The Corsican
Volume 25 - 1941
Year Book of Corsicana High School
Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas |

Index || Corsicana High School
1941 Class Ring ||
1941 Corsicana High Classmates
To Mr. G. T. Dickinson, our sponsor, whose help and guidance has endeared him to all, whose
directing of the senior play has made us all proud, and whose interest in all C. H. S. students has made him lasting
friends, we, the class of 1941, dedicate this twenty-sixth volume of our
year book.
Our Congressman Speaks
Congress of the United States
House of Representatives, Washington D.C.
You are graduating from High School in one of the most eventful and
critical periods of the world's history. Not since the foundation of
our Government has it been so seriously threatened from without, as now.
The existence of Democratic Governments throughout the world has been
challenged by the Axis or Totalitarian Powers. They are enemies, not
alone of democracy, but of civilization itself, and where they have
triumphed, religion, liberty and freedom of thought have been destroyed.
Our Government is mobilizing in the man-power of the nation and training
them for our defense. Vast sums of money are being spent in the building
of battleships, planes, guns and other armaments and national defense
and national unity are of paramount importance in preventing war and
saving America. But of greater importance than all these is the character and stamina of
our people to meet this crisis. The youth of America are challenged as
never before to give their best for their country, and I know that you,
as patriotic Americans, will do your part in preserving our Government,
its ideals and those things for which America has always stood and will
continue to stand, by the grace of God.
Luther A. Johnson
The President of Our Board Speaks
To the Students of C.H.S.
Now that we are fast approaching the close of another school year, it
again becomes my pleasure to address these few words to you.
In leaving school to assume your places in the world of today, you will
be entering into a new and fascinating way of life; one not withstanding, however, that is fraught with temptation and doubt. For
these, and the days to come, are trying days, in as much as our country,
and all for which it stands may be in grave peril. It is up to the youth of our nation, to see that these impending
dangers, and threats, are banished from our shores. For in youth there
is courage - and a zeal to overcome all obstacles - once youth is convinced of the right.
And it is through education that one is able to determine the right way
of life. Ignorance has always been, and always will be, the greatest
foe of democracy. So my parting words to you are "Rally to the support of your country."
Usa all the knowledge and skill at your command, to bring happiness and
well being, not only unto yourselves; so temper your minds and thoughts, that this nation, will ever be known as the home of the brave
and the land of the free.
Sincerely yours, W. P. McCammon
President of the Board of Education
Photo: Mrs. F. A. Pierce, Mr. J. H. Sullivan, Secretary, Mrs., H. R.
Stroube, Vice President, Mr. W. P. McCammon, President, Mr. R. L.
Wheelock, Dr. W. K. Logsdon, Dr. J. W. David, Mr. W. H. Norwood
Our Superintendent Speaks
To the Students of the High School, Corsicana, Texas As loyal patriotic Americans, we should always be conscious of the
values afforded by our government which is a constitutional
representative democracy. We must hold fast to the precious liberties
that are the very foundations of our American way of life.
Our situation is the world today is unique in that there yet remains
with us the privilege of attending the church of our choice, of electing
our government representative in free elections, of saying and writing,
of reading and hearing what we please. We may live and work where we
will; we may invest our savings as we choose. These liberties are our
priceless heritage.
To safeguard our independence as a nation we must have a strong and
united purpose. We must mobilize our intellectual moral, and spiritual
resources as well as build armaments. Let us stand together for the
preservation of our beloved land now and forever.
Sincerely yours,
W. H. Norwood
Superintendent of Schools
Our Principal Speaks Our forefathers realized that a system of universal public education was
necessary as one of the greatest aids to our common defense and prosperity. In the ordinance of 1787 establishing the Northwest
Territory they included this significant statement - Religion, morality,
and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of
mankind schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged.
The tireless efforts of the parents and teachers who have gone before us
have given the present generation one of the most important agencies for
our civilization. The American school is the privilege, pride, and
servant of every American boy and girl. May each of us realize our
privilege and responsibility in improving the ideals of American life through our fine system of education.
O. P. Douglas.
In Memory of William Crowe When youth is cut short by the grim hand of Death,
The loved ones and friends left behind
Are likely to cry out that Fate is unjust,
And the Powers on high are unkind.
But when we consider the ills of this earth,
Where troubles and cares fall in showers,
We know that the sentence was passed from above By a judgment for better than ours.
So it was with our school chum, who left a while back
To face the inevitable call,
But the memory remains of a brave, sincere lad,
Who was loved and respected by all.
-- Dolly Burge.
In Memory of Rosalind Hawthorne
The sun was shining brightly a short while ago,
But now a cloud of grief passes by,
The birds don't sing so sweetly, the spring has lost its glow,
The azure flush is gone from the sky.
The beauty of the sunshine is dimmed for us below,
Another of our friends has left our side,
But we will ne'er forget her, and our side,
But we will ne'er forget her, and in our hearts we know,
In a better, brighter place she will reside.
-- Dolly Burge. |
No Propaganda From These
They Teach Loyalty to the "American Way"
And Win Our Respect For Their Stand
Of Instilling in Us The Right Principles
Don Q. Adams: Southwestern University, Texas Tech, Northwestern, Texas, A&M,
S.H.S.T.C., S.W.S.T.C., N.T.S.T.C. - English
H. C. Allen: B.A.; University of Texas, Trinity University - History
R. A. Armistead: A.B.M.A., Baylor University - History, Speech, Activities
R. Lano Barron: B.S., M.S.; Oklahoma A&M, Texas A&M - Vocational,
Helen Bonner: B.A.; University of Texas - History
M. S. Cook: B.S., M.S.; S.M.U., N.T.S.T.C., Northwestern University -
Mathmatics, English, History
Mary E. Crutchfield: B.S.; S.H.S.T.C. - Physical Education
Hortense Davant: A.B.; N.T.S.T.C. - English
G. T. Dickinson: B.A., M.A.; Baylor University, N.T.S.T.C. - English
Louie D. Agnew Elliot: A.B.; Baylor, American Conservatory of Music, University of Texas - Latin, English
L. P. Forsythe: B.S., M.A.; Kansas State Teachers College, Texas A&M -
Industrial Education
Fred Graham: B.A.; Baylor University - History, Physical Education
Hazel Hardage: B.A., M.A.; Ouachita College, Peabody College, University
of California, University of Tennessee, Columbia University - Biology
B.E. Jeffers: B.A.; S.M.U., University of Texas - Mathematics
H. L. Hill: B.M.; Hardin-Simmons University - Band
Anna Belle Kiber: B.A.; T.S.C.W., University of Colorado, University of Texas - English
Margaret Lowry: M.B.; Tulane University - Music
Lloyd J. McCall: B.A.; Trinity University, N.T.S.T.C. - English
Lucille Marsh: B.A., M.A.; Baylor University - Spanish
John A. Pierce: B.S.; Texas A&M - Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing
Johnny R. Shoemaker: B.S.; N.T.S.T.C. - Bookkeeping, Typing
Edna Watson: B.A., B.S. in L.S.T.W.C., University of Texas, T.S.C.W., University of Southern California - Librarian
Minnie Wiles: A.B., M.A.; S.M.U., University of Chicago, Peabody College
- History, Civics, Economics
J. G. Willard: B.A., M.A.; University of Texas - Chemistry, Physics
Mrs. Murphy Williams: B.S.; University of Texas, Columbia University - Homemaking
K. Manette Wilson: B.A.; Octterbein College - Commercial
Mrs. Lislie K. Wareing: Secretary to Principal
Maxine Bates: Secretary to Supertendent
Wardine Magnanent: Secretary to Supertendent
The Class of 1941
Senior Class Officers:
President, Bruce Sullivan
Vice-President, Margaret Metcalf
Secretary, Charles Deveny
Treasurer, Kenneth Oden
Betty Wheelock |
President, Bruce Sullivan
Vice-President, Johnnie Garitty
Secretary, Tula Johnapelus
Treasurer, Margaret Metcalf
Reporter, Dolly Burge |
Paul Ray Baggatt
Ruth Berrier "Strawberries"
Gurlie La Verne Bivin "Skeeter"
Mariann Bell
Doris Biddy "Biddy"
Ed Blackburn "Ham"
Cora Frances Blanding "Corie"
Jeff Bondurant "Coach"
Elizabeth Blakney "Jackie"
J. R. Blumrosen "Bud"
Bettie Sue Bonner
Josephine Borselino "Josey"
Lilla Jean Brown
Marie Bonner "Bonner"
Billy Bradford "Willie"
Neva Mirl Bruce
Frank Budai
Harbert Burkhart "Burk"
Sylvan Brustein "Steen"
Dolly Burge
Dorothy Butler "Dotty"
Johnny Chirafis "Bomber"
Juanita Cook "Cookie"
Melvyn Lynn Clark "G-Man"
Robert Cocke
William Crowe
Gene Cummins "Happy"
Calvn Currington
Billy Crowley "Bill"
Dan Cunningham "Muzzy"
Jimmy Currington "Sheriff"
Mary Evalyn Daniel "Sugarfoot"
Alton Davis
Roslyn Daiches "Roz"
Frances Davidson
Lynn Davis
Frances Donoho
Ed Ellington "Scout"
Charles Deveny
Frank Dunton
Terry Fluker
Alouise Foster
William Gathright
Paul Flynn
Johnnie Garitty
Campbell Gillespie
Pearl Estell Gordon "Peggy"
Carrie Bess Gray "Wigs"
Emma Jean Godfrey "Godfrey"
Ishmael Granger
Edwin Grantham
Bonnie Green
Verne Hale "Blimp"
Marjorie Dole Grantham "Margie"
Ruby Griffith
Santley Hardison "W5JLN"
Dorothy Harrison |
Richard Harwell "Pete"
Charles Henry Harrison "The Bull"
Kathryn Harris "Kat"
Jesse C. Speed "Cov"
Mary Etta Herod
Elsie Hopwood "Skeeter"
Gladys Hayes
Kathryn Hester "Kathy"
Lonnie Belle Hosch
Frenchie Huff
Tula Johnapelus "Screwball"
Lillian Howard "To-To"
Glenn Hutchins
Craig Kennedy "Jackie"
Norma King
Tabby Lorena Lancaster "Tabby"
Billy Kessinger
Katie Ruth Knighten "Ka-tee"
Frank Wright
Bob Lee
Leon Levy "Looie"
Robert Layton "Layton"
Peggy Jean Lee
Doris Nell Lindsey "Kitty"
Lavita Love
Mary Elizabeth Marshall "Shorty"
Tate Lindsey
Lois Madden
Hazel Mann "Ting"
Garrett McAfee
John McColpin
Gladys Lorene Mann "Lucky"
Martha Jo McClung
Jewel McDonald "Jerry"
Albert McMichael "Mac"
Guy McWherter
Billy McKie
Tom McPherson "Sandy"
Margaret Metcalf "Mag"
Elizabeth Molloy "Molloy"
Jimmy Morris
Lois Miller
Theo Montfort "Herman"
Leland Morton "Bud"
Billy Murphree "Frankfurter"
Peggy Norriss
Mike Mullins
Rosalie Noel "Rosie"
Rufus Nutt "Sheriff"
Jack O'Neill "Speedy"
Joyce Parker "Parker"
Kenneth Oden
Betty Owen "Owen"
Pat Patrick
Nancy Pittman
Felto Prewitt "Pency"
Cloyd Peabody "Shark" |
Jimmy Plyler "Blubber"
Vivian Prewitt "Diddy"
Worsham Pryor "Irishman"
Martha Rainwater "Ponto"
Raymond Prine "Prof"
Robert Lynn Pugh "Sonny"
Joan Ramsey "Jo"
Dottie Lee Reed "Dotty"
Beulah Belle Roberts
Billy Bob Ransom "Ransom"
Jane Rittersbacher "Blonie"
Forest Robinson
Kenneth Roxburgh "Roxy"
Hawkins Scarborough "Hawk"
Dorothy Roxburgh "Dot"
Jack Russell "Jackson"
Loyd Sharpley
Oscar Shelton
James Shook
Ethel Shaw
Rosa Mae Sherrard
Anna Mays Slay "Slay"
Jack Smith "Blackjack"
W. M. Spear "Squat"
Bryant Sloane
Nellie Jo Smith "Jodie"
Ethel Stephens
Joyce Summerall "Gracie"
Mary Ellen Sutton
Bruce Sullivan
Kenwerd Sutton "Shifty"
Glenn Talley
Alice Tatum "Tubby"
Jim Taylor
Martha Tarver "Tarmer"
Cynthia Taylor
Joe Bob Tekell
Kenneth Terry
Martha Ann Waddell
Joe Terry
Clarence Travis
Edgar Lee Ward
Ruth Wentworth
James Wilkinson
Buena Allyn Watt "Gracie"
Tom Westbrook "Eastpond"
Margaret Willard "Baby Margaret"
Lewis Williams
Betty Wheelock "Sleepy"
Alvin Williams
Paul Wilson "Red"
John Wheelock
Lida Lynn Wood
Count Wright
Duane Womack "Coonie"
Dolores Wortham "Ozzie" |
- The Class of 1942
Junior Class Officers:
President, Dorothy Wolens
Vice-President, James Ellett
Secretary, Jack Roberts
Treasurer, Jack Roberts
Reporter, June Fauber |
President, James Ellett
Vice-President, Dorothy Wolens
Secretary, Patsy Ramsey
Treasurer, Wilbur Thompson
Reporter, Barbara Jester |
Chanda Acock
Gail Adams
John Autry
Eugene Beale
Helen Beauchamp
Betty Jo Benton
Geraldine Bishop
Rosemary Blackburn
Ruth Brackeen
Ruth Brackeen
Bill Brannon
Doris Marie Brown
Ima Budai
Jimmie Nell Bush
Billy Butler
Barbara Byrd
Martha Sue Carroll
Eleanor Chambliss
J. C. Collier
Frances Conner
Doris Daniel
Herschel Daniel
Joe Daniel
E. B. Dawson
Joan Douglas
Suzan Dunbar
Patty Dunton
James Ellett
Joyce Elliott
Betty Eron
Billy Estes
Lois Evans
La Voyce Farish
June Fauber
Jimmie Fogarty
P. D. Fullwood
Olivia Garrett
Loretta Garrison
Loretta Garrison
Dorothy Gentry
Bobby Jo George
Gordon George
Jane George |
Billy Gilliam
Hugh Gillespie
Allen Golden
Eileen Golden
Frances Grossman
Billy Lou Gunlock
Henry Ellis Haley
Mary Hamill
Elizabeth Harris
Alice Harwell
Jennie Ree Hayes
Walter Hayes
Darrell Hester
Hazel Hodges
Clifford Holloway
Iona Hopkins
Ruth Hornburg
Hazel Howard
Chaldine Hulsey
Mattie Hutchins
Patricia Jackson
Barbara Jester
Stella Johnapelus
Billy Kenner
Ralph Knight
Niki Koutsigos
Arthur Levi
Bobby Levy
Constance Logsdon
Gerald Long
Lislie Lynch
Velma Lee Mariman
John McAdams
Dorothy McBroom
Ben McKie
A. D. McMullan
Billy McNutt
Beulah Miller
Jo Lynn Morgan
Sara Beth Mullins
Christine Neese
Colleen O'Daniel
Margaret Page |
John Ray Pinkston
Kay Pinkston
Ellen Purifoy
Russell Purifoy
Edwin Rainey
Frances Rainwater
Patsy Ramsay
Margaret Ratliff
Ima Roberson
Jack Roberts
Betty Robinson
Paul Robinson
Paul Rogers
Arlee Roland
Ruth Sharpley
Betty Sue Skinner
Marjorie Slate
Frances Slaughter
Virginia Ann Smith
Paul Spear
Jack Springfield
Geneva Spurlock
Betty Stell
Gwynn Sutton
Mary Szenasy
Wilbur Thompson
Annie Maud Tilton
Hall Treadaway
Doris Tucker
Mina Vee Turner
Johnny Varley
Charles Washburn
Jean Warren
Norman Werner
Edgar Williamson
Annie Beatrice Winkler
Dorothy Wolens
Jay Marvin Wolens
Hugh Wood
Lelia Wright
Robert Paschal |
The Class of 1943
Sophomore Class Officers:
President, Bill Brietz
Vice-President, Tommy Roxburgh
Secretary, Jo Peacock
Reporter, Billy Bob Tinkle
Treasurer, Tommye Jeane Noble |
Presidnet, Bill Brietz
Vice-President, James Lester Harwell
Secretary, Jo Peacock
Reporter, June Panton
Treasurer, Molly Beth Robinson |
Bobby Butler
Jimmie Baggett
Gene Bunch
Ed Clark
Clayton Bridges
Billy Campbell
Jim Lee Brent
Ben Bunch
Margaret Anderson
Katie Lee Bonner
Junior Connell
Lloyd Adams
Joe Bunch
Homer Andrews
Bobby Andrews
Bill Brietz
Worsham Crawford
Billy Conant
Walter Collins
Peggy Coffey
Dorothy Jean Barron
Imogene Baker
Gloria Burke
Berneece Clarke
Norma Jean Butler
Pauline Bryan
Alice Brewer
Erma Ball
Thelma Bowden
Mary Jean Bounds
Billie Ann Butler
Wilburn Boone
Robert Burge
Delynn Bales
Bernard Crowe
Ralph Boyd
Nellie Cason
Andrew Bonner
Audie May Cravans
Sue Cason
Jean Blizzard
Peggy Connell
Billy Coker
Doyle Coley
Cecil Aldama
Neal Crawford
Jim Campbell
J. D. Chaney
Mary Fogarty
Joye Haynes
Pearl Farmer
Vivian Graham
Billie Jo Elmore
Charles Davis
Betty Sue Hedrick
Mary Frances Keel
Glen Iker
Geraldine Gibson
Carl Deaton
Betty Lafern Gallagher
Helen Johnston
Martin Green
Warren Hart
Elward Harrison
J. L. Heifner
Ivorine Emery
Annie Hopper
Geraldine Griffin
Billy Joe Fluker
Thomas Hand
Dorothy David
Dorothy Hanks
Sybil Hooper
Reba Hawthorne
Marsylene Hardison
Patty Verne Ford
Charlie Jordan
Annie Gathright
Robert Joyner
Lona Gandy
Lewis Dugger
Glinna Merl Johnson
Thomas Kennemore
Lerline Jones
Doyle Keeling
Pat Keen
Jack Hardison
Sam Dunn
Dan McBroom
Billy Ann Marney
Peggy Zene McCrary
Marceline McCafferty
Kenneth McAfee
Homer Murphey
Betty Mathews
Nettie V. Moore
Ruby Jewell Melton
Nell Mazee
Edna Lewis
Jaydeene Laramore
Paul Lake
Tommy Roxburgh
Rudolph Palmer
Leonard Odom
Juanita Odom
Warnell Osborne
Vera Dee Phelps
Wilda Frances Rainwater
Jo Peacock
James Kent Parker
Dorothy Murphy
Julia Newcomb
Lometa Rogers
Peggy Roberson
Spencer Elliott
Bill Regester
Fae De Chaume
Patty Buchanan
Mildred Gardner
Henry Lee Marr
Glenna O'Rourke
Mariella Nutt
Katherine Nowell
Maxine Reese
Douglas Pollard
Tommye Jeane Noble
Joe McAfee
Etta Fay May
Calvin Renfrow
James McMillan
Rose Marie Palmer
Bardley Stegall
Newton Burke
Ray Blood
Ernest Cherry
Emma Lee Lewis
A. R. Nelson
Bobby Locklar
J. B. Paschal, Jr.
Ernest Bridger
Barbara Robinson
J. D. Ratliff
Vernon Lechudd
Jerry Smith
Marie Scoggins
Ross Sutton
Jewell Ward
Glenn Stewart
Oleta Smith
Tommy Waters
Ruth Sloan
Louis Winter
Roberta Taylor
Billy Fae Wood
Bennie Fae Wood
Burvin Smith
Lena Rose Valentine
Shelby Stone
Betty Seale
Dorothy Jean Wright
Jasper Deming
Josephine Winkler
Billy Bob Tinkle
Maydell Weatherby
Gus Watson
Ella Belle Woods
Vernon White
Jo Nell Scott
Alvis Tucker
Carole Wiggins
Doris Wilds
Jeanette Smith
Charles Joe Warrington
Willie Schluneger
Vida Lee Smith
Bogner Stubbs
Ever Lenner Scoff
Vivian Womack
Omer Vinson
Jack Youngblood
Dorothy Soape
Ernest Fogg
Artie Lee Vaughn
Burnett Shivers
Benny Siler
Wesley Sharpley
Arlie Stewart
Leslie Ray Turner
Cobsy Steen
C. L. Williamson
John Womack
Herschel Daniel
Bob Walling
Willie Marr
Billy Gaulding
G. F. Granger
Harold Wilson
Clarance Ne Smith
Harold Howard
Lewis Willerford
Thomas Williamson
Marie Oden
Cora Nell Stanley
Mary Frances Sykes
Dana Rose Arnett
Gwen Kennedy
Roselline Sharrer
Mary Bird Moore
Wanda Fae Finch
Billy Berrier |
Thomas Blanton
James Fowler
Earl Lewis
Perry Slaughter
Lloyd Howard
W. C. Watson
Harold Henderson
James Bullington
Leonard Lundy
Betty Bradford
Tommy Frances Scoggins
Cora Van Varley
Betty Jo Murr
Bobbie Jean Wilson
Geraldine Carden
Marcelle Allred
Ruth Barn
Martha Ronning
Allene Woods
Mary Hadley
Evelyn Lewis
Frances Cox
Rose Marie Wilson
Billie Dein Crouch
Margaret Barnes
Charles Clark
Edward Lane
Wesley Jordan
William C. Farmer
Fred Langridge
Chester Loftis
R. T. Mathis
Don Rainey
Joe Baumgartner
Baxter Cozley
Marvin Crowe
Ralph Poole
Billy Joe Tally
Joe David Jeffers
Thurman Cobb
Bradley Speed
John Taylor
Louis Hashop
Whit King
Herby Stewart
Thomas Hayden Paschall
Gene Dunn
Cody Sherrard
Hugh Rouse
Joe Burnett
James Lester Harwell
James Robinson
Aubrey Lee Young
Rex Bower
R. T. Mathis
Edward Bostwick
J. D. Williams
Alvin Prince
Rudolph Lake
Glynn Palmer
Wayne Rodgers
Paul Turner
Harold Trone
Tom Castles
Emma Laura Tallant
Barbara Jo Marshall
Dorothy Whitener
Opal Fae Ward
Frances Steele
Louise Conant
Bobbie Mahoney
Revay Brannon
Rose Marie Williams
Barbara Sloan
Betty Everitt
Betty McLain
Dorothy Bush
Lera Jean Spencer
Doris Jean Elliott
Dorilee Quinn
Martha Jane Burris
Wanda Williams
Marjorie Wolens
Lelia Beth Wilkinson
La Verne Hunt
Glennie Sue Bressie
Betty Dell Trimble
Mary Frances Prince
Joyce Bell
Dorothy King
June Panton
Mary Derden
Hester Ruth Speed
Pat Loney
Jane Jackson
Byron Cocke
Margaret Wells
Molly Beth Robinson
Frances Smotherman
Norma Jean Farmer
Betty Parsons
Lurene Marlow
Ann Hodges |
Patty Dunton - Most Attractive Girl
James Ellett - Best Looking Boy
Ethel Stephens - Sweetest Girl
Kenwerd Sutton - Best Liked Boy
Margaret Metcalf - Most Representative Girl
Bruce Sullivan - Most Representative Boy
Martha Tarver - Most Valuable Pep Squad Girl
Elizabeth Molloy - Queen of C.H.S.
The Tigers played a full ten game schedule in the
season of 1940. When the smoke had cleared away and the dust had
been settled by the rain, the records showed five victories, two ties,
and three defeats. The losses were all close and hard
fought. Sunset, who won over us by one touchdown, went on to win
their district title. Temple, in a game which was much closer than
the score indicated triumphed 14-0 and went ahead to win the tough
district ten title and advanced in the state championship playoffs to
the finals where they were beaten by a slightly rugged Amarillo
team. Up to the Amarillo game, Corsicana gained the most yardage
against this highly defensive combination of football players.
Bryan also beat the Tigers by only six points. The ties, both
scoreless, were credited to Corsicana on penetrations. C.H.S. had
two penetrations to Hillsboro's one and four to Waxahachie's one.
The remainder of the games were won with hard
fighting, plenty of determination and co-operation, and the will to win.
Throughout the season the team was backed by a loyal
student body, a pep squad that was really full of pep, and a loud, ever
faithful band. The pep squad is lauded for its excellent twirling
and marching formations. it was sponsored again this year by Mrs.
Elliot, Mrs. Jack McKinney, and the great C.H.S. Dad's Club. Our
pep squad was ably led by a quartet of cheer leaders who ranked first
after no one else. They were W. M. Spear, Tula Johnapelus, Joyce
Parker, and Joe Daniels. Jo is the only one returning and will
carry on next year. W. M. Tula, and Joyce will be missed greatly
next fall.
The Tigers are known for clean sportsmanship and hard
fighting. If an opponent takes them for a snap they are sorry
afterwards. It is with lots of admiration and respect that we can
point to the boys in the Blue and Gold and truly say to the whole world
Tiger's Schedule for 1940
Date |
Opponent |
Opp. |
C.H.S. |
September 13 |
Mexia |
0 |
38 |
September 20 |
Sunset (Dallas) |
7 |
0 |
September 27 |
Bryan |
6 |
0 |
October 4 |
Tyler |
6 |
12 |
October 11 |
Hillsboro |
0 |
0 |
October 18 |
Athens |
13 |
14 |
October 25 |
Waco |
0 |
14 |
November 1 |
Waxahachie |
0 |
0 |
November 15 |
Temple |
14 |
0 |
November 22 |
Cleburne |
6 |
20 |
Total Scores
...... |
..... |
52 |
98 |
Leon Barnes, Tackle
Leon was a big boy and used his weight to a good advantage. We are
glad that he will be back next year and predict all-district for Leon.
Bill Brannon, Guard
Bill was a little but tough boy. He never stopped fighting; he did
his part of the blocking and tackling. We're sorry that Bill won't
be back next year.
Earl Bryant, Back
Earl played a good, hard brand of ball this year in the backfield.
He will not be back next year, and we will miss him greatly.
Frank Budai, End
Frank played his position well and will be missed next year.
J. O. Carver, Tackle
J. O. tackled and blocked hard. He never let down the pressure in
a game. We expect an all-district man in J. O. next year.
Johnny Chirafis, Guard
Johnny is a tough as they come. He was in there fighting all the
time. Johnny made all district this year and we predict all-state
for him next year.
Gene Cummins, Guard
Gene played guard and was the boy who kicked the points after touchdowns
for us. Gene will have another big season next year.
Sonny Ellett, Back
Sonny called signals and did a jam-up job at this. He could also
run with the ball. We expect great things from him next year.
Ed Ellington, Back
Ed also called signals for the Tigers. We expected great things
from Ed next year.
Johnnie Garitty, Back
Johnnie could really carry the mail. He never gave up and that is
why he will be missed next year.
William Gathright, Back
William played tailback and made all-district 10 team. He will
make some college a good player next year.
Verne Hale, Guard
This was Verne's last year and he made the most of it. He played
the game rough and rugged. He'll be missed next year.
Albert McMichael, Back
Albert was another little boy with lots of power. He could also
sling those passes. He will be greatly missed next year, being a
day too old to play for C.H.S. again.
Billy (BOOB) McNutt, Center
Boob played a good season at center. He will be back next year.
Rufus Nutt, Guard
Rufus was a little boy but he had plenty of drive. He played the
game hard and liked it. He will be greatly missed next year.
Jimmy Plyler, Tackle
Jimmy is a big tough boy who is hard to handle on the gridiron. We
are expecting an all-district tackle in Jimmy next year.
Felto Prewitt, Center
Felto made all-state this year and he deserved it. He asked no
quarter and gave none. Here's to another all-state center next
Jack Roberts, Guard
J. H. is a big boy who plays the game hard and for his enjoyment.
We're expecting him to make all-district next year.
Jesse Speed, Tackle
Jesse is another all-district man. He is a big boy and handles
himself well. He, too, is leaving and should make any college team
for which he tries.
Bruce Sullivan, End
Bruce is tall and plays end well. He often spilled the opposition
for considerable looses. He will be missed next year.
Gwynn Sutton, End
Gwynn didn't stop fighting a minute this season. He snagged plenty
of passes, both ours and the opponents'. Good luck to Gwynn next
Kenwerd Sutton, End, Back
Ken played both of his positions well. We are sorry to loose
Shifty to some university next year.
Jim Taylor, Back
Jim also called signals and made a name for himself running with the
ball. He will really be missed next year.
Kenneth Terry, Back
Ken played tailback and could run with the ball. His spirit and
fight will be missed next year.
Robert Bittner, Manager
The Corsicana Bengals Basketball team had a fairly
successful season with 13 wins to only 9 losses. The only teams
that were able to halt these speedy cagers were Waco, Highland Park,
Dallas Tech., Cleburne, and Bryan. The other games were won by
decisive margins by the Tigers, and every game had its thrills.
The jungle beasts recorded 662 points to 595 points for their opponents.
The Tigers held up the standard for which they are
noted. When they lost a game they lost it fairly. They
always played hard, clean basketball. Here's to a team of boys who
have made a fine and honorable record that represented the Blue and
The Tiger loopers lose five of the seven letter men
from its squad this year. The other two with some up-and-comming
scrubs are expected to do big things next year and make all C.H.S. proud
of them.
Earl Bryant, Guard
We are sorry to lose Earl this year. He was a very capable guard
and scored his share of the points.
Louis Kormos, Forward
Louis was one of the main reasons we won 13 games this year. He
scored plenty of points and played forward well. We will miss
Louis next year.
Albert McMichael, Forward
Albert is not so tall but makes up for it in speed and ball
handling. He also scored his share of points. Albert will be
missed in 1942.
Jimmy Plyler, Guard
Jimmy is the big boy who can really get around. He played guard
well and scored more than his share of the points. We are glad to
have him back next year and are expecting a lot from him.
W. M. Spear, Guard
This was W. M.'s last year at C.H.S. He will be greatly
missed. W. M. was high scoring man on the Tiger team. He
also played his guard position superb.
Kenwerd Sutton, Center
Kenwerd made the all-district team for his good play in Waco at the
district meet. He is a tall boy who learned how to shoot and was
very helpful to the team all year. We are sorry to say that he
won't be back next year.
Billy Whitefield, Forward
This was Billy's fist year on the team. He really made a good
impression. Besides scoring points he played his defensive
position well. We expect a lot from Billy next year.
Tom Westbrook, Manager
The tennis team is under the fine coaching of M. S.
Cook. The girls and boys who are out for tennis this season are W.
M. Spear, Sylvan Brustein, Tate Lindsey, Margaret Willard, Walter Hayes,
Jo Peacock, Jo Polk, Bonnie Green, Barbara Robinson, Martha Tarver, and
Betty Wheelock.
W. M. Spear has won the district title for the past
two years. We expect him to go far in the state race this year.
The Tiger track team has shown more enthusiasm than
has been shown in the past few years. They are all preparing with
earnest to win an honor at the district meet which it to be held April 5
at Waco.
The track team is composed of Jesse Speed, Frank
Budai, Ed Ellington, J. D. Cheney, Manuel Adame, Joe Bob Tekell, Cloyd
Peabody, Ben McKie, Frank Wright, roy Jordan, Johnny Varley, Joe Bunch.
Corsican Staff
Editor-in-Chief ... Margaret Metcalf
Business Manager ... Betty Wheelock
Assistant Editor ... Mary Hamill
Assistant Managers ... Dorothy Wolens, Martha Tarver,
Frank Dunton, Sylvan Brustein, Constance Logsdon, Anna Mays Slay, Bruce
Class Editors ... Elizabeth Molloy, Alice Tatum,
Verne Hale
Organization Editors ... Lida Lynn Wood, Charles
Deveny, Buena Allyn Watt
Literary Editors ... Dolly Burge, Neva Mirl Bruce
Feature Editors ... Jane Rittersbacher, Harbert
Burkhart, Robert Layton, Raymond Prine, John Wheelock, Dorlores Wortham
Athletic Editor ... Tom Westbrook
Humor Editors ... Billy Bob Ransom, Cynthia Taylor,
Robert Cocke
Typists ... Carrie Bess Gray, Bonnie Green
Sponsor ... Eda Watson
A. Y. L. I. Club
Sponsor ... Mr. Cook
President ... Leland Morton, Anna Mays Slay
Vice-President ... Betty Jo Benton, Mary Hamill
Secretary ... Mary Hamill, Martha Tarver
Governing Board ... Alice Tatum, Leland Morton, Martha Tarver, Lloyd
Sharpley, Elizabeth Molloy
Benton, Betty Jo.
Blackburn, Rosemary
Borsellino, Bessie
Bowden, Thelma
Bressie, Glennie Sue
Brown, Doris
Bush, Jimmie Nell
Crowley, Billie
Daiches, Rosalyn
Dunbar, Susan
Hamill, Mary
Hardison, Marsylene
Keen, Patricia
Lancaster, Tabby
Logsdon, Connie
Marshall, Mary E. |
Metcalf, Margaret
Molloy, Elizabeth
Morgan, Jo Lynn
Owen, Betty
Panton, June
Peacock, Jo
Pinkston, Kay
Purifoy, Ellen
Ramsey, Patsy
Ransom, Billy Bob
Rittersbacher, Jane
Slay, Anna Mays
Tarver, Martha
Tatum, Alice
Wheelock, Betty
Wolens, Dorothy |
Brustein, Sylvan
Cocke, Robert
Dawson, E. B.
Hashop, Louis
Kennedy, Craig
Knight, Ralph
McAdams, John
McNutt, Billy
Morton, Leland
Sharpley, Loyd
Spear, Paul
Trone, Harold
Wolens, Jay Martin
Womcak, John
Garitty, Johnnie
Patrick, Pat |
H. S. Band
Chanda Acock
Joe Burnett
Walter Collins
Watler Farmer
Lilla Sue Goodwin
Walter Hayes
Charles Henry Harrison
Helen Johnston
Leon Levy
Bobby Levy
Barbara Robinson
Tommy Roxburgh
Joe Terry
John Taylor
Bobby Waddell
Margaret Willard
Frank Wright
Maydell Weatherby
Eddie Daniels
Billie Estes
Billie Lou Gunlock
Henry Ellis Haley
Frenchie Huff
Tate Lindsey
Arlee Roland
John McAdams
Nevin Willard |
Buena Allyn Watt
Harold Trone
Leland Morton
John Womack
La Verne Hunt
Frances Smotherman
Melvyn Lynn Clark
Robert Lynn Pugh
Sylvan Brustein
Arthur Levi
Louis Hashop
Willie Schluneger
Frank Dunton
Ben Acock
Robert Layton
Calvin Currington
Jo Peacock
Baxter Cozby
Glenn Skinner |
James Lester Harwell
Milton Prine
Kenneth Roxburgh
Gene Brown
Jack Springfield
Betty Sue Skinner
Patty Dunton
Jimmy Nell Bush
Cora Frances Blanding
Patty Dunton
Pauline Peacock
Aline Peacock
Barbara Kay Hill
Elizabeth Molloy
June Fauber
Joyce Parker
H. L. Hill |
Boy's Glee Club
Sponsor ... Miss Lowry
President ... Kenneth Oden
Vice - President ... Edgar Lee Ward
Secretary ... Patsy Ramsey
Librarian ... Paul Wilson
Boyte, Lawrence
Bunch, Joe
Daniel, Herschel
Dunn, Sam
Farmer, Walter |
Oden, Kenneth
Sharpley, Loyd
Start, Herman
Davis, Alton
Hand, David |
Long, Oneal
Tallant, James Ray
Willard, Nevin
William, W. D.
Patsy, Ramsey, Accompanist |
Debate Club
President ... Darrell Hester
Vice-President ... Lilla Jean Brown
Secretary ... Billy Bradford
Treasurer ... E. B. Dawson
Anderson, Margaret
Bradford, Billy
Brown, Lilla Jean
Copeland, Joyce
Dawson, E. B.
Green, Bonnie |
Haley, Henry Ellis
Hester, Darrell
Hester, Katheryn
Armistead, Sponsor
Kennedy, Craig
Mariman, Velma Lee |
Noble, Tommye Jean
O'Rourke, Glenna
Slate, Margie
Slaughter, Frances
Scott, Jo Nell
Wright, Count |
Opportunities Club
Sponsor ... Miss Wilson
President ... Mildred Evans
Vice-President ... J. B. Paschal
Secretary - Treasurer ... Gladys Hayes
Program Chairman ... Peggy Lee
Anderson, Bobby
Bittner, Robert
Boyd, Ralph
Brietz, Bill
Jeffers, Joe
McMillan, James
Melton, Horace |
Paschal, J. B. Jr.
Scarborough, Hawkins
Vinson, Omer
Bivin, Gurlie
Bostwick, Artie Louise
Evans, Mildred
Everitt, Betty |
Hayes, Gladys
Hunt, La Verne
Kennemore, Pauline
Lee, Peggy
Marshall, Barbara Jo
Massey, Ruby Doris
Melton, Annie Katherine |
Fine Arts Club
Spring Term 1939 - 40
Velma Lee Mariman
Virginia Warnell
Susan Dunbar
Betty Ruth Matthews
Chanda Acock
Helen Beauchamp
Lillie Mae Berry
Barbara Byrd
June Fauber
Patricia Jackson
Barbara Jester
Dorothy McBroom
Patsy Ruth Ramsey
Nellie Jo Smith
Betty - Stell
Jay Marvin Wolens
Hazel Howard
Niki Koutsigos
Cora Frances Blanding
Lilla Jean Brown |
Carrie Bess Gray
Iona Hopkins
Peggy Jean Lee
Lavita Love
Margaret Metcalf
Louis Miller
Alice Tatum
Beuna Allyn Watt
Lida Lynn Wood
Jimmie Nell Bush
Aline Daniel
Jennie Ree Hays
Lavita Love
Virginia Warnell
Earl Williams
Patricia McDonald
Mary Elizabeth Marshall
Mary Ellen Sutton
Lida Lynn Wood |
Elizabeth Molloy
Jo Lynn Morgan
Anna Mays Slay
Bettie Jo Benton
Mary Hamill
Ellen Purifoy
Betty Sue Skinner
Dorothy Wolens
Mary Elizabeth Marshall
Betty Jo Owen
Joyce Parker
Jeannette Purifoy
Billy Bob Ransom
Alice Tatum
Margaret Willard
Tommye Jeane Noble |
Fall Term 1940 - 41
Dorothy Bush
Byron Cocke
Susan Dunbar
Lilla Sue Goodwin
James Lester Harwell
La Verne Hunt
Patricia Loney
Betty Ruth Matthews
Peggy Zene McCrary
Barbara Ann Robinson
Frances Smotherman
Marjorie Wolens
Martha Jane Burris
Chanda Acock
June Fauber
Hazel Howard
Patricia Jackson
Barbara Jester
Dorothy McBroom
Patsy Ruth Ramsey
Betty Stell
Jay Marvin Wolens |
Niki Koutsigos
Helen Beauchamp
Cora Frances Blanding
Lilla Jean Brown
Carrie Bess Gray
Iona Hopkins
Peggy Jean Lee
Lavita Love
Margaret Metcalf
Lois Miller
Alice Tatum
Beuna Allyn Watt
Lida Lynn Wood
Willie Schluneger
Jimmie Nell Bush
Aline Daniel
Jennie Ree Hayes
Lavita Love
Mary Elizabeth Marshall
Mary Ellen Sutton
Lida Lynn Wood |
Glennie Sue Bressie
Barbara Jo Marshall
Marjorie Wolens
Jo Lynn Morgan
Tommye Jeane Noble
Betty Jo Benton
Mary Hamill
Ellen Purifoy
Betty Sue Skinner
Dorothy Wolens
Elizabeth Molloy
Anna Mays Slay
Mary Elizabeth Marshall
Betty Jo Owen
Billie Bob Ransom
Alice Tatum
Margaret Willard
Shirley Eileen Golden
Barbara Byrd |
First Aid Club
President ... Felto Prewitt, Kenneth Terry
Vice-President ... James Ellett, Gwynn Sutton
Secretary ... Bill Brannon, Charles Deveny
Sergeant-at-Arms ... Jimmy Plyler, Ross Sutton
Blackburn, Ed
Butler, Billy
Cason, J. C.
Daniel, Joe
Deveny, Charles
Dunton, Frank
Fluker, Billy Joe
George, Gordon
Green, Wesley
Hollingsworth, Charles
James, Albert |
Jordon, Roy
Kenner, Billy
McKie, Ben
McPherson, Tom
Montfort, Theo
Paschal, Robert
Pinkston, J. R.
Pugh, Robert Lynn
Robinson, John Paul
Scoggins, James
Shook, James |
Sikes, Sam
Shoemaker, Sponsor
Steen, Cosby
Stewart, Roy
Sutton, Gwynn
Sutton, Ross
Terry, Kenneth
Ward, Edgar Lee
Williams, Darrell |
Farmers of America
President ... Paul Flynn
Vice-President ... Ed Ellington
Secretary ... James Ray Tallant
Treasurer ... Fred Conant
Reporter ... Neal Gay
Watchdog ... A. T. Smith
Parliamentarian ... Ed Blackburn
Historian ... Charles Henry Harrison
Sponsor ... Mr. Barron
Brannon, Bill
Chirafis, Johnny
Coley, Howard
Daniels, L. B.
Fogarty, Jimmy
Fogg, Ernest
Gathright, William
Hand, Thomas
James, Albert
Jones, Carlton
King, Morris
Lawhorn, J. E.
Levins, Earl
Loftis, William
Mullins, Mike
Prewitt, Felto |
Williams, Darrell
Williams, Edgar
Wilson, Paul
Woods, Vidal
Beale, Eugene
Blackburn, Ed
Breithaupt, Sonny
Conant, Fred
Ellington, Ed
Flynn, Paul
Gay, Neil
Harrison, Charles
McAfee, Joe
McKie, Billy
Phillips, Maynard
Prine, Raymond |
Scoggins, James
Smith, A. T.
Tallant, James Ray
Roman, Graham
Coley, Doyle
Cook, Bill
Dunn, Sam
Emery, Wilmer
Hand, David
Kormos, Louis
Long, Oneal
Marr, Henry Lee
McIntosh, Harold
Robinson, Forest
Ward, Edgar
Whiteside, Ray |
Girls Glee Club Roll
Sponsor ... Miss Lowry
President ... Nellie Jo Smith
Vice-President ... Mary Szenasy
Secretary-Treasurer ... Joyce Summerall
Librarian ... Jewel McDonald
Averitt, Kathryn
Blizzard, Jean
Brackeen, Ruth
Brown, Doris
Bush, Jimmie Nell
Biddy, Doris
Carter, Margaret
Cason, Sue
Cook, Juanita
Cravens, Audie Ruth
Crowley, Billie
Farish, La Voyce
Gipson, Georgia
Gordon, Peggy
Graham, Vivian Elle |
Gray, Carrie Bess
Gunn, June
Harwell, Alice
Hawthorne, Rosalind
Hornburg, Ruth
Hutchins, Mattie
Kennemore, Pauline
Knighten, Katie Ruth
Lindey, Doris Nell
Marshall, Mary Elizabeth
McDonald, Jewel
Neese, Christine
Page, Margaret
Palmer, Rose Marie
Pearson, Jane |
Prewitt, Vivian
Roberson, Ima Rae
Shaw, Ethel
Sherrard, Rosa Mae
Smith, Nellie Jo
Smith, Vida Lee
Spurlock, Geneva
Stevens, Ethel
Summerall, Joyce
Szenasy, Mary
Waddell, Martha Ann
Winkler, Annie Beatrice
Fauber, June, Accompanist |
Handcraft Club
Sponsor ... Miss Hardage
President ... Edith Szenasy
Vice-President ... Frances Conner
Secretary-Treasurer ... Lorene Mann
Reporter ... Rosalie Noel
Biddy, Doris
Bryant, Elaine
Conner, Frances
Derden, Mary
Elmore, Billie Jo
Gardner, Mildred
Garrison, Loretta |
Hanks, Dorothy
Hooper, Sybil
Mann, Lorene
Noel, Rosalie
Buchanan, Pattie
Reese, Maxine
Sloan, Barbara |
Szenasy, Edith
Tallant, Emma Laura
Wilkinson, Lelia
Winkler, Annie Beatrice
Winkler, Josephine
Woods, Ella Belle |
Hi-Y Club
President ... Joe Terry, Verne Hale
Vice-President ... Bruce Sullivan, Pat Patrick
Secretary ... Tom McPherson, Leland Morton
Parliamentarian ... Frank Dunton, Gene Cummins
Sponsor ... Mr. Graham
Editor of the newspaper of Hi-Y ... Frank Wright
Blumrosen, J. R.
Brustein, Sylvan
Burnett, Joe
Cocke, Robert
Cummins, Gene
Dunton, Frank
Ellett, James
Elliot, Spencer
Garitty, Johnnie
Gillespie, Campbell
Gillespie, Hugh
Golden, Allen
Hale, Verne |
Hayes, Walter
Levy, Leon
Long, Jerry
Layton, Robert
McNutt, Billy
McCoplin, John
McPherson, Tom
McWhurter, Guy
McMullan, A. D.
Morton, Leland
Oden, Kenneth
Patrick, Pat
Scarborough, Hawkins |
Spear, W. M.
Springfield, Jack
Smith, Jerry
Sullivan, Bruce
Thompson, Wilbur
Tekell, Joe Bob
Terry, Joe
Varley, John
Watson, Gus
Westbrook, Tom
Wheelock, John
Wright, Frank |
Homemaking Club
Sponsor ... Mrs. Williams
President ... Chanda Acock
Vice-President ... Doris Nell Lindsey
Secretary ... Anna Lee Gillan
Averitt, Kathryn
Acock, Chanda
Berrier, Ruth
Bonner, Bettie Sue
Bryant, Evelyn
De Chaume, Faye
Cravens, Margie
Connell, Peggy |
Emery, Ivorine
Farmer, Bertha
Gillen, Anna Lee
Hawkins, Marie
Hedrick, Betty Sue
Lindsey, Doris Nell
May, Etta Fae
Marney, Billie Anne |
McCafferty, Marceline
McClung, Martha Jo
Middleton, Lucy
Rogers, Lometa
Slaughter, Frances
Soape, Dorothy
Tilton, Annie Maude
Valentine, Lena Rose |
International Club
President ... A. D. McMullan, Manuel Adame
Vice-President ... Count Wright, Billy Bradford
Secretary ... Manuel Adame, County Wright
Treasurer ... Ruth Sharpley
Adame, Manual
Aldama, Cecil
Boone, Wilburn
Bradford, Billy
Brannon, Revay
Conant, Louise
Copeland, Joyce
Cozby, Baxter
Cunningham, Dan
Gray, Carrie Bess
Howard, Lillian |
Huff, Frenchie
Hunter, Dollie
Kesinger, Fred
Kiser, Frances
Knighten, Hallie M.
Levi, Arthur
Lynch, Leslie
Mahoney, Bobbie Lee
McMullan, A. D.
Page, Margaret
Robinson, James Edward |
Spencer, Lira Jeane
Sharpley, Ruth
Miss Marsh, Sponsor
Steele, Maxine
Steele, Francis
Tinkle, Billie Bob
White, La Verne
Wilds, Doris
Williams, Rose Marie
Wright Count |
Interscholastic League Club
Boys ... Henry Ellis Haley
Girls ... Tommye Jeane Noble
Boys ... Billy Bradford
Girls ... Jo Nell Scott
Boys ... Darrell Hester, Count Wright
Girls ... Lilla Jean Brown, Kathryn Hester
Boys ... Charles Deveny
Girls ... Dolly Burge (alternate)
Boys ... E. B.Dawson, John McAdams, Jay Marvin
Girls ... Betty Jo Benton, Elizabeth Molloy, Jane Rittersbacher, Alice
Library Club
President ... Marjorie Grantham, Dolly Burge
Vice-President ... Frances Davidson, Johnny Chirafis
Secretary ... Jewel McDonald
Treasurer ... Lilla Jean McDonald
Sponsor ... Miss Watson
Geraldine Bishop
Ruth Brackeen
Atma Breithaupt
Neva Mirl Burce
Ima Budai
Dolly Burge
Evelyne Burnett
Eleanor Chambliss
Johnny Chirafis
Maedell Clarkston
Frances Davidson |
Frances Donoho
Dorothy Elmore
Marjorie Grantham
Mary Pearl Hammock
Kathryn Harris
Richard Harwell
Kathryn Hester
Billie Hoggatt
Katie Ruth Knighten
Niki Koutsigos
Sarah Beth Mullens |
Margie Nokes
Nancy Pittman
Jerry Smith
Mary Ellen Sutton
Mina Vee Turner
Martha Ann Waddell
Doris Watts
James Wilkinson
Louie Williams |
Non-Athletic Club
The Non-Athletic Club is open to students who do not
participate in school athletics, or, whose interest in sports is that of
a spectator and not as a player. The club has as its purpose to
acquaint and familiarize its members with the rules, terminology, plays,
incidents, prominent athletes, and sportsmanship involved in the various
sports so that they may better appreciate these sports.
Anderson, Margaret
Cook, Bill
Deming, Jasper
Fowler, Marjorie
Duncan, Jasmine
Dew, Bobby
Hand, David
Hand, Thomas
Harwell, Alice
Hawthorne, Reba
Hoffman, Josephine |
Holloway, Clifford
Joyner, Robert
King, Norma
Laramore, Jaydeene
McAfee, Joe
Magee, Nell
Melton, Jewell
Nokes, Clyde
O'Daniel, Colleen
Peabody, Cloyd
Renfrow, Roscoe |
Roberson, Peggy
Smith, A. T.
Adams, Sponsor
Stewart, Leroy
Terry, Joe
Tucker, Doris
Westbrook, Tom
Ward, Bonnie Fae
Wright, Dorothy |
Sponsor ... Miss Lowry
President ... Betty Stell
Vice-President ... Buena Allyn Watt
Secretary-Treasurer ... Lida Lynn Wood
Librarian ... Joe Terry
Miss Lowry, Director
Jimmie Nell Bush
Mary Ellen Sutton
Alice Tatum
Lavia Love
Lida Lynn Wood
Mary Elizabeth Marshall
Doris Daniel
Ruth Hornburg
Jennie Ree Hayes
Willie Schluneger |
Betty Stell
Bobby Levy
Joe Terry
Frank Wright
Frenchie Huff
Billie Estes |
Lilla Jean Brown
Melvyn Lynn Clark
Robert Lynn Pugh
Buena Allyn Watt
Cora Frances Blanding |
C.H.S. Pep Squad
Corsicana is very proud of her pep squad, especially this past
year. The sponsors are Miss Mary Crutchfield, Mrs. R. N. Elliott,
Mrs. Jack McKinney, Miss Helen Bonner, and Mrs. F. C. Stewart.
Suzette McKinney was the mascot this year, but this is her last
year. We hope to have a better pep squad next year, but that will be
a hard thing to do. Martha Tarver was selected the most valuable Pep
Squad Girl this year.
Ethel Stephens
Peggy Gorden
Jennie Ree Hayes
Anna Mays Slay
Dolores Wortham
Alice Tatum
Mina V. Turner
Mary Elizabeth Marshall
Katie Lee Bonner
Annie Maud Tilton
Jean Warren
Bobbie Jo George
Eileen Golden
Lois Miller
Billy Bob Ransom
Joan Douglas
Marjorie Wolens
June Panton
Jimmie Nell Bush
Margaret Grace Ratliff
Sue Carroll
Frances Connor
Norma Jean Butler
Peggy Zene McCreary |
Hazel Hodges
Gurlie Bivin
Frances Grossman
Dottie Lee Reed
Vera Dee Phelps
Marjorie Grantham
Jane George
Kay Pinkston
Barbara Byrd
Doris Jean Elliott
Joye Haynes
Mary Szenasy
Joyce Elliott
Christine Neese
Jane Rittersbacher
Lois Jean Evans
Martha Ann Waddell
Lilla Jean Brown
Roslyn Daiches
Ruth Wentworth
Peggy Jean Lee
Cynthia Taylor
Ellen Purifoy
Ruby Nell Yielding |
Margaret Metcalf
Billie Ann Marney
Nancy Pittman
Dorothy Wolens
Lida Lynn Wood
Mary Ellen Sutton
Dorothy Roxburgh
Suzan Dunbar
Fae D Chaume
Jo Lynn Morgan
Virginia Ann Smith
Mariella Nutt
Martha Tarver
Betty Owen
Thelma Bowden
Pat Keen
Joyce Parker
Joe Daniel
Mrs. R. N. Elliott
Miss Mary Crutchfield
W. M. Spear
Tula Johnapelus |
Sponsor ... Miss Bonner
President ... Jeanette Smith
Vice-President ... Dorothy Roxburgh
Secretary ... Carole Wiggins
Treasurer ... Katie Lee Bonner
Reporter ... Betty Matthews
Ball, Erma
Barron, Dorothy Jean
Bonner, Katie Lee
Bounds, Mary Jean
Brewer, Alice
Bush, Dorothy
Butler, Fern Dale
Cason, Nellie
David, Dorothy
Elliott, Joyce
Farmer, Pearl
Fogarty, Mary |
Ford, Patty Verne
Gandy, Lona
Hamel, Mary Esther
Jackson, Jane
Keel, Mary Frances
Lewis, Emma Lee
McBroom, Dorothy
Mann, Hazel
Matthews, Betty
O'Rourke, Glenna
Rainwater, Frances
Rainwater, Martha |
Robinson, Mollie Beth
Roxburgh, Dorothy
Smith, Jeanette
Smotherman, Frances
Summerall, Joyce
Szenasy, Mary
Ward, Jewell
Whitener, Dorothy
Wiggins, Carole
Womack, Vivian
Woods, Glorine |
President ... Harbert Burkhart
Vice-President ... Robert Layton
Secretary-Treasurer ... Elizabeth Harris
Reporter .. Jesse Speed
Sponsors ... Mr. Willard, Mr. McCall
Autry, John Andy
Borsellino, Josephine
Brent, Jim Lee
Bridger, Ernest
Bunet, Gene
Burkhart, Harbert
Butler, Billie Ann
Butler, Norma Jean
Chaney, J. D.
Clark, Ed
Cocke, Byron
Collins, Walter
Currington, Calvin
Elliott, Spencer
Eron, Betty
Estes, Billy
Farmer, Walter
Friday, Vesta
Griffin, Geraldine
Grossman, Frances |
Gunn, June
Hardison, Jack
Hornburg, Ruth
Harris, Elizabeth
Siler, Benny
Skinner, Bettie Sue
Speed, Jesse
Standard, Helen
Taylor, Roberta
Tekell, Joe Bob
Harwell, James
Hodges, Ann Earle
Hutchin, Mattie
Huefman, J. L.
Iker, Glen
Johnston, Helen
Keeling, Doyle
Layton, Robert
Loney, Pat
Luckett, Vernon |
McAfee, Kenneth
McCrary, Peggy Zene
Murphy, Dorothy
Murphy, Homer
Newcombe, Julia
Parker, James
Pearson, Jane
Prine, Raymond
Ratliff, Margaret
Regester, Bill
Robinson, Barbara
Roxburgh, Tommy
Scoff, Ever Lenner
Sherrard, Rosa Mae
Trimble, Betty
Vaughan, Artie
Warren, Jean
Wells, Margaret
Willard, Nevin
Wilson, Paul |
Physical Education Club
To promote cultural development through appreciation of folklore and
music of other countries, to develop latent artistic powers and afford an
opportunity for dramatic expression, esthetic appreciation, and creative
effort is the aim of the Physical Education Club.
Sponsor ... Miss Crutchfield
President ... Tula Johnapelus
Vice-President ... Ethel Stephens
Secretary ... Peggy Gordon
Treasurer ... Mariann Bell
Reporter ... Cynthia Taylor
Bell, Mariann
Blanding, Cora F.
Bonner, Marie
Brown, Lilla Jean
Butler, Dorothy
Carroll, Sue
Daniel, Evalyn
Dunton, Patty
Evans, Lois
Gipson, Georgia Ann
Gordon, Peggy
Griffith, Ruby |
Hawthorne, Rosalind
Jackson, Patricia
Johnapelus, Stella
Johnapelus, Tula
Love, Lavita
McDonald, Jewel
Neese, Christine
Rea, Dorothy Dale
Reed, Dottie Lee
Roberts, Beulah Beele
Robinson, Betty
Smith, Virginia |
Spurlock, Geneva
Stephens, Ethel
Taylor, Cynthia
Watt, Buena Allyn
Weatherby, Maydell
Wentworth, Ruth
Wood, Lida Lynn
Wortham, Dolores
Green, Bonnie
Smith, Nellie Jo |
Reading Club
Sponsor ... Miss Davant
President ... Doris Jean Elliott
Vice-President ... Billie McKie
Treasurer ... Dorilee Quinn
Secretary ... W. D. Williams
Brown, Bobby
Coker, Billy
Gilliam, Billy
Granger, Ishmael
McKie, Billy
Mullins, Mike
Locklar, Bobby
Loftis, Milton
Loftis, William |
Long, Oneal
Puckett, J. C.
Stewart, Bill
Ward, Buddy
Washburn, Charles
Williams, W. D.
Beauchamp, Helen
Blakeney, Elizabeth
Cook, Barbara |
Elliott, Doris Jean
Farmer, Norma Jean
Harrison, Dorothy
Hopkins, Iona
Howard, Hazel
Parsons, Betty
Prewitt, Vivian
Puckett, Norma
Quinn, Dorilee |
The Script Club strives to create an interest in
original writing.
President ... Verne Hale
Vice-President ... Bruce Sullivan
Secretary ... Joyce Parker
Sponsor ... Miss Kiber
Bryan, Pauline
Burris, Martha Jane
Byrd, Barbara
Carter, Margaret
Douglas, Joan
Fullwood, P. D.
Gallagher, Betty
George, Bobbie Jo
George, Jane |
Golden, Allen David
Golden, Eileen
Gunlock, Billie Lou
Hale, Verne
Hayes, Jennie Ree
Jester, Barbara
Lawhorn, J. E.
Norris, Peggy
Miller, Lois |
Oden, Kenneth
Parker, Joyce
Roberts, Jack
Stell, Betty
Sullivan, Bruce
Warnell, Virginia
McWherter, Guy
Wolens, Marjorie |
The Spelling Club was organized two years ago in order
to give an opportunity to those students who felt a need for improvement
in spelling. Typical procedure on club day is to review an old list
of twenty words. Thus on an average club day the club drills on
forty words. The words and abbreviations used are commonly used
ones. About fifty different students took part on the club's
activities during the two terms.
President ... Clyde Nokes, Jo Nell Scott
Vice-President ... Margaret Anderson, J. R. Blumrosen
Secretary ... Juanita Cook, Billy Dean Talley
Treasurer ... Tommy Roxburgh, Tommy Waters
Sponsor ... Mr. Armistead
Baker, Imogene
Blumrosen, J. R.
Boyte, J. Lynn
Bridges, Samuel
Burke, Newton
Carr, Dorothy
Clarke, Berneece
Dugger, Lewis
Flynn, Paul
Goodwin, Lilla Sue |
Lake, Paul
Lewis, Edna
Lindsey, Tate
Long, Gerald
McMichael, Albert
Madden, Lois
Nutt, Mariella
Palmer, Rudolph
Phelps, Vera Dee
Prince, Mary |
Mr. Armistead, Sponsor
Schluneger, Willie
Scroggins, Curtis
Scott, Jo Nell
Speed, Hester Ruth
Talley, Billy Dean
Waters, Tommy
Woods, Vidal
Wright, Lelia |
President ... Loretta Garrison, Bill Brannon
Vice-President ... Roy Stewart, Henry Lee Marr
Secretary - Treasurer ... Frances Connor, Nettie Moore
Reporter ... Amos Hart, Bobby Butler
Sponsor ... Miss Shaw
Blood, Ray
Brannon, Bill
Bryson, Maurice
Banett, Joe
Butler, Bobby
Campbell, Jim |
Carver, J. O.
Harrison, Charles Henry
Marr, Henry Lee
Phillips, Maynard
Russell, Jack
Tucker, Alvis |
Wood, Hugh
Hosch, Lonnie Belle
Moore, Nettie
McLain, Betty |
Affairs Club
"History is made with passing of each moment"
is a predominate fact recognized by the establishment of the World Affairs
Club. The club's underlying purpose is to recognize and bring into
discussion the activities of today which make the history of
tomorrow. Thus a foundation is established upon which a clarity of
thought of the individual participant is such a discussion may be
built. The club is thus serving a bettering purpose and fulfilling
its noteworthy obligation.
Sponsor ... Miss Wiles
President ... Darrell Hester
Vice-President ... Norman Werner
Secretary-Treasurer ... Niki Koutsigos, Margie Slate
Bunch, Ben
Burge, Bobby
Connell, Junior
Craine, Marvin
Deaton, Carol
Fluker, Terry
Haley, Henry Ellis
Hester, Darrell |
Kent, Garland
Mahoney, Feldon
Pollard, Douglas
Privie, Alvin
Stegall, Bradley
Stewart, Glenn
Taylor, John
Watson, Gus |
Werner, Norman
White, Vernon
Winter, Lewis
Bell, Joyce
King, Dorothy
Mariman, Vilma Lee
Slate, Margie |
Scholarship Club
(1, 2, 3, 4 are for six weeks periods)
Anderson, Margaret 1, 2,
3, 4
Acock, Chanda 4
Barham, Dorothy 4
Bass, Gerald 1
Beauchamp, Helen 4
Bell, Mariann 3
Blackburn, Rosemary 1
Bowden, Thelma 1, 2, 3, 4
Bradford, Billy 1, 2, 3, 4
Brown, Lilla Jean 1, 2, 3, 4
Bruce, Neva Mirle 1, 2, 3, 4
Bunch, Ben 2, 3,
Burge, Dolly 1, 2, 3, 4
Burris, Martha Jane 4
Byrd, Barbara 2, 3, 4
Carroll, Sue 1
Chambliss, Eleanor 1, 2, 3
Chaney, J. D. 4
Clarke, Berneece 2, 3, 4
Copeland, Joyce 4
Cunningham, Dan 2
Daniel, Doris 1,2
Daniel, Joe, Jr. 1, 2, 4
Deveny, Charles 1, 2, 3, 4
Douglas, Joan 1, 2, 3, 4
Dunn, Sam 1
Dunton, Frank 2, 3, 4
Elmore, Dorothy 1, 2, 3, 4
Eron, Betty Lee 1, 3
Evans, Frances 4
Fowler, Marjorie 2, 3, 4
Gentry, Carl 1
George, Bobby Jo 1, 3, 4
Gillen, Anna Lee 3, 4
Goodwin, Lilla Sue 1, 2, 3, 4
Gray, Carrie Bess 1, 2, 3, 4
Graham, Vivian Elle 2
Green, Bonnie 1, 2, 3, 4
Grossman, Frances 1, 2, 3, 4
Haley, Henry Ellis 1, 2, 3, 4
Hamill, Mary 1, 2, 3, 4
Hawthorne, Reba 2, 3, 4 |
Hayes, Gladys 3, 4
Hester, Darrell 1, 2, 3, 4
Hester, Kathryn 1, 2, 3, 4
Howard, Hazel 4
Howard, Lillian 2, 3, 4
Hulsey, Chlodine 1, 2
Hunt, La Verne 4
Johnapelus, Stella 1, 2
Jordon, Roy 2, 3
Kennedy, Craig 1, 2, 3, 4
Kiser, Frances 4
Knight, Ralph 4
Knighten, Hallie Maud 1, 3, 4
Koutsigos, Niki 1, 2, 3, 4
Lee, Peggy Jean 1, 3, 4
Levy, Bobby 4
Levy, Leon 1
Lindsey, Doris Nell 4
McAdams, John 1, 3, 4
McColpin, John 2, 4
Mann, Lorene 1, 3, 4
Mariman, Velma Lee 1, 2, 3, 4
Marshall, Mary Elizabeth 4
Metcalf, Margaret 1, 2, 3, 4
Molloy, Elizabeth 1, 2, 3, 4
Morgan, Jo Lynne 2, 3, 4
Noble, Tommye Jeane 1, 2, 4
Nutt, Mariella 1
O'Rourke, Glenna 1, 4
Page, Margaret 2
Phelps, Vera Dee 3
Pinkston, Kay 4
Pittman, Nancy 1, 4
Pugh, Robert Lynn 1, 2, 3, 4
Purifoy, Ellen 1, 3, 4
Ramsey, Patsy Ruth 1, 2, 3, 4
Ransom, Billy Bob 2, 3, 4
Rittersbacher, Jane 2, 3, 4
Robinson, Betty 2, 4
Robinson, Forest 3, 4
Robinson, John Paul 2
Roxburgh, Dorothy 1, 4 |
Roxburgh, Kenneth 3, 4
Roxburgh, Tommy 1, 3, 4
Schluneger, Willie 2
Scott, Jo Nell 1, 2, 3, 4
Seale, Betty 1, 2, 3, 4
Skinner, Bettie Sue 1, 2, 3, 4
Slate, Margie Alice 1, 2, 3, 4
Slaughter, Frances 1, 4
Slay, Anna Mays 2, 3, 4
Smith, Jeanette 1, 2, 3, 4
Smith, Jerry 1, 2, 3, 4
Smotherman, Frances 4
Spear, Paul 1, 2, 3
Speed, Jesse 1
Spurlock, Geneva 2, 3
Steele, Maxine 1, 2, 3, 4
Steele, Frances 4
Steen, Cosby 1, 3
Sullivan, Bruce 1, 2, 3, 4
Sutton, Mary Ellen 3, 4,
Tarver, Martha 1, 2, 3, 4
Tatum, Alice 1, 2, 3, 4
Terry, Joe 3, 4
Tilton, Annie Maude 1, 3, 4
Ward, Jewell 1, 2, 3
Warren, Jean 4
Watt, Buena Allyn 2, 3,
Werner, Norman 3
Wheat, Geneva 2
Whitefield, Billie 4
Wiggins, Carole 1, 2, 3, 4
Wilkinson, James 1, 2, 3, 4
Wilkinson, Lelia Beth 4
Willard, Margaret 1, 2, 3, 4
Wolens, Dorothy 1, 2, 3, 4
Wolens, Jay Marvin 1, 2, 3, 4
Wood, Lida Lynn 1, 2, 3, 4
Wright, Count 1, 2, 3, 4
Wright, Frank 3
Yielding, Ruby 1, 2 |
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February, 2020
Edward L. Williams