I have three photos that I would like to contribute to
your Navarro County Genealogy Site. The jpeg photo attached to this e-mail is a
photo that I found in a box of photos that my mother had kept for years and I
believe belonged to her grandmother, Melvina Burks Moore, of Coffee County,
Tennessee. Written on the back of this photo are the words, made in Corsicana,
Texas. If anyone recognizes this family, please e-mail Sharon, my e-mail address
is [email protected]. This family may be relatives of the Peay, Cathey, Hollis,
family of Coffee County, TN.

Click on photo for full size copy
women with fans. .... Edward
L. Williams 1

Please Contact
Edward L. Williams

Please Contact
Edward L. Williams

Please Contact
Edward L. Williams

back notes include: "Uncle Bill Tell, Mama's Handy man for many years - worked
for Laura Sessions McGee Rice or daughter Lyda. Please
Contact Edward L. Williams

Cabinet Photo of a young man taken at the Cumming & Son [Studio] in Corsicana,
TX. The studio advertises itself as "ARTISTS."
Contact Edward L. Williams
Blooming Grove & Frost -
Photographer, Frost and Blooming Grove
Contact Edward L. Williams