Emmett Community
Navarro County, Texas |  HOME
Located at the junction of Farm roads 639 and 744, twenty-one miles west of Corsicana
in western Navarro County Texas. It was settled after the Civil War by the Osborne and Goodson families. A post office opened there in 1888, and
by 1890 the community had two combination corn mill-cotton gins, a grocery store, a school,
a church, a blacksmith shop, and an estimated population of
250. After 1900 many of its residents moved to nearby Frost, which was on the railroad. The Emmett post office was closed in 1905, but the town remained a
center for farmers. After WWII, the Cotton Belt Railroad came and the
City of Frost began to grow. Emmett's stores closed and its school was consolidated with that of Frost. Today, all that remains of the town is the Prairie Grove
Baptist Churchand Prairie Grove Cemetery.
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Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams