Jack Travis
abt 1913 - Oct 30, 1926
State Home Boy Was Taken Rice for Burial
The remains of Jack Travis, aged 13 years, who died Saturday in the Navarro county hospital, were taken to Rice late Saturday afternoon
for burial.
The lad underwent an operation at the State Home hospital for appendicitis some time ago, but was taken to the County Hospital
Friday afternoon when he grew worse.
Jacob Freno "Jake" Queen
abt 1847 - Sep 28, 1927
Special to the Sun:
Kerens, Texas, Oct. 3.—J. F. Queen, aged 80 years, died at the family home in Kerens Wednesday afternoon after an illness of
several months, due to the infirmities of advancing years.
Services were held at the family home Thursday morning, September 29th, at 10 o'clock conducted by Revs. Joe N. Everheart and J. W.
Sharbutt, pastors of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches of this city. The cortege then went to Rice where the body was laid to rest
in the Rice Cemetery.
Mr. Queen and family came to Kerens about twenty years ago, having purchased the Kerens hotel which they operated several years. When
the hostelry had been disposed of Mr. Queen spent his time looking after farm interests. In later years he gave up his business life
almost entirely, remaining about his home as health and strength began to fail him. When at times Mr. Queen was feeling good he was a
familiar figure at Mabry's hardware and other stores, where he enjoyed chatting with his many friends. From these places he will be
sorely missed, and this group of friends joined by many others tender their sympathy to the bereaved family.
The deceased , aged 80 years, was a member of the Methodist church. He is survived by his wife and seven children; Mesdames Minnie
Bartlett, Rice; W. G. Carthwright, Crockett; Mrs. Washburn, Greenville; Mrs. Craddock, Dallas; Mesdames J. J. Mabry, Marvin
Knight and T. E. Posey, Kerens, all of whom were present when death came.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Oct 3, 1927
- 1st wife Sarah E. “Sallie” (McDonald) Queen 2nd wife Ada Florentha (Nabors) Queen; s/o Meredith "Meraday" Queen & Sarah Lavina (Summey) Queen
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Ada Florentha (Nabors) Queen
Dec 16, 1865 - Mar 26, 1962
Mrs. Ada Queen Dies At Kerens
Kerens, March 27 (Spl.)—Mrs. Ada Queen, 96, widow of the late J. F. Queen, died at her home here Monday afternoon following an extended
Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church, of which she was a member, Wednesday at 2 p.m. with burial in the
Rice Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Dan Walker, pastor, and Willie Hamblin,
minister of the Church of Christ.
Born, December 16, 1865, in Canton, Miss., she came to Texas in 1894 and resided at Rice until moving to Kerens in 1909.
Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Eve Stanard, Kerens; Mrs. James J. Mabry, Conroe; Mrs. H. R. Warfield, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Albert
Bishop, Dallas; two stepdaughters, Mrs. E. R. Washburn, Fort Worth and Miss Minnie Bartlett, Dallas; three grandchildren and six
Inmon directs.
Franklin Hays
Sep 7, 1863 - Jun 26, 1920
H. F. Hays Died Last Saturday
Henry F. Hays, age 57 years died at a sanitarium in Dallas last Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock after an illness of several months
and was just about ready to be dismissed and return home when his condition became worse the first part of last week. His wife and
children were summoned and they were with him when the end came. The body was shipped here from Dallas Sunday on the 11 o'H. & T.
C. for burial.
A large crowd of his former friends met the train to express the esteem in which the deceased was held by them. Funeral services were
held at the family home at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. R. A. Walker, his pastor. Interment took place at 4 o'clock, a large
concourse of friends following the body to its last resting place.
Besides his widow he is survived by five children as follows: Mrs. R. T. Irwin, J. H. Hays, W. M. Hays, Golden Hays and Adllint Hays
all of this place and several grand children and other relatives. The bereaved relatives have the deepest sympathy of the people of the Rice community.
Was Buried at Rice Yesterday.
S. F. Hayes, for years a well known citizen and cotton buyer of
Rice, died in Dallas Saturday afternoon and the remains were
interred at Rice yesterday. The deceased is survived by his wife and
five children. He was highly esteemed and his funeral was largely
Viola Dora (Gallemore) Dukeminier
Nov 05, 1890 - Jan 14, 1920
Mrs. Hy. Dukeminier Dead.
Mrs. Viola Dora Dukeminier, aged 29 years, wife of Henry Dukeminier, died at the family home here Wednesday night at 10 o'clock, after
suffering for several months with tuberculosis.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. E. T. Howard of Mesquite, her former pastor,
officiating. Interment took place at
Rice Cemetery immediately afterwards.
Shelly E. Cassels
Jan 13, 1905 - May 17, 1921
Died in Dallas.
Miss Shelly Castle died this morning at 2:30 at St. Paul's Sanitarium at Dallas, and was buried this afternoon at 4 o'clock in
the Rice Cemetery.
She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Castle of Rice.
Menko Cassels
Aug 4, 1881 - Apr 16, 1952
Buried At Rice
Menko Cassell of Ferris died in a Dallas hospital Wednesday morning. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday from the First Baptist
Church in Ferris with burial in the
Rice Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Charles H. Hall. Surviving are his wife and a
son, Bomar S. Cassell, both of Ferris.
Mary Ann Bolt
Feb 6, 1880 - Jan 20, 1921
Miss Mary Bolt Died.
Mary, the daughter of J. T. Bolt, was born Feb. 6, 1880, and departed this life, Jan. 20, 1921, aged 40 years 11 months and 14
days. She professed religion at the age of sixteen but never attached herself to any church. She was also a member of the Eastern
Star. Funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church Thursday afternoon by Rev. W. H. Day after which the body was conveyed to the
Rice Cemetery where burial services were conducted by the Eastern Star lodge of Rice.
The deceased is survived by a devoted father, one brother, Jim Bolt,
and two sisters, Mrs. A. Ware of Ennis, and Miss Lillith Bolt of
Arlington Cassels
Aug 10, 1901 - Dec 10, 1927
Special to the Sun.
Rice, Texas, Dec. 15.—Arlington Cassels, age 26, died in an Ennis Hospital Saturday morning following an operation for appendicitis.
He was stricken late Friday afternoon, however he wasn’t carried to Ennis until and early hour Saturday morning. He only lived a few
minutes after the operation. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at the Baptist church by Rev. W. H. Day. He is survived by
an aged mother and several brothers and sisters. Burial was in the Rice Cemetery. A large
number of friends attended despite unfavorable weather.
Lorena Frances (Hobbs) Cassels
Mar 22, 1883 - May 22, 1966
Mrs. Cassels Rites Tuesday
ENNIS (Spl.)—Mrs. H. C. Cassels, 83, formerly of Rice, died at the home of a niece, Mrs. M. K. Lemmons, here Sunday. She was a native
of Schley county, Ga., and came to Rice in 1895. She was married to H. C. Cassels in 1900 who died in 1930.
Mrs. Cassels was an ice dealer in Rice for a number of years and was a member of the Haynie Memorial Methodist church in Rice.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Keever
Chapel here with burial in the
Rice cemetery.
Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. T. W. Neal, Fort Worth; Mrs. Nanco Cassels, Ferris, and Mrs. M. E. Medford, Wichita Falls; and several
nieces including Mrs. Lemmons and Mrs. Vera Tolar, and Mrs. Jack Hobbs, all of Ennis.
Homer C. Cassels
Jun 15, 1880 - Jan 26, 1930
RICE, Jan. 27, --(SP)—Funeral services for Homer Castle, aged 50 years, who was instantly killed Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock when
he was struck by the southbound Sunbeam on the Southern Pacific lines here were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 from his residence and
were conducted by Rev. H. C. Bowman, Methodist minister. Interment was in the Rice cemetery.
Mr. Castle was walking across the track and no definite reason has been assigned for his failure to see the approaching train. It is
thought that he was looking for a horse that he had gone across town to see about, when the accident occurred.
The deceased had been a resident of Rice for the past 25 years or more. He is survived by his wife, an adopted daughter, his father
who lives at Handley, two brothers, M. Castle, Ferris; William Castle, Gainesville, and a sister, Mrs. Eva Bryant, Handley.
Randall Ray Davidson
Sep 26, 1933 - Jun 7, 1994
Randall R. Davidson
Randall R. Davidson, 60, of Fort Worth, died June 7, 1994, in Dallas.
Services were 2 p.m. Friday at the Corley Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. James T. Davis officiating. Burial was in the
Rice cemetery.
He was born Sept. 26, 1933, in Rice. He was a veteran of the U. S. Army.
He was preceded in death by his father, Raymond R. Davidson.
Survivors include his mother, Olga Marriott Davidson of Fort Worth, one son, Kevin Davidson of Fort Worth; one daughter, Kelly Elbert of
Fort Worth; his sister Billy Bradley of Leveland; and seven grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Kevin Davidson, Mark Davidson, Albert Ovalle, Ray Bradley, Howard Hall and John Hays.
Thomas David "Tom" Queen
Mar 24, 1875 - Nov 09, 1957
T. D. Queen Rites Monday Afternoon
T. D. Queen, 82, retired Rice merchant died in Memorial Hospital Saturday night following a several weeks’ illness.
Funeral services were held from the Haynie Memorial Methodist church in Rice Monday at 2 p.m. with burial in the
Rice cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. John Bassham, pastor of the church, and Dr. D. L. McCree, Corsicana Methodist district superintendent.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. W. J. Jones, Rice, and Mrs. C. T. Finney, Houston; a brother, W. T. Queen, Compton, Calif.; 23 nieces and nephews and other relatives.
Mr. Queen's wife, Mrs. Lula Fortson Queen, died two years ago.
Pallbearers were Kessler Bradley, Perry Campbell, Nat B. Tucker, Paul Frick, Joe B. Fortson, James E. Fortson, Thad Bartlett, Chas.
Finney and Walter Deliworth.
McCammon directed.
Sarah E. (Owen) Ainsworth
abt 1876 - Mar 14, 1927
Special to the Sun.
Rice, Texas, March 17.
Mrs. Ainsworth, who suffered a stroke of apoplexy Friday died Monday, and interment was in the
Rice cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
Oliver C.
Sep 12, 1870 - Mar 10, 1928
Tupelo Man Buried At Rice Monday
RICE, March 17.—Funeral services for Oliver C. Ayres, aged 57 years, who died suddenly last Saturday afternoon at his home in the Tupelo
community, were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with interment in the Rice cemetery.
Mr. Ayers had been a resident of Navarro county for forty years and had lived in the Tupelo community for twenty-five years.
Surviving are his wife, two daughters and four sons.
John Richmond Collins
Nov 28, 1848 - Jun 22, 1929
EMHOUSE, June 24.—(Sl.)—Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Rice for J. R. Collins, age about 72 years, who died at his home
here Saturday afternoon at 2:30 following a lingering illness.
He is survived by his wife, three daughters and one son.
Mr. Collins had been a resident of this community for a number of years and was one of the most prominent farmers in this section of
the county.
EMHOUSE, June 27.—(Spl.)
On June 22, Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Mr. J. R. Collins, long time resident of Emhouse, died after an illness of a few weeks. He was
buried in Rice on Sunday, the funeral service being held in the Methodist church by Rev. Bowman, assisted by Rev. Caldwell.
Surviving him are his wife, one son, Jim Collins of Ennis; three daughters, Mrs. Johnnie Bonner of Emhouse, Mrs. Howard Thomas,
Ennis, Mrs. Will Neron, Chicota, Oklahoma, and Mrs. G. W. Gable of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
RICE. June 27.—(SP)—J. R. Collins, aged 83 years, who died at his home in Emhouse Saturday afternoon following a lingering illness was
brought here for burial. Funeral services were held at the Haynie Memorial Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock and were
conducted by Rev. H. C. Bowman of Rice, and Rev. Culwell of Ennis. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and one son. Burial was
under the direction of J. E. Keever of Ennis.
Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Chastine) Knott
abt 1891 - Mar 13, 1929
Rice Woman Buried There On Friday
RICE, March 16.—Mrs. C. N. Knott, 35, died at her home here Thursday morning at 1 o'clock after a few days illness and the funeral
services were conducted Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock with burial in the Rice cemetery. The
funeral was conducted by Rev. W. H. Day.
Surviving are her husband, five children, Walter, Bell, Alonzo and Beulah, all of Rice; and Fordie of Ulsen; seven step-children and other relatives.
Charles Forest Thompson
abt 1864 - Sep 12, 1929
RICE, Sept. 19.—(SP)—C. F. Thompson, age 65, died at the home of his son, Kirg Thompson, three miles west of Rice, Thursday morning at 10
o'clock. He had been in failing health for about a year, but his sudden death was unexpected. He had been a resident of the Rice
community for twenty years. Mr. Thompson is survived by his wife and five children, three boys and two girls. They are Fred, Kirb, Paul,
and Mrs. Jack Sains of the Rice community, and Mrs. Rimer of Houston, all of whom were present. Funeral services were conducted
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Baptist church by Rev. W. H. Day. Burial was in the Rice
cemetery under the direction of W. F. Hodge.
Resident of Rice Community Buried
RICE. Sept. 20.—Charles F. Thompson, 65, died at his home west of Rice last Thursday and the funeral was held Friday with interment in
the Rice cemetery. He had been in ill health for some time.
Surviving are his wife, three sons, Curb, Fred and Paul Thompson, all of Rice; one daughter, Mrs. Jack Sain, Oak Grove, and a number of grandchildren.
William Wesley Swafford
abt 1845 - Dec 12, 1929
RICE, Dec. 19.—(Spl.)—W. W. Swofford, age 84 died at his home, one mile north of Rice, Thursday at 4 p.m. after two weeks of illness,
with influenza and because of his advanced years was unable to withstand the attack. Funeral services were conducted at the
Methodist church Friday evening at 2:30 by Rev. H. C. Bowman. He is survived by one son, V. T. Swafford of Rice and one stepdaughter,
Mrs. Henry Parish of Corpus Christi and a number of grandchildren. Burial was in Rice cemetery
under the direction of W. L. Hodge.
Eliza Ann (Edmiston) Emmert
Mar 08, 1850 - Apr 27, 1929
RICE, May 2—(Sl)—Grandma Emmert, a pioneer of Rice, died here Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Appleton. All of her
children survive, six boys and two girls. H. E., Jake, Earl, Albert and Mrs. R. E. Appleton all of Rice, Ernest of Powell, Everett of
Ennis and Mrs. Lee Etta Nelson of Commerce and a number of grand-children. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Ramsey of
Ennis, formerly of Commerce, Rev. Oscar McCollum of Oak Grove and Rev. H. C. Bowman of Rice. Services were held in the Methodist
church. Burial was in the Rice cemetery by the side of her husband who preceded her several
years ago. W. F. Hodge had charge of the burial.
Mary F. “Mollie”
(Turner) Boucher
abt 1868 - Mar 30, 1929
RICE, April 5.—Mrs. J. O. Boucher, 61, of Desdemona, resident of Rice for more than 30 years, died Saturday and the body was brought
to Rice where funeral services were held Sunday afternoon with burial in the Rice cemetery.
Prior to moving to Desdemona two years ago, the family had resided here 34 years.
Surviving are her husband, four children, Carl Boucher, Olden, Texas; Delma Boucher, Abilene; Mrs. C. W. Andrews and Mrs. Edwin Gallemore, both of Desdemona; a number of grandchildren, and one
sister, Mrs. J. W. Holland, Rice.
Jennie Bob (Bryan) Hays
Jun 10, 1863 - Jan 19, 1929
Rice, Jan. 24.—(Spl.)—Mrs. H. F. Hays, age 67, and a resident of the Rice community for many years died at her home here at 11 o'clock
Saturday night. She had been in ill health for several years.
Surviving are five children, three sons and two daughters, Jim and Golden Hays of Rice, Wimberly Hays of Dallas, Mrs. R. T. Irwin and
Miss Adlyn Hays of Rice.
Funeral services here held at the home Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. A. E. Carraway of Corsicana officiating, assisted by Rev. W. H. Day, and H. C. Bowman.
Burial was in the Rice cemetery beside her husband who preceded her several years ago.
Matilda Walker
Sep 05, 1875 - May 16, 1929
RICE, May 23.—(Spl).—Miss Sallie Walker, age 53, died suddenly last Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. M. Loop where she made
her home. Funeral services were held at the home Friday afternoon at 2:30 o', and were conducted by Rev. W. H. Day, her pastor.
Burial was in the Rice cemetery
under the direction of W. F. Hodge.
Virgil Tison/Theodore Swafford
Aug 1867 – Jul 22, 1930
Prominent Citizen Of Rice Community Buried Wednesday
RICE, July 26.—V. T. Swafford, 62, well known citizen of this community, died at his home just north of town, Tuesday and the
funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Methodist church. All business houses in Rice closed during the funeral hour.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. C. Bowman, assisted by Rev. A. W. Hall, presiding elder of the Corsicana district; Rev.
Archie Carraway, assistant pastor of the First Methodist church of Corsicana; Rev. G. C. Henry, pastor of the Rice Baptist church and
Rev. Lawrence Hays of Irving. The Masonic lodge had charge of the services at the grave.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Scott Swafford, Rice; Lyle Swafford, Stamford; three daughters, Mrs. J. C. Spark, Corsicana;
Mrs. Ernest Boardman, Corsicana, and Miss Mable Swafford, Rice; and three grandchildren.
RICE, July 24.—(Spl)—V. T. Swafford, age 62 years, died on Tuesday morning at 11:15 at his home one mile north of Rice after a short
illness of four days. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Haynie Memorial Methodist church. Services were
conducted by Rev. Hall of Corsicana, assisted by Rev. H. C. Bowman, his local pastor and Rev. Geo. Henry, pastor of the First Baptist
church, Rice, and Rev. Hays of Irwin. Burial was in the Rice cemetery
under the direction of W. F. Hodge, with the members of the Masonic Lodge conducting their impressive funeral services. Surviving are
his wife, two sons, Scott Swafford of Rice, Lyle Swafford of Stamford; three daughters, Mrs. J. C. Park and Mrs. E. G. Boardman
of Corsicana and Miss Mable Swafford of Rice. Those out of town attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs.
Birchfield, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDowal, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Collins and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nowlin of Ennis; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fortson, Mrs.
J. A. McGee, Mrs. Frank Mathews, Mrs. G. B. Simpson, Miss Lillian Sessions, Miss Jennie Collins and Mr. Knox of Corsicana; Mrs. T. A.
Scott, Mrs. Fannie Carrolton, Mrs. E. G. McConts of Dallas; Mrs. D. Boucher of Abilene; W. C. Hall of Waxahachie; C. M. Fitzgerald,
Powell; Mr. and Mrs. Haye of Irwin, Mrs. Scott Sessions, Kenefick, Okla.
Josie Davis (Burdine)
May 9, 1908 - Aug 8, 1930
RICE, July 24.—(Spl.)—V. T. Swafford, age 62 years, died on Tuesday morning at 11:15 at his home one mile north of Rice after a short
illness of four days. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Haynie Memorial Methodist church. Services were
conducted by Rev. Hall of Corsicana, assisted by Rev. H. C. Bowman, his local pastor and Rev. Geo. Henry, pastor of the First Baptist
church , Rice, and Rev. Hays of Irwin. Burial was in the Rice cemetery under the direction of W. F. Hodge, with the members of the
Masonic Lodge conducting their impressive funeral services. Surviving are his wife, two sons, Scott Swafford of Rice, Lyle
Swafford of Stamford; three daughters, Mrs. J. C. Park and Mrs. E. G. Boardman of Corsicana and Miss Mable Swafford of Rice. Those out
of town attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Birchfield, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDowal, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Collins and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nowlin of Ennis; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fortson, Mrs. J. A. McGee, Mrs. Frank Mathews, Mrs. G. B. Simpson,
Miss Lillian Sessions, Miss Jannie Collins and Mr. Knox of Corsicana; Mrs. T. A. Scott, Mrs. Fannie Carrolton, Mrs. E. G.
McConts of Dallas; Mrs. D. Boucher of Abilene; W. C. Hall of Waxahachie; C. M. Fitzgerald, Powell; Mr. and Mrs. Haye of Irwin,
Mrs. Scott Sessions, Kenefick, Okla.
Mrs. Josie Mitchell, aged 22 years, wife of Pleas Mitchell of the Tupelo community, died in the Navarro Clinic Friday morning at 3
o'clock following a short illness, and the funeral will be held from the Baptist church in Rice Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock with
burial in the Rice cemetery.
The funeral will be conducted by Rev. W. H. Day, assisted by Revs. Henry and Sanders.
Surviving are her husband, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Burdine, Tupelo; and one sister, Mrs. Alvin Jones, Rice.
Pallbearers will be Lonnie Mitchell, Sam S. Mitchell, Joe B. Meadows, Narbon Williams, Claude McNutt, Jack McNutt, Henry Bowden, Hurbert Bowden, R. M. Bowden, Max Bowden and Auvin Hervey.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home.
Mrs. Clay Fluker of Luling arrived this morning to attend the funeral of her niece, Mrs. Davis Burdine Mitchell, who was buried in
Rice this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Quite a number of Corsicana relatives and friends went to Rice for the funeral.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Aug 9, 1930
- w/o Pleas Augusta Mitchell married Jul. 27, 1927 buried in Oakwood cemetery d/o Jimmy Davis Burdine and Addie Ruth
(Bowden) Burdine
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Susie Elexious (McKee) Moore
Sep 4, 1875 - Jan 12, 1930
Former Resident of Rice Is Buried
RICE, Jan. 17. Funeral services for Mrs. George W. Moore, 54, who died at her home near Sardis, Ellis county, Sunday, were held
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Baptist church. The family formerly resided here.
Surviving are her husband and several children.
The body of Mrs. Geo. Moore, who died at her home near Waxahachie Monday, was brought here Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services were
conducted at 2:30 by Rev. Beam, interment was in the Rice cemetery. Mrs. Moore formerly lived in the Rice community.
Marietta Alabama (Duke) Chapman-May
Jun 29, 1857 - Sep 17, 1930
Pioneer Resident Rice Community Was Buried on Thursday
RICE, Sept. 29.—Mrs. J. P. May, 73, resident of the Rice community and Navarro county for 40 years, died Wednesday and the funeral was
held Thursday with burial in the
Rice cemetery.
Surviving are four children, Mrs. J. S. Ross, Kerens; Mrs. S. L. Hobbs, Rice; Mrs. Willis Stringer, Trinidad Island, and Andrew May,
Pelly, Texas; three brothers, one sister, and a number of grandchildren.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Sep 29, 1930
- 1st husband Joel Chapman 2nd husband John Parris May; d/o Alan Morgan Duke and Eliza Teresa (Shackleford) Duke
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Marietta Alabama (Duke) Chapman-May
Jun 29, 1857 - Sep 17, 1930
RICE, Sept. 25.—(Spl.)—Mrs. J. P. May, age 75, died last Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. L.
Hobbs. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Haynie Memorial Methodist church, and were conducted by Rev. H.
C. Bowman, assisted by Rev. George Henry, pastor of the Baptist church. Mrs. May is survived by three daughters, Mrs. S. L. Hobbs,
Rice; Mrs. Sol Ross, Corsicana, and Mrs. Willis Stringer of the Trinidad Islands, and one son, Andrew May of Goose Creek. Burial was
in the
Rice cemetery
under directions of W. T. Hodge.
Young Allen
Jul 10, 1876 - Mar 30, 1930
RICE, March 27.—Funeral services for T. Y. Allen, who died at an early hour Sunday morning were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the family home. Rev. W. H. Day of Streetman his former pastor, conducted the services. Mr. Allen's death came as a surprise to his
many friends, while he has been in ill health for several months.
He is survived by his wife, one son, J. T. Allen of Rice, two daughters, Miss Ina Allen of Corsicana and Miss Mable Allen of
Beaumont. Burial was in the Rice cemetery under the direction of W. F. Hodge.
Sam Honea
Sep 1, 1904 - Mar 1, 1942
Sam Honea, aged 37 years, died at 403 East Tenth avenue at an early hour Sunday morning.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel. Burial was in the
Rice cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Custard.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Luchion Milligan, Texas City; three brothers, Carl, Earl and Theodore Honea all of Corsicana; and a
sister, Mrs. Berdie Abbe, Bazette, and a number of nephews and nieces.
Ruby A. (Satterfield) Lindsey
Oct 8, 1910 - Aug 8, 1931
Mrs. Ruby Lindsey, aged 20 years, wife of E. L. Lindsey of Rice, died in the P. and S. hospital Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock after
several days illness, and the funeral was held at the Rice cemetery Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock where interment was made. The services were
conducted by Rev. Bowman of Rice.
Surviving are her husband, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Satterfield, Sessions; three brothers, J. C., Troy, and Travis Satterfield, and one sister, Miss Opal Satterfield, all of the Sessions community.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Aug 8, 1931
- w/o Elbert L. Lindsey married Feb. 11, 1928 buried in Myrtle cemetery, Ennis, Tx. d/o Eddie Parker "Ed" Satterfield and Bessie Bell (Warren) Satterfield buried in Anderson Co.,
- Obituary has Rice Cemetery but her marker is in the New Chatfield Cemetery
in multiple surveys.
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Mary Ella Mitchell
Jul 22, 1931 - Aug 9, 1931
Rice News.
Mary Ella, the little 19-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Mitchell, died at an earl hour Monday morning at the home of T. B.
Blount. Funeral services were held Monday evening at five o'clock at the home and were conducted by Rev. H. C. Bowman. Interment was in
the Rice cemetery under the direction of W. F. Hodge, local undertaker.
Martha Elizabeth "Mattie" (Ruffin) Sands
Jan 17, 1869 - Aug 9, 1932
Mrs. Martha Sands Buried at Rice
RICE, Aug. 11—Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Sands, 62, native of Georgia, but resident of Ellis county more than 50 years, were held
from the First Methodist church of Alma Wednesday afternoon and burial was made in the Rice cemetery. Mrs. Sands died Tuesday following a lingering illness.
OBITUARY from the Ennis Daily News
Mrs. Mattie Sands, 62 died this afternoon at 1:50 at her home in Alma following an illness which confined her to her bed for the past
three months. She had been in bad health for more than a year. Friday afternoon her condition became critical and no hope was given
for her recovery, and since that time her condition has grown gradually worse.
Surviving are four children, one son, Bill Sands of Caddo, Okla., and three daughters, Mrs. L. A. Smith of Alma, Mrs. Cyrus Griffin of
Dallas, and Mrs. J. H. Carnes, Howe, Texas; also four brothers, Claud Ruffin of Ennis, Willie Ruffin of Alma, Rupert Ruffin of
Sherman, and A. T. Ruffin of Wilburton, Okla., and one sister, Mrs. Sallie Collard of Alma.
Mrs. Sands a native of Georgia came to Texas when a small child and had lived in the Alma community for more than fifty years. She was
married there to W. F. Sands who died about 16 years ago.
She was a member of the First Methodist Church of Alma and a member of the Woodmen Circle of that place.
Funeral services will be held at the First Methodist Church in Alma Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Rev. Willingham, pastor of
the church conducting the services. Interment will be made in the Rice cemetery with J. E. Keever in charge of arrangements.
- w/o William Fletcher Sands married Jan 24, 1889 d/o
Henry James Ruffin and Winnie Virginia “Jennie” (Jinks) Ruffin
Jackson Lemmon
Oct 15, 1888 - Aug 12, 1930
RICE. Aug. 14.—(Spl.)—A. J. Lemmon, age 42, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. Mr. Lemmon had been in ill health for several
months, but his sudden death came as a surprise to his family and many friends. Funeral services were held at the Haynie Memorial
Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and were conducted by Dr. White of Dallas, pastor of the Church of Christ,
Rev. H. C. Bowman, pastor Methodist church of Rice, Rev. Geo. Henry, pastor of Baptist church of Rice, and Rev. W. H. Day, pastor of the
Baptist church of Streetman. The funeral was largely attended, many friends from over the county attending. Mr. Lemmon was known to
many, as he had been the rural mail carrier for 20 years. Surviving are his wife, one son, Hugh Arthur Lemmon, who has made her home
with him for several years, and one brother, Harden Lemmon of Olney. Interment was in the Rice
cemetery under the direction of W. F. Hodge.
Robert Lee
Feb 14, 1896 - May 14, 1931
Accident Victim Buried at Rice
RICE, May 23.—Robert L. Rogers, 40, former resident of Ellis county, who was killed in a bus accident Thursday night in Houston, was
buried here Saturday. The body arrived here late Friday.
Surviving are his wife, one son, one daughter, four brothers, Burl Rogers, Hawkinsville, Ga.; Perry Rogers, Columbus, Ga.; J. T.
Rogers, Memphis, Tenn., and Eli Rogers, Alma; and one sister, Mrs. Beulah Hobbs, Columbus, Ga.
Francis K. "Frank" Matthews
abt 1898 - Dec 24, 1931
RICE, Dec. 28.—(Spl.)—Funeral services for Frank Mathews, age 35, were held at the Methodist church here Saturday and were conducted
by Rev. H. C. Bowman of Kerens, former pastor of the church. Interment was in the Rice
Mr. Matthews died Thursday morning in a government hospital at Muskogee, Okla., and the body arrived here Friday.
The deceased was a World War veteran.
Surviving are his parents, who reside in Waco, his wife and two small sons.
Mr. Matthews held responsible positions in Rice, Corsicana and Tyler, and was well known throughout Navarro County.
Janie Elizabeth
"Bessie" (Presley) Walton

Mar 6, 1881 - Mar 17, 1958
Mrs. Walton's Last Rites Held
CORSICANA - SPL - Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at McCammon Chapel in Corsicana for Mrs. Martin M. Walton, 77,
Corsicana native, who died in a Corsicana Hispital Monday. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are her husband; one daughter, Mrs. Nadine Hill of Corsicana, one son, J. Ivan Walton of the Hague, The Netherlands;
four grandchildren; one great-grandchild; two brothers, W. Ear. Presley of Corsicana, and J. O. Presley of Wichita Fallas and one
sister, Mrs. Jesse Lincoln of Corsicana
Tuesday Services For Mrs. Walton
Mrs. Martin M. Walton, 77, native of Corsicana, formerly of Houston,
1444 Elmwood, died in Memorial Hospital Monday morning. She was the
former Miss Bessie Presley.
Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Nadine Hill, Corsicana; a son, J. Ivan Walton, The Hague, Holland; four
grandchildren, one great-grandchild, two brothers, W. Earl Presley, Corsicana, and J. O. Presley, Wichita Falls; a sister, Mrs. Jesse
Lincoln, Corsicana and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Leslie White, Robert Peacock, Edwin Phinney, Fritz Friday, Tommy McClure and Tom Spikes.
John Alexander Shadix
Feb 14, 1861 - Mar 16, 1958
Corsicana Rites for J. A. Shadix
CORSICANA - SPL - Funeral services for J. A. Shadix, 97, native of Alabama, who died at his home in Corsicana Sunday, were held Monday
at Corley Chapel in Corsicana. Burial was in
Richland Cemetery.
Surviving are his widow; two daughters, Mr. C. L. Lennon and Mrs. A. D. Sanders of Corsicana; five sons, J. W. Shadix of Belton; Floyd F.
Shadix and Robert Lee Shadix of Dallas, L. A. Shadix of Frisco and Edward Lee Shadix of Corsicana; three brothers, three sisters, 26
grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.
Sarah Frances
(McClendon) Ferguson
Feb 6, 1870 - Mar 16, 1958
Mrs. Ferguson Funeral Is Held
CORSICANA - SPL - Burial for Mrs. Sarah Frances Ferguson, 88, widow of John Ferguson of Emhouse, was held in Corsicana Tuesday. Mrs.
Ferguson died in Amarillo Monday.
Surviving are one son, Terrell Ferguson of Abilene; two daughters, Mrs. Jack Tolleson of McKinney and Mrs. Fred Williams of Amarillo;
two sisters, Mrs. Ella Ray of Dallas and Mrs. Myrtle Fluker of Corsicana; two brothers, John McClendon of Odessa and Frank
McClendon of Temple, 30 <?> grandchildren and three great-grandchildren
Mrs. Ferguson Dies In Amarillo
Mrs. Sarah Frances Ferguson, 88, widow of the late John Ferguson of
Emhouse died Sunday in Amarillo. She had resided at Amarillo for
about 15 years.
Surviving are a son, Terrell Ferguson, Abilene; two daughters, Mrs. Jack Tolleson, McKinney, and Mrs. Fred Williams, Amarillo; two
sisters, Mrs. Ella Ray, Dallas and Mrs. Myrtie Fluker, Corsicana; two brothers, John McClendon, Odessa, and Frank McClendon, Temple;
10 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and other relatives.
The body is scheduled to arrive in Corsicana on the 10:55 southbound Rock Island Lines passenger train.
Funeral arrangements were incomplete Monday noon.
McCammon will direct.
Wednesday Rites For Mrs. Ferguson
Mrs. Sarah Frances Ferguson, 88, died in Amarillo Sunday. She was the widow of the late John Ferguson of Emhouse and had resided in
Amarillo the past 15 years.
Surviving are a son, Terrell Ferguson, Abilene; two daughters, Mrs. Jack Tolleson, McKinney, and Mrs. Fred Williams, Amarillo; two
sisters, Mrs. Ella Ray, Dallas and Mrs. Myrtie Fluker, Corsicana; two brothers, John McClendon, Odessa, and Frank McClendon, Temple;
10 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and other relatives.
The body arrived in Corsicana Tuesday morning on the Southbound Rock Island Lines passenger train.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Wednesday at 10 a.m. with burial in
Mrs. Ferguson Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Ferguson, 88, formerly of Emhouse, who died in Amarillo Sunday, were held Wednesday at 10 a.m. from the
McCammon Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. R. B. Lindsey.
Mrs. Ferguson, who had resided in Amarillo for the past 15 years, was the widow of the late John Ferguson.
Surviving are a son, Terrell Ferguson, Abilene; two daughters, Mrs. Jack Tolleson, McKinney, and Mrs. Fred Williams, Amarillo; two
sisters, Mrs. Ella Ray, Dallas and Mrs. Myrtie Fluker, Corsicana; two brothers, John McClendon, Odessa, and Frank McClendon, Temple;
10 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Winston Fluker, Eugene Fluker, Lindsey Ferguson, John Ferguson, W. C. O’Neal, and Archie Tinkle.
Bernice Coleman Abbe
Jul 1, 1905 - Apr 27, 1989
B. C. Abbe, 85, of Corsicana, died September 27, 1989, at Navarro Regional Hospital. Services were at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at
the Corley Funeral Chapel and Dr. James McKee officiated. Burial was in Richland Cemetery.
He was born July 1, 1905, in Van Zandt County and was raised in Richland. He was a retired mill worker and farmer, a member of First
Baptist Church at Richland and a lifetime Mason.
Survivors are his wife, Beulah F. Abbe of Corsicana; one son Marion L. Abbe of Friendswod; one sister, Dovie Abbe of Richland; two
grandchildren; and two great-grandsons.
Members of Corsicana Masonic Lodge #174 served as pallbearers.
Buell Karl Abbe
Dec 19, 1895 - Feb 10, 1976
Services were held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at the First Baptist Church in Richland of Buell Abbe, 80, resident of Richland, who died
Tuesday at Wortham Hospital. Burial will be inRichland Cemetery.
He was a native of VanZandt County, lived in Richland since 1907, was a retired farmer and a Veteran of
World War I.
Arrangements are with Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana. Survivors include a sister, Miss Donie Abbe of Richland; two brothers, Bernice Abbe of Mont Belvieu and A. J. Abbe of Fouke,
Arkansas; a niece and a nephew.
Percy Leonard Abbe
Jun 5, 1891 - 1968
Graveside services were held in the Richland cemetery Saturday afternoon for Percy L. Abbe, 76, former Richland resident who died
in Tyler Friday. He was a retired farmer. The Rev. Neil Mathews, pastor of the Richland Methodist Church, officiated.
Survivors are three brothers; B. K. Abbe, Richland, Aubrey Abbe, Baytown, Bernice Abbe, Lebanon, Oregon; a sister, Miss Donie E. Abbe,
Richland; a niece and a nephew. Pallbearers were, Will Mathison, Pete Williams, Starlie Chism, Carl Gunn, Blackie Wigley and James McDonald.
Corley Funeral Home handled the arrangements.
Wilma Louise (Ballew) Johnson

Nov 24, 1927 - Nov 18, 2011
Wilma Louise Ballew Johnson, 83, of Mertens, Texas passed away
Friday, November 18, 2011 in Hillsboro, Texas.
Funeral services will be held at 3 P.M. Wednesday, November 23, 2011 at Marshall and Marshall Funeral Directors Chapel with Brother
Darren Heil officiating. Burial will follow at Richland Cemetery.
Wilma was born November 24, 1927 in
Emmett, Texas to Andrew Jackson and Nannie Estella (Bruton) Ballew.
She married Buford Johnson on April 13, 1946 in Mertens. Wilma was a member of First Baptist Church of Mertens.
She was preceded in death by her parents, a daughter, Carrie Sikora and ten brothers and sisters.
Survivors include her husband, Buford Johnson; daughter and son-in-law, Wanda and Ken Walton of Columbus, Ohio; son-in-law,
Jimmy Sikora of Fort Worth; sister, Ivaleta Lege of Groves; grandchildren, Atresa Gowan, Christopher Gowan, Maria Gowan, Kevin
Sikora, Cody Sikora and Nina Sikora; two step-grandchildren, Michael Walton and Barbara Fuller and husband, Rich; great-grandchildren,
Logan, Chanin, Jaid, Keria, Machell and Mikayla, Alexis, Harleigh and Mercedes. |
Lawrence Buford Johnson

Sep 25, 1923 - Jan 28, 2013
B. "Buford" Johnson, 89, of Cedar Creek passed away Monday, January 28, 2013, in an Austin hospital. Buford was born on
September 25, 1923 in Oakdale, Louisiana to Nathaniel and Marie (Miller) Johnson.
He grew up and attended schools in Louisiana. Prior to entering the United States Navy, he moved with his family to
Port Arthur.
Following his tour of duty during WWII, he married Wilma Louise Ballew on April 13, 1946 in Mertens and she preceded
him in death on November 18, 2011. After marriage, the couple lived in Texas and Louisiana, while he was employed
with for Sun Oil, before they settled in Cuero for a number of years. After living in Mertens for a few years, they
moved to Fort Worth until his retirement from General Dynamics and then returned to Mertens.
Buford loved fishing and dancing. A lifetime member of the
American Legion, he was also of the Baptist faith.
Also preceding him in death were his parents; daughter, Carrie Sikora; sister, Helen Richards; brother, Robert L. Johnson; and grandson, Cory Sikora.
Survivors include his daughter, Wanda Walton and husband, Ken, of Columbus, OH; son-in-law, James Sikora of Fort
Worth; sister, Nita Bertrand of Lake Charles, LA; aunt, Elsie Mae Peveto; 8 grandchildren, Atresa Gowan, Maria Gowan,
Christopher Gowan, Nina Sikora, Kevin Sikora, Cody Sikora, Michael Walton, and Barbara Fuller; 12 great-grandchildren,
and several nieces and nephews.
Graveside services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, February 2, 2013 at Richland Cemetery in Mertens with Rev.
Darren Heil officiating. Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. Friday, February 1, 2013 at Marshall & Marshall Funeral
Directors in Hillsboro. |
Alton "Bo" I Minze

August 9, 1927 - July 16, 2012
Alton I. "Bo" Minze 84 of Amarillo died Monday, July 16, 2012 in
Graveside services will be at 3:00 PM Wednesday at Llano East Cemetery, Field of Valor. Arrangements are by Rector Funeral Home
Osage Chapel, 2800 S. Osage St.
Mr. Minze was born in Emmett, Texas on August 9, 1927. He served in
the Army during WWII.
After being honorably discharged from the Army, Mr. Minze worked as a truck driver. He retired in 1992. He moved to Amarillo 20 years
He married Joy Jean Gunn on November 29, 1949 in Corsicana.
Mr. Minze is survived by his wife, 1 son Eddie Minze and his wife Debra of Round Rock; 1 daughter, Pamela Jean Ware of Amarillo; 1
brother Sonny Minze of Arkansas; 5 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- Amarillo Globe-News, Jul 18, 2012
- Llano Cemetery, Amarillo, Potter Co., TX
Grover Cleveland Talley

May 12, 1885 - May 14, 1940
Grover C. Talley, aged 55 years, died at his home in Drane community Tuesday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock.
Funeral services will be held from the Baptist church at Drane Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Interment will be in the
Campbell cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Calvin Jenkins, assisted by Rev. Morton of Barry.
Surviving are his wife, five sons, P. G. Talley, Lawton, Okla,; Frank P. Talley and Claude E. talley, both of New York City; Sam
Fulton, Herbert, and Robert Fulton, Drane; two daughters, Mrs. Arcue Jones, Oklahoma City, and Mrs. J. C. Osborne, Pursley, Texas; three
brothers, Gene Tally, Houston; Ernest Talley, Roane, and Ray Talley, Lubbock; two sisters, Mrs. Tom May, Kernes, and Mrs. Frank Osborne,
Emmett; three grandchildren, and a number of neices and nephews.
Sutherland McCammon Funeral Home will direct arrangements.
John T.
Garner, Mrs.
d. June 1942
Mrs. John T. Garner, age 68 years, died at her home here Tuesday night. Funeral arrangements are incomplete awaiting word from
relatives. Mrs. Garner has resided in Corsicana for more than fifty years.
Surviving are her husband, John T. Garner, Corsicana; two sons, Frank Garner, Corsicana; Pvt. Elwin E. Garner, Camp Francis E.
Warren, Wyoming; a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Elbert Neely, Preston Garner, C. B. Haley, T. B. Kirkham, Joe Key Garner, Percy McKinney, L. P. Forsythe and Harry
Sutherland-McCammon will direct the arrangements.
Roy L. Swearengen
Mar 4, 1899 - Mar 20, 1925
Funeral services for Roy Swearengen, 26 years old, who died in the County Hospital Friday night were held Saturday afternoon with
burial in Oakwood cemetery.
Rev. R. Girard Lowe, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiated.
Mr. Swearengen was injured in the oil fields when he fell from a derrick. Both arms were broken, one leg was broken above the knee,
and he was injured about the head and chest. Traumatic pneumonia developed from the chest injuries, which it was said by the doctors
was the immediate cause of the man's death.
Mr. Sweargengen is survived by his wife and one child.
Marie Jameson
B&D Jul. 24, 1943
Marie Jameson, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jameson died Saturday. Funeral services were held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock
with burial in Post Oak cemetery.
Surviving are the parents of Brownwood and Corsicana, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Robinson, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Jameson, all of Kerens.
Corley Funeral Home in Charge.
INFANT SON of H. H. Roberson
d. July 1943
Baby Buried at Post Oak Cemetery Monday Afternoon
Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Robertson (sic) were held at the
Post Oak cemetery
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Survivors are the parents and grandparents, J. H. Roberson and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rollins all of Roane.
Corley's Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Willie Joe
1943 - July 1943
Rites Held Sunday Afternoon In Rice For Baby Boy
Funeral services for Willie Joe Parish, two months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jodie A. Parish who died in the Navarro Clinic Saturday
morning, were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Baptist church at Rice. Rev. W. H. Day conducted the rites. Burial was
in Rice cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Franks and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parish all of Rice.
Corley's Funeral Home directed the arrangements
Thomas L. Swafford
Jun 2, 1918 - Jul 22, 1943
Rice Soldier Died Government Hospital; Burial Be in Rice
T. L. Swafford, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harland Swafford of Rice, died in the U.S. government hospital at Trauxfield, Wis.
The body was brought to Ennis.
Swafford, native of Rice, had been in the U.S. army air forces for some time. He has been ill several weeks.
Funeral services are scheduled at Rice some time Tuesday.
G. H. Weatherby
Funeral services for G. H. Weatherby, 47, who died in the P and S Hospital early Saturday morning from injuries received in an
automobile accident on North Highway 77 a few hours earlier, were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapel of the Corley
Funeral Home. Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk conducted the rites. Burial was at Winnsboro.
Surviving are his wife, a son, two daughters and other relatives.
Corley's Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
(Honeycutt) Curry-Johnson-Tarkington
Sep 1, 1865 - Jan 15, 1941
Mrs. R. L. Tarkington Buried in Post Oak Cemetery, January 16
Mrs. R. L. Tarkington passed away at her home early Wednesday
morning, January 15.
Funeral services were held for Mrs. R. L. Tarkington Thursday
evening at 2 o'clock at the
Post Oak cemetery. Services were held by Rev. A. E. Harrison, pastor of the Kerens Baptist church.
Mrs. Tarkington has resided in the Bazette community for several years.
Surviving are her husband, R. L. Tarkington; two daughtyers, Mrs. Bessie Sullivan of Kemp, and Mrs. Lizzie Hair of Eureka; one son,
Segal Tannehill of Odessa; three step-daughters, Mrs. Edna Dupree and Mrs. Stella Holder, both of Kemp, and Mrs. Bertha Purifoy of
Kerens, one step-son, Dolphus Johnson of Kemp.
Stockton's Funeral Home directed the arrangements
Frances May (Moore/Lanham) Sweatmon
May 9, 1890 - Oct. 20, 1918
Deaths in Corsicana Last Night
Mrs. Frances Lanham Sweatmon, wife of Will Sweatmon, and daughter of S. J. Lanham and wife died at 12 o'clock last night at the Lanham
home, 705 West Fourth Avenue. The deceased was twenty-eight years o age and leaves her husband and one child. The funeral will take
place from the Catholic Church at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, with interment in the Catholic Cemetery. The pallbearers will be, active,
Chas. DeLafosse, Jr., Liston Tatum, Estill Cunningham, E. E. Sheehey, T. J. Hickey and Mike Hunt; honorary, Chas. DeLafosse, Sr., Geo.
Campbell, Bige Tinkle, Alvin Moore, Sid Crews and Ewing Edens.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, Oct 21, 1918
- (The Death Certificate says buried in Oakwood also says she is the d/o John R. Moore and E. (Owens) Moore--Obit says buried
in Catholic Cemetery and d/o S. J. Lanham) (2 birth records for William Benjamin Sweatmon Feb. 19, 1915 one says Lanham the
other Moore—marriage record for William Preston Sweatmon and Frances Moore Nov. 15, 1910)
- w/o William Preston Sweatmon
- Submitted by Diane Richards
Eleanor (Lanham) Garrett Jun 8, 1908 - Sep 22, 1990
Eleanor Garrett
Eleanor Garrett, 82, of Kerens, died Sept. 22, 1990, at Mel-Haven
Convalescent Home in Corsicana.
Rosary will be recited 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Corley Funeral
Chapel. Services will be 1 p.m. Thursday at the Immaculate
Conception Church with Rev. George Monagham officiating. Burial will
be in the Calvary Cemetery.
She was born June 19, 1908, in Paducah, Ky. She was a homemaker and
music teacher and a member of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.
She is survived by her sister Katharine Lanham Duffee of Saint
Maries, Ohio; and one nephew Paul Duffee of Centerville, Ohio.
Antonio Vela
Sep 20, 1874 - Sep 20, 1919
Mexican Buried Here.
Antonio Vela, aged forty-five years, died on the John Towns farm
near Powell Saturday and the remains were interred in the
Catholic Cemetery here yesterday.
Josephine (LoBello) DeGeorgeo
abt 1837 - Jan 21, 1921
Mrs. Josephine DeGeorgio, aged 90, was stricken with paralysis last night at the home of her niece, Mrs. Francis LoBello in Dallas and
died this morning at 12 o'clock. Her body will be sent here for burial tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Catholic church.
Rev. Father DeGraffio will conduct the funeral services. The deceased is the mother of Tony DeGeorgio of Corsicana, with whom she
spent much of her time. She came here from Italy thirty years ago and despite her advanced years, her mind was bright and she was
strong and active up to the time she received the paralytic stroke.
Mike Komas
Aug 31, 1886 - Aug 31, 1919
Died Near Ward Bridge.
Mike Komas, who was a good Hungarian citizen of this county, died
near Ward Bridge Sunday, and the remains were interred in the
Catholic Cemetery Sunday, with Father Graffeo officiating. The
deceased was fifty-seven years of age, and left a family.
Daniel W. “Dan” Mullens
Mar 7, 1881 - Jan 24, 1919
Died Here Last Night
Dan W. Mullins, aged thirty-seven years died here last night at 7 o'clock at the family home, 316 East First Avenue, of influenza and
pneumonia, and the remains were interred in the
Catholic Cemetery
this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The deceased was reared here and had many friends who regret his passing away. His mother, one brother and two sisters, survive.
Mary (UNKNOWN) Hynes
abt 1869 - Jun 13, 1921
Remains Interred This Morning.
The funeral of the late Mrs. M. C. Haynes took place from the
Catholic church this morning and was largely attended. The remains
were laid to rest in the
Catholic Cemetery, and there were many
pretty floral offerings.
Died Yesterday Afternoon
Mrs. Mary Haynes, aged fifty-two years, wife of M. C. Haynes, died
yesterday afternoon at the family home, 317 East First avenue, and
the funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from the
Catholic church, with interment in the
Catholic Cemetery.
The following will act as pallbearers: E. E. Sheehey, Tom Hickey,
John Mullins, Mike Dailey and Ed Crowthers.
William P. Bond
Nov 1879 - Sep 22, 1923
Will Be Interred Here.
William P. Bond, whose home was at Meadeville, Pa., and who died in
the Powell oil field Saturday morning, will be interred in the
Catholic Cemetery tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock after services in
the Catholic church by Rev. Father Graffeo. Two brothers of the
deceased, John and Charles Bond of Meadville, Pa., are here to look
after the last sad rites.
Michael J. “Mike” Mullins
Sep 15, 1877 - Nov 20, 1923
Remains Interred this Morning.
The remains of the late Mike Mullins, who died Monday night at his
home on East First avenue, were interred in the
Catholic Cemetery
this morning from the Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 o'clock, Rev. Father Graffeo officiating. There was a good attendance and
numerous floral offerings. The deceased was 46 years of age, was the son of the late Dan Mullins, and was born and reared in Corsicana.
He is survived by his wife and two children, his mother and one brother and three sisters.
Bridget (Griffin) Mullins
Aug 25, 1841 - Mar 23, 1932
Funeral services for Mrs. Dan Mullins, aged 90 years, native of Ireland but resident of Corsicana for the past 60 years, who died
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at the family residence, 316 East First avenue, where Mrs. Mullins had resided since coming to
Corsicana, will be held from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Thursday afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock with burial in the
Catholic Cemetery. The services will be conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the local parish.
Surviving are a son, John T. Mullins of Teague; three daughters, Mrs. J. W. Nevins of San Antonio, Mrs. Rudolph Beck of Corsicana and
Mrs. Margaret Braxmeir of Corsicana; 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Active pallbearers will be Johnny Braxmeir, Rudolph
Beck, Frank Beck, C. A. Davis, H. S. Parker, Ed Childress.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon funeral home.
Mrs. Dan Mullins, aged 90, native of Ireland, but resident of
Corsicana for the past 60 years, died at her home, 316 East First
avenue, Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock and the funeral will be held
from the Church of the Immaculate Conception Thursday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock with interment in the
Catholic cemetery.
The services will be conducted by Monsignor V. graffeo of the local
Mrs. Mullins had resided at the same location for the past sixty
Surviving are a son, John T. Mullins, Teague; three daughters, Mrs.
J. W. Nevins, San Antonio, Mrs. Rudolph Beck, Corsicana; and Mrs.
Margaret Braxmier, Corsicana; fifteen grandchildren and seven
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral
Mary J. (unk) Piperi
May 5, 1843 - Jul 3, 1924
Remains Interred this Morning.
The remains of the late Mrs. Mary Papri, who died at the I.O.O.F old
folks home Wednesday night, were interred in the
Catholic cemetery
this morning after funeral services at the Catholic church conducted
by Father Graffeo.
Paul LeVay
Oct 17, 1905 - Oct 17, 1918
Died of Diabetis.
Powell Levay, 13-year-old son of Powell Levay, Sr. died last night
on the Stone lease after a long illness with Diabetis, and the
remains were buried in the
Catholic cemetery this afternoon. |
Emma Helen (McHenry) Cunningham
abt 1882 - May 5, 1918
Mrs. Emma Helen Cunningham, aged 36 years, wife of Thomas
Cunningham, 1409 Tracy avenue, Kansas City, Mo., died at Grace
Hospital, that city, at 10:15 p.m., May 5, 1918.
Mrs. Cunningham was a daughter of Mrs. Annie McHenry, 308 West Sixth
avenue, Corsicana, Texas. The remains were brought to Corsicana for
interment, the funeral being held Wednesday, May 8th from the
Catholic Church, and burial in the
Catholic cemetery.
Besides her husband, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. McHenry, of
Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. G. E. Johnson of Oklahoma City.
Tony Thompson
Aug 5, 1868 - Jan 5, 1918
Died Here This Morning.
Tony Thompson, a Brazilian, aged 49 years, died near the old fair
ground this morning and the remains will be interred in the
Catholic cemetery at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The deceased is survived
by four sons, all of whom were with him.
Annie Ventura
Nov 22, 1901 - Oct 7. 1918
Died After Brief Illness
Annie Ventura, 16-year-old daughter of Nick Ventura, died at the
family home in East Corsicana at 3:30 yesterday afternoon after a
brief illness and the remains were interred in the
Catholic cemetery
at 2:30 today after services at the cemetery.
Mary (Lynch) Garvin
Mar 17, 1842 - Oct 14, 1925
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Garvin, 83, years of age, who died at the family home about four miles southwest of Corsicana Wednesday
morning at 10:45 o'clock were held from the Catholic church at noon today, with Rev. V. Graffeo officiating, and interment in the
Catholic cemetery immediately after the services at the church.
Mrs. Garvin had resided in the county near Corsicana for the past forty-seven years, and had many friends during that time who will
mourn the passing of this good woman. She was of a quiet and retiring nature, but ever ready to heed the cry of distress and lend
her assistance when her aid was needed. The grave was covered with a profusion of beautiful flowers sent by those who knew and loved her
Mrs. Mary, Garvin, aged 83 years, and prosperous Navarro county
farmer living about four miles southeast of Corsicana, died
Wednesday morning at 10:45 o'clock at the family home. Funeral
services will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the
Catholic Church, Rev. V. Graffeo, priest in charge, officiating.
Interment will be in the Catholic cemetery.
Mrs. Garvin was born in Ireland and came to America when twelve
years of age and settled first in Pennsylvania. She later married
Pat Garvin and they removed to Texas 47 years ago and have lived
near Corsicana since that time. Deceased is survived by her husband
and four grown children, Joe and Frank Garvin, Miss Ida Garvin, and
Mrs. J. G. Walker, all of Corsicana.
The remains will be brought this afternoon to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. G. Walker, in Corsicana, where they will rest
until the funeral hour Thursday morning, when they will be taken to
the Catholic church, of which she was a life-long member, where the
services will be held.
Funeral services for the late Mrs. Mary Garvin, wife of Pat Garvin,
prominent and prosperous Navarro county farmer and stockman, who
died Wednesday morning were held at 1 o'clock Thursday from the
Catholic church, with interment in the Catholic cemetery. Rev. V.
Graffeo conducted the funeral services and the pallbearers were as
Active—Odie Burke, Tom Rickey, Abb King, Gus Young, J. H. Kerr, Dr.
J. A. Jones. Honorary—W. W. Gage, John C. Hughes, Ed Sheets, Chas.
King, R. L. Hamilton, Crump Huff, Ed Crotty, S. J. Lanham, Dr. T. A.
Miller, Dr. Dubart Miller, Chas. Blackmon, Joe Moore, J. H. Evetts,
M. Bryant, John B. Davis, LeGrand Woods, Jimmy Stephenson, R. D.
Fleming, J. L. Hill, M. Queen, Joe Walker, Raleigh Ellis, Sain
Ellis, Elim Ellis, Hubert Redden, Warren Hicks, Willie Clement, J.
A. Ross, Mit Sowell, Al Sowell, Tom Brennan, J. H. Burkehalter, J.
W. Greenlee.
John R. O’Neill
abt 1865 - Mar 16, 1925
John R. O’Neill to Be Buried Thursday
The remains of John R. O’Neill, who died Monday in Lincoln, Ark., will arrive here Thursday at 11 o'clock over the S. & T. C. and will
be taken to the Catholic church, where services will be held. Burial will be in the Catholic
Cemetery. Pallbearers will be: Tom Hickey, Dr. J. E. McClung, Tom Walton, M. Hynes, Ted Childress and Louis
Died in Arkansas Be Buried Here
John R. O’Neill, age 60 years, died Monday afternoon in Lincoln,
Ark. and the remains will arrive here sometime Wednesday. No funeral
announcements have been made.
The deceased resided here for over twenty years and was well known.
He is survived by two sisters, Miss Emma O’Neill of Dallas and Mrs.
Mollie Ridgeway of Tyler; two nieces, Mrs. Bud Glass of Fort Worth
and Mrs. Kirk Steele of Corsicana and two nephews, Ed and Jack
O’Neill of Corsicana.
Funeral services for John O’Neil aged 60 years who died in Lincoln, Arkansas, were conducted Thursday morning at 11 o'clock from the
Catholic Church with the Rev. V. Graffeo conducting the services. Burial was in the Catholic
cemetery. Following were the pallbearers: Tom Hickey, Ed Childress, Dr. J. E. McClung, T. J. Waben, M. Haynes, Mr. O. Burns,
John Elms of Dallas, Louis Dockery. He is survived by the following sisters: Miss Emma O’Neill, Dallas; Mrs. Molly Ridgeway, Tyler; a
sister-in-law, Mrs. Beaulah O’Neill, Corsicana; and the following nieces and nephews: Mrs. W. E. Steele, Ed O’Neill, all of Corsicana
and Mrs. Paul Glass of Fort Worth.
Deceased was well known in Corsicana having resided here for thirty
years. He was a brother of the late Ed O’Neill.
Out of town friends here for the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Elms and family of Dallas; Miss Mary Riley, Dallas; Clem and Joseph
Roberts, Tyler; and his two sisters.
John Morales
May 24, 1875 - Jun 11, 1925
Mexican Died Here Thursday Afternoon
John Morales, Mexican, aged 50 years, died Thursday afternoon at 1:25 o'clock and the remains were interred this afternoon in the
Catholic Cemetery. The deceased is survived by his wife.
The deceased was working unloading gravel and was taken suddenly ill
and died soon after having been carried to his home. He had been in
ill health for some time.
Martha (Shaw) Reilly
Apr 24, 1846 - Apr 28, 1927
Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Reilly, aged 81 years and four days, who died at her residence, 623 West Collin street Thursday
morning at 9:15 o'clock following an illness of several months, were held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10:30 o'clock
Friday morning with interment in the
Catholic Cemetery, Father V. Graffeo conducted the services.
Mrs. Reilly was born in Georgia, but has resided in Texas for 59 years, living at Hearne, Texas prior to moving to Corsicana 46 years
Surviving are two sons, William and Jim Reilly, both of Dallas; six daughters, Mrs. Hatchett Chandler, Dallas; Mrs. Annie Henderson,
Dallas; Mrs. John Waddell, Mart; Mrs. Roger Vaughan, Tucumcari, N.M.; Mrs. Mary Quirk, Corsicana; Mrs. L. D. Moran, Yuma, Ariz.
Eleven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren also survive.
Pallbearers were Ed Childress, E. E. Sheehey, C. A. Mullin, Tom J. Hickey, J. H. Kerr and S. J. Lanham.
A large number of the friends of the deceased and her family were present and followed the remains to their last resting place in the
Catholic cemetery and a profusion of beautiful flowers covered her last resting place.
Mrs. Martha Reilly, aged 81 years and 4 days, died at her residence, 623 West Collin street Thursday morning at 9:15 o'clock following an
illness of five months and the remains will be interred in the Catholic cemetery
Friday morning. The funeral services will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10 o'clock, Father V. Graffeo will
conduct the services.
Mrs. Reilly was born in Georgia but has resided in Texas for 59 years. She had made her home in Corsicana for sixteen years.
Surviving are two sons, William Reilly and Jim Reilly, both of Dallas; six daughters, Mrs. Hatchett Chandler, Dallas; Mrs. Annie
Henderson, Dallas; Mrs. John Waddell, Mart; Mrs. Roger Vaughan, Tuscumari, N. M.; Mrs. Mary Quirk, Corsicana, and Mrs. L. D. Moron
of Yuma, Ariz. Eleven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren also survive.
Philip “Phil” Reilly
Feb 26, 1837 - Mar 12, 1919
Funeral Largely Attended
The remains of the late Philip Reilly were laid to rest in the
Catholic Cemetery this morning after services at the Catholic Church
conducted by Rev. Father Graffeo. A large crowd of friends of the
deceased and his family were in attendance and there were many
floral offerings.
Tom McGarth
died Nov. 14, 1919
The remains of Tom McGarth, who died at Trinidad Friday night, were
buried in the Catholic
Cemetery here yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, after services at the Catholic Church, conducted by Rev. Father Graffeo.
Marteel Territo
Aug 2, 1925 - Jan 18, 1927
Little Child Died Wednesday Afternoon
Marteel Territo, 18-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Territo, died Wednesday afternoon and the funeral services were conducted
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Church of the Immaculate Conception with interment in the
Catholic Cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. V. Graffeo.
Mary L. (Coyle) O’Rourke
Mar 25, 1852 - Jan 2, 1928
The body of Mrs. Thomas O’Rourk, former resident of Corsicana, arrived here early Wednesday morning and funeral services were
conducted at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning with interment in the
Catholic Cemetery.
Mrs. O’Rourk died in Del Rio at an early hour Tuesday morning.
One son survives.
According to information received here Tuesday morning, Mrs. Thomas O'Rourk, formerly a resident of Corsicana, died in Laredo some time
Monday night or early Tuesday morning and the remains will be forwarded to Corsicana for interment. The remains will arrive here
at 6 o'clock Wednesday morning and the funeral will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 o'clock with interment in
Catholic Cemetery.
Mr. O’Rourke died several years ago and was buried here. One son
Teresa (Matthews) Szenasy
Sep 12, 1889 - Sep 3, 1929
Funeral services for Mrs. John Szenasy, age 40, of Corsicana were
held from the Church of the Immaculate Conception Thursday afternoon
at 4 o'clock with burial in the
Catholic Cemetery. The services were
conducted by Rev. V. Graffeo of the local parish.
The tender care of her aged mother and sister also brother and three
physicians were not able to check her throat infection which she
contracted before leaving home. She was sick 12 days and passed off
quietly Tuesday morning Sept. 3rd at 12:20 o'clock.
Surviving are her husband, John Szenasy, daughter Agnes and son
Anton of Corsicana, Mother, Mrs. Joe Fabian, sister Annie Fabian,
and brother Tony Fabian of Teneha, and one brother Charlie Matthews
of Springfield, Mo., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Pe4te, Mike and Lewis Szenasy, Dan Budai, Joe
Kormos and Ed Reed.
The body of Mrs. John Szenasy, about 35, who resides just east of Corsicana, arrived here at 11 o'clock
Thursday morning and was taken to the Sutherland Funeral Home chapel where it remained until 3:30
o'clock when it was taken to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, from where the funeral was
held. Mrs. Szenasy was visiting her mother in Shelby county and was taken ill about a week ago. She died
Tuesday night.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. V. Graffeo and interment was made in the
Catholic cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, mother and other relatives.
Aurora Regalado
Sep 2, 1915 - Nov 4, 1929
Funeral Services For Aurora Regalado Were Held Tuesday
Funeral services for Aurora Regalado, 15 years old daughter of B. Regalado, resident of the Fortson farm, who died in the Navarro
County Hospital Monday morning at 10 o'clock, were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 'clock with burial in the
Catholic Cemetery here, Rev. V. Graffeo conducted the funeral.
Surviving are her father, four brothers, and one sister.
The Sutherland Funeral Home directed the services.
Young Girl Died In Local Hospital
Aurora Regalado, 15 years old, daughter of B. Regalado, who resides
on the Fortson farm, died in the Navarro county hospital Monday
morning at 10 o'clock, and the funeral will be held Tuesday morning
with burial in the
Catholic Cemetery.
The funeral will be conducted by Rev. V. Graffeo.
Surviving are her father, four brothers and one sister.
The Sutherland Funeral Home will direct the funeral.
Hernandez Antonio
abt 1852 - Oct 24, 1929
Funeral Services Hernandez Antonia Held Friday Morning
Funeral services for Hernandez Antonia, 77, who died at her home one
North Ninth street, Thursday morning, was held Friday morning at
9:30 o'clock with burial in the
Catholic Cemetery. The funeral was
conducted by Rev. V. Graffeo.
Surviving are two daughters, Angelina and Jesus Lopez, and one son,
Ramon Lopez, all of Corsicana.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Aged Mexican Woman Died Early Thursday
Senora Hernandez Antonio, 77, died at her home on North Ninth
street Thursday morning and the funeral will be held late
Thursday afternoon with burial in the
Catholic cemetery.
The funeral will be in charge of Rev. V. Graffeo.
Surviving are two daughters, Angelina and Jesus Lopez, both of
Corsicana and one son, Ramon Lopez, Corsicana
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Antonia Balderas
abt 1896 - Feb 16, 1929
Mexican Woman is Buried Sunday
Antonia Balderas, 33, Mexican woman, died on the Golden farm on the
Richland road Saturday night and the remains were interred in the
Catholic Cemetery here Sunday afternoon.
Salvatore DeMarco
abt 1861 - Apr 8, 1930
Hillsboro Resident Buried in Catholic Cemetery Thursday
Funeral services for Salvatore Demarco, native of Italy, but resident of America 30 years, and Hillsboro 10 years, aged 69, who
died at his home in Hillsboro suddenly Tuesday night, were held from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by the Very Rev. Vitus Graffeo.
Surviving are his wife, two-daughters, Mrs. Joe Territo and Mrs. Louis Winkler, both of Corsicana; and several grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Steve Chiorfis, Charles Borsellino, Steve Palmeri, Paul Barsellino, Lee Territo and Tony DeGeorgio.
Funeral was directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home.
Johanna (Guljus) Nagy
Apr 28, 1879 - May 5, 1965
Hold Services For Mrs. Nagy
Funeral services for Mrs. Johanna Nagy, 86, native of Hungary, who
died in Memorial Hospital Wednesday, were held Friday at 10 a.m.
from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The rites were conducted by Rev. A. J. Merkel, pastor.
Burial was in the
Catholic Cemetery.
The Rosary was recited at the Corley Chapel Thursday at 8 p.m..
Surviving are three sons, Joe, Jess and Sam Nagy, and three
daughters, Mrs. Velma Crane, Mrs. Helen Horvath and Miss Goldie
Nagy, all of Corsicana; 19 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Emery, Johnny, Ernest and Sam Horvath, Joe R. Nagy
and Frank Rufus and Jessie Budai, all grandsons.
Allie Mae (Cole) Crotty
Feb 22, 1895 - Jan 19, 1982
Mrs. E. R. Crotty
Mrs. E. R. Crotty, of Tyler and native of Navarro County, died
Tuesday morning in a Tyler hospital following a sudden illness.
Service is Thursday, 10:30 a. m. at Burks-Walker-Tippitt Funeral
Home Chapel in Tyler with the Rev. Milam Joseph officiating with
graveside service following Thursday, 2 p.m. at
Catholic Cemetery in
The Rev. Gus Merkel will officiate at the Corsicana service.
Survivors include a brother, J. B. Cole of Fairfield; a sister, Mrs.
H. B. Stubbs, of Wortham; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Jose Garcia
Oct 12, 1931 - Dec 17, 1931
Baby Died Early Thursday, Buried Friday Morning
Funeral services for Jose Garcia, two-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ygnacio Garcia, who died at 2 o'clock Thursday morning were held
Friday morning at 10 o'clock with interment in the
Catholic Cemetery. The services were conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the
Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Sutherland funeral home directed the funeral.
Savina Escalera
1930 - Apr. 13, 1931
Little Child Was Buried on Monday
An eighteen-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Escalera, 309 East Ninth avenue, died early Monday morning ant the funeral
services were conducted Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, interment in the Catholic Cemetery.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Guadalupe Villanneva
Oct 30, 1930 - Nov 21, 1931
Little Girl Died Saturday; Buried Sunday Afternoon
Guadalupe Villanneva, one-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Juan Villanneva, 405 East Eleventh avenue, died Saturday afternoon at 4
o'clock and the funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the
Catholic Cemetery where interment was made.
The services were conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the Church of
the Immaculate Conception.
Sutherland Funeral Home directed the services.
Marie Escalera
abt 1914 - Mar 19, 1931
Funeral for Young Girl Held Friday
Marie Escalero, 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Escalero, 209 West Twelfth avenue, died Thursday night, and the funeral
services were conducted Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, with
interment in the
Catholic Cemetery.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
May Pearl Vallee/Vallie
Jan 29, 1890 - Jul 12, 1931
Funeral services for Mae Pearl Vallie, aged 40 years, whose life-less body was discovered at her home, 507 East Seventh avenue
Sunday morning, were held from the chapel of the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock with interment in the
Catholic Cemetery. The services were conducted by Monsigneur V.
Graffeo of the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
A coroner's verdict was returned by Judge P. L. Cox as "death from natural causes" after an inquest was held. Miss Vallie was alone at
the time of her death.
Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Georgiana Vallie, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Funeral services for Mae Pearl Vallie, aged 40 years, whose lifeless body was discovered at her home, 507 East Seventh avenue, Sunday
morning, were held from the chapel of the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock with interment in the
Catholic Cemetery.
The services were conducted by Monsigneur V. Graffeo of the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
A corner's verdict was returned by Judge P. L. Cox as “"eath from natural causes" after an inquest was held. Miss Vallie was alone at
the time of her death.
Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Georgiana Vallie, Corsicana, and other relatives.
James Thomas Childress, Sr.
May 8, 1858 - May 23, 1931
James Thomas Childress, 73, native Texas, resident of Corsicana for 42 years, died at his home, 307 North Beaton street, Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock, and the funeral was held from the family residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in the
Catholic Cemetery. The services were conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo, of the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Mr. Childress was born at Daingerfield, Texas. He was well known here, and had been a member of the Corsicana Lodge No. 63, I.O.O.F.,
for more than thirty years.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Bob and Ed Childress both of
Corsicana; one grandchild, one brother, J. Childress, Fort Worth;
one sister, Mrs. Lizzie Stillwell, Fort Worth and a number of nieces
and nephews.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Georgiana (Carrier) Vallee/Vallie
Aug 25, 1850 - Mar 5, 1947
Mrs. Georgiana Vallie, aged 96 years, pioneer resident of Corsicana,
died at 308 West Seventh avenue early Wednesday afternoon. Funeral
arrangements are incomplete, but interment will be made in the
Catholic Cemetery.
No close relatives survive.
McCammon Funeral Home will direct.
Ellis Thomas Budai
Jul. 13, 1892 - Jan. 25, 1941
Ellis T. Budai, aged 48 years, died at his home, 1805 West
Thirteenth Avenue, Saturday afternoon.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the Church of the Immaculate Conception with burial in the
Catholic Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo.
Surviving are his wife, eight children, Frank, Jesse, Rufus, Omer, Julia, Irene, Ethel and Mary Jean Budai, all of Corsicana; two
brothers, Dan Budai, Richland, and Steve Budai, Conroe; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Szenasy, Corsicana, and Mrs. Joe Szenasy, Caddo, Okla., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Joe Nagy, Jess Nagy, Pete Szenasy, Charles Szenasy, Mick Szenasy and Dan Budai, Jr.
Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements.
Annie (Miles) Childress
Apr 15, 1866 - Jul 1, 1950
Mrs. Childress Dies Saturday; Funeral Monday
Mrs. Annie Childress, 85, long-time Corsicana resident, died late
Saturday afternoon.
Funeral services were held Monday at 9 a.m. from the Church of the
Immaculate Conception. Burial was in the
Catholic cemetery. The
rites were conducted by the Very Rev. Monsignor V. Graffeo.
Born in Emporia, Pa., Mrs. Childress came to Corsicana with her late
husband, J. T. Childress, 63 years ago.
Surviving are two sons, Robert L. Childress, Corsicana, and William
Edward Childress, Ft. Worth; a grandson, James W. Childress, Fort
Worth; two great-grandchildren; a nephew, Everett Smith, and a
niece, Debbie Smith, both of Waco.
Pallbearers were F. C. Paul, Lawrence Tilton, Harvey Redden, George
Campbell, J. M. Moran, James W. Childress, Hugh Stewart and George
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Sam Rangel
Jun 23, 1931 - Jul 5, 1932
Baby Was Buried Here Wednesday
Funeral services for Sam Rangel, 13-months-old son of Abram Rangel,
who died Tuesday, were held Wednesday with burial in the
Catholic cemetery.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Joe Parra
Dec 27, 1931 - Oct 11, 1932
Baby Died Tuesday; Burial on Wednesday
Joe Parra, 10-months-old son of Dr. and Mrs. Tony Parra, died
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock ant the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
Catholic cemetery where interment was
made. The services were conducted by Rt. Rev. Monseignor V. Graffeo
of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Celia Moran
1852 - Aug. 18, 1932
Miss Celia Moran, aged 80 years, native of Ohio, but resident of Texas for 50 years, formerly resident of Richland, died at 417 West
Collin street Thursday morning at 9 o'clock and the funeral will be held from the Church of the Immaculate Conception Friday morning at
10 o'clock with burial in the
Catholic cemetery. The services will be conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the local
Prior to moving to Corsicana four and one-half years ago, Miss Moran made her home in Richland for many years.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. M. M. Grady, Ohio; two nieces, Mrs. C. S. Carrington, Corsicana, with whom she made her home, and Miss Ella
Grady, Ohio; and three nephews, Tom Grady, Ohio; Will Moore, Richland, and John Wilson, Dallas.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Miss Celia Moran, aged 80 years, native of Ohio, but resident of Texas for 50 years and long-time resident of
Richland prior to moving to Corsicana four and one-half years ago, who died Thursday morning at 417 West Collin street, were held
Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the Church of the Immaculate Conception with interment in the Catholic cemetery. The services
were conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the local parish.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. M. M. Grady; two nieces, Mrs. C. S. Carrington, Corsicana, and Miss Ella Grady, Ohio; and three nephews,
Tom Grady, Ohio; Will Moore, Richland, and John Wilson, Dallas.
Pallbearers were R. B. Molloy, Will Moore, John Wilson, Wilburn Garland, Walter Garland and Hugh Garland.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Ida Horvath
Feb 14, 1926 - May 30, 1932
Ida Horvath, aged six years, daughter of William and Helen Horvath, died at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nagy, east
of Corsicana, Monday morning at 9 o'clock and the funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the Church of the
Immaculate Conception with burial in the
Catholic cemetery. The services will be conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the local
Surviving are the parents, three brothers, Emory, John and Ernest
Horvath, a sister, Irene Horvath, grandparents and other relatives.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Ida Horvath, aged six years, daughter of William and Helen Horvath, who died at the home of her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nagy, east of Corsicana, Monday morning at 9 o'clock, were held from the Church of the Immaculate Conception
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock with interment in the
Catholic cemetery.
The services were conducted by Monseignor V. Graffeo of the local
Surviving are the parents, three brothers, Emory, John and Ernest
Horvath; a sister, Irene Horvath and other relatives.
The funeral was directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Frank Gonzales
Feb 26, 1932 - Mar 11, 1932
Fourteen-Day-Old Boy Died Friday; Burial Saturday
Frank Gonzalez, 14-day-old-son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gonzalez, 309 East Tenth avenue, died Friday morning at 4 o'clock and the funeral
services were conducted Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Catholic cemetery where interment was made.
The services were conducted by Monsignor V. Graffeo of the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Joe Mora
Jun 28, 1912 - Apr 19, 1932
Youth Was Buried Wednesday Morning; Died on Tuesday
Joe Mora, aged, 19 years, died at 602 East Park avenue Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and the funeral was held from the Church of
the Immaculate Conception Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock with interment in the
Catholic cemetery. The services were conducted by Monseignor V. Graffeo of the local parish.
A number of relatives survive.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
James Walter "J.W." Williams
Aug 19, 1944 - Jun 6, 2013
James Walter "J.W." Williams, 68, of Frost passed away Thursday,
June 6,
2013 at his residence. He will be in state at the Corley Blooming
Grove Chapel on Saturday, June 8, 2013. Visitation with the family
will be Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church in
Blooming Grove with the funeral service immediately following at 3
p.m. with Bro. Grady Cashion officiating. Burial will follow at
Dresden Cemetery.
James Walter “J.W.” Williams, age 68, of Frost, Texas passed
away peacefully at his residence on Thursday, June 6, 2013.
He was born on August 19, 1944 in Talladega, Alabama to
Blanche Waddel and Dallas Williams.
Mr. Williams worked in the construction business most of his life as a carpenter, and was a "jack of all trades" man. He
served for two years in the U S Army and received the National Defense Service Medal as well as a Sharpshooter
badge. He also completed his high school education while serving in the military.
J.W. is survived by his loving wife, Lois Carolyn Williams; and children: Brandie Young and husband, Cody; Shelly Flores
and husband, Austin; James Williams, and Roy Williams and wife, Kelly. He is also survived by his grandchildren:
Robert, Ryan and Katelyn Worley; Brittinee, Scottie, and Jamie Williams; Jacob and Joseph Williams; and Dallas and
Abby Flores. Mr. Williams is survived by his siblings: Carl Williams and wife, Charolette; Ray Williams and wife, Diane;
Carolyn Whitley, Larry Williams and wife, Marlene Cottle., and in-laws: Marie Williams and Joan Williams. J.W. is
survived by his right-hand man Johnny Campbell.
Visitation with the family will be from 2:00 – 3:00 PM on
Sunday, June 9, 2013 at First Baptist Church in Blooming
Grove, Texas. Funeral services will be immediately following
the visitation on Sunday, June 9, 2013 at First Baptist
Church in Blooming Grove with Bro. Grady Cashion
officiating. Pallbearers are Austin Flores, Dallas Flores,
Chris Montgomery, Nick Reamy, Jason Dozier, Jason Lane, and
Marc Reamy. Burial will follow at
Dresden Cemetery.
Corley Funeral Home, Corsicana, Texas |
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
US Army
h/o Lois Carolyn (West) Williams;
s/o Dallas Williams & Blanche (Waddel) Williams
Mildred Florence
(Henderson) Erdmann
Nov 21, 1920 - June 10, 2013
Florence Henderson was born Nov. 21, 1920 to Harvey and
(Gibbs) Henderson in Dupree, S.D. She was called to her
eternal rest on Monday, June 10, 2013 at Heritage Oaks
West Nursing Home in Corsicana.
The family moved to Groton, S.D. when she was just a
child. She grew up in Groton and attended and graduated
Groton Public School.
She was baptized and confirmed in the Presbyterian
Church where she remained a member her entire life. She
served on the Board of Deacons for several years.
Mildred and Marvin Erdmann were married Nov. 11, 1939 in
Groton. Four children were born to this union: Paula,
Russell, Holly and Marsha.
She worked as a nurse's aide at St. Luke's Hospital in
Aberdeen, S.D.
for 12 years. She also worked at Miller's V Store and
meat market, Juel Egg Company and at the Colonial Manor
Nursing Home in Groton. Her most important job was
raising her children and watching her grandchildren grow
to become wonderful adults.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband,
two daughters, Paula Breitkreutz and Holly Tolbert; one
son, Russell Erdmann. She was also preceded in death by
her two brothers, Ivan Henderson and Bud Henderson and
one sister, Alvaretta Face.
She is survived by daughter, Marsha McAlister of
Corsicana; granddaughters Tami (Steve) Ward of Omaha,
Neb., Kalli Saland of Des Moines, Iowa; grandson,
Jeffrey (Stephanie) Boyte of Irving;
Great-granddaughters Dr. Shaina (John) Rogers of Hawaii,
Samantha Saland of Tallahassee, Fla., Jenna (Matt) King
of Miami, Carly Ward of Omaha, Neb.; great-grandson Jack
Ward of Omaha; great-great-grandson Tyler King of Miami;
and special friend and card-playing buddy Diana Reynolds
of Richland.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June
13, 2013 at Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana.
Funeral service will be held in Groton, S.D. with burial
in Groton Union Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, if you desire to do so, please make
donations to the Humane Society of Navarro County, P.O.
Box 1734, Corsicana, TX 75151.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home. |
Ann (Taylor)
Jan 3, 1924 - May 31, 2013
Mrs. Cynthia T. O’Connell, 89, of Corsicana passed away Friday, May
2013 at Navarro Regional Hospital in Corsicana. Graveside services
will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 15, 2013 at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Cynthia Ann O’Connell, age 89, of Corsicana passed away
peacefully Friday, May 31, 2013 at Navarro Regional
Hospital. She was born Jan. 3, 1924 to Fredrick and
Robert Taylor in Corsicana.
Cynthia blessed the people that knew her with her
wonderful sense of humor and her giving spirit. She was
a life-long member of Westminster Presbyterian Church, a
member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and
was involved in various community service activities.
She was preceded in death by her sons; Robert Edward
Graham and George Frederick Graham.
Cynthia is survived by her daughters; Elizabeth Graham
Chatterjee and husband, Kal of Dallas and Rebecca Graham
Lawless of Corsicana. Her grandchildren are Rebecca
McClary and husband, Cary of Dallas, Lacy Patterson
Smyth and husband, Brady of Pearland, John Sparks and
wife, Paula of Knoxville, Tenn., Erika Jolley and
husband, Leo of Tucson, Ariz., Joe Sparks of South
Pines, N.C., and Christopher Landrum and wife Cheryl of
Whitney. Cynthia also had eight great-grandchildren and
one great great-grandchild.
Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday,
June 15, 2013 at
Oakwood Cemetery. |
Marie (Beauchamp) Johnston
Dec 3, 1918 - Jun 11, 2013
Mrs. Lillie Marie Johnston, age 94, of Corsicana passed away on
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at Heritage Oaks Retirement Village.
Visitation with the family will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June
13, 2013 at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services will be at 1 p.m.
Friday, June 14, 2013 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel in Corsicana
with Dr. Danny Reeves and Rev. B. F. Risinger, Jr. officiating.
Burial will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Marie Johnston was born Dec. 3, 1918, in Corsicana to
the late Joseph Sears and Pauline Barham Beauchamp. She
passed away Tuesday, June 11, 2013 in Corsicana at
Heritage Oaks Retirement Village.
Mrs. Johnston was retired from Texas Miller Hat Factory,
having worked there for 30 years.
She was a member of First Baptist Church and loved her
church so much.
Earlier years she taught Sunday School in the Primary
On March 23, 1937 she married Roger Mason Johnston and
had been married for 72 years at the time of his death
in 2009. Marie was a very loving and caring mother,
grandmother and Memaw to all her family. She had touched
all our lives with her strong Christian faith. She will
be missed by so many.
Mrs. Johnston was preceded in death by her husband; her
parents; a brother Douglas Beauchamp and sister Mabel
Mrs. Johnston is survived by daughters Peggy Johnson and
husband Gene of Ardmore, Okla., and Pam Burns and
husband Chuck of Corsicana; grandchildren Chuck Burns,
Jr. and wife Lisa, Brian Johnson, Kim Allen and husband
Paul, Sherri Weaks and husband Tom, Kristi Garcia and
husband David, and Paulette Cunningham and husband
Steve; 17 great-grandchildren and two
great-great-grandchildren. She is survived also by one
sister, Helen Watson and several nieces and nephews.
The family wishes to thank the staff of Heritage Oaks
Retirement Village for all the love they gave Marie and
the family. They offer a special thanks to her
caregiver, Shirley Jones for the loving care she gave to
Marie. Family First Hospice gave gentle loving care to
Marie in the final days of her life and the family is
very appreciative to them.
Visitation with the family will be from 6 to 8 p.m.
Thursday, June 13,
2013 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel in Corsicana.
Funeral services are scheduled for 1 p.m. Friday, June
14, 2013 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel in Corsicana with
Dr. Danny Reeves and Rev.
B. F. Risinger, Jr. officiating. Burial will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Matthew Burns, Justin Garcia, Chuck
Burns, Jr., Paul Allen, David Garcia, Steve Cunningham,
and Brian Johnson. Honorary pallbearers will be John
Sadler, Kyle King, Tom Weaks, and Mark Burns. |
Gena Doris
(Walling) Gullett
May 11, 1914 - Jun 11, 2013
Mrs. Doris Gullett, age 99, of Corsicana passed away on Tuesday,
June 11, 2013 at Heritage Oaks Retirement Village. Funeral services
are scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday, June 14, 2013 at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Jay Fraze officiating. Burial will
follow at Resthaven
Memorial Park.
Walling Gullett passed away Tuesday, June 11, 2013 with
family by her side. She had celebrated her 99th birthday
exactly one month earlier. She joins a host of family
and friends waiting for her in heaven, including her
husband of 54 years, Fred Lee Gullett, her parents,
Martin and Maggie Walling, brothers, J.D. Walling,
Martin Walling, Ward Walling, Gene Walling, Bob Walling,
and sister Sara York.
Doris was raised in Corsicana, then she and Fred moved
to Ira in west Texas in 1944. They returned to Corsicana
in 1963 where she has continued to live. She was very
active in Central United Methodist Church, where she
served on various committees and taught Sunday school
for many years until she was no longer able to attend.
She maintained her membership there until the church
eventually closed. She then joined First United
Methodist Church. She was a proud recipient of a PTA
lifetime membership award. She served in that
organization for 24 years.
She also enjoyed her years as a volunteer at Navarro
Regional Hospital, as well as traveling with friends and
playing dominoes.
She lived a long and fulfilling life, remaining in good
physical and mental health most of her days and
maintaining a keen sense of humor even during her most
recent hospital stay. She loved her family and friends
and stayed involved in the lives of her children,
grandchildren, and great-grandchildren as long as she
was able. She had a strong faith which was always a
sustaining force in her life.
She is survived on earth by children Wayne and Susan
Gullett of Orange Park, Fla., and Marylin and Jim McNeel
of Corsicana. She is also survived by grandchildren Rick
and Diane Gullett of Windermere, Fla., David and Michele
Gullett of Jacksonville, Fla., Amy Stewart of Corsicana,
and Trey McNeel of Corsicana; 11 great-grandchildren;
Bradley Gullett, Stephen Gullett, Dalton Gullett, Lily
Gullett, Abby Gullett, Samantha Stewart, Lauren Stewart,
Noah McNeel, Sydney McNeel, Landrey McNeel, and Luke
McNeel; and numerous nieces and nephews, all of whom she
loved deeply.
Visitation with the family will be from 9 to 10 a.m.
Friday, June 14,
2013 at Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services will follow at 10 a.m. at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Jay Fraze officiating.
Burial will follow at Resthaven Memorial Park.
The family wishes to acknowledge the excellent care and
attention she received at Heritage Oaks Retirement
Village, both in assisted living and skilled care. We
are also grateful for the care and compassion she
received at Navarro Regional Hospital.
In lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to First
United Methodist Church, Northside Baptist Church
Building Fund, or another charity of choice. |
Billie Joe (Broughton) Benton
Nov 22, 1931 - Jun 6, 2013
Joe Benton, 81, of Fairfield, passed away Thursday, June
6, 2013 in Fairfield. She was born Nov. 22, 1931 in
Purdon to John C. and Mary Hardin Broughton.
She is preceded in death by her husband H.R. Benton; son
Billy Wayne Benton; grandson Chris Benton; and
great-grandson Zachery.
She is survived by children, Bobby Benton and wife
Darlene of Corsicana; Donnie Benton and wife Kathy of
Purdon; five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and
two great-great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 7, 2013 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Saturday, June 8, 2013 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with Bryan Upchurch
Burial will follow at
Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Stanley Petty, Joey
Smith, James Petty, Bradley Smith, Joey Valentino, and
Daniel Smith.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home,
Corsicana. |
Allen Woodcock
Sep 4, 1925 - Jun 4, 2013
Mr. Donald Allen Woodcock, age 77, of Corsicana
passed away Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at Baylor Medical
Center in Dallas. He was born Sept. 4, 1935 in Dallas to
parents, Henry Allen and Zoe Ella Woodcock.
He coached in the Corsicana Girl's Softball Association
for 20 years, he then taught fast pitch for 10 years. He
was very proud of the fact of winning two ASA National
Championships in girls fast pitch softball. The
highlight of his last years of life was being honored at
a reunion as a coach and mentor at the IOOF Events
Center by previous members of his team the Corsicana
Raiders along with other teams.
He was preceded in death by his parents, and sisters,
Zoe Ann Summers and Etta Mae Whittington.
He is survived by his loving wife of 52 years, Dannell
Woodcock; son, Dwayne Allen Woodcock and wife Mary
Colleen of Corsicana; daughters, Angela Woodcock
Stephens of Midlothian and Wendy Woodcock Byrd and
husband James; grandchildren, Kristin Nicole Woodcock of
Corsicana, Chelsea Sue Woodcock of Conroe, Jacob Ryan
Copeland of San Antonio, Katie Elizabeth Woodcock of
Conroe, Aaron Bryan Copeland of Mansfield, Clinton Caleb
Copeland of Corsicana, Madeline Louise Byrd and Isaac
Allen Byrd of Selina; eight great grandchildren;
brother, Orlo Maurice “Buddy” Woodcock of Flower Mound;
father-in-law and mother-in-law, Harold and Angeline
Evans of Corsicana.
Memorial services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, June 7,
2013 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Dr. Mark
Luera officiating.
Memorial contributions may be made to either the
American Diabetes Association or to the Corsicana Girl's
Softball Association, P.O. Box 24, Corsicana, Texas
75151. |