Obituaries from Navarro County, Texas |  HOME
Sarah Margaret (Doolen) Chambliss Apr 21, 1874 - Apr 20, 1935
April 23, 1935 CHAMBLISS - Corsicana, Texas. April 22. - Mrs. Sarah M. Chambliss, 60, native of Navarro County and resident of the Navarro community for twelve years died Saturday. Funeral services were held Monday at the Navarro Church. Surviving are five son, six daughters, four brothers and two sisters.
Mrs. Sam Sarah M. Chambliss aged 60 years, native of Navarro county and resident of the Navarro community
for the past 12 years, died with a heart attack at Navarro Saturday afternoon at 6 o'clock.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Navarro church with
burial in the
Campbell cemetery.
The rites were
conducted by Rev.
Fletcher Isbell,
Methodist minister
of Richland.
Surviving are five
sons, H. H.
Chambliss, Freer;
Vernon L. Chambliss,
Sweeney; T.
C.Chambliss, Pampa;
W. D. Chambliss,
Conroe; and Wayne
Chambliss, Houston;
six daughters, Mrs.
W. M. Johnston,
Navarro; Mrs. T. H.
Eubanks, Mexia; Mrs.
D. S. Eubanks, Mexia;
Mrs. Clyde Brown,
Dallas; Mrs. Raymond
Hester, Kilgore; and
Miss Frances
Chambliss, Navarro;
grandchildren, four
brothers, J. S.
Doolen, Navarro;
John Doolen,
Navarro; Luther
Doolen, Navarro and
W. A. Doolen,
Houston; and two
sisters, Mrs. Addie
Duncan, Navarro, and
Mrs. Alice Tilkinton,
The funeral was
directed by the
Corley Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were
Clyde Doolen, John
T. Doolen, Fred
Doolen, Willie
Doolen, Ben Horn,
Pat Horn, Lloyd
Chambliss and Bruce
William Clement Dec 6, 1865 - Oct 21, 1942
Oct 22, 1942, Dallas, Texas CLEMENT - William Clement, of Route 1, Seagoville, passed away in a Dallas hospital Wednesday morning. Survived by wife; three sons, Bernie, W. A. and Ray Clement, all of Dallas; one daughter, Mrs. Worth Yantes; five grandchildren, two brothers and two sisters. Funeral services 1:30 p.m. Thursday in the McCullough Funeral Chapel. Short service to follow at Oakwood Cemetery at Corsicana at 3:30 p.m. Arrangements with McCullough Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Will Clements, aged 76 years, Seagoville, Route
1, who died in Parkland hospital, Dallas, early Wednesday morning,
were held in Dallas on Thursday with burial in
Catholic cemetery
here at 3:30 o’clock. He had been ill two weeks. A short funeral
service was held at the cemetery here with the Rev. Monsignor V.
Graffeo of the Church of the Immaculate Conception conducting the
Reared in the Mildred community, Clements moved to West Texas 1917
and later resided in the Emhouse and Mabank communities prior to
going to Seagoville several years ago.
Surviving are his wife of Seagoville; six children, C. B. McKinney,
Corsicana; Mrs. Dick Ferrell, San Antonio; Bernie, W. A. and Ray
Clement, and Mrs. Worth Yantes, all of Dallas; several
grandchildren, two brothers and two sisters.
Corley Funeral Home had charge of local arrangements.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, Oct 22, 1942
- h/o Frances Florena“Fannie” (Bryne) McKinney-Clement
buried in Calvary Hill Cemetery, Dallas, Texas; s/o John Clement
& Emily (Gerren) Clement
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Will Clements, aged 76 years, former resident of Navarro county, died in Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Tuesday nigh after a two weeks’ illness.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at Oakwood cemetery, but the time had not been announced shortly after noon Wednesday.
Clements was reared in Mildred community, leaving in 1917 for West Texas. Later he resided at Emhouse and Mabank before moving to Seagoville, Dallas county, several years ago.
Surviving are his wife of Seagoville, six children, C. B. McKinney, Corsicana; Mrs. Dick Ferrell, San Antonio, Mrs. Marvelene Yantis, Willie Clements and Burney Clements, all of Dallas, and Ray Clements, Arkansas; nine grandchildren and several brothers and sisters.
William Franklin
"Zenie" Clayton Jul 17, 1886 - Jan 23, 1952
Jan 24, 1952 W. F. Clayton, 66, Dies at Crosbyton Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 24 - W. F. (Zenie) Clayton, 66, former professional baseball player and later an umpire in the American Association, died in Crosbyton Wednesday night. The body will be returned here for burial. Clayton broke into baseball early in the century, playing with Ardmore and later with Temple and Cleburne in the Texas League in 1905 and 1906. He later played with St. Louis as a third baseman. Survivors are his wife; a daughter, Mrs. L. E. Lewis of Venezuela; a son, Billy Clayton of Waxahachie, and a granddaughter. Clayton was manager of a cotton warehouse for years at Crosbyton. Funeral services will be held in Corsicana at 2 p.m. Friday, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Notes:
Zenie Clayton Dies Wednesday
W. F. (Zenie) Clayton, 66, former professional baseball man,
Corsicana native, died in a Crosbyton hospital Wednesday night.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday from the McCammon
chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted
by the Rev. Lloyd Hamilton, pastor of the Crosbyton Methodist
church, assisted by the Rev. W. R. Hall, Marlin, Presbyterian
Clayton had been manager of a cotton warehouse at Crosbyton for a
number of years, and was employed at cotton warehouses and
compresses for many years after baseball seasons.
He broke into baseball shortly after the turn of the century,
playing with Ardmore in an independent league before occupying third
base for Cleburne and Temple in the old Texas league in 1905 and
1906 prior to going with the St. Louis major league club.
He was an umpire in the Class AA American Association for a number
of years prior to his retirement from baseball about 15 years ago.
Surviving are his wife at Crosbyton; a daughter, Mrs. L. E. Lewis,
Venezuela, S. A., who plans to fly home for her father’s rites; a
son, Billy Clayton, Waxahachie, and a granddaughter.
Zenie Clayton Services Friday
Funeral services for W. F. (Zenie) Clayton, 66, who died in a Crosbyton
hospital Wednesday night, were held at 2 p.m. Friday from the McCammon
Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Lloyd Hamilton, pastor of the Methodist
church in Crosbyton, and Dr. W. R. Hall, Marlin Presbyterian church.
Clayton, a native and long-time resident of Corsican, was a former Texas
and major league infielder shortly after the turn of the century, and
for years was an umpire in the American Association before his
retirement from the national pastime.
At the time of his death Clayton was manager of a cotton warehouse at
Surviving are his wife of Crosbyton; a daughter, Mrs. L. E. Lewis,
Venezuela, S. A.; a son, Billy Clayton, Waxahachie; and a granddaughter.
Pallbearer were Marion Martin, W. F. Hodge, Dude Ransom, N. Suttle
Roberts, W. P. McCammon and A. R. Lewis.
Mrs. J. M. Clayton abt 1865 - 1948
May 1, 1948 Navarro Native Dies CORSICANA, Texas, May 1 (Special). - Funeral services were held Saturday for Mrs. J. M. Clayton, 83, native of Navarro County. She was the wife of the late J. H. Clayton, onetime tax collector for the county. Surviving are a son, W. F. Clayton, Sudan; eight grand children, and a great-grandson. Notes:
Marie Amelia Clayton
Jun 2, 1915-Jan 4, 1929
Jan 4, 1929 Corsicana Girl Dies Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 4. - Marie Amelia Clayton, 13, daughter of Will Clayton, student in junior high school, died Friday. Surviving are her father, a sister, Doris; a brother, Billie. The mother of the little girl died last week. Notes:
Funeral services for Marie Amelia Clayton, 13 year-old daughter of
Will (Zenie) Clayton, who died at the Navarro Clinic Friday morning
at 4:40 o’clock following a short illness with flu-pneumonia, were
conducted Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the residence of Mrs.
W. D. Robinson,1426 West Collin street, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. P. Marlin Baker,
pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian church.
Surviving are her father, one sister, Doris, one brother, Billie and
numerous other relatives.
The mother of the little girl died with the same malady last week
and was buried Sunday afternoon.
Active pallbearers were W. C. Proctor, H. G. Hicks, George B. Nourse,
J. Doak Roberts and Ray Falk, all of Dallas; Nat Pinkston, E. O.
Vaughn, A. S. Vann and W. T. McElwee.
Sutherland Undertaking company had charge of the funeral.
Touching scenes were enacted as the classmates of Marie in junior
high school and her Camp Fire group came to pay their last and
farewell to their beloved companion, who had been so bright, happy
and cherry only a few short weeks ago. Beautiful floral offerings
covered the grave, among the offerings being those sent by her Camp
Fire group and guardian, the Junior Nevin club and her roommates of
junior high, and the faculty of junior high, she having been a
favorite among those of her own age as well as among those older
people who knew and loved her for her many charming attributes.
W. G. Clarkson Died May 1952
May 6, 1952, Fort Worth, Texas Fort Worth Architect, W. G. Clarkson, Dies FORT WORTH, Texas, May 6 (AP) - W. G. Clarkson, 66, an architect in Fort Worth for more than forty years, died of a heart attack late Monday at his home. Born at Corsicana, Clarkson attended the University of Texas. He also studied at the Armour Institute of Technology at Chicago and the Art Institute at Chicago. Clarkson was a former president of the Texas Society of Architects and a member of American Institute of Architects. Survivors are his wife; a son, W. G. Clarkson Jr., and two grandchildren, all of Fort Worth, and three sisters, Mrs. Felix Evans of Dallas, Mrs. H. C. Nichols of Corsicana and Mrs. H. S. Woods of Kansas City. Notes:
L. (Gulick) Clarkson May 6, 1866 - Feb 6, 1927
February 7, 1927 Mrs. Jennie G. Clarkson Dies at Corsicana CORSICANA, Texas, Feb. 7 (SP). - Mrs. Jennie Gulick Clarkson, wife of William Clarkson Sr., 61 years old, died at the family home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clarkson was the daughter of a pioneer Texas physician, Dr. J. W. Gulick, and was born at Brenham, but had been a resident of Corsicana for fifty-six years. She was married to William Clarkson in 1885, who, with the following children survive: Wiley G. Clarkson of Fort Worth, William Clarkson Jr. of Corsicana, Mrs. H. S. Woods of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. W. Hugh Johnson of Dallas and Miss Annie Beal Clarkson of Corsicana, also by two sisters, Mrs. Annie Beal of Corsicana and Mrs. Sam R. Hay, wife of Bishop Sam R. Hay, of Houston. Mrs. Clarkson was prominent in church and club circles in Corsicana. Notes:
Funeral services were held from St. John’s Episcopal Church Monday
afternoon at 3 o’clock for Mrs. Jennie Gulick Clarkson, aged 61 years,
wife of Wm. Clarkson, Sr., who died at the family home 1242 West Fifth
avenue, Sunday afternoon about 3 o’clock, after an illness of several
days, although she had been in bad health for a number of years. Funeral
services of the Episcopal Church, of which Mrs. Clarkson had long been a
faithful member, were conducted by the Rector, the Rev. H. J. Ellis,
while the church choir rendered appropriate music. The chancel and all
available space were banked beautiful flowers sent by friends of this
good woman and her family as tokens of love and esteem.
Active pallbearers were members of the vestry of St. John’s Episcopal
Church. All friends of Mrs. Clarkson and her family were designated as
honorary pallbearers.
A vast concourse of friends and loved ones filled St. John’s church for
the funeral services followed the remains to their last resting place
and their tears mingled with those of her devoted companion of 42 years,
and her children and other loved ones in sorrow at the passing of a
truly good, Christian woman.
Mrs. Clarkson was born May 5, 1866, at Brenham, Texas, the daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Gulick, pioneer citizens of Texas. The family removed
to Corsicana in 1871, and on January 21, 1885, deceased was married to
Wm. Clarkson, and they have made Corsicana their home since that time.
Surviving Mrs. Clarkson are her husband and five children, two sons and
three daughters, as follows: Wiley G. Clarkson of Fort Worth; Wm.
Clarkson, Jr., of Corsicana; Mrs. H. Stuart Woods, of Kansas City, Mo.;
Mrs. W. Hugh Johnson of Dallas, and Miss Annie Beal Clarkson of
Corsicana. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Annie Beal of
Corsicana and Mrs. Sam R. Hay, wife of Bishop Sam R. Hay, of Houston,
and four grandchildren, William Clarkson 111, and Martha Clarkson,
children of Mr. and Mrs. William Clarkson, Jr., Wiley Clarkson, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley G. Clarkson of Fort Worth, and Rose Woods,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Woods of Kansas City and other relatives.
The passing of Mrs. Clarkson has brought sorrow to many as she was a
woman who had been faithful to her church vows and who carried cheer and
happiness wherever she went. For many years who has been a leader among
the woman workers of St. John’s Parish, never being too busy or too
weary to lend every assistance in any good cause.
Her home life was ideal and her husband and family were her constant
care and she lived a most unselfish and Christian life.
With her husband she has been a liberal giver to all causes that were
for the good of humanity and it can be truly said that none ever went to
her for aid or comfort who went away empty handed. She will be missed in
all walks of life, but will be missed in her church and in her home more
than anywhere else, and the sympathy of hosts of friends go out to the
heartbroken companion of so many years and the children who feel that
their sorrow is almost too great to bear.
Many telegrams of sympathy were received by Mr. Clarkson and members of
the family from friends and relatives from out of the city and state and
these, with the many beautiful flowers that covered the last resting
place of this Mother in Israel, attested, in a marked degree the wide
influence for good that she had exerted while passing through this
Bishop Sam R. Hay was in Corsicana Monday in attendance upon the
funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Clarkson, Sr., and went to
Dallas Monday evening where he addressed a meeting of Methodists at
a banquet at the Baker Hotel on the matter of financing the new
Methodist Sanitarium now nearing completion in Dallas. He returned
to Houston Tuesday, being joined here by his wife, formerly Miss
Tillie Gulick of this city and a sister of Mrs. Clarkson.
At the funeral of Mrs. Clarkson Monday Bishop Hay offered a prayer
that was especially appreciated by family and friends of Mrs.
Clarkson for its appropriateness and especial application to the
life of this good woman who had passed to her reward.
Resolution Adopted by Lions.
The following resolution was presented by J. H. Woods at the
Lions Club Tuesday and unanimously adopted by the club:
Whereas, Mr. William Clarkson, Sr., a former esteemed member of
the Corsicana Lions’ Club, for a number of
Years has just now suffered one of the severest losses that can
fall to the lot of man, in the death of his most estimable wife
on Sunday, February 6, 1927.
Therefore Be It Resolved that the Corsicana Lions’ Club, and the
individual members thereof, do tender to our former member and
brother, Mr. William Clarkson, Sr., and his children, our most
sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this dark hour of life, and we
feel that the memory of this beloved wife and mother will be to
them a great and sustaining comfort so long as life shall last
with them. And we assure them of our kindest regards and good
wishes in the great loss. And that this resolution be inscribed
in the minutes of the Club, a copy be furnished to the Daily Sun
and a copy to the family.
The following tribute to the memory of Mrs. Wm. Clarkson,
Sr., who recently passed away at her home here was
unanimously adopted by St. John’s Sunday School, Sunday,
February 20, and a copy of same was ordered spread on the
minutes of the Sunday School records, a copy sent to the
family of the subject of the tribute and a copy sent to the
Daily Sun for publication therein:
A tribute—In loving memory of our friend, Mrs. William
Clarkson, Sr.
We feel that in the passing on February 6th, 1927, of Mrs.
Wm. Clarkson, Sr. from her earthly home to a home not made
with hands, we, the Superintendent, Teachers and Scholars of
St. John’s Church School have lost one of our most faithful
and loyal members.
Always present when possible, always ready to five of her
thought, of her time, of her means; always co-operating in
everything, in every way, her kind and cheerful face, and
cordial manner being an inspiration to us all, she will be
missed and mourned as one not lost, but “gone before.” Her
spirit will linger about us, urging us to renewed efforts
and a more complete fulfillment of her wishes and hopes and
plans, and our wishes, and hopes and plans for St. John’s
Sunday School. And always she will be held in loving memory.
"Vess" Clark
Sep 11, 1852 - Dec 16, 1936
Dec 16, 1936 CLARK - Corsicana, Texas, Dec. 16. - Vess Clark, 84, died at his home Wednesday. Funeral services will be held at Ward Cemetery Thursday afternoon. Clark was a native of Illinois but had lived here many years. Surviving are his wife, and two sons, Edwin Clark of Corsicana and Charles Clark of Kansas City. Notes:
Vess Clark, aged 84 years, died at his home on South Twenty-Seventh
street, Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock. The funeral services will be
held at Ward cemetery
Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock where interment
will be made. The rites will be conducted by E. E. Starks, Church of
Christ minister of Corsicana.
He was a native of Illinois but had resided here for a number of years.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Edwin Clark, Corsicana, and Charles
Clark, Kansas City; two step-sons, John Matthews, Pursley, and Will
Matthews, Chickasha, Oklahoma, and a step-daughter, Mrs. Pearl Glaab,
Wichita Falls.
Pallbearers will be Roy Miller, Edwin Stark, William Bunch, Bob Petty,
Clice Rogers and John Griffin.
Corley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Dec 16, 1936
- Submitted
Diane Richards
1st wife Marian Dorcus (Walker) Clark 2nd wife
his step-son John Matthews’ death certificate says Ann Claghorn—step-daughter
Pearl Glabb says Rackinbough on Mrs. V. Clark’s death certificate
Dec. 29, 1857 - May 12, 1943 buried in Wichita Falls, Texas - Vess’s
death certificate says Rockabou, step-son William’s death
certificate says Martha Rockenbough—she is listed as Matilda,
Martha, Mary in other places.-she was married to Ezekiel “Zeke”
s/o Randall Clark and Lucy Jane (Gray) Clark
Funeral services for Vess Clark, aged 84 years, who died at his home
on South Twenty-Seventh street Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock,
were held at Ward
Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock where interment
was made. The rites were conducted by E. E. Starks, Church of Christ
minister of Corsicana.
He was a native of Illinois but had resided here for many years.
Survivors are his wife, two sons, Edwin Clark of Corsicana and
Charles Clark of Kansas City; two step-sons, John Mathews of Pursley
and Will Matthews of Chickasha, Okla.; and a step-daughter, Mrs.
Pearl Glab of Wichita Falls.
Pallbearers were Roy Miller, Edwin Stark, William Bunch, Bob Petty,
Olive Rogers and John Griffin.
Corley Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. A. S. Clark abt 1867 - Aug 1939
Aug 8, 1939 Mrs. A. S. Clark, 72, Dies at Corsicana Special to The News CRSICANA (sic), Texas. Aug 8. - Mrs. A. S. Clark, 72, long a resident of Corsicana, died Tuesday at the family home after an extended illness. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon with burial at Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Clark is survived by a son, Leon Clark and a daughter, Mrs. C. B. McKinney, both of Corsicana, three grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Notes:
James W. A. Clark
Apr 17, 1841 - Jun 20, 1925
June 23, 1925 CLARK - Corsicana, Texas. June 23 - Funeral services for J. W. A. Clark, 84 years old, who died at the home of Roy Canady Sr. at 4:15 o'clock Saturday afternoon, following an illness of one week, were held at the residence, 1118 West Sixth avenue, at 4:30 o'clock Sunday. The Rev. Paul J. Merrill, pastor of the First Christian Church, assisted by the Rev. H. M. Thompson of the Methodist Protestant Church, officiated. Born in London, England, April 17, 1841, Mr. Clark came to the United States in the early seventies, settling at Corsicana in 1876. He was well known here, having served as postmaster under the McKinley administration, and was well known in the activities of the Republican party here and throughout the State. Mr. Clark was for years Republican district chairman. Mrs. Clark died nine years ago. Roy Canady Sr., his stepson, is the only surviving relative. Notes:
Funeral services for J. W. A. Clark, 84 years old, who died at the home
of Roy Canady, Sr., at 4:15 o’clock Saturday afternoon, following an
illness of one week, wre held at the residence, 1118 West Sixth avenue
at 4:30 o’clock Sunday. Rev. Paul J. Merrill pastor of the First
Christian Church, assisted by Rev. H. M. Thompson of the Methodist
Protestant Church, officiated. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. Active
pallbearers were P. Mayer, W. M. Taylor, E. D. McCarver, Dave Daniels,
W. J. Anderson, W. A. Hammett, Mose Blumrosen and John Mitchell.
Born in London, England, April 17, 1841, Mr. Clark came to the United
States in the early seventies, settling at Corsicana in 1876. He was
well-known here having served as postmaster under the McKinley
administration, and was well-known in the activities of the Republican
party here and throughout the State. Mr. Clark was for years Republican
district chairman.
Mrs. Clark died nine years ago. Roy Canady, Sr. his stepson is the only
surviving relative.
James Mearl Clark
Sep 11, 1914 - Jul 29, 1953
Aug 1, 1953 Corsicana Burial Set For Bandera Resident CORSICANA, Texas. - Funeral services for J. M. Clark, 38, Bandera café operator and World War II veteran who died in the Veterans Administration Hospital at Kerrville, were held Friday morning in Bandera. Another service will be held from the Corley Chapel here Saturday at 2 p.m., with burial in the Marshall Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, of Bandera; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Phillips, of Corsicana; five brothers, Robert L. Philips of Paris; Maynard L. Phillips, Leon H. Phillips, C. E. Phillips Jr. and Wayne Phillips, all of Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. B. C. Emery of Duncan, Okla. Notes:
J. M. Clark Rites Slated Saturday
Funeral services for J. M. Clark, 38, Bandera café owner, who
died in a Veterans Administration hospital in Kerrville
Wednesday, were held in Bandera Friday at 9:30 a.m.
A second service will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel here with burial in the
Marshall cemetery.
The rites here will be conducted by Rev. Gene McCann, pastor of
the Community Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife of Bandera; parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Phillips, Corsicana; five brothers, Robert L. Phillips, Paris;
Maynard J., Leon H., C. E., Jr., and Wayne Phillips, all of
Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. B. C. Emery, Duncan, Okla., and other
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jul 31, 1953
- Submitted
Diane Richards
1st wife Doris (Matthews) Clark buried in Dawson cemetery
2nd wife unknown s/o James Abner Clark and Rebecca Leo (Hancock)
Clark-Phillips (step-father- Clarence Ervin Phillips, Sr.)
J. H. Clark Died May 1902
May 6, 1902 BRAKEMAN KILLED J. H. Clark Has His Skull Crushed at Angus. Special To The News Corsicana, Tex., May 5. - J. H. Clark, brakeman, was killed at Angus, a few miles south of here, by a Houston and Texas Central train. The body was brought to Corsicana. Clark was sent back to flag his train and sat down on the end of a tie and it is alleged went to sleep. He was struck by the truck of a freight car and his skull crushed. Notes:
Barry Church Jul 4, 1871 - Aug
7, 1951
Aug 9, 1951 Corsicana Rites Held For E. D. Church, 80 CORSICANA, Texas, Aug. 9 - E. D. Church, 80, native of Navarro County, died at his home here. He was a charter member and former president and secretary of the local carpenter's union. Funeral services were held Thursday with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Miss Elizabeth Church of Dallas and Mrs. J. C. Showalter of Baytown, and a grandchild. Notes:
E. B. Church Dies At Family Home
E. B. Church, 80, retired carpenter, died at his home, 760 West Ninth
avenue, Tuesday afternoon.
Funeral services will be held from the Griffin Chapel at 10 a.m.
Thursday. Burial will be in Oakwood
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the
First Baptist church, of which he was a member.
Born July 4, 1871, at Dresden, Church spent most of his life in
He was a charter member and the oldest member of the local Carpenter’s
Union and had served both as president and secretary.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two daughters, Miss Elizabeth
Church, Dallas, and Mrs. J. C. Showalter, Baytown; a grandchild and
several nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be R. E. Smith, George Harvin, Joe Brown, Tom Caton,
Edgar Jordan, Tommie Wheeler and Melvin Bowman.
"Jim" Christy Dec 24, 1862 - Aug 28, 1925
Aug 28, 1925 James Christy Dies Suddenly in Corsicana CORSICANA, Texas. Aug 28 - James Christy, 60 years old, a resident of the Hester community Navarro County, collapsed in the business district here Friday ___ died shortly after being taken to the hospital. Death is thought to have been due to heart disease. He is survived by two brothers Jack and Will Christy of the same community. Following notification of their brother's death they came to Corsicana to complete funeral arrangements. Notes:
Remains Interred Near Hester.
The funeral of the late James Christy, who fell on Collin street
here yesterday and died later at the County Hospital, took place at
the Edens cemetery in the
Hester community at 3 o’clock this afternoon and was well attended.
The deceased was 62 years of age, and is survived by two brothers
who live in the Hester community.
Mary Ann Christman
Jul 21, 1843 - Nov 13, 1936
Nov 16, 1936, Dallas, Texas CHRISTMAN - Miss Mary Ann Christman, died Friday at her home, 2803 Bryan, age 93. Survived by one cousin, Miss Emma O. Neil of Dallas. Services to be held 9 a.m. Monday from Sacred Heart Cathedral. Interment Corsicana, Texas. Arrangements by Ed C. Smith & Bro., Ross and St. Paul. Pallbearers: W. A. Hilger, George Hogan, Joe Wendlinger, John Hartman, R. J. McBrien, Louis C. Taylor. Notes:
Funeral services for Miss Mary Ann Christman, aged 93 years who died
at her home in Dallas Friday night, were held Monday at noon at the
Catholic cemetery here where interment was made. The services were
conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the Immaculate Conception.
Services were also held Monday morning at 9 o’clock at the Sacred
Heart Cathedral in Dallas.
Miss Christman resided in Corsicana for a number of years prior to
making her home in Dallas.
Surviving are three cousins, Miss Emma O’Neal, Dallas; Mrs. Ed
O’Neal and Mrs. Kirk Steele, both of Corsicana.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home had charge of the funeral
arrangements here.
Allen Poe Chrisman
Feb 8, 1864 - Jan 26, 1953
Jan 21, 1953 E. P. Chrisman Rites CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 21 - Last rites for E. P. Chrisman, 88, of Kerens, who died at a hospital here Monday, were held Tuesday at Kerens. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. A native of Mississippi, he came to Kerens when twelve years of age. Surviving are two sons, Joe Chrisman, Kerens, and Charlie Chrisman, Fort Worth; fourteen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Notes:
Neva Nell
"Nellie" Chilton
Nov 16, 1906 - Aug 9, 1930
Aug 12, 1930 Two Auto Victims Buried Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas. Aug 12. - Funeral services for Miss Neva Nell Chilton, 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Chilton, Luling, who died Sunday from injuries received in an automobile accident here, were held here Monday. Surviving are her parents and two brothers, James Chilton, Dallas, and Blake Chilton Jr., Luling. Funeral services for Mary Verna Parker Griffin, 23, another victim of the fatal auto accident, were held Monday and the body was forwarded to Jewett for burial. Notes:
Mary Verna Parker Griffin, aged 23, daughter of J. W. Griffin of
Jewett and Mrs. M. C. Griffin, 312 South Thirteenth street and Neva
Nell Chilton, aged 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Chilton of
Luling, received fatal injuries when two automobiles collided at the
intersection of North Fourteenth street and Third avenue, about 9:30
Saturday night.
Ollie Prince received a badly bruised shoulder and A. L. Elkins was
considerably bruised. Both were occupants of the car in which the
girls were rideing. All of the occupants of the second car escaped
with minor injuries.
The car in which the two girls were riding was going west on Third
avenue, and the second car, driven by Miss Anna Mae Young with
Clayton Hickerson and Miss Jewell Allbritton as passengers was
traveling south on Fourteenth street.
Eye witnesses said that the front bumpers of the cars crashed,
swinging the cars together. The Young car was left spinning at the
intersection by the impact finally turning on its side; it was not
badly damaged. The other car broke the contact and rolled over and
over sideways and end over end for about 100 feet before finally
coming to a halt. It was badly wrecked.
The injured were carried to the Navarro Clinic in the Corley-McMahon
and Sutherland ambulances.
Miss Chilton received a fractured skull, a broken collarbone on the
right side, a broken rib, and internal injuries. She died about 1:10
Sunday morning. Miss Griffin received a fractured skull and internal
injuries and died about 12:35.
Prince was able to leave the hospital after first aid treatment. An
X-ray examination Sunday morning failed to reveal any fractures.
Mr. and Mrs. Chilton arrived in Corsicana late Sunday after being
notified of the accident. Miss Chilton had made her home with Mrs.
Griffin while her parents were out of the city.
Funeral services for Miss Chilton will be held from the
Corley-McMahon Funeral Home Monday afternoon at 5 o’clock with
burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. T.
C. Jensen, pastor of the Mildred Baptist church.
Surviving are her parents and two brothers, James Chilton, Dallas
and Blake Chilton, Jr., Luling.
Mr. Chilton, father of the deceased, is an employee of the Humble
Oil & Refining Company, and prior to moving to Luling recently, was
a resident of Navarro county.
Active pallbearers for the funeral will be A. A. Klein, Bud Hersler,
E. D. Adams, L. H. Johnson, H. C. Laurence and T. H. Dolan.
Honorary Pallbearers—G. W. Westmoreland, C. M. Arnold, B. W. Hales,
Jack Dodd, Russell Davis, C. E. Pope, C. C. Turner, J. P. Henserd,
W. F. Sutton, J. H. Gilware, G. L. Humphries, J. O. Burch, D. F.
Needham, M. H. Henry, W. R. Brewer, Ray Russell, E. D. Blanton, C.
F. Hostetter, Clester Bumpass, Elmer Crane, Ray Hilborn, R. S. Reid,
Tom Doggett, J. P. Watson and J. R. Doggett.
Funeral services for Miss Griffin were held at the Corley-McMahon
Funeral Home Monday morning at 10 o’clock. The services were
conducted by Rev. J. Howard Williams, pastor of the First Baptist
church. The body was forwarded to Jewett at 11:56 o’clock Monday
morning via the T. & B. V. R. R. Company passenger train where
interment was made late Monday afternoon.
Surviving are her parents, four brothers, J. W. Griffin, Jr.,
Jewett, Davis Griffin and Frank Griffin, both of Corsicana, and
Ruben Griffin of Eagle Pass; two sisters, Misses Mamie Ray and
Ferroll Griffin both of Corsicana.
George W. Chilton abt 1884 - Apr 1933
April 17, 1933 CHILTON - Corsicana, Texas, April 17. - George W. Chilton, 49, employee of the Houston Oil Company north of Corsicana, died at an early hour Monday morning following a week's illness with pneumonia and the funeral was held Monday afternoon with burial in the Petty Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, a sister, Mrs. Kate Robinson, Blooming Grove; and a halfborther, Guy Blankenship of Kansas.
Emma Josephine (Fields) Chiles Dec 27, 1867 - Jun 24, 1927
June 25, 1927 Mrs. Emma Chiles Dies At Corsicana Home CORSICANA, Texas, June 25. - Mrs. Emma Josephine Chiles, 60, wife of B. R. Chiles, died at the family residence here Friday evening are the funeral services will be conducted at the family home Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Paul J. Merrill, pastor of the First Christian Church. Mrs. Chiles was born in Marshall. She was married at B. R. Chiles at Marshall, Aug. 21, 1890. Surviving are her husband, one son, B. R. Chiles Jr., Houston; four daughters, Mrs. H. Grantham, Mrs. H. H. Day, Mrs. Earl M. Auld and Miss Louise Chiles, all of Corsicana; one sister, Miss Hester Fields, Corsicana; three brothers, Richard Fields, Fort Worth; Joe Fields and Bruce Fields, both of Corsicana. Notes:
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Josephine Chiles, aged 60 years, wife
of B. R. Chiles, who died at the family residence 502 South
Thirteenth Street, Friday night at 8:30 o’clock following an illness
of six weeks, were held from the home at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon
with interment in Oakwood cemetery. The services were conducted by
Rev. Paul J. Merrill, pastor of the First Christian Church. The W.
O. W. Circle had charge at the grave.
Mrs. Chiles was born in Marshall, Texas, December 27, 1867.
Surviving are her husband, one son, B. R. Chiles, Jr., Houston; four
daughters, Mrs. B. Grantham, Mrs. H. H. Day, Mrs. Earl M. Auld and
Miss Louise Chiles, all of Corsicana; one sister, Miss Hester
Fields, Corsicana; three brothers, Richard Fields, Fort Worth; Joe
Fields and Bruce Fields, both of Corsicana.
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma
Josephine Chiles, aged 60 years,
wife of B. R. Chiles, who died
at the family residence, 502
South Thirteenth street, Friday
night at 8:30 o’clock following
an illness of six weeks, were
held from the home at 4 o’clock
Sunday afternoon with interment
in Oakwood cemetery.
The services were conducted by
Rev. Paul J. Merrill, pastor of
the First Christian Church. The
W. O. W. Circle had charge at
the grave.
Mrs. Chiles was born in
Marshall, Texas, December 27,
Surviving are her husband, one
son, B. R. Chiles, Jr., Houston;
four daughters, Mrs. H.
Grantham, Mrs. H. H. Day, Mrs.
Earl M. Auld and Miss Louise
Chiles, all of Corsicana; one
sister, Miss Hester Fields,
Corsicana; three brothers,
Richard Fields, Fort Worth; Joe
Fields and Bruce Fields, both of
Russell "Ben" Chiles Aug 21, 1865 - Jan 15, 1947
Ben R. Chiles, aged 80 years, died at his home, 412 West Fifth
avenue, late Tuesday night following a brief illness.
Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 10 o’clock from
the McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon minister of the First
Christian church, of which the deceased was a life-long member.
A native of Alabama, Chiles had resided in Corsicana and Navarro
County practically all of his life.
Surviving are a son, Ben R. Chiles, Jr.; four daughters, Mrs. Henry
Day, Miss Louise Chiles, Mrs. Gladys Grantham and Mrs. Earl Auld; a
granddaughter, Jane Auld, all of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Joe Brown, Paul H. Miller, W. K. Stelle, Judge A.
E. Foster, C. O. (Cap) Curington, John H. Bryant and Bob Phinney.
Funeral services for Ben R. Chiles, aged 80 years, who died at his
home, 412 West Fifth Avenue Tuesday night following a brief illness,
were held Thursday morning at 10 o’clock from the McCammon Funeral
Chapel. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon, minister of
the First Christian church, of which Chiles had been a long-time
A native of Alabama, Chiles had resided in Corsicana and Navarro
county practically all of his life.
Surviving are a son, Ben R. Chiles, Jr.; four daughters, Mrs. Henry
Day, Miss Louise Chiles, Mrs. Gladys Grantham and Mrs. Earl Auld; a
granddaughter, Jane Auld, all of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Joe Brown, Paul H. Miller, W. K. Stelle, Judge A.
E. Foster, C. O. (Cap) Curington, John H. Bryant and Bob Phinney.
Jan 16, 1947 B. R. Chiles Dead Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas, Jan. 16 - B. R. Chiles, 80, died at his home here after a brief illness. Funeral services were held Thursday. He had lived here practically all of his life. Surviving are a son, B. R. Chiles Jr., and four daughters, Mrs. Henry Day, Miss Louise Chiles, Mrs. Gladys Grantham and Mrs. Earl Auld, all of Corsicana. Notes:
Marion Dallas Chewning Jan 15, 1850 - May 17, 1929
May 17, 1929 M. D. Chewning Dies CORSICANA, Texas, May 17. - M. D. Chewning, 79, died here Friday and funeral services will be held Saturday from the Max Avenue Methodist Church with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Mr. Chewning had resided in Navarro County for thirty-six years. Surviving are his wife, three sons, W. H. Chewning of Corsicana, A. S. Chewning of Dallas and R. W. Chewning of Tyler; three daughters, Mrs. Mattie Raymer of Quinlan, Mrs. J. E. Redding of Corsicana, Route 2, and Miss Johnnie Chewning of Corsicana. Notes: Husband of Jane L. (Hollaway) Chewning & Iol Elizabeth (Fuller) Chewning & Amanda (Lyles) Chewning
Funeral services for M. D. Chewning, aged 79 years, who died early
Friday morning after an illness of several weeks, were held Saturday
morning at 10 o’clock at the Max Avenue Methodist church with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. Rev. A. W. Hall
and Rev. G. W. Kornegay and Rev. A. C. Carraway of Chatfield conducted
the rites.
Surviving are his wife and six children: W. H. Chewning, Corsicana, A.
S. Chewning, Dallas; R. W. Chewning, Tyler; Mrs. Mattie Raymer, Fort
Worth; Mrs. J. E. Redding, Corsicana, Route 2, and Miss Johnnie Chewning
of Corsicana.
The pallbearers were Frank Bass, W. E. Fullerton, W. H. Castles, R. M.
Smith, S. E. Hamilton and W. J. W. Foster.
The funeral was directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home.
Almond Chesnutt Jan 30,
1852 - Mar
15, 1932
Mar 16, 1932, Dallas, Texas W. A. Chestnutt, 80, Dies at Dallas Home W. A. Chestnutt, 80, retired, former well-known business man and citizen of Corsicana, died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Cullinan, 4512 Lakeside, Highland Park. Mr. Chestnutt was engaged in the saddle and harness business in Corsicana for a number of years and also traveled for a leather goods company for twenty-five years. Besides Mrs. Cullinan, he is survived by a son, Jerry Ward Chestnutt of San Angelo. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Corsicana with the cortege leaving Dallas at 11 a.m. from the Bower Undertaking Company, 3000 Maple avenue. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery at Corsicana. Notes:
W. A.
W. A.
aged 80
years former
resident of
and well
known here,
died at the
home of his
Mrs. Frank
morning at 5
o’clock and
the funeral
will be held
at Oakwood
afternoon at
will be
made. The
cortege will
leave Dallas
Wednesday at
The services
will be
conducted by
Rev. P.
pastor of
the Third
church of
which Mr.
was a
He was
engaged in
the saddle
and harness
here for a
number of
years, but
had been
for a
goods firm
for a
quarter of a
are a
and a son,
Jerry Ward
both of
will be
George Baum,
E. Y.
C. L. Terry,
T. J.
Hickey, Tom
Robbins and
N. Suttle
The funeral
will be
directed by
services for
aged 80
resident of
salesman for
a leather
concern, who
died in
Dallas early
were held at
afternoon at
2:30 o’clock
was made.
The services
conducted by
Rev. P.
pastor of
the Third
church of
which Mr.
was a
member. The
cortege left
Dallas about
engaged in
the saddle
and harness
here for
many years.
are a
Mrs. Frank
Cullinan of
Dallas, with
whom Mr.
resided, and
a son, Jerry
A. Chestnutt
of San
He was a
native of
Carolina. He
was married
to Miss
Barry at
in 1880.
were Perry
George Baum,
E. Y.
C. L. Terry,
T. J.
Hickey, Tom
Robbins, and
N, Suttle
The funeral
here was
directed by
Large Number
Funeral Here
A large
concourse of
Dallas and
and friends
assembled at
afternoon at
2:30 to pay
their last
respects to
the memory
of the late
W. A.
who was laid
to rest by
the side of
his beloved
wife, who
had preceded
him in
Mr. Chestnut
passed away
morning at
the home of
Mrs. Frank
Cullinan, of
Dallas, with
whom he
resided. His
remains were
to Corsicana
by Mr. and
Mrs. James
Swift and
husband, and
their son,
Cullinan; J.
Chestnut, an
only son;
Chestnut of
Houston, a
brother of
Talbot of
Mrs. Charley
Barry of
Dallas, Mrs.
Strange, her
brother and
father, Dude
of Marshall;
Mrs. Tom
Vardell and
Mr. and Mrs.
Goodman, Mr.
and Mrs. T.
Mrs. Dan
Mrs. C. L.
Mrs. J. F.
and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim
Elliott of
Padgett of
Waco and Mr.
and Mrs. W.
H. Young of
Mr. and Mrs.
Cullinan and
family and
have the
sympathy of
their many
friends at
this time of
their deep
H. H. Cherry abt 1883 - Mar 1961
Mar 24, 1961, Dallas, Texas H. H. Cherry Funeral services for H. H. Cherry, 78, of 6101 Victor, will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in St. John's Methodist Church, 120 S. Beacon, with the Rev. Walter Vanderpool and the Rev. Herbert Minga officiating. Burial will be in Grove Hill Memorial Park. Mr. Cherry died Wednesday in a Dallas hospital. He was a native of Kerens, Navarro County. Survivors are his wife; a son, H. H. Cherry of Los Angeles, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. Travis Craig of Highlands, Harris County, and Mrs. Byron Thomas of Dallas; three brothers, R. J. Cherry and R. M. Cherry of Dallas and John Cherry of Oklahoma, and six sisters, Mrs. J. W. Phelps of Dallas, Mrs. Effie Goodwin of Dallas, Mrs. Callie Davenport of Dallas, Mrs. A. E. Harris of Temple City, Calif., Mrs. Maggie Allard of Dawson, Navarro County, and Mrs. Neely Montgomery of Fort Worth. Notes:
Lida Belle (Vannerson)
Cheney Nov 2, 1863 -
Aug 2, 1929
Aug 2, 1929 CORSICANA, Texas, Aug. 2. - Mrs. J. W. Cheney, 67, resident of Corsicana forty-four years, died. The funeral will be held from the family residence Saturday afternoon, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, two sons, J. V. Cheney of San Antonio and R. F. Cheney of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. F. R. Kelly of Corsicana, and Mrs. J. K. Wood of San Antonio; four grandchildren, two half brothers, Harry Vannison and Jack Vannison, both of Atlanta, Ga. Pallbearers will be Harris Ranson, J. M. Pugh, Montgomery Davidson, G. M. Crook and W. P. McCammon, all of Corsicana, and A. H. Berry, Mexia. Notes:
Funeral services for Mrs. J. W. Cheney, 67, native of Tennessee, but
residence of Corsicana since____, who died at the Navarro Clinic Friday
morning at 2 o’clock, following an illness of some time, were held from
the family residence, 1417 West Fourth avenue, Saturday afternoon at 4
o’clock with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The funeral was conducted by
Rev. J. Howard Williams, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of which
Mrs. Cheney was a long-time member.
Mrs. Cheney was born in Tennessee, but was reared in Augusta, Georgia.
Surviving are her husband, two sons, J. V. Cheney, San Antonio, and R.
F. Cheney, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. F. R. Kelly, Corsicana, and
Mrs. J. K. Woods, San Antonio; four grandchildren; two half-brothers,
Harry Vannison and Jack Vannison, both of Atlanta, Ga., and numerous
other relatives.
Pallbearers were Harris-Ransom, J. M. Pugh, Montgomery Davidson, G. M.
Crook and W. P. McCammon, all of Corsicana; and A. H. Berry of Mexia.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Beautiful Tribute To Mrs. J. W. Cheney Buried Saturday
A strong, fine noble character was called to higher service in its
kingdom when Mrs. Lida Grayson Vannison Cheney, wife of J. W.
Cheney, departed this life Friday, August 2, at two o’clock in the
morning at the Navarro Hospital and Clinic.
For the past seven months, Mrs. Cheney had been a shut-in and
sufferer, having been in bed the greater part of the time with a
broken hip. Just lately she had been able to be up and about the
house on crutches following an operation for appendicitis, and was
so happy in the thought that she would soon be able to take up her
duties in her home and church and U. D. C. Work. Fate intervened
though, and for the last ten days her life has been hanging by a
thread at the hospital, where she had to undergo an operation for
the removal of gall stones. All through her months and months of
illness and suffering, she was ever patient and gentle, and filled
with hope. Her nurses and her children found it a joy to minister
unto her. Mrs. Cheney’s heart was forever young. She possessed a
charming adaptability and a sweet, sincere grace, which gave to her
an influence all her own. Unselfishness was a part of her very life,
and gentleness and generosity were foremost in her lofty Christian
character. For the 44 years that Corsicana has been her home, her
beautiful influence was felt as a member of the First Baptist church
and only the Heavenly Father can count the deeds of love and mercy
which she has done in His name.
Mrs. Cheney was a valuable member of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy because of her appreciation and her understanding of the
far-reaching objects which actuated this organization.
Devoted friends sympathize with her beloved husband and children in
this hour of great sorrow, and were it possible to comfort them,
this comfort would come from hundreds of sorrowing friends; but
there is no such thing as comfort at a time like this. Only time,
and time alone can change their tears of despair into flowers of
hope. “Tis to the dear, beloved husband that our hearts go out in
deepest sympathy, for there’s no power this side of heaven that can
soothe the heart of one bereft of the perfect companionship of 45 or
more happy years.
In the passing of Mrs. Cheney many of us have sustained a tender
personal loss. Deep in our hearts we will keep the sweet memory of
her beautiful life as she lived It here among us.
--S. C. B.
Out of Town Friends And Relatives Attend Mrs. Cheney’s Funeral
The funeral services of the late Mrs. J. W. Cheney, held
Saturday afternoon at the family home, was largely attended by a
concourse of sorrowing friends who came to pay their last
tributes of love and respect to this good woman. The service was
impressive as conducted by the pastor of the First Baptist
church of which the deceased was a most consistent member.
Beautiful songs were sung by Mmes. Harry Williams, A. A. Guess,
Henry Robbins and Messrs. Lloyd Kerr and Sidney Brietz at the
home and at the cemetery where she was laid to rest by the side
of her son, Aubrey, who preceded her eleven years ago. Both
graves and one of a little granddaughter, were completely
covered with lovely floral offerings, silent but eloquent
expressions of the love and esteem in which she was held, and of
love and sympathy for her bereft loved ones.
Among the out-of-town relatives and friends, other than her
immediate family were Mr. and Mrs. August Strohmyer, Dallas, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Berry, Hubbard City, Mrs. Ollie Reed, Mrs. Wood and
Miss Julia Wiley of Waco, Mrs. L. H. Weeks and Mrs. E. B.
Murrell, Palestine, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kelly and Mrs. Paul Danke
of Boyce, and Mrs. J. S. Livingston.
Francis Marion “Frank”
Cheney, Jr.
Mar 2, 1859 - Sep 19, 1915
Entire town Mourns and Many Come From Long Distance
The number of people who crowded into the First Baptist church this
morning was a very substantial tribute to the memory of Mr. F. M.
Cheney. The church was filled to its utmost capacity and so eager were
the people to witness the impressive ceremony that they crowded about
the windows and doors and stood on the sidewalks.
The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and garlands of roses
and morning glory. A very appropriate silence reigned over those who had
assembled there, rumbles of low music resounded throughout the dome of
the church, and the pall bearers entered with a splendid white casket
bearing the deceased citizen. A long train of mourners followed. They
had no sooner seated themselves than the quartette composed of Miss Lois
Noble, Mrs. Turner, Forrest Reed and Hugh Johnson, accompanied by Mrs.
Forrest Reed on the organ, sang “Asleep in Jesus.”
After a prayer expressing sincere love of immortality by Rev. Mr. Vining,
Miss Lois Noble sang a very beautiful solo.
Rev. Jeff D. Ray of Fort Worth who had been an intimate friend of Mr.
Cheney’s for over twenty years, read a scripture lesson from one of St.
Paul’s epistles; “I chose this passage of scripture,” said Rev. Mr. Ray,
because Frank Cheney was of a sterling, true nature that would be apt to
appreciate anything that St. Paul, whom he resembled so much, wrote.”
The audience was then charmed by another solo and Rev. Vining came to
the pulpit to preach the funeral sermon. He took for his text the 30th
verse of the third chapter of 11 Samuel: “Know ye not that a prince—a
great man—is fallen in Israel?” “When a strong, robust tree whose
branches have overspread others, is hewed to the ground we notice the
loss, although it may have been the first time we ever paid especial
attention to the tree. So it is with great men; while they are with us
we have but slight appreciation for their true worth, but when they are
taken from us the loss is plainly evident. I think the text I have
chosen is a very appropriate one. Mr. Cheney’s fall was like Abner’s for
it touched the hearts of men. Many times will men look to the place he
occupied so worthily and find it vacant. This thought leads us to ask,
What is a great man? The history of the world, which is divided into
three parts, may help us answer this question. The first period in
history was when the great man was regarded as a great warlike hero such
as Hercules or Alexander the Great. In the second period the souls of
men bowed in reverence before men of deep intellect. It was in those
days that Homer, Plato and Socrates held the supreme place among great
men. In the last and third stage of human life the righteous man is
considered to be the great man, and Christ is their hero and example.
“We all live in a noble time, for in this time true greatness is
recognized. A Man is no longer judged by his rank or pedigree. There was
a time when a man’s greatness came from his ancestors, but the world has
wisely outgrown it. Heroes on blood-stained fields have fought great
battles but greatest battles that have yet taken place thundered and
roared in the souls of men!
“I now wish to speak of five noble characteristics of the man for whom
we have met to do reverence. He was affectionate, he loved to be with
men, and his heart was tender. He was faithful to his friends and this
faithfulness marked his daily life. Oh him the heathen, saying that
“Friendship is two souls in one,” might be justly applied. He was loyal.
No soul ever lived more loyal to his church, his pastor and his friends
than did this man. He was humble, ready to do his duty; never haughty.
An above all, he had a faith in God that could not be shaken, and he is
now, I believe, enjoying the fruits of his faith. In his will be
touchingly embraced his belief in God, by consigning his family to His
Almighty protection.” Here Rev. Mr. Vining read from Mr. Cheney’s will
under the head of Item 1st, as follows:
“I reverently commit my family and loved ones to the keeping of God who
made them, and trust that each one will have an abiding faith in Him and
that each one may believe in and trust our Lord Jesus Christ for
salvation and that each one may seek the leadership of the Holy Spirit
while they shall live. While I advise an economic administration of my
earthly affairs, and recommend prudence and caution in business matters,
I advise liberality in spiritual matters and hope each one will
contribute of their means as conditions may require and as their ability
may permit in advancing the cause of Christianity.”
“He was not a man who had been to the front, but he had the
characteristics of a great man.
Both the useless and the useful must die. Building in this world is
vanity unless we prepare for the world we are to meet. Only the things
that stand at the Gates of Eternity are truly worth while. Will
affection stand” Eternity above is an eternity of boundless love. Will
friendship stand? There is nothing more enduring than friendship for
Christ said, ‘I go to prepare a place for you.’ Will humility stand?
There is no downfall for humility for it is based upon secure
foundations. Will faith stand? On the wings of Faith this good man
soared into the presence of his Creator!
“We have three parting things to say. He waits beyond the river, and the
meeting will forever blot out the sorrow of the parting. His life calls
back for others to carry on his work. And with his going this life will
never be the same again. The voice that will never again be heard on
earth will lift its voice in the celestial choir.
“While we sorrowfully bid him farewell, we take consolation in knowing
that another voice is calling us from over yonder, and when the Gates of
Heaven first opened to receive his soul Gloryland changed again!”
Rev. Mr. Vining was assisted in the services by Rev. Jeff D. Ray, now of
Fort Worth, but formerly a pastor of the First Baptist Church here,
where the funeral services were held, and of which Mr. Cheney had long
been a useful member. When Rev. Mr. Vining had concluded Rev. begged the
special privilege of having Mr. Fred Freeman, a long-time friend, who
had come all the way from his home in Denver, Colo., to attend the
funeral, pay his tribute to the departed. Mr. Freeman spoke with that
earnestness that showed he was deeply affected. He paid his departed
friend many compliments as he reviewed his sturdy life and referred to
his many noble traits of character, and the religious life that he had
lived for many years.
It is needless to say that the sermon by Rev. Mr. Vining and the talk by
Mr. Freeman were very impressive and that while they were being
delivered tears coursed down the cheeks of many. When it had been
brought to a forceful conclusion Rev. Jeff D. Ray led in a deep
sympathetic prayer.
Miss Sammie Cobb then heightened the devoutness of the scene with a
violin solo, after which the quartette sang “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.”
The friends of the deceased took a final look at the corpse and the
pallbearers bore it to the hearse. Then the vast concourse of people
followed the remains to their final resting place.
It has been some time since such marked respect was shown a deceased
citizen in Corsicana. The schools were closed out of respect to him as
were the business houses in the city. When the invitation was extended
the school children and friends of the deceased who were present at the
church this morning to look upon this good man’s face for the last time
an impressive scene followed. Youth and age gazed upon the calm face and
as they did so many of them sobbed out their sorrow in unison. No
greater homage could be paid any man than this.
Mr. Cheney is survived by his wife and three children, Lou, Byron and
Misses Lillian and Lucile Cheney. Three brothers also are living. They
are Will J. of Corsicana, Joseph of South Carolina and Herschel Cheney
of Portland, Oregon. A deceased brother is Jno. P. Cheney. Mrs. M. H.
Sandwich and Miss Fannie Cheney, both of Corsicana, are two surviving
Friends came from far and near to pay their respects and numerous
messages of sympathy came by wire. Among those from a distance were the
following: Mrs. Jas. F. Greer and Mr. Knox Henry of Waco, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Cheney and family of Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Estes of Dallas,
Mr. Hugh Johnson of Dallas, Mr. E. W. Wiggins of Gainesville, Mr. Fred
Freeman of Denver, Colo., and Rev. Jeff D. Ray of Fort Worth.
Mr. Cheney was well-to-do, as well as prominent in church and charitable
work. He was devoted to the Baptist church of which he was an honored
member and to which he contributed largely of his time and funds. He
stood steadfastly by those things that had for their object the
betterment of mankind, and the uplift of humanity and was particularly
enthusiastic when the life and training of boys and girls was involved.
He was a member of the school board where his counsel was sought and his
ideas found favor. He was one of seven citizens of Corsicana who
contributed $5000 each to the Y.M.C.A., was a member of its board of
directors and chairman of the social committee. He was charitable and
did what he could to relieve the poor and remove the tears of the
widowed and cries of the orphaned. He was president of the local United
Charities Association and last winter when the demand of work that bread
might be provided by the working man for his family was pressing Mr.
Cheney aided materially in solving the problem. He owned many broad
acres—three thousand acres, ‘tis said, besides his mercantile
interest—in the eastern part of the county where the Trinity and Brazos
Valley railroad has a station which it calls Cheneyboro in honor of this
man whose death we mourn today. There are on these farms many negroes
and so bread was this man in his sympathy and gentleness that both the
high and the lowly honored and loved him. While Corsicana suspended
business today and in song and prayer and eloquent words told of its
sorrow, at Cheneyboro negroes, from the black mammy and rugged father,
to the little pickaninny have been weeping constantly since the news
reached them Sunday night that Mr. Cheney, the man who was always so
gentle and kind to them, had been called to his reward.
A good man, a generous man and a man who will be missed, has been called
from among us, therefore the entire city mourns.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, September 21, 1915
- h/o Louise “Lou” (Durham) Cheney s/o Francis Marion Cheney,
Sr. and Eliza Ann (Callaway) Cheney
- Cheneyboro was owned by Francis Marion “Frank” Cheney, Jr.
and that is why it was named that.
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Oakwood Cemetery
Sept 21, 1915 Large Number of Out-of-Town Friends Pay Last Respects to F. M. Cheney at Corsicana. Corsicana, Texas, Sept. 21. - The following friends from a distance attended the funeral of F. M. Cheney, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Corsicana, here today: Mrs. James F. Greer and Knox Henry of Waco, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cheney and family of Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Estes of Dallas, Hugh Johnson of Dallas, E. W. Wiggins of Gainesville, Fred Foreman of Denver, Colo., and the Rev. Jeff D. Ray of Fort Worth. All the business houses and schools were closed during the funeral. He gave $5,000 to the Corsicana Y. M. C. A. and was a member of the board of directors of that enterprise, was president of the local United Charities Association, prominent in church work and was a wealthy merchant and landowner. His wife and three children survive him, namely, Byran, Lillian
and Lucile Cheney. Three brothers and two sisters are living, Will J. of Corsicana, Joseph of South Carolina and Henchel of Portland, Ore. The sisters are Mrs. M. H. Sandwich and Miss Fannie Cheney, both of Corsicana.
September 21, 1915
F. M. Cheney, a prominent merchant, land owner and churchman, died at his home here Monday and was buried today. He was born in Covinton, Wilkes Co., Ga., in 1859, but came to Corsicana a number of years ago. He leaves a wife and three children. The active pallbearers were J. S. Millerman, John C. Hughes, A. B. Douglas, Wade Smith, Clarence Terry, S. M. Kerr, C. E. Lee and Walter Ingram. Honorary: S. A. Pace, H. G. Damon, F. N. Drane, F. J. Lindsey, J. H. Robinson and C. H. De Lafosse. Notes:
Emma Gertrude
(Perry) Cheney
Nov 17, 1854 - Mar 9, 1934
Mar 10, 1934, Dallas, Texas Funeral Saturday In Corsicana for Mrs. E. G. Cheney Mrs. Emma Gertrude Cheney, resident of Texas for forty-one years, died here Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Estes, 4532 Belclaire. For the last ten years Mrs. Cheney has lived in Dallas, coming here from Corsicana, where she lived for thirty-one years. She was the widow of John P. Cheney, who was connected with newspapers in Atlanta, Ga., before coming to Corsicana. Funeral services will be in Corsicana at 3 p.m. Saturday, at the home of a son, Hood Cheney, 1542 West Fourth avenue, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery at Corsicana. Services will be conducted by the Rev. J. Howard Williams, executive secretary of the Baptist State Convention and former pastor of the First Baptist Church of Corsicana, and the church's present pastor, the Rev. E. T. Miller. S. K. Brietz will have charge of special music. Survivors are one son, Hood Cheney of Corsicana, and two daughters, Mrs. Jack Estes and Mrs. R. Frank Currin of Dallas. Pallbearers will be Robert Cocke, Joe Jefferson, John Calhoun, F. E. McPherson, F. B. McKie, John Hughes, Byron Cheney and Charles Holloway. Notes:
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Gertrude Cheney, resident of Texas
for the past 41 years, who died in Dallas late Friday afternoon at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Estes, 4532 Belclaire, were held
from the home of her son, Hood Cheney, 1542 West Fourth avenue,
Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock with burial in Oakwood
Mrs. Cheney resided in Corsicana 31 years prior to moving to Dallas
ten years ago. She was the widow of the late John P. Cheney, who was
connected with newspapers in Atlanta, Ga. Prior to moving to
Services were conducted by Rev. J. Howard Williams, executive
secretary of the Baptist State Convention, and former pastor of the
First Baptist church in Corsicana, and the present pastor, Rev. E.
T. Miller. S. K. Brietz had charge of the special music.
Surviving are one son, Hood Cheney, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs.
Jack Estes and Mrs. Frank Currin, both of Dallas; and several
Pallbearers were Robert Cocke, Joe Jefferson, John C. Calhoun, F. E.
McPherson, F. B. Mckie, John C. Hughes, Byron Cheney and Charlie
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Byron Cheney abt 1887 - Jul 1939
July 29, 1939 Corsicana Oilman Dies: Rites Sunday Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas. July 29. - Byron Cheney, 52, independent oilman and resident of Corsicana nearly all his life, died at the family residence Friday night. Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church at 4:30 p.m. Sunday with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The Rev. W. W. Melton of Waco will conduct the rites. Mr. Cheney was born in Navarro, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Cheney. The family moved to Corsicana shortly after his birth. He has long been identified with the business, social, and religious activities in Corsicana. Mr. Cheney had been ill for several months. Surviving are his wife; his mother, Mrs. Frank M. Cheney; two daughters, Miss Gladys Cheney and Mrs. Carl Ashworth; one grandson, Byron Cheney Ashworth; two sisters, Mrs. R. R. Cocke and Mrs. W. M. Davidson, both of Corsicana. Notes:
William Carl Chapman
Nov 18, 1920 - Mar 3, 1942 March 6, 1942 Soldier to Be Buried In Navarro County CORSICANA, Texas. March 6. - Funeral services for Sergt. William Carl Chapman, 21, United States Army engineers, accidentally killed at Ventura, Calif., Tuesday night when a new pistol in the hands of a friend was discharged, will be held in Navarro County, with burial in the Dresden Cemetery. Chapman enlisted from Frost, Navarro County, in June 1940. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Chapman, Blooming Grove; two brothers, Wesley and Douglas Chapman, both of Blooming Grove, and three sisters, Miss Louise Chapman and Mrs. Corine Dugan, both of Blooming Grove, and Mrs. Kathleen Northern, Italy. |
Frost Soldier Accident Victim California Camp
Sgt. William Carl Chapman, aged 21 years, of Frost, Texas was
accidentally shot and killed at Ventura, Calif., Tuesday night by his
army buddy, Sgt. Bobby L. Woods, aged 23 years, Coroner Ted Mayr
announced Wednesday, according to Associated Press dispatches. The
accident occurred while the two were examining new revolvers. Chapman
was shot in the heart. Coroner Mayr said there would be no inquest.
Funeral services will be held in Navarro county with burial in the Dresden Cemetery,
it was announced here Thursday morning but the time for the rites will
not be known until the body arrives.
Sgt. Chapman enlisted in the U. S. Army engineers in June, 1940.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Chapman, of near
Blooming Grove; two brothers, Wesley and Doulas Chapman, both of
Blooming Grove; three sisters, Miss Louise Chapman, Blooming Grove; Mrs.
Kathleen Northern, Italy, and Mrs. Florine Dugan, Blooming Grove; a
grandmother, Mrs. Annie Freeman, Corsicana, and an aunt, Mrs. F. O.
Dockery, Purdon.
Corley Funeral Home will direct arrangements.
The body of Sgt. William Carl Chapman, 21, accidentally killed in
Ventura, Calif., Tuesday night when a new revolver was discharged by
another soldier, left California Thursday night en route to Corsicana,
it was learned here Friday.
Definite time for funeral rites will not be made until the arrival of
the remains, but it is expected the services will be held Sunday with
burial in the Dresden Cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. b. Chapman, Blooming Grove;
two brothers, Wesley and Douglas Chapman, both of Blooming Grove; three
sisters, Miss Louise Chapman and Mrs. Corine Dugan, both of Blooming
Grove and Mrs. Kathleen Northern, Italy; grandmother, Mrs. Annie
Freeman, Corsican, and an aunt, Mrs. F. O. Dockery, Purdon.
Corley Funeral Home is in charge.
Funeral services for Sergeant William Carl Chapman, aged 21 years of
Frost, who was accidentally fatally shot at Ventura, Calif., Tuesday
night while he and a friend were examining new revolvers, were held
Sunday afternoon from the Dresden church. Burial was in the Dresden Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. E. O. Stewart, pastor of the Missionary
Baptist Church here.
Sgt. Chapman enlisted in the U. S. Army in June, 1940.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Chapman, Blooming Grove;
two brothers, Wesley and Douglas Chapman, both of Blooming Grove; three
sisters, Miss Louise Chapman and Mrs. Corine Dugan, both of Blooming
Grove, and Mrs. Kathleen Northern, Italy; grandmother, Mrs. Annie
Freeman, Corsicana, and an aunt, Mrs. F. O. Dockery, Purdon.
Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements.
C. Chapman

Nov 7, 1862 - Mar 8, 1954
Mar 10, 1954, Wortham, Texas Jesse Chapman Special to The News WORTHAM, Texas. - Jesse Chapman, 91, died at his home here Monday night after a short illness. He had lived in the Wortham area all his life and was a member of the Presbyterian church. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Joe Grace of Corsicana; four brothers, Tom Chapman of Wortham, Alfonzo Chapman of Dallas, Roy Chapman of Silver City, and Uriah Chapman of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. John Rogers of Streetman and Mrs. Edith Dockery of Corsicana, and eight grandchildren. Funeral rites will be conducted in Wortham at the Burleson Funeral Chapel Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Richland Cemetery. Notes:
Jesse Chapman Rites Wednesday
WORTHAM, March 9.—(Spl.)—Jesse Chapman, 81, life-long resident of this
community, died at his home here Monday night following a brief illness.
Funeral services will be held from the Burleson Funeral Chapel Wednesday
at 2 p.m. Burial will be in the Richland cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. R. I. Sandlin, pastor of the Wortham
Presbyterian church, of which Chapman was a member, and assisted by Rev.
E. T. Coe, pastor of the First Baptist church.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Joe Grace, Corsicana; four brothers, Tom
Chapman, Wortham; Alfonzo Chapman, Dallas; Roy Chapman, Silver City, and
Uriah Chapman, Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. John Rogers, Streetman and
Mrs. Edith Dockery, Corsicana; eight grandchildren and other relatives.
A. D. Chancey Died Jan 3, 1940
Jan 3, 1940, Dallas, Texas Invalid Dies From Wound A. D. Chancey, 60, of 5610 Mercedes, died early Wednesday of a pistol bullet wound in his abdomen. He had been all several months. Chancey's son-in-law, C. D. Bradford, who lives at the same address, was awakened by the bell beside the sickbed. He entered the room and found Chancey dying. A .38-caliber pistol, one cartridge discharged, was beside him. Chancey died a few minutes after the arrival of a private physician. The body will be taken to Corsicana for burial.
Mrs. A. D. Chancey Died Apr 1939
Apr 7, 1939 Mrs. A. D. Chancey Buried at Dallas Special to The News CORSICANA, Texas. April 7. - Funeral services for Mrs. A. D. Chancey were held at the Corley Chapel Friday. Prior to moving to Corsicana twenty years ago, the family lived at Lufkin. Burial was in Hillcrest Cemetery in Dallas. Surviving are her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Verlee Bradford, Dallas; five brothers, Ira Albritton, Coley Albritton, Shug Albritton, Pete Albritton and Dee Albritton, all of Lufkin, and two granddaughters. Notes:
Annie Belle
(Griffin) Bibbs-Chambless
Jul 15, 1924 - Aug 17, 2005 Annie B. Chambless, 81, of Fairfield passed away Wednesday, August 17, 2005, in Fairfield.
Visitation will be held Friday, Aug. 19, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana.
Services will be held Saturday, Aug. 20, 2005 at 10 a.m. at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Brother Bill Honea officiating. Interment will follow at Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana. Pallbearers will be Jimmy Gentry, Jr., Kenneth Ray Gentry, Dean Bass, Billy Lynn Crawford, David Bibbs and Joshua Darden.
Mrs. Chambless was born July 15, 1924, in Navarro County.
She was preceded in death by her sons Bobby Wayne and Eugene Bibbs.
Survivors include her husband of 44 years, Walter J. Chambless of Fairfield; son and daughter-in-law, Charles Thomas and Janet Bibbs of San Antonio; son and daughter-in-law, Jackie Lee and Barbara Skipper Bibbs of Fort Worth; son and daughter in law, James Mason and Debbie Chambless of Albuquerque; daughter, Thresa Ann Johnson of Dallas; sister, Judy Mae Crawford of Corsicana; sister, Helen Eloise MacCorte of The Woodlands; eight grand children, nine great grand children and numerous nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana. Notes: --- Annie B. Chambless Annie B. Chambless, 81, of Fairfield passed away Wednesday, August 17, 2005, in Fairfield. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana.
Services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Brother Bill Honea officiating. Interment will follow at Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana.
Pallbearers will be Jimmy Gentry Jr., Kenneth Ray Gentry, Dean Bass, Billy Lynn Crawford, David Bibbs and Joshua Darden. Mrs. Chambless was born July 15, 1924, in Navarro County.
She was preceded in death by her sons, Bobby Wayne and Eugene Bibbs.
Survivors include her husband of 44 years, Walter J. Chambless of Fairfield; sons and daughters-in-law, Charles Thomas and Janet Bibbs of San Antonio, Jackie Lee and Barbara Skipper Bibbs of Fort Worth and James Mason and Debbie Chambless of Albuquerque, N.M.; daughter, Thresa Ann Johnson of Dallas; sisters, Judy Mae Crawford of Corsicana and Helen Eloise MacCorte of The Woodlands; eight grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana. Notes:
Leola (Brown) Ross
Jul 23, 1938 - Aug 14, 2005
Leola Brown Ross, 67, of Corsicana passed away Sunday, Aug. 14, 2005, at Navarro Regional Hospital.
Visitation will be held from noon to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 19, at M. R. Smith Parlor for Funerals.
Services will be 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, at Taylor’s Memorial Baptist Church in Frost with Pastor October Thomas. Interment will follow at Frost Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Tommy Hailey, Larry Mayberry, Larry Hailey, Stuart Hailey, Alan Crayton and Frankie Crayton. Honorary pallbearers will be deacons of Taylor’s Memorial Baptist Church.
Mrs. Ross was born July 23, 1938, in Taylor. She was united with Taylor’s Memorial Baptist Church in Frost where she was church clerk. She was preceded in death by her father, Audie Brown Sr.; mother, Maudie Wright Brown; sister, Dorothy Blane; and brothers, Curtis Brown and Clarence Brown.
Survivors include her husband, Lavern Ross Sr.; sons, Lavern Ross Jr., Raylen Ross and wife Mattie of Corsicana, Delbert Ross and wife Della of Ennis, Robert Ross and wife Lajena of Milford and Jimmie L. Ross and wife Sandra of Dallas; daughters, Dorothy J. Mayberry and husband Larry of Italy and Rose Pippins and husband Robert of Frost; sisters, Willie B. Crayton of Taylor and Lelar Crayton of Frost; brothers, Otis Brown (Lanell), Delvin Brown (Barbra), Calvin Brown (Laverne) and Donald Brown, all of Corsicana, Billy Roy Brown, Melvin Brown (Beulah) and Audie Brown Jr., all of Taylor;
and a host of other family and friends.
Arrangements by M.R. Smith Parlor for Funerals. Notes:
William ‘Bill’ Rodda
May 15, 1938 - Aug 15, 2005
William “Bill” Rodda, age 67, of Dresden passed away early Monday morning, Aug. 15, 2005, at Navarro Regional Hospital. He was born May 15, 1938, in Whithee, Wis., to Glen and Irene (Kujla) Rodda. Will married Patsy Ann Swafford Aug. 7, 1958, in Dallas. He worked for C.A. Wilson where he retired with over 20 years of service. He loved the outside and caring for his animals.
Survivors include his loving wife of 47 years, Patsy Rodda of Dresden; two daughters, Lou Ann Lemons and husband David of Red Oak and Rox Ann Myers and husband Kenny of Richland; mother, Irene Rodda of Whitney; three sisters, Joanne Volker and husband Mike of Schertz, Mary Anne Payne and husband Hubert of Whitney and Judy Statham and husband Alan of Mabank; four grandchildren, Jackie and Matt Lemons of Red Oak and Mandy and Brandi Williams of Richland; and numerous nieces and nephews. Bill was preceded in death by his father and one sister, Ruth Kestner.
Funeral services were 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17, in the Boze-Mitchell-McKibbin Funeral Home Chapel.
Arrangements by Boze-Mitchell-McKibbin Funeral Home, Waxahachie. Notes: - Corsicana Daily Sun - Aug 18, 2005
- I assume he is buried at the Dresden Cemetery with his wife Patsy (need to verify)
Naomi Ann Lidderdale
May 21, 1922 - Aug 17, 2005
Naomi Ann Lidderdale, 83, of Palmer passed away Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2005, at Ennis Regional Medical Center.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Navarro Mills Baptist Church. Interment will follow at Navarro Mills Cemetery.
Mrs. Lidderdale was born May 21, 1922, in Purdon to Orlie A. Crecelius and Alice I. French Crecelius. She was a homemaker.
Survivors include her son, Kenton Lidderdale and wife Julie of Plano; brother, Aldon Crecelius of Mesquite; and grandchildren, Richard Lidderdale and Victoria Lidderdale.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Notes:
William R. Petty
May 28, 1917 - Aug 16, 2005
William R. Petty, age 88, passed away Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2005, at his home. Mr. Petty was retired from the U.S. Navy after 28 years having served in
World War II. He also retired from civil service ARADMAC/CCAD after 22 years of dedicated service.
His wife, Dorothy Petty, preceded him in death. He is survived by his son, Riley G. Petty of Corpus Christi; two daughters, Glenda Harris and Linda (Paul) Rothgeb of Corpus Christi; along with four grandchildren, Leslie Harris, Kelly Harris, Amy (Gary) McGregor and Jeremy Rothgeb; and two great-grandchildren, Zachary McGregor and Lindsey McGregor. He is also survived by two nephews, John (Mary) and Mike Petty; and sisters-in-law, Cosia Rau and Ola Mae McCann.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 19, at Cage-Mills Funeral Directors, 4901 Everhart, Corpus Christi.
Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, at Cage-Mills Funeral Directors. Entombment will follow at Memory Garden Cemetery.
The family wishes to give a special thank you to Vista Care Hospice and Dr. Albert Wood.
Arrangements by Cage-Mills Funeral Directors, Corpus Christi. Notes:
Evelyn Mae Elms
May 31, 1925 - Aug 16, 2005
Evelyn Mae Elms, 80, of Dawson passed away Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2005, in Corsicana.
Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home.
Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Friday at Eastlawn Memorial Park in Early.
Mrs. Elms was born May 31, 1925, in Brownwood. She was a dedicated mother with the greatest caring heart that overfilled onto her grandchildren. She went far and beyond for her family always putting them before herself. She had a great life filled with love and we are so proud and honored we had the privilege to be a part of her life and now we have all the loving memories to pass on. She loved fishing, working in her yard, cooking for her grandchildren and family.
She was preceded in death by her husband, William Elms; and sister, Charlene Stewart. Survivors include her daughter, Elaine Neagle of Emory; grandchildren, Kimberly Layfield of Corsicana, Warren Dodge of Cleburne, Nathan Dodge of
Dallas and Mason Dodge and Meagen Neagle, both of Emory; and great- grandchildren, Joe Duncan, Sean Duncan, Pearson Layfield, Kaleb Dodge and Kylee Dodge. Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. Notes:
Sarah Sample
d. Aug 14, 2005 Sarah Sample, 89, of Dawson passed away Sunday, Aug. 14, 2005, at her residence. Memorial service will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday at House of Refuge Church of God in Christ, 413 FM 709, Dawson. She will lie in state at the church from noon to 1 p.m. Saturday. Funeral service will be 1 p.m. Saturday at House of Refuge COGIC, Dawson. Interment will follow at Dawson Cemetery. Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary. Notes:
Ignacio Perez
Aug 17, 1955 - Aug 17, 2005 Ignacio Perez, 50, of Corsicana passed away Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2005, at Navarro Regional Hospital. Rosary will be 7 p.m. Friday at Griffin-Roughton Chapel. Graveside service will be 4 p.m. Saturday at Oakwood Cemetery. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Notes:
Jacqueline ‘Jackie’ Dean (Parret) Arnett
Jun 18, 1974 - Aug 18, 2005
Jackie Arnett went to be with our Lord and her son, Robert, on Thursday, Aug. 18, 2005. She was born June 18, 1974, in Mountain View, Calif.
Her father, Robert Glen Parret, and her son, J. Robert Arnett, preceded her in death.
Survivors include her mother and father, Priscilla and Doug Walker of Corsicana; her stepmother, Sandy Parret of Larned, Kan.; sisters, Shawn Long of Houston, Vivienne Summers of Corsicana, Sally Smith of Augusta, Kan., and Meagan Donecker of Claflin, Kan.; brothers, Doug Walker Jr. of Wichita, Kan., Mike Walker of Dallas, Jim Walker of Corsicana and Chad Herbert of Larned, Kan.
Also included are nieces, Lindsay McLean of El Dorado, Kan., Erica Cass of Corsicana and Katie Simon of Thomasville, Ala.; nephews, Mark Simon of Thomasville, Ala., James Walker of Kemp, Brandon Simon of Thomasville, Ala., David Walker of Corsicana; two great-nephews; grandmother, Inez Walker; and great-grandmother, Pearl York of Augusta, Kan.; and a loving church family of St. Luke United Methodist.
The family has requested in lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Jackie and Robert Arnett Memorial for Youth Ministries, in care of St. Luke United Methodist Church, 2308 Bowie Drive, Corsicana, TX 75110.
Family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at St. Luke United Methodist Church with Pastor Bruce Carpenter officiating. Interment will follow at Grange Hall Cemetery in Cryer Creek. Pallbearers will be EMTs David Melton, Beau Simpson, Bret Carrol, Heath Kamp and Lou Lachney.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Notes:
Timothy Paul Hill
Mar 8, 1952 - Aug 14, 2005 Timothy Paul Hill, resident of Dallas, Texas, passed away Sunday August 14, 2005 at his residence.
Services will be Wednesday August 17, 2005 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel at 11:00 a.m. Burial will follow at Dresden Cemetery. |
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams