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Turn of the century photo
of Beaton Street, Corsicana, TX
Picture Postcard from the collection of
Edward L. Williams

Beaton Street, note
street car. Another version of
this card has "Looking North" on the right had
Side of the bottom of the card.

Picture Post Card -
Beaton Street - 1880
Picture Postcard from the collection of
Edward L. Williams
post card was canceled: Corsicana - May 26, 1908
Inscription on back of card:
Our Assembly will probably adjourn to msh. I and other will
go on farther west tomorrow. We are having terrible floods here
some of the R. R. are flooded. Father
to: Mrs. S. E. Shelton
1224 N. 5th St. Springfield Ill

Beaton Street, Corsicana, TX
Post marked 1911

Corner Beaton and Collin <Allyn Corner> 1874
Corsicana, TX