Francis (Eaton) Redford
July 30, 1874 - Nov 4, 1943
KERENS, Nov. 2. - Spl— Funeral services for Mrs. Bob Redford, who
died at her home Monday at 3:30 a.m. were held Tuesday at the Oak
Grove church at
3 p.m. Mrs. Redford sustained a broken hip several weeks ago, and
had been ill since. She became worse last Thursday when pneumonia
Surviving are her husband, three sons, Faye, Lloyd and Howell
Redford, one brother, Tom Eaton, and one sister, Mrs. Lon Scarbrough,
all of Kerens; five grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Stockton's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
(McCary) Mince
Feb 8, 1903 - Feb 16, 1935
Funeral services for Mrs. W. E. Mince, aged 32, resident of Rural
Shade, who died Saturday morning at 4:20 o'clock, were held from the
Oak Grove church, 2 1/2 miles Northeast of Kerens, at 2:30 o'clock
Sunday afternoon. Rev. Clem Hardy of the Baptist church at Kerens
conducted the services.
She is survived by her husband and five children, Marie, Durwood,
Harlin, Billie and Ethel Mae; her father, Bud McCary; three
brothers, Amos McCary, Kerens; Sam McCary, Vernon and Harvey McCary,
Austin; three sister, Mrs. Lena Hollis of Eustace, Mrs. Velma Martin
and Mrs. Ethel White of Vernon.
Francis Spivey

Nov 28, 1900 - Oct 8, 1915
The Death Angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Spivey of the
Oak Grove community on October 8 and claimed for its reward the fair
jewel of the home, Frances. She was only sick a short while when God
saw fit to call her to a better world. All things were done that
loving hands could do. We realize this was hard to bear, yet how
"Sweetly solemn" it is to know thy rest.
We should be comforted when we know this life was well spent here on
earth. Our Father saith, little children to come unto me." 'Tis sad
to give her up, but God knoweth all things best. Sleep on dear, and
take thy rest, heaven's joy to share. Some sweet day we must be
prepared to meet with you where there will be no suffering, no
fairwell to be said. We know our Father was pleased to say "come ye
Little Frances was only 14 years old. She was loved by all who knew
her. She joined the Baptist church and was baptized hardly a year
ago. She leaves a is a father, mother, three brothers and two
sisters, and a host of friends to mourn her loss.
The remains were interred in the Oak Grove
Cemetery at a o'clock.
She has bade this world adieu.
Now she is safe with Jesus on that bright, eternal shore.
Now we miss her in our Sunday school. Her voice was so sweet and
Sleep on dear, and take thy rest,
God sent for you; he thought it best
Some day for us our Lord will send
Bright angels, sweet and fair;
And when the roll of all he'll call,
We too, shall answer up there.
Written by a friend, Kerens, Texas October 20.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wednesday, Nov 10, 1915
- Submitted by Karen
- d/o James A. Spivey and Lanora (Waldrop) Spivey - her
death index shows her as female also and first name James.
On October 8, between 12 and 1 o’clock the Death Angel visited the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Spivey and plucked the precious rosebud
from their garden of sunshine and happiness, and took from them
their precious daughter, Frances. She was the bright shining star of
their home. Little Francis was only 14 years old when she was called
to live with Jesus. She was sick only a short while. Dear kindred
and loved ones, we can sympathize with you, but do not weep. She has
left father and mother, three brothers and two sisters to mourn
their loss, but their loss is heaven's gain. She was too precious
for this sinful world, but she is now where there are no sorrows or
pain, but will walk the shining streets of gold with the happy angel
band. We all hope to meet our dear loved ones on that bright
celestial shore. Dear parents, your darling has gone away but do not
weep or grieve. We know you would love to have her with you, but God
saw fit to call her home to heaven. All was done that loving hands
could do, but God plucked her from the garden to himself.
You have lost your darling daughter,
She has bade this world adieu;
She has gone to live with Jesus,
And her face is lost to view.
Yes, God has taken her from you,
The one you loved so well;
But she is safe with the angels,
There to forever dwell.
No more you will hear her laughing,
Nor hear the sound of her feet,
Though she is waiting for you up yonder,
With her arms outspread.
We miss her in our daily duties,
Miss her in the silent night;
But our sadness always tells us
That our loss is heaven's gain.
Your darling daughter from you has gone,
And a voice you loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in your home,
Which never can be filled.
Written by a true friend who loved her so well, Essie May Hammett,
of Kerens, Texas.
Minnie Katherine (Reid)
Jul 26, 1885 - Oct 30, 1961
Mrs. Brooks Dies Sunday Mrs. Catherine Brooks, long time Fort
Worth resident, died in Fort Worth Sunday afternoon. Funeral
services will be held Tuesday at 1 p. m. from the Emhouse Baptist
church. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Olen Bonner, pastor.
Burial will be in the
Pattison cemetery. Mrs. Brooks is survived by a number of
nieces, nephews and other relatives. She was a sister of the late
Mrs. W. W. Ray of Emhouse. Corley will direct local arrangements.
Bennie Morris "Bub" Stokes
Sep 13, 1930 - Dec 25, 1961
B. M. Stokes, 31 Dies In Austin Benny Morris Stokes, 31,
native of Emhouse, died in Austin Monday. Funeral services will be
held from the Corley Chapel Wednesday at 2 p.m. with burial in the
Pattison cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Olen Bonner. Surviving are four
brothers Curtis M. Stokes, Tyler; Bill J. and Calvin Stokes, both of
Austin, and Lonnie J. Stokes Cleburne; a twin-sister, Mrs. Kenneth
George, Freeport, and other relatives. Pallbearers will be James E.
McMillan, Elijah Milton, Jr., James Curry, Kenneth Logan, Lloyd
Gillen and Freddie Bonner
Archibald Alexander
"Archie" Derden
Mar 12, 1872 - Jun 12, 1961
Archie Derden Dies Knoxville Archie A. Derden, former
Corsicana resident, died in Knoxville, Tenn., Monday. The body will
arrive in Dallas Wednesday by train and funeral services are
scheduled from the McCammon Chapel Friday at 10 a.m. with burial in
the Pattison cemetery
near Emhouse.
Archie Derden Rites Friday Funeral services for Archie A.
Derden, 89, native Texan, former custodian at the Emhouse schools,
and retired farmer, who died in a Knoxville, Tenn., hospital Monday
night will be held Friday at 10 a.m. from the McCammon Chapel The
rites will be conducted by Rev. L. R. Stuckey of San Angelo. Burial
will be in the Pattison
cemetery near Em- house. Derden had been in Knoxville for the
past two months and had resided at San Angelo after leaving Navarro
county where he had resided 35 years. Surviving are two sons,
Charles Derden, San Angelo, and James H. Derden, Knoxville, Tenn.;
daughter, Mrs. Dan M. Smith, Knoxville; four grandchildren, three
great-grandchildren and a number of other relatives.
Hold Services Archie Derden
Funeral services for Archie A. Derden, 89, who died in a Knoxville,
Tenn., hospital Monday night were held from the McCammon Chapel
Friday at 10 a.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. L. R. Stuckey of San Angelo. Burial
was in the Pattison cemetery at Emhouse.
A native Texas, Derden resided at San Angelo prior to moving to
Knoxville two months ago and made his home in Navarro county 35
years before going to San Angelo. He was a retired farmer and was
custodian at the Emhouse schools for years.
Surviving are two sons, Charles Derden, San Angelo and James H.
Derden, Knoxville; a daughter, Mrs. Dan M. Smith, Knoxville; four
grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and a number of other
Pallbearers were Arthur McNeel, Haskell Gray, Ernest Derden, M. L.
Derden, W. H. Derden and Ervin Boyd.
Lucy W. (Livingston) Manning
Mar 22, 1872 - May 29, 1961
Mrs. Manning Rites Slated For Wednesday Funeral services for
Mrs. L W. Manning, 89, formerly of Emhouse, who died in San Angelo
Monday, will be held from the Corley Chapel Wednesday at 2 p.m. with
burial in the Pattison
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. B. Morton,
Methodist minister at Coleman. Mrs. Manning resided in Emhouse for
many years prior to moving to San Angelo 15 years ago. Surviving are
two sons, John Manning, San Angelo, and J. N Manning, Pasadena,
Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Eva Bolen, San Angelo; nine grandchildren,
12 great-grandchildren, two brothers, L. A. Livingston, Carson
Miss., and T. T. Livingston, Prentice, Miss.; two sisters, Mrs. Kate
Franklin, Prentice, Miss, and Mrs. W. P. Herrin, Lake Port, Calif.
Pallbearers will be grandsons.
Troy Byron
Holcomb, Sr
Jul 22, 1900 - Jun 27, 1961
Troy Holcomb Dies Tuesday Troy Holcomb, 60, Emhouse farmer,
died in Memorial hospital Tuesday. Funeral services will be held
Thursday at 10:30 a.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in the
Pattison cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Ray Watson, Emhouse Baptist
minister, and Rev. Gaither L. Day, Everman Methodist pastor,
formerly of North Corsicana Methodist church. He was born in Ellis
county July 22, 1900. Surviving are his wife of Emhouse; two sons,
Troy Holcomb Jr., Pasadena, and Roy Don Holcomb, Arlington; two
daughters, Mrs. Billy Jack Mott and Mrs. Esco McCann, both of
Corsicana; five grandchildren; brother, Roy Holcomb, Corsicana; four
sisters, Mrs. A. B Garland, Corsicana; Mrs. Jo Strickland,
Jacksonville; Mrs. W. M. Folks, Liberty, and Mrs. Maggie Richardson,
Dallas, and other relatives. Pallbearers will be Homer McNabb, Earl
Brown, Lee Ma- honey, Hubert Joyner, Joe Nagy Frank Seely, Leamon
Phillips and Ralph Chaney.
Alton "Cap" Brown
Jul 14, 1904 - Dec 9, 1970
Brown Rites Funeral services for G. A. (Cap) Brown, 66, of
Emhouse were held Friday at 10 a.m. in Griffin Funeral Chapel with
burial in Pattison cemetery.
Mr. Brown died Wednesday night in Memorial Hospital. Survivors
include his wife, a son, two daughters, a brother, three sisters and
six grandchildren.
- The Corsicana Daily Sun - Friday, December 11, 1970
Brown Rites Set Friday G. A. (Cap) Brown, 66, of Emhouse died
Wednesday night in Memorial Hospital. Funeral services have been set
for Friday at 10 a.m. in Griffin Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Marion
Martin officiating. Burial will be in
Pattison cemetery. He
is survived by his wife, Lucile Brown of Emhouse; a son, Jerry Brown
of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. John Horvath of Corsicana and Mrs.
Burl Johnson of Corsicana; a brother, Fate Brown of Emhouse; three
sisters, Mrs. Ruth Barnes of Corsicana, Mrs. Claude Maggard of
Emhouse and Mrs. Erva Harris Houston; and six grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Max Barnes, Jr., Loyd Gillen, George Brown,
Bobby Armstrong, Sonny Maggard and Clyde Hollingsworth.
Carmon "Bud" Ray
Apr 28, 1916 - Apr 11, 1970
Funeral services for W. C. (Bud) Ray were held Monday at 3:30
p.m. at the Corley Funeral Chapel. The rites were conducted by Revs.
Marion C. Martin and Bull Grimes. Survivors include his wife, two
daughters, one son, seven grandchildren, six sisters, and a number
of nieces and nephews.
Services Set For W. C. Ray
Funeral services for W. C. (Bud) Ray, 53, of Emhouse, will be held
Monday at 3:30 p.m. at Corley Funeral Home Chapel.
Ray died Saturday in Memorial Hospital.
He was born at Emhouse and had lived there all his life. He was a
farmer and rancher and was a decorator operator at Chattanooga Glass
Co. in Corsicana. He was a member of the Baptist Church.
Officiating at the Monday services will be Rev. Marion C. Martin of
Emhouse Baptist Church assisted by the Rev. Bill Grimes of Angus.
Surviving are his wife of Emhouse; two daughters, Mrs. Robert
Watkins of Corsicana and Mrs. Royce Abbott of Wilmer; a son, William
Kenneth Ray of Corsicana; seven grandchildren; six sisters, Mrs.
Earl Brown and Mrs. Bill Stewart of Emhouse; Mrs. Carl Fogleman of
Orange, Mrs. Weldon Owen of Corsicana; Mrs. Virgil Jackson of Mabank
and Mrs. Johnnie Walthall of Lake Dallas; nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Charles Cates, Doyle G. Grimes, Victor Howell,
B. W. Gamble Jr., Clyde Andrews and Billy G. Avens.
Mary Effie

Oct 11, 1914 - Mar 3, 1970
Miss Lindsey Dies Tuesday
Miss Mary E. Lindsey, 55, of Emhouse, died Tuesday in Dallas.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel, with the Very Rev. Dennis Smart officiating. Interment will
be in Pattison cemetery.
Miss Lindsey is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Johnnie Pattison of
Emhouse and Mrs. Tom Barlow of Corsicana, and a number of nieces and
nephews. Pallbearers will be Harold Lindsey, Tommy Lindsey, Wade
Barlow, Jimmy Barlow, Robert Smith and Leon Stough.
Edward Tinkle

Sep 6, 1891 - Feb 26, 1970
N.E. Tinkle Dies Thursday
Funeral services for N. E. (Buck) Tinkle, 78, who died Thursday at
Memorial Hospital, will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel, with Dr. Lively Brown officiating. Burial will be in
Pattison cemetery. A
retired farmer and member of the Methodist Church, he is survived by
one son, Bernice Tinkle of Galveston; one granddaughter; two
brothers, John Tinkle of Irving and Jack Tinkle of Torrance, Calif.;
two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Turner and Mrs. Hugh Parrish of Corsicana;
and a number of nieces and nephews.
John Edgar Bewley, Sr.
Oct 31, 1886 - Oct 31, 1962
Hold Services
For J. E. Bewley Funeral services for J. E. Bewley, 76, retired
ginner, were held Friday at 3:30 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with
burial in the
Pattison cemetery near Emhouse. The rites were
conducted by Rev. J. C, Bristow, minister of the Jehovah Witnesses. Bewley, 28 -A Northwest Apartments, died Wednesday. Surviving are
his wife, two sons, John and Houston Bewley, and a daughter, Mrs.
Ernie Montgomery, all of Corsicana; five grandchildren, five
great-grandchildren, four brothers, Duckett, V. H. and Sam Bewley,
all of Whitesboro, and Leonard Bewley, Alamos, Colo.; three sisters,
Mrs. Carter Summy, Longview; Mrs. Arch Center and Mrs. Ernest
Kinsey, both of Whitesboro, and other relatives. Pallbearers were
John Slate, Rufus Pevehouse. J. E. Reid, Ernest Stokes, Charles R.
DeRusha and C. J. Armstrong.
Reba Lori (Thompson) Bewley

Apr 28, 1897 - Mar 09, 1977
Mrs. Bewley Services will be at 2
p.m. Friday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Edgar (Reba)
Bewley, 79, resident of Corsicana, who died Wednesday at Memorial
Hospital. J.C. Bristow will officiate, with burial following at
Pattison cemetery. She was a native of Grayson County and had lived
in Corsicana since 1929. Survivors include a daughter Mrs. Ernie Ree
Fincher of Corsicana; a son, John Bewley of Corsicana; five
grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and
Mrs. Bewley Pallbearers for the Mrs. Edgar (Reba) Bewley services, which
were to be at 2 p.m. Friday, are Ernest Stokes, E.L. Armstrong, E.A.
Pugh, Charlie DeRusha, Dan Meador, and Jack Hardin.
Rose "Rosey" (Allen) Smith
Nov 26,
1891 - Dec 7, 1909
Died at Emhouse. Mrs. Rosa Smith, aged 19 years,
wife of Hubert Smith, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Allen, died
at Emhouse today after a brief illness. The funeral will take place
Lilla B. (Miller) Bristow
Oct 2, 1875 - Mar 17, 1958
Tuesday Rites For Mrs. Bristow
rites for Mrs. W. C. Bristow, 82, who died suddenly Monday morning
while visiting in Palestine, will be held Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. from
the First Baptist church of Emhouse. The rites will be conducted by
Rev. Ben Moseley, pastor. Burial will be in the
Pattison cemetery.
Mrs. Bristow was the widow of the late Dr. W. C. Bristow of Emhouse
and was long active in the Baptist church of that com- munity,
teaching a Sunday School class for more than 40 years. She had
recently moved to Corsicana. Surviving are two sons. Roy Bristow,
Corsicana, and Robert Bristow, Palestine; two grandchildren, one
great-grandchild and other relatives. Pallbearers will be Earl
Brown, Frank Seely, Jr.; Swint Huling, Bronnie McNabb, Ralph Chaney,
W. C. O’Neal, C. B. Turner and Will Sharpley. McCammon directs.
Former Emhouse Resident Buried
CORSICANA - SPL - Funeral services former Emhouse resident, who died
with a heart attack Monday in Palestine, were held at First Baptist
Church in Emhouse Tuesday with burial in Pattison Cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, Roy Bristow of Corsicana and Robert Bristow
of Palestine; two grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Thomas Art Stokes

Jul 27, 1935 - May 30, 1961
Hold Services
For Tom Stokes Funeral services for Tom Stokes, 25, who died in an
Austin hospital Tuesday night, were held from the Corley Chapel
Thursday at 3 p.m. The rites were conducted by Rev. Robert Woody,
pastor of the First Baptist church. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery. A native of Lufkin, Stokes was connected with the Texas
Department of Agriculture in Austin. Surviving are his wife of
Austin; a daughter, Leah, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Stokes, Corsicana, and other relatives. Pallbearers were Joe Salahi,
H. G. Fooshee, John C. Moore, Herman Gillen, Bennett Stokes and Rex
George W. Owen Sr.
Nov 20, 1896 - Oct 14, 1970
Owen Rites Funeral
services for George W. Owen Sr., 73, who died Wednesday in Dallas
were held Friday at 10 a.m. from the Corley Chapel, with the Rev.
Dale Rider officiating. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery. He was
a native of Emhouse and a veteran of
World War I. Survivors include
a son, two grandsons, a brother, and four sisters.
George Owens Rites Friday
Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. from the Corley
Chapel for George W. Owen Sr., 73, who died Wednesday in Dallas.
Interment will be in the
Pattison cemetery. The Rev. Dale Rider will
officiate. A native resident of Emhouse, he was a veteran of
World War I. He is survived by a son, George W. Owen Jr. of Dallas; two
grandsons; a brother, Alvin Owen of Italy; and four sisters, Miss
Clara Belle Owen of Corsicana, and Mmes. Nell Elkins, Ruth Huling
and Nancy Johnson of Emhouse; and two grandsons, George Mitchell
Owen and Banton Lane Owen of Dallas. Pallbearers will be Robert
Alvin Owen, Charles Leslie Johnson, E. L. Wetzel, Claude Maggard,
Paul Mitchell and James McDaniel.
James Winfred Smith
Oct 3, 1930 - Jun 18, 1970
Smith Rites
Planned Here James Winfrcd Smith, 39, died Thursday in Waxahachie.
Services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday at Colonial Funeral Home
in Irving with graveside services at 1 p.m. Monday in
Pattison cemetery.
Notes: The Corsicana Daily Sun -
Sunday, June 21, 1970
Smith Rites Funeral services were held Monday at 10 a.m. at
the Colonial Funeral Home in Irving for James Winfred Smith.
Graveside rites were held at 1 p.m. at the
Pattison cemetery.
Survivors include his wife; a daughter; his father; and his mother.
Corley Funeral Home was in charge of local arrangements.
Bennett Obie
"Bennie" Meador

Jan 29, 1903
- Apr 24, 1970
Bennett O. Meador, a former resident of Navarro
County, died Friday in Austin. He had lived in Austin since 1928.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Corley Funeral
Chapel with interment in
Pattison cemetery. Survivors include one
son, Bennie Meador of Austin, one grandson, two brothers, Frank of
Dallas and Lucian Meador of Terrell. Five sisters Mrs. T. J. Morman
and Mrs. T. W. Edwards of Corsicana, Mrs. Perry Mullican of Tyler,
Mrs. Lurley Harris of Point, and Mrs. Jim Holder of Houston; and a
number of nieces and nephews.
Simon Lee

Sep 17, 1883 - Aug 25, 1970
Wooten Service Funeral services for S. L. Wooten, who died
early Tuesday at Memorial Hospital, were held Wednesday at 5 p.m.
from the Corley Chapel, with the Rev. Mickey Loftis officiating.
Interment was in
Pattison cemetery.
Surviving are three brothers and four sisters. Nephews were
John Milton Carroll

Mar 4, 1871 - Jul 13, 1941
DIED EARLY SUNDAY; RITES HELD MONDAY J. M. Carroll, aged 70 years,
long-time resident of Emhouse, died at his home Sunday morning about
4 o'clock. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the Emhouse Baptist Church with burial in the
Pattison cemetery. Rev. J. S. Stanley conducted the rites. Surviving are his
wife of Emhouse; three daughters, Mrs. Annie Rogers, Miss Mattie
Carroll and Mrs. Ada Mae Richards, all of Emhouse; two brothers, W.
C. Carroll, Waxahachie, and Frank Carroll, Neches; a sister, Mrs.
Sallie Henderson, Palestine; five grandchildren and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed arrangements.
Lizzie Reed (Maggard) Chaney

Jun 08, 1878 - May 14, 1945
Mrs. Dee Chaney,
aged 66 years, died at the family home in Emhouse Monday afternoon.
Funeral services are scheduled Wednesday at 3 p. m. from the Emhouse
Baptist church, with burial in the
Pattison cemetery. Surviving are
her husband of Emhouse; seven children, N. H. Chaney. Elkhart: Mrs.
A. B. Quinn, West Columbia; Ralph Chaney, Emhouse; Mrs. L. F. Grier,
San Marcos; Mrs. Gene Tyler, Mildred; Mrs. C. H. Cartlidge, Houston,
and Lt. Rocye Chaney, U. S. Naval Air Corps; four brothers, Charles
Maggard and Dave Maggard, both of Emhouse Ras and Tom Maggard, both
of Kerens; two sisters. Mrs. M. K. Hilliard, Kerens, and Mrs. Annie
Abcock, Denton; 12 grandchildren, and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home is in charge.
James Allen Cole
Sep 9,
1945 - Nov 25, 1945
Funeral services for James Allen Cole, aged two months, who
died at the family residence, 703 South Fifteenth street Sunday
morning, were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley
Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery near Emhouse.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Dan Sharpley. pastor of the First
Baptist church at Emhouse and Rev. J. I. Cartlidge, pastor of the
First Baptist church of Corsicana. Surviving are the parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. W. Cole, Corsicana; grandparents, A. A. Cole, Ragley,
La., and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tallant, Corsicana. and other relatives.
Samuel Montgomery Lile
Feb 14, 1862 - Jan 8, 1945
Rites On Wednesday For Samuel Lile Funeral services for Samuel
Lile, 83, who died at his home at Emhouse Monday, were held from the
Corley Chapel Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Roy H. Davis
conducted the rites. Burial was in
Pattison cemetery. Surviving are three
daughters three sons, 35 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and
other relatives . Pallbearers were O. E. Allen, Clayton Freeman, Jim
Freeman, Ira Henley, Raymond Davidson and Gene McAdams.
Samuel Lile, 83 died at his home at Emhouse Monday morning. Funeral
arrangements are incomplete.
A native of Kentucky, he had resided in Navarro county about 40
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Malhie Shetter, Birmingham,
Ala.; Mrs. Myrtle Tanner, Hillsboro; Mrs. Minnie Tanner, San Juan;
three sons, Lem Lile, Waco; Melton Lile, Waco; Elmer Lile, Emhouse,
and other relatives.
Corley's Funeral Home is directing the arrangements.
Sarah Lee (Cox) Summerlin
Dec 5, 1920 - Aug 27, 1961
Death takes
Local Woman; Rites Pending Mrs. Sarah Lee Summerlin, 40. died at her
home at 316 West Collin Sunday morning. Service arrangements were
incomplete Monday morning. However, it had been determined that
services would be held in Griffin chapel with Rev. B. W. Johnson,
pastor of Pentacostal Church of God, officiating. Mrs. Summerlin was
a member of this church. Burial will be in
Pattison cemetery near
Emhouse. Survivors are the husband, Corsicana; two sons, Melvin
Sullivan and Erwin Sullivan, both of Corsicana; three daughters,
Mrs. Florence Seaux, Corsicana; Mrs. Tom Hoban, Petaluma, Calif.,
and Miss Mary Sullivan, Corsicana; father, Joe Cox Sierra Vista,
Ariz.; mother, Mrs. Flossie Dennis, Corsicana; two Brothers, Charles
Cox, Artesia, Calif., and Melvin Cox, Sierra Vista, Calif.,; and one
sister, Mrs. Bertha Smith, Germany, and other relatives. Griffin is
Summerlin Services Are Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Lee Summerlin, 40, who died at her
home at 316 West Collin Sunday morning, were held from the Griffin
chapel Tuesday (today) at 2:30 p.m.
Rev. B. W. Johnson, pastor of Pentacostal Church of God, directed,
and burial was in
Pattison cemetery.
Mrs. Summerlin was a member of the Pentecostal Church of God.
Survivors are the husband, Corsicana; two sons, Melvin Sullivan and
Erwin Sullivan, both of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. Florence
Seaux, Corsicana; Mrs. Tom Hoban, Petaluma, Calif., and Miss Mary
Sullivan, Corsicana; father, Joe Cox, Sierra Vista, Ariz.; mother,
Mrs. Flossie Dennis, Corsicana; two brothers, Charles Cox, Artesia,
Calif.; and Melvin Cox, Sierra Vista, Calif.; and one sister, Mrs.
Bertha Smith, Germany, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. W. Easley, J. D. Harwell, Troy Miles, Charlie
Williams, James Dennis and Leo Celman.
Griffin directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Aug. 29, 1961
Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Ervin Monroe
Sullivan 2nd unknow Summerlin d/o Joseph Bertrum “Joe” Cox and
Florence Estelle “Flossie” (McCulloch) Cox-Dennis
James Robert “Jim
Bob” Collins
Dec 25, 1894 - Mar 13, 1961
Rites Held For Jim B.
Collins Services for Jim Bob Collins, 66, Emhouse farmer, election
judge, who died In the Navarro Clinic Monday night after an extended
illness, were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Emhouse Baptist
church. The rites were conducted by Rev. C. Ray Watson, pastor of
the church, assisted by Rev. Don Holt, pastor of the Emhouse
Methodist church. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery. Surviving are
his wife of Emhouse; six daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Wandell, Miss
Laverne Collins. Mrs. Jimmy McCann and Mrs. Mildred Farmer, all of
Houston; Mrs. Joyce Love, Corsicana, and Mrs. Betty Armstrong,
Emhouse; seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, two
sisters, Mrs. J. W. Russell, Barry, and Mrs. Frank Richards,
Corsicana. Nephews were pallbearers. Griffin directed.
Lionell Crowell “Nello” Daniel
Jul 05, 1887 - Jan 31,
L. C. Daniel Dies Tuesday Lionell C. Daniel, 73, retired,
former salesman for ice cream cones about the city, died in Houston
Tuesday. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the
Corley Chapel with burial in the
Pattison cemetery near Emhouse.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Frank L. Park. Surviving are his
wife of Houston; three daughters, Mrs. A. M. Ross, Mrs. J. H.
Ruther- ford and Mrs. H. L. Watts, all of Houston; two sons, B. N.
Daniel. Muskogee, Okla., and E. C. Daniel, Houston; nine grand-
children and one great-grandchild.
Julia Elizabeth
(Jackson) Bennett
Jul 14, 1877 - Jan 6, 1926
Mrs. Bennett Died at
Emhouse Wednesday Special to the Sun. Emhouse, Texas, Jan. 7.—The
death angel came into our midst at 8:20 o'clock Wednesday morning
and took from us our friend and neighbor; Mrs. D. B. Bennett. She
was ill for several months and died after weeks of severe suffering.
She was 49 years of age, and is survived by four children, three
sons and one daughter, also three brothers and two sisters.
Lillie Pearl (Sharpley) Bennett
Feb 8, 1874 - Nov 18, 1959
Mrs. Bennett Dies Wednesday At Midlothian Mrs. Pearl Bennett, 85,
former resident of Emhouse died in Midlothian Wednesday night.
Funeral services will be held from the Martin Funeral Chapel at
Midlothian Friday at 10 a. m. and graveside services will be held at
Pattison cemetery at Emhouse at 11:30 a. m. Mrs. Bennett was a
native of Emhouse but had resided at Midlothian for the past several
years. She was a Methodist. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs.
Clifford Patton, Midlothian, and Mrs. Morty S. Cohn, New York City;
a grandson, Harold Bennett Patton, Midlothian; two brothers, Will
Sharpley, Corsicana, and John Sharpley, Houston; three sisters, Mrs.
Carl Simpson, Tyler; Mrs. Luther Pinson, Ennis, and Mrs. Maggie
Elrod, Cleburne; two daughters- in-law, Mrs. Rube Bennett and Mrs.
Dan A. Bennett, both of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Mary Elizabeth "Jake" Bennett
Sep 5, 1911 - June 13, 1927
services for Elizabeth Bennett, aged 16 years, who died in the
county hospital Monday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock following an
operation for appendicitis were held at the Methodist church at
Emhouse Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock with interment in
Pattison cemetery. The
services were conducted by Rev. Van P. Morrison. Miss Bennett was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bennett of Decatur, Wise county,
former residents of the Emhouse community. She was here on a visit
with relatives at the time she was stricken. Surviving are her
parents, two sisters and other relatives.
In Memory of Mary Eliabeth [sic] Bennett
Monday afternoon at 1:30 the death angels visited the hospital and
took from Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bennet, their daughter, Mary Elizaeth
[sic], known to her friends as Jake.
She was visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas Stokes at the time of her
operation. After Mary Elizabeth's operation she lived two weeks. But
God saw best to taker her home.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church with Rev. Van
P. Morrison in charge. Surviving are her parents, two sisters, and
other relatives. She was laid to rest in the
Pattison cemetery at
God needed one more angel to fill a vacant place,
So, He saw best to take her away
and lay her to rest. Dear sisters, so live.
So you can meet her there;
Where Jesus and Jake live,
In a home so bright and fair.
Oh, Dear mother do not weep,
For she is asleep,
With little angels at her feet.
Dear father don't be sad.
For little Jake will be glad;
When she shall meet you there
With a little smile so bright and fair.
Cousins, Uncles and Aunts.
She has gone before;
So you can meet her
On that bright eternal shore.
Mr. Huling and other friends.
Her love was once for you all.
In Heaven now she stands;
She was taken from us all.
One who loved her best of all friends.
Funeral services for Elizabeth Bennett, aged 18 years, who died at
the Navarro County Hospital Monday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock
following an operation for appendicitis, will be held at Emhouse
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock with interment in the
Pattison cemetery. Miss
Bennett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bennett of Decatur,
Wise county, and was here on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas.
The services will be conducted at the Emhouse Methodist church with
Rev. Van P. Morrison in charge.
Surviving are her parents, two sisters, and other relatives.
The family formerly resided in the Emhouse community.
Lee Bryant
May 2, 1884 - Jan 24, 1965
Lee Bryant Is Found Dead In
Residence Lee Bryant, retired cotton mill employee, was found dead
in his residence, West Twelfth avenue and South Twelfth street,
Wednesday at 3:15 p.m. when a friend became uneasy about not seeing
him for several days. E. A. Robertson was unable to get into the
house and called the sheriff's office. Deputy Sheriff Howard Pitts
broke into the residence with Robertson, it was stated, and found
Bryant dead, sitting in a chair. Howe French, justice of the peace,
conducted a coroner's investigation and returned a verdict of "death
from natural causes." Judge French said Bryant apparently had been
dead "four or five days". He was advised by neighbors, he reported,
that he last time Bryant was seen was a week ago when he returned to
his residence in a taxi from a physician's office. He was a native
of Navarro county. Funeral services were held Thursday at 2 p.m.
from the Corley Chapel with burial in the
Pattison cemetery near
Emhouse. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jimmie Burton, Baptist
minister of Dallas. Surviving are a brother, Jim Bryant, Salt Lake
City; a sister, Mrs. Ida Barnes, Fort Worth, and other relatives.
Corley directed.
John F. Burks

Sep. 15, 1886 - Dec. 11, 1962
Plan Services For John
Burks Final rites for John Burks. 76, retired oil field worker, A-7,
Northwest Apartments, who died Tuesday morning in Memorial
hospital, will be held Thurs- day at 11 a. m. from the Corley Chapel
with burial in the
Pattison cemetery at Emhouse. The services will
be conducted by Rev. Vernon Sydow, Jr., pastor of the Powell Baptist
church. Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs.
Tina Biggers, Baytown, and Mrs. Laura Mae White. Dallas; a son,
Marvin Burks, Fort Worth; seven grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs.
Cortie Moore, Wylie, Texas. Pallbearers will be A. B. Kent, C. W.
Cotten, J. H. Lassiter, C. J. Meador, R. L. Copley, and T. P.
Julia Frances (Smith) Burton
Feb 27,
1872 - Oct 16, 1959
Mrs. Burton Of Emhouse Dies Mrs. Julia Frances
Burton, 87, died at her home in Emhouse Friday night. A native of
Kaufman county, Mrs. Burton had made her home in Emhouse for the
past 30 years. Surviving are four sons. Temp Burton and Hall Burton,
both of Childress; Clyde Burton, Kilgore, and Bill Burton, Emhouse;
10 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and two great -
great-grandchildren; a brother. H. R. Smith, Emhouse three sisters,
Mrs. Mollie Lockaby, Scurry; Mrs. A. J. Greer, Childress, and Mrs.
Dave Allen, Corsicana, and other relatives. Funeral services will be
held Sunday at 2:30 p. m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in the
Pattison cemetery at Emhouse. The rites will be conducted by Rev. C.
Ray Watson, pastor of the First Baptist church at Emhouse.
Pallbearers will be Frank Seely, Earl Brown, Jim Bob Collins, Swint
Huling, Ralph Chaney and H. R. Ponder.
William James
Jun 19, 1852 - May 6, 1920
Good Citizen Passes Away Capt. J.
W. Collins, aged sixty-eight years, who had lived on the J. D.
Cunningham farm near Emhouse, for twenty-three years, died last
night after having been in ill health for many months, and the
remains were interred in the
Patterson cemetery near Emhouse this
afternoon. The deceased is survived by his wife and six grown
children. He was a good citizen and a man highly esteemed by all who
knew him.
Benjamin Jesse Collins
Aug 19, 1882 - Jan 20, 1920
SATURDAY NIGHT. Well Known Young Farmer Passed Away at P. and S.
Hospital Jessie Collins, son of Capt. W. J. Collins and wife, and
who was for several years on J. D. Cuningham's farm near Emhouse
died at the P. and S. hospital Saturday night from the effect of an
operation for appendicitis and complications, near two weeks ago,
and the remains were buried in the
Patterson cemetery near
his home today. Besides his parents the deceased is survived by his
wife and six small children, four brothers and three sisters.
Wesley Richards
Feb 11, 1874 - Jan 21, 1920
BODY FOUND BY CHILDREN Young -Farmer Took His Own Life in
Emhouse Community John W. Richards, aged near forty years, and a
member of a well known family of the Emhouse community, hung himself
yesterday afternoon in his barn, using a rope suspended from a
rafter in the barn. He was at home at dinner and left the house some
time after the noon hour, and when his children came home from
school they found his dead body, which was still warm, hanging in
the barn. A physician was summoned, hut life was already extinct.
The deceased is survived by his wife and three children, his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Richards, and several brothers and
sisters. He left nothing to explain his rash act.
CORSICANA, Texas. Jan. 24. - John W. Richards, 40, well known farmer
of the Emhouse community, ten miles north of here, was found hanging
by his neck by his two children when they came home from school
The man had hanged himself in the barn. One end of the rope had been
tied to a rafter.
The deceased is survived by a wife, three children, his parents and
several brothers and sisters.
It si thought that Richards was troubled by financial matters.
- The Fort Worth Star Telegram - Jan 24, 1920
Nettie (McDonald)
Jun 14, 1894 - Jan 8, 1936
Funeral services for Mrs. Nettie Tinkle, aged 41 years, who died at
the family residence, 711 East Tenth avenue Wednesday morning at
1:10 o'clock, were held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home
Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with interment in the
Pattison cemetery near
Emhouse. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church. Surviving are her husband, Joe
Tinkle, Corsicana; two sons, Jack Bryson and Mack Bryson, both of
Sacramento, Calif.; four daughters. Mrs. Walter Jones, Lyons, Kan.;
Misses Inez and Sallie Bryson, both of Corsicana, and Miss Nellie
Lee Bryson, Houston; parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. McDonald, Ennis,
and several brothers and sisters.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, Jan 9, 1936
- Submitted by Diane Richards
- 1st husband MacShannon “Shan” Bryson buried at Hopewell Cemetery
2nd husband Joe Tinkle d/o M. T. McDonald and Lelia Jane (Cardwell)
McDonald (Lelia is buried at Oakwood Cemetery)
Nettie (McDonald) Bryson-Tinkle
Jun 14, 1894 - Jan 8, 1936
Mrs. Nettie Tinkle, aged 41 years, died at the family residence, 711
East Tenth avenue, Wednesday morning at 1:10 o’clock. The funeral
services will be held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home
Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock with interment in the
Pattison cemetery
near Emhouse. The rites will be conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams,
pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are her husband, Joe Tinkle, Corsicana; two sons, Jack
Bryson and Mack Bryson, both of Sacramento, Calif.; four daughters,
Mrs. Walter Jones, Lyons, Kan.; Miss Inez Bryson and Miss Sallie
Bryson, both of Corsicana, and Miss Nellie Lee Bryson, Houston;
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. McDonald, Ennis, and several brothers
and sisters.
Mamie Julia Waters
Oct 26, 1917 - Nov 23, 1936
Funeral services for Mamie
Julia Waters, aged 18 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Waters
of Emhouse, were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Methodist church in Emhouse with interment in the
Pattison cemetery.
Miss Waters died in San Angelo Monday night at 1:30 o'clock. The
rites were conducted by Rev. M. V. Bane and Rev. L. B. Jenkins.
Surviving are her parents, two brothers, Richard Waters, Oak Grove,
La. and Homer Waters, Mt. Enterprise; and four sisters, Mrs. C. L. Miley, Emhouse; Mrs. Ruth Szenasi, Mrs. Bertha Szenasi, and Mrs.
Lela Belle Szenasi, all of Corsicana. Pallbearers were Sam Allen,
Elmer Allen, Garvis Ray, Clifton Johnston, D. W. Hutson and Floyd
Jones. Corley Funeral Home directed funeral arrangements.
Mamie Julia Waters, aged 18 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Waters of Emhouse, died at San Angelo Monday night at 7:30 o’clock.
The funeral will be held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home
sometime Wednesday afternoon with interment in the
Pattison cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. H. L. Poteet and Rev. Jenkins.
Surviving are her parents, two brothers, Richard Waters, Oak Grove,
La., and Homer Waters, Mt. Enterprise; and four sisters, Mrs. C. L.
Miley, Emhouse; Mrs. Ruth Szenasi, Mrs. Bertha Szenasi and Mrs. Lela
Belle Szenasi, all of Corsicana.
Ina Bessie (Kendrick) Brown
Jul 23, 1906 - Jul 09, 1936
Mrs. P. E. Brown of Emhouse, aged 29 years, died at 3:30 Thursday
afternoon at the family residence, at Emhouse, and funeral services
were held at the Emhouse tabernacle at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon,
with interment in the
Pattison cemetery. Rev.
L. V. Jenkins conducted the rites. Surviving are her husband; three
children, Laval Brown, Hazel Brown and Joe Nell Brown all of
Emhouse; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kendrick, Crisp. Tex.; one
sister, Mrs. Rufus Horton, Alma; and one brother, Oscar Kendrick,
Emhouse. Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home had charge of the
Stella (Summy) Browning
Oct 30, 1887 - Jul 2, 1962
Mrs. Browning Expires Monday Mrs. Stella
S. Browning, 1813 North Beaton street, long-time Corsicana resident,
was pronounced dead on arrival at Memorial hospital about 10 a. m.
Monday after she was found critically ill at her home. Funeral
arrangements are pending at McCammon Funeral Home. Surviving are two
sons, John H. Browning, Baltimore, and R. E. (Gene) Browning, Jr.,
Corsicana; four grandchildren, one great-grandchild, a brother, A.
V. Summy, Hebbronville; and a sister, Mrs. Bertha Lichte, San
Antonio. Mrs. Browning was the widow of the late R. E. Browning,
Sr., who died May 24, this year. The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday,
July 2, 1962
Mrs. Browning Rites Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Stella S. Browning, 1813 North Beaton street, who was dead on
arrival at Memorial Hospital Monday morning, will be held from the
McCammon Chapel Tuesday at 4 p.m. The rites will be conducted by
Bert Mercer, minister of the West Side Church of Christ Burial will
be in the
Pattison cemetery. Her husband, the late R. E. Browning,
Sr., died May 24, this year. The family moved to Corsicana from Waco
in 1919. She was found critically ill at the family home about 10
a.m. Monday. Surviving are two sons, John H. Browning, Baltimore,
Md., and R. E. (Gene) Browning, Jr., Corsicana; four grandchildren,
one great-grandchild, a brother, A. V. Summy, Hebbronville; a
sister, Mrs. Bertha Lichte, San Antonio, and other relatives.
Pallbearers are to be James Nelson, Miller Norwood, J. W. Oldroyd,
O. L. Slaughter, Rollin Harris and George Robinson.
E. Browning Sr.
Dec 29, 1878 - May 24, 1962
Hold Services R. E.
Browning Funeral services for Robert E. Browning, Sr., retired Oil
City Iron Works employee, who died in Memorial hospital Thursday
morning, were held Friday at 2 p.m. from the Westside Church of
Christ. The rites were conducted by Bert Mercer, minister of the
church. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery near Emhouse. Browning
was the last living charter stockholder of the Oil City Iron Works
company. Native of Winsboro, Browning came to Corsicana in 1919 from
Waco where he was connected with the Texas Power and Light Company.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Stella S. Browning, Corsicana; two
sons, John H. Browning, Baltimore, Md., and Robert E. (Gene)
Browning, Corsicana; four brothers, Ernest and Boone Browning, both
of Sacramento, Calif., Clyde Browning Truscott, and Van Browning,
Stephenville; a sister, Mrs. Ada Cantrell, Plainview; four
grandchildren, a great-grandchild and other relatives. Pallbearers
were O. L. Slaughter, E. A. Campbell, Roland Harris, George
Robinson, Billy Clarkson 111, and Elmer Marr. McCammon directed.
Ella Mae (Boyd) Vyers
Sep 29, 1890 - Jul 22, 1952
Mrs. Frank Vyers Rites Thursday Funeral services for Mrs. Ella
May Vyers, 61, of Navarro, were held at 4 p. m. Thursday at the
Emhouse Baptist church. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Joe Poe, pastor of the Calvary Baptist
church, and Rev. Roy H. Fielding of Calvert. Mrs. Vyers, a former
resident of Emhouse, died in the P, and S. Hospital Tuesday night.
Surviving are her husband, Frank Vyers, Navarro; three sons, Raymond
L. Vyers, Terrell; Lee Roy Vyers, Independence, Mo., and Sgt. James
A. Vyers, Sherman; four daughters, Mrs. Herbert Plant, Haverhill, N.
H.; Mrs. Claude Pollock and Mrs. Henry Basham, both of Corsicana,
and Miss Dorothy Vyers, Navarro; seven grandchildren, two brothers,
Roy Boyd, Avalon, and Dennis Seabolt, Los Angeles; three sisters,
Mrs. Su- die Clark, Boyce; Mrs. Ethel Black- mon, Dallas, and Mrs,
Aline Terry, Modesta,. Calif.; and other relatives. Pallbearers were
Frank Seely, Bud Ray, Claude Maggard, J. B. Collins, A. J. Tinkle
and R. H. Brown. Corley directed.
Emily (Owen) Vyers
Jan 27, 1861 - Jan 15, 1941
Mrs. Emily Vyers, aged 79 years, died at Emhouse Wednesday
afternoon. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Emhouse Methodist church. Interment was in the
Pattison cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. B. Morton,
pastor of the church. A native of Arkansas, Mrs. Vyers had resided
in the Emhouse community for the past 60 years. Surviving are her
husband, T. F. Vyers, Emhouse; four sons, Frank, Hubert, and Bob
Vyers, all of Emhouse, and Tom Vyers of Kemp; three daughters, Mrs.
R. A. Reed, Mrs. C. H. McNeel and Miss Birdie Vyers, all of Emhouse;
and a number of grandchildren. Grandsons were pallbearers. Corley
Funeral Home had charge of arrangements.
Dewell Adnell Shelton
Oct 25, 1946 - May 20, 1947
Dewell Shelton Rites Wednesday Afternoon Dewell Shelton, six
month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelton, Emhouse. died at 12
midnight Tuesday in the P and S Hospital. Funeral services were held
at 4 p. m. Wednesday at
Pattison cemetery, Emhouse, by the Rev. Dan Sharpley, pastor of the Emhouse Baptist church. Survivors are the
parents, two brothers, four sisters, and the maternal grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Brack, Emhouse. Corley Funeral Home directed.
Myrtie (Bunch) Owen
Sep 1873 - Feb 23, 1947
services for Mrs. G. G. Owen, 73. long-time Emhouse resident, who
died with a heart attack Sunday while en route by automobile to
visit an ill relative, were held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery
near Emhouse. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. A. Stewart, pastor
of the Emhouse Methodist church, assisted by Rev. Dan Sharpley,
pastor of the Emhouse Baptist church. She was the widow of the late
G. G. Owen, former county commissioner and political and business
leader of this North Navarro county community for many years.
Surviving are four daughters, Miss Clara Belle Owen. Chickasha,
Okla.; Mrs. Oscar Elkins, Mrs Charles Johnson, and Mrs. Swint Huling,
all of Emhouse; five sons, Clyde Owen, Dallas; Robert Owen, Los
Angeles, Calif.; George Owen, Odessa; Sam Owen, Waxahachie, and
Alvin Owen, Avalon; a sister, Mrs. Wallace Donoho, and brother. M.
D. L. Bunch, both of Corsicana; 11 grandchildren and four
great-grandchildren and other relatives. Pallbearers were A. C.
Richards, C. B. Turner, Edward Anderson, Raymond Gorman. W. C. Neal
and Clifton Johnson. Honorary pallbearers were friends of the
Homer R. Price
Mar 4, 1850 - Feb 28, 1918
Black Hills News. H. R. Price of Emhouse died Thursday morning at
two o'clock and was buried at four o'clock Thursday afternoon at the
Patterson Grave Yard. He left a wife and two sons, Mrs. A. S, Kelley
and Mrs. Susan Benton of Black Hills were his sisters. He left a
great many relatives to mourn his death. He was a good man and had
many friends and was a member of the Methodist Protestant Church.
Brother Sanders of Fort Worth conducted his funeral. He is a man who
will be missed in his church and community. He was sick only a,
week. He was a great uncle of the writer.
Good Citizen Passes Away H. R. Price, one of the County's best
citizens, died at his home near Emhouse last night. The deceased
would have been sixty nine years old on the fourth day of March and
had been a resident of this county for many years. He is survived by
his wife and two sons, H. N. Price of Emhouse and Dr. J. W. Price of
Rosser, Kaufman County. The funeral took place this afternoon from
the Methodist Protestant church at Emhouse. Rev. G. W. Sanders of
Fort Worth officiating and was largely attended.
Homer R. Price, the subject of this sketch was born in Louisiana
March 4, 1850. He professed religion at the age of 21 under the
ministry of Rev. G. P. Miller, and united with the Methodist
Protestant church in which he lived and labored, and toiled and
prayed, and paid, until the day of his death. He was married to Miss
Sallie E. Thompson in 1875. His wife still lives. He has one brother
and two sisters living. Newt Price of Snyder, Mrs. Kelly of Black
Hills and Mrs. Benton of Emhouse. He has two sons living and several
grandchildren. One son, Dr. John Price, of Rosser, Texas, and the
other Homer Price Jr., of Emhouse, Texas. His only daughter, Mrs.
John Sharpley, preceded him several years to the better land.
Brother Price was a useful man in his neighborhood, always ready to
help in any enterprise he thought was for the good of the community.
He was useful in the church, filling every office of the church that
belonged to the laymen at different times, and he died it bravely,
and willingly, and honestly. He was loyal to the church to which he
belonged and was faithful to attend her services. He loved the
ministers and paid liberally to their support. He was a great factor
in building the first Methodist Protestant church of King Willow,
and when it became necessary to move the church to Emhouse on
account of the railroad going there he was just as willing to lend a
helping hand and give his money. We have sustained a great loss in
the death of Bro. Price and we were very sorry to give him up. But
death is a factor that must come into every man's live and no matter
how much we might desire to side track him for ourselves or for our
friends, we cannot do it but must meet him in the narrow way and
yield to the decree. Bro. Price has gone from among us to mix and
mingle in the associations of life no more, but he has left his
stamp on the lives of those with whom he was associated and his
memory will live for many years.
Here are some of the Proverbs found in his diary after his death, by
which he tried to live:
“They that practice honesty find no trouble in doing right.:
“Moderate possession is better than great riches.”
“Blessed is the peacemaker for he shall find his reward.”
“Better is contentment than to own all four corners of a big open
“They that desire riches, let them get it honestly.”
“Virture means a pure heart and a lofty mind.”
“To live in peace with all men as much as lieth within you is a good
“Don’t think you know it all, you will find others who have dug up
some things.”
“Wisdom is a good thing to have but be sure you have it.”
“The man that has religion, you need not try to buy it, for it is
better than gold or diamonds or jewels.”
Edgar Lee Montgomery, Sr.

Aug 2, 1899 - Jan 15, 1954
Ed Montgomery Expires Friday Ed Montgomery, 54, Emhouse farmer
and school bus driver died in the Navarro Clinic Friday night
following a short illness. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2
p. m. from the Methodist church in Emhouse. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. R. V. Lindsey, pastor, Burial will be in the
Pattison cemetery. Surviving are his wife of Emhouse; a son, Edgar
Lee Montgomery, Emhouse; a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Drain, Dallas; four
brothers, J. A. Montgomery, Emhouse; J. K, and H. O. Montgomery,
both of Anna, and W. S. Montgomery, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Mamie
Champion, Austin, and a number of nieces, nephews and other
relatives. Pallbearers will be Lloyd Gillen, Calvin Drain. C. J.
Armstrong, Stokes Armstrong, Marvin Shows, John Gillen, Randall
Tinkle and Doyle Collins. Griffin will direct.
William Neal “Bill” Alexander
Jul 11, 1897 - Jul 16, 1954
Former Resident Dies At Fairfield Funeral services for William
Neal (Bill) Alexander, 57, formerly of Corsicana, who died at his
home in Fairfield Friday, July 16, of a heart attack, were held from
the First Baptist church here Sunday, July 18, at 3 p. m. The body
lay in state at the church from 1 p.m. until the funeral hour. The
rites were conducted by Rev. V. A. Fielding, Fairfield Baptist
minister, and Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the church. Burial was
in the
Pattison cemetery near
Emhouse. Alexander formerly was connected with the Buie Implement Co. here and was an Implement dealer
in Fairfield before his retirement. Surviving are his wife, the
former Vera Price; three children, Mrs. Helen Braley, Tyler; Bill
Alexander Jr., California, and Tom Hough Alexander, New Mexico; six
brothers, Lum, Tom and Edgar Alexander, all of Rusk; Sam and Alton
Alexander, both of Houston; Alva Alexander, Pasadena; seven sisters,
Ruth, Ava, Emily, all of Rusk; Ruby, Allie and Selverine, all of
Houston, and Mary, Baytown, and four grandchildren, and other
relatives. Pallbearers were Ewen Nicholas, Teague; Charles Coley,
Travis Evans and Henry Cole, all of Fairfield; Tommy Mitchum, Elbert
Prince and Aaron Buie, of Corsicana, and Rema Price, Tyler.
Sarah Jane (Rich) Meador
Dec 05, 1900 - Jun 17, 1954
Mrs. Clay Meador Expires Thursday Mrs. Clay Meador, 53, Route 5,
Corsicana, died in Memorial Hospital shortly before midnight
Thursday following a short illness. Funeral services will be held
Saturday at 3 p. m. from the Corley Chapel. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Jack Bell, pastor of the Bethel Baptist church.
Burial in the
Pattison cemetery near Emhouse. Surviving are her
husband, Clay Meador, Route 5, Corsicana; two sons, Homer Meador,
Houston, and Billy Meador, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Ward,
Houston; five grandchildren; four brothers, W. B. Rich, Ennis; Cecil
Rich, Clarendon; Horace Rich, Bonham, and Olen Rich, Corsicana; a
sister, Mrs. G. A. Lockhart, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Mrs. Clay Meador Rites Saturday
Funeral services for Mrs. Clay Meador, 53, Route 5, Corsicana, were
held Saturday at 3 p.m. from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery near Emhouse.
Mrs. Meador died in Memorial Hospital shortly before midnight
Thursday following a short illness.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Bell, pastor of the Bethel
Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband, Corsicana; two sons, Homer Meador,
Houston, and Billy Meador, Corsicana; a daughter, Ruth Ward,
Houston; five grandchildren; four brothers, W. B. Rich, Ennis; Cicil
Rich, Clarendon; Horace Rich, Bonham, and Olen Rich, Corsicana; a
sister, Mrs. G. A. Lockhart, Corsicana and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Arlee Lockhart, Wendell Lockhart, R. D. Rich,
Calvin Rich, James Rich, and Olen B. Rich, Jr., all nephews.
Indiana Elizabeth "Anne" (Dixon) Farmer

Aug 14, 1886 - Aug 18, 1966
Mrs. Farmer Of Emhouse Dies Friday Mrs. C. B. Farmer, 80,
Emhouse, died Friday morning in Memorial Hospital. A native Navarro
countian, she was a longtime resident of Emhouse. Funeral services
will be held Saturday at 3:30 p.m. from Corley Chapel with Rev.
Delbert Taylor officiating. Burial will be in
Pattison cemetery.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Joel Allen of Emhouse and Mrs.
George Robinson of Corsicana; one son, W. H. Farmer of Fort Worth;
one sister, Miss Kate Dixon of Emhouse; 10 grandchildren and eight
great-grandchildren. Nephews will be pallbearers.
Dovie (Fincher) Green
Jul 7, 1908 - Jun 4, 1966
Wednesday Rites For Mrs. Green Funeral services for Mrs. W. W.
Green, 57, of Emhouse, who died in Memorial hospital Saturday, will
be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel. The rites will
be conducted by Rev. Thomas Simmons with burial in the
Pattison cemetery. Mrs. Green had been in ill health for some time. She was a
Baptist and the family formerly resided in Corsicana. Surviving are
her husband, W. W. Green, Emhouse; three sons, Wesley and Larry
Green, both of Corsicana, and J. D. Green, U. S. Army; four
daughters, Mrs. J. L. Milam, Dallas; Mrs. C. H. McBay, Mannheim,
Germany; Mrs. J. H. Porter, Aoia, Hawaii, and Mrs. Jerry McGehee,
Corsicana; 25 grandchildren, a brother, John Fincher, Dallas; five
sisters, Mrs. Mattie Bennett, Odessa; Mrs. Lela Webster, Mrs. Dessie
Ellington, Mrs. O. C. Cook and Mrs. A. W. Green, all of Dallas, and
other relatives. Pallbearers will be Frank Seely, Jr., Earl Brown,
A. A. Copeland, Tommy Burkholder, Elzie Armstrong, Dave Hall, Jr.
Annie Mae Carroll
Aug 23, 1899 - Mar 23, 1917
Death of Young Lady. Miss May Carroll, aged seventeen years,
daughter of Mrs. Fannie Carroll and of the late Dr. Carroll, died at
the family home in Emhouse last night after a lingering illness with
kidney trouble and the remains were interred in the
Patterson cemetery this afternoon.
James Hodge "Jim" Allen

Feb 29,
1886 - Nov 16, 1917
Died Near Emhouse. James Allen, aged
twenty-seven years, and a prosperous young farmer of the Emhouse
community, died last night at his home of typhoid fever, and the
remains were interred in the
Patterson cemetery this afternoon at 3
o'clock, Rev. J. T. Moore officiating, The deceased is survived by
his widow and four children, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allen,
and three sisters and four brothers.
Mary Kate (Hook) Baird
Dec 29, 1901 - Jul 08, 1950
Mrs. B. C. Beaird Funeral Rites Held On Sunday Funeral services
for Mrs. Mary Kate Beaird, who died at her home in San Antonio
Saturday morning; were held Sunday at 4 p. m. from the McCammon
Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Dr. Chet Henson, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Mm. Beaird, the former Miss Mary Kate Hook, formerly resided in
Emhouse and Corsicana. The couple made their home in Dallas for
several years. Surviving are her husband, Dr. Beaird, San Antonio;
mother, Mrs. Addie Hook of Corsicana, who was residing with her
daughter; two brothers, Noel D. (Pete) Hook, Corsicana, and Bruce
Hook, Dallas; a niece and a. nephew. Pallbearers were J. S. Hicks,
Earl Murray. Charles Winn, Harvey Grubb, Archie Tinkle, Enredge
Steen, John Pharris and Joe Farmer.
Nathan Tinkle Parrish
Jun 15, 1929 - Aug 13, 1930
Baby Died in Local Hospital Tuesday; Burial at Emhouse Nathan
Tinkle, 14 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parrish of Emhouse,
died at the Navarro Clinic here about 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Emhouse at 4
o'clock Wednesday afternoon and were conducted by Revs. C. S. Bell
and J. M. Stanley. Burial was in
Pattison cemetery.
Rosa Lee Price
Mar 3, 1913 - Apr 20, 1930
The body of Rosa Lee Price, 16 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.
N. Price of Emhouse, arrived here Wednesday morning at 11:15 o'clock
and later was taken to Emhouse, where the funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Methodist Protestant
church with interment in Emhouse cemetery. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. G. F. Bell. The young girl died in Carlsbad, N.
M., Sunday night from injuries received Friday at Artesia, N. M.,
when struck by an automobile driven by Fred Mclnnis, Carlsbad high
school student. The girl was visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. W. Evans of
Artesa at the time of the accident. Surviving are her parents,
several brothers and sisters, and other relatives. The funeral was
directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
John Alfred “Alf” Baker
Jan 17, 1878 - May 13, 1930
Resident Emhouse Community Will Be Buried Wednesday
13.—(Spl.)—Alf Baker, aged about 50 years, died at his home about
five, miles northeast of here Monday night and funeral services will
be held, at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Surviving are his wife,
nine children, five brothers and one sister. Mr. Baker had been a
resident of this community all of his life.
Samuel Hogg
May 07, 1907 - Oct. 11, 1976
Sam Allen Funeral will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Corley
Funeral Chapel for Sam H. Allen, 69, of Corsicana, who died Monday
in Memorial Hospital. Burial will be
Pattison cemetery.
Allen was a native of Oklahoma and had lived in Corsicana since
1963. Prior to moving to Corsicana, Allen lived most of his life in
Emhouse. He was a construction supervisor for E. W. Hable and Son,
and served with the Seabees during
World War 11 Survivors
include his wife, Mrs. Ethel Allen of Corsicana; six sisters, Mrs.
Willie May Owen of Waxahachie; Mrs. R. E. Turner of Carrollton; Mrs.
W. M. Miley of Hobbs, N.M.; Mrs. Eula Tallant of Corsicana; Mrs.
John R. Adams of Beaumont; and Mrs. James Luther of Fairbanks,
Alaska; by seven brothers, Elmer Allen of Corsicana; Alvie Ray of
Waco; Clarence Ray of Las Cruces, New Mexico; Thomas Ray of Houston;
Frank Ray of San Antonio; Floyd Ray of Redondo Beach, California;
Garvis Ray of Hobbs, New Mexico; and by a number of nieces and
nephews. Nephews will serve as pallbearers.
Garvin Hilton Price
May 05, 1909 - Sep 22, 1976
Garvin Price Services will be at 1 p.m. Friday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Garvin Price, 67, resident of Weatherford
and native of Corsicana, who died Wednesday in Weatherford. The Rev.
Charles E. Williams will officiate, and burial will be at
Pattison cemetery. He was a resident of Weatherford for four years and a
retired auto mechanic. Survivors include his widow of Weatherford,
two sons, Melvin Hilton Price of Quinland and Henry Newton Price of
Mesquite; five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, a sister,
Mrs. Nellie May Bray of Irving and five brothers, Ernest Newton
Price of Whitney, Merlin C. Price of Mexico, Jake H. Price of
Cleburne, David N. Price of Dallas, and Elvin M. Price of
Homer Newt Price
Mar 9, 1883 - May 29, 1971
EMHOUSE-Funeral services for Homer N. Price, 88, of Emhouse will be
at 10 a.m. Monday in the First Methodist Church in Emhouse. Rev. Roy
Davis and Rev. Clifford Vick will officiate with burial to be in the
Pattison cemetery. Price died Saturday in Memorial Hospital. A
retired farmer, he was born in Frost March 9,1883. He was a member
of the First Methodist Church in Emhouse. Survivors include the
widow, Mrs. Homer N. Price of Emhouse; a daughter, Mrs. Vera Worley
of Dallas; and a son, Weldon Price of Ferris. The Corsicana Daily
Sun - Sunday, May 30, 1971 Submitted by Diane Richards Willis Joseph
Richards Feb 25, 1905 - May 24, 1971 Richards Funeral services will
be held Friday at 10 a.m. at Corley Funeral Chapel for Willis J.
(Joe) Richards, 66, who died Monday in Memorial Hospital. Dr. H.
Lively Brown will officiate. Burial will be in the Pattison
Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Jerry Mitchell, Grandon Mitchell,
Allen Jones, Leslie Brown, Robert Moody, John Moody, Walter Brown
and Ray Davis. Surviving are his widow, his mother, one brother and
several nieces and nephews.
Martha Ann "Mattie" (Brown) Hill
Oct 26, 1880 - Jan 19, 1971
Hill Rites Set Wednesday Funeral services will be held Wednesday
at 2:30 p.m. at the Paschal Funeral Chapel in Kerens for Mrs. Martha
Ann Hill, 91, who died Tuesday in Memorial Hospital in Corsicana.
She was born in Tennessee and had resided in Corsicana for the past
25 years. She was a former resident of Bazette. The rites will be
conducted by the Rev. Roy Tomblin, with interment in the
Pattison Cemetery. Survivors include three sons: W. T. Hill of Kerens, W. E.
Hill of Barry, and C. A. Hill Plainview; six daughters, Mrs. Ruby
Oliver of Mineral Wells, Mrs. Maggie Liles of Mansfield, Mrs. Effie Careso of Dallas, Mrs. Odessa Doss of Corsicana, Mrs. Gertrude
Ratliff of Corsicana and Mrs. Elzie McCrory of Purdon; one sister,
Mrs. Mary Meeks of Mansfield, 30 grandchildren, 57
great-grandchildren and ten great-great-grandchildren. Grandsons
will be pallbearers.
William Martin Coker

Dec 4, 1848 - Jan 19, 1916
Buried Near Emhouse. The remains of William Coker, who died here
late yesterday afternoon, wore buried in the
Patterson Cemetery near
Emhouse today.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, January 20, 1916
Emhouse News. Our community was saddened by the death of Uncle
Billie Coker, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charlie
Gordon at Corsicana. He formerly lived here, and had many friends.
He was buried at the
Patterson Cemetery.
Bula May
(Hilliard) Drain
Mar 29, 1893 - Sep 22, 1916
Died At Emhouse. Mrs,
Mary Drane, wife of Howard Drane, aged 23 years, died at Emhouse
last night after several weeks illness, and the remains were
interred at the
Patterson Cemetery this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
deceased is survived by her husband and two children, and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hilliard.
Lucy M. (Driver) Thornton
Oct 4, 1887 - Apr 12, 1916
Died in Louisiana. Mrs. Oscar Thornton, whose husband is the son
of J. D. Thornton of Emhouse, died in Alexandria, La., this morning
at 8:30, and the remains will arrive here tomorrow at noon on the
Houston & Texas Central and interment will be at the
Patterson Cemetery near Emhouse, tomorrow afternoon at 4:30. The deceased and
her husband had many friends in this county, all of whom are pained
to learn of her death. The deceased was 26 years old, and is
survived by her husband and her father in Mississippi.
Maymee Kathleen (Miller) Harris
Aug 2, 1911 - Aug 9, 1977
Mrs. Harris Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. Wednesday for
Mrs. Kathleen Harris of Corsicana who died Tuesday at her home. The
Rev. Mickey Loftis will officiate with burial to follow at the
Pattison Cemetery. She was a native of Purdon. Survivors include two
sisters, Mrs. P.W. Simonds of Burleson; and Mrs. Murle Burleson of
Abilene; two aunts of Corsicana, Mrs. C.R. Smith, and Mrs. Effie
Stamps; and a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers were Bill
Null, Doyle Chambers, Bill Baggett, Raymond Lewis, Woodrow Sandlin,
and Truman Adams.
Johnnie Catherine (Deere) Drain
Aug 24, 1898 - Apr 28, 1977
Mrs. Drain Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Johnnie C. Drain, 78, resident of
Corsicana, who died Thursday in Memorial Hospital. The Rev. Leroy
Reaves will officiate, with burial following at
Pattison Cemetery.
She was a native of Parsons, Tenn., had lived in Corsicana eight
years, and was a member of the Emhouse United Methodist Church.
Survivors include a son, Howard N. Drain of Dallas; three daughters,
Mrs. Jewell Godley of Washington, D.C., Mrs. Euda Dosser of
Malakoff, and Mrs. Eloise Hill of Dallas; eight grandchildren; seven
great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. W.P. Harlan of San Angelo and
Mrs. Bradie Patterson of Linden, Tenn.; and a number of nieces and
Cleo (Boulware) Lindsey
Jan 6, 1909 - Dec 19, 1977
Mrs. Lindsey Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Cleo Lindsey, 68, resident of Snyder
and formerly of Corsicana, who died Monday in Snyder. The Rev.
Kenward Goode will officiate, with burial following at
Pattison Cemetery. Survivors include four brothers, Bruce Boulware of Eureka,
Denver Boulware of Purdon, Marvin Boulware of Snyder, and Webb
Boulware of Roscoe; three sisters, Mrs. Eula Sykes of Corsicana,
Mrs. Hazel Farmer and Mrs. Lilly Smith both of Tyler and several
Lula Belle (Tullos) Bell
Dec 23, 1907 - Sep 1, 1972
Mrs. Bell Mrs. L. C. Bell, 64, Corsicana, died Friday morning at
Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Funeral
services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Saturday at Emhouse Baptist Church
in Emhouse. Rev. Bill Grimes and Rev. Jake Davis will officiate.
Burial will be in
Pattison Cemetery. Survivors include three sons,
Luther C. (Tex) Bell Jr. of Corsicana, Alva G. Bell of Corsicana and
W. Jerry Bell of Dallas; a daughter Mrs. Joyce Ann Thompson of
Corsicana; 22 grandchildren; two brothers, G. W. Tullos and A. P.
Tullos of Tyler; and three sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Bullard of Tyler,
Mrs. Georgia Mach of Dallas and Mrs. E. O. Brown of Athens.
Dorsey Andrew
"Skinny" Cotten
Jan 21, 1915 - Mar 4, 1972
D.A. Cotten Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Tuesday for Dorsey A.
Cotten, 57, who died Saturday. The Rev. Robert J. Potts officiated.
Burial was in the
Pattison Cemetery for the
World War II veteran.
Pallbearers were Gary Wayne Talley, Charles H. Cotten, Leslie Alton
Cotten, John H. Dillard, Willie Frank Mitchum and Bryan Wallace.
Honorary pallbearers included Michael Lynn Cotten, Thomas Wayne
Pease and Charles David Dillard. He is survived by his widow, two
daughters, two sons, one granddaughter, one sister and several
nieces and nephews.
D. A. Cotton
Dorsey A. (Skinny) Cotton, 706 S. 14th, was dead on arrival at
Memorial Hospital Saturday night.
Sheriff’s Department deputies found him lying beside his car off
Route 2 on the Emhouse Road shortly after 8 p.m. Deputy sheriff
Ronald Moses investigated after a call came in to the sheriff’s
office from a paserby who discovered the body.
Cause of death has not been determined.
Griffin Funeral Home is in charge of funeral arrangements which are
Survivors include his wife, Gertrude Cotton of Corsicana; two
daughters, Mrs. Paula Martin and Miss Brenda Cotton of Malakoff; two
sons, Randy Cotton of Dallas and Timmie Cotton of Waco; a
granddaughter; a sister, Mrs. Pauline Miller of Malakoff; several
nieces and nephews.
Autopsy Due
An autopsy is being held today in connection with the death Saturday
night of Dorsey A. (Skinny) Cotton, 706 S. 14th Street, whose body
was found lying beside his car off Route 2 on Emhouse Road.
Pct. I, Place I Justice of the Peace W. H. Tipton said today charges
in the case are pending results of the autopsy. He said a man
questioned in connection with the case was released on his personal
recognizance until further investigation.
Navarro County Deputy Sheriff Ronald Moses said today that the
49-year-old Corsicana man questioned in the case was reported to
have been in a fight with Cotton on the property of Ray Wooten
Saturday night. The deputy received the call at 7:20 p.m. and
arrived at 7:30 p.m. He said upon arrival he found Cotton lying
beside his car with some quilts draped over him.
Luther Curtis Bell Sr.
Mar 16, 1892 - Oct 17, 1971
L. C. Bell Funeral services will be Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. from the
Corley Funeral Home chapel for Luther Curtis Bell Sr., 79, who died
Sunday in Memorial Hospital. The Rev. J. T. Davis and the Rev. Bill
Grimes will officiate. Burial will be in
Pattison Cemetery. A
retired farmer, Mr. Bell had lived in Corsicana for the past four
years. He was a member of the Emhouse Baptist Church. Surviving are
his widow of Corsicana; three sons, Luther C. Bell Jr. and Alva Gene
Bell of Corsicana and William J. Bell of Dallas; one daughter, Mrs.
Joyce Ann Holloway of Corsicana; 18 grandchildren; a brother, Claude
Bell of Corsicana; and one sister, Mrs. Gene McAdams of Corsicana.
Pallbearers will be W. J. Cottongame, Earl Schultz, John Gillen,
Loyd Gillen, Stokes Armstrong and Frank Seely Jr.
Artie (Pattison) Bennett
Feb 22, 1884 - Dec 16, 1970
Bennett Rites Graveside rites and burial were held Thursday at 2
p.m. at the
Pattison Cemetery for Mrs. Artie Bennett, 86, who died
Wednesday. The Rev. J. L Glaze officiated. Corley Funeral Home
directed. Honorary pallbearers were H. R. Stroube Sr., Dr. Will
Miller, Sidney Marks, Bennett Stokes, Anthony Nicholas, Lester
Pattison and John Bennett. She was a member of a pioneer Texas
family who came to the Pattison community in 1836 and were among
pioneers receiving headright survey grants from the Republic of
Texas for sections of land. Many relatives still live in Navarro,
Limestone and Waller counties. Surviving are two daughters, two
grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, a sister and several nieces
and nephews.
Drurey Burton Bennett
Nov 22, 1863 - Jan 24, 1942
D. B. Bennett, aged 78 years, formerly of Emhouse, died in Decatur
Saturday morning. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2
o’clock from the Emhouse Baptist church. Burial was in the
Pattison Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. T. W. Nelson of Fort
Worth, Baptist minister. Before moving to Decatur 15 years ago, the
family resided in the Emhouse community. Surviving are his wife of
Decatur; two daughters, Mrs. Charles B. Stokes, Corsicana, and Mrs.
Thomas M. Stokes of Austin and other relatives. Bennett was born in Bennettstown, Ky., Nov. 22, 1863, and came to Plano, Texas at the
age of 13 years. He at one time was postmaster at Kelm, Texas and
was an active member of the Emhouse Baptist church, election
chairman, and a charter member of the WOW Lodge at Emhouse. After
his moving to Wise county in 1925, he was election chairman and
school trustee for many years. He was married to Miss Artie
Pattison, Jan. 1, 1902. Pallbearers were Charles Collins, R. M.
Dixon, C. B. Turner, Walter Johnson, Mr. Davis and Mr. Grantham,
both of Fort Worth. Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed
Brad Wesley Bankston
B&D Sep. 10, 1977
B. W. Bankston Graveside services will be Monday at 2 p.m. for
Brad Wesley Bankston, who died Saturday in Dallas. The Rev. Cecil
Thompson will officiate with burial to be at the
Patterson Cemetery.
He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Bankston of
Dallas; his grandparents, Mrs. and Mrs. C. L. Ennis of Dallas, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bankston of Duncanville; three great-
grandmothers, Mrs. W. B. Rich of Ennis, Mrs. Gladys Carter of
Dallas, Mrs. Carle Rogers of Dallas, and one aunt, Mrs. Debbie Cast
of Greenville. Corley's Funeral Home will direct.
Ethel Florence (Smotherman) Beard
Nov 29, 1882 - Jul 01, 1964
Rites Saturday For Mrs. Beard Funeral services for Mrs. A. E.
(Ethel) Beard, 82. will be at 10 a.m. Saturday from the Emhouse
Baptist church with burial in
Pattison Cemetery. Rev. A. O. Hendry,
pastor, will officiate. Mrs. Beard died at the family home in
Emhouse Wednesday night. Survivors are her husband of Emhouse; five
sons, Earl Beard, Port Arthur; Melvin Beard, Houston; Lester and
Wayne Beard, Mexia; Robert Beard, Lubbock; two daughters, Mrs. Janie
King, Amarillo, and Mrs. Vesta Hunter. St. Petersburg, Fla.; three
sisters, Mrs. Kitty Dover, Fort Worth; Mrs. Ruth Coleman, Beaumont,
and Mrs. Golden Sinclair, Ennis; several grandchildren,
great-grandchildren and other relatives. McCammon Funeral Home is
handling arrangements. Pallbearers will he Claude Maggard, Dwayne
Bennett, B. W. Campbell, Swint Huling, Frank Seely and Earl Brown.
Clay Johnson Meador
Jun 19, 1900 - Sep 29, 1972
C. Meador Funeral services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday at
Corley Funeral Chapel for Clay Meador, 72, ranchhand, who died
Friday in Memorial Hospital. The Rev. James T. Davis will officiate,
with burial in the
Pattison Cemetery. Nephews will be pallbearers. A
native of Emhouse, Meador had resided in Corsicana the past 10
years. He is survived by his widow of Corsicana; two sons, Homer
Meador of Conroe and Billy Meador of Brownsboro; a daughter, Mrs.
Ruth Ward of Tyler; two step-sons, Noah Champion of Caddo, Okla.,
and Thomas Champion of McAlester, Okla.; four step-daughters, Mrs.
Lillian Babbs, Mrs. Dorothy Bishop and Mrs. Dealve Boles, all of
Lufkin, and Mrs. Parlee Evans of Rosenberg; a number of
grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Ray of Emhouse and Mrs.
Nora Rich of Ennis.
Raymond Worsham
Mar 3, 1903 - Dec 9, 1972
R. Worsham BARRY — Funeral services for Raymond Worsham, 69, of
Barry have been scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday at the Barry Methodist
Church. Worsham died Saturday afternoon in Memorial Hospital.
Griffin Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Rev. Don Taylor
will officiate. Burial will be at
Pattison Cemetery at Emhouse. Worsham was born in Emhouse and was a lifelong farmer in that area.
Survivors include his widow, Geneva, of Barry; four sons, Jerry of
Snyder, James of Avalon, Raymond Lee of Nacogdoches and Charles of
Barry; three daughters, Mrs. Aubry Marr of Barry, Mrs. Hollis Hinkle
of Fort Worth and Mrs. Raymond Gordon of Barry; two brothers, Jerry
of Fort Worth and Joe of Corsicana; one sister, Mrs. George Mitchell
of Barry; and fifteen grandchildren. Pallbearers include Arthur
Henderson , Marshall Massengale, Roy Massengale, Henry Ray
Nicholson, Bill Bryant and John F. Reed.
Elsie Alyne (Vyers) England-Lewis
Mar 15, 1916 - Sep 4, 1972
Mrs. Lewis Graveside services were to be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at
Pattison Cemetery in Navarro County for Mrs. Elsie Vyers Lewis, who
died Monday in Fort Worth. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. at
Shannons Funeral Chapel in Fort Worth. Survivors include her
husband, five sons and three daughters.
Mrs. Lewis Mrs. Elsie Vyers Lewis died
Monday in Fort Worth. Funeral services are scheduled for 11 a.m.
Wednesday at Shannon's Funeral Chapel there. Graveside services are
Scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday at
Pattison Cemetery in Navarro
County. Local arrangements are being handled by Corley Funeral Home.
Survivors include her husband Jack Lewis of Fort Worth; five sons,
and three daughters.
Birdie Lee (Collins) Watson
Mar 04, 1884 - Sep 21, 1950
Mrs. O. E. Watson Dies Here Late Thursday Night
Mrs. O. E.
Watson, aged 66 years, long-time Emhouse resident, died in the
Navarro Clinic Thursday night. Funeral services will be held from
the First Methodist church of Emhouse Saturday at 3 p. m. Burial
will be in the
Pattison Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by
Rev. John D. Hazlewood, Methodist pastor, and Rev. V. A. Fielding,
Baptist pastor at Emhouse. Surviving are three sons, Arthur Watson,
Emhouse: Herman Watson. Dallas, and Woodrow Watson. Mertens; seven
daughters, Mrs. John Powell. Magnolia, Ark.; Mrs. Joe Murphy,
Dallas; Mrs. David Bishop. Mrs. William Honea. and Miss Louise
Watson, all of Corsicana; Mrs. Joe Mach, Waco, and Mrs. Joyce
McKnight Pine Bluff. Ark.; 20 grandchildren, two brothers, Harve
Collins, Blooming Grove, and Frank Collins, Bardwell; a sister, Mrs.
G. A. Robertson, several half-brothers and half-sisters, and other
relatives. Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Mrs. O. E. Watson, 66, Is Buried at Emhouse
EMHOUSE - Sept 23 (Spl) - Funeral services were held Saturday at the
Methodist Church here for Mrs. O. E. Watson, 66, long-time Emhouse
resident, who died Thursday in a Corsicana hospital.
Surviving are three sons, Arthur and Woodrow of Emhouse, and Herman
Watson of Dallas; seven daughters, Mmes. John Powell of Magnolia,
Ark., Joe Murphy of Dallas, Joe Mach of Waco, Joyce McKnight of Pine
Bluff, Ark., and William Hones, David Bishop and Miss Louise Watson,
all of Corsicana, 20 grandchildren, two brothers, a sister and
several half brothers and half sisters.
Alva Leston "Alvey" Wilcox
Jul 23, 1906 - Feb 13, 1950
Rites For Couple Slated Wednesday; Emhouse Burial Funeral
services for Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Wilcox, found dead in their
apartment Monday in Ellisville, a suburb of St. Louis. Mo., will be
held from the Corley Chap- el at 2 P. m. Wednesday. Burial will be
in the
Pattison Cemetery near Emhouse. The rites will be conducted
by Rev. Peyton Goodman, pastor of the North Corsicana Methodist
church, and Rev. Marvin C. Bledsoe, pastor of the Central Methodist
church. A coroner's jury ruled Tuesday that Wilcox shot and killed
his wife and then killed himself with the same shotgun, according to
an Associated Press dispatch from St. Louis. Wilcox was employed by
an oil company at St. Louis, The couple was reared In the Emhouse
community. Surviving is a son, Herbert Wilcox, St. Louis. Wilcox,
42, is survived by his mother, Mrs. Nora Wilcox, Corsicana; three
brothers, J. L. and Curtis Wilcox, both of Corsicana, and R. V.
Wilcox, Temple; and three sisters, Mrs. J. O. Anderson, Grove; Mrs.
W. R. Loggins, Franklin, La., and Mrs. A. F. Smith, Ennis. Mrs.
Wilcox, the former Jewell Farmer, aged 38, is survived by her
mother, Mrs. J. E. Farmer, Corsicana; three brothers. D. E. Farmer,
Navarro; W. A. and H. L. Farmer, both of Corsicana: and three
sisters, Mrs. Pearl Griffin, Ellasville; Mrs. W. W. Horn, Navarro,
and Mrs. M. J. Staley, St. Louis.
Wilcox Funeral Services Held Here Wednesday
Funeral services for A. L. Wilcox, 42, and his wife, Jewell, 38,
found slain in their apartment, at Ellisville, St. Louis suburb,
Monday, were held Wednesday afternoon from the Corley Funeral
chapel. Burial was in the
Pattison Cemetery near
Emhouse. The rites were conducted by Rev. Peyton Goodman, pastor of
the North Corsicana Methodist church, and Rev. Marvin C. Bledsoe,
pastor of the Central Methodist church here.
A coroner's verdict ruled Tuesday in St. Louis that Wilcox, an oil
company employe, shot his wife and then turned a shotgun on himself,
according to an Associated Press dispatch.
Surviving is a son, Herbert Wilcox, St. Louis.
Wilcox is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Nora Wilcox, Corsicana;
three brothers, J. L. and Curtis Wilcox, both of Corsicana, and H.
V. Wilcox, Temple; three sisters, Mrs. J. O. Anderson, Grove; Mrs.
W. R. Loggins, Franklin, La., and Mrs. A. F. Smith, Ennis.
Mrs. Wilcox is also survived by her mother, Mrs. J. E. Farmer,
Corsicana; three brothers, D. E. Farmer, Navarro; W. A. and H. L.
Farmer, both of Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Pearl Griffin,
Eliasville; Mrs. W. W. Horn, Navarro, and Mrs. M. J. Staley, St.
Pallbearers were Alvin Wilcox, Sonny Smith, Marsh Farmer, Vernon
Farmer, A. Ruth, Neal Crawford, Ned Buck, Virgil Scrimshire, Pete
Hardgrove, Curtis Cormack, Robert Nelson and W. G. Owen.
Jewell (Farmer) Wilcox
Feb 12, 1912 - Feb 13, 1950
Rites For Couple Slated Wednesday; Emhouse Burial Funeral
services for Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Wilcox, found dead in their
apartment Monday in Ellisville, a suburb of St. Louis. Mo., will be
held from the Corley Chap- el at 2 P. m. Wednesday. Burial will be
in the
Pattison Cemetery near Emhouse. The rites will be conducted
by Rev. Peyton Goodman, pastor of the North Corsicana Methodist
church, and Rev. Marvin C. Bledsoe, pastor of the Central Methodist
church. A coroner's jury ruled Tuesday that Wilcox shot and killed
his wife and then killed himself with the same shotgun, according to
an Associated Press dispatch from St. Louis. Wilcox was employed by
an oil company at St. Louis, The couple was reared In the Emhouse
community. Surviving is a son, Herbert Wilcox, St. Louis. Wilcox,
42, is survived by his mother, Mrs. Nora Wilcox, Corsicana; three
brothers, J. L. and Curtis Wilcox, both of Corsicana, and R. V.
Wilcox, Temple; and three sisters, Mrs. J. O. Anderson, Grove; Mrs.
W. R. Loggins, Franklin, La., and Mrs. A. F. Smith, Ennis. Mrs.
Wilcox, the former Jewell Farmer, aged 38, is survived by her
mother, Mrs. J. E. Farmer, Corsicana; three brothers. D. E. Farmer,
Navarro; W. A. and H. L. Farmer, both of Corsicana: and three
sisters, Mrs. Pearl Griffin, Ellasville; Mrs. W. W. Horn, Navarro,
and Mrs. M. J. Staley, St. Louis.
Wilcox Funeral Services Held Here Wednesday
Funeral services for A. L. Wilcox, 42, and his wife, Jewell, 38,
found slain in their apartment, at Ellisville, St. Louis suburb,
Monday, were held Wednesday afternoon from the Corley Funeral
chapel. Burial was in the
Pattison Cemetery near
Emhouse. The rites were conducted by Rev. Peyton Goodman, pastor of
the North Corsicana Methodist church, and Rev. Marvin C. Bledsoe,
pastor of the Central Methodist church here.
A coroner's verdict ruled Tuesday in St. Louis that Wilcox, an oil
company employe, shot his wife and then turned a shotgun on himself,
according to an Associated Press dispatch.
Surviving is a son, Herbert Wilcox, St. Louis.
Wilcox is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Nora Wilcox, Corsicana;
three brothers, J. L. and Curtis Wilcox, both of Corsicana, and H.
V. Wilcox, Temple; three sisters, Mrs. J. O. Anderson, Grove; Mrs.
W. R. Loggins, Franklin, La., and Mrs. A. F. Smith, Ennis.
Mrs. Wilcox is also survived by her mother, Mrs. J. E. Farmer,
Corsicana; three brothers, D. E. Farmer, Navarro; W. A. and H. L.
Farmer, both of Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Pearl Griffin,
Eliasville; Mrs. W. W. Horn, Navarro, and Mrs. M. J. Staley, St.
Pallbearers were Alvin Wilcox, Sonny Smith, Marsh Farmer, Vernon
Farmer, A. Ruth, Neal Crawford, Ned Buck, Virgil Scrimshire, Pete
Hardgrove, Curtis Cormack, Robert Nelson and W. G. Owen.
Burns Edward Wooten
Mar 21, 1925 - Feb 13, 1950
B. E. Wooten Dies Monday Morning; Rites Pending Burns Edward
Wooten. 24, formerly of Corsicana. died in a Veterans Administration
hospital in Memphis, Tenn., Monday morning. Funeral arrangements are
incomplete but interment will be in the
Pattison Cemetery near
Emhouse. The body is scheduled to arrive here Wednesday morning.
Surviving are his wife, parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wooten. all of
Memphis. Tenn.. and several brothers and sisters. Corley Funeral
Home will direct.
Funeral Services For B. E. Wooten Held On Thursday
Funeral services for Burnes Edward Wooten, 24, who died in a
Veterans Administration hospital in Memphis, Tenn., Monday, were
held Thursday from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the
Pattison cemetery near Emhouse. The rites were conducted by Rev.
Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burns Wooten; two brothers,
Cunnie and Ronnie Wooten, and two sisters, Mrs. Thelma May Brown and
Mrs. Sarah Freeman, all of Memphis, and grandparents, Mrs. Sarah
Wooten and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Reid, all of Corsicana, and other
The American Legion provided pallbearers and conducted the graveside
Millford Newton Price
Jun 11, 1884 - Jan 25, 1950
M. N. Price Dies Wednesday Night At Family Home
Milford Newton
Price, 65, died at his home on Route 1, Richland, Wednesday night.
Surviving are his wife, eight sons, Garvin Price, Richland; Marlin
Price, Vera Cruz, Mexico; Ernest, Preston and Elvin Price, all of
Weatherford; Jake Price, Fort Worth; D. N. Price, Dallas; Joy D.
Price, Kaufman; a daughter Mrs. Nellie May Gilliland, Fort Worth,
and other relatives. Funeral arrangements were incomplete Thursday
afternoon pending advices from relatives, but burial will be in the
Pattison Cemetery near Emhouse. Corley Funeral Home will direct.
M. N. Price Rites Were Held Here Friday
Funeral services for Milton Newton Price, 65, who died at his home,
Route 1, Richland, Wednesday night, were held from the Corley
Funeral Chapel Friday afternoon. Burial was in the
Pattison Cemetery near
Emhouse. The rites were conducted by Rev. Calhoun of Emhouse and
Rev. L. B. Fowler of Richland.
Surviving are his wife, eight sons, Garvan Price, Richland; Marlin
Price, Vera Cruz, Mexico; Ernest, Preston and Elvin Price, all of
Weatherford; Jake Price, Fort Worth; D. N. Price, Dallas, and Roy D.
Price, Kaufman; a daughter, Mrs. Nellie May Gilliland, Fort Worth,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Virgil Atchley, J. N. Wear, Herman Wear, Leroy
Hartley, Charles Hartley and Clarence Mahaley.
William Ellis “Bill” Stewart
Oct 14, 1900 - Apr 5, 1973
W.E. Stewart Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at the
Corley Funeral Home Chapel for W. E. (Bill) Stewart, 72, of Emhouse,
who died Thursday at Memorial Hospital. Rev. Bill Grimes and Rev.
Leroy Reaves will officiate, and burial will be at
Pattison Cemetery. He was a native of Emhouse, a retired employee of
Continental Oil Company, and a member of Emhouse Baptist Church.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Velma Stewart of Emhouse; a son,
William Royce Stewart of Angus; three daughters, Mrs. R. M. Drain of
Corsicana, Mrs. J. D. Chaney of Pittsburg, Tex., and Mrs. Logsdon
Weaver of Dallas; 12 grandchildren; eight great- grandchildren; a
brother, Wilburn Stewart of Vancouver, Washington; and a sister,
Mrs. Maggie Melton of Emhouse. Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Sudie Esther (Reid) Wallace-Brown
Jun 15, 1889 - Oct 15, 1973
Mrs. Brown Funeral services are set for 10:30 a.m. Thursday at
the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Sudie (Wallace) Brown, 84,
of Corsicana, who died Monday at Memorial Hospital. Burial will be
Patterson Cemetery near Emhouse. She was a native of Emhouse and
had lived in Corsicana all of her life. She was a member of the
Baptist Church. Survivors include seven sons, Earl Brown and Merrill
Brown, both of Corsicana, Douglas Brown of Dumas, Clarence Brown of
Brownfield, Gerald Brown of Ennis, Wallace Brown of Newhall, Calif.,
and Ralph Brown of Friendswood, Tex.; two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Kerr
of Dallas and Mrs. Lorain MacCaughtry of Los Angeles, Calif.; 16
grandchildren; a number of great-grandchildren; two
great-great-grandchildren; a brother, Russell Reid of Corsicana; and
a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers include Neal Crawford,
Hoyt Moore, James Doolen, Bill Bergey, Doyle Moore and Dick Wahl.
Johnie Otha McCrory, Sr.

Sep 17, 1904 - May 17, 1976
Johnnie McCrory Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m.
at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Johnie O. McCrory, 71, of
Purdon, who died Monday in Memorial Hospital. The Rev. Robert Seago
will officiate, with burial following in
Pattison Cemetery. He was a
native of Ellis County, living most of his life in Emhouse. He was a
retired farmer who lived in Purdon for 25 years. Survivors include
his widow, Mrs. Elzie McCrory of Purdon; one son, Oscar McCrory of
Lancaster; one daughter, Mrs. Strain Armstrong of Orange; two
grandsons and one granddaughter; five brothers, Hollis McCrory of
Purdon, Edgar McCrory of Emhouse, Oren McCrory of Corsicana, Howard
McCrory of Hubbard, and Bill McCrory of Athens; six sisters, Mrs.
Bonnie Stubbs, Mrs. Margaret Wright and Mrs. Winnie Fulton, all of
Corsicana, and Mrs. Sadie Terry of Orangefield, Mrs. Vera Keel of
Wilmer, and Mrs. Helen Middleton of Fort Worth; and a number of
nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Grady Turner, Tuck Putman,
Johnny Bates, Dewey Scruggs, C. E. Thomas and Hugh Brewer.
Hattie Louella (Hopkins) Baker
Feb 11, 1891 - Nov 9, 1976
Mrs. Baker Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Griffin
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. J. A. (Ella) Baker, 85, resident of
Corsicana, who died Tuesday morning at Memorial Hospital. Claude
Holcomb, North Beaton Street Church of Christ minister, will
officiate, with burial to follow at
Pattison Cemetery. Survivors
include three sons, Thurman Baker of Corsicana, W. M. Baker of
Richardson and Jerry M. Baker of Irving; four daughters, Mrs. V.H.
Barlow of San Benito, Mrs. Sam Fulton and Mrs. Sidney Smith, both of
Corsicana, and Mrs. Jerry Brown of Emhouse; 20 grandchildren, 25
great-grandchildren, and two brothers, Ray M. Hopkins of Corsicana
and Samuel E. Hopkins of Orange. She was preceded in death by her
husband, two sons, and two daughters. Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Ida Lee (Armstrong) Price
Jan 5, 1882 - Mar 7, 1976
Mrs. Price Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Emhouse
Methodist Church for Mrs. Ida Lee Price, 94, resident of Emhouse,
who died Sunday at Memorial Hospital. The Rev. Roy Davis and The
Rev. Leroy Reaves will officiate, and burial will follow at
Pattison Cemetery. She was a native of Mississippi, lived in Corsicana 75
years, and was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include a
son, Weldon W. Price of Greenville; and a daughter, Mrs. Vera Wooley
of Dallas. Pallbearers include: Frank Seely Jr., Alvie Armstrong,
Hoy Posey, Charlie Joe Armstrong, Charles Leslie Johnson, Ralph
Chaney, Martin Shows, and Stokes Armstrong. Arrangements are with
Corley Funeral Home.
William Harney Farmer
Jun 26, 1907 - May 24, 1977
W. H. Farmer Graveside services were to be at 4 p.m. Thursday at
Pattison Cemetery for Wilburn Harney Farmer, 69, resident of Azle and former resident of Navarro County, who died Tuesday in Azle.
The Rev. Marvin Rich and the Rev. H. A Hanks were to officiate.
Services were at 1 p.m. at the Ash Creek Baptist Church in Azle.
Local arrangements were with Corley Funeral Home. Survivors include
his widow, Mrs. Lena Farmer of Azle; three daughters, Mrs. Jean F.
Harris and Miss Ruthie Farmer, both of Azle and Mrs. Fannie F.
Weaver of Fort Worth; three sons, Dwight Farmer of Arlington, Johnny
Farmer of Fort Worth and Elvin Farmer of Azle; 11 grandchildren,
three great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Louise Allen of
Garland and Mrs. Johnnie Robinson of Corsicana. He was a native of
Abilene and resident of Azle 14 years.
Luther Johnston Ware
May 13, 1909 - May 25, 1977
Luther Ware Services will be at 3 p.m. Friday at the Paschal
Funeral Home, Kerens, for Luther Ware, 68, resident of Council
Grove, Kans. and a former resident of Navarro County, who died
Wednesday. The Rev. Bob Hamilton will officiate, with burial
following at
Pattison Cemetery. He was a retired employee of LTV of
Dallas and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include his
wife, Mrs. Luther Ware of Salina, Kan.; a daughter, Mrs. Lynn
Holloway of Kerens; a brother, Tommy B. Allen of Fort Worth; a
sister, Mrs. Janie Roberts of Corsicana; and three grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren.
Ralph Connor Chaney
Jan 20, 1906 - Jul 16, 1977
Ralph Chaney Services for Ralph Chaney, 71, of Emhouse, who died
Saturday, will be Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in the Corley Funeral Home.
The Rev. J. N. Foreman and the Rev. Burt Gillis will officiate, with
burial in
Pattison Cemetery. Chaney was a native of Emhouse and
worked as a grader operator for Precinct 1, Navarro County. He was a
member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ralph
(Opal) Chaney of Emhouse; one daughter, Mrs. Roy (Pat) Martin of
Corsicana; three granddaughters; two brothers, N. H. Chaney of Bend,
Oregon; Royce Chaney of Atlanta, Ga.; four sisters, Mrs. Jewel Grier
of Waco; Mrs. Edythe Tyner of Corsicana; Mrs. Faye Cartlidge of
Corsicana; and Mrs. Johnnie Kate Quinn of West Columbia, Texas.
Pallbearers will be Clint Bell, Homer McNabb, Nathan Cook, Charles
Korn, Charlie Armstrong, Frank Seely Jr., Roy Posey and Claude
Maggard, Honorary pallbearers are the men of Precinct l.
Hugh Monroe Parrish, Sr.
Jul 12, 1896 - Mar 8, 1977
Hugh Parrish Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Hugh Parrish Sr., 80, resident of Corsicana,
who died Tuesday at Memorial Hospital. Burial will be at
Pattison Cemetery. He was a native of Black Hills, and formerly lived in
Emhouse. He was a resident of Corsicana 28 years, employed by the
Production Credit Office for 25 years, and a member of St. Luke
United Methodist Church where he served on the Board of Stewarts and
Board of Trustees. He was also a 50 year member of the Barry Masonic
Lodge and the Corsicana Eastern Star. Survivors include his widow of
Corsicana, four sons, Hugh M. Parrish of College Station, Billy Joe
Parrish of Denison, Roy O. Parrish of Grand Prairie, and Benny
Parrish of Dallas; four daughters, Mrs. Frances Cowart of Dallas,
Miss Sarah Parrish of Corsicana, Mrs. Joann Bullingtron of Bedford,
and Mrs. Jeanette Sessom of White Right; 12 grandchildren, a
great-grandson, and a brother, W.M. Parrish of Marlin.
Allie Mae (Richards) Carroll-Treadaway
Dec 30, 1883 - Jun 11, 1977
Mrs. Carroll Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the First
Baptist Church in Cordell, Okla., for Mrs. Allie Mae Carroll
Treadaway, 93, of Cordell, a former resident of Navarro County. She
was a native of Kellum and had lived in Cordell since 1944. She was
a member of the Baptist Church. There will be a graveside service at
2 p.m. Wednesday at the
Pattison Cemetery in Navarro County. Corley
Funeral Home had charge of local arrangements. Survivors include two
daughters, Mrs. Reuben Richards of Corsicana and Miss Mattie Sue
Carroll of Cordell, Okla,; nine grandchildren and eight
Louise (King) Hunter
Sept 1, 1922 - Dec 23, 2011
Mary Louise Hunter, resident of Corsicana, passed away on Friday,
December 23, 2011 at the Twilight Home in Corsicana at the age of
89. She was born in Corsicana on September 1, 1922 to Whit King and
Irma Knoll King. She worked as a Warehouse clerk for Summerall -
Beechum in Corsicana.
Louise was preceded in death by her parents and her husband
C.H. (Hurshel) Hunter
in May of 2005. Survivors include her children: Andrea Richards and
her husband L.D. of Corsicana, Clowie Lewis and her husband Raylon
of Corsicana, Shirley Donnerstag and her husband Bernie of Hewitt,
and Larry Hunter and his wife Patricia of Corbet. Five grandchildren
and nine great grandchildren.
Visitation will be held on Monday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. at
Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held on
Tuesday morning, December 27, 2011 at 10 a.m. in the Chapel at
Griffin - Rougton Funeral Home with Rev. Jeff White officiating from
Memorial Baptist Church. Serving as pallbearers will be her
grandson's. Burial will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery in
Funeral arrangements under the direction of Griffin - Roughton
Funeral Home.