Corsicana. Later he became a merchant there,
but since retiring several years ago had lived in Corsicana.
Survivors are his children, Mrs. Keeling and James Hubert Farrald Jr., Dallas; Wendell Farrald, Shreveport, La.; D. A. Farrald, New Orleans, La.;
J. L. Farrald, St. Louis, Mo.; Lieut. Harry E. Farrald, Army; Mrs. Sam Price Palestine, and Mrs. E. Ray Vance, Fort Stockton, and seven grandchildren.
Lina (Lynch) Farrald
Apr 26, 1889 - Oct 18,
FARRALD - Corsicana, Texas. Oct. 19 - Mrs. Lina Farrald, 42, of Barry, died
at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lynch, here Sunday, and the funeral was held at Dresden Monday, where burial was made. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. W. R. Hall, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.
Surviving are her husband, J. H. Farrald, Barry; four children, Hubert, Harry, Francis and Jack Farrald, all of Barry; parents and three brothers, A. O. Lynch, A. E. Lynch and Cecil Lynch, all of Corsicana. Pallbearers were
A. Keeling, F. G. Belote, D. D. Roberts, J. R. Evans, Marion Simpson and E. M. Palmer.
Howell Faughn
Dec 20, 1889 - Jun 7, 1926
The body of Howell Faughn who died as a result of injuries received
in an explosion at the Magnolia refinery at Electra Monday, will
arrive here tonight at 10:55 and will be taken to the home of his
aunt, Mrs. Jessie H. Gordon, 1319 West Tenth avenue. Burial will be
Wednesday morning in Prairie Point Cemetery at Bazette. Funeral
services will be held at the grave by M. J. Parnell, pastor of the
Methodist Protestant church of Corsicana, assisted by the pastor of
the Kerens Methodist church.
The deceased formerly worked for the Magnolia refinery here, it was
said today. He was born and reared in the Bazette community and was
well known in this county. He is survived by a wife and two
Mr. Faughn was a tailor and was in the boiler room collecting
clothes when the explosion occurred.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, June 8, 1926
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Senia Ann (Wafer) Faughn-Highnote married Jun. 1, 1912 s/o James
William Faughn and Dora Tennessee (Cates) Faughn
- Obits say Prairie Point cemetery but monument is in Oakwood.
His parents are buried at Prairie Point
Returns Home
Mrs. Dora Faughn has returned to her home in Siloam Springs, Ark.
She was in Corsicana to attend the funeral of her son, W. H. Faughn,
aged 36 years, who was killed recently in an explosion at Electra.
Burial was at the Prairie Point Cemetery. The deceased’s father, J.
W. Faughn resides at Bazette.
W. H. Faughn Buried
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, June 9. - Funeral services for W. H. Faughn, 27 years old, who was killed in an explosion at Electra Monday, were held Wednesday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the residence of T. A. Waffer, 616 North Fourteenth street.
Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, two small children, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Faughn of Prairie Point, and other relatives. He was formerly a resident
of Corsicana.
services for
W. H. Faughn,
aged 27
years, who
was killed
in an
explosion at
Monday were
afternoon at
3:30 o’clock
from the
residence of
T. A. Waffer,
616 N.
was made in
The funeral
conducted by
Rev. Eugene
W. Potter,
pastor of
the First
The body
arrived from
night at
He is
survived by
his wife,
two small
his parents,
Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Faughn
of Prairie
Point and
He was
formerly a
resident of
Clifton Wells Faulk
May 25, 1885 - Jul 19, 1948
Clifton W. Faulk Buried at Corsicana
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, July 21. - Clifton W. Faulk, 63, native of Corsicana, died
Monday night in a local hospital. Funeral services were held Tuesday. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are a brother, Robert A. Faulk, Montana; three sisters, Mrs. Kirk Ramsey and Mrs. W. N. Watson, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. C. R.
Newton, Tyler.
Clifton W. Faulk, aged 63 years, died at the P. and S. Hospital following a
short illness, Monday night.
Funeral services were held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel Tuesday
afternoon at 3:30 o’clock with interment in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted
by Rev. J. B. Ousley, pastor of the Memorial Baptist church.
Faulk was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Faulk, pioneer residents of
Surviving are a brother, Robert A. Faulk, Montana; three sisters, Mrs. Kirk
Ramsey and Mrs. W. N. Watson both of Corsicana and Mrs. C. R. Newton, Tyler,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. H. Jeter, Otis Atkeisson, C. O. (Cap) Currington, Oscar
Bird, J. W. McCammon and W. M. Watson.
(Moore) Faulk
Sep 25, 1851 - Nov 9, 1932
Pioneer Woman Dies
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Nov. 10. - Mrs. Parthenia Faulk, 81, pioneer resident of
Navarro County, widow of the late Dr. H. B. Faulk of Corsicana, died at her home here an the funeral was held at the family home Thursday afternoon with
burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are three sons, R. A. Faulk, Turner's Valley, Canada, H. W. and
Clifton Faulk, both of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. ___ Ramsey and Mrs.
Maggie Clemons both of Corsicana, and Mrs. C. E. Newton, Temple; two
sisters, Mrs. Angie Morgan, San Antonio, and Mrs. Nellie Morgan, Fort Worth.
Robert Isaac Feagin
Apr 17, 1860 - Aug 24, 1927
Former Corsicana Man Dies
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Aug. 24. - Word was received in Corsicana early Wednesday
that R. I. Feagin, former Corsicana resident for many years, died in
Harrisburg, Texas, early Wednesday morning, and that the body would arrive
in Corsicana early Thursday morning. No funeral arrangements have been made.
He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles Fulton, and a stepson, M. P.
Lee of Dallas.
Word was received in Corsicana early Wednesday that R. I. Feagin, former Corsicana resident for many years died in Harrisburg, Texas, early Wednesday morning, and that the body would arrive in Corsicana early Thursday morning. No funeral arrangements have been made.
He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles Fulton, and a step-son, M. P. Lee of Dallas.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wednesday, Aug 24, 1927
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Lula Rebecca (Jones) Lee-Feagin (daughter is Amboline Robert
(Feagin) Fulton-Brassell-Feagin) (step-son is Marcellus Parks Lee)
Funeral services for Robert I. Feagin, aged 67, former resident of Corsicana, who died in Harrisburg, Texas, at an early hour Wednesday morning, were held at Oakwood cemetery Thursday afternoon at 3:30, Rev. A. E. Carraway of Rice, former pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church conducting the service.
The body arrived in Corsicana early Thursday morning accompanied by his wife, a daughter, Miss Amboline Feagin, and Fred E. Davis of Houston, a great-nephew.
The deceased had lived in Harrisburg about six years, being employed by the Texas Portland Company.
Among the relatives who attended the funeral Thursday were Mrs. Florence Davis of Fort Worth, a niece; Miss Mary Davis, Fort Worth,a great niece, and M. P. Lee of Dallas, a step-son.
Pallbearers were A. P. Young, J. Y. Stewart, Chas. Baker, C. A. Lewis, John C. Hughes, Henry Mason and Amenda Glover.
Mr. Feagin was a resident of Corsicana for many years and was well known to all old-time residents of this city as a quiet unassuming man who was ever faithful to his friends and walked in the paths of uprightness throughout his life.
Walter Hudson Fendley
Feb 1, 1886 - May 26, 1940
W. H. Fendley, 54, Dies at Corsicana
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas. May 27. - Walker H. Fendley, 54, credit and collection
manager of a branch of the Farm Credit Administration, Dallas, died here
early Sunday while visiting relatives. Funeral services were held here at
10:30 a.m.
Monday. Prior to becoming connected with the FCA, Fendley was vice-president
of the Central State Bank here. He was a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite
Surviving are his wife of Dallas, Mrs. Melitka Knox Fendley; his mother,
Mrs. C. M. Fendley; a brother, Harrison Fendley, and a sister, Miss Ethel
Fendley, all of Corsicana.
Walter H. Fendley, aged 54 years, of Dallas, formerly well-known business
and financial figure here, died at the home of Judge and Mrs. C. L. Knox
early Sunday morning following a few hours’ illness. Mr. and Mrs. Fendley
were spending the week-end here when he was stricken.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at 10:30 o’clock from the
Sutherland-McCammon chapel. The rites were conducted by Rev. Gordon MacInnes,
pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian church, and Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor
of the First Methodist church. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
For the past eight years, Mr. Fendley had been the credit and collection
manager of a branch of the Farm Credit Administration in Dallas. Prior to
moving to Dallas, Mr. Fendley formerly was connected with the J. M. Dyer
Company, and was vice president of the Central State Bank here for a number
of years.
Mr. Fendley was a member of the local Masonic bodies and was a 32-degree
Scottish Rite Mason. He was a member and for years was an officer of the
Third Avenue Presbyterian church here. He came to Corsicana when a boy and
was married to Miss Malita Knox Oct. 8, 1918.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Melita Knox Fendley, Dallas; mother, Mrs. C. M.
Fendley, a brother, Harrison Fendley, and a sister, Miss Ethel Fendley, all
of Corsicana.
A special section was reserved for the large delegation of officials and
employees of Mr. Fendley’s office in Dallas.
Pallbearers were N. D. McKee, Dallas; R. D. Johnson, Houston; K. N. Johnson,
Dallas; W. N. Johnson, Dallas; W. P. McCammon, Corsicana, J. M. McGee, and
B. B. Cobb, Fort Worth.
Friends of the family were honorary pallbearers.
Alice R. Ferguson
Died Jul 1914
Ferguson - Corsicana, Tex., July 17. - Mrs. Alice R. Ferguson, wife of W. E.
Ferguson, died at the family home Wednesday and the funeral took place
yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Henry Wade Ferguson
Jul 10, 1874 - Jul 5, 1950
Henry W. Ferguson
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, July 6 - Henry W. Ferguson, 75, long-time resident of the
St. Elmo community, died here Wednesday.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, and two sisters, Mrs. Cleo Loyd of
Anniston, Ala., and Mrs. Lillie Skelton of Red Bay, Ala.

H. W. Ferguson, 75, Dies Wednesday, Rites Thursday
Henry W. Ferguson, 75, long-time resident of the St. Elmo community, died at
his home in Corsicana Wednesday.
Funeral services will be held at the
St. Elmo cemetery Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Rev. Leonard Lee will
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Cleo Loyd of Anniston,
Ala., and Mrs. Lillie Skelton of Red Bay, Ala., and a number of nieces and
Corley Funeral Home is in charge.
Marcus Lafayette Fesmire
Dec 8, 1855 - Aug 21, 1934
FESMIRE - Corsicana, Texas, Aug. 22 - Funeral services for M. L. Fesmire,
78, long-time resident of Navarro County, who died at his home Tuesday, were
held at the family residence Wednesday afternoon. Surviving are four
daughters, Miss Lula Fesmire and Miss Lizzie Fesmire of Corsicana, Mrs.
Ollie Soape of Angus and Mrs. Lillian Soape of Tyler; and one son, B. H.
Fesmire of New Mexico.

Marcus Lafayette Fesmire
De. 8, 1855 - Aug. 21, 1934
M. L. Fesmire, aged 78 years, long-time resident of Navarro county,
died at his home, 912 South Fifteenth street Tuesday afternoon at
1:30 o’clock. The funeral will be held sometime Wednesday with
burial in the Hamilton cemetery, but the exact hour had not been
determined at press time.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home will have charge of the funeral
Funeral services for M. L. Fesmire, 78, long-time resident of
Navarro county, who died at his home, 912 South Fifteenth street
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock will be held from the family
residence, Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. Phillips,
Primitive Baptist minister, assisted by Rev. Steverson, pastor of
the United Presbyterian church.
Surviving are four daughters, Miss Lula Fesmire, Corsicana; Mrs.
Lizzie Fesmire, Corsicana; Mrs. Ollie Soape, Angus; and Mrs. Lillian
Soape, Tyler; and a son, B. H. Fesmire, New Mexico.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland – McCammon Funeral
Bruce Calvin Fields
Jun 30, 1878 - May 6, 1936
FIELDS - Corsicana, Texas. May 6. - Bruce C. Fields, 57, long-time resident
of Navarro County, died at a local hospital Wednesday. Funeral services will
be held Thursday afternoon. Mr. Fields had resided on the Navarro road near
Lake Halbert twelve years. Surviving are his wife; six children, Mrs. Frank
Michaels and Mrs. Lonzo Davis, both of Marshall; Wallace Roebuck Fields,
Alvin Fields, Jimmie Fields and Francis Fields, all of Corsicana; two
brothers, Joe Fields, Corsicana, and Dick Fields, Fort Worth, and a sister,
Miss Hester Fields, Corsicana.

Bruce C. Fields, aged 57 years, long-time resident of Navarro
county, died at the P. and S. Hospital Wednesday morning. The
funeral services will be held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral
Home Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Mr. Fields has resided on the Navarro road near Lake Halbert for the
past 12 years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lillie Long Fields, six children, Mrs.
Frank Michaels, and Lonzo Davis, both of Marshall; Wallace Roebuck
Fields, Alvin Fields, Jimmie Fields, and Francis Fields, all of
Corsicana; two brothers, Joe Fields, Corsicana, and Dick Fields,
Fort Worth; and a sister, Miss Hester Fields, Corsicana.
Funeral services for Bruce C. Fields, aged 57 years, long time
resident of Navarro county, who died at the P. and S. Hospital
Wednesday morning, were held from the Eleventh Avenue Baptist
Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Joe E. Glenn, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Baptist church.
Mr. Fields had resided on the Navarro road near Lake Halbert for the
past 12 years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lillie Long Fields, six children, Mrs.
Frank Michaels, and Lonzo Davis, both of Marshall; Wallace Roebuck
Fields, Alvin Fields, Jimmie Fields, and Francis Fields, all of
Corsicana; two brothers, Joe Fields, Corsicana, and Dick Fields,
Fort Worth; and a sister, Miss Hester Fields, Corsicana.
The funeral was directed by Corley Funeral Home.
Richard William Fields
Feb 20, 1910 - Oct 27, 1948
Richard W. Fields Dies of Heart Attack
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Oct. 28. - Richard W. Fields, 38, died Wednesday after a
heart attack Tuesday.
Surviving are his wife, three children, Jimmy Ray, Joe A. and Dorothy Fields, all of Corsicana; mother, living in Marshall; four brothers, Ray
Fields, Corsicana; Clyde and Roger Fields, both of Houston, and Holman
Fields, Grass Valley, Calif., and two sisters, Mrs. Henry Wilson, Grass
Valley, Calif., and Mrs. Edgar Boze, Shreveport, La.
Richard W. Fields, aged 38 years, 318 South Thirteenth street, died at the
Navarro Clinic early Wednesday morning following a heart attack Tuesday.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery, probably
Thursday. The rites will be conducted by Rev. J. Morris Bailey, pastor of
the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife at Corsicana, three children, Jimmy Ray, Joe and
Dorothy Fields, all of Corsicana; mother, of Marshall, four brothers, Ray
Fields, Corsicana; Clyde and Roger Fields, both of Houston, and Holman
Fields, Grass Valley, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Wilson, Grass Valley,
Calif., and Mrs. Edgar Boze, Shreveport, La., and other relatives.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wed., Oct 27, 1948
by Diane Richards
1st wife Dorothy Videll (Harrison)
Fields married Feb 14, 1931 buried in Campbell Elrod cemetery 2nd wife
Clifford Inez (Pool) Fields-Crowe married Jul 19, 1939; s/o William A.
Fields & Kate (UNKNOWN) Fields
Funeral services for Richard W. Fields, aged 38 years, who died at the
Navarro Clinic Wednesday morning, were held Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock
from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. J. Morris Bailey, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist
Fields suffered a heart attack Tuesday afternoon.
Surviving are his wife at Corsicana, three children, Jimmy Ray, Joe and
Dorothy Fields, all of Corsicana; mother, of Marshall, four brothers, Ray
Fields, Corsicana; Clyde and Roger Fields, both of Houston, and Holman
Fields, Grass Valley, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Wilson, Grass Valley,
Calif., and Mrs. Edgar Boze, Shreveport, La., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were M. C. Legge, Sr.; Robert Baldauf, Morris Mullenix, Dock
Sheets, C. L. Williams and James Robinson.
Bryant L. Finch
Dec 5, 1853 - Dec 23, 1941
FINCH - Corsicana, Texas. Dec. 25. - Funeral services for B. L. Finch, 88,
who died at his home Tuesday, were held on Wednesday. A native of Tennessee,
he had resided in Navarro County for the past thirty-six years. He had been
an elder in the Presbyterian Church for sixty-seven years. Surviving are two
daughter, Mrs. B. A. Crofford and Mrs. E. E. Babers; a granddaughter, Mrs.
Robert Stell Jr., and two great-grandchildren, Bobbie and Sue Stell, all of

BURIED WEDNESDAY (rest of caption torn
B. L. Finch, aged 88 years, died at his home, 1462 West Third Avenue,
Tuesday night.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the
Sutherland-McCammon Chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Gordon MacInnes, pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian
A native of Tennessee, Mr. Finch came to Texas thirty-six years ago and
resided at Blooming Grove prior to moving to Corsicana twenty-eight years
He had been an elder of the Presbyterian church for sixty-seven years and
was very active and loyal to the Third Avenue Presbyterian church for
sixty-seven years and was very active and loyal to the Third Avenue
Presbyterian Church. At the time of his death, he was a ruling elder of that
organization. Mrs. Finch died five years ago.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. B. A. Crofford and Mrs. E. E. Babers, a
granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Stell, Jr., and two great-grandchildren, Bobbie
and Sue Stell, all of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were C. J. Knox, Ralph Stell, Pat Loggins, Cullen Dunn, Howard
Allen, H. G. Gribble, Dr. Harry Ezell, and Rex Bounds.
Honorary pallbearers were the official board of the third Avenue
Presbyterian church.
Mat S. Finch
Died Jul 21, 1898
FINCH - Corsicana, Tex., July 22. - At 10 o'clock last night Mr. Mat S.
Finch, mayor of Chatfield, this county, died at his home in that place of
Bright's disease.

- Submitted by
Dana Stubbs
- Jul 22, 1898
- Probably Matthew Scruggs Finch
Mrs. S. B. Baker
Died Jan 1939
Mrs. S. B. Baker, 90, long-time resident of the Petty's Chapel community,
died at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Ammonnette, at El Paso.

Nannie Blackman
Died Oct 1917
Blackman - Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 4. - Mrs. Nannie Blackman, wife of S. A.
Blackman, died Tuesday night at the age of 72. Besides her husband, the
deceased is survived by the following grown children: Mrs. J. H. Cardwell,
Corbet; Mrs. B. B. Thorp, Corsicana; Mrs. J. W. Vaughn, Navarro, and James,
Charles and Will Blackmon of Corsicana.

Johnson Daniels
Died Sep 1948
Johnson Daniels, 59, formerly of Hill county, died at his home at Angus
Monday night. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Hillsboro.
Surviving are his wife of Angus; daughters, Mrs. J. T. Ballinger, Angus;
Mrs. Sam Barrett, Itasca; and Mrs. Harold Johnson, Frost; son, Johnson
Daniels, Jr., Angus; brothers, Ed. and Guy Daniels, both of Waco, and Gay
Daniels, Itasca.

B. L. Davies
Died Aug 1945
Veteran Attorney Dies at Corsicana
CORSICANA, Texas. Aug. 12. - B. L. Davies, 81, practicing attorney here
sixty years, died early Sunday.
A native Texan and graduate of Southwestern University in 1883. Davis was an
original managing trustee of the Navarro Community Foundation.
Davis came to Corsicana as a child on the first passenger train to enter the
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. B. W. George, Corsicana; three sons, Lt.
Col. Charles J. Davis, United States Army, Washington; David W. Davis, New
York City, and Guy A. Davis, San Antonio.
Funeral services will be held here at 5 p.m. Monday.
Simon Daniels
May 20, 1868 - Oct. 24, 1939
Simon Daniels, 74, Dies at Corsicana
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Oct. 24. - Simon Daniels, 74, hardware merchant, died
Tuesday a few minutes after he had walked out of the courthouse where he had
testified in a lawsuit in which a daughter, Mrs. Flora Frankfort, Waco, was
seeking an accounting and partition of Daniels' estate. He was stricken on
the courthouse yard while walking with a daughter and attorney, and died in
a few minutes.
A native of Poland, Daniels had been a resident of Corsicana fifty-eight
Surviving are five sons, Dave, George, Albert, Leon and Louis Daniels, all
of Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Frankfort, Waco; Mrs. Louis Goldberg and
Mrs. Ben Levey, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. David Kamen, Athens, and twelve
Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday at the family home.
Funeral services for Simon Daniels, 74-year-old wealthy hardware merchant
and pioneer resident of Corsicana, who died Tuesday afternoon with a heart
attack, were held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock from the family home, 415
West Sixth avenue. Interment was made in the Hebrew cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rabbi Michael.
Mr. Daniels is reported to have collapsed while walking from the court house
to the street shortly after 5 o’clock Tuesday afternoon along with one of
his daughters and an attorney, Richard Mays. He died within a few minutes.
Mr. Daniels had left the witness chair in the Thirteenth judicial district
court a few minutes earlier where he had testified in the suit styled Mrs.
Flora Frankfort, et vir, vs. Simon Daniels, et al, accounting and partition.
The case had been on trial for several days.
A native of Poland, Mr. Daniels went to England while a small lad and a few
years later came to America. He had resided in Corsicna for 54 years.
Surviving are five sons, Dave, George, Albert. Leon and Louis Daniels, all
of Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Flora Frankfort, Waco; Mrs. Louis
Goldberg, Corsicana; Mrs. Ben Levy, Corsicana, and Mrs. David Kamen, Athens;
and 12 grandchildren. The late Mrs. M. M. Miller was also a daughter.
Pallbearers were A. P. Mays, R. D. Fleming, H. R. Stewart, F. C. Paul, Mike
Kamen, Chas. Holloway, N. Suttle Roberts, Sylvan McDaniel, W. A. Tarver and
Mayor J. S. Murchison.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Funeral Wednesday Corsicana Merchant
Funeral services for Simon Daniels, aged 74 years, who died with a heart
attack Tuesday afternoon shortly after 5 o’clock, were held from the family
home, 415 West Sixth avenue, Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The rites
were conducted by Rabbi Michael. Interment was made in the Hebrew cemetery.
Mr. Daniels a few minutes before he was taken ill had been a witness in a
civil suit on trial in district court and was walking on the courthouse yard
when he was stricken.
A native of Poland, Mr. Daniels made his way to Germany and England as a lad
and later arrived in New York, coming to Corsicana 54 years ago. He headed
the Simon Daniels hardware business, one of the pioneer establishments of
Surviving are five sons, Dave, George, Albert, Leon and Louis Daniels, all
of Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Flora Frankfort, Waco; Mrs. Louis
Goldberg, Corsicana; Mrs. Ben Levy, Corsicana, and Mrs. David Kamen, Athens;
and 12 grandchildren. The late Mrs. M. M. Miller was a daughter.
Pallbearers were A. P. Mays, W. T. Parker, N. Suttle Roberts, Sylvan
McDaniel, R. D. Fleming, H. R. Stewart, Louis Wolens, F. C. Paul, Charlie
Holloway, Mike Kamen, W. A. Tarver and J. S. Murchison.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Louise (Cheney)
Nov 22, 1900 - Feb 3, 1950
Mrs. W. M. Davidson Of Corsicana Dies
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Feb. 3. - Mrs. W. M. Davidson died in a Dallas hospital
Friday. Funeral services will be at the Westminster Presbyterian Church here
at 3 p.m. Saturday.
Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. J. A. Breithaput Jr. of
Corsicana, and Miss Helen Davidson, Tyler teacher; a grandchild and a
sister, Mrs. R. R. Cocke of Corsicana.
Mrs. Davidson Is Dead; Funeral Services Saturday
Mrs. Louise Cheney Davidson, life-long resident of Navarro county, died in a
Dallas hospital Friday morning following an extended illness.
Surviving are her husband, W. M. Davidson, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. J.
A. Breighthaupt, Jr., Corsicana, and Miss Lillian Davidson, Tyler teacher; a
grandchild and a sister, Mrs. R. R. Cocke Corsicana, and other relatives.
Mrs. Davidson was a daughter o the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cheney, pioneer
residents of Navarro county.
Funeral services will be held from the Westminister Presbyterian church at 3
p.m. Saturday. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold,
McCammon Funeral Home will direct.
Mrs. Davidson’s Funeral Rites Held Saturday
Funeral services for Mrs. Louise Cheney Davidson, 49, who died in a
Dallas hospital Friday morning following an extended illness, were held
Saturday afternoon from the Westminister Presbyterian church. Burial was
in Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, pastor fo the church.
Mrs. Davidson was a life-long resident of Corsicana, the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cheney, pioneer residents of this area.
Surviving are her husband, W. M. Davidson, Corsicana; two daughters,
Mrs. J. A. Breighthaupt, Jr., Corsicana, and Miss Lillian Davidson,
Tyler teacher; a grandchild and a sister, Mrs. R. R. Cocke Corsicana,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Robert Davidson, Harold Davidson, Sidney K. Brietz,
Robert Cocke, Jr., J. A. Breithaupt, Jr.; and Hood Cheney.
McCammon Funeral Home directed.
Mary Kate
(White) Davies

Died Sep 1950
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Kate Davies, 79, of 802 Hollywood, will be
held at 6 p.m. Monday at Lamar & Smith Funeral Chapel, 800 West Jefferson.
Burial will be in Laurel Land Memorial Park.
Mrs. Davies died Saturday at her home after a long illness.
A native of Corsicana, she had lived in Dallas since 1919. Her husband, John
R. Davies, died in Corsicana.
She was a member of the Tyler Street Methodist Church and the Whosoever Will
Sunday School Class.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. B. B. Belknap, Tulsa, Okla.; Mrs.
John MacConnal, Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. George Brown, Dallas; two
sons, Glen M. Davies, Irving, and Marvin H. Davies, Dallas; three sisters,
Mrs. J. S. Doolin, Mrs. S. H. Kealy and Mrs. Lou Emma Quarles, all of
Dallas; three brothers, W. H. White, Corsicana, and S. E. White and Marvin
M. White, both of Navarro, seven grandchildren and one great grandson.
George Washington Davis
Feb 2, 1883 - Apr 21, 1938
DAVIS - Corsicana, Texas. April 21. - George W. Davis, 55, died at his home
Thursday. Funeral services will be held Friday. Surviving are his wife and
one sister.

Funeral services for George W. Davis, carpenter, aged 55 years, who died
Thursday morning were held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the chapel of
the Sutherland – McCammon Funeral home. Interment was made in the
Zions Rest Cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. O. W. Reece, pastor of the First Christian
church. Mr. Davis resided at 220 South Twelfth street. He had been in ill
health for some time.
Surviving are his wife, a sister, Mrs. J. R. Simpson, Corsicana and a number
of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Will Smalling, Judge A. E. Foster, Ernest Bridger, Jim
Boswell, R. C. Holloway, Bob Beaton and J. W. Foster.
Jefferson Davis McCleary

Aug 16, 1861 - Oct 25, 1932
Jeff Davis McCleary Buried at Bazette
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas, Oct 26. - Funeral services for Jeff Davis McCleary, 71,
were held Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Methodist Church at
Bazette, with burial in the Bazette
Cemetery. The services were conducted by the Rev. R. A.
Crosby, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church, Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife, three sons, A. D. McCleary, Corsicana; William
McCleary, Purdon, and Jack McCleary, Powell; three daughters, Mrs.
Winnie Paschal, Corsicana; Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, Powell, and Miss Margaret
McCLeary, Powell; two brothers, John W. McCleary and James L.
McCleary, both of Corsicana, and four sisters, Mrs. Kate Harris, Vernon;
Mrs. Laura Meyers, Dallas; Mrs. Sadie Selman, Kemp, and Mrs. Ona Bowling,
October 26, 1932 (second article, same date)
Jeff Davis McCleary, 71, died here Tuesday morning. Funeral services were
held from the Methodist Church at Bazette Wednesday afternoon with burial in
the Bazette Cemetery, the Rev. R. A. Crosby, officiating.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary McCleary, Powell; three sons, A. D.
McCleary, Corsicana; William McCleary, Purdon, and Jack McCleary, Powell;
three daughters, Mrs. Winnie Paschal, Corsicana; Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson,
Powell, and Miss Margaret McCleary, Powell.
Jeff Davis McCleary, aged 71 years, died at 1416 West Tenth avenue, Tuesday
morning at 1 o’clock, and the funeral will be held from the Methodist church
at Bazette Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock with burial in the Bazette
cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. R. A. Crosby, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church, Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary McCleary, Powell; three sons, A. D.
McCleary, Corsicana; William McCleary, Purdon; and Jack McCleary, Powell;
three daughters, Mrs. Winnie Paschal, Corsicana; Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson,
Powell, and Miss Margaret McCleary, Powell; two brothers, John W. McCleary
and James L. McCleary, both of Corsicana; and four sisters, Mrs. Kate
Harris, Vernon; Mrs. Laura Meyers, Dallas; Mrs. Sadie Selman, Kemp, and Mrs.
Ona Bowling, Frost.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Mrs. E. D.
Died Aug 1954
Mrs. E. D. McCarver, passed away early Sunday at Memorial Hospital, age 77.
Survived by three sons, C. J. McCarver, Alberquerque, N. M.; Farley McCarver,
Corsicana ; James Lawrence McCarver, Orange; four daughters, Mrs. E. H.
Hancock, Colorado Springs, Colo.; Mrs. Mildred Harrison, Corsicana; Mrs.
John D. Cagle, North Hollywood, Calif.; Mrs. Tom J. Cole, Almos. Calif.
Eleven grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements are pending arrival of relatives.
McCammon Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Mrs. R. M.
Amanda Viola (Petty) McCarter
Jul. 8, 1878 - May 8, 1954
Mrs. McCarter's Rites Conducted
Special to The News
CORSICANA, Texas. - Mrs. R. M. McCarter, 76, lifelong resident of Navarro
County, died at her home in Kerens Saturday following an extended illness.
Funeral services were held from the First Baptist Church in Kerens Sunday.
Burial was in the Kerens Cemetery.
Surviving are her husband; two sons, J. K. McCarter, Kerens, and N. E.
McCarter, Baytown; two daughters, Mrs. A. C. Godley, Powell, and Mrs. J.
J. Upchurch, Tyler; eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Sunday Services For Mrs. McCarter
KERENS, May 8—(Spl.)—Mrs. R. M. McCarter, 76, life-long resident of
Navarro county, died at her home here Saturday morning following an
extended illness. She had resided here most of her life.
Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church here
Sunday at 4 p.m. with burial in the Kerens cemetery.
Surviving are her husband of Kerens; two sons, J. K. McCarter,
Kerens, and N. E. McCarter, Baytown; two daughters, Mrs. A. G.
Godley, Powell, and Mrs. J. J. Upchurch, Tyler; eight grandchildren,
five great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Lloyd Hamilton, Floyd Hamilton, Clifton
Curington, Jack Jones, Rufus Pevehouse, Leslie Parker, and Dick
Inmon Funeral Home will direct.
William Henry
Sep 8, 1918 - Jul 7, 1944
Obituary moved to William Henry Davis
Will Davis
Died Jun 1907
DAVIS - Corsicana, Tex., June 23. - Will Davis, a member of Hose Company No.
2 of the Corsicana fire department died this morning at 7 o'clock.

Mrs. J. C. Nelson
Died Nov 1942
NELSON - Corsicana, Texas. - Mrs. J. C. Nelson, 92, died Friday night at the
home of a son, D. R.
Nelson, and funeral services will be held at Mount Calm Monday with burial
in the Mount Calm Cemetery. A native of Tennessee, Mrs. Nelson had resided
in Texas forty-eight years. Surviving are five sons: W. H.
Nelson, Daytona Beach, Fla.; A. J. Nelson, Goose Creek; J. D. Nelson, New
London; D. R. Nelson, Corsicana, and George F. Nelson, Goose Creek.
John Keith Davis
Feb 2, 1911 - June 23, 1953
John Keith Davis Dies at Houston
John Keith Davis, 42-year-old vice-president of the Kelley Manufacturing
Company at Houston and a former resident of Dallas, died Tuesday night in
Houston, the Associated Press reported.
Davis was president of the Texas chapter, American Steel Window Association.
He was employed by the Kelley company for several years in Dallas before
moving to Houston as vice-president.
Survivors include his wife and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Davis of
West Plains, Mo.
Funeral services will be held in Corsicana, but arrangements have not been
J. K. Davis Rites Held On Friday
Funeral services for John Keith Davis, 42, who died in Houston
Tuesday, were held from the Westminster Presbyterian church Friday
at 3 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Matthew H. Arnold, minister of the
church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.
Davis was vice president and sales manager of the Kelly
Manufacturing Company of Houston, and was president of the Texas
Chapter of the American Steel Warehouse association, and was a
member of the Salesmanship club.
Surviving are his wife of Houston, the former Miss Ethel Larrison of
Corsicana; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Davis, West Plains, Mo.; a
brother, L. W. Davis, Springfield, Mo., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were George McMahon, L. L. Dorsett, Robert S. Foley,
William Walker, George H. Reese and J. A. Rupiper.
Griffin directed.
Katie Ethel (Harrell) Caples
Mar 18, 1884 - Mar 12, 1932
CAPLES - Corsicana, Texas, March 14 - Funeral services for Mrs. Katie Ethel
Caples, 47, of Blooming Grove, who died in Pursley were held from the
Pursley Baptist Church Sunday with burial in the Pursley Cemetery. The
services were conducted by the Rev. G. H. Vaughn. Baptist minister of
Pursley. Surviving are her husband, Calvin Caples, of Blooming Grove; a son,
James Caples of Blooming Grove; a son, James Caples of Blooming Grove; a
sister, Mrs. Clara Murray of Pursley, and a brother, Lee Merrill of Mildred.
Pallbearers were Max Ganze<?>, Lee Hardin<?>, Andy Belts, Edmund Scroggins,
B. T. Ray and O. T. Belts.
Funeral services for Mrs. Katie Ethel Caples, aged 47 years, of
Blooming Grove, who died in Pursley Saturday morning at 10:20
o’clock were held from the Pursley Baptist church Sunday afternoon
at 3 o’clock with interment in the Pursley cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. H. Vaughn, Baptist minister of Pursley.
Surviving are her husband, Calvin Caples, Blooming Grove; a son
James Caples, Blooming Grove; a sister, Mrs. Clara Murray, Pursley;
and a brother, Lee Harrell, Mildred.
Pallbearers were Max Ganze, Lee Hardin, Andy Bolin, Edmund
Scroggins, D. T. Ray and O. T. Nutt.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
- Corsicana Semi Weekly Light - Tuesday, March 15, 1932
- w/o Calvin Caples d/o Alex Harrell and Mary (Douglas)
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Alice (Atkinson) McMillan
Feb 6, 1917 - Jun 23, 2005
Alice McMillan of Corsicana and formerly of Irving passed away June 23,
2005. She was born Feb. 6, 1917, in Powell.
Alice is survived by her husband, Jerry McMillan of Blooming Grove;
daughters, Mary Alice McMillan and Betty Joyce Gribble, both of Irving;
brother, George Atkinson of Itasca; four grandchildren, one great-grandchild
and one great-great-grandchild.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, June 27, at Navarro Mills
Baptist Church near Purdon with the Rev. Bob Reid officiating. Interment
will follow at 3 p.m. at Oak Grove Memorial Gardens in Irving.
Arrangements by Ben F. Brown’s Memorial Funeral Home, Irving. |
Alice McMillan
McMillan, 88, of Corsicana, formerly of Irving, died June 23, 2005.
McMillan She was born Feb. 6, 1917, in Powell.
A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Monday, June 27, at Navarro Mills
Baptist Church in Purdon. Rev. Bob Reid officiated. Burial followed at Oak
Grove Memorial Gardens in Irving.
She is survived by her husband, Jerry McMillan of Blooming Grove; two
daughters, Mary Alice McMillan of Irving and Betty Joyce Gribble of Irving;
a brother, George Atkinson of Itasca; four grandchildren; one
great-grandchild; and one great-great-grandchild.
Shirley Ann
(Beam) Moreau

Oct 1, 1949 - Jun 24, 2005
Shirley Moreau
Shirley Ann Moreau, 55, of Barry, was promoted to glory on Friday,
June 24, 2005 at Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler.
Services will be 10 a.m. Monday, June 27, at Corley Funeral Home in
Corsicana, with Pastors Charles and Lauren Womack officiating.
Interment will be at Dresden
Visitation will be held on Sunday, June 26, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Corley
Funeral Home.
Shirley is survived by her husband of 32 years, Johny Moreau of Barry,
daughters and sons-in-law, Danielle and Marc Neagle of Barry and Rachel and
Jimmy Seaton of Blooming Grove; six grandchildren: Carly Neagle, Daisy
Seaton, Emily Moreau, Seth Seaton, Jared Neagle and Jaci Leigh Seaton.
Shirley is also survived by her parents, Isaac and Bobbie Beam of Barry,
brother and sister-in-law, Otis and Deni Beam of Barry, and numerous
nephews, nieces and cousins.
Pallbearers will be Scott Reed, Russell Reed, Jacob Reed, Bradley Beam,
Matthew Beam, Tony Moreau, Jonathan McCullom and James Arnett.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
Shirley Ann Moreau
Mrs. Shirley Moreau, 55, of Barry passed away on Friday, June 24, 2005
in Tyler. She was born on October 1, 1949 in Corsicana, Texas. Visitation
will be held from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at the funeral
home. Funeral Services will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 27, 2005
at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Charles Wommack officiating.
Interment will be in the Dresden Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Scott Reed,
Russell Reed, Jacob Reed, Bradley Beam, Matthew Beam, James Arnett, Jonathan
McCollum, and Tony Moreau. Survivors include her Husband Johny Moreau of
Barry, Daughter's & Sons-in-Law Danielle & Marc Neagle of Barry and Rachel &
Jimmy Seaton of Blooming Grove, Granddaughter Carly Neagle of Barry,
Granddaughter Daisy Seaton of Vernon, Granddaughter Emily Moreau, Grandson
Seth Seaton of Vernon, Grandson Jared Neagle of Barry, Granddaughter Jacie
Leigh Seaton of Vernon, Parents Ike & Bobbie Beam of Barry, and Brother &
Sister-in-Law Otis & Deni Beam of Barry
Bobby Dwain Platt
Jul 17, 1942 - Jun 24, 2005
Bobby Dwain Platt, 62, of Corsicana, passed away Friday, June 24, 2005. He
was born July 17, 1942, in Poolsville, Texas.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. at Corley Funeral Home on Sunday June
26. Services will be Monday, June 27, at 2 p.m. at the Oakwood Cemetery with
Rev. C. Dan Layne officiating. Internment will be at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Platt was an ordained minister with the Baptist church, and served as
assistant Pastor with the Kerens Missionary Baptist Church for several
years. He was also a veteran, having served in the
U.S. Air Force.
Platt was preceded in death by his parents, Benjamin and Vivian Platt and
grandson Austin Chance Platt.
Platt was survived by his wife, Celestine Platt of Corsicana; sons, David
Platt of Grand Valley, Penns. and Robert Platt of Palestine; daughters,
Kathleen Platt of Palestine, Tonya Smith of Wisconsin and Karen Langford of
San Antonio; sons and daughters-in-laws, Gregory and Paula Platt of
Corsicana and Shannon and Christy Platt of Jacksonville; daughter and
son-in-law, Ronda and Dwayne Webb of Corsicana; sister, Dorothy Jennings of
Corsicana; sister and brother-in-law, Patsy and Rick Putman of Corsicana;
brother and sister-in-law, Billy and Meredith Platt of Mildred and 10
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.