There were four Blooming Yearbook photos on eBay that sold a while back.
I have copies of the photos but can only identify them by their last name.
Can anyone Id these students ? They should be sometime in the 1920s
...ed williams
Unplaced Group of Children -
1920's ?
Photo of Joe Bailey
Nelson... need help identifying other person
I have one "Little Miss Blue Bonnet photo that I can not
identify. It is on the Little Miss Blue
Bonnet page. ..elw

"Four Men in Corsicana"
I am attaching a picture I scanned from a bunch of old family
photographs my cousin lent me. I would guess the time period to be around 1890
and we think the upper right gentleman might be our gr-gr-grandfather but we are
not sure. Maybe someone will recognize one or more of the 4 men. Thanks Jackie

I am in possession of an large old formal family
portrait. I would like to return this portrait to descendants. The
only clues to its identity are 2 handwritten notes on the back of the portrait
that say "The Logans" and "Return
this to Sarah Logan" I also find a small photography
studio Logo on the front border that says: Chalmer's. Corsicanna.
Tex. I can only guess by the clothing that the time
period is late 1800. All the ladies are in long dresses and skirts. This
appears to be a very affluent family of 14 people. Some appear to be
couples however. This was given to me by a 73 year old relative in Ms who said
it was found many years ago among her mother's things. Her mothers name was
Williams. The daughter said the family moved around alot. and could
have taken possesion of it anywhere. She feels sure they never moved out of
the south. My relative knew it was not our family and was going to
throw it away. She has let me have the portrait and I have been making
postings on the web. The logo was only discovered yesterday even though i have
looked at the portrait 100's of times. (Magic? Maybe... They want to be found :
) A copy of the portrait may be seen on although it is not too clear. I can send you a
much better copy if interested , if you will email me at [email protected].
Thank you. Please tell any Logans in the area about the portrait. It
is free to anyone who can prove a link and pay postage. Ann M
See: J.
N Caradine - Photographer
Does anyone recognize the bridge in this picture
(location and what it might say on it?) The teenage girl is my
Grandmother, Tennie Fae Lewis. Who is the young gentlemen?
Rogers Haynes
Notes: Jan 2003 -
I've had one response. Supposedly the bridge is just outside of Wortham. So it
is possibly in Freestone Co.
This is a picture of a Navarro County school. Does anyone
recognize which one? It was probably taken between 1914-1917 as my
Grandfather, Johnie Butler Rogers, is suppose to be one of the
little boys. It may also include his sister Nell Rogers and my
Grandmother Tennie Fae Lewis and her sister Evelyn Beatrice Lewis,
but I' not sure. Does anyone know about this picture? These
families lived in the Tupelo/Chatfield/Hester area. Someone wrote
on the bottom of the picture Farmer School.
Rogers Haynes

Click Here for Full Size Photo
The "Sawmill Gang" photo was found among
my Ellis family photos. It would have been taken around the
Rice/Chatfield area. If anyone can identify the people I would appreciate
it. ... Pam Caldwell
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