Photo 1998 by Dale McCary; Link to Dale's: Photos From Home
The St. John Episcopal Church had its beginning in 1871. The coming of the H. & T. C. railroad to Corsicanabrought many new families, many of whom were of Episcopalian
faith. Reverend Waddell was sent to Corsicana by Bishop Gregg and services were held in the courthouse. Then came Reverend Virginius Gee. In 1872, Bishop Gregg confirmed a class of eight. Reverend Virginius Gee was followed by
Reverend Edwin Wickens, and in 1873 under his leadership, the congregation built a small church on the corner of Fourteenth Street and Collin Avenue. Reverend Wickens was succeeded in 1875 by Reverend J. J. Valux of Tennessee. In 1877, Reverend J. P. Lytton of Sherman visited and held services for some time. Finally in 1878, Reverend Peter Wager was sent to preach and became pastor for about three
years. In 1881, Reverend John B. Linn became Rector of the church and was later followed by Reverend J. C. Black in 1906. A new brick church was built and in April 1918, Reverend H. J. Ellis became the Rector. The C. H. Allen family gave a two manual Pilcher pipe organ to the church. See
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