First Yearbook
Printed in Corsicana
Corsicana, Navarro County Texas
Class of 1916 Items |

Corsicana High School
Index || 1916 CHS Yearbook
Citizens Who Help Annual
Management of the High School Book Meeting Success
The following is a list of citizens who recognize the High
School as the greatest institution in the city and who are ever
ready to respond when the school calls for assistance.
Last year, for the first time in its history, the school
published an Annual, a book which was a success in every sense
of the word. The main expense of the publication last year was
and will be this year, borne by the students themselves, but
since the cost cannot be met entirely by the student body, other
means are necessarily employed to raise the remainder.
Last year this amount was secured by the sale of advertising
space to the merchants. This year, however, the Retail Merchants
Association and Business League have not seen fit to endorse the
publication as an advertising medium and have strongly
recommended the taking of subscriptions for the support of the
Working under this plan the managers of the 1917 Annual have
already raised from capitalists, merchants and professional men
approximately half the required amounts. The Annual will cost
the managers this year $850 and they are appealing to the
citizens for $350 of this amount. Out of the long list of
citizens approached so far not a dozen have refused to help to
some extent. The school is asking for the money as a support for
a community proposition and as everyone recognizes it as such,
they are having very good luck. They have a large amount to
raise, however, and only a very short time in which to raise it
and every citizen should come to their support.
The list below is to be considered a list of honor for everyone
who pledges so much support of the publication thus puts himself
among those who welcome any move that is for the advancement of
the educational system of the city.
Those who have contributed to the Annual fund are:
Capt. Chas. H. Allyn
Capt. James Caritty
Crescent Clothing Company
Royall Coffee Company
H. Iversen
Marks Bros.
J. M. Dyer
Jarett Dry Goods Company
K. Wolens
Richardson Studio
Johnson Clothing Company
Walton Furniture Compnay
J. E. Butler
Sowell Bros.
Griffen-Gregg Harper Drug Co.
Williams Drug Company
A. P. Wood
E. A. Johnson Drug Company
City Book Store
J. L. Halbert
A. H. Kerr
V. V. McKinney
First State Bank
Dr. Trim Houston
Collin Street Printing Company
Brooks Cash Grocery
White’s Meat Market
Connor & Harrison
Big 4 Shoe Store
Wareing Bros.
Simon Daniels
Thomas Cash Grocery
Dr. B. F. Houston
Clyde D Stell
George Daniels
Hotel Main
American Well & Prospecting Co.
Miss Porter Rice
J. S. Roderick
Navarro Printing Co.
Miller Paint Store
Beaton & Bagby
Frank P Wood
J. Jacobs
J. S. Anderson
Harvey Grantham
P. Samuels
Palace Barber Shop
A. W. Leverman
M. M. Miller
M. L. Levine
A. L. Hampton
Charles Pisek
Hughes Transfer Company
Lockhart Transfer Compnay
Johnson & Brown, Barbers
Gabriel Goldberg
Ed. M. Polk
Richard Mays
Jack & Jack
Ben Rosenberg
Dr. L. C. Polk
Dr. R. N. Holloway
Dr. L. E. Kelton
B. H. Woods, Jr.
Harry Kaufman
Ray Lee
Douglas Jackson
N. L. Benson
Union Woolen Mills
Watch for additions to this list of loyal citizens.
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams