Cathy Jane Cook
B&D Dec 27, 1947
Funeral Services for Cathy Jane Cook, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Cook, Jr., El Paso who died at El Paso, were held
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. Morris
Bailey, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are the parents and a sister, Patty, El Paso; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, Sr.; Mrs. John Hardin and
Holley Gordon, all of Corsicana.
Wiley Durwood Robinson
Aug 22, 1895 - Apr 3, 1958
Pharmacist Dies In VA Hospital, Rites Saturday
Durwood Robinson, long-time Corsicana pharmacist, died in the Veterans Administration hospital in Marlin Thursday afternoon
following an extended illness. He was a native of Navarro county and a veteran of World War I.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Saturday at 2
p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by
Rev. Eugene E. Wood, pastor of the Westminister Presbyterian church
of which he was a member.
Robinson was a pharmacist with the P. and S. Pharmacy for more than 30 years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maude Robinson, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. H. J. Renfrow, Longview; two granddaughters, mother, Mrs. S. E.
Robinson, Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. R. E. Hable, Corsicana, and Mrs. W. B. Shiels, Dallas, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Dr. J. Wilson David, Dr. W. R. Sneed, Dr. E. H. Newton, Dr. Dan B. Hamill, R. E. Renfrow, S. S. Chappell; H. G.
Gribble, J. H. Andrews, R. E. Hable and Bill Shiels.
Rites Saturday For Pharmacist
Funeral rites for Durwood Robinson, pharmacist and World War I
veteran, who died in the Veterans Administration hospital in Marlin Thursday afternoon, were held at 2 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Eugene E. Wood, pastor of the Westminister Presbyterian church of which Robinson was a member.
Robinson, a native of Navarro county, was a pharmacist at the P. and S. Pharmacy for many years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maude Robinson, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. H. J. Renfrow, Longview; two granddaughters, mother, Mrs. S. E.
Robinson, Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. R. E. Hable, Corsicana, and Mrs. W. B. Shiels, Dallas, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Dr. J. Wilson David, Dr. W. R. Sneed, Dr. E. H. Newton, Dr. Dan B. Hamill, R. E. Renfrow, S. S. Chappell; H. G.
Gribble, J. H. Andrews, R. E. Hable and Bill Shiels.
Maude Ella (Sharp) Robinson
Dec 2, 1891 - May 24, 1974
Mrs. Robinson
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the Corley Funeral Home
Chapel for Mrs. Durwood P. Robinson, 82, who died in Beaumont Friday
Mres. Robinson was a native of Frost and a former resident of
Corsicana before living for two years in Beaumont.
Rev. Eugene Wood will officiate and burial will be at
Oakwood cemetery.
Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Wayne Craddock of Beaumont; two
granddaughters, Mrs. Henry J. Gainer of Beaumont and Mrs. Pat M.
Ealem of London, England; one grandson, David Renfrow of Beaumont;
and one great-granddaughter, Susannah Ealem of London, England.
Further arrangements are still pending.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Sun., May 26, 1974
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
w/o Wiley Durwood Robinson; d/o Jessie Mitchell Sharp & Julia L.
(Spencer) Sharp buried in Frost cemetery, Frost, Tx.
Mrs. Robinson
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Corley Funeral
Home Chapel for Mrs. Durwood P. Robinson, 82, who died in Beaumont
The Rev. Eugene Wood officiated and burial was at
Oakwood cemetery.
Pallbearers were Colonel Hal C. Johnson, Maurice Young, David
Gribble, Jack London, R. E. Hable, Pete Sharp and Ted Red.
James Carl Brannon, Sr.
Oct 20, 1896 - Apr 19, 1947
James C. Brannon, aged 50, oil field driller of Odessa, was found
dead Saturday morning in bed at Tatum, N.M. Natural causes were
ascribed as the cause of death.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Funeral chapel Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites
were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist
Surviving are his wife of Odessa; a son, J. C. Brannon, Odessa; two
step-daughters, Mrs. Earl Hutchison, Alice, and Mrs. W. P. Porter,
Bay City; mother, Mrs. W. W. Brannon, Corsicana; three brothers,
Burl Brannon, Alice; Tommie and Bill Brannon, both of Ciereo, Ill.;
three sisters, Mrs. Lucille Boyd, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Janett Watts,
Palestine and Mrs. Lorene Colbert, Houston.
Pallbearers were W. H. Boyd, J. M. Taylor, W. P. Porter, H. S.
McNeil, A. L. Norton and Carl Hargraves.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Mon., Apr. 21, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
h/o Exie Gertrude (Harris) McElwrath-Brannon; s/o William Wiley
Brannon & Frances Delaney �Fannie� (Sheppard) Brannon
Donald Lumont Smith
Mar 4, 1905 - Mar 28, 1947
Donald Smith Rites Wednesday Afternoon
Funeral services for Donald Smith, aged 42 years, employee of a
railroad at Newport News, Va., who was accidentally killed Friday at
Newport News, will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the
First Methodist church.
Smith formerly was in the armed service, and formerly was employed
by the Tucker Brothers garage here.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, and two brothers, Ralph and
Howard Smith, both of New York.
Victim Of Train Accident Buried
Funeral services for Donald Smith, 42 years old, fatally injured in
a railroad mishap Friday at Newport News, Va., were held from Corley
Funeral chapel Wednesday afternoon. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the
First Methodist church.
Smith was employed at Tucker Bros. garage here and is an
Surviving are two brothers, Ralph and Howard Smith, both of New
Mae (McQuillan) Roe
May 20, 1889 - Jul. 9, 1947
Funeral services for Mrs. Jerry A. Roe, aged 58 years, who died at
the Navarro Clinic Wednesday evening, were held Friday morning at 10
o'clock from the McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of
the First Methodist church.
A native of Bayonne, N. J., Mrs. Roe had resided here for 40 years.
Surviving are her husband, a son, J. C. Roe, all of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were J. H. Gibson, Cap Curington, James B. Redden, R. W.
Higgins, A. E. Highnote and Earl Bush.
Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jul 11, 1947
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o Jaradox A. Roe married
Dec 12, 1916; d/o Charles McQuillan (1851 � Dec 27, 1907
Navarro county) & Martha (Driver) McQuillan
Mrs. Jerry A. Roe, aged 58 years, died at the Navarro Clinic
Wednesday night.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel
Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the
First Methodist church.
A native of Bayonne, N. J., Mrs. Roe Came to Corsicana 40 years ago
with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles McQuillan.
Surviving are her husband, a son, Jerry C. Roe, and a grandson,
Tommy Roe, all of Corsicana.
Pauline E. (Talley) Ely
Dec. 10, 1914 - Nov. 26, 1947
Soldier's Wife Dies En Route Home From Japan
The body of Mrs. Pauline Ely, 32, formerly of Navarro county who
died en route home from Japan by hospital plane at Hawaii Nov. 28,
will be returned to Corsicana for burial Dec. 29.
Sgt, D. B. Ely, U. S. army, who was accompanying his ill wife home
at the time of her death continued his trip by plane and arrived
here Monday to make arrangements for the funeral rites. His wife's
body will be sent from Hawaii by boat and train.
Two children, aged six and eight years, died in Kobe, Japan, where
the sergeant and his family had been stationed in the U. S. Army of
occupation, and their bodies are expected to be returned later to
Corsicana for burial.
Funeral rites for Mrs. Ely will be conducted at the Corley Funeral
Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery, with Rev. Jack Goff,
pastor of the North Side Baptist church, officiating.
Surviving are the husband, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Talley,
Petersburg, Texas; two brothers, T. A. Talley, Roane, and James A.
Talley, Petersburg; four sisters, Mrs. C. S. Washam, Roane; Mrs.
Mary E. Butler, Palestine; Mrs. Bertha F. Bailey, Lubbock, and Mrs.
Ernest McCauley, Petersburg, and other relatives.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Dec. 15, 1947\
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Buster Brown Ely married
Dec. 1, 1936 buried in Elbert cemetery, Elbert, Texas d/o Ernest
Lee Talley buried in Oakwood and Arkedelphia �Arkey� (Winters)
Talley buried in Jimmerson cemetery
Funeral services for Mrs. Pauline Ely, 32 who died in Hawaii, en
route home from Kobe, Japan, Nov. 28, will be held from the Corley
Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jack Goff,
pastor of the Northside Baptist church, and Rev. L. O. Sluder,
pastor of the Baptist churches at Powell and Roane. She was reared
in Navarro county.
Mrs. Ely and her husband, Sgt. D. B. Ely, were en route home by
hospital plane at the time of her death. The sergeant continued to
Corsicana by plane while the body of his wife was sent the remaining
portion of the homeward trip by boat and train.
Surviving are the husband, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Talley,
Petersburg, Texas; two brothers, T. A. Talley, Roane, and James A.
Talley, Petersburg; four sisters, Mrs. C. S. Washam, Roane; Mrs.
Mary Butler, Palestine; Mrs. Bertha F. Bailey, Lubbock, and Mrs.
Ernestine McCauley, Petersburg, and other relatives.
Funeral rites for Mrs. Pauline Ely, 32, formerly of Navarro county,
who died in Hawaii, Nov. 28, will be held from the Corley Funeral
Home chapel Sunday. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites
will be conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist
church, and Rev. L. O. Sluder, pastor of the Baptist churches at
Powell and Roane.
Surviving are the husband, Sgt. D. B. Ely, U. S. Army; parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Talley, Petersburg, Texas; two brothers, T. A.
Talley, Roane, and James A. Talley, Petersburg; six sisters, Mrs. C.
S. Washam, Roane; Mrs. Mary Butler, Palestine; Mrs. Bertha F.
Bailey, Lubbock, and Mrs. Ernestine McCauley, Petersburg; Mrs. J. H.
Shivers, Jefferson, and Mrs. Urban Scroggins, Petersburg, and other
Funeral services for Mrs. Pauline Ely, 32, who died in Hawaii while
en route home on a hospital plane from Kobe, Japan, Nov. 28, were
held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church, and Rev. O. L. Sluder, pastor of the
Powell and Roane Baptist churches. She was reared in Navarro county.
Surviving are the husband, Sgt. D. B. Ely, U. S. Army; parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Talley, Petersburg, Texas; two brothers, T. A.
Talley, Roane, and James A. Talley, Petersburg; six sisters, Mrs. C.
S. Washam, Roane; Mrs. Mary Butler, Palestine; Mrs. Bertha F.
Bailey, Lubbock, and Mrs. Ernestine McCauley, Petersburg; Mrs. J. H.
Shivers, Jefferson, and Mrs. Urban Scroggins, Petersburg, and other
Pallbearers were Stanley Gorman, Frank Carver, Vernon Frazier,
Morris Kirby, R. E. Renfro and Chestine Frazier.
John Ely
1941 - 1946
Soldier's Wife Dies En Route Home From Japan
The body of Mrs. Pauline Ely, 32, formerly of Navarro county who
died en route home from Japan by hospital plane at Hawaii Nov. 28,
will be returned to Corsicana for burial Dec. 29.
Sgt, D. B. Ely, U. S. army, who was accompanying his ill wife home
at the time of her death continued his trip by plane and arrived
here Monday to make arrangements for the funeral rites. His wife's
body will be sent from Hawaii by boat and train.
Two children, aged six and eight years, died in Kobe, Japan, where
the sergeant and his family had been stationed in the U. S. Army of
occupation, and their bodies are expected to be returned later to
Corsicana for burial.
Funeral rites for Mrs. Ely will be conducted at the Corley Funeral
Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery, with Rev. Jack Goff,
pastor of the North Side Baptist church, officiating.
Surviving are the husband, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Talley,
Petersburg, Texas; two brothers, T. A. Talley, Roane, and James A.
Talley, Petersburg; four sisters, Mrs. C. S. Washam, Roane; Mrs.
Mary E. Butler, Palestine; Mrs. Bertha F. Bailey, Lubbock, and Mrs.
Ernest McCauley, Petersburg, and other relatives.
Funeral services for John and Charley Ely, aged eight and six years
respectively, who died last year in Japan, were held from the Corley
Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor
of the North Side Baptist church, and Rev. Mickey Edwards, Baptist
Surviving are the father, Sgt. Buster B. Ely, U. S. Army; and
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Talley, Loop, and Mrs. B. Ely,
Shawnee, Okla.
Pallbearers were A. B. Holloway, Ernest Fetherston, Garland Grat, J.
E. Blackwell. Albert Gorman and Frank Carver.
Charles Ely
1938 - 1946
Soldier's Wife Dies En Route Home From Japan
The body of Mrs. Pauline Ely, 32, formerly of Navarro county who
died en route home from Japan by hospital plane at Hawaii Nov. 28,
will be returned to Corsicana for burial Dec. 29.
Sgt, D. B. Ely, U. S. army, who was accompanying his ill wife home
at the time of her death continued his trip by plane and arrived
here Monday to make arrangements for the funeral rites. His wife's
body will be sent from Hawaii by boat and train.
Two children, aged six and eight years, died in Kobe, Japan, where
the sergeant and his family had been stationed in the U. S. Army of
occupation, and their bodies are expected to be returned later to
Corsicana for burial.
Funeral rites for Mrs. Ely will be conducted at the Corley Funeral
Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery, with Rev. Jack Goff,
pastor of the North Side Baptist church, officiating.
Surviving are the husband, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Talley,
Petersburg, Texas; two brothers, T. A. Talley, Roane, and James A.
Talley, Petersburg; four sisters, Mrs. C. S. Washam, Roane; Mrs.
Mary E. Butler, Palestine; Mrs. Bertha F. Bailey, Lubbock, and Mrs.
Ernest McCauley, Petersburg, and other relatives.
Funeral services for John and Charley Ely, aged eight and six years
respectively, who died last year in Japan, were held from the Corley
Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor
of the North Side Baptist church, and Rev. Mickey Edwards, Baptist
Surviving are the father, Sgt. Buster B. Ely, U. S. Army; and
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Talley, Loop, and Mrs. B. Ely,
Shawnee, Okla.
Pallbearers were A. B. Holloway, Ernest Fetherston, Garland Grat, J.
E. Blackwell. Albert Gorman and Frank Carver.
Samuel Alexander Reagan
Mar 3, 1873 - Sep 6, 1947
Funeral services for Samuel Alexander Reagan, aged 74 years, who
died at the P. and S. Hospital Saturday afternoon following a heart
attack, were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at
5 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. He was a retired farmer
and formerly resided in the Roane community. The services were
conducted by Rev. L.O. Sluder, pastor of the Powell Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jeffie H. Regan, Zion's Rest; a son,
Guy Reagan, Texas City; three daughters, Mrs. Doris Thomason, Fort
Worth; Mrs. Claudia Miller, San Angelo, and Mrs. Dorothy Reece,
Corsicana; four brothers, Guy Reagan, Bomarton; C. A. Reagan,
Seymour; George Reagan, Trinidad, and Walter Reagan, Miami, Okla.,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Glenn Curry, Sam Butler, Vernon Frazier, Jim
Frazier, Sam Beasley and Mr. Holcomb.
Robert Henry Mayo
Mar 15, 1886 - Feb 8, 1947
A heart attack suffered while he was attending the funeral of his
father proved fatal at 11 a.m. Saturday in Monticello, Ark., to R.
H. Mayo, 61, Corsicana welder, 618 East Tenth Avenue.
Mayo had gone to Monticello to attend rites for his father, S. W.
Mayo, relatives said.
He had been a resident of Corsicana for 33 years.
Survivors include his wife and three children, Mrs. Ladell Wilson
and R. H. Mayo Jr., of Corsicana and Mrs. Zebbie Zard of San Antonio
and three grandchildren.
Services had not been arranged Saturday pending time of arrival here
of the body.
Corley Funeral Home will have charge.
Funeral services for Robert H. Mayo, 61, Corsicana welder, who died
at Monticello, Arkansas, Saturday while attending the funeral
services for his father, S. W. Mayo, were held Monday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. The rites were
conducted by Rev. D. D. Geddie, Corsicana Baptist Association
Missionary. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. Mayo had resided in
Corsicana 33 years.
Surviving are his wife, three children, Mrs. Ladell Wilson and R. H.
Mayo, Jr., all of Corsicana, and Mrs. Zebbie Zard, San Antonio;
three grandchildren, two brothers, John and Bill Mayo, both of
Monticello, Ark., and two sisters, Mrs. Clyde Henderson, Corsicana,
and Mrs. Guy Pinkston, Talco, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were E. J. Smith, Ernest Newman, John W. Stubbs, Ernest
Newman, John W. Stubbs, J. C. Morris, Elbert Terry and Obie Mims.
Melvin Eugene Sherrard
May 25, 1928 - Feb 7, 1947
Melvin Eugene Sherrard, 18, fireman, first class, U. S. Navy, former
resident of Corsicana, died Friday night in the Portsmouth Naval
Hospital in Portsmouth, Va.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel with
interment in
Oakwood cemetery. Date and time of service will be
announced later.
Surviving are his step-father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ard,
5423 Gregg street, Dallas; three brothers, R. L. Sherrard and Thomas
E. Sherrard, both of Corsicana, and Cody Sherrard, Dallas; three
sisters, Mrs. A. L. Price, Laredo; Mrs. W. E. Spier and Miss Bettie
Sherrard, both of Dallas.
Sherrard was born in Corsicana and attended Crozier Tech High
school, Dallas, and Hillcrest High school at Vickery. He resided in
Dallas six years before joining the navy in August 1945.
Plan Rites Sunday For Melvin Sherrard
Funeral services for Melvin Eugene Sherrard, 18, U. S. Navy, who
died in a Naval hospital, Portsmouth, Va., Friday night, will be
held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock
with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his step-father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ard,
Dallas; three brothers, three sisters, and other relatives. He was
born in Corsicana but attended school at Vickery and Dallas before
enlisting in the Navy August 1945.
Funeral services for Melvin Eugene Sherrard, 18, fireman first
class, U. S. Navy, formerly of Corsicana, were held in Dallas Sunday
morning and from the McCammon Funeral Chapel here Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. Sherrard died in the
Naval hospital, Portsmouth, Va., Feb. 7. The rites here were
conducted by Rev. Andrew Byers, pastor of the First Presbyterian
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. W. E. Ard, 5423 Gregg St., Dallas;
step-father, W. E. Ard, Dallas; three brothers, R. L. and Thomas E.
Sherrard, both of Corsicana, and Cody Sherrard, of Dallas; three
sisters, Mrs. W. E. Spier and Miss Bettie Sherrard, both of Dallas,
and Mrs. A. L. Price, Laredo.
A native of Corsicana, Sherrard attended Hillcrest High School at
Vickery and Crozier Tech in Dallas before joining the Navy in
August, 1945.
Sarah Zimmerman
Jul 12, 1859 - Feb 9, 1947
Miss Sarah Zimmerman, aged 87 years, died at 844 West Fourteenth
avenue Sunday night. A native of Missouri, Miss Zimmerman had
resided in Corsicana for many years.
Funeral services were held from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. W. R. Beaird, pastor of the church
and Rev. A. R. Peterson.
Surviving are a niece, Mrs. W. H. Deckerd, Corsicana, and a number
of other relatives.
Pallbearers were Norman Hardin, Lloyd Carraway, Preston Inmon, Billy
Tatum, Leslie White, Joe Bunch and Walyand McAllister.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
William Leslie Hodge

Sep 14, 1906 - Feb 6, 1947
William Leslie Hodge, 40, native of Navarro county, of Troup, died
in the Nan Travis Hospital, Jacksonville, Friday night at 9 o'clock.
Hodge had been employed by the Sun Oil Company since 1927.
Funeral services were held at Troup Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
at the Ebenezer Baptist church. Burial was made in
Oakwood cemetery
here Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the family plot where his
parents and brother are buried.
Surviving are his wife, sons, John Hamilton and Lawrence Hodge, and
daughter, Carmen Hodge, all of Troup; a brother, Myrle Hodge and a
sister, Ethel Richardson, both of Corsicana.
Graggard and Sparggins Funeral Home of Jacksonville had charge with
Corley Funeral Home making local arrangements.
John Nimrod Wheelock, Sr.
Mar 29, 1890 - Sep 4, 1956
N. Wheelock Rites Thursday
Funeral services for John N. Wheelock, 66, oil operator, 102
North Twenty-ninth street, were held from the Corley Chapel
Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Fred C. Wolf, Jr., rector
of St. John's Episcopal church.
Wheelock died in the Navarro Clinic late Tuesday night of a
heart attack after he had been stricken during the afternoon
on his ranch in Ellis County near Ennis.
A native of Troup, Texas, Wheelock came to Corsicana 35
years ago from Mexia and was associated with the late Jim
Collins, his brother, R. L. Wheelock, and others in various
oil operations.
Surviving are his wife; a son, John N. Wheelock, Jr.; a
grandson, John N. Wheelock III; a granddaughter, Marion
Ellen Wheelock, all of Corsicana; two brothers, R. L.
Wheelock, Corsicana, and C. W. Wheelock, Troup; a sister,
Mrs. Max Jarvis, Troup, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were H. R. Stroube, W. C. Stroube, Earl Presley,
Jim Hewell, W. D. Lamb, John Pugh, Robert Cocke and Deen
Allen. |
Wilma (Blount) Wheelock
Apr 29, 1898 - Nov 13, 1975
Mrs. Wheelock
Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at Corley Funeral
Chapel for Mrs. John N. Wheelock, Sr.,77, of Corsicana who died
Thursday in Memorial Hospital.
The Rev. Robert Q. Kennaugh and Rev. James Sigler will officiate.
Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
A native of Troup, she had lived in Corsicana since 1923.
Mrs. Wheelock was a member of St. John's Episcopal Church.
Survivors include one son, John N. Wheelock, Jr. of Corsicana; one
grandson, John N. Wheelock, III of San Marcos; one granddaughter,
Mrs. E.W. Willis, Jr. of Dallas; one brother, G.E. Blount of
Pallbearers will be Ralph Brown, Ed M. Polk, Truman Bragg, Jim Dyer,
George Weinschell, Don LaSusa, Cullen Dunn, A. Wade Blackford, Jack
Cunningham and Roy Love.
In lieu of flowers the family has requested that donations be made
to a favorite charity.
Pearl Lavelle (Naylor) Mayo
Jan 16, 1923 - Dec 17, 1969
Mrs. Mayo Is Found Fatally Shot Wednesday
Mrs. Pearl L. Mayo, 46, was found dead of a gunshot wound in the
North Beaton Church of Christ Wednesday afternoon by her husband, L.
W. Mayo, minister. A coroner's verdict of death due to
self-inflicted gunshot wounds was returned by Peace Justice Howe
Mr. Mayo told investigating Corsicana police and sheriff's officers
he awakened from a nap and went in search of his wife when he didn't
find her in the house.
Searching the church building, he found her lying on the floor at
the stairs leading to the ladies dressing room and first thought she
had fainted until he picked her up and saw a .23 calibre automatic
pistol under her body.
Deputy Police Chief Don Massey said one spent shell lay on the floor
and five live shells remained in the gun clip. She had been shot in
the heart.
Deputy Chief Massey said the minister advised officers his wife had
been under the car of a doctor.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Friday at the College
Hill Church of Christ. Officiating will be J. Lethal Roberts and
Johnny Ramsey of Corsicana, and Claude B. Holcomb of Gainesville.
Interment will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Yvonne Masten of Richardson;
one granddaughter; three brothers, N. Dwayne Naylor of Santa Anna,
Calif., Dr. B. J. Naylor, and Everett Naylor, Jr. both of Henderson,
Tenn.; a sister, Mrs. Florene O'Rear of Dallas; her father, Everett
Naylor Sr. of Henderson, Tenn.; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Dec. 18, 1969
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Lamander Wilson �Doc� Mayo, Rev. d/o Ferry Everett
Naylor, Sr. & Vera Irene (Woodward) Naylor buried in Old
Friendship cemetery, Finger, Chester co., Tenn
Robert Lee Wilson

Feb 22, 1890 - Jul 7, 1947
Plan Rites Tuesday For Robert Wilson
Robert Wilson died at Kilgore Sunday night.
Funeral services are scheduled Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Kilgore, several children, and a brother,
Frank Wilson, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Robert Wilson, 56, oil man, died at Kilgore early Monday.
Funeral services were held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood Cemetery. The rites
were conducted by Rev. Mickey Edwards, pastor of Petty's Chapel
Baptist church, and Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the Fellowship
Baptist church.
Wilson formerly lived here.
Surviving are his wife of Kilgore, two sons, R. M. and Fred J.
Wilson, both of Houston; five daughters, Mrs. W. L. Clubb, Quitman;
Mrs. M. B. Hill, Texas City; Bobbie Wilson, Houston; Jorine and
Dorothy Wilson, both of Kilgore; two brothers, Frank Wilson,
Corsicana and Fred Wilson, Long Island, N. Y., three grandchildren
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Myrle Hodge, Corsicana; Lloyd Labeth, Overton; E.
P. Breithaupt, Corsicana; Woodrow Wilson, Corsicana; Marvin Elkins,
Dallas and J. A. Blackmon, Corsicana.
Pearl (Allen) Wilson
Feb 28, 1892 - Nov 12, 1948
Mrs. Pearl Allen Wilson, aged 56 years, died in Kilgore Friday
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at
Oakwood cemetery at
4:30 o'clock where interment was made.
Survivors are two sons, M. R. and F. J. Wilson, both of Houston;
five daughters, Mrs. W. Y. Clubb, Whitman; Mrs. M. B. Hill, Texas
City; Miss Bobbie Wilson, Houston; Misses Jorelene and Dorothy
Wilson, both of Kilgore; three grandchildren, a brother, a sister,
and other relatives. She had resided in Kilgore for 14 years.
McCammon Funeral Home directed arrangements here.
Shirley Kay Holloway
B&D Jan 1, 1947
Funeral Services Held For Infant
Funeral services for Shirley K. Holloway, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Holloway, who died Wednesday morning at the P. and S.
Hospital, were held Wednesday morning at the P. and S. Hospital,
were held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of North Side Baptist church,
conducted the rites.
Besides the parents, survivors include a brother, Jerry Holloway,
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Holloway and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Featherston, all of Roane.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
William H. �Will� Jackson

Nov 16, 1869 - Jul 18, 1947
William H. Jackson, aged 77 years, died in Austin Friday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral chapel
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Claud Guild, minister of
Fifth Avenue Church of Christ.
The family formerly resided at Normangee prior to moving to
Corsicana several months ago.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hattie Jackson, Corsicana; five
daughters, Mrs. Fred Jeffers, Mrs. L. I. Robinson and Mrs. Lynn
Spencer, all of Corsicana; Mrs. Eugene Cornelius, Houston, and Mrs.
Carl Dobbs, Normangee; seven sons, Robert Jackson, Corsicana; Oma
Jackson, San Antonio; Garland Jackson, Lufkin; Carl Jackson, Tyler,
Noel Jackson, Overton; Virgil Patterson, Victoria, and Roy
Patterson, Normangee; 20 grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Fred Jeffers, L. I. Robinson, Robert Jackson,
Garland Jackson, Oma Jackson and Carl Jackson, all sons and
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jul. 18, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Nora Ann (Holloway) Jackson married Dec. 16, 1892
2nd wife Hattie (UNKNOWN) Patterson-Jackson s/o Robert Jackson and
Mary Ann (Haas) Jackson
William H. Jackson, aged 77 years, died in Austin Friday. Funeral
services were held from the Corley Funeral chapel Saturday afternoon
at 3 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Claude Guild, minister of the Fifth Avenue Church of
Christ. The family resided at Normangee until a few months ago.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hattie Jackson, Corsicana; five
daughters, Mrs. Fred Jeffers, Mrs. L. I. Robinson and Mrs. Lynn
Spencer, all of Corsicana; Mrs. Eugene Cornelius, Houston, and Mrs.
Carl Dobbs, Normangee; seven sons, Robert Jackson, Corsicana; Oma
Jackson, San Antonio; Garland Jackson, Lufkin; Carl Jackson, Tyler,
Noel Jackson, Overton; Virgil Patterson, Victoria, and Roy
Patterson, Normangee; 20 grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Fred Jeffers, L. I. Robinson, Robert Jackson,
Garland Jackson, Oma Jackson and Carl Jackson, all sons and
William Oma Jackson

Aug 18, 1895 - Jan 31, 1964
Hold Services W. O. Jackson
Funeral services for William Oma Jackson, 68, retired shoe salesman
of Bonham, who died in the Bonham VA hospital Friday were held from
the McCammon Chapel Saturday at 2 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by C. B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ.
Jackson, a former Corsicana resident, was a veteran of
World War I.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Mayme Jeffers and Mrs. L. I.
Robinson, both of Corsicana; four brothers, T. N. Jackson, Edom; R.
C. Jackson, Barry; J. G. Jackson, Lufkin, and J. C. Jackson, Odessa,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were L. I. Robinson, Porter Holloway, John Garner,
Robert C. Jackson, Jr.; Lonnie Hosch and Paul Miller.
Dorothy May Hill
Jul 21, 1918 - Oct 22, 1947
Miss Dorothy Mae Hill, aged 29 years, formerly of Emhouse, died in
Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Wednesday night following an extended
Funeral services will be held from the Corley chapel Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. B. R. Crouch, Dallas Baptist
1936 graduate of Emhouse High school, Miss Hill was a clerk in the
AAA office of Dallas county.
Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hill, Dallas,
residents of Emhouse until seven months ago; a sister, Mrs. Joe B.
Robinson, Corsicana, and a brother, Norman E. Hill, Colorado
Springs, Colo.
Pallbearers will be Ralph Hayes, Waxahachie; Weldon Allen, Dallas;
C. T. Jones, Billy Jones, W. T. Allen, Duel Allen and Pat Allen.
Funeral services for Miss Dorothy Mae Hill, 29, who died in a Dallas
hospital Wednesday night, were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites
were conducted by Rev. B. R. Crouch, Baptist minister of Dallas.
A 1936 graduate of Emhouse High School, Miss Hill had been a clerk
in the AAA office in Dallas county.
Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hill, Dallas; a
sister, Mrs. Joe B. Robinson, Corsicana, and a brother, Norman E.
Hill, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Pallbearers were Ralph Hayes, Waxahachie; Weldon Allen, Dallas; C.
T. Jones, Billy Jones, W. T. Allen, Duel Allen and Pat Allen.
B&D Sep 7, 1947
Rites For Infant Monday Morning
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Baggs, 1019 West Tenth avenue,
died at the Navarro Clinic Sunday.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel, Monday
morning at 10 o'clock. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff,
pastor of the Northside Baptist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, a brother, Stephen, and grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Baggs, all of Corsicana.
Beulah May (Phinney) Andrews-Compton
Mar 24, 1910 - Dec 10, 1947
Mrs. Beulah Mae Compton, aged 37 years, died in Houston Wednesday.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites
will be conducted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Mrs. Compton was reared in Corsicana and resided here until she
moved to Houston seven years ago.
Surviving are her husband, Donald Compton, Houston; a son, Billy
Andrews Compton, Alameda, Calif.; father, R. H. Phinny, Corsicana;
two brothers, Wesley and James Phinny, both of Corsicana; and two
sisters, Mrs. E. L. Thomas, San Pedro, Calif., and Mrs. Charles
Neffur, Houston.
Pallbearers will be Bob, Walter, Edwin, Arnold and Wesley C. Phinny,
and O. B. Blessing, all cousins.
Corsicana Daily Sun- Thurs., Dec 11, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Dan F. Andrews married Jul. 24, 1926; 2nd husband
Ezra Donald Compton married Feb. 5, 1938; d/o Robert Hemphill
Phinney & Alice Luvenia (Crosser) Phinney
Compton Services Friday Afternoon
Funeral services for Mrs. Beulah Mae Compton, 37, who died in
Houston Wednesday, were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites
were conducted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Mrs. Compton resided here prior to moving to Houston seven years
Surviving are her husband, Donald Compton, Houston; a son, Billy
Andrews Compton, Alameda, Calif.; father, R. H. Phinny, Corsicana;
two brothers, Wesley and James Phinny, both of Corsicana; and two
sisters, Mrs. E. L. Thomas, San Pedro, Calif., and Mrs. Charles
Neffur, Houston.
Pallbearers were Bob, Walter, Edwin, Arnold and Wesley C. Phinny,
and O. B. Blessing, all cousins.
Charles �Charlie� Reed
May 12, 1873 - Jun 18, 1947
Died In Dallas.
Charles Reed, aged 74 years, former Navarro county resident, died in
Parkland hospital, Dallas, Wednesday. burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery here but funeral arrangements had not been made Thursday
afternoon. He was a native of Scotland.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Rites Saturday For Charles Reed
Funeral services for Charles Reed, 74, native of Glascow, Scotland,
who died in Parkland Hospital Dallas, Wednesday, will be held
Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
He was a night watchman and a Spanish-American veteran. Reed
formerly resided on Corsicana, Route 1.
No near relatives survive.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Louisana M. �Lou� (Wooten) Cofield
Jan 6, 1863 - Feb 24, 1947
Mrs. Lou M. Cofield, aged 87 years, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Frances Bunert, 308 South Thirtieth street, earl
Monday morning.
A native of Minden La., Mrs. Cofield resided in Mexia for a number
of years prior to moving to Corsicana many years ago.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Corley Funeral Home. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Robert Q. Kennaugh, rector of St.
John's Episcopal church.
Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Bunert, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs.
W. H. Teague, Fort Worth, and several nieces, nephews and other
Mrs. Cofield Rites Tuesday Afternoon
Funeral services for Mrs. Lou M. Cofield, aged 87 years, who died
Monday morning, were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites
were conducted by Rev. Robert Q. Kennaugh, rector of St. John's
Episcopal church.
A native of Minden, La., Mrs. Cofield formerly resided in Mexia
prior to moving to Corsicana a number of years ago.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Frances Bunert, Corsicana; a sister,
Mrs. W. H. Teague, Fort Worth, and a number of nieces, nephews and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were Oscar Burns, Owen Elliott, Walter Castles, J. P.
Rascoe, and Sam Spikes.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Feb 25, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Henry Cofield married Feb. 14, 1884 buried in Mexia City
Cemetery, Mexia, Texas; d/o Timothy Wooten & Loucinda (Dean)
Wooten per death certificate
Paul Leslie Wilson
Nov 6, 1946 - Nov 19, 1947
Rites Held Friday For Year-old Boy
Funeral services for Paul Leslie Wilson, aged one year, who died in
Ennis Wednesday night, were held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
the Tabernacle Baptist church in Ennis. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery here.
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hassell Edward Wilson,
Ennis, formerly of Corsicana; three brothers, Billie, Allen and Tom
Wilson, all of Ennis, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wilson,
Corsicana, and Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Washburn, Athens.
Bunch Funeral Home directed.
Marion Thomas �Tom� Wilson
Feb. 24, 1944 - Aug. 10, 2016
Tom Wilson, of Corsicana, TX., passed away at his home on
Wednesday morning August 10, 2016 with his family by his
side at the age of 72. He was born in Ennis, TX., on
February 24, 1944. He graduated from
Corsicana High School
in 1962 and went on to play football at Texas Tech. Tom
graduated from Texas Tech in 1966 where he was a letterman
in '64 � '65 and Captain in 1965. During his time a Tech he
played in the Sun Bowl '64, Gator Bowl '65 and Hula Bowl '66
and was All Southwest Conference Quarterback 1965 and 1St
Team All Southwest Conference Quarterback '65. Following his
graduation Tom began his coaching career from 1967 � 1974 at
Texas Tech. From 1975 � 1978 he was the Offensive
Coordinator at Texas A&M and from 1978 � 1981 was Head Coach
of the Texas A&M Aggies. In 1984 - 1985 he returned to Texas
Tech as the Offensive Coordinator. In 1986 Tom became the
Head Coach at Palestine High School until 1993 when he took
over at Corsicana High School. He was the Head Coach at
Corsicana from 1993 � 1999 playing for the State
Championship in 1997. After his retirement from coaching he
became involved with the community serving on the Corsicana
City Council 2007 � 2016, YMCA Board, Humane Society of
Navarro County Board and the Corsicana Chamber of Commerce.
Tom was preceded in death by the love of his life for 54
years, Daun Fletcher Wilson; Mother, Lanie Wilson: In �laws,
Leon and Merinelle Fletcher. He is survived by his children
Mark Wilson of McAllen and Julie Wyatt of Lubbock.
Grandchildren Shelby and Seth Wilson and Whitley and Will
Wyatt. Brothers Bill Wilson of Lindale and Alan Wilson of
Cedar Park. Brother in law Scott Fletcher of Corsicana.
A memorial service will be held on Monday, August 15, 2016
at 2pm at Northside Baptist Church in Corsicana with Pastor
Rick Lamb officiating. Visitation will be prior to the
service from 1 � 2pm. The family is asking that memorials be
made to the Humane Society of Navarro County, Northside
Baptist Church Building Fund or the Red Raider Club.
A reception will be held at the Corsicana Country Club on
Country Club Road following the memorial service. |
- Griffin Roughton Funeral Home
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Oakwood cemetery,
Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX
- h/o Daun (Fletcher) Wilson; s/o Hassell Edward
Wilson & Ethel Lanie (Nelms) Wilson
1947 - 1947
Rites For Infant Friday Afternoon
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts of Waco died Thursday
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from the Corley Funeral
chapel at 4 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Marvin Bledsoe, pastor of the Central Methodist
Surviving are the parents of Waco, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Roberts,
Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McMullan, Tupelo.
Billy Joe Welch
Jul 16, 1946 - Nov 28, 1947
Billy Joe Welch Dies At Lubbock
Billy Joe Welch, aged 610 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Welch of
Lubbock, formerly of Corsicana, died Friday night at Lubbock.
The body will be returned to Corsicana for burial. Funeral
arrangements had not been completed early Saturday afternoon.
Surviving are the parents and a brother, Robert Earl Welch, Lubbock.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Sunday Rites For Billy Joe Welch
Funeral services for Billy Joe Welch, aged 16 months, who died in
the Lubbock Memorial Hospital Friday night, were held from the
Corley Funeral chapel Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Chas. Hall,
pastor of the First Baptist church, Blooming Grove.
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Welch, and a brother,
Robert Earl Welch, all of Lubbock, formerly of Corsicana.
Welch Baby Funeral
Billy Joe Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Welch, aged 16 months, 12
days, died in a Lubbock hospital Friday. Funeral services were held
Surviving are his parents, a brother, Earl Welch, all of Lubbock;
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Littlejohn, Mertens, Mr. and Mrs.
George Frederick, Blooming Grove; three aunts, Mrs. Elmer Wagner,
North Dakota; Mrs. Juanita Watkins, Corsicana, and Katherine
Frederick, Blooming Grove; two uncles, Dewey Littlejohn, Lubbock,
and Arthur Welch, Dallas and other relatives.
Jasper Preston Welch
Jul 11, 1895 - Jan 20, 1963
Hold Services For J. P. Welch
Funeral services for J. Preston Welch, 67, retired city secretary,
1516 Maplewood, who died in the Navarro Clinic Sunday afternoon,
were held Tuesday at 11 a.m. from the Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Robert Wooddy, pastor of the First
Baptist church, of which he was a long-time member. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Corsicana native, Welch served as city secretary from January 31,
1923 until his retirement, April 15, 1952, due to ill Health.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a foster sister, Miss Dorothy
Sweatmon, Dallas; a foster daughter, Mrs. James Towngate, Austin,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Rollin Harris, L. C. Cook, O. M. Rector, Edgar
Rittersbacher, Ed M. Polk, George Weinschel, M. E. Lee, and C. E.
Frankie Elizabeth (Welch) Rainey
Mar 1, 1866 - Apr 16, 1960
Mrs. Rainey, 94, Dies Saturday, Rites Sunday
Mrs. E. J. (Granny) Rainey, 94, of 918 North Thirteenth street died
in the Navarro Clinic Saturday morning.
A native of Tennessee, Mrs. Rainey had resided in Corsicana 69
years. She has 95 living descendants.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Sunday at 3
p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Alex Cox, pastor of the First
Christian church.
Surviving are five sons, John Wesley Rainey, Corsicana, J. B.,
Walter M., Melvin C., and Frankie E. Rainey, all of Houston; two
daughters, Mrs. Vera Story, Corsicana, and Mrs. Maude Thomas,
Plainview; 26 grandchildren, 57 great-grandchildren, five
great-great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Mrs. Rainey was a charter member of the First Christian church and a
member of the Eastern Star.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Sunday Rites For Mrs. Rainey
Services for Mrs. A. J. (Granny) Rainey, 94, of 918 North Thirteenth
street were held Sunday at 3 [.m. from Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Alex Cox, pastor of the First
Christian church, of which she was a charter member. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Rainey died in the Navarro Clinic Saturday morning. A native of
Tennessee, she had made her home in Corsicana 69 years. She was a
charter member of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Surviving are five sons, John Wesley Rainey, Corsicana, J. B.,
Walter M., Melvin C., and Frankie E. Rainey, all of Houston; two
daughters, Mrs. Vera Story, Corsicana, and Mrs. Maude Thomas,
Plainview; 26 grandchildren, 57 great-grandchildren, five
great-great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were grandsons.
Virginia Paralee �Jennie� (Welch) Shivers

Jan 22, 1882 - Nov 6, 1958
Mrs. Shivers Rites Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. Virginia Shivers, 76, who died at the home
of a daughter, Mrs. H. L. Boone, 1019 North Twentieth street,
Thursday morning were held Friday at 3 p.m. from the Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Obie F. Barton, pastor of the Unity
Missionary Baptist church, and Rev. Clarence Williams, pastor of the
Second Avenue Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are a son, Willie Shivers, Fort Worth; four daughters,
Mrs. W. D. Ainsworth, Kerens; Mrs. Boone and Mrs. Ira Brazzel, both
of Corsicana, and Mrs. Lucian Sparkman, Barry; 17 grandchildren, 18
great-grandchildren, and other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Nov 7, 1958
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o William Joseph Shivers,
Sr; d/o Samuel B. Welch & Mary M. (Smith) Welch buried in White
Church cemetery, Blooming Grove, Tx.
Fred Leslie Carnell

Sep 5, 1946 - Sep 15, 1947
Services Friday For Fred Leslie Carnell
Funeral services for Fred Leslie Carnell, one-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Carnell, 720 North Fourteenth street, who died in the
Bradford Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Monday morning, will be held
from the Corley Funeral Chapel Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. G. W. Walker. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, three sisters, Mrs. Tommie Lawless and
Lou and Ida Carnell, all of Corsicana; four uncles and other
Pallbearers will be Reba Ray Walker, Claudine Brinkley, Laverne
Brinkley and Yvonne Southern.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sep 18, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- s/o Fred Wesley Carnell & Theories D'Metries (Rogers)
Spoonamore-Carnell-Bell buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Blooming
Grove, Tx.
Fred Burns Soape
Oct 28, 1885 - Jan 4, 1947
Fred Burns Soape Rites Held Tuesday
Funeral services for Fred Burns Soape, aged 61 years, former
resident of the Angus community, who died Monday at Fort Worth, were
held at
Oakwood cemetery here Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock,
where interment was made. The rites were conducted by Rev. A. J.
Kirkland, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church.
Surviving are a brother and a sister.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
William Bartlett Owen
Jul 28, 1878 - Mar 8, 1947
William B. Owen, aged 68 years, died at the family residence 1598
West Twelfth avenue, Saturday morning at 4:30 o'clock.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
North Side Baptist church. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jack
Goff, pastor of the church. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Owen was a native of Alabama.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; five sons, J. D. Owen, Tyler;
Everett, Marvin and Boyce Owen, all of Corsicana, and Bill Owen, Big
Spring, five daughters, Mrs. E. H. Phillips, Mrs. Donald Mason and
Mrs. Buck Touchstone, all of Big Spring; Mrs. Coy Mitchell, Eastland
and Mrs. George Evans, Corsicana; two step-sons, Chester Norwood,
Streetman and Herbert Norwood, McGregor, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home is directing.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Mar. 8, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Pearl Edith (Reed) Owen married Dec. 21, 1902 2nd
wife Lillie Mae (Brown) Norwood-Owen married Dec. 7, 1919
Harry Brown
Feb 10, 1874 - Mar 6, 1947
Harry Brown Rites Saturday Morning
Funeral services for Harry Brown, 73, caf� owner, long-time
Corsicana resident, who was found dead Thursday morning at his room,
will be held Saturday morning at 11 o'clock from the Corley Funeral
Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
A coroner's verdict was returned by Judge A. E. Foster following an
investigation that �death was due to natural causes.�
Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Christ Sotter, Houston.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Poulakidis, Dallas, Greek
Orthodox church.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Mar 7, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Born Greece�sister Christ Sotter informnant on death
certificate says parents are- Christ Anagnos and unk (Diamandos)
� Christ Sotter is buried in Forest Park cemetery, Houston,
Services Saturday For Harry Brown
Funeral services for Harry Brown, 73, caf�-operator, found dead
Thursday morning in his room were held Saturday morning at 11
o'clock from the Corley Funeral Home. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Poulakidis of Dallas.
A coroner's verdict of �Death from natural causes� was returned by
Judge A. E. Foster following an investigation by city and county
Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Christ Sodder of Houston.
Pallbearers were J. V. Lazaris, Paul S. Lazaris, A. Lazaris, Paul
Georgas, John Georgas and John Aravanis.
Karla Ann George
Oct 18, 1947 - Dec 19, 1947
Rites For Infant Saturday Morning
Funeral services for Karla Ann George, one-day old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. M. George, III, who died at the Navarro Clinic Friday,
were held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the Corley Funeral
chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First
Methodist church, and Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Calhoun and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. George, all of Corsicana.
Leslie Kelton
Apr 10, 1938 - Dec 21, 1947
Funeral services for Leslie Kelton Jones, age nine years, killed in
a traffic accident in Houston Sunday, were held from the Corley
Funeral Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. Morris Bailey, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer G. Jones, 3905 Jenson
Dr., Houston; a brother, Douglas Jones, Houston; two sisters, Greta
Dale and Linda Kay Jones, both of Houston; grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Jones, Corsicana; Monroe Smith Houston and Mrs. Maggie
Holleman, Rotan; six uncles and five aunts.
The parents formerly resided in Corsicana before moving to Houston.
The child was killed when the car driven by his father turned over
several times at Houston. The family visited in Corsicana Sunday,
returning to Houston during the day.
Sam George
Sikes, Jr.
Apr 22, 1925 - Apr 22, 1947
Funeral services for Sam George Sikes, Jr. 22, who was fatally
injured Tuesday afternoon when a gin pole he had climbed collapsed,
dashing him to the ground, will be held Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Corley Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North
Side Baptist church,
The accident occurred on the Walton farm four miles north of
Corsicana, it was stated where Sikes was working with a crew
plugging an abandoned oil well. He was employed by Coffield and
Gurthrie. A McCammon ambulance rushed Sikes to the Navarro Clinic
where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
A veteran of World War II,
Sikes served for some time in the Philippines.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Sikes, Corsicana,
Route 4; a sister, Miss Edith Sikes; three brothers, Elvis, Donald
and Leslie Sikes, all of Corsicana.
Pallbearers will be E. M. Howell, George Webb, Woodrow Wilson,
Robert Robinson, Jr., T. C. Dillard and A. W. Ray.
Funeral services for Sam George Sikes, Jr., 22, who was fatally
injured in an oil field accident Tuesday, were held at 3 p.m.
Thursday from the Corley Funeral Home chapel with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side
Baptist church.
Sikes, a veteran of World
War II, saw overseas service in the Pacific theater. His death
came as a result of a fall from a broken gin pole on the Walton
farm, four miles north of Corsicana.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Sikes, Corsicana,
Route 4; a sister, Miss Edith Sikes; three brothers, Elvis, Donald
and Leslie Sikes, all of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were E. M. Howell, George Webb, Woodrow Wilson, Robert
Robinson, Jr., T. C. Dillard and A. W. Ray.
Wesley Elvis Sikes
Dec 10, 1933 - Dec 19, 1965
Elvis Sikes Rites Tuesday
Funeral services for W. Elvis Sikes, 32, who was found dead in a
Wigwam Courts Sunday afternoon from accidental asphyxiation, were
held at the Corley Chapel Tuesday at 2 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, Baptist minister.
Howe French, justice of the peace, conducted an investigation and
returned a coroner's verdict of accidental asphyxiation.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sikes, Corsicana;
daughter Doris and two sons, Thomas and Charles Sikes; a sister,
Mrs. Edith Morris, Cedar Hill; two brothers, Don Sikes, Corsicana,
and Leslie Sikes, USN; a grandmother, Mrs. Lena Boulware, Corsicana
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Odis Sikes, Billy Gene Sikes, Ernest Sikes, Troy
Gilbert, Marvin Morris and Dave Garrett.
Corley directed.
Alice Dorothy (Ridens) Carpenter
Jul 26, 1908 - Oct 15, 1971
Mrs. Carpenter
Services for Mrs. Alice Carpenter, 63, of 4011 N. 6th St., will be
at 3:30 p.m. Sunday in Corley's Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev.
Clarence Stanley of the Northside Baptist church of Duncanville
Mrs. Carpenter died Friday at Memorial Hospital.
The Grosebeck native was a member of the Baptist church.
Survivors include her husband, L. L. �Red� Carpenter, of Corsicana;
two sons, Milford Lee Carpenter of Houston, and Lewis L. Carpenter
of Port Arthur; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Alice Yarborough of Fort
Worth; one brother, B. G. Ridens of Cedar Creek; three sisters, Mrs.
Alma Henderson of Galena Park, Mrs. Lucy Sienkiewiz of Houston, and
Mrs. Mary Combs of Salinas, Calif.; 26 grandchildren and two
Lewis �Red� Carpenter
Nov 25, 1905 - Jan 14, 1975
L. L. Carpenter
Services are pending at Corley Funeral Home for Lawson Lewis
Carpenter, resident of Dallas, who died in Dallas Tuesday.
(Additional information was unavailable at presstime.)
L. L. Carpenter
Services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Friday at the Corley Funeral
Chapel for Lawson Lewis Carpenter, resident of Dallas, who died
Tuesday in Dallas.
Burial will be at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Survivors include a son, Lewis L. Carpenter of Lake Jackson; a
daughter, Mrs. Mary Alice Yarborough of Fort Worth; 26
grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Katie
Williams of Dallas.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Jan 16, 1975
- Submitted
Diane Richards
1st wife Alice Dorothy (Ridens) Carpenter 2nd husband Gladys
Theresa (Bond) Carpenter; s/o Nathan Ben Carpenter & Emma
(McKee) Carpenter
Mary �Mamie� (Templeton) Carpenter

Feb 17, 1879 - Oct 5, 1956
Mrs. Carpenter
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Templeton Carpenter, widow of the
late Judge Lewis T. Carpenter of Dallas, who died in Lebanon, Tenn.,
Friday, were held from the McCammon Chapel Tuesday at 2 p.m. Burial
was in
Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Dr. J. K. Thompson, retired Presbyterian
minister, a cousin of Mrs. Carpenter. Dr. Thompson formerly was a
pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Fort Worth.
Mrs. Carpenter was a native of Corsicana, the daughter of the late
Rev. Allison and Mary Jane Templeton.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Robert W. Austin, Chestnut Hills,
Mass.; a step-daughter, Mrs. Ted B. Ferguson, Dallas; five
grandchildren, Sirley Lege Carpenter, Dallas; Lewis Austin, Linda
Austin, Jane Austin and Mary Hill Austin, all of Chestnut Hills,
Mass., and other relatives.
Mrs. Carpenter was active in musical and cultural circles in Dallas
for many years and was active in the DAR and Highland Park
Presbyterian Church. For the past several years she had made her
home with a cousin, Mrs. M. L. Hill, at Labanon, Tenn.
Pallbearers were Allison Templeton, Dan English, Embrey Ferguson, B.
Lynn Sanders, Jr.; Marshall Matson and Joe S. Simkins.
John Henry Harris, Sr.
Mar 10, 1868 - Oct 16, 1947
John H. Harris, aged 79 years, pioneer resident of this community,
died at the family residence 217 East First Avenue, Thursday morning
at 8:15 o'clock.
Funeral services are planned for 3 o'clock Friday afternoon from the
Corley Funeral Chapel with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North
Side Baptist church.
A native of Alabama, Harris had resided in this section practically
his entire life.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; two sons, J. H. Harris, Jr.,
Odessa and Claud Harris, Brook Haven, Miss.; eight daughters, Mrs.
J. M. Woodard, Corsicana; Mrs. Carl Brannon, Alice; Mrs. C. W.
Hargrove, Fort Worth; Mrs. A. L. Norton, Corsicana; Mrs. H. S.
McNeill, Fort Worth; Mrs. G. B. Walker, Corsicana; Mrs. J. M.
Taylor, Dallas, and Mrs. W. L. Ickles, Corsicana; 27 grandchildren
and 11 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be C. H. Hargrove, H. S. McNeill, Marshall Taylor,
W. L. Ickles, A. L. Norton, A. B. Howard, G. B. Walker and J. B.
Funeral services for John H. Harris, 79, pioneer resident, who died
at the family residence, 217 East First avenue, Thursday morning,
were held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Corley Chapel.
Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside
Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; two sons, J. H. Harris, Jr.,
Odessa and Claud Harris, Brook Haven, Miss.; eight daughters, Mrs.
J. M. Woodard, Corsicana; Mrs. Carl Brannon, Alice; Mrs. C. W.
Hargrove, Fort Worth; Mrs. A. L. Norton, Corsicana; Mrs. H. S.
McNeill, Fort Worth; Mrs. G. B. Walker, Corsicana; Mrs. J. M.
Taylor, Dallas, and Mrs. W. L. Ickles, Corsicana; 27 grandchildren
and 11 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were C. H. Hargrove, H. S. McNeill, Marshall Taylor, W.
L. Ickles, A. L. Norton, A. B. Howard, G. B. Walker and J. B. Towns.
Thomas Charles McGuire
Jul 4, 1877 - Jun 10, 1947
J. Charles McGuire, aged 69 years, native of Illinois, died with a
heart attack at 515 South Fourteenth street late Sunday night. He
had resided in Corsicana only a few months. McGuire was a
Spanish-American War
No known close relatives survive.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. A. J. Kirkland, pastor of the
Missionary Baptist church.
A military funeral will be conducted at the grave. Spanish- American
veterans will be pallbearers.
Funeral Rites Held Tuesday For Veteran
Funeral services for J. Charles McGuire, 69,
Spanish-American War
Veteran, who died Sunday night with a heart attack at 515 South
Fourteenth street were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Corley Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. A. J. Kirkland, pastor of the
Missionary Baptist church.
A military funeral was held at the grave.
No known close relatives survive.
Pallbearers were J. D. Carroll, S. E. Hamilton, Sam Spikes, Joe M.
Daniel, J. V. Harwell, J. C. Gaston and Bill Elliott.
Henry Winston Faulk
Apr 5, 1883 - Jul 28, 1947
Funeral services for H. W. Faulk, 64 years, who died at his home in
Houston Monday of a heart attack, were held Wednesday afternoon at 4
o'clock from the Corley Funeral Home. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side
Baptist church. He formerly resided in Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife of Houston; two sons, Grady Faulk, Houston,
and Robert Faulk, New York City; two daughters, Mrs. F. R. Richard,
Corsicana, and Mrs. Mildred Brazell, Houston; two brothers, R. A.
Faulk, Cutbank, Mass., and C. W. Faulk, Corsicana; three sisters,
Mrs. Kirk Ramsey, Corsicana; Mrs. W. M. Watson, Barry and Mrs. C. R.
Newton, Tyler, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were C. W. Hodges, J. B. Cobb, George Watkins, Frank
Moody, Tom Allen and Charlie Knott.
James Travis �Jim� Gaines
Oct 23, 1962 - Aug 4, 1977
Farm tractor overturns killing Corsicana youth
A freak farm tractor accident three miles east of Kerens at noon
Thursday killed 14-year-old James Travis Gaines, 3510 Interurban,
according to Texas Highway Patrol reports.
The youth was dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital. According to the
report, Gaines was mowing uphill on the north side of State
Highway31, when he got to the top of the hill he apparently saw
another vehicle approaching and depressed the clutch.
The report says the tractor then began rolling backwards down the
hill. The brakes did not catch when Gaines attempted to stop the
tractor, which kept rolling until it flipped over pinning the youth
Funeral services are at 3:30 p.m. today at the Griffin Funeral Home
Chapel. Claude Holcomb was to officiate, with burial following at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gaines of
Corsicana; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gaines of Corsicana;
and a brother, Steven Lee Gaines of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were to be Jimmy Tallant, Glenn Gannon, Connie Gannon,
Howard Pedigo, W. L. Pursley and Evan Stewart.
Richard Wayne Gaines

Jan 2, 1932 - Sep 20, 1960
Richard Gaines Rites Are Held
Graveside rites for Richard W. Gaines, 28, were to be held at
Oakwood cemetery
Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. with Claude B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ, conducting.
A native of Eureka, Gaines was a teacher and football coach at
Haskell, a position he had occupied since 1957. He was a graduate of
Sam Houston State College.
Gaines died early Tuesday of cancer at his home after an extended
Funeral services were conducted in the Church of Christ at Haskell
Wednesday at 9 a.m.
Survivors include his widow of Haskell, a son, Flynt, 2, a daughter,
, Desiree, 1; one sister, Mrs. Donald Gee, Odessa; one brother,
Derwood Gaines, Crane; and parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Gaines,
Corley directs local arrangements.
Marcia Lou (Bell) Braly

Feb 24, 1934 - Dec 12, 2019
for Marcia L. Braly
Marcia Lou Bell Braly passed away on December 12, 2019 at
the Twilight Nursing Home in Corsicana, Texas. She was born
in Chickasha, Oklahoma on February 24, 1934 to Glenn Andrew
Bell and Una Freeman Bell. She was an only child.
Marcia Lou grew up in Barry where she also attended school
until she transferred to Corsicana and graduated from
Corsicana High School. Following high school she attended
and graduated from Navarro College. She then attended North
Texas State University where she obtained a degree in
Library Science. She was a wonderful wife, mother, Nana,
Aunt Lou Lou and caregiver to her parents. She loved
completely and unconditionally. Marcia Lou loved the Lord
and was a member of Westhill Church of Christ in Corsicana.
She loved her family, being outside, and talking. Marcia Lou
enjoyed the beach, traveling, classical piano music, and
rabbits. She looked forward to Thanksgiving, working
crossword puzzles, and new books. She loved to read and
loved for others to read.
Throughout her library career she worked at Kerens High
School, Frost High School, Jackson High School, Corsicana
High School, Cedar Ridge Elementary School in Waco, and the
Corsicana Public Library.
She married John Wade Braly Sr. on March 18, 1955 and they
had two children, Glyn and Wade, whom she loved beyond
measure. As the years quickly moved along, she gained two
more children, Steve and Kristi. Her life revolved around
her family and she was totally devoted to her granddaughters
and great granddaughters. Marcia Lou lived a full life of 85
years with endless laughter, love, friends, and family.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Glenn and Una
Bell, aunts and uncles, and several first cousins with whom
she was very close and loved dearly. She is survived by her
husband of 64 years, John Braly, her children and their
spouses Wade and Kristi Braly and Steve and Glyn Phillips,
granddaughters Katy McConal and husband Sean, Kaylee
Nicholson and friend Jordan Cain, great granddaughters Tatum
and Teagan McConal, a host of nieces, nephews, and cousins,
along with her special friends, �The Bridesmaids.�
The family would like to thank the Twilight Home and New
Century Hospice caregivers and staff for their compassion
and excellent care.
Visitation will be held at Griffin Roughton Funeral Home on
Sunday, December 15th, from 4:00-6:00 P.M.
Funeral service will be held at Griffin Roughton Funeral
Home on Monday, December 16th at 1:00 P.M. with Anthony
Warnes officiating. Burial will be at
Dresden Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be John Arnold, Tom Arnold, Tim Conger,
Jack McMath, Bankston McMath, Wade Green, Tyler Green, John
William Arnold, Jeff Mize, and Justin Hooper. |
Walter Lee Roberts
Mar 30, 1877 - Oct 15, 1958
Final Rites For W. L. Roberts
Funeral rites for W. L. Roberts, 81, retired postal worker, 1306 W.
Collin street, who died in Memorial hospital Wednesday, were held
from the Corley Chapel Friday at 10 a.m. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery with
Masons in charge of graveside rites.
The services were conducted by Rev. Alex Cox, pastor of the First
Christian church.
Roberts, a native of Chatfield, was prominent in local Republican
circles for years.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two sons, Walter H. Roberts,
Casa Grande, Ariz., and James P. Roberts, Dallas; three daughters,
Mrs. W. G. Harlan, Maracaibo, Venezuela, S. A.; Mrs. Edward S.
Blythe, Dallas, and Mrs. S. B. Buchanan, Corpus Christi; six
grandchildren; a brother, T. P. Roberts, Dallas; two sisters, Mrs.
D. F. Bishop, Dallas, and Mrs. Stanley Atwood, Ennis, and other
Pallbearers were J. M. Hodge, J. P. Hodge, Danny Nicholson, Campbell
Gillespie, Edgar Womack, Byron Harwell and H. M. Montgomery.
Edna Pearl (Tilley) Roberts
Jul 2, 1889 - Oct 26, 1976
Mrs. Roberts
Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Corley Funeral Home
Chapel for Mrs. Walter L. Roberts, 87, resident of Corsicana who
died in Twilight Home.
The Rev. Kenneth Haley will officiate and burial will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery.
She was a native of Louisiana, lived in Corsicana since 1905, and a
member of First Christian Church.
Survivors include two sons, Walter Hamilton Roberts of Eloy, Ariz.
and James P. Roberts of Dallas; two daughters, Mrs. W. G. Harlan of
Corsicana and Mrs. Samuel B. Buchanan of Corpus Christi, seven
grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
William Lushious Shields,
May 17, 1947 - Jun 7, 1947
Infant Dies Early Saturday Morning
William Lushius Shields, II, three weeks' old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Shields of Houston, died at 2405 West Collin street early
Saturday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Sunday
afternoon at 5 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the
First Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Shields and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hodges, all of Corsicana.
Funeral Rites For Baby Held Sunday
Funeral services for William Lushious Shields, II, aged three weeks,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Shields, of Houston, who died Saturday
morning, were held Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Corley
Funeral Chapel. Burial rites in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents of Houston, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. L. Shields and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hodge, all of Corsicana.
Sallie T. �Girllie�
(Shields) Weaver
Jan 1, 1894 - Feb 23, 1976
Mrs. Weaver
Funeral services will be at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Girllie S. Weaver, 82, who died Monday
at Memorial Hospital. Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
A native of Navarro County, she had lived in Corsicana 65 years and
was a retired saleslady of Kamen's Dept. Store. She had lived in
Tyler for several years where she was employed by Montgomery Ward.
She was a member of Westside Baptist church.
Her husband, Lewis N. Weaver, preceded her in death on Sept. 22,
Surviving are one son, Lewis. W. (Junior) Weaver of Lancaster; two
grandsons, Rex Weaver of Hot Springs, Ark., and L. N. Weaver of
Dallas; one granddaughter, Emily Weaver of Hot Springs; one brother,
Loyd L. Shields of Corsicana; and two sisters, Mrs. Effie Bonner of
Corsicana and Mrs. Luther Greer of Eureka.
Pallbearers will include Clayton Kent, Bob Lee, Jerrel Harris, Dr.
Eugene Harris, Rex Weaver, Loyd Robinson, Roy Shields and W. M.
Mrs. Weaver
Services were to be at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Corley Funeral
Home Chapel for Mrs. Girllie S. Weaver, 82, resident of Corsicana,
who died Monday in Memorial Hospital.
The Revs. Jim Carraway and Peyton Goodman were to officiate, with
burial following at Oakwood
Serving among the pallbearers was Tim Heifner.
Mable Helen (Chatham) Hodges
Apr 19, 1905 - Oct 4, 1976
Mrs. Hodges
Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Hubbard-Kelly Funeral
Chapel in Odessa for Mrs. Earl Hodges, 71, resident of Odessa, who
died Monday in Odessa.
She was a former resident of Corsicana. Her husband, Earl Hodges
operated the Hodges Grocery here.
Graveside services will be at 4 p.m. Friday at
Oakwood Cemetery in
Corsicana. Local arrangements are with Corley Funeral Home.
Survivors include her husband of Odessa, two sons, Johnnie Hodges of
Lewisville and James Hodges of Germany; a daughter, Mrs. Ann Earl
Shields of Odessa; nine grandchildren, three great-grandchildren,
and two brothers, W. R. Cheatham and George L. Cheatham, both of
The Rev. Harold Lansford, First Baptist Church pastor, will
Bessie (Estes) Bryant
Apr 24, 1888 - Dec 28, 1969
Mrs. J. J. Bryant Rites Tuesday
Mrs. John J. Bryant, 81, a native of Bazette and a resident of
Corsicana for the past 32 years died Sunday in Ft. Worth.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Corley
Chapel. The rites will be conducted by the Rev. Jim Able with
interment in Oakwood
Survivors include three sons, Alan Bryant of Corsicana, Jay Harry
Bryant of Richardson, and John Neal Bryant of Ft. Worth. Two
daughters, Mrs. Edwin Frederick of Ft. Worth and Mrs. Catherine
Davis of Commerce, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren;
one brother, Edmond Pope Estes of Ft. Worth and one sister, Mrs. Mae
Albritton of Lubbock.
Pallbearers will be Paul Mitchell, Will Hashop, Billy Holcomb,
Cullen Dunn and Clark Butler.
Bryant Services
Funeral services were held Tues at 10 a.m. at the Corley Chapel for
Mrs. John J. Bryant. The rites were conducted by the Rev. Jim Able,
with interment in Oakwood
Survivors included three sons, two daughters, five grandchildren and
three great-grandchildren. One brothers and one sister also survive.
Esther Louise Neese
B&D Jan 8, 1947
Rites For Infant Held On Thursday
Funeral services for Esther Louise Neece, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Neece, who died Wednesday in Dallas were held Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Funeral chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neece,
William Roy Neese

Aug 28, 1918 - May 28, 1976
W. R. Neese
WACO�Funeral for William Roy Neese, who died at his home here
yesterday, will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the First Baptist Church
here. Graveside Services and burial will be 3:30 p.m. in the
Oakwood Cemetery in
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. W. R. Neese of Waco; a son, Billy
Neese of Houston; two daughters, Miss Susan Neese of Waco and Mrs.
Norman Smith of Alberquerque, N. M; two brothers Marvin E. Neese of
Whitney and Melvin C. Neese of Abilene; three sisters, Mrs. Nelson
Aregood of San Diego, Calif.; and Mrs. A. B. Burnett of Dallas; a
grandchild and his mother, Mrs. Ernest Braley of Corsicana.
Arrangements are with Griffin Funeral Home.
Phillip H. Kirksey
1842 - May 24, 1900
Veteran Dies at Corsicana
Corsicana, Tex, May 25---
Phillip H. Kirksey, aged 58 years, and a
Confederate Veteran, died
in a tent in the eastern part of the city last, and was buried by
the members of Camp Winkler, United Confederate Veterans, in
Oakwood Cemetery, this
morning, a large number of old soldiers attending the funeral
services, which were conducted by Rev. A.B. Ingram of the Baptist
Church. The deceased was a native of Alabama, and served through the
civil war in an Alabama regiment. He came to Texas eight years ago,
locating in Limestone County, where he lived up to two years ago,
since when he has resided here. The cause of his death was dropsy.
- Dallas Morning News
William Hunington Miller,
Nov 3, 1871 - May 7, 1947
Wm. H. Miller, aged 75 years, 2504 West Collin Street, died at the
P. and S. Hospital Wednesday night. Funeral services are planned
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the McCammon Funeral chapel with
interment in Oakwood
Cemetery. The rites are to be conducted by Rev. W. S. Fisher,
Wortham Methodist minister, formerly of Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; four daughters, Miss Lois
Miller, Mrs. Bryce Lassiter, and Mrs. Henry Atkeisson, all of
Corsicana, and Mrs. Clyde Garner, Waco; four sons, Wm. H. Miller,
Jr., Corsicana; Horace and M. L. Miller, of Waco, and T. W. Miller,
Fort Worth and a number of other relatives.
Funeral services for Wm. H. Miller, aged 75 years, who died at the
P. and S. Hospital Wednesday night, were held from the McCammon
Chapel Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. W. S. Fisher, Methodist minister of
Wortham, formerly of Corsicana. He had resided here the past 33
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; eight children, Miss Lois
Miller, Mrs. Bryce Lassiter, Mrs. Henry Atkeisson and Wm. H. Miller,
Jr., all of Corsicana; Mrs. Clyde Garner, Horace and M. L. Miller,
all of Waco, and T. W. Miller, Fort Worth and other relatives.
Pallbearers were the four sons and Bryce Lassiter and Henry
Atkeisson, sons-in-law.
Theodore Freeman
Sep 16, 1872 - Nov 28, 1947
Theodore Freeman, aged 65, years former Navarro county resident died
in the Christoffer-Edgar Hospital in Mexia Friday afternoon at 1:15
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
Corley Funeral Home chapel here with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Claude A. Guild, minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ.
Surviving are daughter, Mrs. B. M. Brannon, Mexia; a grandson, four
brothers, A. Freeman, Barry; Ben Freeman, Dallas; John Freeman,
McKinney, and James Freeman, Emhouse; two sisters, Mrs. W. B. Gordon
and Mrs. Linnie Davis, both of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. C. Bell, W. A. Price, A. R. Tyner and Fred
Paslay, all of Mexia; Raymond Myrick, J. C. Dillard, C. E. Keathley
and F. H. Warfield, all of Corsicana.
David Edward "Dick" Redden
Mar 32, 1864 - Jun 25, 1947
Funeral services for Dick Redden, former Corsicana resident, who
died at his home in Yoakum Wednesday morning, were held from the
McCammon Funeral Chapel Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment
was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew
Arnold, pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian church. He was a
brother of the late J. P. and J. T. Redden of Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sadie Redden, Yoakum; five daughters,
Mrs. W. E. Starnes, Yoakum; Mrs. J. C. Jennett, Longview; Mrs. Paul
Eppert, Mrs. Harold Weatherford, and Mrs. Will Dunlap, all of Los
Angeles, Calif.; a son, D. E. Redden, San Antonio; 12 grandchildren
and four great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Fred M. Allison, Jr.; Harry David Redden, Julius
Redden, Jester Pittman, Andy Autry and Raymond Myrick.
Bessie (Wiggins) Redden
Dec 8, 1882 - Sep 2, 1956
Mrs. J. B. Redden Expires Sunday
Mrs. J. B. Redden, 73, life-long Corsicana resident, died at the
family home, 102 East First avenue, Sunday night.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending the arrival of her only
child, Mrs. Al E. Wilson, Alexandria, Va.
Mrs. Redden was a member of the Westminister Presbyterian church.
Surviving are her husband, James B. Redden, Corsicana; daughter,
Mrs. Wilson; a granddaughter, Diane Wilson, Alexandria, Va.; two
brothers, R. W. Wiggins, Corsicana and Thomas Wiggins, Houston, and
other relatives.
McCammon will direct.
Tuesday Services For Mrs. Redden
Funeral services for Mrs. J. B. Redden, 73, who died at the family
home, 102 East First Avenue Sunday night, were held Tuesday at 3
p.m. from the McCammon Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, Fort Worth,
former pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church of which she
was a member. Burial was in
Mrs. Redden was one of the organizers of the Johnson-Wiggins Post
No. 22, American Legion, following World War I and served as its
first president.
Surviving are her husband, James B. Redden, Corsicana; daughter,
Mrs. Wilson; a granddaughter, Diane Wilson, Alexandria, Va.; two
brothers, R. W. Wiggins, Corsicana and Thomas Wiggins, Houston, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were Rufus Shell, Eliot Johnston, Dr. L. E. Kelton,
Harry David Redden, Joe Daniel and Granville Carroll.
James Benson "Jim" Redden
Sep 26, 1879 - Jan 7, 1962
J. B. Redden Dies Sunday, Rites Tuesday
J. B. (Jim) Redden, 81, native Texan, retired tinner and early day
oil well driller, died Sunday morning in his home, corner North
Beaton street and East First avenue after an extended illness.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Tuesday at 2
p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Eugene E. Wood, pastor of the
Westminister Presbyterian church.
Redden went to Alexandria, Va., last July to reside with his only
child, Mrs. Alford E. Wilson, but returned to Corsicana three weeks
Surviving are his daughter of Alexandria, Va., and a granddaughter,
Mrs. Gerald Clifford, Kirkesville, Mo., and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Eliot Johnston, Rufus Shell, Harry David Redden,
John Lach, Irvin Daniel, Julian Redden, Robert Holloway, R. S.
Doris, Dr. L. E. Kelton, W. S. Wilson and Robert Wiggins.
Hold Services For J. B. (Jim) Redden were held Tuesday at 2 p.m.
from the McCammon Chapel with Rev. Eugene E. Wood, pastor,
Westminister Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment was in
Oakwood cemetery.
A retired tinner and early day oil well driller, Mr. Redden, 81,
died Sunday at his home following an extended illness.
He went to Alexandria, Va., last July to reside with his only child,
Mrs. Alford E. Wilson, but returned to Corsicana three weeks ago.
Surviving are his daughter of Alexandria, Va., and a granddaughter,
Mrs. Gerald Clifford, Kirkesville, Mo., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Eliot Johnston, Rufus Shell, Harry David Redden,
John Lacy, Irvin Daniel, Julian Redden, Robert Holloway, R. S.
Doris, Dr. L. E. Kelton, W. S. Wilson and Robert Wiggins.
John David "Dock" Redden
Dec 21, 1876 - Apr 23, 1953
J. D. Redden, 76, Dies Suddenly Late Thursday
J. D. (Dock) Redden, 76, life-long Corsicana Resident, 1608 West
Seventh avenue, was dead on arrival at the Navarro clinic Thursday
afternoon following a heart attack suffered at his office, 407 North
Main Street.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Saturday at
10:30 a.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Dr. Chet C. Henson, pastor of the
First Methodist church.
Redden had owned and operated the J. D. Redden Galvanized Iron Works
on North Main street for about half a century.
He served one time as chief of the Corsicana fire department.
Surviving are his wife; a sister, Mrs. C. J. Colp; two brothers, J.
B. and C. W. Redden, all of Corsicana and a number of nieces and
Pallbearers will be Earl Presley, Tom Shields, Roy Harrison, Harvey
Smithen, Dude Ransom, Jimmy Andrews, Albert Daniels, Fred M.
Allison, Jr.; W. A. Lang, Cotton Williams and J. E. Davant.
Rites Saturday For J. D. Redden
Funeral services for J. D. (Dock) Redden, 76, life-long Corsicana
resident, who died of a heart attack Thursday afternoon, was held
Saturday at 10:30 a.m. from the McCammon Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Dr. Chet C. Henson, pastor of the First
Methodist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Redden had headed the J. D. Redden Galvanized Iron Works company on
North Main street for more than 40 years. He was a former chief of
the Corsicana fire department and was an avid sportsman�enjoying
hunting and fishing.
Surviving are his wife; a sister, Mrs. C. J. Colp; two brothers, J.
B. and C. W. Redden, all of Corsicana and a number of nieces and
Pallbearers were Earl Presley, Tom Shields, Roy Harrison, Harvey
Smithen, Dude Ransom, Jimmy Andrews, Albert Daniels, Fred M.
Allison, Jr.; W. A. Lang, Cotton Williams and J. E. Davant.
Gladys (Redden) Newton-Green
Nov 1, 1895 - Jan 17, 1955
Former Resident Dies In Tyler
Mrs. Virgil O. Green, 51, the former Miss Gladys Redden of
Corsicana, died in a Tyler hospital Monday night following a
lingering illness.
Funeral services will be held from the Lloyd James Funeral Chapel in
Tyler Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Graveside rites will be held at
Oakwood cemetery here Wednesday at
3:30 p.m. Dr. Matthew Arnold, minister of the Westminister
Presbyterian Church here, will conduct the graveside rites.
Surviving are her husband of Tyler and a brother, Hubert Redden of
Mr. and Mrs. Redden went to Tyler Monday evening as soon as the
message was received of Mrs. Green's death.
Corley directs local arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Jan. 18, 1955
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Robert Green
Newton buried in Grove Hill Memorial Park, Dallas, Tx. 2nd
husband Virgil O. Green; d/o David Christian �Tom� Redding &
Mattie Florence (Montgomery) Redden
Mrs. Virgil Green Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Virgil O. Green, 51, who died in a Tyler
Hospital Monday night were held from the Lloyd James Funeral Chapel
in Tyler, Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Graveside rites were held at
Oakwood cemetery her Wednesday at 3:30
p.m. with Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, pastor of Westminister Presbyterian
church officiating.
Surviving are her husband of Tyler and a brother, Hubert Redden of
Mrs. Green is the former Gladys Redden of Corsicana.
Corley directed.
Marshall Lee Bridges
B&D May 11, 1947
Marshall Lee Bridges, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bridges, died
Sunday night at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic.
Funeral services were held at
Oakwood cemetery Monday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock where interment was made. The rites were conducted by
Rev. A. J. Kirkland pastor of the Missionary Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bridges, all of Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Tommie Beatrice �Tip� (Wright) Larrison
Mar 2, 1888 - Jun 2, 1947
Mrs. Frank E. Larrison, resident of Corsicana 38 years, died at the
Navarro Clinic Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. She had been in ill
health for several years.
Funeral services were held from the Griffin Funeral chapel Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew Arnold, pastor of the Third
Avenue Presbyterian church, of which Mrs. Larrison had been a member
of the Presbyterian church since childhood.
Surviving are her husband, Frank E. Larrison, Corsicana; a daughter,
Mrs. J. Keith Davis, Dallas; three brothers, Jim Wright, Canyon;
Custer and G. C. Wright, both of Oklahoma; five sisters, Mrs. A. P.
Morris, Vernon; Mrs. E. O. Phackston, Dallas; Mrs. W. R. Piper,
Arlington; Mrs. A. J. Pepper and Mrs. Davis both of Oregon, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were S. J. Miles, Sr.; Charles McQuiston, Joe Jefferson,
John Pugh, Alton Justiss, Emmett Hall, J. S. Hicks and John C.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Jun 3. 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Frank Eulin Larrison
married Mar 30, 1904 Wilbarger, Tx; d/o Thomas Alexander Wright
& Dora (Holbrook) Wright
Carrie Alice (McPhail) Larrison
Aug 31, 1889 - Mar 2, 1976
Mrs. Larrison
Services will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Griffin Funeral Home
Chapel for Mrs. Carrie Larrison, 87, resident of Corsicana, who died
Tuesday morning at Leisure Lodge Nursing Home.
The Rev. Jack Riley will officiate, and burial will be at the
Oakwood cemetery.
Survivors include a son, William McPhaill of Corsicana; a sister,
Mrs. Mattie Corder of Arlington and a nephew, Alvin Corder of
Pallbearers include Harold Hern, Avery Jackson, Talmadege Cook,
Alvin Corder, Leland Morton and Tom Eady.
Frank Eulin Larrison
Dec 16, 1884 - Jun 10, 1976
F. E. Larrison
Funeral services are pending at Griffin Funeral Home for Frank E.
Larrison, 91, who died this morning at Memorial Hospital.
Larrison, a Corsicana resident is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary F.
Larrison of Corsicana; and by one daughter, Mrs. Ethel Davis of
Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Jun 10, 1976
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Tommie Beatrice
�Tip� (Wright) Larrison married Mar. 30, 1904 2nd wife Mary
Frances (unk) Larrison s/o John Franklin Larrison, Jr. and
Nannie A. (Moore?) Larrison (Nannie is buried in Harrold
cemetery, Harrold, Tx.)
F. E. Larrison
Funeral services were to be at 4 p.m. today in the Griffin Funeral
Home for Frank E. Larrison, 91, who died yesterday at Memorial
Hospital. The Rev. Eugene Wood was to officiate. Burial was to
follow in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife, Mary F. Larrison of Corsicana; and one
daughter, Mrs. Ethel Davis of Dallas.
Pallbearers were to be Floyd S. Kuhns, Robert Speak, Ernest Stokes,
Paul Mitchell, Herman Rhodes and Sidney Barley.
Luther Orlando Larrison
Mar 23, 1883 - Apr 27, 1960
L. O. Larrison Dies Wednesday Of Heart Attack
Luther O. Larrison, 77, retired garage owner, of 100 North
Nineteenth street, was dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital
Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. following a heart attack at his home.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. from the Griffin
Chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Donald C. Holt, associate pastor
of the First Methodist church of which he was a long-time member.
A native Texan, Larrison had spent most of his life in Corsicana and
was active in the Knights of Pythias Lodge for 45 years. He is a
past chancellor and has been treasurer for the past 15 years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Carrie Larrison, Corsicana; a son,
William McPhail, Corsicana; a brother, Frank E. Larrison, Corsicana;
a sister, Mrs. Florence McDonald, Henrietta; a grandchild, four
nieces, two nephews and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be C. B. Haley, E. H. Powell, Talmadge Cook, Lowell
Bonner, August Wendorf, Ross Sutton, Wm. V. Mowlam, Joe Baker and
Bradley Speed. Members of the Knights of Pythias will be honorary
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Apr 28, 1960
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Carrie Alice (McPhaill)
Larrison married Apr. 5, 1914; s/o John Franklin Larrison, Jr. &
Nannie A. (Moore?) Larrison (Nannie is buried in Harrold
cemetery, Harrold, Tx.)
B&D Jul. 16, 1947
Rites For Infant Wednesday Afternoon
Funeral services for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Spradling, who died at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday in the Navarro Clinic,
were held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the grave in
Oakwood cemetery.
Survivors are the parents, Corsicana; four sisters, Florence Gloria,
Wanda Lee, Marjorie Fay and Patsy Ruth, Corsicana; two brothers,
Kenneth Ray and Clarence Don, Corsicana, and the grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Spradling, Lawrence.
Griffin Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jul 16, 1947
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- d/o W. Clarence Spradley &
Ethel L. (Wilson) Spradley buried in Dido cemetery, Dido,
Tarrant County, Tx. ( obit says Spradling in error)
May 22, 1947 - May 23, 1947
Friday Afternoon Rites For Infant
Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McMillan,
who died at 6:50 a.m. Friday
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., May 23, 1947
- Submitted
Diane Richards
Oakwood cemetery
- s/o Jerry James McMillan &
Alice Thyrine (Atkinson) McMillan buried in Oak Grove Memorial
Garden, Irving, Texas grandson of Lamartine McMillan buried in
Dresden cemetery & Samuel R. Atkinson buried in Itasca cemetery,
Itasca, Tx.
Loula Edda "Lou"
(Douglass) Ricker
Mar 6, 1870 - Mar 1, 1947
Corsicana Native Dies In Fort Worth; Rites Held Monday
Mrs. Lula E. Ricker, aged 76 years, native of Corsicana died in Fort
Worth Saturday. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 10
o'clock from the Ganze Ware Funeral Chapel in Fort Worth. A short
service was held here Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at
Oakwood cemetery where
interment was made. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. R. Beaird,
pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church here.
Mrs. Ricker had resided in Fort Worth the past 4 years. She was a
sister of the late A. B. Douglass, Jr., of Corsicana.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. W. E. Glass, Fort Worth, and Mrs.
George Copp, Long Beach, Calif.; a son, R. P. Ricker, Weslaco; three
half-sisters, Mrs. E. R. McClendon, Ft. Worth; Mrs. William Serman,
Newton, and Mrs. Newt McGentry, New Orleans; two half-brothers, J.
E. Douglass, Fort Worth, and Roland Douglass, Detroit, Mich., and
other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed local arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Mar 3, 1947
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- w/o Charles P �Charlie�
Ricker married Nov 20, 1887; d/o Albert Brown Douglass, Sr. &
Lillian �Lillie� (Ricker) Douglass
Marsha Garrett
B&D Aug. 12, 1947
Rites For Infant Scheduled Friday
Funeral services for Marsha Garrett, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Garrett, who died at the Navarro Clinic Tuesday afternoon will
be held at
Oakwood cemetery Friday
morning at 10 o'clock. The rites will be conducted by Claude Guild,
minister of the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ.
Surviving are the parents and grandmothers, Mrs. Virginia Garrett,
Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Royall B. Lewis, Dallas.
Griffin Funeral Home will direct.
Infant Died Tuesday At Navarro Clinic
Marsha Garrett, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Garrett, died
at the Navarro Clinic Tuesday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock.
Funeral arrangements had not been perfected early Wednesday
afternoon, but interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are the parents and grandmothers, Mrs. Virginia Garrett,
Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Royall B. Lewis, Dallas.
Griffin Funeral Home will direct.
Mary Pearl (Garrett)
Mar 24, 1903 - Oct 7, 1965
Mrs. Gilliam Dies Thursday, Rites Friday
Mrs. Pearl Gilliam, 62, of 2118 West Third avenue, K. Wolens
department store employe, died in Memorial Hospital Thursday
Funeral services were held Friday at 3 p.m. from the First Baptist
church chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Gilliam was a member of the First Baptist church, Corsicana
Lodge No. 118, Order of the Eastern Star, and Home Rebekah Lodge No.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Mary Ellen Ferguson, Lubbock; three
grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; two brothers, Jack Garrett,
Overton, and John Garrett, Greensboro, Kan.; three sisters, Mrs.
Irene Thomason, Electra; Mrs. Lillian Punnell, Athens, and Mrs.
Pauline Hanks, Hobbs, N. M., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Fritz Kloecker, Otis Dunagan, Billy Jack Mott,
Leroy Tinsley, Harrell Gray, O. L. Pitts, W. A. Earley, Alton
Justiss, Frank Merrell and Tom Moore.
Griffin directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Oct 8, 1965
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Rex F. Cook
married Dec 27, 1919 2nd husband Robert Gilliam married Dec 16,
1928; d/o James Walter Garrett & Mary Ellen (Roberson) Garrett
Berta Edna (Garrett) Hall
Aug 10, 1890 - Nov 24, 1952
Mrs. E. J. Hall Expires Monday
Mrs. Emmett J. Hall, 62, long-time Corsicana resident, 1027 West
Second avenue died in Memorial Hospital Monday night following a
short illness.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. from the First
Christian Church. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. G. Dudley.
Mrs. Hall was a native of Georgia.
Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; six brothers, Thomas and
John Garrett both of Loganville, Ga.; N. F. and R. P. Garrett both
of Corsicana; W. J. Garrett, Malakoff, and L. W. Garrett, Athens; a
sister, Mrs. Dora Worthy, Loganville, Ga., and a number of nieces,
nephews and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Tate Lindsey, Johnny Brown, Charles Croft, Sam
Werner, Earl Presley, Leslie White, Robert E. Irvine, W. E. Percival
and Walter Castles.
Griffin Funeral Home directs.
Wednesday Rites For Mrs. Hall
Funeral services for Mrs. Emmett J Hall, 52, who died in the
Memorial Hospital Monday night following a brief illness were held
Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. from the First Christian church. Burial was
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Herbert G. Dudley, pastor of the
Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; six brothers, Thomas and
John Garrett both of Loganville, Ga.; N. F. and R. P. Garrett both
of Corsicana; W. J. Garrett, Malakoff, and L. W. Garrett, Athens; a
sister, Mrs. Dora Worthy, Loganville, Ga., and a number of nieces,
nephews and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Tate Lindsey, Johnny Brown, Charles Croft, Sam
Werner, Earl Presley, Leslie White, Robert E. Irvine, W. E. Percival
and Walter Castles.
Griffin Funeral Home directed.
Mae (Garrett) Jackson
Aug 8, 1880 - Sep 21, 1953
Mrs. R. J. Jackson Dies At Houston
Mrs. R. J. (Dick) Jackson, former Corsicana and Mexia resident, died
in Houston Monday afternoon.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Settegast-Kopf
Funeral Chapel in Houston under the direction of the Corley Funeral
Home of Corsicana.
Dr. Kenneth R. Pope, well-known Houston minister, will conduct the
A graveside service will be held at
Oakwood cemetery here
Wednesday at 4 p.m. where interment will be made.
Surviving are a brother, J. E. Garrett, Corpus Christi; four
sisters, Mrs. E. C. Hammond, Springdale, Ark.; Mrs. S. J. Stalworth,
Mrs. G. P. Reeves and Mrs. Paul Cluck, all of Marlin and other
Pallbearers will be John R. Corley, C. S. Stroud, H. R. Stroube, W.
C. Stroube, E. Y. Cunningham, Jack Cunningham, G. C. Hudson, Lowry
Martin, J. M. Dyer, W. A. Lang, Ed M. Polk, Ray Pursley and Charles
Feb 9, 1947 - Feb 10, 1947
Rites Held Tuesday For Hampton Infant
Funeral services for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hampton, who died at the Navarro Clinic Monday afternoon were held
Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the McCammon Funeral Chapel.
Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents and grandparents.
James H. Hampton, Sr.
Mar 15, 1890 - Apr 2, 1972
James Hampton
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Corley Funeral
Home Chapel for James Hampton, Sr., 82, of Corsicana who died Sunday
at Paulyne's Convalescent Home. Rev. B. W. Johnson will officiate.
Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
He was a World War II veteran and member of the American Legion.
There are no survivors.
Edna May (Harbour) Carson
Sep 29, 1894 - Jan 13, 1971
Carson Rites Set Friday
Mrs. Claude Carson, a native of Gonzales and longtime resident of
Corsicana, died Wednesday at Memorial Hospital. She was a member of
the First Baptist Church.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Robert J. Potts and the Rev.
Roland Spears officiating.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Walter E. Parker; a grandson,
Rip Parker of Garland; and four great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Joe Hashop, Will Hashop, Johnny Chirafis, Louis
Haney, Paul Mitchell, Cliff Humphreys, Newton Carson, Ruby Owens and
Frank Warfield.
Marion Bryant, Judge
May 1, 1865 - Jul 9, 1947
Judge Marion Bryant, aged 82 years, died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. A. W. Ray, Wednesday morning.
A native of Mississippi, Judge Bryant had resided in this community
for about a half century. He was employed by oil companies for many
years and served as justice of the peace, Precinct 1, Place 1, from
January 1933 to January 1, 1937.
Surviving are three sons, H. W. Bryant, Canton; H. J. Bryant,
Corsicana, and C. F. Bryant, Gladewater; three daughters, Mrs. A. W.
Ray, Corsicana; Mrs. L. W. Herrin, Galveston and Mrs. R. J.
Washburn, Athens; 39 grandchildren and a number of
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
the Missionary Baptist church. The rites will be conducted by Rev.
A. J. Kirkland, pastor of the church and Rev. Elmo Hollingsworth of
Glen Rose. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Attention Masons
You are requested to attend the funeral of Brother Marion Bryant
Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. A Master Mason's Lodge will be opened
one hour before time of funeral.
Worshipful Master
Funeral services for Judge Marion Bryant, aged 82 years, who died
early Wednesday morning, were held from the Missionary Baptist
church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. A. J. Kirkland, pastor, and Rev. Elmo
Hollingsworth, Glen Rose. Masons were in charge of graveside rites
and provided pallbearers.
A native of Mississippi, Judge Bryant had resided in Navarro county
for a half century. He was connected with local oil companies for
many years prior to his election in 1932 as justice of the peace.
Precinct 1, Place 1, where he served two terms, January 1, 1933 -
January 1, 1937.
Surviving are three sons, H. W. Bryant, Canton; H. J. Bryant,
Corsicana, and C. F. Bryant, Gladewater; three daughters, Mrs. A. W.
Ray, Corsicana; Mrs. L. W. Herrin, Galveston and Mrs. R. J.
Washburn, Athens; 39 grandchildren and a number of
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Rufus Ephraim Huck
Jun 17, 1877 - Nov 19, 1947
Rufus E. Huck, 70, novelty glass-blower with many carnivals and
later operator of a Neon sign show, died in the Navarro Clinic
Wednesday shortly before midnight following a short illness. He had
been here a few weeks with relatives preparatory to spending the
winter in Corsicana as has been his custom.
Funeral services will be held here Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jessie Huck, Oklahoma City; a son,
Maurice L. Huck, 521 North Twelfth street, Corsicana; two daughters,
Mrs. Mattie Adell McAullff and Miss Lillian Jane Huck, both of
Oklahoma City; two grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Fred Bailey,
Mendota, Ill.
Huck was born, June 17, 1877, in Illinois.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Thurs., Nov 20, 1947
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Jessie (Gray) Huck buried
in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Oklahoma City, Okla; s/o Charles
Frederick Huck & Rebecca (Lehman) Huck
Funeral services for Rufus E. Huck, 70, novelty glass blower with
numerous carnivals, who died in the Navarro Clinic Wednesday night,
were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Chapel.
Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. Morris Bailey, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jessie Huck, Oklahoma City; a son,
Maurice L. Huck, 521 North Twelfth street, Corsicana; two daughters,
Mrs. Mattie Adell McAullff and Miss Lillian Jane Huck, both of
Oklahoma City; two grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Fred Bailey,
Mendota, Ill.
Pallbearers were Bill Kemp, James Glass, Oscar McCrory, Ernest
Newman, Charles Reece and Frank Irwin.
August Weidmann
Dec 26, 1867 - Dec 12, 1947
A. Weidmann, aged 80 years, died at his home 1520 West Fifth avenue,
early Friday morning. He had been in ill health for some time, but
had been at home only a few days.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Wm. K. Schuster, pastor of the
local Lutheran church.
Organized Bakery.
One of the organizers of the Collin Street Bakery, manufacturer of
the famous DeLuxe fruit cake, in 1898, with the late W. T. McElwee,
Weidmann sold his interest in the concern, September, 1946.
Native of Germany.
Native of Wiesbadon, Germany, Weidmann came to America as a 14-year
old lad and followed his baker trade all over the country, finally
landing in Corsicana 54 years ago.
The bakery, operated by Weidmann at first, backed by McElwee, who
was a cotton buyer, was opened on Collin street from which it was
named. A few years later McElwee quit the cotton business and
devoted his entire time to the expanding business.
Present Owners.
The company ships the DeLuxe fruit cake all over the world at
Christmas time. The present company is owned by H. M. Montgomery,
Corsicana; Jack Roberts, Birmingham, Ala.; Lee McNutt, Nashville,
Tenn; R. F. Rutherford, Columbia, Tenn., and Harry Crook, Tullahoma,
Long active in the Knights of Pythias lodge, Weidmann had been its
treasurer for many years.
K. of P. Graveside Rites.
The Knights of Pythias will have charge of the graveside rites.
Collin Street Bakery will be closed during the funeral hour.
Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Miss Irma Weidmann; two sons,
Adolph and Louis Weidmann, all of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Lina
Kilb, Germany, and other relatives.
Notice Knights of Pythias.
All Knights are requested to attend funeral services for Bro.
Weidmann Saturday at 2 p.m.
C. B. HALEY, Secretary.
Funeral services for A. Weidman, 80, who died at his home, 1520 West
Fifth Avenue early Friday, were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Wm. K. Schuster, pastor of the
Lutheran church here. The Knights of Pythias Lodge, of which
Weidmann had been treasurer for many years, had charge of the
graveside service.
Native of Welsbaden, Germany, Weidmann came to America at the age of
14 years and followed the baker trade in various sections of the
nation before settling in Corsicana 54 years ago. He organized the
Collin street Bakery with the late W. T. McElwee in 1898, and
following the death of McElwee in May 1946, he and Mrs. McElwee sold
their interest to the present owners, although he maintained a
connection with the concern until his death. The baker originally
was located on Collin street, from which it received its name. the
bakery was closed during the funeral hour.
Surviving are his wife; a daughter, Miss Irma Weidman; two sons,
Adolph and Louis Weidmann, all of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Lina
Kilb, Germany, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were C. B. Haley, Judge C. E. McWilliams, L. M. Morton,
L. F. Flynn, Luther Larrison, Wm. V. Mowlam, W. B Waddell and J. W.
Adolph Charles Weidmann
B&D Jul 24, 1953
Weidmann Infant Rites Saturday
Funeral services for Adolph C. Weidmann, infant of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Weidmann, who died in the Navarro Clinic early Friday, were
held from the Griffin Chapel Saturday at 10 a.m. Burial rites were
conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the First Methodist
Surviving are the parents, twin sisters, Trena and Tressa Weidmann;
grandparents, Mrs. A. Weidmann and C. W. Herod, all of Corsicana and
other relatives.
Emma (Levermann) Weidmann
Jul 19, 1884 - Mar 9, 1972
Mrs. Weidmann
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Levermann Weidmann, 87, a native
Corsicanan, who died in the Twilight Home will be held at 4 p.m.
Friday at St. John's Episcopal Church. Rev. Dennis Smart and Rev. A.
J. Merkel will officiate. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
She was the widow of the late August Weidmann of Corsicana.
She is survived by two sons, Louis A. Weidmann of Dallas and Adolph
Weidmann of Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Roy L. Miller of Corsicana,
and Mrs. C. K. Jones of Ardmore, Okla. and two granddaughters.
Pallbearers will be W. V. Mowlam, Albert Frey, Dr. Dan Hamill, J. E.
Devant, Louis Kormos, Bill Hay, Theodore Holy and Bill Hicks.
Mrs. Weidmann
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Levermann Weidmann, 87, a native
Corsicanan, who died in the Twilight Home will be held at 4:30 p.m.
today at St. John's Episcopal Church. Rev. Dennis Smart and Rev. A.
J. Merkel will officiate. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
She was the widow of the late August Weidmann of Corsicana.
She is survived by two sons, Louis A. Weidmann of Dallas and Adolph
Weidmann of Dallas; one daughter, Erma Weidmann of Corsicana; two
sisters, Mrs. Roy L. Miller of Corsicana, and Mrs. C. K. Jones of
Ardmore, Okla. and two granddaughters.
Pallbearers will be W. V. Mowlam, Albert Frey, Dr. Dan Hamill, J. E.
Devant, Louis Kormos, Bill Hay, Theodore Haly and Bill Hicks.
Dorothea Jeanette
�Jean� (Taylor) McBee
Mar 6, 1929 - May 25, 2012
Dorothea J. Jean McBee, 83, passed away Friday, May 25, 2012.
Jean was born Dorothea Jeanette Taylor, March 6, 1929 in Dawson,
Texas. She lived there until leaving to attend North Texas State
University in Denton.
While there she met, fell in love and married Howard M. McBee of
Blum, TX on July 18, 1947. Upon completion of her studies, Jean
entered the teaching profession where she continued, while pausing
for the birth of her son, Stan, until her retirement in 1985.
Jean is preceded in death by her parents James and Alice Taylor;
brothers, James, Carlsteen and her sister Althea.
She is survived by her son Stan and wife Ann of Houston; brother
Lowell of Dawson; niece Jill Hall and her husband Mike of Dawson;
niece Becky Neely; nephews Tony Taylor, Elton Taylor and Steven
Taylor all of Dawson; great nephew Casey Hall of Austin, TX.
Jean was a devoted daughter, wife, mother and aunt who never seemed
to run out of energy or kind works for others. She will be
remembered and greatly missed.
Graveside services will be 1:00 p.m, Sunday, June 3, 2012 in
Dawson Cemetery, Dawson,
Waltrip Funeral Home, Houston, Texas
- w/o Howard Martin McBee; d/o
James Urskine Taylor & Mary Alice (Renfro) Taylor
Howard Martin McBee
Dec 7, 1919 - Mar 23, 2010
Howard M. McBee, 90, a member of the Greatest Generation, passed
away peacefully on Tuesday, March 23, 2010.
Howard was born December 7, 1919 in Cleburne, TX and grew up in the
nearby town of Blum. He enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps in
January 1942, where he served his country during World War II until
his honorable discharge in 1945, having attained the rank of Staff
Sargent, with his team earning a commendation for completing duties
with limited resources. Howard was a member of the 571st Air Service
Squadron of the 26th Air Depot Group, stationed at Suez, Egypt.
After his return home, Howard fell in love and married Jean Taylor
of Dawson, TX. Graduating from North Texas State University in
Denton in 1948 with a B.S. in Accounting, he worked for the Texaco
Company from 1948 until retiring in 1982.
Howard is survived by his wife of 62 years, Jean, son Stan and wife
Ann all of Houston, niece Jill Hall and husband Michael and son
Casey of Dawson, TX, niece Benita Reese and nephew Roy Crooks of
Fort Worth, TX, nephew Gary Crooks of Colorado Springs, CO, niece
and nephew Regenia and Bryan McBee of OK.
The family will receive friends from 6pm until the service begins at
7pm Friday, March 26th in the chapel of Waltrip Funeral Directors
with Pastor Jerry Mayfield officiating. Graveside services will
begin at 1pm Sunday, March 28th at
Dawson Cemetery, Dawson,
- Houston Chronicle on Mar 25,
- h/o Dorthea Jeanette "Jean"
(Taylor) McBee; s/o Arthur McKinley McBee & Kittie Rose (Kincheloe)
Change the death year on the list
to 1947:
Violet (Lamb)
Sep. 21, 1905 - Nov. 19, 1947
Dawson Woman Is Dead Following Automobile Crash
Mrs. O. R. Turner, aged 42 years of Dawson died at the P. and S.
Hospital Wednesday morning.
Suffering head injury in an automobile accident near Mt. Calm, Hill
county, November 11, Mrs. Tanner received treatment in the Hillcrest
hospital in Waco until Wednesday night, Nov. 12, when she was able
to return home.
She was admitted to the local hospital Monday.
Tanner and Mrs. O. B. Neal, also of Dawson, received slight injuries
in the accident last week.
Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church in
Dawson but arrangements had not been completed early Wednesday
afternoon. Rev. J. L. Langston will conduct the rites.
Surviving are her husband, a son, James O. Tanner; a daughter, Mrs.
Christine Prater, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lamb; a brother,
Myrell W. Lamb, all of Dawson; a sister, Mrs. Louise Michael,
Wortham, and two grandchildren.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Funeral services for Mrs. Violet Tanner, 42, of Dawson, who died
Wednesday at the P. and S. Hospital will probably be held Saturday
with interment in the Dawson
Cemetery. The rites will be held from the First Methodist church
and will be conducted by Rev. J. L. Langston and Rev. Roy Davis.
Mrs. Tanner was seriously injured Nov. 11, in an automobile
collision near Mt. Calm, Hill county and was treated at a Waco
hospital and then returned home.
Mrs. Tanner was brought in the local hospital Monday morning and
died suddenly Wednesday morning.
Surviving are her husband, O. R. Tanner; a son, James O. Tanner; a
daughter, Mrs. Christine Prater; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lamb; a
brother, Myrell W. Lamb, all of Dawson; a sister, Mrs. Louis
Michael, Wortham; two grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Lonnie Wells, Bennie McCullough, C. M.
Slaughter, Lowell Holt, Wardean Tekell and Wilmer Poole.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Dawson Rites For Mrs. Violet Tanner
Funeral services for Mrs. Violet Tanner, 42, of Dawson, who died in
the P. and S. Hospital Wednesday morning were held Saturday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the First Methodist church in Dawson.
Burial was in the Dawson
Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. L. Langston and
Rev. Roy Davis.
Mrs. Tanner received serious head injuries Nov. 11 near Mt. Calm,
Hill county, in an automobile collision. She returned to her home
after two days' hospitalization in Waco and was admitted to the
local hospital Monday morning.
Surviving are her husband, O. R. Tanner; a son, James O. Tanner; a
daughter, Mrs. Christine Prater; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lamb; a
brother, Myrell W. Lamb, all of Dawson; a sister, Mrs. Louis
Michael, Wortham; two grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Lonnie Wells, Bennie McCullough, C. M. Slaughter,
Lowell Holt, Wardean Tekell and Wilmer Poole.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Gean Lafette Garner
Oct 20, 1928 - May 1, 1947
DAWSON, June 28.�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Pfc. Gean L. Garner,
18, U. S. Army, who was accidentally killed in Korea, May 1, by
gunshot wounds, were held from the Church of Christ church Saturday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Burial was in the
Dawson Cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Claude A. Guild, minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ in Corsicana.
Garner, a graduate of Dawson High School, had been in the army since
October, 1946.
The body arrived here Friday morning after being forwarded from San
Francisco several days ago.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Garner; a brother,
Joe Garner, Jr., and a small sister all of Dawson.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed arrangements.
Joe Clay Garner, Jr.
Aug. 9, 1924 - Nov. 23, 1972
Joe Garner, Jr.
DAWSON � Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at
Anderson-Clayton Brothers Funeral home in Mesquite for Joe Clay
Garner, Jr, 58, who died Thursday at Baylor Hospital in Dallas.
Graveside services will be at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at
Dawson Cemetery.
He had been ill for about three months.
A native of Dawson, he had been living with his family at 1416
Richard St. in Mesquite about ten years and formerly lived in
He worked for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. for some 25 years and
was a veteran of World War II.
Survivors include the widow, Norma Garner of Mesquite; a son
stationed in Germany with the U. S. Army, Ronald Garner; a daughter,
Cynthia Renee Garner of the home; a sister, Mrs. Liska Gellmeier of
Mesquite; and mother, Mrs. Flora Garner of Dawson.
Henry Clay �Boots� Garner
Feb 19, 1886 - Jun 7, 1960
H. C. Garner, 74, Dies In Dawson
DAWSON, June 8�(Spl.)�H. C. Garner, 74, native and life-time
resident of this locality, died at his home here at 12:20 p.m.
Services were to be held at 4:30 p.m. today (Wednesday) from the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church here, with Rev. S. B. Bedinger of
Corsicana officiating. Burial was set for the
Dawson Cemetery.
Garner, a retired farmer, is survived by his wife, Mrs. Annie
Garner; a stepson, Spartan Duke, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. J. L.
Turner, Dawson; a brother, J. C. Garner, Dawson; three nephews, a
niece and other relatives.
Eubanks Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jun 8, 1960
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Annie Jewel (Matthews)
Duke-Garner married Feb 16, 1928; s/o Henry Clay Garner, Sr. &
Sarah Jane (Fullerton) Garner
Mary Jane (Keeton) Taylor
Dec 19, 1870 - Sep 18, 1947
Mrs. J. L. Taylor, aged 77 years, of Dawson, died at the P. and S.
Hospital Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock following a several years
illness. She had been a patient at the hospital for the past ten
Funeral services are scheduled from the Shiloh Baptist church south
of Dawson Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in the
Dawson cemetery. Rev.
Oliver Nelson, pastor of the church will conduct the rites.
Native of Mississippi, Mrs. Taylor had resided in the Dawson
community since six years of age.
Surviving are four children, Alva Taylor, Corsicana,; W. L. Taylor,
El Paso; M. E. Taylor, Denton, and Mrs. Dock Sykes, Dawson; and a
number of grandchildren.
Roberts Funeral Home will direct.
Anthony Scruggs �Tony�
Apr 20, 1953 - Apr 7, 2017
Anthony "Tony" Scruggs Taylor, 62, of Dawson, passed away very
suddenly April 7, 2017. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday,
April 10, 2017, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral service
will be at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 11, 2017, at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home. Burial will follow in
Dawson cemetery.
Tony was born in Corsicana, Texas, to the late James E. and Leona
Faye Scruggs Taylor. He was an amazing artist and photographer who
loved to teach and taught for 36 years at TSTC.
After suffering from leukemia, having a bone marrow transplant
several years ago and all the difficulties that come from that, he
was finally getting better.
Survivors include his wife, Kaye Taylor, of Dawson; step-children,
Jennifer Kaye Riley and Joshua Mark Riley; brother, Elton Taylor;
sister, Becky Neeley; mother-in-law, Jean Leggett; sister-in-law,
Barbara Adler; brother-in-law, Bruce Leggett; nieces and nephew:
Laura Sanders, Kim Marek, Lori Peterson, Renee McCallum, Amanda
Carter, and BJ Leggett; and numerous great-nieces and nephews.
- Griffin-Roughton Funeral
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Sheri A. (Kendall)
Taylor married Jun. 24, 1977 2nd wife Kaye Ellen (Leggett)
Riley-Taylor; s/o James Elton Taylor & Lena Faye (Scruggs)
Talmephus Idella
�Della� (Gallman) Taylor
Dec 8, 1873 - Dec 7, 1964
Mrs. A. A. Taylor Dies Monday In Waco Hospital
DAWSON, Dec. 8 (Spl.)�Mrs. A. A. (Della) Tylor, long-time Dawson
resident, died in the Hillcrest Hospital in Waco Monday night, one
day before her 91st, birthday.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the First
Baptist church here of which she was a member, with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Estes, Baptist minister,
and Rev. Dan Taylor, pastor.
The family moved to this community in 1920 from Louisiana. Mrs.
Taylor had resided in a Hillsboro rest home for the past three
Surviving are four sons, Harold, Howard and Herbert Taylor, all of
Hubbard and Arnold Taylor, Waco; three daughters, Mrs. Doyle Hagle,
Dawson; Mrs. Carl Rhoades, Corsicana, and Mrs. Ed Vest, Fort Worth;
24 grandchildren, 85 great-grandchildren, a brother, Alford Gallman,
Rayville, La., and other relatives.
Eubanks Funeral Home directs.
John Tribitt Taylor
Jul 18, 1876 - Jun 10, 1954
John T. Taylor Dies At Dawson
John T. Taylor, 77, retired Dawson farmer, died at his home in
Dawson Thursday following an extended illness.
Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church in
Dawson Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Burial will be in the
Dawson cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Bob Evans, Baptist minister of
Tehuacana, and Rev. W. O. Estes, pastor of the church.
A native of Grant County, Ark., Taylor had resided in Navarro county
for 40 years.
Surviving are his wife of Dawson; two sons, Bill and Walter Taylor,
both of Hubbard; a daughter, Mrs. Edith Brewer, Barry; a brother,
Franklin Taylor, Hubbard; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Bruce, Hubbard; five
grandchildren, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Younger Cannon, Dewey Lee, J. B. Hale, Wendell
Lawrence, Olen Coker and Fred Gray.
Wolfe directs.
Mary Avy (Hanna) Taylor
Dec 29, 1890 - Oct 10, 1960
Mrs. Taylor Of Dawson Expires
Mrs. Mary Avy Taylor, 69, native Texan, long-time Dawson resident,
died in Memorial hospital Monday afternoon. She is reported to have
become critically ill while en route to see a physician Monday
morning and was rushed to the hospital.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. from the First
Baptist church at Dawson with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Bob Evans, Rev. Fred Chapman,
pastor; Rev. W. O. Estes and Rev. Jarrell Griffin, Purdon, all
Baptist ministers.
Surviving are two sons, W. J. Taylor, Port Lavaca, and J. W. Taylor,
Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. S. H. Brewer, Silver City; eight
grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, three brothers, O. A. Hanna,
Irving; H. L. and J. B. Hanna, both of Corsicana; three sisters,
Mrs. T. M. Davis and Mrs. Jim Holloway, both of Corsicana, and Mrs.
Joe Creacy, Corpus Christi.
Eubanks Funeral Home directs.