Confederate Pension of Edward Stewart Submitted by James Stewart Lakewood, Ca. STATE
this 11th day of May AD 1891 personally appeared before me J. J.
Wilson Clerk of
the County Court, a court of record within and for this county and state
aforesaid, Edward Stewart aged 66 years a resident of the County of
Navarro and State of Texas, who, being sworn according to law declares
that he is the identical Edward Stewart, who was enrolled as Captain in
Co C. Harrison’s Battalion Paducah Volunteers on or about 1st day of
August 1863 at Corrith Mississippi which Company and battalion was
attached to 7th Reg. Tenn. Volunteers, commanded by Col Isaac R.
Hawkins. That he was engaged in Special, Scout service and remained in
Command of said Co until about Dec.1863 at Union City Tenn. he was
attacked with Varrioloid (light case of smallpox) and left Company in
Command of J. West Neely (John Wesley Neely believed to be son of Andrew
Neely who’s grandmother was Agnes Stewart)
that he was in Command of a squad of scouts conected with the
Command of Milton
Hardy(Milton Hardy was later shot while trying to kidnapp the Gov. of
Tenn) and remained in command of said Squad until the Battle of Paducca
KY that he afterward enrolled as Sgt. in Capt Sam Hawkins Co. I
7th Tenn Regt. and
Command of Col Isaac R. Hawkins on March 8th 1865 at Paducah KY and
remained in said Co until 9th day of August 1865. When he was honorably
discharged by reason of close of the war. That while in service above
named and was sent to private hospital at the residence of a Mr Goodloe
and remained for about 35 days and was also attacked with Rheumatism
which disease has afflicted him with more or less severity from
that time until the present moment. That on or about February
1864 and at or near Johnsonville Tenn while on duty he became ruptured
in left groin from which affliction he has never entirely recovered. -
and is cause given? of which and of rheumatisim he has ceased about
entirely from any kind of manual labor or active exercise even on
horseback. That in the spring of 1864 he was healed at private house of
Dr. Thompson of Paducah KY that since said service he has been treated
by the following named physicians and surgeons,
Joe McCall MD, W.N. Murray MD, of Huntingdon and by Dr. Robt Laws
of Wildersville Tenn. and by Dr. D.L. Laws of Clarksburg Tenn and by
others and since coming to Texas in 1886 he has been treated by Drs. Jno
F. and Wm. Starley and in
Dr. I.N. and J.S. Suttle of Corsicana Texas. That since said service
above named he has not been employed in the Military or Naval Service of
the Uinited States. That since leaving said service this applicant has
resided in Carroll County, Tenn. until 1876 and in Henderson CO 1876 to
1880 and from 1881 until 1886 he resided in Faulkner Co Arkansas and
since 1886 until the present time he has resided in this Navarro, CO
Texas, and that his occupation when able to do anything has been that of
a farmer and mechanic. That prior to
his entry into the service above named he was a man of sound,
physical health, being when enrolled a farmer. That he is now totally
disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his
disablities above discribed and of partial loss of eyesight and of heart
trouble resulting from the disabilities received in the service of the
United States. He therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of
being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States. He
hereby appoints J.M. Douglas of Corcicana state of Texas his true and
lawful attorney to prosecute his claim to whom he agrees to pay the sum
of twenty five Dollars when a pension is allowed him for said service.
That he has made application NO 974730 for a pension under the act of
June 27 1890. Signed
Edward Stewart Also
personally appeared R.W. Walton residing
in Corsicana Texas and Persons
whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit and who being by
one duly foregoing sign his to the foregoing declaring that they have
every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their
acquaintance with him, that he is the identical person he represents
himself to be and that they have no interest in the prosecution of his
claim. Signed
R.W. Walton,,, John Faulk Sworn
to and subscribed befor me this 11th day of May A.D. 1891; and I hereby
certify that the contents of the above declaration were fully made known
and explained to the applicant, and witness before swearing and that I
have no interest, direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898 Certificate
No. 823427 Name:
Edward Stewart Sir: In
forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next
quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with
replies to the questions enumerated below. First,
Are you married? If so, please state your wife’s full name and her
maiden name. Answer.
yes, Lucinda Stewart, Maiden name Lucinda Ross. Second,
When, shere and by whom were you married? Answer.
Nov. 23, 1843 by W.B. Shoren, Carroll County West Tenn. Third,
What record of marriage exists? Answer.
Can’t state but refer to record in clerks office. Fourth,
Were you previously married? Answer,
No Fifth,
Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the
dates of their birth. Answer,
James Madison Stewart, Jan. 1, 1848 Nancy
Jane Stewart Dec. 21, 1850 Mary
Elizabeth Stewart Oct. 15, 1853 Elija
Ann Stewart
Oct. 22, 1855 Jo
Ann Stewart
Oct. 27, 1857 John
Wesley Stewart Feb.
22, 1860 Date
of Reply August 4, 1898
Signed: Edward
Stewart Edward
and Lucinda Ross Stewart also had son, Thomas Jefferson Stewart born in
1845 in Carroll co. TN., however is probably deceased at the time of
this pension application. USA
(Tennesee Volunteers) 7 CAV.| Tenn.| Edward
Stewart Pvt,
Co J (or I) , Detachment 7 Tenn. Cav. Appears on Company Descriptive
Book of
the organization named above. Description Age
40 years, Height 5 feet 10 inches Complexion,
Fair Eyes,
grey; hair fair. Where
born, Greenville, S.C. Occupation,
farmer Enlistment When,
Jan 10, 1865 Where
Paducah, KY By whom, Murray; term, 1 year