1921 |
Corsicana High School
Navarro County, Texas |

Corsicana High Classmates Index
|| 1921
Corsican Extract
If you have information on what ever happened
to any of the CHS
Classmates of 1921, we would love to hear from you.
Student entries for this year will be posted as information is received.
Contact Edward L.
Name When Attending CHS |
What Ever Happened to ..... |
Viola Allen
Benjamin David Allen
Benjamin Dave "Stookie" Allen
Jan 30, 1903 - Jan 6, 1971
Oakwood Cemetery
h/o Gladys (Parker) Allen; s/o Guy Hubert Allen & Rena (Shirley) Allen |
Evelyn Allison
Charles Tullis Banister
Charles Tullis Banister
Sep 16, 1903 - Apr 15, 1993
WWII Veteran;
WWII Biography |
Julian Barton
Julian Cox Barton
Oct 26, 1903 - Mar 17, 1991
Oakwood Cemetery |
Esther Blair
Esther Ruth Blair
Nov 29, 1903 - Oct 19, 1973
Oakwood Cemetery |
Martha Burke
Elizabeth Callicutt
Gertrude Carson
Lillian Church
Lillian (Church) Kelly
Jul 9, 1902 - Dec 30, 1965
Oakwood Cemetery |
Halbert Clayton
Dan B. Comfort
Clemmie Delafossee
Thomas E. Drummond
Thomas Edward Drummond
Feb 24, 1903 - Mar 24, 1958
Oakwood cemetery
Nora Boyd
Nora Etta (Boyd) Purifoy
Jan 7, 1907 - May 24, 1990
Oakwood cemetery;
w/o Russell Albritton Purifoy; d/o Victor Alexander Boyd & Minnie Lee (Fullwood)
Boyd |
Clara Dubose
Lucille Eliot
Arthur Lee Elliott
Freshman Hi-Y Club '17; Hi-Y Club '18, '19, '20, '21;
Bryan Debating Club '17; Orchestra '19, '20, '21; "Miss Cherry
Blossom" '20; "The Maid and the Middy" '21; Minstrel '21; Latin Club
'18, '19; President Sophomore Thrift Club '18; Vice President Junior
Class '20; Athletic Association '17, '18, '19, '20.
"You look wise-pray correct the error." |
Arthur Lee Elliott
Feb 24, 1903 - Mar 24, 1958
Obituary; Seaside Memorial park, Corpus
Christi, TX
h/o Thelma West (Smith) Elliott; s/o Arthur Elliott & Elizabeth Scott (Pipes)
Elliott |
May Bright Elliott
Lowell R.
Lowell Russell Estes, Sr.
Jan 26, 1904 - Dec 26, 1990
Oakwood cemetery
h/o Edith (Colston) Newland-Estes; s/o Lowell Russell Estes & Anna Ellen
(Johnston) Estes |
Lessie Ford
Geraldine French
Elizabeth Greenlee
Charlton Gunter
Charlton Eleslie Gunter
Oct 3, 1903 - Mar 1, 1970
Oakwood cemetery;
WWII Veteran |
Kathryn Haden
There is a Katheryn Haden buried at
Dresden Cemetery (1904-1975),
Im not 100% positive that she is the same person ...elw |
W. Floyd Hamilton
Bryan Debating Club
'19, '20; Athletic Association '18, '19; Krucible Kaliper Klub '21.
"I am not handsome, but I'll declare I have a
distinguished look." |
W. Floyd Hamilton
Jan 9, 1903 - Apr 29, 1994
Married Dorothy Lathrop Ellsworth
Obituary |
Herbert Hipps
Herbert Emerson Hipps
1902 - March 1, 1983 in McLennan Co., TX
Chapel Hill Memorial Park, Robinson, McLennan Co., TX
WWII Veteran |
Fred Hodge
Zelma Holland
Thomas Lee Houston
"Call Me
Anything So It's Tom"
Hi-Y Club '19, '20, '21; Athletic Association '17m 18. |
Thomas Houston
Oct 16, 1902 - Jan 27, 1987
h/o Gladys Smotherman Austin-Burkhalter-Houston (from Emhouse); s/o Robert Lee
Houston & Nancy Lou (Moore) Houston
Mount Olivet Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX |
Mattisue Inabnit
Mattisue (Inabnit) Peeples
Sep 2, 1903 - Aug 20, 1989
Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery, Houston, Harris Co., TX |
Stella Jarett
Ray E. Lee
Corinne Lotspiech
Ethel McCuiston
Eula Milburn
Joseph H. Miller
Martha Miller
Arthur Mowlam
I believe this is the same as
James Arthur Mowlam, son of
William A. Mowlam.
James Arthur Mowlam was born Dec 6, 1903 and Died Oct 23, 1997. The SSDI
shows his last residence as Warren, Tyler Co., TX |
Martha Murchison
Percy Oliver
James F. Patrick
Lovelle Pittman |
Archie Lovelle (Pittman) Caldwell
Oakwood Cemetery
Appears in the 1919 Sophomore Class |
Ollie Pogue
William Edwin Pugh, Jr.
William Edwin Pugh, Jr.
Jul 29, 1901 - Jun 25, 1987
Greenwood Memorial Park, San Diego, San Diego Co., CA |
Vivian P. Ringer
Vivian Percival "Vip" Ringer
Dec 1, 1904 - Aug 4, 1986
Forest Park Cemetery, Houston, Harris Co., TX |
Margaret Roderick
George Roper
Lillian Samuels
Louise Sedgely
Katherine Shell
Irvie M. Sparkman
Irvie Milton Sparkman
May 31, 1902 - May 23, 1969
Grace Hill Cemetery, Longview, Gregg Co., TX |
Jessie Stephens
Hugh M.
Robert E. Whitten
Marguerite Wilson
Lucille Wooley
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams