Obituaries from
Navarro County, Texas



Paul Burnett Harshaw
Jan. 21, 1917 - Mar. 23, 1942
Paul Harshaw Dies of Injuries In Plane Crash

Paul Harshaw, about 25, died in a Las Vegas, Nevada, hospital Monday afternoon about 1 o'clock from head injuries sustained in a plane crash ther last week, relatives here were advised.

Funeral arrangements were not known here early Tuesday morning, but it is expected burial will be either in Corsicana or Dallas.

Harshaw is remembered as an all-State guard with the quarter-final 1934 Corsicana High School Tiger combination, the last Bengal crew to win the district championship and the fifth district title winner in a row.

After graduation from Corsicana High, Harshaw enrolled in Southern Methodist University at Dallas and was a member of the Mustang football squad.

Harshaw was a gunner on one of the U. S. bomber planes and had been stationed at Las Vegas almost a year.

Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harshaw, Dallas, formerly of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Roberts, Corsicana, and Doris Harshaw, student in a Dallas high school; grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Newcomb, Corsicana; an uncle, Capt. Donald Newcomb, U. S. Army, somewhere in the Pacific and other relatives.



By PAUL MOORE --Daily Sun Sports Editor

This column is sad to relate to local enthusiasts of football that one of the finest youngsters ever to sport the spangles of Corsicana High school died yesterday afternoon in a Nevada hospital from injuries sustained in a plane mishap last week�.Paul Harshaw is the victim�an all-state guard who finished his career in 1934 on the club that lost in the quarter-finals to Greenville�He was a clean liver, affable, aggressive and with the heart of a champion---Regardless of the odds, he gave his best efforts and overcame handicaps to reach a high place in the annals of Corsicana High�.He later attended SMU�He was in the U. S. forces.




Funeral services for Paul Harshaw, about 25 years of age, who died in a Las Vegas, Nevada, hospital Monday afternoon, will be held here Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Baptist church. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Dr. E. T. Miller, pastor of the church, with a military service at the grave.

Harshaw, a native of Corsicana, and all-state guard on the 1934 Corsicana High Tiger football team, later a student in SMU, Dallas, received head injuries last week in a plane mishap near Las Vegas. He had been in the army for about a year and was a gunner on a bomber.

The body is scheduled to arrive in Corsicana Thursday morning and will lie in state at the Sutherland-McCammon chapel until the funeral hour.

Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harshaw, Dallas, formerly of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. W. K. Roberts, Corsicana, and Mrs. Doris Harshaw, Dallas; grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Newcomb, Corsicana, and a number of other relatives.




Funeral services for Paul Harshaw, 25, who died Monday afternoon in a Las Vegas, Nev., hospital, were held from the First Baptist Church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The rites were conducted by Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the church. Military sentries were conducted at the grave.

Harshaw, all-state guard on the 1934 Corsicana Tiger football team and later with SMU, was a gunner on a U. S. bomber and received head injuries in a plane mishap near Las Vegas last week. He had been in the army about a year.

Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harshaw, Dallas, formerly of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. W. K. Roberts, Corsicana, and Miss Doris Harshaw, Dallas; grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Newcomb, Corsicana and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Lieut. Orrell Patrick, Lieut. Tracy Smith, Jr., Lyman Barnes, Carl Ashworth, Homer Humphries, Barney Austin, Robert Wheelock and James Paul Halbert.

Friends of the family were honorary pallbearers.

Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home had charge of arrangements.


Frank Nolan Mullican, Sr.
Sep 28, 1903 - Apr 25, 1942


Frank Mullican, aged 38 years, employed on an army construction camp at San Louis Obispo, California, was killed in an automobile accident in California Saturday according to information received here.

The body is scheduled to arrive in Corsicana sometime tonight or Wednesday morning.

Funeral services will be held here sometime Wednesday with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are his wife, and six children of California; mother, Mrs. J. M. Roberts, Corsicana; three brothers, J. L. Mullican, Palestine; Torleton Gober, Palestine and Russell Gober, Corsicana; and a sister, Mrs. R. L. McNaron, Bristol.

Corley Funeral Home will direct rites here.




Funeral services for Frank N. Mullican, aged 38 years, who was fatally injured Saturday in California, were held Thursday afternoon from the Corley Funeral Chapel at 4 o'clock. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. E. O. Stewart, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church.

Mullican is reported to have been crushed between two trucks while at work on an army construction camp at San Luis Obispo, Calif., Saturday.

Surviving are his wife, six children, Mrs. C. B. Davenport, Frank N., Jr., Pauline, Joan, Warner, and Rose Gayle Mullican, all of California; mother, Mrs. J. M. Roberts, Corsicana; three brothers, J. L. Mullican and Torleton Gober, Corsicana; and a sister, Mrs. R. L. McNaron, Bristol.

Pallbearers were Jeff Spencer, C. E. Kennedy, Hugh Fullerton, E. G. Hollingsworth, Fred Boyd and George Havner.


John T. �Johnny� Ketchum
Aug 11, 1912 - Apr 16, 1942


J. T. Ketchum, aged 29 years, died at the family residence, 703 West Thirteenth Avenue, early Thursday morning following an illness of several months.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Pearline Ketchum; a son, Joe Arnold Ketchum and parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ketchum, all of Corsicana.

Funeral services will be held from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.




Funeral services for J. T. Ketchum, aged 29 years, who died Thursday morning at the family residence, 702 West Thirteenth Avenue were held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Pearline Ketchum; a son, Joe Arnold Ketchum, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ketchum, all of Corsicana.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Apr 17, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Janie Mae (Ellis) Ketchum married Dec. 31, 1933 Ellis county, Tx. 2nd wife Pearline (Armstrong) Ketchum married Jan. 26, 1942 Navarro county, Tx; s/o Jessie Burt Ketchum & Lula (Howard) Ketchum

Jessie Burt Ketchum
Sep 5, 1890 - Mar 6, 1958

Caf� Operator Dies Thursday

J. B. Ketchum, aged 67 years, 1421 West Sixth Avenue, died in Memorial Hospital Thursday morning following a heart attack Wednesday night.

Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Friday at 2 p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Dr. A. J. Kirkland of Henderson, formerly pastor of the Missionary Baptist church here.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Annie Mae Ketchum, of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Opal Weatherford, Dallas; three grandchildren, one great-grandchild, a sister, Mrs. Leona Jones, Murchison, and a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives..

Nephews will be pallbearers.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Mar 6, 1958
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • WWI Veteran
  • 1st wife Lula (Howard) Ketchum 2nd wife Annie Mae (Youngblood) Taylor-Ketchum married Nov 19, 1919; s/o William Henry McCurdy Ketchum�census says William H. Ketchum

John T. Owens
May 12, 1862 - Sep 3, 1942


Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Corley Chapel for John T. Owens, 80, retired farmer and long-time resident of Corsicana, who died suddenly while walking in the residential section of the city Thursday morning. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. Rites will be conducted by Rev. Tom Fannin, Baptist minister.

Surviving are three sons, Bert Owens, C. B. Owens, both of Corsicana; and Robert Owens, Stockton, Calif.; five daughters, Miss Mary Ella Owens, Austin; Mrs. Hardy Ingram, Mrs. Dora Stevens, Mrs. Ruby Clay and Miss Sallie Owens, all of Corsicana; and sixteen grandchildren.

Grandsons will be pallbearers.


Robert Douglas Humphries
B&D Sep 4, 1942

Rites Held Friday Humphries Infant

Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Oakwood cemetery for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Humphries. The infant died Friday morning.

Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church, officiated.

Surviving are the parents, one brother, Bill Humphries; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Leonard, and Mrs. Jessie Humphries, all of Corsicana.

Corley Funeral Home had charge of the arrangements.


Sarah Jane (Ellis) Pierson
Aug 29, 1855 - Aug 8, 1942


WACO, Aug. 10.�Mrs. Sarah Jane Pierson, aged 87 years, died at her home here Saturday afternoon.

Funeral services were held from the Dawson Baptist church with burial in the Dawson cemetery.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. R. B. Ashcraft, Waco; a son, Dayton Pierson, 12 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

Pallbearers were Younger Cannon, Irvin Prator, Herman Matthews, Jim Edwards, Millard Moore and Clint Lawrence.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Aug 10, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o W. Loyd Pierson married Mar. 2, 1876 Lafayette, Mississippi (father-Richmond Pierson) (Loyd per Rosa Ashcroft's death certificate); d/o Rev. James Carson Ellis, Sr. & Elizabeth �Eady� (Burleson) Ellis

Herman Dayton Pierson
Feb 2, 1895 - Jun 17, 1962

Dawson Rites Herman Pierson

Final rites for Herman D. Pierson, 67, native of Dawson, who died Sunday at his home in Waco, were held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from the First Baptist church at Dawson with burial in the Dawson cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. Dean Costley.

He was a retired truck driver and had lived in Waco about 50 years.

Surviving are his wife, Waco: two nieces, Mrs. Wayne Derwin, Waco, and Mrs. Ken Maynard, Mexia, a nephew, Lloyd Ashcraft and other relatives.


John Thomas Gardner
Jun 1883 - Apr 7, 1942

Waco Man Buried In Dawson Wednesday

WACO, April 9.�Funeral services were held here Wednesday for John T. Gardner, aged 58 years, who died Tuesday in a local hospital. He had resided here 20 years. Burial was in Dawson.

Surviving are four daughters and a son.


Jewell May (Lewis) Putman
May 21, 1902 - May 15, 1942


Mrs. C. G. Putman, aged 39 years, died Friday night at the P. and S. Hospital after a long illness. Funeral services will be held from the Methodist church at Dawson, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in the Dawson cemetery.

Surviving are her husband, and employee of the State Home; her mother, Mrs. Annie Lewis, Purdon; a brother Lloyd Lewis, Purdon; four sisters, Mrs. Edna McNabb, Purdon; Mrs. J. D. Toten, Purdon; Mrs. Neely Parrish, Purdon; Mrs. Katherine Garner, Richland and other relatives.

Sutherland - McCammon will direct the arrangements.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. Lester Roloff, pastor of the Magnolia Park Baptist church, Houston, assisted by Rev. Thomas Allman, Rev. A. W. Deguire, R. M. Bergeson and the pastor of the Dawson Baptist church.

Pallbearers will be Jimmie Banister, Leland Phillips, Wallis Thomas, Monroe Gann, Wallace Armstrong, and Oakley Read, seniors of the State Home school, with the remaining boys of the class as honorary pallbearers.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., May 16, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Claude Guy Putman married Dec. 23, 1920; d/o William Franklin �Frank� Lewis ( her death certificate says Laura (Wayland) Lewis (Margaret Ann �Annie� (Reeves) Lewis married William Franklin Lewis in 1914)



Funeral services for Mrs. C. G. Putman, aged 39 years, who died in the P. and S. Hospital Friday night after an extended illness, were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Dawson Methodist church. Burial was in the Dawson cemetery.

Surviving are her husband, and employee of the State Home; her mother, Mrs. Annie Lewis, Purdon; a brother Lloyd Lewis, Purdon; four sisters, Mrs. Edna McNabb, Purdon; Mrs. J. D. Toten, Purdon; Mrs. Neely Parrish, Purdon; Mrs. Katherine Garner, Richland and other relatives.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Lester Roloff, pastor of the Magnolia Park Baptist church, Houston, assisted by Rev. Thomas Allman, Rev. A. W. Deguire, M. W. Bergeson and the pastor of the Dawson Baptist church.

Mr. and Mrs. Putman formerly resided at Dawson.

Pallbearers were Jimmie Banister, Leland Phillips, Wallace Thomas, and Oakley Read, seniors in the State Home school, with the remaining members of the class as honorary pallbearers.

Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home directed arrangements.


Jerry Don Hardin
Jul 29, 1942 - Jul 30, 1942

Rites Thursday Afternoon Here For Infant Boy

Jerry Dean Hardin, one-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hardin, Richland, Route 1, died at the P. and S. Hospital Thursday morning.

Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon from the Corley chapel. Burial was in the Pursley cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. E. O. Stewart, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church.

Surviving are the parents and two brothers, Billy Hardin and Wiley Audrin Hardin, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hardin and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. York, all of Purdon.


James Henry Honea
Apr 22, 1867 - Feb 2, 1942


Henry Honea, age 74 years died here Sunday night and funeral services were held from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial was in
Hamilton cemetery. Leroy Brownlow, minister of the Church of Christ, conducted the rites.

Surviving are three sons, J. L. Honea, Dallas; J. W. Honea, El Paso; Clyde Honea, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Blackmon, Corsicana; Mrs. Fannie Dans, Longview; two brothers, T. Honea, Corsicana; Thomas Honea, Waco; two sisters, Mrs. L. Harris, Eustace; Mrs. Annie Parson, Corsicana, and other relatives.


B&D Jun 21, 1942

Rites Held Sunday For Infant; Burial Hamilton Cemetery

Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of this city were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
Hamilton cemetery where interment was made.

Surviving are the parents; and grandparents, Mrs. Delia Brown, Corsicana; and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gurley, Corsicana.

Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.


Clay Leslie Matthews
Aug 19, 1893 - May 03, 1942

Clay L. Matthews, Lifelong Resident Of Dawson, Died

Clay L. Matthews, about 48 years of age, life-long resident of Dawson, died in a Waco Hospital Sunday afternoon after being ill since Wednesday.

Funeral services were held from the Dawson Methodist Church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock with burial in the Dawson cemetery.

Surviving are his wife of Dawson; two sons, William Lynn Matthews, who is ill in a Fort Sam Houston hospital and James Ray Matthews, Dawson; a married daughter; father J. W. Matthews, Dawson; two sisters, Mrs. Winnie Garner and Mrs. Mildred Parker, both of Dawson; and five brothers, Herman, Leroy, Bob and Ott Matthews, all of Dawson, and Tom Matthews, St. Louis.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., May 4, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Una Katherine (Berry) Matthews-Perkins married Jul 30, 1916; s/o William Newton Matthews & Anna Elizabeth "Annie" (Mount) Matthews

William Newton Matthews
Sep 8, 1859 - Apr 9, 1957

Longtime Dawson Resident Expires

DAWSON, April 9 - (Spl) - W. N. Matthews, retired farmer and resident of Dawson for many years, died at his home early Tuesday after a lengthy illness. He was 97.

Funeral services are scheduled Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the Baptist Church of Dawson, Rev. W. O. Estes and the pastor, Rev. Jim Baggett will officiate.

A native of Tennessee Matthews is survived by five sons, O. S., Leroy and Herman Matthews, all of Dawson; Bob Matthews, Corsicana and Tom Matthews, St. Louis Missouri; a daughter, Mrs. Olin Parker, Anchorage, Alaska, and other relatives.

Wolfe Funeral Home will direct.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Apr 9, 1957
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • Dawson cemetery
  • h/o (1) Bobbie Anna (Slauter) Matthews, married Feb 6, 1883 buried in Spring Hill cemetery & (2) Anna Elizabeth �Annie� (Mount) Matthews, married Dec 29, 1886 ; s/o Robert Matthews & UNKNOWN (Garrett) Matthews per death certificate


DAWSON, Apr. 11. - (Spl) - W. N. Matthews passed away Tuesday, April 9 at his home in Dawson. He had been ill for several months, Mr. Matthews was one of Dawson's oldest citizens, having passed his 97th birthday. He is survived by five sons, Ott, Herman and Leroy Matthews, of Dawson; Bob Matthews of Corsicana and Tommie Matthews of St. Lewis, Mo., and one daughter Mrs. Mildred Parker of Alaska.


Otma Slauter "Ott" Matthews
Jan 1, 1884 - Aug 22, 1966

Thursday Rites For Victim Of Traffic Mishap

DAWSON (Spl) - Funeral services for Otma S. Matthews, 82, native of Springhill, business man and livestock farmer, will be held from the First Baptist church Thursday at 3 o'clock.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. Sam Cluck, pastor of the First Baptist church, Hubbard, and Rev. Stephen L. Love, pastor of the Dawson Methodist church. Burial will be in the Dawson cemetery.

Matthews died in a Corsicana hospital Monday night after being involved in a truck-car collision on Highways 31 and 171 Hubbard business district. His death was the fifth traffic fatality in Hill county this year.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Flora Matthews, Dawson; a daughter, Mrs. Billie Sue Sanders, Dallas; three sons, Bobby Matthews, U. S. Air Force, Edwards AFB, Calif.; James Matthews, U.S. Army, Germany, and Newton Matthews, Dawson; four grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Mildred Parker, San Antonio; three brothers, Leroy and Herman Matthews, both of Dawson and Bob Matthews, Corsicana and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be James Etter, Raymond Etter, Curley Whitener, Wilmer Hale, Bailey Hall and Prentice Priddy.

Eubanks Funeral Home directs.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Aug 24, 1966
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Flora Elouise (Bankston) Matthews married Jan 14, 1928; s/o William Newton Matthews & Bobbie Anna (Slauter) Matthews buried in Spring Hill cemetery

Clyde Dewitt Sawyer
Feb 17, 1910 - Aug 4, 1942


DAWSON, Aug. 7. - Funeral services for Clyde Sawyer, 32, who died at his home here Tuesday night, were held Thursday afternoon from the Church of Christ. Burial was in the Dawson cemetery. He had been in ill health for some time and recently was employed in the AAA offices in Corsicana.

Surviving are his mother, Mrs. D. T. Sawyer; a brother, Olin Sawyer, both of Dawson; and four sisters, Misses Opal and Evelyn, both of Dawson; Mrs. Frank Higgins, Austin and Mrs. William Sparkman, Jr., Rantoul, Ill.


Mattie Evelyn (Black) Sawyer
Nov 25, 1881 - Mar 11, 1966

Mrs. Sawyer Dies Friday

DAWSON (Spl)�Mrs. D. T. Sawyer, 85, long-time Dawson resident, died in Memorial hospital Friday afternoon.

Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. from the Church of Christ with burial in the Dawson cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Henry E. Redden, Church of Christ minister in Corsicana.

Surviving are a son, Olin Sawyer, Dawson; two daughters, Mrs. Nelson Ellis, Garland, and Mrs. W. A. Sparkman, Jr., Commerce; 11 grandchildren, a brother, Elbert Black, Waco; a sister, Mrs. Anna Cox, Oklahoma, and other relatives.

Eubanks directs.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Mar 12, 1966
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Donald Tilden �Don� Sawyer; d/o James Landon Black & Francis L. (Jones) Black buried in Board Tree cemetery

James William Blakney
Dec 31, 1937 - Aug 18, 2004

Blakney, James William of Balch Springs. Born December 31, 1937 to Lonnie Odell and Stella Blakney and passed away August 18, 2004 in Dallas. James worked 24 years for Southern Union Gas Company in Austin. He is survived by his loving wife of 29 years, Patsy Blakney; children: Chris Blakney, Debbie Allen, Stacey Frazier, Cindy Yarbrough, Renee Massey & Robert Yarbrough; nine grandchildren; sister, Louise Temple; brother, Johnny Blakney; numerous nieces, nephews and other family members. Visitation is 9a.m.-9p.m. Friday, August 20, 2004 at the funeral home with family receiving friends 6-8p.m. Funeral services are 2:00p.m. Saturday, August 21, 2004 at the Laurel Oaks Funeral Home Chapel with interment following at Laurel Oaks Memorial Park. WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND YOU WILL BE DEEPLY MISSED!


  • Laurel Oaks Memorial Park
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • CHS grad 1956
  • 1st wife Betty Cleo (Gullatt) Blakney-Taylor married Sep 1, 1962 2nd wife Donna Jean (Crowell) Blakney married Feb. 20, 1970 3rd wife Patsy Yvonne (Shields) Yarbrough-Blakney married Feb 28, 1975; s/o Lonnie Odell Blakney & Stella (Higginbotham) Blakney-Smith

Linda Ann (Duke) Temple
Jul. 15, 1938 - Feb. 22, 2003

TEMPLE, LINDA ANN, loving wife of 45 years to Bill Temple of Red Oak, Texas, peacefully entered the presence of our Lord in the early morning hours of Saturday, February 22, 2003. Linda was born on July 15, 1938, in Many, Louisiana to George and Lillie May Duke. She graduated from Corsicana, Texas High School and attended Navarro College. Following her marriage and move to Dallas, she worked as a secretary, primarily in elementary education. She began her faithful service to the Lord at the age of 15 when she became the pianist at her church in Corsicana and later at Clarendon Drive and Sunny Glen Baptist Churches. She was a faithful member of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Cedar Hill, where she sang in the choir and cared for babies in the nursery. She will be remembered for the love and service to her Lord, her husband, and family, especially her four grandchildren. Linda provided inspiration and encouragement during her treatments for cancer. She was preceded in death by her parents, and is survived by her husband, daughter and son-in-law Diana and Bill Branch of Grapevine, son and daughter-in-law Ken and Debbie Temple of Red Oak, grandchildren Allison and Victoria Branch and Ashley and Will Temple, brother-and sister-in-law Bob and Louise Temple, a niece and nephew and families, mother-in-law Julia Temple, her husbands aunt and husband Virginia and Henry Martens and families, and cousins and numerous close friends. A celebration service will be held at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at Hillcrest Baptist Church in Cedar Hill, with burial following at Red Oak Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6-8:00 P.M., on Monday, February 24, 2003 at Jaynes Memorial Chapel 811 S. Cockrell Hill Rd., Duncanville, Texas. In lieu of flowers, the family request memorials to Hillcrest Baptist Church Vision for Tomorrow Fund. Jaynes Memorial Chapel 811 South Cockrell Hill Road Duncanville TX 75137 972-298-2334


  • Published in Dallas Morning News on Feb 23, 2003
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • Buried in Red Oak Cemetery, Red Oak, TX
  • CHS grad 1956
  • w/o William Royka "Bill" Temple; d/o George Duke & Lillie May (Fowler) Duke

Leona Elevina (Osborn) Kenyon-Malone
Nov 23, 1876 - May 23, 1942


Mrs. Leona Malone, aged 65 years, died at the P. and S. Hospital Saturday morning from the effects of burns sustained Feb. 18.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Clyde Griffin, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church. Burial will be in Hamilton cemetery.

Surviving are her husband, J. J. Malone, Corsicana; four sons, James Kenyon, Willow, Okla.;
Edward Kenyon, Delhi, Okla., Andrew and Ernest Kenyon, both of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Sadie Rigsby, Cleburne; and two brothers, N. E. Osborne, Sayre, Okla., and Andrew Osborne, Peoria Ariz.




Funeral services for Mrs. Leona Malone, aged 65 years, who died at the P. and S. Hospital Saturday morning from burns received at her residence, Feb. 18, this year, were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Clyde Griffin, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church.

Surviving are her husband, J. J. Malone, Corsicana; four sons, James Kenyon, Willow, Okla.; A Edward Kenyon, Delhi, Okla., Andrew and Ernest Kenyon, both of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Sadie Rigsby, Cleburne; and two brothers, N. E. Osborne, Sayre, Okla., and Andrew Osborne, Peoria Ariz.


Geraldine Hubbard
May 31, 1935 - Jan 12, 1942

Geraldine Hubbard, Six Years Old, Died Monday Afternoon

Geraldine Hubbard, six-years-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hubbard of Zion's Rest died Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock.

Funeral arrangements had not been completed early Monday afternoon.

Surviving are the parents, a brother, Jack Hubbard, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gunn.

Sutherland � McCammon Funeral Home is in charge.


Willie E. Dale
Jul 4, 1873 - Nov 8, 1942


ENNIS, Nov. 10.�W. E. Dale, aged 69 years, resident of this area more than 40 years, died Monday morning at a local hospital.

Funeral services were held here Tuesday morning with burial in the Hamilton cemetery near Corsicana.

A native of Kentucky, Dale came to Corsicana 45 years ago with his parents, A. C. and Sarah Dale. He lived at Telico until he came to Ennis five years ago.

A niece, Mrs. W. A. Auerbach, resides in Corsicana.


Willie Conway "Bill" Younger, Sr.
Feb 15, 1900 - Apr 12, 1963

Sunday Rites W. C. Younger

W. C. Younger, 63, of Corsicana, died of a heart attack Friday morning at the office of the Martin Linen supply, 1301 West Fourteenth avenue.

Services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Eleventh Ave. Methodist church. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Paul Wiseman, pastor. Burial will be in the Hamilton cemetery.

Pallbearers will be Donald Palmeri, Tommy Allen, John Allen, Marshall McCaslin, Dean Owen, Joel Bonner, W. H. Mims and Leslie McGuyer.

Younger is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Stephen Palmeri, both of Corsicana; a son, W. C. Younger, Jr. Of Dallas; a brother, T. C. Younger of Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. W. B. Auerbach of Wortham; two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and other relatives.

Corley will direct.



Bill Younger Services Held

Funeral services for W. C. (Bill) Younger, 63, who died of a heart attack Friday morning at his home and office for Martin Linen supply, 1301 West Fourteenth avenue, were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Paul Wiseman, pastor of the church, of which Younger was a member. Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery.

Younger had been manager of the linen supply office here 35 years. He was a life-long Corsicana resident.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Stephen Palmeri, Corsicana; a son, W. C. Younger, Jr., Dallas; two grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, a brother, T. C. Younger, Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. W. B. Auerbach, Wortham, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Donald Palmeri, Tommy Allen, John Allen, Marshall McCaslin, Dean Owen, Joel Bonner, W. H. Mims and Leslie McGuyer.


William Berthold "Bert" Auerbach
Mar 30, 1888 - May 14, 1974

W. B. Auerbach

Funeral service will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Chapel for W. B. (Bert) Auerbach, 86, resident of Corsicana, who died Tuesday at Memorial Hospital.

Rev. Harold Lansford will officiate, and burial will be at Hamilton Cemetery.

He was a native of Raleigh, Mo., and had lived in Corsicana for seven years.

Survivors include his widow of Corsicana; a brother, C. R. Auerbach of Corsicana and a number of nieces and nephews.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., May 15, 1974
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Vallie Dale (Younger) Auerbach married Oct 10, 1917 2nd wife Maggie Elizabeth (Hanks) Roberts-Auerbach married Jan 19, 1970 buried in Oakwood cemetery; s/o Louis Auerbach & Laura (Webber) Auerbach


W. B. Auerbach

Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for W. B. (Bert) Auerbach, 86, who died Tuesday at Memorial Hospital.

Rev. Harold Lansford officiated and burial was at Hamilton cemetery.

He was a native of Raleigh, Mo., and had lived in Corsicana for seven years.

Survivors include his widow of Corsicana, a brother, and a number of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers include Paul Moore, M. E. Lake, Joe Sims, Bill Davis, Fred Saxon and Roy Bristow.


B&D Nov 23, 1942


Funeral services for the infant daughter of Lieut. And Mrs. Fielding Atchley were held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock from the Sutherland McCammon chapel. Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First Methodist Church, conducted the rites. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are the parents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Festus Pierce, Corsicana, and Judge and Mrs. J. F. Atchley, Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Lieut. Atchley is stationed at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at the intelligence school of the U. S. Air Forces.


Byrne Lee Crawford
B&D Feb 27, 1942

Burn Lee Crawford, Infant, Died Friday; Burial on Saturday

Burn Lee Crawford, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Crawford, 1820 West Thirteenth avenue, died Friday afternoon. Funeral rites were conducted Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at Oakwood cemetery where burial was made. The services were conducted by Rev. E. O. Stewart, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church.

Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements.


Gary Dean Crawford
B&D Feb 10, 1947


Garry Dean Crawford, infant son of Mrs. Ora Crawford of Corsicana, died at the P. and S. Hospital early Monday morning.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the Griffin Funeral Chapel with interment in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. D. D. Geddie, Corsicana Baptist Association Missionary.

Surviving are the mother, a twin brother, Larry Gene Crawford, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bentley, Corsicana.


Clifton (Townsend) Glass
Sep 15, 1896 - Jul 8, 1942

Mrs. E. L. N. Glass Died Suddenly In Guatemala Today

Mrs. E. L. N. Glass, the former Clifton Townsend of Corsicana, died suddenly at Guatemala City, Guatemala, Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock, according to information received in a telegram here Wednesday.

The body, accompanied by her husband and son, is scheduled to arrive in San Antonio by plane sometime Wednesday night, and later will be brought to Corsicana where funeral rites will be held. The time of the funeral services had not been decided at press hour Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. Glass had been ill only two days.

Surviving are her husband, Col. E. L. N. Glass, U. S. Army and two sons, Edward B. T. Glass, student of the University of Texas, Austin, and Johnny B. Glass, Guatemala City; mother, Mrs. Etta Townsend; grandmother, Mrs. Emma H. Townsend, both of Corsicana, and other relatives.

Mrs. Glass was reared in Corsicana and was well-known here. She frequently visited Corsicana.

Miss Virginia Glass and Beaumont Glass, brother and sister, and Mrs. Sadie Blocksom, and aunt of Cop. Glass, all of Spring Lake, N. J., are expected to come to Corsicana for the rites.

Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home will be in charge of arrangements.



Funeral Thursday Mrs. E. L. N. Glass; Burial in Oakwood

Funeral services for Mrs. E. L. N. Glass, who died in Guatemala City, Guatemala, early Wednesday morning following a short illness were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon chapel. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Alex B. Hanson, rector of St. John's Episcopal church. Mrs. Glass was reared in Corsicana and was the former Miss Clifton Townsend.

The body accompanied by her husband, Col. E. L. N. Glass, and a son, Johnny B. Glass, both of Guatemala City, arrived by plane in San Antonio early Wednesday and was brought to Corsicana in an army ambulance, arriving here Thursday morning at 2 o'clock.

Surviving are her husband, two sons, Edward B. S. Glass, student at the University of Texas, Austin and Johnny B. Glass; mother, Mrs. Etta Townsend; grandmother, Mrs. Emma H. Townsend, both of Corsicana, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Dr. W. T. Shell, Sr., C. J. Knox, Ralph Stell, Allyn Lang, Dr. T. O. Wills and Ed M. Polk, Jr.


Jimmie Sue �Susie� (Mullican) Andrews
May 8, 1936 - Nov. 19, 2013

Mrs. Susie Andrews, age 77, of Dallas passed away on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at Texas Specialty Hospital in Dallas. She was born May 8, 1936 in Ellis County Texas to Raymond Lester Mullican and Myrtie Amanda McCluney Mullican.

She spent her life serving and caring for others. After graduating from Ennis High School she worked at Ennis Business Forms for years and later as a bookkeeper in the trucking industry. She then helped her husband in his accounting business. Susie was an avid reader, and especially loved reading about Egypt and Queen Elizabeth I. She was known to have read three books in a day. She also was an avid Bible scholar and could beat pretty much anyone at Bible Trivia.

She met the love of her life, George David Andrews when she was only 16 while picking pecans. She and George didn't marry until 20 years later due to health issues and her taking care of her parents in their older years.

She was preceded in death by her parents and sister, Billie Isom.

Mrs. Andrews is survived by her husband of 39 years, George David Andrews of Dallas and her son, David Anthony Andrews and his wife, Jennie Lynn and by her granddaughter, Emily Claire Andrews of Austin. Susie was also survived by her nieces, Lisa and Amy, and nephews, Kenneth Ray and Boyd Lynn of the Isom family.

Visitation with the family will be from 5 � 7 PM on Friday, November 22, 2013 at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services are scheduled for 11:00 AM on Saturday, November 23, 2013 at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Randal Whitt officiating. The burial of her cremains will take place at a later date with a private family service.


  • Corley Funeral Home
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o George David Andrews; d/o Raymond Lester Mullican & Myrtie Amanda (McCluney) Mullican
  • Oakwood cemetery

Rex Bedford Gunn
Apr 1, 1926 - Sep 16, 1956

Rex B. Gunn

Rex B. Gunn, 30, Instantly Killed Car-Train Crash
Rex B. Gunn, 30, Pursley, all field worker, was instantly killed Sunday at 10:40 a.m. when his pick-up truck figured in a collision with the Southbound Fort Worth and Denver City, Rock Island Twin Star Rocket passenger train at a grade crossing immediately north of Lake Halbert. His death is the 10th traffic fatality in Navarro county this year.
Truck Demolished
The Truck was demolished and scattered along the truck for a considerable distance.
The fatal mishap was investigated by city police Officers John Kelly and Kay Robinson, who identified the train's engineer as C. McCarter of Teague, and the fireman as A. L. Bray of Forth Worth. The accident victim was driving a 1950 Chevrolet pickup.
The truck was proceeding in an easterly direction toward the rock house at Lake Halbert where fishing and boat piers are located.
Gunn was a World War II Navy veteran and was a member of the Pursley Church of Christ.
Rites Held Monday
Funeral services were held from the First Baptist church in Purdon Monday at 3  p.m. with burial in the Hamilton cemetery.
The rite3s were conducted by Rev. Chester L. Reames, pastor of the church and J. C. Mahoney, Church of Christ minister.
Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Carole Jean; a son, Paul;  father O. B. Gunn, all of Pursley; seven sisters, Nadine Gunn, Mexia; Mrs. Gaynele
Hubbard, Dallas; Mrs. R. B. Comer, Snyder; Mrs. Fred Anderson, Odessa  Mrs. Roger Kirk, Pursley; Miss Eural Brown, Rice, and Louise Gunn, Shreveport, La. and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Nathan Benefield, Charles W. Brown, C. W. Price, Dewitt, Wallace Jr., Tommy Owen and Robert Richardson.
Corley Directed


Lila Gertrude (Kerr) McClellan
Jul 25, 1866 - Mar 13, 1892

Fifty Years Ago.

The following item appeared in Monday's �Fifty Years Ago� feature of the Dallas News:

Corsicana: Mrs. J. J. McClellan was buried after an elaborate and touching funeral service.


Joseph Moody Brown
May 7, 1881 - Oct 29, 1975

J. M. Brown

Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Griffin Funeral Home Chapel for Joe M. Brown, 94, of Corsicana, who died at 3:30 a.m. today at his residence. Burial will be at
Oakwood Cemetery.

He was born in Oxford, Miss, May 7, 1881, and moved to Corsicana when he was six years old.

He was a 65 year member of the Carpenter's Union and a long-time member of the Wesley Methodist Church.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Anna Bennett of Athens, Mrs. Dortha Fondren of Corsicana and Miss Josephine Brown of Corsicana; a son, Marion Brown of Mexia, 11 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Effie Carroll of El Paso and Mrs. Hattie Bunch of Corsicana.

Pallbearers will be grandsons. Honorary pallbearers are Rev. Frank Smith and Jeff Harwell.


Huldah Alice (Carroll) Brown
Apr 20, 1883 - Mar 7, 1972

Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Joe M. Brown, 88, died at 5:15 a.m. Tuesday at her home at 120 W. Garritty. She was born April 29, at Dresden.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Griffin Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Leroy Reeves, pastor of Wesley Methodist Church, and the Rev. Roy Davis, officiating.

Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.

Mrs. Brown is survived by her husband, Joe M. Brown of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. Anna Bennett of Athens, Miss Josephine Brown of Corsicana and Mrs. Dortha Fondren of Corsicana; one son, Marion Brown of Mexia; a brother, Ruben Carroll of Blooming Grove; 11 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews.

Grandsons will be pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers will be Jeff Harwell and the Rev. Frank Smith of Bellmead.



Mrs. Brown

Funeral services were 1t 2 p.m. Wednesday at Griffin Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Joe M. Brown, 88, who died Tuesday at her home. The Rev. Leroy Reeves and the Rev. Roy Davis officiated. Burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery.

Pallbearers were grandsons, Joseph L. Bennett, James D. (Corky) Bennett, Pat Bennett, Jack Bennett, David Fondren and Bob Windsor.

Surviving are her husband, three daughters, one son, 11 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, a brother and a number of nieces and nephews.

Honorary pallbearers were Jeff Harwell and the Rev. Frank Smith of Bellmead.


Emmett Lewis Brown
Jan 17, 1895 - Dec 16, 1957

E. L. Brown Dies Monday Afternoon Rites Wednesday

Emmett Lewis Brown, 52, merchant, 315 South Seventeenth, died in Memorial Hospital Monday afternoon.

A native of Purdon, he had resided in Corsicana 34 years and was an active member of the Baptist church.

Funeral services will be held from the Northside Baptist church Wednesday at 4 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Weldon R. Drake, pastor.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two sons, Lewis and Truitt Brown, both of Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Roy L. Miller, Snyder; Mrs. Frazier Mullins, Whitney; Mrs. Bruce Brown and Mrs. Frances Moore, both of Corsicana; 14 grandchildren; a brother, Joe Brown, Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. F. A. Bunch, Corsicana; Mrs. Henry Ellis and Mrs. Effie Carroll, both of El Paso, and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be H. F. Allen, Clyde Stubbs, L. O. Tyler, R. W. Phinney, C. L. Miley, Dave Sawyer, Lob Borden, John Spencer, Dick Vickery, A. G. Fussell, O. L Watkins and B. A. George.

Corley will direct.



Wednesday Rites For E. L. Brown

Funeral services for Emmett Lewis Brown, 62, merchant, who died in Memorial Hospital Monday afternoon, will be held Wednesday at 4 p.m. from the Northside Baptist church.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. Weldon R. Drake, pastor of the church, with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery.

A native of Purdon, he had resided in Corsicana 34 years and was an active member of the Baptist church.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two sons, Lewis and Truitt Brown, both of Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Roy L. Miller, Snyder; Mrs. Frazier Mullins, Whitney; Mrs. Bruce Brown and Mrs. Frances Moore, both of Corsicana; 14 grandchildren; a brother, Joe Brown, Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. F. A. Bunch, Corsicana; Mrs. Henry Ellis and Mrs. Effie Carroll, both of El Paso, and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be H. F. Allen, Clyde Stubbs, L. O. Tyler, R. W. Phinney, C. L. Miley, Dave Sawyer, Lob Borden, John Spencer, Dick Vickery, A. G. Fussell, O. L Watkins and B. A. George.

Corley will direct.


Margaret/Majorie (Davis) Wylie
1901 - May 10, 1942


Mrs. Ralph Wylie died in New Orleans Sunday afternoon. Funeral services will be held from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Chapel Tuesday afternoon with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Marshall Steele, pastor of the Highland Park Methodist church. The rites will be held at 2 o'clock.

Mrs. Wylie was Miss Majorie Davis prior to her marriage, the daughter of the Late Col. C. A. Davis.

She was a native of Corsicana and a graduate of the Corsicana high school. Mrs. Wylie lived in Corsicana through young woman-hood and after her Marriage to Mr. Wylie they have resided away from this city. Many friends made while living her are grieved to learn of her untimely passing.

Surviving are her husband of New Orleans; mother, Mrs. C. A. Davis, Corsicana; and two sisters, Mrs. Fred Forrester and Mrs. Winnie Lee Rankin, both of Corsicana.

Pallbearers will be Charles Rankin, Earle Wylie, Alvin Wylie, Thomas Wylie, Gerald McClung and Frank Caldwell.




Funeral rites for Mrs. Marjorie Davis Wylie, who died at her home in New Orleans Sunday afternoon, were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Marshall Steele, pastor of the Highland Park Methodist church.

A native of Corsicana, Mrs. Wylie was a graduate of Corsicana High School. She was the daughter of Mrs. and the late Col. C. A. Davis.

Surviving are her husband, Ralph Wylie, New Orleans; mother, Mrs. Davis, Corsicana; and two sisters, Mrs. Fred Forrester and Mrs. Winnie Lee Rankin, Corsicana and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Charles Rankin, Earle Wylie, Alvin Wylie, Thomas Wylie, Gerald McClung and Frank Caldwell.


David Tom Moore
B&D Sep 1, 1942


David Tom Moore, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, Roane, died in the Navarro Clinic here Tuesday morning.

Funeral services will be held from the Sutherland-McCammon chapel Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Interment will be in the
Oakwood cemetery. The Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church, will conduct the rites.

Surviving are the parents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore, Roane, and G. c. and Mrs. Ethel Kennedy.


William Roger Bates
Jul 12, 1881 - Aug 25, 1942


Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Oakwood cemetery for William R. Bates, 61, native of Alabama, who died here Friday morning. Interment was in the
Oakwood cemetery.

He had been a resident of Corsicana for the past ten years.

Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Shelton, Corsicana; Mrs. H. H. Byrd, Mart and Mrs. B. E. Dove, Rankin; and two brothers, J. F. Bates, Fort Worth; and L. L. Bates, Bardwell.


Sylvanus Bryant Gibson
Jun 11, 1861 - Mar 12, 1942


S. B. Gibson, aged 81 years, died at the family residence on North Commerce street Thursday afternoon.

Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a son, M. B. Gibson, Tomball, Texas; two grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Anne Harlow, Fort Worth; and a half brother, J. B. Whorton, Blooming Grove.

He had resided in Corsicana for a number of years.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Mar 13, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Cornelia J. (Goss) McPherson-Gibson (mother of son Maurice Bryant Gibson buried in Rosewood Funeral Home and Cemetery, Humble, Tx.) 2nd wife Dora Ellen (Gothard) Phillips-Gibson buried in Guthrie cemetery, Styx, Tx. 3rd wife Emma Lou (Sherrod) Johnson-Gibson; s/o Sylvanus Gibson buried in Martin cemetery, Upson, Ga. died 1867 and Sarah Jane �Sally� (Barr) Gibson-Whorton

James Barr "Jim" Whorton
Oct 18, 1874 - Jun 10, 1952

Jim B. Whorton Rites Thursday

Funeral services for Jim B. Whorton, 77, retired farmer, who died at the P. and S. Hospital Tuesday night, were held at 2 p.m. Thursday from the Corley Chapel.

Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist church.

Native of Georgia, Whorton had resided in Navarro county since childhood.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two sons, E. B. Whorton, Rule, and Joe Whorton, Thompson; six daughters, Mrs. F. L. Hyman, LaPlace, La.; Mrs. T. L. Goodwin, and Mrs. R. E. Spain, both of McCamey; Mrs. W. E. Kimbell, Odessa; Mrs. W. W. Thacker, Stillwell, Okla., and Mrs. G. C. Sterling, Wortham; 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers were R. O. Spain, J. L. Grantham, Glen Stokes, Fred Warren, N. Green and Van King.


Exie Ruth Norton
Feb 23, 1942 - Feb 24, 1942

Infant Died Early Tuesday; Be Buried Oakwood Cemetery

Exie Ruth Norton, one-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Norton of Malakoff, former residents of Corsicana died at the P. and S. Hospital early Tuesday morning.

Funeral rites will be conducted at
Oakwood cemetery Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock where interment will be made. The rites will be conducted by Leroy Brownlow, minister of the Church of Christ.

Corley Funeral Home is in charge.



Rites Held Late Tuesday For Infant

Funeral services for Exie Ruth Norton, one-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Norton of Malakoff, formerly of Corsicana, who died at the P. and S. Hospital early Tuesday, were held at
Oakwood cemetery, Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The rites were conducted by Leroy Brownlow, minister of the Church of Christ.

Corley Funeral Home was in charge.


May Bright (Elliott) Norton
Jan 29, 1903 - Dec 23, 1975

Mrs. Norton

Funeral services will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Corley Chapel for Mrs. May Bright Norton, who died in Dallas, Rev. Eugene Wood will officiate and burial will follow at
Oakwood cemetery.

A Corsicana native, Mrs. Norton had lived in Dallas the past 25 years.

She is survived by two nieces, Mrs. E. A. Carter of Dallas and Mrs. J. A. Caldwell of McKinney.

Friends of the family will be pallbearers.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Dec 24, 1975
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Charles Frederick Norton married Oct. 7, 1926; d/o William Merrell Elliott & Frances �Frankie� (Kenner) Elliott

Lula Maude (Stanford) Edmondson
Aug 12, 1871 - Mar 2, 1942


Mrs. R. W. Edmonson, aged 70 years, died at the family residence, 1918 West First Avenue, Monday night.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Dr. E. T. Miller, pastor of the First Baptist church.

Mrs. Edmonson had resided in Navarro County many years and for the past seventeen years has made her home in Corsicana.

Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. L. A. Rutherford and Miss Artie Edmonson, both of Corsicana; two sons, R. E. Edmonson and Otis Edmonson, both of Dallas; fourteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be L. M. Williams, C. C. Sands, E. H. Powell, Curry Butler, Albert Fullerton and L. E. Rutherford.

Honorary pallbearers will be friends of the family.




Funeral services for Mrs. R. W. Edmonson, aged 70 years, who died at the family home, 1918 West First Avenue, Monday night, were held Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. E. T. Miller, pastor of the First Baptist Church.

Mrs. Edmonson had resided in Navarro County for many years and had made her home in Corsicana for seventeen years.

Surviving are her husband, two daughters, Mrs. L. A. Rutherford and Miss Artie Edmonson, both Corsicana; two sons, R. E. Edmonson and Otis Edmonson, both of Dallas; fourteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, and a brother, A. P. Stanford, Savoy.

Pallbearers were L. M. Williams, C. C. Sands, E. H. Powell, Curry Butler, Albert Fullerton and L. E. Rutherford.

Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.


Richard Washington Edmondson
Oct 24, 1863 - Jul 17, 1947


Funeral services for R. W. Edmondson, aged 83 years, long-time Corsicana and Navarro county resident, who died at the P. and S. Hospital Thursday afternoon, were held from the McCammon Funeral Home Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Marvin Bledsoe, pastor of the Central Methodist church.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. L. A. Rutherford and Miss Artie Edmondson, both of Corsicana; two sons, R. E. and O. N. Edmondson, both of Dallas; 14 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers were C. B. Absher, Gordon Collins, B. W. Lee, J. H. Roberts, C. R. Zube, and Ivy Stephens.

Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Jul. 19, 1947
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Lula Maude (Stanford) Edmondson s/o Richard Coleman Edmondson & Alzira (Farris) Edmondson buried in Rutledge Salem cemetery, Iuka, Mississippi

Robert Eugene Edmondson
Jul 12, 1888 - Nov 26, 1961

R. Edmondson Dies Sunday

Robert Edmondson, long-time Corsicana resident, died Sunday in Memorial hospital. He was 73.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with Rev. W. B. Huntsberry, pastor, Memorial Baptist church, officiating. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are his widow of Corsicana; six sons, Henry K. Edmondson, Horace W. Edmondson and Robert C. Edmondson, all of Dallas; Woodrow H. Edmondson, Amarillo; Eugene P. Edmondson, Wichita Falls, and Richard L. Edmondson, Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Grimes, Houston; Mrs. Doris Claussen and Mrs. Bonnie Densomore, both of Dallas; one brother, Otis N. Edmondson, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. L. A. Rutherford and Miss Artie Edmondson, both of Corsicana; 21 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be Clifton Russell, Weldon Morris, L. E. Knotts, O. D. Bailey, T. G. Glasgow, Robert Fulton and A. B. Hutson.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Nov 27, 1961
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Jewell Buford (Dillard) Edmondson married Aug. 12, 1908; h/o Richard W. Edmondson & Lula Maud (Stanford) Edmondson


R. Edmondson Rites Tuesday

Final rites for Robert Edmondson were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with Rev. W. B. Huntsberry, pastor of, Memorial Baptist church, officiating. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery.

A long-time resident of Corsicana, Mr. Edmondson died Sunday in Memorial hospital.

Surviving are his widow of Corsicana; six sons, Henry K. Edmondson, Horace W. Edmondson and Robert C. Edmondson, all of Dallas; Woodrow H. Edmondson, Amarillo; Eugene P. Edmondson, Wichita Falls, and Richard L. Edmondson, Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Grimes, Houston; Mrs. Doris Claussen and Mrs. Bonnie Densomore, both of Dallas; one brother, Otis N. Edmondson, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. L. A. Rutherford and Miss Artie Edmondson, both of Corsicana; 21 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers were Clifton Russell, Weldon Morris, L. E. Knotts, O. D. Bailey, T. G. Glasgow, Robert Fulton and A. B. Hutson.


Otis Napoleon Edmondson
Jan 15, 1899 - Nov 6, 1977

Otis Edmondson

Services are to be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Corley Funeral Chapel for Otis N. Edmondson, 78, resident of Corsicana, who died Sunday in Memorial Hospital. Rev. Harold Lansford will officiate, and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.

He was a native of Ellis County and had lived in Corsicana for five years. He was a retired salesman.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Travis T. Arnold of Fort Smith, Ark., and Mrs. Betty Cook of Houston; a sister, Miss Artie F. Edmondson of Corsicana; seven grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.

Nephews will serve as pallbearers.


Mattie Jane (Erby) Pogue
Apr 9, 1870 - Mar 24, 1942


Mrs. Z. J. Pogue, aged 71 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Patrick, 618 West Fifth avenue, Tuesday morning at 9:45 o'clock, following a heart attack Sunday night.

Funeral arrangements had not been completed early Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Pogue came to Ferris in 1902 from Tennessee and moved to Corsicana 30 years ago. She was an active member of the First Christian church.

Surviving are her husband, well-known local accountant; two sons, Lt. Com. W. G. Pogue, commanding officer of a U. S. navy destroyer in the Pacific area, and Leslie Pogue, Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Patrick, Corsicana, and Mrs. Tom Christopher, Fort Worth; a granddaughter, Miss Kathleen Goods, who made her home with her grandparents here; two grandsons, Billy H. and Joe Patrick, both of Corsicana, and three brothers and three sisters, who reside in Ellis and Dallas counties.

Corley Funeral Home will be in charge of arrangements.




Funeral services for Mrs. Z. J. Pogue, aged 71 years, who died of a heart attack Tuesday morning will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Robert F. Bristol, pastor of the First Christian church of which Mrs. Pogue had been an active member.

Mr. and Mrs. Pogue came to Texas in 1892, residing at Ferris until they moved to Corsicana 20 years ago.

Surviving are her husband, well-known local accountant; two sons, Lt. Com. W. G. Pogue, commanding officer of a U. S. navy destroyer in the Pacific area, and Leslie Pogue, Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Patrick, Corsicana, and Mrs. Tom Christopher, Fort Worth; a granddaughter, Miss Kathleen Goods, who made her home with her grandparents here; two grandsons, Billy H. and Joe Patrick, both of Corsicana, and three brothers and three sisters, who reside in Ellis and Dallas counties.

Pallbearers will be L. V. Majors, J. H. Bryant, N. Suttle Roberts, J. E. Foster, Maurice Pollard, Thomas Curtis, J. S. Beauchamp and R. W. Martin.




Funeral rites for Mrs. Z. J. Pogue, aged 71 years, who died with a heart attack Tuesday, were held Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. The services were conducted by Robert F. Bristol, minister of the First Christian church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.

A native of Tennessee, Mrs. Pogue resided at Ferris for a number of years before the family came to Corsicana 30 years ago.

Surviving are her husband, well-known local accountant; two sons, Lt. Com. W. G. Pogue, commanding officer of a U. S. navy destroyer in the Pacific area, and Leslie Pogue, Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Patrick, Corsicana, and Mrs. Tom Christopher, Fort Worth; a granddaughter, Miss Kathleen Goods, who made her home with her grandparents here; two grandsons, Billy H. and Joe Patrick, both of Corsicana, and three brothers and three sisters, who reside in Ellis and Dallas counties.

Pallbearers will be L. V. Majors, J. H. Bryant, N. Suttle Roberts, J. E. Foster, Maurice Pollard, Thomas Curtis, J. S. Beauchamp and R. W. Martin.


Zachariah James Pogue, Jr.
Jan 6, 1869 - Dec 13, 1943

Z. J. Pogue Is Critically Ill

Z. J. Pogue, accountant is critically ill in the Navarro Clinic. His son, Leslie Pogue of Houston, and a daughter, Mrs. Tom Christopher of Fort Worth, are here with their father. Another daughters, Mrs. H. H. Patrick resides here. Capt. Grady Pogue, U. S. Navy, Washington has been notified of his father condition.




Funeral services for Z. J. Pogue, age 74 years, who died at the Navarro clinic Monday afternoon, were held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Rev. W. R. Hall and Rev. Robert F. Bristol conducted the rites. Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery.

An auditor and accountant Mr. Pogue had been prominent in the business life of the city for a number of years.

Surviving are two sons, Capt. W. Grady Pogue, U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C.; Leslie Pogue, Houston; two daughters, Mrs. W. H. Patrick, Corsicana; Mrs. Tom Christopher, Fort Worth; a brother, Joe Pogue, Columbia, Tenn., and other relatives.

Pallbearers were H. A. Clowe, Sr., Jimmie Dill, W. Art Martin, L. V. Majors, N. Suttle Roberts, J. H. Bryant, R. W. Martin, L. L. Hruska and Scott Lowry.


Minnie May (Pogue) Patrick
Feb 7, 1897 - Jul 19, 1975

Mrs. Patrick

Funeral services are pending at Griffin Funeral Home for Mrs. Minnie Patrick, 78, who died Saturday afternoon at Memorial Hospital.

Survivors include her husband, W. H. Patrick of Corsicana; two sons, Joe A. Patrick and William H. Patrick, Jr., both of Corsicana; two brothers, Leslie Pogue of Houston and William Grady Pogue; and one sister, Mrs. Ollie P. Cristopher of Austin.



Mrs. Patrick

Services were to be at 2 p.m. today at Griffin Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Minnie Patrick, 78, who died Saturday afternoon at Memorial Hospital.

Rev. John McCord was to officiate, with burial following at
Oakwood cemetery.

Survivors include her husband, two sons, two brothers, and a sister.

Pallbearers were Charlie B. Bee, Jimmy Gordon, Tom Weatherford, Henry P. Winkler, Alonzo Turn, Lonnie Beasley, R. W. Smith, Hal Bookout, and B. C. Nesmith.


Minnie Ellen (Williams) Hart
Dec 18, 1906 - Apr 13, 1946


Funeral services for Mrs. R. L. Hart, aged 39 years, 618 East Thirteenth avenue, who died Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic, were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First Baptist church.

Surviving are her husband, R. L. Hart, Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. H. H. Stark, San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. Mike Campbell, El Paso, and Mrs. S. L. Burnett, Corsicana; parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Williams, Corsicana, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Mike Campbell, S. L. Burnett, H. H. Stark, L. H. Lucas, Otho Williams and E. A. Patterson.


William Henry �Bill� Cruse, Jr.
Apr 26, 1897 - Feb 10, 1959

Hold Services For Bill Cruse Here Wednesday

Funeral services for Bill Cruse, 62, who was found dead Tuesday noon at his home, 3005 Second avenue, of a heart attack, will be held Wednesday at 4 p.m. from the Corley Chapel.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the First Methodist church and Rev. Clarence Williams, pastor of the Second avenue Baptist church. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.

Cruse was a well known salesman here for years. He was a Rotarian and a past post commander of the American Legion, having served in World War I.

A native of Mississippi, Cruse came to Navarro county with his family from Mississippi in 1910, and resided in the Barry and Cryer Creek communities prior to moving to Corsicana a number of years ago.

Bill Armstrong, a nephew discovered his uncle's body in a bathtub Tuesday when Armstrong and his mother, Mrs. Mose Armstrong, a sister, of Cruse, went to the Cruse home. Mrs. Armstrong had planned to stay with her brother during the afternoon as he had been at home due to illness several days.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ina Cruse, Corsicana; two brothers, Frank Cruse, New Albany, Miss., and Robert Cruse, Blooming Grove; two sisters, Mrs. E. L. Russell, Emhouse, and Mrs. Armstrong, Corsicana, and a number of other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Noel D. Hook, O. L. Pitts, R. O. Flowers, Roy Barnett, Johnny Walker, J. M. Dyer, Sr., Shelby Hicks, and Dr. E. H. Newton.


Ina Noreen (Spruill) Cruse
Dec 27, 1905 - Mar 26, 1976

Mrs. Cruse

Services will be at 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Ina Cruse, 70, resident of Corsicana who died Friday in Corsicana.

The Rev. Lynn Tusha will officiate, and burial will follow at
Oakwood cemetery.

She was a native of Pottsboro, lived in Corsicana most of her life, was a sales lady for J. M. Dyer for 40 years and a member of the First Methodist Church.

Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Joe H. Farmer of Corsicana, and a number of nieces and nephews.

Her husband, W. H. Cruse preceded her in death Feb. 10, 1959. Nephews will be pallbearers.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Mar 26, 1976
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o William Henry �Bill� Cruse, Jr. married Jul 24, 1932; d/o John Robert Spruill & Nora Van (Cheatham) Spruill buried in Zion's Rest Cemetery

Mollie Lou (Cruse) Armstrong
Aug 2, 1891 - Oct 2, 1972

Mrs. Armstrong

Funeral services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Mose Armstrong, 81, of Corsicana who died Monday morning at Memorial Hospital.

Rev. Gene Gardner will officiate, and burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.

She was a native of New Albany, Miss., had lived in Corsicana since 1937 and was a member of the Second Avenue Baptist Church.

Survivors include her husband, Mose Armstrong of Corsicana; a son, William Armstrong of Corsicana; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Elmer Russell of Ferris.



Mrs. Armstrong

Services were at 2 p.m. Tuesday at a local funeral home for Mrs. Mose Armstrong, 81, of Corsicana who died Monday morning at Memorial Hospital.

Rev. Gene Gardner officiated and burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.

Survivors include her husband, a son, four grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and a sister.


Wincie Elephair (French) Howell
Aug 27, 1885 - Sep 16, 1976

Mrs. Howell

Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Wincie Howell, 91, resident of Corsicana who died Thursday in Twilight Home.

Burial will follow at
Oakwood cemetery. She was a native of Bright and a retired licensed vocational nurse.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Joe B. Fogg of Corsicana; a son, Lafford Howell of Dallas; seven grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, a brother, Joe French of Purdon; and two sisters, Mrs. Mable Smith of Malakoff and Mrs. Allie Ellis of San Antonio.

Her husband, Marvin Howell preceded her in death in 1942 and a son, William R. Howell preceded her in death in April.

Nephews will be pallbearers.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Sep 16, 1976
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Bishop Marvin H. Howell married Aug. 30, 1903; d/o William Lafford French & Hester Adeline (Feemster) French buried in Raleigh cemetery

Jackson B. Loughridge
Jan 25, 1871 - Dec 20, 1942


Funeral services for Jackson B. Loughridge, age 72 years, who died in Austin Sunday morning were held at
Oakwood cemetery Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The body arrived on the Cotton Belt train and was taken directly to the cemetery for funeral services.

Mr. Loughridge, a former resident of Corsicana, had been living in Austin for two years.

Surviving are a brother, S. L. Loughridge, Athens, and other relatives.

Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.


Samuel Lycurgus Loughridge
Nov 20, 1864 - Jun 20, 1958

S. L. Loughridge Dies In Athens Friday Morning

Samuel L. Loughridge, 94, native of Corsicana, engineer, died at his home, 617 North Pinkerton, in Athens, Friday morning with a heart attack it was learned here.

Funeral services will be held from the Memory Chapel of Carroll and Lehr in Athens Saturday at 2 p.m. with Rev. F. H. Stabbing officiating. Graveside Masonic services will be held at
Oakwood cemetery here. The Malakoff Masonic Lodge will have charge of the graveside services and Corsicana Masons are invited to attend and participate.

Reared in Corsicana, Loughridge graduated from the University of Kentucky as a mechanical engineer. He resided at Decatur 15 years while engineer for the Swift and Company and had made his home in Athens since 1910.

Loughridge was a Presbyterian and held membership in the Malakoff Masonic Lodge.

His father, according to Joel C. Trimble of Corsicana published the Prairie Blade newspaper in Corsicana in 1857 with Trimble's father, the late James C. Trimble, 101 years ago.

Loughridge was married to Miss Emma Mitchell in Corsicana in 1896.

Surviving are his wife of Athens; three sons, J. R. Loughridge, Dallas; Calvin Loughridge, Fort Worth, and Tarleton Loughridge, Athens; a daughter, Mrs. Clark Murrell, Fort Worth; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Pallbearers at Athens were the deacons and elders of the First Presbyterian church.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jun 20, 1958
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Emma Talulah (Mitchell) Loughridge married May 31, 1896; s/o Capt. James Rodgers Loughridge, Chief Justice & Mary Ann Felicia (Martin) Loughridge


S. L. Loughridge Rites Saturday

Funeral services for Samuel L. Loughridge, 94, of Athens, Corsicana native, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Memory Chapel of the Carroll and Lehr Funeral Home in Athens. The rites were conducted by Rev. F. H. Stebbing of the First Presbyterian church.

Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery here with the Malakoff Masonic Lodge in charge of graveside rites.

Loughridge, a retired mechanical engineer, died suddenly Friday morning at his home, 617 North Pinkerton in Athens.

Reared in Corsicana, Loughridge graduated from the University of Kentucky and resided in Decatur 15 years before moving to Athens in 1910.

Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Emma Mitchell, to whom he was married in Corsicana in 1896; three sons, J. R. Loughridge, Dallas; Calvin Loughridge, Fort Worth, and Tarleton Loughridge, Athens; a daughter, Mrs. Clark Murrell, Fort Worth; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Deacons and elders of the First Presbyterian church of Athens of which he was a member, were pallbearers.

Griffin Funeral Home is directing local arrangements.


Maston Perry �Mack� Williams
Apr 23, 1879 - Jul 15, 1978

Maston P. Williams

Graveside services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at
Oakwood Cemetery for Maston P. (Mack) Williams, 99, who died Saturday in Corsicana.

The Rev. B. W. Johnson will officiate.

Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Clara Lucas of Corsicana, three granddaughters, one grandson, four great-grandchildren, several great-great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

Memorial donations may be made to the crippled foundation.

Corley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


Joseph Johnson "Joe" Maggard
Dec 13, 1852 - Dec 16, 1942


Funeral services were held at Oakwood cemetery Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Joe J. Maggard, age 90 years who died in Dallas Wednesday night. The rites were conducted by Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First Methodist church.

Surviving are a son, Joe Maggard, Kansas; a daughter, Mrs. H. J. Robbins, Corsicana and other relatives.

Sutherland-McCammon directed the arrangements.


Lena Belle (Maggard) Robbins
Jan 27, 1879 - Aug 6, 1955

Mrs. H. J. Robbins Services Monday

Mrs. Henry J. Robbins, aged 76 years, life-long resident of Corsicana, died Saturday noon in Dallas.

Mrs. Robbins was choir director and choir member of the Presbyterian church for a number of years and was long active in church and civic circles.

Funeral services were held from the McCammon Chapel Monday at 10 a.m. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold pastor of the Westminister Presbyterian church.

Surviving are a daughter, Miss Annie Lee Robbins, Corsicana; two cousins, Mrs. Charles S. Pearce, Sr., Chicago and Mrs. Hazel Silsbee, San Antonio; a nephew, William Kinsolving and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Robert Davidson, James Ruth, Cullen Dunn, Dave Kelton, F. C. Paul and Tate Lindsey. Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.


Mary Frances (Jones) Hutchins
Jul 5, 1909 - Jun 22, 1942


Mrs. Mary Frances Hutchins, 32, died Monday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. J. W. Baker, 620 North Fourteenth street.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home. Rites will be conducted by Rev. Robert F. Bristol, pastor of the First Christian church. Interment will be in the
Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are her mother, Mrs. M. J. W. Baker, Corsicana; father, R. L. Jones, Dallas; two sons, James M. Hutchins and Remus Earl Hutchins, Corsicana; three brothers, Sgt. Joe C. Jones; Camp Blanding, Fla.; Lieut. Remus L. Jones, Camp Blanding, Fla, and Marvin Jones, Corsicana.




Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Frances Hutchins, 32, who died here Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home.

Rites were conducted by the Rev. Robert F. Bristol, pastor of the First Christian church. Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are her mother, Mrs. M. J. W. Baker, Corsicana; father, R. L. Jones, Dallas; two sons, James M. Hutchins and Remus L. Hutchins, Corsicana; three brothers, Sgt. Joe C. Jones, Camp Blanding, Fla.; Lieut. Remus L. Jones, Camp Blanding, Fla., and Marion Jones, Corsicana.

Pallbearers were W. D. Hall, Lloyd Hadley, Charles Cravens, Jesse Robinson, Hugh Fullerton, M. D. Bates, Jack Durham and Harvey Rogers.


Marvin H. Howell, Bishop
Jan 12, 1883 - Oct 3, 1942


M. H. Howell, aged 59 years, died at his home in the Zion's Rest community early Saturday morning.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites are to be conducted by Rev. Clyde Pittman, pastor of the north Corsicana Methodist church, and Rev. Tom Allmon, Baptist minister of Dawson.

Surviving are his wife, two sons, Wm. R. Howell, Corsicana and Perry L. Howell, Dallas, a daughter, Mrs. Louis Fogg, Corsicana; a brother, Robert Howell, Easterly, Texas; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Kessler, Reading, Pa., and four grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be C. O. Curington, C. C. Sands, Pat Geraughty, T. J. Roe, Paul Mitchell and W. G. Morris.




Funeral services were held from the Corley Chapel Sunday afternoon for M. H. Howell, 59, who died at his home in the Zion's Rest community early Saturday morning.

Rites were conducted by Rev. Clyde Pittman, pastor of the Corsicana Methodist church and Rev. Tom Allmon, Baptist minister of Dawson. Interment was in the
Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are his wife, two sons, Wm. R. Howell, Corsicana and Perry L. Howell, Dallas, a daughter, Mrs. Louis Fogg, Corsicana; a brother, Robert Howell, Easterly, Texas; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Kessler, Reading, Pa., and four grandchildren.

Pallbearers were C. O. Curington, C. C. Sands, Pat Geraughty, T. J. Roe, Paul Mitchell and W. G. Morris.


Lola Montez (Anderson) Pickering
Sep 17, 1889 - Mar 13, 1942


Mrs. J. E. Pickering aged 52 years, 1015 West Fourteenth avenue, died in the Navarro Clinic Friday night.

Funeral services will be held from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church Sunday morning at 10 o'clock with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. A. A. Peacock, pastor of the church of which Mrs. Pickering was an active member.

Mrs. Pickering had resided in Corsicana for the past twenty-seven years.

Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; three sons, Claude E., Alton C., and Clifton A. Pickering, and a daughter, Miss Emma Jo Pickering, all of Corsicana; four brothers, Thaddeus, Walter H. and Guy Anderson, all of Fort Worth, and Byron Anderson, Dallas, and two sisters, Mrs. Eula Weaver, Dallas and Mrs. Clovis Lowe, Beaumont.

Corley Funeral Home is in charge.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Mar 14, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Joseph Everett Pickering married Jul. 31, 1909; d/o Oliver Hazard Anderson and Emma C. (Edrington) Anderson



Funeral services for Mrs. J. E. Pickering, age 52 years, 1015 West Fourteenth avenue, who died in the Navarro clinic Friday night were conducted Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. A. A. Peacock, pastor of the church.

Mrs. Pickering had long been active in the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church circles. She had resided in Corsicana 27 years.

Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; three sons, Claude E., Alton C., and Clifton A. Pickering, and a daughter, Miss Emma Joe Pickering, all of Corsicana; four brothers, Thaddeus, Walter H. and Guy Anderson, all of Fort Worth, and Byron Anderson, Dallas, and two sisters, Mrs. Eula Weaver, Dallas and Mrs. Clovis Lowe, Beaumont.

Pallbearers were Lee Rogers, Loyd Chambliss, Norman Hardin, Jim Eliott, Chester Minyard, Albert Sheppard, Jr., Loyd Carraway and Will Norris.

Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements.


Josephine Earnestine (Wilson) Pickering
Nov 9, 1854 - Oct 11, 1944


Mrs. J. E. Pickering, age 90, died here Wednesday morning. Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock with Rev. J. I. Cartlidge conducting the rites. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.

Mrs. Pickering was a native of Navarro county and was well known.

Surviving are four sons, J. E. Pickering, Corsicana; N. W. Pickering Houston; Oran O. Pickering, Corsicana; C. L. Pickering, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Daisy Smith, Corsicana; Mrs. Viola Kerr, Headville Okla.; nine grandchildren; two great grandchildren and other relatives.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Oct 11, 1944
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Ira Pickering Married Nov. 12, 1874 buried in Old Chatfield cemetery; d/o James Wilson & Sara (Nelson) Wilson per death certificate


Rites Thursday For Mrs. J. E. Pickering; Burial in Oakwood

Funeral services for Mrs. Josephine E. Pickering, age 90 years, who died here Wednesday morning were planned for 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon from the Corley Chapel. Rev. J. I. Cartlidge will officiate and interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are four sons, two daughters, nine grandchildren, two great grandchildren and other relatives.


Carroll Lee Pickering
Jan 18, 1897 - May 1, 1959

C. L. Pickering Rites Sunday

Funeral services for C. L. Pickering, 72, retired farmer, 722 West Thirteenth avenue, who died Friday night in the Navarro Clinic, were held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. from the Corley Chapel. The rites were conducted by Rev. Bruce Hibbitt, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.

A native of Rice, Pickering had resided in Corsicana 26 years.

Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Miss Carol Ann Pickering; three brothers, O. O, Joe and Norris Pickering, and a sister, Mrs. Daisy Smith, all of Corsicana, and a number of other relatives.

Pallbearers were J. C. Roe, Curtis Penney, Thurman Penney, Clifton Pickering, E. L. Snider and Weldon Morris.


Etta Lois (Fowler) Carson-Pickering
Jan 16, 1884 - Mar 10, 1974

Mrs. Pickering

Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. Monday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Etta Carson Pickering, 90, of Corsicana, who died Sunday in Twilight Home. Rev. Eugene Wood will officiate, and burial will be at
Oakwood cemetery.

She was a native of Corsicana and had lived here all her life.

Survivors include four sons, George Carson of Corpus Christi, Clifton Pickering of Corsicana, Claude Pickering of San Antonio, and Alton Pickering of Premont; a daughter, Mrs. Don Mulcahy of San Antonio; five grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers include Jimmie Lorimer, George Eliot, Paul Mitchell, Gene Stewart, Tommy Curtis and Clifford Brown.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Mar 11, 1974
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband John Royal Carson married Feb 20, 1902 & 2nd husband Joseph Everett Pickering; d/o Jonathan Fowler & Emmaline (Parker) Fowler

Joseph Everett Pickering
Jun 18, 1880 - Sep 30, 1961

J. E. Pickering Dies Saturday, Rites Sunday

Joseph Everett Pickering, 80, retired Magnolia Petroleum Company employe, 936 West Thirteenth avenue, died in the Navarro Clinic early Saturday morning.

Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. from the McCammon Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. Paul W. Wiseman, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church, and Rev. Eugene E. Wood, pastor of the Westminister Presbyterian church.

A native of Chatfield, he resided in Corsicana most of his life.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Etta Pickering, Corsicana; three sons, Claude E. Pickering, Shiner; Alton C. Pickering, Premont, and Clifton A. Pickering, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Donald M. Mulchahy, Wimendorf, AFB, Anchorage, Alaska; six grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Daisy Smith, and two brothers, Norris W. and Orin O. Pickering, all of Corsicana; a stepson, George Carson, Longview, and other relatives.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sunn - Sat., Sep 30, 1961
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Lola Montez (Anderson) Pickering married Jul. 31, 1909 2nd wife Etta Lois (Fowler) Carson-Pickering; s/o Ira Pickering & Josephine Earnestine (Wilson) Pickering

Thomas Henry Allgood
B&D Feb 6, 1942

Rites Saturday For Infant That Died Dublin Friday

Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allgood, who died in Dublin Friday were held Saturday Afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Roane Baptist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist church.

Surviving are the parents and other relatives.

Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements.


James Modren "Mod" Jennings, Sr.
Mar 28, 1883 - Feb 4, 1942


J. A. (Mod) Jennings, age 58 years of Kerens died at the P. and S. Hospital Wednesday morning. Funeral arrangements have not been completed awaiting word from a son, W. K. Jennings, member of the 75th bombing squadron of the U. S. Army at Portland, Ore. The services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel and burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.

Mr. Jennings had been connected with the Corsicana Steam Laundry for many years prior to his recent retirement.

Surviving are his wife, Kerens; two sons, W. K. Jennings, Portland Ore.; James M., in Camp Wolters, Mineral Wells; two daughters, Misses Nadine and Ida Rae Jennings, Kerens; three sisters, Mrs. D. Ray, Kerens; Miss Sallie Jennings, Kerens; Mrs. W. F. McKee, Henrietta; a brother, T. C. Jennings, Tyler, and other relatives.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Feb 4, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Olevia (Blue) Jennings married Dec. 31, 1917; s/o Pulaski Lance Jennings & Permelia Margaret (Crowley) Sturgis-Jennings



Funeral services for J. M. (Mod) Jennings, aged 58 years, of Kerens, who died in the P. and S. Hospital early Wednesday morning, were held from the Corley Chapel Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The rites were conducted by Rev. Fisher of Purdon and Rev. A. A. Peacock, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.

Jennings was connected with the Corsicana Steam Laundry for a number of years before his retirement.

Surviving are his wife, Kerens; two sons, W. K. Jennings, Portland Ore.; James M., in Camp Wolters, Mineral Wells; two daughters, Misses Nadine and Ida Rae Jennings, Kerens; three sisters, Mrs. D. Ray, Kerens; Miss Sallie Jennings, Kerens; Mrs. W. F. McKee, Henrietta; a brother, T. C. Jennings, Tyler, and other relatives.


Samuel Leard Gay
Nov 20, 1885 - Mar 12, 1942


S. L. Gay, aged 56 years, of Barry, died at the Navarro Clinic Thursday afternoon following a short illness.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending the arrival of a son from Washington, but it is expected the rites will be held Sunday from the Barry Baptist church. The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. V. Bane, Wortham Methodist minister. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery here.

Surviving are his wife of Barry, two sons, Tommie Gay, Barry, and Allen Gay, Spokane, Wash., two brothers, Frank and Ed Gay, both of Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. J. B. Jones, Barry.

Pallbearers will be M. E. Ragsdale, Raymond Worsham, J. O. Varnell, Sam Young, Claud Watson and R. E. McCarty.

Corley Funeral Home is in charge.




Funeral services for S. L. Gay, aged 56 years, of Barry, who died Thursday night at the Navarro Clinic, will be held from the Barry Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. V. Bane, Methodist minister of Wortham.

Surviving are his wife of Barry, two sons, Tommie Gay, Barry, and Allen Gay, Spokane, Wash., two brothers, Frank and Ed Gay, both of Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. J. B. Jones, Barry.

Pallbearers will be M. E. Ragsdale, Raymond Worsham, J. O. Varnell, Sam Young, Claud Watson and R. E. McCarty.

Corley Funeral Home is in charge.




Funeral services for S. L. Gay, aged 56 years of Barry, who died in the Navarro Clinic Thursday night, were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Barry Baptist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery here. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. V. Bane, Wortham Methodist minister.

Surviving are his wife of Barry, two sons, Tommie Gay, Barry, and Allen Gay, Spokane, Wash., two brothers, Frank and Ed Gay, both of Corsicana, and a sister, Mrs. J. B. Jones, Barry.

Pallbearers were M. E. Ragsdale, Raymond Worsham, J. O. Varnell, Sam Young, Claud Watson and R. E. McCarty.


Ida Mae (Douglas) Copley
Sep 12, 1871 - Mar 4, 1952

Mrs. T. C. Copley Rites Wednesday

Mrs. T. C. Copley, 80, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Annie Richardson, 915 West Eleventh Avenue, at 1:45 p.m. Tuesday following a several week's illness.

Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel at 3 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. S. E. Hopkins, pastor of the Petty's Chapel Baptist church of which she was a member, assisted by Claude B. Holcomb, Fifth Avenue Church of Christ minister.

Mrs. Copley was a native of Tennessee, but had resided in Texas and Navarro county 60 years.

Surviving are two sons, Ernest and R. L. Copley, both of Corsicana; five daughters, Mrs. Annie Richardson, Mrs. Walter Williams and Mrs. Ed Gay, all of Corsicana; Mrs. Mack Watkins, Barry, and Mrs. Newell Tinkle, Emhouse; 12 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and two brothers, Johnny and Clem Douglas, both of Corsicana and other relatives.

Grandsons will be pallbearers.



Wednesday Rites For Mrs. Copley

Funeral services for Mrs. T. C. Copley, 80, who died at 915 West Eleventh avenue Tuesday afternoon, were held from the McCammon Chapel at 3 p.m. Wednesday. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. S. E. Hopkins, pastor of the Petty's Chapel Baptist church of which Mrs. Copley was a member, assisted by Claude B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ.

Mrs. Copley was born in Tennessee, but had resided in this vicinity for 60 years.

Surviving are two sons, Ernest and R. L. Copley, both of Corsicana; five daughters, Mrs. Annie Richardson, Mrs. Walter Williams and Mrs. Ed Gay, all of Corsican; Mrs. Mack Watkins, Barry, and Mrs. Newell Tinkle, Emhouse; 12 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and two brothers, Johnny and Clem Douglas, both of Corsicana.

Pallbearers were Melvin Watkins, Albert Watkins, Boze Watkins, Wayne Watkins, Allen Gray, Tommy Gray, Randal Tinkle and Charles Tullos.


James Loftin "Jim" Williams
Feb 18, 1889 - Mar 13, 1942


M. L. (Jim) Williams, 52, former resident of Corsicana, died at the Veterans Hospital at Kerrville, Thursday, it was learned here Friday morning.

His body left Kerrville Friday afternoon by train and is scheduled to arrive in Corsicana Saturday. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Surviving are his wife, three daughters, May Owen Williams, Nalda Ann Williams, and a married daughter, residing at Odessa, one son, Loften Williams.




Funeral services for J. L. (Jim) Williams, aged 53 years, former Corsicanan, who died in a Veterans' Hospital at Kerrville Thursday, will be held from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery with the American Legion in charge.

Williams was connected with the Barnsdall Oil Corporation for 22 years.

Surviving are his wife, a son Desmon Williams, and three daughters, Mrs. Pauline Tanksley, Misses Maeowen and Nalda Ann Williams, and other relatives.




Funeral services for J. L. (Jim) Williams, 53 years of age, former Corsicanan, who died in a veterans' hospital at Kerrville Thursday, were held from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The rites were conducted by Dr. P. E. Riley, pastor of the First Methodist church. The American Legion had charge of the rites at the grave and furnished the pallbearers. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.

Williams had been an employee of the Barnsdall Oil Corporation for 22 years.

Surviving are his wife, a son, Desmon Williams, and three daughters, Mrs. Pauline Tanksley, and Misses Maeowen and Nalda Ann Williams, and other relatives.


Willie Bright Willis
Feb 16, 1870 - Ja. 17, 1942


Funeral services for W. B. Willis, aged 72 years, who died at his home, 2215 West Eleventh avenue, early Saturday afternoon, were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Central Methodist church. Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Ross Smith, pastor of the church, and Rev. Maggart B. Howell, pastor of the Blooming Grove Methodist church.

Surviving are his wife, two sons, W. D. Willis and Willie Willis and a daughter, Miss Jennie Mae Willis, all of Corsicana.

Pallbearers were G. W. Baker, W. B. Baker, F. H. Washburn, Buck Copeland, Frank Arnett and T. Baggett.

Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements.


Mary Jane (Tallon/Tolman) Willis)
May 16, 1877 - Jul 10, 1954

Mrs. Mary Willis Dies Saturday

Mrs. Mary Willis, 77, died in Memorial Hospital Saturday morning.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Sunday at 4:30 p.m. Burial will be in the Hamilton cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jack Bell, pastor of the Bethel Missionary Baptist church, and Rev. Marvin Bledsoe, Midlothian Methodist pastor, formerly of Corsicana.

Surviving are two sons, W. D. and Willie Willis, and a daughter, Miss Jennie May Willis, all of Corsicana.

Pallbearers will be G. W. Baker, Curtis Penney, A. B. Huson, Nick McCullum, Barney Richards and Roland Sherrard.



Mrs. Mary Willis Services Sunday

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Willis, 77, who died in Memorial Hospital Saturday morning, were held Sunday at 4:30 p.m. from the Corley Chapel.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Bell, pastor of the Bethel Missionary Baptist church, and Rev. Marvin Bledsoe, Midlothian Methodist pastor, formerly of Corsicana.

Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery.

Surviving are two sons, W. D. and Willie Willis, and a daughter, Miss Jennie May Willis, all of Corsicana.

Pallbearers were G. W. Baker, Curtis Penney, A. B. Hutson, Nick McCullum, Barney Richards and Roland Sherrard.


Charley Wayne Cox
B&D Feb 9, 1942

Rites Tuesday For Charles Wayne Cox Who Died Monday

Funeral rites are planned Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Corley Chapel for Charles Wayne Cox, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cox who died Monday afternoon.

Burial will be in Hamilton cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. A. A. Peacock, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.

Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. King and J. M. Cox, all of Corsicana.


James Otis King
Sep 23, 1882 - Dec 30, 1958

Thursday Rites For J. O. King

Funeral services for J. O. King, 76, retired farmer, who died at his home in the Oak Valley community Tuesday night, were held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel.

The rites were conducted by Rev. B. W. Barnett, pastor of the Pleasant Grove Methodist church. Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery.

A native of Tennessee, King had resided in Navarro county since 1900.

Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. A. C. Cox and Mrs. Lloyd Cox, all of Corsicana; three grandchildren, two brothers, Oakley King, Corsicana, and Lonnie King, Hempstead; two sisters, Mrs. Sam Ellis and Mrs. Vernon Thomason, both of Corsicana, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Arvel Jacobs, J. I. Ingham, John Howell, Preston Garner, Sam Szenasy, Barney Gallaway, Truly Etheredge and Willie Collard.


Mattie Luguster (Gray) King
Oct 18, 1888 - Jul 4, 1970

Mrs. King Dies Saturday

Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Mattie King, 81, who died Saturday in Memorial Hospital.

She was a native of Tennessee.

The Revs. Leroy Brown and J. I. Glaze will officiate. Interment will be in Hamilton cemetery.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. A. C. Cox and Mrs. Loyd Cox of Oak Valley; three grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Paul King of Navasota; nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be Preston Garner, A. I. Jacobs, Raymond Elmore, J. D. Ingham, Hubert Gray and Warren Gray.


Jimmie Lou Casey
Sep 7, 1928 - Sep 24, 1942


Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home for Miss Jimmie Lou Casey 14, who died Thursday night at her home, 312 West Tenth Avenue.

Rites were conducted by Rev. G. E. Standifer, pastor of the Pentecostal church. Interment was in the Hamilton cemetery.

Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Casey; grandmother, Mrs. Agnes Owens, all of Corsicana; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gilley, Dayton, Texas, and other relatives.


Lois Lee (Monroe) Teague 
Sep 1, 1915 - May 26, 1942


Mrs. Lois Teague, aged 26, years died at the family residence in the Rural Shade community.

Funeral services are slated at Hamilton cemetery Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock where interment will be made.

Surviving are her husband, Henry Lee Teague, and a daughter, Doris Marie Teague, both of Rural Shade; mother, Mrs. A. Monroe, Kerens; a brother, R. A. Monroe, Kerens, and four sisters, Mrs. J. J. Teague, Mrs. Robert Minatra and Miss Hazel Monroe, all of Kerens, and Mrs. O. T. Capehart, Navarro.

Corley is directing.




Funeral services for Mrs. Lola Lee Teague, aged 26 years, who died at the family residence in the Rural Shade community Tuesday night, were held Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at Hamilton cemetery where interment was made. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church. She had been ill for six months.

Surviving are her husband, Henry Lee Teague, and a daughter, Doris Marie Teague, both of Rural Shade; mother, Mrs. A. Monroe, Kerens; four sisters, Mrs. J. J. Teague, Mrs. Robert Minatra and Miss Hazel Monroe, all of Kerens and Mrs. O. T. Capehart, Navarro; and a brother, R. A. Monroe, Kerens.

Corley was in charge.


George Smith Averitt
Apr 6, 1886 - Jan 31, 1942


Funeral services for George S. Averitt, aged 56 years, were held from the Corley Chapel Monday morning at 10 o'clock with burial in the Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. E. O. Stewart, pastor of the Missionary Baptist Church.

The body of Averitt was discovered at his home in Zion's Rest community Saturday afternoon. He was reported last seen late Friday afternoon. Judge Hayden Paschall returned a coroner's verdict of death from �natural causes after an investigation was conducted along with Sheriff Cap Curington.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. C. B. Hill, Odessa; a brother, J. W. Averitt, Jacksonville; five sisters, Mrs. Susie Beasley, Mrs. Sallie Slade, Mrs. Ione Kaiser and Miss Alice Averitt, all of Corsicana, and Mrs. Bessie Tomlin, Emhouse, and a granddaughter.

Averitt had resided in this area the past 44 years.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Feb 2, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Pluma May (Walraven) Averitt-Permenter-Richardson married Sep 6, 1908 buried in Fairmount Cemetery, San Angelo, Texas; s/o Thomas Wood Averitt & Betty Virginia (Jeffress) Averitt

Jesse Wilford "Jess" Averitt
Jan 1, 1890 - Jun 12, 1963

J. W. Averitt Rites Thursday

Funeral services for J. W. Averitt, 73, retired painter and farmer, 1717 West Tenth avenue, will be held from the Corley Chapel Thursday with burial in the Hamilton cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. B. J. Ferguson, pastor of the Memorial Baptist church.

Averitt died in Memorial Hospital Wednesday noon.

Surviving are his wife, a son, J. L. Averitt, and two daughters, Mrs. J. B. Redden and Mrs. W. N. McNeil, all of Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Tomlin, Emhouse; Miss Alice Averitt and Mrs. Sallie Slade, both of Corsicana; seven grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Jim Hawkins, J. D. McManus, Lonnie Hosch, D. C. Redden, Orville Gleen and C. A. Livingston.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Jun 13, 1963
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Mary Cardelia (Adamson) Averitt-Austin married Oct 3, 1909; s/o Thomas Wood Averitt & Betty Virginia (Jeffress) Averitt

Mary Cardelia (Adamson) Averitt-Austin
Sep 20, 1892 - Oct 31, 1977

Mrs. Austin

Funeral was to be at 3:30 p.m. today at the Corley Funeral Home for Mrs. Mary (Averitt) Auston, 85, of Corsicana who died Monday in the Corsicana Nursing Home. The Rev. Kenward Goode will officiate, with burial in Hamilton-Beeman cemetery.

A native of Navarro County, Mrs. Austin was a member of the Baptist church.

She is survived by one son, Loyd Averitt of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Elaine Wiley and Mrs. J. B. (Kathryn) Redden, both of Corsicana; seven grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Claire McCain, Mrs. Ethyl Miller, and Mrs. Vera Harwell, all of Corsicana; one brother, Clifford Adamson of Humble; and several nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be Windle Prater, Windle Wayne Prater, Mark Prater, Buddy Ballew, Gary Pillans and Harold Scott.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Nov 1, 1977
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband Jesse Wilford "Jess" Averitt married Oct 3, 1909 2nd husband Bate Bond Austin; d/o John Robert Adamson & Ella Elmira (Estill) Adamson buried in Oakwood cemetery

Susie Bell (Averitt) Beasley
Jul 16, 1893 - Mar 21, 1961

Mrs. Beasley Rites Friday

Funeral services for Mrs. Susie Beasley, native of Navarro county who died Tuesday in West Columbia, will be held Friday at 10 a.m. from the Corley Chapel.

Rev. J. C. Coffee, Jr., former pastor of the Central Baptist church, will officiate. Interment will be in the Hamilton cemetery.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Lonnie J. Chapman, West Columbia; a son, Kermit Beasley, Oregon; three grandchildren, a brother Jesse Averitt and three sisters, Mrs. Sallie Slate, Mrs. Bessie Tomlin and Miss Alice Averitt, all of Corsicana.



Mrs. Beasley Rites Friday

Final rites for Mrs. Susie Beasley, 67, will be held Friday at 10 a.m. from the Corley Chapel with Rev. J. C. Coffey, Jr., former pastor of the Central Baptist church officiating. Interment will be in Hamilton cemetery.

A native of Arkansas who was born Jul. 16, 1893, Mrs. Beasley was a long-time resident of Navarro county. For the past three years she had resided at west Columbia, where she died Tuesday.

Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Lonnie J. Chapman, West Columbia; a son, Kermit Beasley, Oregon; three grandchildren, a brother Jesse Averitt and three sisters, Mrs. Sallie Slate, Mrs. Bessie Tomlin and Miss Alice Averitt, all of Corsicana.



Mrs. Beasley Services Held

Funeral services for Mrs. Susie Beasley, 67, were held Friday at 10 a.m. from the Corley Chapel with Rev. J. C. Coffey, Jr., former pastor of the Central Baptist Church, officiating. Interment was in Hamilton cemetery.

Mrs. Beasley, a long-time Navarro county resident, died Tuesday at West Columbia, where she had resided the past three years.

Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Lonnie J. Chapman, West Columbia; a son, Kermit Beasley, Oregon; three grandchildren, a brother Jesse Averitt and three sisters, Mrs. Sallie Slate, Mrs. Bessie Tomlin and Miss Alice Averitt, all of Corsicana.

Pallbearers were Wallace Tomlin, J. B. Redden, Lynn Tomlin, Paul Baggett, Glynn Tomlin and Loyd Averitt.



Bertie Ione (Averitt) Kiser
Apr 23, 1898 - Feb 2, 1958

Mrs. Ione Kiser Expires Sunday

Mrs. Ione Kiser, 59, Route 3 Retreat, died in Memorial hospital Sunday morning.

Funeral services were held from the Griffin Chapel Monday at 2:30 p.m. with burial in the Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. T. Allmon, Hubbard Baptist minister.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Dan Rogers, Jr., Corsicana; three grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Susie Beasley, Mrs. Sallie Slade and Miss Alice Averitt, all of Corsicana, and Mrs. Aubrey Tomlin, Emhouse; a brother, Jess Averitt, Corsicana, and a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives.

Pallbearers were W. N. McNeil, Earl Ingham, Lloyd Averitt, J. W. Christie, A. R. Cook, Tommy Martin and Bob Collins.


William Napoleon "Bill" McNeill
Mar 20, 1907 - Jan 27, 1961

Wm. N. McNeill Dies Friday

William N. McNeill, 53, native Texan and long-time resident of Corsicana, died unexpectedly Friday at 11:30 a.m. in Memorial hospital. A heart attack was ascribed as the cause of death.

Funeral arrangements were incomplete at press time at Corley's.

McNeill was brought to the hospital at 10:50 a.m. and expired shortly thereafter.

Immediate survivors include his widow, Mrs. Elaine McNeill, Corsicana; one daughter, Mrs. Harold Scott and one son, Dale McNeill, all of Corsicana; four sisters and other relatives.



Bill McNeill Rites Saturday

Funeral services for W. N. (Bill) McNeill, 53, were held Saturday at 3 p.m. from the Corley Chapel. Interment was in
Hamilton cemetery.

Rev. Bracy Bledsoe, former Baptist minister here but now in Waco, and Rev. Billy Burke, pastor of the Westside Baptist church, officiated.

He was a former county Baptist Brotherhood president.

A native of Corsicana, who was born March 20, 1907, McNeill died unexpectedly Friday at 11:30 a.m. in Memorial hospital. A heart attack was ascribed as the cause of death.

He was a flooring contractor.

Survivors other than the widow of Corsicana, are one daughter, Mrs. H. I. Scott, Corsicana; one son, Dale McNeill, Dallas; four sisters, Mrs. V. T. Grimes, Mrs. Curtis Roughton, Mrs. C. C. Mugrage and Miss Lavent McNeill, all of Houston, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Bill Holloway, Jack Flynn, Ross Maxfield, Curtis Penny, William Brown, Lee Lambert, Windle Prater and O. M. Scott.


Joseph L. "Joe" McManus
Jul 13, 1871 - Jan 1, 1942


Funeral services for Joe L. McManus, aged 70 years, who died early Thursday morning after an extended illness, were held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Capt. Murphy of the Salvation Army.

Surviving are a brother, George McManus, Corsicana and several nieces and nephews.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jan 2, 1942
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Mary E. (White) McManus married Sep 10, 1898; s/o Alvis McManus & Sarah Emily (Land) McManus (Sarah is buried in Pattison cemetery)

James David McManus
Aug 27, 1893 - Feb 2, 1972

J. D. McManus

J. D. McManus, 78, died Wednesday morning at his home at 307 S. 31st St. Arrangements for the funeral service, to be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church are pending at Griffin Funerla Home.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Audie McManus of Corsicana; two sons, Juan W. McManus of Corsicana and Doyle D. McManus of Pasadena; four brothers, R. A. McManus of Dallas, Robert McManus of Ennis, Oren McManus of Waco and Jack McManus of Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Collins of Emhouse and Mrs. Elizabeth Williams of Amarillo; four grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.



J. D. McManus

Funeral services for J. D. McManus, 78, were to be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Emmanuel Baptist church with the Rev. James McKee officiating. Burial was to be in Hamilton Cemetery with Masonic rites by members of the Corsicana Masonic Lodge and Griffin Funeral Home directing.

A life long resident of Navarro County, he was reared in the Emhouse community. Since retirement from Mobil Oil Company, he has been engaged in real estate and stock farming.

McManus was a deacon at Emmanuel Baptist Church and a member of the Corsicana Masonic Lodge. He was a veteran of World War I.

Pallbearers were deacons of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Norman Gilcrease, Alvin Miller, George Good, T. C. Baggett, Jene Richards, Harold Scott, D. L. Simmons and Bill Christian.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Audie McManus of Corsicana; two sons, Juan W. McManus of Corsicana and Doyle D. McManus of Pasadena; four brothers, R. A. McManus of Dallas, Robert McManus of Ennis, Oren McManus of Waco and Jack McManus of Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Collins of Emhouse and Mrs. Elizabeth Williams of Amarillo; four grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.


Robert Burns Ferguson
Jun 3, 1911 - May 24, 1974

R. Ferguson

Funeral service will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Griffin Funeral Home Chapel for Robert B. Ferguson, 62, former resident of Corsicana, who died in a Dallas Hospital Friday afternoon.

Burial will be at Hamilton Cemetery.

Survivors include two sons, Bobbie Ferguson of Coppell and Joe Ferguson of Dallas; one daughter, Mrs. Irene Wylie of Dallas; his mother, Mrs. Maude Massey of Corsicana; two step-sons, Eugene White and R. J. White, both of Dallas; two step-daughters, Miss Wanda White of Dallas and Mrs. Winnie May Taylor of Kaufman; and two grandchildren.

Other funeral arrangements are still pending.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sun., May 26, 1974
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Fern (Tarrer) Ferguson married Apr 18, 1967 2nd wife Willie Ona Irene (Borden) White-Ferguson buried in Oakwood cemetery; s/o Wesley Ferguson & Effie Maude (Deskin) Ferguson-Steadman-Massey

Samuel Lafayette Ferguson
Apr 15, 1872 - Mar 25, 1942


Funeral services for Samuel LaFayette Ferguson, 70 years of age, were held Thursday afternoon with burial in Hamilton cemetery. Ferguson died at his home near Murchison early Thursday morning after a long illness.

He was the son of Robert L. and Margaret Chance Ferguson, pioneer settlers of Navarro county who came to Texas in 1886 from North Carolina and lived in the King Willow community, now known as Emhouse.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nora Phillips Ferguson; three sisters, Mrs. J. M. Sparkman, Corsicana; Mrs. Albert Ferguson, Athens; Mrs. M. L. Swanson, Kilgore; two brothers, Charlie Ferguson, Stonewall county, and James Ferguson, Dallas; a number of nieces and nephews including Elbert Williams, Dallas; H. A. Sparkman, Anadarko, Oklahoma; Irvie Sparkman, Seven Sisters, and Mrs. Robert Sparkman.


Robert Lee Harwell
Aug 26, 1877 - Oct 18, 1942


R. L. Harwell, 65, long-time employed of the Corsicana Cotton Mills, died Sunday afternoon at 2058 West Collin Street.

Funeral services will be held from the Church of Christ Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock with burial in Hamilton cemetery. Rites will be conducted by D. W. Thurman, minister of the church, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Brownlow of Ennis.

Surviving are his wife, four sons, C. L. Harwell, Robert Harwell, J. L. Harwell and McCurin Harwell, all of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Luella Vance, Orange, California; and Mrs. Marjorie Morrisett, Corsicana; one brother, Henry Harwell, Mountain Peak, Tex., three sisters, Mrs. Ella Whitaker, Waxahachie; Mrs. Sally Harlan, Bonham; and Mrs. Dandy Murray, Alabama; eight grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be L. M. Warren, B. J. Acock, Cate Sharrer, Ernest Jones, E. J. Black and Gordon Wiles.

Sutherland-McCammon in charge.




Funeral services were held from the Church of Christ Monday afternoon for R. L. Harwell, 65, veteran employe of the Corsicana Cotton Mills, who died here Sunday.

Surviving are his wife, four sons, C. L. Harwell, Robert Harwell, J. L. Harwell and McCurin Harwell, all of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Luella Vance, Orange, California; and Mrs. Marjorie Morrisett, Corsicana; one brother, Henry Harwell, Mountain Peak, Tex., three sisters, Mrs. Ella Whitaker, Waxahachie; Mrs. Sally Harlan, Bonham; and Mrs. Dandy Murray, Alabama; eight grandchildren.

Pallbearers were L. M. Warren, B. J. Acock, Cate Sharrer, Ernest Jones, E. J. Black and Gordon Wiles.

Sutherland-McCammon had charge of arrangements.


Maude Pearl (Chadwell) Harwell
Jun 15, 1884 - Feb 26, 1966

Mrs. Harwell Dies Saturday

Mrs. Maud Harwell, 81, died in Memorial Hospital Saturday morning.

Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ with burial in the Hamilton cemetery.

Mrs. Harwell was a native of Tennessee. She resided at 1309 West Thirteenth avenue and had been in Corsicana 35 years.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Margie Morrisett, Corsicana; three sons, Robert C. Harwell, Fort Worth; James Harwell, Odessa and McCurin Harwell, Dallas; 17 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. Kate Wright, Mrs. Georgia Evans and Mrs. Virgie Vaught, all of Tennessee and other relatives.

Corley will direct.



Mrs. Harwell Rites Monday

Funeral services for Mrs. Maud Harwell, 81, who died in Memorial hospital Saturday, were held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Fifth avenue Church of Christ, and G. R. Holton, present minister.

A native of Tennessee, she had resided in Corsicana 35 years. Her home was at 1309 West Thirteenth Avenue.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Margie Morrisett, Corsicana; three sons, Robert C. Harwell, Fort Worth; James Harwell, Odessa, and McCurin Harwell, Dallas; 17 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. Kate Wright, Mrs. Georgia Evans, and Mrs. Virgie Vaught, all of Tennessee, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were grandsons.

Corley directed.


McCurin Harwell
Feb 16, 1928 - Apr 27, 1970

Harwell Rites Set in Dallas

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Saner Avenue Church of Christ in Dallas for McCurin Harwell who was the minister of the church. Graveside rites will be held Wednesday at 4:15 p.m. at Hamilton cemetery.

He was a native of Corsicana.

Survivors include his wife of Dallas; three daughters, Mrs. Marilyn Watts of Killeen, Miss Elaine Harwell and Miss Sarah Harwell of Dallas; two brothers, Robert Harwell of Fort Worth and James Harwell of Odessa; one sister Mrs. Margie Morrisett of Garland and one grandchild.

Corley Funeral Home will have charge of the local services.


Mallie Evelina (Bean) Abernathy
Oct 28, 1867 - Jul 5, 1951

Mrs. Abernathy Rites Are Held

Final rites were held Saturday at 10 a.m. for Mrs. Mollie Abernathy, 84, resident of Corsicana for 76 years, who died at her home here Thursday night.

Services were held from the Corley chapel, with Rev. W. F. Lovelady and Rev. W. M. Shamburger conducting. Interment was in the Hamilton cemetery.

A native of Alabama, Mrs. Abernathy came to Texas in 1870 and to Corsicana in 1875. She was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church for more than three-quarters of a century.

Surviving are a son, Wade Abernathy; a daughter, Mrs. Charles Ward; and two grandsons, Bobby Burge and Billy Burge, all of Corsicana.

Pallbearers were W. H. Tipton, C. H. Ramsey, Horace Hays, Beauford Anderson, Warren Smith and George Harvin.

Corley Funeral Home directed.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Jul 7, 1951
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • d/o Leroy Pickens Bean & Lillie F. (Wiggins/Williams) Bean (her brother Leroy's death certificate says Williams, her obit says Wiggins)

Laura Chestens (Fuller) Rogers
Aug 4, 1874 - Jan 24, 1942


Mrs. R. N. Rogers, aged 67 years, died Saturday night at Graham. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Corley Chapel.

Rites were conducted by Rev. O. E. Stewart, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church. Interment was in the Hamilton Cemetery.

Surviving are six sons, J. W. Rogers, Oklahoma; Roy Rogers, Odessa; Robert Rogers, Houston; Harvey Rogers, Corsicana; Melvin Rogers, Corbet, and Archie Rogers, Corbet; one daughter, Mrs. R. F. Robbins, Graham; a sister, Mrs. J. B. Underwood, Waxahachie; three brothers, Lee Fuller, Corsicana; J. B. Fuller, Temple; and Andrew Fuller, Corsicana; nine grandchildren and two great grand children.

Pallbearers were M. O. Bayless, Hall Finch, William Murray, Nathan Hawkins, Clarence Elmore and Mallie Brown.


William Douglas Turner
Aug 4, 1901 - Oct 28, 1975

W. D. Turner

Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Hamilton Beeman Cemetery for William Douglas Turner, 74, of Cleburne. Rev. Earl Hall will officiate.

Arrangements are with Griffin Funeral Home.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Ivy Turner of Cleburne; a step-son, Buster Garvin of Vannreys, Calif.; two step-daughters, Mrs. Helen Moody of Dallas and Mrs. Mary Herrington of Dallas; a brother, Clyde Turner of Cleburne, three sisters, Mrs. Annie Burns of Cleburne, Mrs. Lou Lassiter of Arlington, and Mrs. Lizzie Whaley of Grandview.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Oct 29, 1975
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • US Army WWII
  • h/o Ivy Myrtle (Sowell) Garvin-Turner; s/o Samuel Lefate �Sam� Turner & Pauline Ann �Polly� (Fuller) Turner buried in Derden cemetery, Derden, Hill county, Texas

Henry Hampton Mims
Nov 27, 1867 - Oct 13, 1942


Henry H. Mims, 75, a native of Georgia, died at his home on West Highway 31 Tuesday night. He had been a resident of Navarro county for nearly 50 years.

Funeral services will be held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home.

Rites will be conducted by the Rev. A. A. Peacock, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church. Interment will be in the Hamilton cemetery.

Surviving are two sons, Dave Mims and Obie Mims, both of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. P. E. Crowe, Corsicana; Mrs. C. W. Gossett and Mrs. Luther Jones both of Houston; two grandchildren, C. W. Gossett, Jr., and Bennard Crowe.

Pallbearers will be E. Y. Bankhead, Jack Megarity, W. M. Hamilton, Jack Ray, F. P. McQuiston and W. M. Archer.


Bobbie Dean Farmer
Nov 7, 1943 - Nov 10, 1943

Infant Died in Local Hospital Wednesday; Rites Held Thursday

Funeral services for Bobbie Dean, three day old son of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Farmer, who died at the P. and S. Hospital Wednesday afternoon, were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at White cemetery where interment was made. Rev. D. R. McCauley conducted the rites.

Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Farmer, Angus; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Farmer, Angus, and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Berry, Eureka, and other relatives.

Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.


William Thomas Simpson
May 25, 1891 - Jun 29, 1957

W. T. Simpson Dies Saturday

W. T. Simpson, 65, retired farmer died early Saturday morning in Memorial hospital.

A native of Limestone county but he had resided in this vicinity most of his life.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Sunday at 2 p.m. with burial in the Pisgah Ridge cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. B. W. Johnson, pastor of the Pentecostal Church of God.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a son, W. T. Simpson, Fort Worth; three daughters, Mrs. A. B. Stanley, Cayuga; Mrs. H. C. Brown, Eunice, N. M., and Mrs. E. R. Fowler, Corbet; 11 grandchildren, one great-granddaughter; three brothers, O. L. Simpson, San Antonio; F. M. Simpson and Alvin Simpson, both of Dallas; three half-sisters and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Clifton Armstrong, M. H. Blue, Jr.; Earl Honea; Fred Carnell, Floyd Chapman and Tommy Lawless.



W. T. Simpson Rites Sunday

Funeral services for W. T. Simpson, 66, native of Limestone county, who died Saturday morning in Memorial Hospital, were held from the Corley Chapel Sunday at 2 p.m. Burial was in the Pisgah Ridge cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. B. W. Johnson, pastor of the Pentecostal Church of God.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a son, W. T. Simpson, Fort Worth; three daughters, Mrs. A. B. Stanley, Cayuga; Mrs. H. C. Brown, Eunice, N. M., and Mrs. E. R. Fowler, Corbet; 11 grandchildren, one great-granddaughter; three brothers, O. L. Simpson, San Antonio; F. M. Simpson and Alvin Simpson, both of Dallas; three half-sisters and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Clifton Armstrong, M. H. Blue, Jr.; Earl Honea; Fred Carnell, Floyd Chapman and Tommy Lawless.


Harvey White
Sep 17, 1827 - Dec 5, 1915


Harvey White, aged 88 years, died at the home of his son, Will White, 1524 West Fifth avenue, at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon and the remains were interred in the White cemetery near Pursley this afternoon. The deceased had been a resident of Navarro county for more than sixty years, and had spent most of his life in the Pisgah Ridge community near Pursley. Due to old age, he had been totally blind for several years, and had made his home with his son since the death of his wife, which occurred only a few months ago. C. E. White, another son, lives in Corsicana, and a married daughter lives in the Pursley community.


Doyle Don Pevehouse
Oct. 23, 1932 - Mar. 5, 2006

Don Doyle Pevehouse

Don Pevehouse, a native of Corsicana and resident of Pisgah Ridge, passed away Sunday, March 5, 2006, in Dallas. He was born Oct. 23, 1932, in Corsicana, the son of Doyle Pevehouse and Vera Banks Pevehouse. The Pevehouse family has a long history of public service in Navarro County. Don's grandfather, Walter Pevehouse, who campaigned riding a white horse, was twice elected sheriff of Navarro County in the early 1900s. His father, Doyle, served as district clerk and was state representative for Navarro and Hill counties. Don's uncle, Rufus Pevehouse, was the longest tenured sheriff of this county. Don attended public schools in Corsicana, graduating from Corsicana High School. During his time at CHS, he was manager of the Tiger football team. During his childhood and school days in Corsicana, Don made many friends. He maintained those friendships throughout the course of his life. Following high school graduation, Don attended Navarro Junior College, then graduated from Baylor University and Baylor Law. Next came a two-year tour of duty with the United States Navy, during which time he was in the legal office of the aircraft carrier Valley Forge. Don followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather into public service. He was city attorney for Corsicana for 14 years, and was also Corsicana municipal judge. During the last four years, he was municipal judge for the City of Rice. Don was a member of the Corsicana Bar Association. An avid genealogist and Texas historian, Don was a member of the Sons of the Republic of Texas, the Navarro County Historical Commission, the Navarro County Genealogical Society, and was presently vice president of the Navarro County Historical Society. He was a tireless researcher, and was proud of his pioneer family who immigrated to Texas in 1833. David and Melinda Pierce Pevehouse, Don's great-grandparents, first came to Navarro County in 1851. They settled in the west end of the county, south of Frost. David was on the school board of the old Mount Pleasant School. Don was a lifelong member of First United Methodist Church of Aspen, Colo. Following the death of his first wife, Ann Weatherford Pevehouse, he returned to the people and the hometown he loved. Don is survived by his wife Eddie of Pisgah Ridge, and her sons and daughters-in-laws, William and Carolyn Truitt and Jason and Angela Truitt, all of Houston. Also surviving are grandchildren Stephanie, Tyler, Mattie, Walter and Charlie Truitt, and a multitude of friends. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. A memorial service will be 11 a.m. Friday at First United Methodist Church in Corsicana with the Revs. Mike Alexander and Kenneth Dickson officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Navarro County Historical Society or the charity of your choice.




�Nellie� is dead. With all ceremonies befitting a beloved and faithful horse, she was buried Wednesday atop �Lookout Point,� a high hill on the pasture in which she had roamed for the past three years.

�Nellie,� a 23-year old pinto mare belonged to Fred M. Allison, Jr., since his seventeenth birthday, 17 years ago, a gift of an oil company. She had been put in an Oklahoma oil field for gaugers to ride, and from there led a horse's �dream life.�

She will be remembered as the red and white mare that led all the Corsicana parades down Beaton street, as the horse that opened the �grand entries� a the Corsicana Livestock Shows each fall at the fair ground and as the horse that has been ridden by nearly every boy and girl in this city.

Many years ago, two little girls, who are now grown young ladies, were riding �Nellie.� �Wonder shy this horse was named �Nellie,� one questioned the other.

�Well I guess it's because she's ne'lly red and ne'lly white,� the second little girl replied.

�Nellie� spent her early days in Arizona. After she was brought to Corsicana, she spent many years carrying her master and his friends to and from school. Later she was used for cattle work on the Allison ranch, and has spend the last years of her life there, roaming the pastures at her own free will.

She is survived by �Dollie,� her offspring filly, who has taken �Nellie's� place in leading parades and doing ranch activities.

Her master who is now serving with a veterinary medical squadron in Fort Reno, Okla., was notified of �Nellie's� failing condition Monday night by telephone. In tears, he replied, �The United States Army is the only thing that can keep me from coming home to say good-bye to Ol' �Nellie.�


Marion Carl Klutts, Jr.
B&D Jan 11, 1943

Infant Buried on Monday Afternoon Oakwood Cemetery.

Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Klutts of Roane, who died at the P. and S. Hospital were held Monday afternoon. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are the parents, a brother, John, two sisters Cora Nell and Lillie May Klutts.

Sutherland -McCammon directed the arrangements.


Gwindolyn Hyden
Mar 7, 1943 - Jun 7, 1943


Gwindolyn Hyden, three months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hyden, died at the P. and S. Hospital Monday night. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock form the Church of Christ and the rites will be conducted by Leroy Brownlow, Church of Christ minister. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hyden, Corsicana; three brothers, Robert Lee Hyden, U. S. Marines; Glen Hyden and Abner Hyden, Corsicana; a sister, Elizabeth Hyden, Corsicana, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, and other relatives.

Corley's Funeral Home will direct the arrangements.


Wilford Adley Hyden
Dec 18, 1928 - Nov 5, 1956

W. A. Hyden Killed Gonzales Mishap

Wilford A. Hyden was fatally injured at Gonzales, Monday in an automobile accident, according to information received here Wednesday.

Funeral services will be held here but arrangements had not been completed early Wednesday afternoon Corley will direct.


Henry Miller Campbell
Jul 24, 1900 - Jun 6, 1943


H. M. Campbell, age 42 years, died Sunday afternoon at Seagraves. The body will be brought here for burial and will arrive Monday night. Funeral services will be held sometime Tuesday afternoon from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery.

Mr. Campbell a former resident of Corsicana had been a resident of Seagraves about seven years and was an oil well driller.

Surviving are his wife a daughter, Mary Lou Campbell, Seagraves, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Corsicana; a brother, C. E. Best, Gladewater and other relatives.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Jun 7, 1943
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Una E. (Davis) Campbell-Cook buried in Gaines County Cemetery, Seagraves, Tx; s/o William Marcelous Campbell & Alice (Langridge) Campbell



Funeral services for H. M. Campbell, age 42 years, who died at Seagraves Sunday afternoon were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home. Rev. J. I. Cartlidge conducted the rites and burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Mary Lou Campbell, Seagraves; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Corsicana; a brother, C. E. Best, Gladewater, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Albert Woodard, Russell Medlin, J. B. Johnson, Henry Langridge, C. C. Best and G. C. Ross.


Laura Alice (Langridge) Best-Campbell
Dec 1, 1866 - Sep 15, 1943


Mrs. W. M. Campbell, aged 76 years, died at the family home, 1221 West Summit Avenue, Wednesday afternoon. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the Corley Cahpel with burial in Oakwood cemetery. Rev. A. A. Peacock will conduct the rites.

Surviving are her husband, Corsicana; a son, Clarence Best, Gladewater; three brothers, Henry, Fred, and Frank Langridge, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Ada Allen, Minden, La., five grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Harold Best, Clarence Best, J. W. Best, Clint Woodard, R. Medlen and J. D. Johnson.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Sep. 16, 1943
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband Thedore Edward Best 2nd husband William Marcelous Campbell; d/o George Langridge & Eliza/Louisa (Maynard) Langridge

Glen Clayton Whitley
Mar 5, 1932 - Apr 5, 2019

Glen C. Whitley, 87, of Corsicana passed away Friday, April 5, 2019 at Heritage Oaks Retirement Village. Visitation with the family will be held from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 12, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home. Graveside services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Friday, April 12, 2019 at Oakwood Cemetery with Bro. Frank Escamilla officiating.



Glen Clayton Whitley, age 87, of Corsicana passed away peacefully at Heritage Oaks Retirement Village on Friday, April 5, 2019. He was born in Corsicana, Texas on March 5, 1932 to Laura Lucille Smith Whitley and James Clate Whitley.

Glen worked in several states throughout his life, building companies and overseeing projects. His last job was with the State of Texas Highway Department where he devised the loop that is currently being built around Corsicana.

Glen loved fishing, hunting and horse racing. He excelled in raising Pecan trees. He raised pecan trees and had a pecan orchard in Chilton. He also had one in Belton, close to the Bosque River where he watered the trees from the river. He competed and won five years in a row the title of State Pecan � Grower of the Year Award from the Texas Pecan Growers Association.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

He is survived by his nieces; Becky Meyer and husband, David, and Tammy Cirilo; his cousins; Claudia Adcock and husband, Jimmy, Rusty Andrews, and Val Boales and husband, Kim, and numerous other relatives.

Visitation with the family will be held on Friday, April 12, 2019 from 12:30 � 1:30 P.M. at Corley Funeral Home. Graveside services will follow at 2:00 P.M. on Friday, April 12, 2019 at Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana with Bro. Frank Escamilla officiating.


  • s/o James Clate Whitley & Laura Lucille (Smith) Whitley
  • Submitted by Karen Rost

Wendy Ann (Reeves) Stehle
Oct 6, 1974 - Mar 27, 2019

Wendy Reeves Stehle of Corsicana was born Oct. 6, 1974 to George Calvin Reeves (Pete) and Judy Kay Boyte Reeves.

She passed away March 27, 2019 at Dallas City Medical.

She is survived by her brother, Bobby Reeves and wife, Kathy; aunt, Kathryn Schultz and husband Rinert; uncle, Rickey Boyte and wife Sarah; numerous cousins and her furbabies, little momma, and Coco.

She is preceded in death by her parents Pete and Judy Reeves.

She was loved by many and will be greatly missed. Her services are being held 11:30 a.m. Saturday, April 27, 2019 at First Baptist Church in Dawson with Steve Burleson officiating.


Stephanie Dawn Hartley
Jan 18, 1975 - Apr 10, 2019

Stephanie Dawn Hartley, 44 of Corsicana went to be with her Lord and Savior on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. She was born January 18, 1975 to James and Paula Hartley in Corsicana, Texas.

Stephanie loved softball and pitched until she broke her arm. She loved to play the game. She was also a talented artist and she loved to create beautiful wreaths for gifts.

She graduated with honors and in the top 25% of her class in 1993. She graduated from Navarro College in 1995 with an Associate's Degree in Business. She moved to Arlington to further her education at UT Arlington where she loved going to every Rangers home game.

Stephanie was a caring, loving, generous person. She loved to make everyone laugh and would help anyone at any time. She was beautiful both inside and out. She will be missed by many.

Stephanie is preceded in death by her parents James and Paula Hartley of Corsicana; grandparents Lorenzo Dow Sr. and Ouida Hartley of Rice, Tom and Bonnie Smith of Corsicana; uncles Lorenzo Dow "Boy" Hartley of Tallahassee, FL, Robert Hartley of Rice, Tim Hartley of Corsicana, Roy Smith of Lancaster, Loyd Smith and Tommy Smith both of Corsicana; aunts Betty Dunn of Corsicana, Helen "Baby" O'Neil of Dallas and Billie Chase of Palmer.

Stephanie is survived by her twin sister Brandy Hartley and fianc� Scott Gorzynski of Mt. Calm; niece Jozalyn Sewell of Corsicana, uncle Jerry Smith Sr; aunts Wanda Hartley, Sue Hawthorne and Mary Smith all of Corsicana and her beloved dog Harley along with numerous cousins.

Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, April 15, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.

A celebration of her life will be held 11 am Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.

In lieu of flowers the family has asked that you make a donation to the National Alliance on Mental Illness at Please let the family know if you donate.

Honorary Pallbearers Christopher Dunn, Matthew Dunn, Tim Hartley, Doug Adler, Jerry Smith Jr, Jeff Smith, Scott Gorzynski

Arrangements By Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home


Benjamin Franklin "Pete" Dixon
Sep 3, 1925 - Feb 13, 1991

Pete Dixon, 65, of Corsicana, died Feb. 13, 1991, at Navarro Regional Hospital.

Services are 2 p.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Chapel with Dr.
Charles Rice officiating. Burial will be in the Pattison Cemetery.

He was born Sept 3, 1925, in Emhouse. He was born Sept. 3, 1925, in Emhouse. He was a meter reader for Strouby Community Water and served in the army during World War II.

He is survived by his wife, Vera Dixon of Corsicana; three brothers, T.H. Dixon, Johnny Dixon and Quinton Dixon, all of Corsicana; one sister, Edith Hitchcock of Corsicana; and several nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers include Alton Thomas, Paul Curington, Charles Johnston, Harold Johnston, Mark Dixon and Johnny Dixon.


William Frank May
Apr 19, 1908 - Jan 23, 1991

William F. May, 82, of Waco, died Jan. 23, 1991, in Waco.

Services will be 2 p.m. Friday at the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Bazette Cemetery.

He was born April 19, 1908, in Navarro County, and had lived in Waco since 1940. He was a retired carpenter.

Survivors include two daughters, Janie Maines of Chilton and Barbara Busby of Riesel; five grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Curtis and Alta Albritton, both of Corsicana; and a number of nieces and nephews.

Grandchildren will serve as pallbearers.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Jan 24, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • h/o Annie May (Brittain) May; s/o William Henry May & Mary Alice
    (Hall) May

Ola Mae (Brown) Burrell
Dec 25, 1919 - Feb 25, 1991

Ola Mae Burrell, 71, of Dallas, died Feb. 25, 1991, in Dallas.

Services will be 1 p.m. Saturday at Timothy Baptist Church, with the Rev. Barbara Goss officiating. Burial will be in Timothy Cemetery under direction of Scott Funeral Home.

Quiet Hour will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday.

She was a member of Timothy Baptist Church and the Eastern Star.

Survviors include one niece, the Rev. Barbara Goss of Dallas; six sisters, Viesta Lewis of Los Angeles, Earling Miller and Teresa Williams, both of Corsicana, queen Esther Armstead, Bosell Donaldso and Almarie Hegger, all of Dallas; and one brother, Odie "Buster" Brown of Corsicana.

Pallbearers will be Mackey Brown, Anthony Hegger, Burter Jo Donaldson, Michael Armstead, Theodore Miller and Michael Williams.

Honorary pallbearers will be Deacon Howard Miller and Stanley Littleton.


Bessie (Miles) Montgomery
Jul 20, 1907 - Feb 26, 1991

Mrs. Bessie Montgomery, 83, of Eureka, died Feb. 26, 1991, at Navarro Regional Hospital[

Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. B.F. Risinger Jr. officiating. Burial will be in the Eureka Cemetery.

She was born July 20, 1907 in Rice and had lived most of her life in Eureka. She was a retired school teacher, having taught at Sessions, Mildred and Eureka. She was a former employee of the Texas Employment Commission and a member of First Baptist Church, where she taught the Naomi Sunday School class for many years.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Aaron F. Mongtomery, in 1966, and a grandson, James Aaron, in 1990.

She is survived by two daughters, Margaret Thomas of Eureka, and Carolyn Taylor of Corsicana; a granddaughter, LeAnn Starks of Plano; a grandson, Ben Taylor of Corsicana; a sister, Idamay Dukeminier of Houston; a brother, Joel Miles of Houston; and a number of nieces, nephews and cousins.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Feb 27, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the Collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Aaron Ferguson Montgomery; d/o Mertie Sherman Miles & Ellen Viola
    (Allen) Miles

Ila Mae (Biggers) Harrington
Mar 13, 1902 - Feb 23, 1991

Ila Harrington, 88, of Frost, died Feb. 23, 1991, at Navarro Regional Hospital.

Services will be 11 a.m. Monday at the Methodist Church in Frost, with Margaret Decker officiating. Burial will be in Frost Cemetery. Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Survivors include one son, Donald L. Harrington of Richardson; one sister, Lillian Biggers of Frost; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.


Nettie Mae (Cooper) Burleson
Sep 11, 1912 - Mar 6, 1991

Nettie Mae Cooper Burleson, 78, of Fairfield, died March 6, 1991, in Fairfield.

Services were 2 p.m. Thursday at First Baptist Church in Fairfield, and Dr. Bill Thomas officiated. Burial was in Cade Cemetery near Streetman under direction of Capps Memorial Chapel.

She was born Sept. 11, 1912, in Streetman, and was a retired school teacher. She was a member of the Freestone County Retired Teacher's Association and the First Baptist Church.

Survivors include one sister, Margaret Jane Henderson of Fairfield; two sister-in-laws [sic], Lillian Cooper of Streetman and Mrs. Opal Cooper of Kerens; and a number of nieces and nephews.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Mar 8, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the Collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Herbert Hopson Burleson; d/o James Cooper & Etta Mae (Gilbert) Cooper

Corrine Allen
Nov 8, 1906 - Feb 6, 1991

Corrine Allen, 82, of Dallas, died Feb. 6, 1991, at Fair Park Nursing Home in Dallas.

Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Johnson Memorial Church of God in Christ. Burial will be in Silent Grove Cemetery in Cheneyboro. Ross and Johnson Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.

She is survived by four nephews, Dick Jacobs, Wallace Wigfall, Wallace Dudley and L.B. Billings, all of Corsicana; four nieces, Elizabeth Jacobs of Teague, Johnnie Mae Kissam of Houston, Madell Lee of Fort Worth, and Adell Moore of Corsicana; and other relatives.


Booker T. Rhoe, Jr.
Sep 11, 1928 - Mar 4, 1991

Booker T. Rhoe Jr., 61, of Lubbock, Texas, died March 4, 1991, in Lubbock.

Services will be 11 a.m. Friday at the Silent Grove Baptist Church. Burial will be in the Silent Grove Cemetery in Cheneybobo, Texas. Ross and Johnson Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.

He is survived by his wife, Olivia Rhoe of Lubbock; five daughters, Tasha Rhoe and Ollie Rhoe, both of Lubbock, Charlie Lavene Mitchell, Vassie M. Jackson and Kathleen Roberts, all of Corsicana; three sons, Alvin Rhoe of Corsicana, Edward Rhoe and Billy T. Rhoe; several grandchildren; one brother, Edward Rhoe of Dallas; and two sisters, Paulverline Hughes of Dallas, and Deloris Bradford of Cheneyboro.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Mar 6, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the Collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • h/o Lillie Mae (Nickson) Rhoe, Lillie Ruth Jordan Rhoe, Elodia (Quintana) Rhoe & Olivia Rhoe; s/o Booker T. Rhoe, Sr. & Lou Gerthia (Clemons) Rhoe

Walter Evans Johnson
Feb 16, 1901 - Mar 6, 1991

Walter E. Johnson, 90, of Mildred, died March 6, 1991 at Navarro Regional Hospital

Services are 2 p.m. Saturday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Edis Sluder officiating. Burial will be in Providence Cemetery.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Elsie Johnson, in 1980.

Survivors include four sons, Harold Johnson of Lawton, Okla., Don Johnson , Godley, Doug Johnson of Arlington, and Lawrence Johnson of Mildred; three daughters, Dorris Collins of Garland, Bettye Fudge and Linda Robertson, both of Mesquite; 16 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Mar 6, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the Collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • h/o Elsie Irene (Lynch) Johnson; s/o Powers Johnson & Martha Caroline
    (Evans) Johnson

Effie Lee (Russell) Shipley-Monds
Apr 16, 1903 - Feb 4, 1991

Effie Lee Monds, 88, died Feb. 4, 1991, at Ennis Care Center in Ennis.

Services were 2 p.m. Wednesday at Corley Funeral Chapel and the Rev.
Gary Johnson and the Rev. Steve Smith officiated. Burial was in Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.

She was born April 16, 1903, in Corbet and had lived in Barry since 1908. She was editor and publisher of two poetry journals from 1967 to 1975. She was listed in London's Who's Who in Poetry in 1970-71, a recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Derrick, California, 1969; the Scotti D;Arcy Award, which is a certificate of recognition in poetry, 1968; and had poems used and translated to Portuguese by Dr. Jonas Heghala, professor of Sao Paulo Brazil University; and had more than 500 poems published in poetry books. She was a member of Barry United Methodist Church where she was a Bible history teacher.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Floyd Luther Monds, on Aug. 3, 1978.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. John Fenton of Hardin and Mrs.
Floydena Coker of Barry; three sons, Etigney Shipley of Corsicana, Dalmain L. Shipley of Baytown, and Montrel Shipley of Eufaula, Okla.; one sister, Mary Jane Jones of Corsicana; 16 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; serveral great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews, including Lee Jones and J.N. Jones, both of Corsicana.

Pallbearers will be Matt Elmore, Bayless Elmore, Pete Lovett, Phillip Briggs, David Coffey and Tim McMillan. Grandsons and nephews will serve as honorary pallbearers as well as Tim Nicholson and Dan Nicholson.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Feb 6, 1991
  • Submitted byKaren Rost
  • From the Collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Lige Shipley and Floyd Luther Monds; d/o John Newton Russell & Matilda Jane (Stephens) Russell

Gladys Lillian (Griffin) Woodard
abt 1905 - Feb 22, 1991

Mrs. Gladys L. Woodard, 85, of Vernon, Texas, died Feb. 22, 1991, in Vernon.

Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Monday in the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery. Corley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

She is survived by one daughter-in-law, Mrs. Helen Woodard of Vernon; five grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; one sister, Mrs. Frankie breland of Houston; and a number of nieces and nephews.


Dorothy Louise (Baggett) Mullenix
Mar 11, 1930 - Mar 5, 1991

Dorothy Mullenix, 60, of Corsicana, died March 5, 1991, at her residence.

Services are 10 a.m. Thursday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Jimmy D. Baggett officiating. Burial will be in Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.

Survivors include one son, Dickey Mullenix of Corsicana; one daughter, Ginger Mullenix of Corsicana; and one brother, John Baggett of Seattle.

Pallbearers will be Kevin Farmer, Brad Crosswhite, Mike Cain, Ricky Crenshaw, Steve Weber and Darrell Stevenson.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Mar 6, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the Collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Guy Mullenix; d/o Billy E. Baggett & Irene (Davis) Baggett

Carrie Lee (Haynes) Harris
Apr 5, 1909 - Mar 6, 1991

Mrs. Carrie Haynes Harris, 81, of Corsicana, died March 6, 1991, at her residence.

Services are 2:30 p.m. Friday at Corley Funeral Chapel with the Rev.
Calvin Francis officiating. Burial will be in the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.

She was born April 5, 1909, in Navarro County and had lived in Corsicana for 50 years. She was a former employee of Haggar Slacks and a sales lady.

She is survived by her husband, M. Homer Harris of Corsicana; one brother, T.G. Haynes of Corsicana; six sisters, Mattie Elmore, Minnie Robertson, Eliabeth Crumbley and Agnes Benson all of Corsicana, Maudie Russell of Abilene and Ruth Gibson of Ennis; and a number of nieces and nephews.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Mar 7, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the Collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o M. Homer Harris; d/o David Lee Haynes & Mary Catherine (Finch) Haynes

Edith Ellen (Whittenberg) Farmer
Jan 30, 1902 - Feb 21, 1991

Edith E. Farmer, 89, of Harlingen, formerly of Corsicana, died Feb. 21,
1991 at a nursing home in Harlingen.

Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Younger Cemetery, located outside of Corsicana, under the direction of Buck Ashcraft Funeral Home. The family will receive friends from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.
tonight at the funeral home.

Mrs. Farmer was born in Corsicana, and had lived in Harlingen for the past 12 years. She attended First Assembly of God Church in Harlingen. She was preceded in death by a son, the Rev. J.W. Farmer in 1989.

Survivors include three sons, Lee Farmer of Harlingen, the Rev. James Farmer of Jacksonville, Texas, and Winston Farmer of Garland, Texas; a daughter, Doris Wright of Greenville, Texas; a brother, E.C. Wittenberg of Corsicana, a sister, Myrtle Talley of Corsicana; and 18 grandchildren


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Feb 22, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Lee Farmer; d/o Wesley Luther Whittenberg & Allie Fare (Patterson) Whittenberg

Bitmon Henry
Jul 21, 1892 - Feb 18, 1991

Bitmon Henry, 98, of Pelham, died Feb. 18, 1991, at his residence.

Wake services are 6-8 p.m. Friday at Ross and Johnson Mortuary. Services are 1 p.m. Saturday at Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church in Pelham. Burial will be in Pelham Cemetery.

He is survived by one daughter, Willie M. Handley of Realto, Calif.; and three grandchildren.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Feb. 21, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • h/o Pearlie Vanetta (Craven) Henry, Ruby Eliza (Waters) Henry, Josephine Henry - s/o John Henry and Charlott (Moore) Henry

Tommie Mae Cephus
abt 1923 - Jan 19, 1991

Tommie Cephus, 69, of Dallas, died Jan. 19, 1991 at Parkland Hospital in Dallas.

Services are 11 a.m. Saturday at Love Chapel Baptist Church with the Rev. Paul Curry officiating. Burial will follow in Woodland Cemetery under the direction of Ross and Johnson Mortuary.

Survivors include her father, Frank Thomas of Corsicana; two aunts, Lillian Fitzgerald and Nellie Fitzgerald, both of Corsicana.


Willie Thomas "Bubba" Meadows, Sr.
Nov 23, 1916 - Jan 30, 1991

Willie T. Meadows, 75, of Corsicana, died Jan. 30, 1991, at Navarro Regional Hospital.

Wake service will be at 7 p.m. Friday at Ross and Johnson Mortuary. Services will be 3 p.m. Saturday at Mt. Olive Baptist Church with the Rev. A.E. Smith officiating. Burial will be in Woodland Cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, Rosetta Meadows of Corsicana; three daughters, Leslie Faye Johnson and Mary Nell Andrews, both of Corsicana, and Loretta Carter of Mexia; nine grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and other relatives.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Jan 31, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • h/o Rosetta (Scott) Meadows

George Portis Sr.
Feb 22, 1905 - Feb 16, 1991

George Portis Sr., 85, of Corsicana, died Feb. 16, 1991, at Navarro Regional Hospital

Services are 10 a.m. Saturday at Calvary Baptist Church with the Rev. C.M. Young officiating.

Burial will be in Woodland Cemetery under the direction of Ross and Johnson Mortuary.

Survivors include four daughters, Rosa Nell Cunningham and Acquilla Graves, both of Dallas and Delores White and Barbara Hamilton, both of Corsicana; one son, Luther Portis of Germany; one step-son, Harvey Watson of Houston; one sister, Rosie Maddox of Ft. Worth; and several grandchildren and great-grandchldren.

Pallbearers are Charles Jones, James Fields, Ronnie Stovall, Charles Moore, Austin Davis Jr. and Charles Washington.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Feb. 21, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • h/o Annie Mae (Modester) Portis, Rosie Mae (Mason) Portis & Willie B.
    (Thomas) Portis

Edgar Terry
May 22, 1917 - Jan 19, 1991

Edgar Terry, 73, of Richland, died Jan. 19, 1991 at Navarro Regional Hospital.

Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in the Trinidad Cemetery.

He was born May 22, 1917 in Scott County, Tennessee, and had lived in Richland for the past seven years. He was a farmer and a member of the Antioch Baptist Church in Scott County, Tenn. He was a life member of the Fort Myers, Florida Moose Lodge.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Jeneva Terry in 1972, and a daughter, Bernice Yawn, in 1978.

Survivors include five sons, Paul Terry of Richland, Doyle Terry of Kissimmee, Fla., Larry Terry of Orlando, Fla., Eddie Terry of Stamps, Ark., and Dean Terr of Duncanville; two daughters, Sharon Jeter of Arcadia, Fla., and Clarice Pope of Richland; daughter-in-law, Barbara Terry of Richland; 28 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Edison Terry and Elmer Terry, both of Plant City, Fla.; five sisters, Linnie Davenport of Dade City, Fla., Edith Dobbs of Waycross, Ga., Imogene Davenport of Hendersonville, N.C., Nigel Thorton of Brandon, Fla., and Nicsolla Adkins of Flint City, Fla.; and a number of nieces and nephews.


Lelia Florene (Burleson) Hancock-Green
Sep 12, 1917 - Feb 6, 1991

Lelia Florene Green, 73, of Fluvanna, died Feb. 6, 1991 at St. Mary's Hospital in Lubbock following a brief illness.

Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Bell-Cypert-Seale Funeral Home in Snyder, Texas with the Rev. Leon Green, pastor of Plainview Baptist Church officiating and Don Campbell, minister of Fluvanna Church of Christ assisting. Burial will be in the Fluvanna Cemetery.

She was born Sept. 12, 1917 in Kerens, Texas, to Jewel Wyatt and Arthur Burleson, and had lived in Fluvanna, Scurry County, since 1982. She was a housewife and a Baptist. She married Garland "Bunk" Green Sept. 10, 1982 in Lovington, N.M.

Survivors include her husband, Garland "Bunk" Green of Fluvanna, Texas; three daughters, Adele Farley of Lindsay, Okla., Genell Shawn of Lewisburg, Tenn., and Kim Anderson of Big Spring, Texas; two sons, Bennie Hancock of Odessa, and Wallace Hancock of Redding, Calif.; three stepdaughters, Jeanette Huddleston and Kay Greenwood, both of Snyder, Texas, and Garlene Sims of Lovington, N.M.; one stepson, Mathel Green of Lovington, N.M., 12 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, 12 step-grandchildren, and 12 step-great-grandchildren, all of Lovington, N.M.


Charlie Melvin Hyles
Jun 4, 1917 - Feb 21, 1991

Charlie Hyles, 73, of Corsicana, died Feb. 21, 1991, at Navarro Regional

Services are 10 a.m. Saturday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with the Rev. Jim Jones officiating. Burial will be in Italy Cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Hyles of Corsicana; six brothers, Otis Hyles of Hillsboro, Shorty Hyles of Waxahachie, James L. Hyles and W.A. Hyles, both of Italy, Joe Hyles of Ennis, and Boyd Hyles of Midlothian; and one sister, Flo Harris of Italy.

Pallbearers will be W.O. Harris, Jimmy Hyles, Mike Hyles, Ronnie Hyles, Randy Hyles, Brian Hyles, David Hyles and Jerry Glenn.


Roland England "Polly" Pollard
Jun 13, 1912 - Feb 23, 1991

Roland England (Polly) Pollard, of Abilene, died Feb. 23, 1991, in Abilene.

Graveside services were at 10 a.m. Monday in Abilene.

He was a native of Corsicana, a graduate of Corsicana High School, and was the king of the high school his senior year. He also was a member of the football and basketball teams.

He was preceded in death by his first wife, Mayme Fern Warren Pollard, in 1954, and a son in 1971.

Survivors include his wife, Juanita Tittle Pollard of Buffalo Gap; one grandson; two great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.


Cloma Davis
Sep 1, 1916 - Feb 11, 1991

Cloma Davis, 73, of Dawson, died Feb. 11, 1991, at Mel-Haven Convalescent Home.

Services are 11 a.m. Sunday at Church of God In Christ with Elder C.A. Cleveland officiating. Burial will be in Dawson Cemetery under direction of Scott Funeral Home.

Survivors include her husband Exo Davis of Dallas; one daughter, Gloria Ray Walker of Dallas; five grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and one sister-in-law, Gradis Cole,

Friends of the family will serve as pallbearers.


Zella Mae (Embry) Dawson
May 1, 1892 - Feb 16, 1991

Mrs. Zella Embry Dawson, 98, of Houston, died Feb. 16, 1991 in Treemont Nursing Home in Houston.

Graveside services were 2 p.m. Monday at Dawson Cemetery with the Rev. Klel Quesenberry officiating. Wade Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

She was born May 1, 1892 in McGregor. She lived in Houston for the past40 years and prior to that she lived in Dawson. She was a member of St. Luke United Methodist Church in Houston and a member of the pioneer Dawson family.

She was preceded in death by her husband Ernest Britt Dawson.

Survivors include one son, E. Britt Dawson of Houston; three grandsons; two great-grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to the St. Luke United Methodist Church Foundation.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Feb 18, 1991
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Ernest Britt Dawson
  • Submitted by Karen Rost

Andy Pearl (Grimes) Gannon
Feb 24, 1898 - Feb 19, 1991

Mrs. Andy Pearl Gannon, 92, of Dawson, died Feb. 19, 1991, at Navarro Regional Hospital.

Services are 2 p.m. Thursday at the Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Solon Baily officiating.

Burial will be in Dawson Cemetery.

She was preceded in death by her husband T.C. (Bud) Gannon, 1969.

Survivors include one son, Thera C. Gannon of Presley; one daughreer, Pauline Napps of Chandler; seven grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers are Glen Gannon, Dan Gannon, Eddie Napps, Howard Pedigo, Buddy Beasley, Terry Acker and Wayne Gannon.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Feb 20, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Thera Clayborn "Bud" Gannon; d/o William Cunningham Grimes & Mary Katherine (Hollis) Grimes

Frances Elizabeth Clause
Nov 9, 1911 - Feb 14, 1991

Mrs. Frances E. Clause, 79, of Purdon, died Feb. 14, 1991, at Navarro Regional Hospital.

Graveside services are 2 p.m. Saturday at Resthaven Memorial Park. Corley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

She was born Nov. 9, 1911, in Indianapolis and had lived in Purdon since 1975. She was a member of the Dawson Eastern Star No. 1046 and had served in the Navy during World War II. She was a retired civil service employee and a member of the Episcopal Church.

Survivors include her husband, Frank. A. Clause of Purdon; one sister, Theo Johnson of Indianapolis; two nephews and two niece, Floyd and Patty Schanz and David and Lynn Schanz, all of Indianapolis.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Feb. 16, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Frank Albert Clause

Millard Williams
abt 1898 - Feb 20, 1991

Millard Williams, 92, of Corsicana, died Feb. 20, 1991, at Park Row Health Care Center.

Services are 2 p.m. Thursday at the Resthaven Mausoleum with the Rev. Ralph Ward officiating under the direction of Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.


Opal (Cagle) Hoffman
Feb 9, 1913 - Feb 21, 1991

Opal Hoffman, 77, of Corsicana, died Feb. 21, 1991, at her residence.

Services will be 4 p.m. Saturday at the Griffin-Roughton Funeral Hoem, with Russell Bankes officiating. Burial will be in Rest Haven Memorial Park.

She was preceded ind death by her husband, Lawrence Hoffman Jr., and her sister, Jewel Moreau.

Survivors include three daughters and sons-in-law, Billie and Don Adams of Marlin, Texas, Nancy and Michael Accipiter of Coppell, Texas and Linda and Chuck Butler of Corsicana; six sisters, Lena Whiteside, Alyne Higgins, Doris Christian, Vestal Harris, Billie Eaton, all of Corsicana, and Sue Kesinger of Sand Springs, Okla.; three grandchildren, Michael and Tammy Adams of Marlin; and Shaun Accipiter of Coppell, Texas; and a number of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be Don Adams, Michael Adams, Michael Accipiter, Shaun Accipiter, Chuck Butler and Jim Lyons.

Honorary pallbearers will be Doug Whiteside, Henry Higgins, Parks Christian, Johnny Harris, Buddy Eaton and Fred Kesinger.


Mary Ellen (Green) Beggs
Feb 1, 1906 - Feb 25, 1991

Mary Ellen Beggs, 85, of Corsicana, died Feb. 25, 1991, at her residence.

Services are 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Resthaven Mausoleum with Dr. David hale officiating. Burial will be in Resthaven Memorial Park under the direction of Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.

She is survived by two brothers, Elton Green and Olie Lee Green, both of New Mexico; one sister, Mary Francis Green of New Mexico; one son-in-law, Perry Taylor of Corsicana; one grandson, Tommy Don Taylor of Longview; one granddaughter, Jan Hair of Scotsdale, Ariz.; and four great-grandchildren.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Feb 25, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the Collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Tom Clark Beggs; d/o Berry Lawson Green & Mary Annie (Brock) Green

William Robert Anderson
Dec 5, 1912 - Jan 27, 1991

William Robert Anderson, 78, of Kerens, died Jan. 27, 1991, at Navarro Regional Hospital

Services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at Paschal Funeral Home with Jimmy Glenn officiating. Burial will be in Kerens City Cemetery.

He was born Dec. 5, 1912, in Emhouse and had lived in Kerens for many years. He was a retired mechanic who had worked at Bruner Chevrolet in Kerens for many years.

Survivors include his wife, Jewell Anderson of Kerens; two daughters, Reba Fields of Oklahoma City, and Bobbie Roberts of Corsicana; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Homer Wasson, Joe Graves, Norman Smith, Ted Stovell, Don Green and Emmett McCaslin.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Jan 28, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillispie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • h/o Mattie Jewell (Griggs) Anderson

Evelyn Elizabeth (Buckley) McCluney
Apr 20, 1907 - Jan 31, 1991

Evelyn Elizabeth McCluney, 83, of Kerens, died Jan. 31, 1991.

Services are 3 p.m. Sunday at the Kerens Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Bill Kimbrough officiating. Burial will be in the Kerens City Cemetery. Paschall Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

She was born April 20, 1907 in Italy and had resided in Fort Worth for 45 years. She taught English and Spanish at Arlington Heights for 20 years and was a member of the Hemphill Presbyterian Church in Ft. Worth.

She is survived by her husband, Cliff Allen McCluney of Kerens; two sons, Cliff Allen McCluney of Houston; two daughters, Marilyn Bassinger of Midland and Ann Knight of Kerens; 8 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Pallbearers include Will Knight, Kevin Bassinger, Ross Bassinger, Wayne McCluney and Byron Williams.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Feb 1, 1991
  • Submited by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Cliff Allen McCluney II - d/o Walter Aden Buckley and Lula (Brooks) Buckley

Lizzie Mae (Howell) Duffie
May 13, 1894 - Feb 9, 1991

Lizzie Mae Duffie, 96, of Kerens, died Feb. 9, 1991, at Maywood Manor Resthome in Kerens.

Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at the paschal Funeral Home in Kerens, with the Rev. John Shipman officiating. Burial will be in the Kerens Cemetery.

She was a retired telephone operator in Kerens. She was a member of the Methodist Church.

She is survived by two nieces, Ethel Douglas of California, and Estell Brooks of Lampassas, Texas; and one great-niece., Kathryn Keener of San Antonio.

The men of the Methodist Church will serve as pallbearers.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Feb. 11, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Walter Alexander Duffie - d/o Anderson Taylor Howell and Lucinda Booker (Price) Howell

Robert Wayne Hayes
Apr 27, 1973 - Feb 10, 1991

Robert Wayne Hayes, 17, of Corsicana, died Feb. 10, 1991, at his residence.

Graveside services will be 3 p.m. Tuesday in Modral Cemetery, with Solon Bailey officiating. Arrangements are with Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.

He is survived by his father; Roy Wayne Hayes of Corsicana; his mother, Betty Ann Hayes of Corsicana; one sister, Tammy Hayes of Corsicana; and his grandparents Eldridge and Lola Hayes off Corsicana, Beatrice Mosley of Corsicana, and Herschel Pedigo of Troup, Texas.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Feb 11, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • s/o Roy Wayne Hayes and Betty Ann (Pedigo) Hayes

Debbie Lynne (Brown) Thurman
Jul 25, 1959 - Feb 15, 1991

Debbie Brown Thurman, 31, of Jacksonville, Fla., and formerly of Kerens, died Feb. 15, 1991, at her residence.

Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Saturday in the Kerens City Cemetery, with the Rev. Haves White officiating. Paschal Funeral Home in Kerens is in charge of arrangements.

She was born July 15, 1959, in Corsicana, the daughter of Donald Wayne Brown and Peggy Brown. She married Jon Thurman Dec. 16, 1983, in Rochester, N.Y. She was a graduate of the Texas School of the Deaf in Austin and of Rochester Institute of Technology with a degree in architectural drafting. She was a member of the Trinity Baptist Church.

Survivors include her husband, Jon Thurman of Jacksonville, Fla.; one son, Samuel Thurman of Jacksonville, Fla.; one daughter, Sarah Thurman of Jacksonville, Fla.; her father, Don Brown of Kerens; her mother, Peggy Brown of Kerens; two sisters, Suzann Edling of Clear Lake, Texas, and Laura Dansby of Sherman, Texas; grandparents, Mrs. Roy Brown of Powell and Mrs Jack Anderson of Waco; 11 aunts and nine uncles; and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews.

The family will be at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday.

A trust fund for her children has been established at the Powell State Bank in Powell, Texas.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Feb 18, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Jon Thurman; d/o Donald Wayne Brown & Peggy Brown

Frances Maxine (Barnes) Sullivan
Sep 28, 1918 - Feb 23, 1991

Frances Maxine Sullivan, 72, of Kerens, died Feb. 23, 1991, at a Temple hospital.

Services will be 3 p.m. Monday at the Paschal Funeral Home Chapel in Kerens, with Dr. Royce Measures officiating. Burial will be in the Kerens City Cemetery.

She is survived by two daughters, Frances Ann Baxter of Dallas, and Norma June Rode of Baldwinsville, N.Y.; one son, Don Sullivan of Kerens; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; one sister, Hazel Stevenson of Kerens; and two brothers, Buford Barnes and Lyman Barnes, both of Corsicana.

Pallbearers will be David Foreman, Randall Barnes, Billy Barnes, Calvin Franklin, Billy Shelton, Joe Baxter, Bryan Dunagan and Ronnie Kuykendall.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sun., Feb 24, 1991
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • From the collection of the Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
  • w/o Emmitt Willard Sullivan; d/o Edward L. Barnes & Lillie (Collins) Barnes

Benjamin S. Guerrero
May 16, 1918 � March 3, 2011

Beloved father of Ben Guerrero (Kathy), Caleb Lyra, and Ophir Lyra (Jerri). Grandfather to Marisa, Ian (Jennie), Kalan (Letica) Lyra and great-granddaughter, Madeline Lyra. Preceded in death by wives: Eloise Guerrero (1964) and Maria Guerrero (2002). He served his country proudly during WW II in the Aleutian Island. He retired as a barber of 65 years in 2008.


Navarro County TXGenWeb
� Copyright February, 2020
Edward L. Williams