Carnegie Library - Corsicana (late 1920s)

Picture Post Card - Carnegie Public Library, Corsicana Post Marked Corsicana Dec 4, 1906
From the Collection of Edward L. Williams

Picture Post Card - Carnegie Public Library, Corsicana Dated 1911

While the 1904 Carnegie library was razed in 1967, it still lives in this 1998 mural by Brad Smith. The library was originally built at a
cost of $25,000, which put it in the middle range of the 32 Carnegie libraries that were originally built in Texas. This mural is a fine example of a forgotten
building brought back to life in an affordable manner.

Carnegie Public Library, Corsicana, Texas

Carnegie Library, Corsicana, Texas

Carnegie Library, Corsicana, Texas

Carnegie Library, Corsicana, Texas - 1907
Picture Postcard from the collection of
Sherry Nelson

Carnegie Library, Corsicana, Texas - 1907
Picture Postcard from the collection of
Sherry Nelson