Index || Corsicana High School
Index ||
1966 CHS Classmates
A high school is a composite of many things—victories and defeats, the commonplace and the extraordinary, people and activities. This yearbook is an attempt to record the many activities, the many people, and the many functions of a year worthy of recall. Its purpose is to make visual those images already imprinted in the minds and hearts of us all…marking the year of 1966 as truly A YEAR TO REMEMBER. The Editors
Miss Mayme Moore. Devotion is a beautiful word, synonymous with the dedication of an extraordinary woman. Miss Mayme Moore’s life was a most worthy expression of devotion—to the growth of others and herself. She grew, both professionally and in appreciation for the greater values of life. Her sparkling sense of humor flowed from a love of life, to which she added as much as she derived. Through 42 years of teaching, Miss Moore typified those who concern themselves with others, and her contributions to Corsicana High School were innumerable.
Coach Paul Slaughter The school year has been so outstanding that it is not justifiable to accredit one person, or even a few, with its achievements. Many, without gathering the limelight to themselves, have helped make this a year to remember. To Coach Paul Slaughter, who has dedicated himself to Corsicana High School and its best interest, we dedicate this, the 1966 Corsican. We salute him, not only as coach of the fighting B team and as a teacher, but also as a man representative of the patriotic American. On the football field, he encourages young athletes to strengthen minds and bodies and promotes sportsmanship. By precept in his government class and by example, he lays strong foundations for citizenship and democracy. The Editors
Board of Education: Dr. James G. Price; Mr. Bill Brietz; Mr. Robert W. Gladney, president; Mr. Cullen W. Dunn, Dr. John L. Harper, vice-president; Mrs. Dean B. Milkes, secretary; Mrs. William M. Elliott. Mr. O. E. Hendricks, Superintendent.
Mr. Mack Mullins, Director of Instruction; Miss Lila Rutherford, School Nurse; Mr. Jack L. Maris, Business Manager; Secretaries—Mmes. Billie Sims, Erma Vaughan, Mary Ann Womack, Zoe Ann Mitchell, and Jack McDaniel. Mr. Don Bowen, Principal; Mr. Euin Frank Assistant Principal; Miss Suzanne Howard, Secretary to the Principal.
Most Outstanding Boy – Bill Allison Most Outstanding Girl – Billie Sloan Friendliest Boy – Glen Smith Friendliest Girl – Carolyn Mertz Most Scholarly Boy – Jim Brown Most Scholarly Girl – Jo Ann Harris Best Looking Boy – Ben Smith Best Looking Girl – Elizabeth Stroube Sixteen to Who’s Who Students, Faculty Elect Elizabeth Stroube, Steve Winn, Glen Smith, Kathy Harris, Billie Sloan, Charles Gelineau, Bill Allison, Terry Bittner, Emy Lou Settle, Ben Smith, Jim Brown, Carolyn Mertz, Joann Harris, Ronnie Ward, Mike Nekuza, Joelyn Slate
The Forty-Sixth Coronation Adds Splendor to Calendar King Ben Smith
Seniors: Duchess Elizabeth Stroube & Duke Glenn Smith; Duchess Janet Weatherby & Duke Phil Pillans; Duchess Joelyn Slate & Duke Jim Brown; Duchess Cathy Gravelle & Duke James Smith Juniors: Duchess Kay Martin & Duke Terry Chandler; Duchess Jan Ray & Duke Charlie Gelineau; Duchess Effie Georgas & Duke Willard Simmons; Duchess Cathy Machura & Duke Frank Dunn Seniors: Duchess Elizabeth Stroube & Duke Glenn Smith; Duchess Janet Weatherby & Duke Phil Pillans; Duchess Joelyn Slate & Duke Jim Brown; Duchess Cathy Gravelle & Duke James Smith Sophomores: Duchess Felisa Skinner & Duke Jimmy Ferguson; Duchess Jackie Fade & Duke Don Jones; Duchess Penny Hemby & Duke Bruce Haynie; Duchess Joy Butler & Duke Van Odom Court Entertainers: George Gilliam, Musician; Louise Richards, Vocalist; Carolyn Mesker, Dancer Court Heralds: Ty Willis and Tim McClure.
Billie Sloan, Head Cheerleader, Elizabeth Stroube, Joelyn Slate, Emy Lou Settle, Carolyn Mertz, and George Ann Watkins. Sponsor: Miss Jackie Baggett.
Athletic Director James Acree, Head Coach Football; Coach Paul Slaughter, Track, B Team Football; Coach Don Ross, Basketball, Football; Coach Jackie Edwards, Baseball, Football
Advancing into class AAAA competition only a year before, the 1965 Bengal gridiron machine rolled to an outstanding 12-1 record which carried it undefeated through regular season play, a district championship, and a bi-district crown before being stalled in a quarterfinals match. Schedule We Them 25 Bonham……………..14 33 Carter Riverside……...0 14 John Tyler…………..12 31 Jacksonville…………..0 49 Ennis…………………0 22 Cleburne……………...0 26 Waco High……………7 34 Bryan…………………3 21 University of Waco…14 26 Richfield……………...0 34 Travis of Austin……..12 17 Alice………………...14 21 San Antonio Lee…….26 Line-Up Bill Allison – Sr. Fullback, All Zone, All Cen-Tex
All State Ronnie Dosser Larry Harris – Head Trainer
Haynie – Sr. End Rebounding from an early loss, the Tiger B team came back to establish a 5-2-1 record and a season high of 48 points against the Friars of Bishop Lynch. Schedule We Them 0 Mesquite……...26 14 Duncanville……8 14 Palestine……….8 28 Athens…………8 24 Tyler Lee……..14 14 John Tyler…....14 48 Bishop Lynch….8 6 Cleburne……...38 Members Coach Paul Slaughter, John Anderson, Paul Baggett, Andy Balusek, Jim Berg, Phil Brown, Paul Cottar, Roy Deskin. Randy Dill, Mike Foster, Pat Foster, Coy Grace, Danny Grimes, Larry Hodge, Tommy Jones, Steve Kirksey, Jerry Libal, Jerry Logan, Joe Miles, Phil Nokes, David Rojas, Gary Scott, Odis Sikes, Billy Smith, Lyndon Smith, John Thompson, Bobby Whistler, Doug Whistler, Greg Winningham, Sonny Yates.
After a fine early season, the 1965 Tiger cage crew faced stormy weather in conference play. Determined fighters all, they were able to win only three games out of ten starts. Their spirit also won the admiration of fan and for alike. Schedule We Them 52 Richfield………….42 45 Waco High……….46 66 Cleburne…………62 57 Waco University…61 62 Richfield………….82 51 Bryan…………….65 52 Cleburne…………60 41 Waco High……….37 51 Bryan……………..59 42 Waco University…41 Member Coach Don Ross, Ronnie Dosser, Jimmy Gunter, Larry Harris, Dick Henson, Charles Jackson, Randal Michael, Mike Nekuza, Harvey Penland, Ben Smith, Glen Smith, Joe Sims, James Smith.
Sometimes short of height but never lacking in reach, the B team could salvage only one win in ten zone matches. The entire season, in fact, represented a consistent effort to win. Schedule We Them 14 Richfield………….29 32 Waco High……….50 33 Cleburne…………52 37 Waco University…54 36 Richfield………….59 51 Bryan…………….73 38 Cleburne…………41 33 Waco High……….50 54 Bryan…………….52 28 Waco University…45 Members Coach Paul Slaughter, Larry Anderson, Jerry Libal, Don Jones, Moses Martinez, Rickey Langston, Andy Balusek, Phil Kamp, Donny Parker, Mike Maris, John Anderson, Steve Kirksey, Randy Dill
Members Coach Nelson Ross, Charles Gelineau, Jon Clarkson, Bruce Robinson, Jim Johnson, Paul Stewart
Members Coach Bill Hay, Mike Maris, Jim Morris, Steve Wolens, Mike Gibson, Ty Willis, Sandy Shayler, JoAnn Harris, Donna Jobe
Members Coach Paul Slaughter, Dickie Pimentel, David Rojas, Lyn Smith, Don Jones, Jerry Libal, Bruce Haynie, Sonny Yates, Mike Foster, David Derryberry, Paul Cottar, Mike Butler, Dennis Cooper, Van Odom, Pat Foster, Jimmy Ferguson, Steve Winn, Ronnie Dosser, Tony Haefs, John Anderson, Tommy Jones, Jerry Logan, Roy Deskin, Bill Allison, Mike Nekuza, Garry Buchanan, Chuck Butler, Willard Simmons, Glen Smith, Larry Hodge, Don Robertson, Dake Baker, Randal Michael
Members Coach Jackie Edwards, Rickey Langston, Dick Henson, Steve Stroube, Eddie King, Glen Smith, Jerry Morgan, Ben Smith, Bill Kent, Ronnie Ward, Jimmy Pillans, Gary Penney, Don de Cordova, Joe David Paschal, Billy Crawford, Gary Schutte, Brad Haynie
Officers Jim Brown, President; Charles Gelineau, vice-president; Susie Hendricks, secretary; Mr. Fuin Frank, director of student activities; Miss Anna Belle Kiber and Mr. Don Poss, co-sponsors Members Nancy Hoffman, Sharon Johnston, Susie Hendricks, Cathy Machura, Terry Ross, Missy Ruth, Betsy Hamilton, Carol King, Carolyn Mertz, Elizabeth Stroube, JoAnn Harris, Terry Bittner, Mark Galloway, Rusty Gaston, Charles Gelineau, Steve Wolens, Ann Watkins, Louis Elliott, Bruce Robinson, Jim Brown, Tony Haefs, Bruce Haynie, Bill Boyd, Louise Richards, July Jones
Officers Dan Goodwin, president; Terry Bittner, vice-president; Joelyn Slate, secretary; Bobby Gregg, treasurer; Mrs. Marianna Anderson, sponsor Members Missy Ruth, Effie Georgas, Joelyn Slate, Jo Ann Warrington, Pam Roberts, Ailsa Flynn, Jan Ray, Judy Jorgensen, Rusty Gaston, Charlotte Bryant, Becky Canant, Gretchen Wand, Gail Garner, Kay Martin, Bess Owen, Julie Lang, Sharon Johnston, Terry Bittner, Elizabeth Stroube, Jan Wheeler, Emy Lou Settle, Tish Gilliam, Erlynne Gunter, Dorothy Wood, Billy Owen, Carolyn Mertz, Cynthia Maxwell, Carl Otto, Bill Boyd, Jim Brown, Jimmy Gunter, Bobby Gregg, Jim Einwaechter, Susan Acree, JoAnn Harris, Kathy Harris, Tim McClure, Jane Fortson, Sandy Shayler, Glenda Almond, Mike Butler, Frank Davis, Cheryl Denson, Elmore Hudson
Officers Betty Wilson, District vice-president; Carol King, District Miss FTA; Carole Harris, Texas FTZ Historian; Carolyn Mertz, Texas FTA vice-president; Jim Brown, president; Jo Ann Harris, vice-president; Carolyn Mertz, recording secretary; Joelyn Slate, financial secretary; Greg Hammonds, bellringer Members Regina Fullwood, Lou Ann Bellringer, Ailsa Flynn, Susie Hendricks, Cathy Gravelle, Mark Galloway, Jon Clarkson, Mollie Aston, Betsy Hamilton, Nancy Edgin, Will Goldman, Sherry Bell, Gail Garner, Susan Castles, Becky Canant, Gilda Childers, Jeanette Braden, Pat Gnoza, Nancy Hoffman, Bill McKie, Jane Fortson, Edwina Davis, Kay Holloway, Cheryl Denson, Pat Belt, Scharlotte Bryant, Effie Georgas, Joy Butler, Donna Caruthers, Terry Bittner, Janis Budai, Erlynne Gunter, Kathy Gammill, Kathy Harris, Jo Ann Harris, Carole Harris, Susan Acree, Rusty Gaston, Becky Graham, Debbie Davis, George Gilliam, Charles Gelineau, Greg Hammonds, Charles Gary, David Harwell, Jimmy Gunter, Bill Boyd, Jim Brown, Grady Harris, Elmore Hudgens, Peggy Valentine, Missy Ruth, Jan Ray, Felisa Skinner, Betty Wilson, Terry Ross, Marilyn Mitcham, Joelyn Slate, Elizabeth Stroube, Sharon Scott, Kathy Sims, Barbie Mitcham, Sandy Shayler, Cathy Watkins, Jill Jacobs, Bonnie Widener, Randy Gorden, Dorothy Wood, Cynthia Maxwell, Marylin Gullett, Judy Woods, Cathy Mims, Bess Owen, Steve Wolens, Mary Woods, Mary Jane Stewart, Carolyn Mertz, Emy Lou Settle, Judy Parker, Jim Johnson, Tim McClure, Hildy Jacobs, Carl Otto, Jim Patrick, Skip Tabor, Bobby Gregg, Karen Jarvis, Joyce Rhoads, Ty Willis, Kay Martin, James Smith, Louise Richards, Debbie Phinney, MarJo Watts, Carol King
Officers Will Goldman, president; Susan Acree, vice-president; Joyce Rhoads, secretary; Mrs. Bonnie Binford, sponsor Members Jo Ann Warrington, Paulette Richardson, Frannie George, Jan Newman, Robbie Boyd, Susan Castles, Joyce Rhoades, Susan Acree, Will Goldman, Edwina Davis, Marilyn Mitcham, Sue Giesey, Sandy Shayler, Jeanette Braden, Peggie Elmore, Vicki Wardino, Debbie Mims, Mary Beth Williams, Gene Haines, Norma James, Jane Fortson, Sherry Warner, Candace Wyatt, John Cagle, Betty Wilson, Judy Jones, Judy Woods, Mary Woods, Donna Morris, Marylin Gullet, Roy Dan Copper, Bobby Gregg, Scarlett Rhoads, Larry Daniel, Linda Shults
Spring Officers Jackie Adams, president; Debbie Davis, vice-president; Alfreida Yates, secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth Slater, sponsor Members Anita Anderson, Penny Hamby, Connie Baldwin, Karla Paschal, Susie Bellringer, Susan Spencer, Carol Barrett, Jill Price, Pat Gnoza, Nancy Hoffman, Nellie Williams, Carol Ann Robinson, Judy Owens, Cheryl Dougherty, Kathlene Holleman, Pat Cumbie, Kay Wilson, Pat Herod, Mary Redden, Rita Marriott, Alfreida Yates, Ann McCarty, Maxine Miles, Elaine Richards, Jan Chapman, Janice Bradley, Barbie Mitcham, Jackie Adams, Christine Miles Fall Officers Julie Machura, president; Pat Sloan, vice-president; Terry Ross, secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth Slater, sponsor Members Diane Cox, Julie Machura, Terry Ross, Donna Wood, Regina Fullwood, Sue Whitlock, Peggy Valentine, Joyce Lewis, Shirley Ralston, Joy Butler, Patty Martin, Diane Neuman, Cathy Machura, Pat Belt, Pat Sloan, Kathy Harris, Carole Harris, Linda Yerby, Diana Wheelock, Sharlene Onstott, Georgia Jones, Lynda Gilcrease, Betty Carr, Judy Lord, Mary Alice Fields, Pauline Schultz, Mary Jane Stewart, Wanda Sanders
Miss Jackie Baggett, sponsor Members Billie Sloan, George Ann Watkins, Emy Lou Settle, Carolyn Mertz, Elizabeth Stroube, Joelyn Slate, Jackie Fade, Terry Ross, Missy Ruth, Felisa Skinner, Normie James, Don Morrison, Joy Butler, Pat Sloan, Nancy Edgin, Kay Martin, Rusty Gaston, Cynthia Maxwell, Janet Ward, Lynn Emery, Jeanette Braden, Earlene Brown, Mary Jane Stewart, Darlene Winters, Dianne McCary
Officers Ben Smith, president; Bill Allison, vice-president; Ronnie Ward, secretary; Coaches Jim Acree, Don Ross and Paul Slaughter, sponsors, Members Frank Dunn, Lynn Odom, Jim Prater, Glen Smith, Steve Winn, Ronnie Ward, Ben Smith, Gary Schutte, Larry Harris, Bennie Hand, Bill Allison, Brad Haynie, Garry Buchanan, David Wyatt, Mike Nekuza, Steve Stroube, Willard Simmons, Bruce Haynie, Jimmy Ferguson, Harvey Penland, Phil Smith, Jim Pillans, Dennis Cooper, Terry Chandler, David Vargas, Tony Haefs, Dickie Pimentel, Stan Lawhon, Bill Kent, David Derryberry, Mike Butler, Van Odom, Chuck Butler, Melton Michael, Dick Henson, Ronnie Ragsdale, Don Robertson, Bobby Heard, Don Jones, Ronnie Dosser, Tim Vickery, Gary Scott, Andy Balusek, Tommy Jones, Paul Cottar, Jerry Logan, Mike Foster, Larry Hodge, Jerry Libal, Pat Foster, Coy Grace, David Rojas, Paul Baggett, John Anderson, Lyndon Smith, Phill Nokes, Randy Dill, Doug Whistler, John Thompson, Roy Lynn Deskin, Phil Joyner, Billy Smith, Odis Sikes, Steven Kirksey, Dale Baker, Danny Joe Grimes, Bobby Whistler, Joe Miles
Officers James Smith, president; Jim Johnson, vice-president; Frank Davis, secretary of records; Ty Willis, Secretary of finance; Mr. Tom Mitchell, sponsor Members Gary L. Edens, Frank Davis, Wilson Erwin, Joe Milkes, Steve Wolens, Bill Boyd, Mark Galloway, Bill McKie, Peter Kreisner, David Rosen, Eddie Phinney, Bobby Barron, Charles Gary, Ronny Thompson, Jesse Blackmon, Gary Arnett, Ty Willis, James Smith, Mike Maris
Officers Ricky Langston president; Eddie King, vice-president; Steve Jones, Secretary; Mr. P. M. Johnson, sponsor Members Ocie Wayne Ellington, H. M. Davenport, Eddie King, Gerald Henthorn, Keith Harmon, Rickey Langston, Billy Owen, Steve Jones, Kenny Maxfield, Gene Cravens, Johnny Mask, Randal Michael, Jack E. Flynn, Jr., Robert Heard, Keith Hargrove, Rick Dodson, Rick Richards
Officers Linda Glenn, president; Debbie Phinney, vice-president; Sheila Cottongame, secretary; Pattie Ross, treasurer; Miss Faye Quinley and Mrs. Ann Edwards, sponsors Members Pam Roberts, Brenda Gillian, Ritz Zarate, Lorene Briggs, Dora Holbrook, Dianna Cooper, Kay Wilson, Pat Cumbie, Pam Conger, Bobbie Dillard, Shelia Cottongame, Shirley Watson, Linda Collins, Lynette Nelson, Elaine Rhyne, Vickie Gay, Dorothy Smith, Ann McQueen, Billie Barlow, Pattie Ross, Carolyn Young, Linda Glenn, Pam Stewart, Trudy Blackmon, Joyce Metcalf, Debbie Phinney, Lou Richards, Linda Townley, Beth Raney, Sharon Barker, Mary Pritchard
Officers Don Edwards, president; Sammy Lattner, vice-president; Mr. Joe Davis, sponsor Members Don Douglas, John Gunn, Donnie Edwards, Ricky Nichols, Johnny Ross, Howard Oliphant, Billy Talley, David Trent, Dwane Farmer, Donny Gorden, Nicky Murray, Billy Crawford, Auty Hayes, Joe Hogan, George Meader, Joe Paschal, Joe Don Drain, Curtis Garrett, Dennis Redden, Harry Hunt, Walter Langford, Terry McCain, Ronnie Raney, Phil Joyner, Sammy Lattner, Roger Stewart, Jimmy Roby, Curtis Ivie, James Bray, Weldon Rogers, Roy Franks, John McCaleb, Don Owens, Bill Owens, Bill Douglas, Phil Kamp, Ronny Matthews, Mike Atkeisson, Harry Warren, Mike Middleton, John Nowell, Johnny Mixon, Royce McCann, Henry Freeman, Larry Pritchett, Monte Smith, Randy Nevill, Gary Hickey, Danny Bailey, Jessie Medlock, Terry Patrick, Riley Nutt, George Green, Duane Beaver, Kenneth Pritchett, Richard Leyendecker
Officers Lieutenants, Jo Ann Harris and Terry Bittner; Captain Cathy Gravelle; Sergeants, Susan Acree, Tish Gilliam, Julie Lang, Rusty Gaston, Cathy Mims, Cindy Ferguson, Effie Georgas, Missy Ruth, Regina Fullwood, Terry Ross Members Gilda Childers, Jo Ann Warrington, Terry Bittner, Cathy Gravelle, Jo Ann Harris, Donna Wood, Terry Ross, Jan Ray, Pat Belt, Robbie Boyd, Sue Whitlock, Julie Machura, Marilyn Mitcham, Becky Canant, Regina Fullwood, Virginia McCurdy, Mary Redden, Kathleen Holleman, Carolyn Mesker, Lynda Gilcrease, Sue Giesey, Georgia Jones, Missy Ruth, Sherry Bell, Earlene Brown, Sandra Wood, Rochelle Perryman, Peggy Valentine, Pam Roberts, Judy Jorgensen, Effie Georgas, Ora Etta Isenhower, Lyn Ferguson, Lynn Emery, Cathy Machura, Pat Sloan, Connie Baldwin, Carolyn Young, Cindy Ferguson, Vicki Wardino, Lou Richards, Diane Boyte, Barbie Mitcham, Sandy Shayler, Judy Krebbs, Kay Martin, Cathy Mims, Bess Owen, Joyce Rhoads, Debbie Phinney, Klara Krebbs, Jackie Adams, Ann Bell, Sharon Barker, Rusty Gaston, Sharon Scott, Cynthia Maxwell, Karen Jarvis, Jill Jacobs, Kathy Gammill, Patti Ross, Cheryl Denson, Julie Lang, Carole Harris, Janice Bradley, Pat Herod, Rita Marriott, Jane Fortson, Cindy Scott, Alfreida Yates, Tish Gilliam, Mary Pritchard, Mary Lee Tate, Teresa Cagle, Janis Budai, Judy Parker, Pauline Shultz, Erlynne Gunter, Susan Acree
Officers Frank Davis, president; Patty Martin, vice-president; Kathy Harris, secretary; Jane Fortson, treasurer; Jim Compton, reporter; Miss Erma Weidmann, sponsor Members Becky Canant, Ocie Wayne Ellington, Judy Duke, Karen Bolton, Diane Cox, Bobbie Lee Dillard, Jeanette Braden, Wayne Burkhalter, Danna Doolen, Glenda Almond, Teresa Gordon, Claudia Andrews, Linda Garrett, Charlotte Bryant, Joyce Drain, Clay Hamby, Jane Fortson, Susan Castles, Kathy Harris, Darlene Coley, Gary Colley, Frank Davis, Coy Grace, Roy Dan Cooper, John Anderson, Mike Blue, Dave Heifner, Carole Harris, Tish Gilliam, Grady Harris, David Harwell, James Chapman, Will Goldman, Larry Daniel, Jack E. Flynn, Jr., Dick Henson, Bobby Heard, Jimmy Compton, Charley Able, John Robert Gladney, Louis Elliott, Bobbie Ingram, Sherry Warner, Debbie Phinney, Loui Richards, Jan Ray, Paul Jordan, Patty Martin, Cynthia Maxwell, Judy Jorgensen, Cathy Johnson, Norma James, Sandy Shayler, Shirley Ralston, Marjo Watts, Janet Wheeler, John McAdams, Billy Talley, Wayne Scott, Jim Patrick, Donna Jobe, Scarlett Rhoads, Sondra Swiney, Peter Kreisner, Kenneth Jones, Tommy Phillips, Eddie King, Eddie Phinney, Johnny Ross, Ricky Nichols, Dennis Redden, David Wyatt, Tim McClure, Carl Otto, Gary Taylor, Steve Jones, Phil Smith, Larry Pritchett, Jerry Libal, David Rojas, Billy Smith
Officers Judy Parker, president; Kathy Gammill, vice-president; Phyllis Curry, secretary; Misses Winona Stewart and Norma Jean Gries, sponsors Members Marilyn Bray, Rochelle Perryman, Connie Baldwin, Anita Anderson, Jackie Adams, Cheryl Dougherty, Nellie Williams, Cathy Watkins, Sherry Bell, Andrea Draper, Barbara Mitcham, Brenda Farmer, Maxine Miles, Ann Bell, Sandra Wood, Ora Etta Isenhower, Paulette Kerr, Klara Krebbs, Judy Krebbs, Christine Miles, Cindy Scott, Conna Bonner, Kathy Gammill, Judy Parker, Phyllis Curry, Rita Marriott, Alfreida Yates, Elaine Richards, Wanda Watkins, Janice Bradley, Marcha Hollingsworth, Teresa Cagle
Officers Rebecca Pedigo, president; Becky Patterson, vice-president; Patsy Kellum, secretary; Elizabeth Chavoya, reporter; Miss Lila Rutherford, sponsor Members Mary Olivio, Elizabeth Chavoya, Sherry Taylor, Sherry Taylor, Gay Blanton, Jeanie Smithen, Sharion Boecking, Jerienne Sanders, Angie Castro, Sharlotte Fread, Bette Roberts, Bettie Martin, Joan Gowan, Patsy Kellum, Rebecca Pedigo, Pat Foster, Brenda Watson, Brenda Pedigo, Diane Boyte, Jeanie Freeze, Virginia Mahoney, Becky Patterson, Sandra Mitchell, Sonja Holleman, Diana Tanner, Norma Reed, Sheila Stark, Janice Neal, Sondra Swiney, Emmy Emmert, Linda Albritton, Angelina Aguilar
Officers William Hanks, president; Johnny Sheets, vice-president; Robert Thurston, secretary; Freddy Jones, treasurer; Mrs. Bill Hay, sponsor Members Dick Beasley, Terry Cox, Mary Lee Tate, Troy Sykes, Greg Giles, Billy Yorek, Johnny Sheets, Robert McCarter, George Yerby, David Wilson, Rick Hambelton, Danny Bickerstaff, Son Broxon, Robert Thurston, Homer Dee Humphries, Ronald Roggenkemp, Laneil Russell, Duke Elliott, Johnny Ellis, Rex Bower, Boyd McMullan, Alan Henkel, William hanks, Ronnie Bailey, Freddy Jones
Officers Pat Sowell, president; Eddie Wilson, vice-president; Karen Cave, secretary; Fred Watson, reporter; Mr. Nelson Ross, sponsors Members Pansy Nichols, Barbara Clay, Karen Cave, Joyce Prater, Anda Williams, Gail Baggett, Jo Gafford, Eddie Wilson, Mike Hand, Bryan Jordan, Jackie Gunn, Roy Hines, Jimmie Faye Baldwin, Janis Barlow, Larry Whitener, Jim Kesinger, Pat Sowell, Shirley Robinson, Pat Jones, Bobby Poe, Gary Collier, Leslie Whitner, Jerry Owens, John Hogan, Bill Bennett, Larry Thomas, Zack Crocker, Walter Crockett, Jerry Miles, Gary Johnson, Dennis Terrell, Nathan Weaver, Ronnie Tomlinson, Troy Hudson, David Poarch, Tommy Smith, Fred Watson
Officers Jimmy Gunter, president; George Gilliam, vice-president; Sharon Johnston, secretary; Messrs. Wayne Johnston and William LePoris, sponsors Members Kay Martin, Bess Owen, Ailsa Flynn, Teresa Wahl, Lou Ann Bellringer, Sharon Johnston, Janet Weatherby, Carol Ann Robinson, Gary Moses, Scott Thompson, Erlynne Gunter, Janis Budai, Kay Holloway, Cynthia Maxwell, Hildy Jacobs, Debbie Davis, George Gilliam, Elmore Hudgens, Billy Clark, James Martin, Larry Holloway, Don Mershawn, Monty Brazell, Tim McClure, Greg Hammonds, Jimmy Allen, Steve Buie, Skip Tabor, Carl Otto, Joe Sims, Grady Harris, Jimmy Gunter, Dan Goodwin, Don McLarty, Jim Einwaechter
Mr. William LePoris, sponsors Members Sharon Johnston, Lou Ann Bellringer, Teresa Wahl, Bell Owen, Janis Budai, George Gilliam, Larry Daniel, Elmore Hudgens, Ronny Thompson, Carole Harris, Jo Ann Harris, Grady Harris, Joe Sims, James Smith, Keith Hargrove, Jimmy Allen, Greg Hammonds, Larry Holloway, Charles Jackson, Jim Brown, Jimmy Gunter, Dan Goodwin, Don McClarty, Jim Einwaechter
Officers Johnny Widener, president; David Heifner, vice-president; Tex Terry, secretary; Johnny Farmer, treasurer; Messrs James Cummins and Allen Henigan, sponsors Members Gary Penney, Tex Terry, Randy Grizzle, Johnny Widener, Johnny Farmer, Dave Heifner, Royce Lewis, Greg Dickey, Mike Adams, Ben Smith, Tommy Phillips, Dale Lee, Sam Briggs, Darrell Olsen, Phil Judsen, Tommy Ray, Lee Beamon, James Steele, Johnny Russell, Phil Phillips, Rickie Ivie, Jim Pillans, Kenneth Jones, James Chapman, Buddy Ivie, Dickie Russell, Angel Miranda, Dewey Norwood, Preston Montfort, Ronnie Ogburn, Lloyd Moreau, Doug Fraley, T. J. Burkholder, Curtis Reese, Raymond McCann, Jerry Morgan, Ronald Hughes, David Wilson, Laneil Russell, Danny Mayfield, Jack Kuykendall, Anthony Collard, Richard McAdory, Harry Hunt, Wayne Burkhalter, David Bray, Kenneth Watkins, Dan Moreau, Bobby Ray, Allen Henkel, Gary Gover, Bobby Reagan, Bobby Brady, Kenneth Coker
Officers Randy Gorden, president; Mollie Aston, vice-president; Jo Ann Harris, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Jimmie Lou Scott, sponsor Members Conna Bonner, Betsy Hamilton, Regina Fullwood, Cindy Ferguson, Randy Gorden, Mollie Aston, Debbie Davis, Peggy Valentine, Joyce Rhoads, Jo Ann Harris, Carolyn Mertz, John Robert Gladney, Louis Elliott, Carol King, Terry Bittner, Jane Fortson, Diana Wheelock, Cheryl Denson, Mary Jane Stewart, Will Goldman, Charles Gary, Ty Willis, Steve Wolens, David Rosen, Linda Townley
Officers Missy Ruth, chairman; Randy Gorden, vice-chairman; Mrs. Bobbie Johnson, sponsor Members Judy Jorgensen, Randy Gorden, Glenda Almond, Pat Herod, Mary Redden, Diane Brustein, Jill Jacobs, Dorothy Wood, Effie Georgas, Earlene Brown, Becky Graham, Linda Garrett, Jan Ray, Becky Canant, Mary Mesker, Donna Edwards, Gilda Childers, Missy Ruth, Mollie Aston, Sharon Scott, Kathy Sims, Betty Johnson, Tish Gilliam, Marjo Watts, Julie Lang, Rusty Gaston, Karen Jarvis, Cary Carter, Teresa Gorden, Betsy Hamilton
Officers Claudia Andrews, president; Gerry Moore, vice-president; Nilene Omberg, secretary; Felisa Skinner, reporter; Mr. Earl Scarborough, sponsor Members Karen Bolton, Quanah Ellisor, Felisa Skinner, Lucy Renteria, Elaine Bewley, Cynthia Barlow, Bonnie Widener, Nilene Omberg, Gerry Moore, Lillian Lambert, Donna Jobe, Charley Able, Larry Robertson, Thomas Dockery, John Roberts, Paula Cotton, Claudia Andrews
Officers Jim Morris, president; Debbie Oldroyd, vice-president; Janet Wheeler, secretary; Mr. H. L. Hill, sponsor Members Jacquie Roberts, Judy Duke, Paul Jordan, Vicki Clarkson, Angie Bowden, Clara Melton, Judith Rogers, Donna Caruthers, Evelyn Borden, Janet Wheeler, Billie Barrett, Belinda Donaho, Roxie Early, Danna Doolen, Debbie Perry, Anita Bolen, Bonnie Maxwell, Louise Tieman, Charlotte Bryant, Judy Nichols, Cynthia Beasley, Corrine McCaslin, Pam Malone, Ronald Franks, Barbara Gilliam, Ivory Cash, Keith Birkhead, Jim Morris, Jim Patrick, Shirleen McCulloch, Debbie Oldroyd, Donna Coston, Yolanda Hughes, Wayne Adams, Cathy Johnson, Jimmy Sewell, Lynn Watson, Louis Elliott, Tommy Tinsley, Wayne Scott, Theda Marrs, Gary Cooley, Mike Blue, Dick Miller, Carol King, Gail Garner, Porter Speed, Gretchen Wand, John McAdams, John Robert Gladney, James Powell, Marion Haynes, Melvin Hardin, Randy Watson, Randy Russell, Lyman Barnes, David Curington, Leslie Fread, Ronnie Brewer, Jonnie Calloway, Donald Franks, Darlene Coley, Debbie Morris, Dennis Blazier, Melba Donahue, Mike Barnebee
Miss Winona Stewart, sponsor Members Regina Fullwood, Evelyn Borden, Terry Cox, Carolyn Mesker, Marcha Hollingsworth, Donna Caruthers, Paulette Kerr, Sue Whitlock
Miss Norma Jean Gries, sponsor Members Elaine Talley, Peggy Valentine, Phyllis Curry, Lynda Gilcrease, Sherry Bell, Joyce Lewis, Judy Parker, Georgia Jones, Cathy Watkins, Brenda Farmer, Kathy Gammill, Conna Bonner, Diane Neuman, Ora Etta Isenhower, Rochelle Perryman, Judy Krebbs, Klara Krebbs
State National Bank, Reid’s Pharmacy, Harris Lumber Company, Corsicana Dr. Pepper, Aston’s Food Stores, High School Cleaners, Forester’s Chevrolet, Pat & Babs Shoppe, George’s Grill, Johnson’s Pharmacy, Oil City Iron Works, Polly’s Dress Shoppe, City Office Supply, P&S Pharmacy, J. M. Dyer Co., Davis Drug Store, Buie’s, M. Evans, Miles, Green’s, Mortons, Wolf Brand Chili and Tamales, Babcock Bros., The Knitting Bag, Daiches Jewelers, Mitcham’s Appliance Store, Harris & Jacobs, Western Inn, Corsicana National Bank, The Smart Shop, Withrow Furniture Co., Texas Power & Light Co., Scarbrough Photography, First National Bank, Geo. F. Baum Shoe Store, Zale’s Jewelers, Collin Street Bakery, George Realty, Yates Roofing Co., Jackson’s Food Store, Liquigas, Hamilton House Interiors, Cooper’s Shoes, Majors & McLauchlin Insurance, Lone Star Gas Co., Bowden’s Pharmacy, Dairy Mart, The Door, Humbert’s Hickory House, K. Wolens, Stewart Motor Co., Travis Printing Co., Taylor Studio, Roy’s Café, Green’s Stylette Beauty Salon, Goins-Weatherby