Maston P.
Williams - Actor Maston P. "Mack" Williams was a
character actor for Republic Film Studios from 1931 to 1940. After
that he retired from movies and shortly thereafter relocated to his
birthplace of Corsicana, Texas to live until his death.
Link to:
Lezlie Denise Lonon -
(June 1, 19??-) Birth name is Lezlie Denise Lonon
Born in Corsicana, Texas Appeared in '976-EVIL,' 'Midnight Ride,' 'Girlfriend from Hell,'
'Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare,' 'Almost Pregnant,' 'To Protect
and Serve,' 'Movie Madness,' 'Plump Fiction'
Played Phoenix Chisholm on 'Dynasty,' and Stacey Tyler on 'Hunter'
Member of the band Fem 2 Fem
She posed fully nude in the December 1993 edition of Playboy, along
with other members of Fem 2 Fem.
She is a former Dallas Cowboy cheerleader.
Link to:
James Lemuel Hollers
Minister: HOLLERS, James
Lemuel Title: Rev. Years Served: 1891-1909
Church: First United Methodist Church
Village: Corsicana, Township: , County: , State: TX
Source: Central Texas Conference & Northwest Texas Conference
Additional: 1891-New Hope Mission 1901-Silverton 1892-Santo
1902-Chillicothe 1893-Proctor 1894-Proctor 1895-Harmony Circuit
1896-Killeen-Nolanville 1897-Oglesby Circuit 1898-Oglesby Circuit
1899-Canadian 1900-(Superannuate)
Joyce (Hollers) Jones
Date: Mon Sep 17 19:18:21 2001
Clovis Herschel Hunter
Clovis Herschel Hunter was born November 30,
1915 in Richland, Texas to William Massilon and Bertha Robertson
Hunter. Mr. Hunter is a
World War II veteran and a deacon at Memorial Baptist Church.
He married Corsicana native Louise King, daughter of Whit and Irma
Lee King, on July 19, 1940. They have four married children:
Andrea Richards and husband Derwood of Corsicana; Clowie Lewis and
husband Raylon of Corsicana; Shirley Donnerstag and husband Bernie
of Waco; and Larry Hunter and wife Patricia of Corsicana.
Grandchildren are Brandi Richards, Bryon and Andrew Albrecht, and
Stephen and Keith Lewis. Great-grandchildren are Austin Albrecht
and Dakota and Tyler Lewis. Notes:
John H.
Retired Aug. 1, 1985
Major General John H. Storrie is the director of space, Office
of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations, Headquarters
U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.
General Storrie was born in 1931, in Corsicana, Texas. He
attended Denton High School and graduated from Texas Agricultural
and Mechanical University in 1953 with a bachelor of science degree
in engineering. He earned a master's degree from Auburn (Ala.)
University in 1972 and completed the Air War College at Maxwell Air
Force Base, Ala., also in 1972.
After receiving his commission in August 1953, he graduated
from pilot training in December 1954. For the next five years he
flew F-86s at Perrin Air Force Base, Texas; George Air Force Base,
Calif.; and Clark Air Base, Philippines.
In 1959 he transferred to the Strategic Air Command and was an
aircraft commander and instructor pilot in B-47s at Chennault Air
Force Base, La., and in B-58s at Carswell Air Force Base, Texas.
During this period he also served as operations officer of the 656th
Bombardment Squadron.
In March 1965 the general moved to Beale Air Force Base,
Calif., as part of the initial SR-71 cadre. He was one of the first
instructor pilots in the SR-71. He was an SR-71 aircraft commander
for more than five years, logging nearly 900 hours in the Mach 3
aircraft. From 1968 to 1971, he had extensive operational duty in
Southeast Asia. In August 1971 General Storrie left Beale to attend
the Air War College and in August 1972 was assigned to Air Force
headquarters as chief of the Drone Management Group, Directorate of
Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare. He returned to Beale Air
Force Base in May 1974 as vice commander of the 9th Strategic
Reconnaissance Wing and took command of the wing in June 1975.
General Storrie returned to Air Force headquarters in
September 1977 to serve as director of reconnaissance and electronic
warfare. He held that position until July 1978 when the organization
moved to Andrews Air Force Base, Md., where he served as assistant
deputy chief of staff, systems for armament and defense suppression,
Headquarters Air Force Systems Command. General Storrie became the
command's inspector general in July 1979. He assumed his present
duties in September 1981.
The general is a command pilot with more than 5,000 flying
hours. His military decorations and awards include the Legion of
Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Meritorious Service Medal, Air
Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, Combat Readiness Medal and
Vietnam Service Medal. He was promoted to Major General March 1, 1983, with date of
rank July 1, 1979. (Current as of April 1983) Notes:

Judge David Kelton Hon.
David Kelton, Judge 44th District Court Judge David Kelton was born on June 24th in
Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas. He attended the University
of Colorado where he received a BA degree in 1968. David then attended
the University of
Texas School of Law receiving a JD in in 1972.
Worked for Vail,
Hamilton Law Firm from 1972 thru 1975 and then Johnson Shanklin
Law firm 1975 thru 1980.
Served as Civil District Court Master since inception of the Master
program in March, 1998 until May 31, 2002 when he was appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry on May 31, 2002 to the
44th District Court to complete the unexpired term of former Judge
Margaret Keliher. He was elected to that position on January,
1, 2003.
Judge Kelton
and his wife Ruth, have two sons, Bryan and Matthew. Notes:

Nationally-syndicated columnist William Murchison has been a
professional journalist since 1964. His career began with two years
at the Corsicana Daily Sun, followed by seven years with the
now-defunct Dallas Times Herald. He has been with The
Dallas Morning News since 1973, where he now serves as senior
columnist. Murchison's newspaper column has been nationally
syndicated since 1981.
Murchison has written three books: Those Gasoline Lines and
How They Got There (co-author), Reclaiming Morality in
America, and his latest, There's More to Life Than Politics.
Murchison also serves as contributing editor with The Lone
Star Report, editor for Foundations (the largest
traditional publication in the Episcopal Church), contributing
editor for Human Life Review, and corresponding editor for
Chronicles. He is also a regular contributor to National
Review, The Wall Street Journal, Policy Review, The American
Spectator, and First Things.
A Corsicana native, Murchison received his bachelor's degree
from the University of Texas at Austin and his master's degree from
Stanford University. He is married and has two sons .
John B. Willis - Salesman
I found a business card (the
size of a postcard) in a box of "papers" from my aunts who lived in
Corsicana from 1906 to 1991. I have no idea how old it is. I found
it interesting that the card says " TO THE LADIES OF CORSICANA AND
NEVARO CO". Navarro was spelled Nevaro.
In case the printing is not clear on the back of the card, this is
what it says.
"I take this means to humbly and modestly call your attention
to the fact
that I have as Fine and Complete a stock of
Ladies Toilet Articles, as can
be found anywhere - In fact I am overstocked on many and will sell
very cheap.
"My Soda Water is said to be the best
in the City; I don't know that,
and even if I did my modesty would prevent my
asserting it.
A liberal share of your patronage I solicit
and will appreciate.
Yours diligently and
obediently to serve."
Notes: Submitted by
Kathy Odell
1857 & 1859
Benjamin Jefferson C Hill, Jr. was born 1813 to Benjamin
Jefferson C. Hill Sr. and Rebecca Wallace of Warren Co. Tennessee.
Benjamin Sr. was a brother of Henry John Alexander Hill, father of
Dr. George Washington Hill.
Two children of record were born in the marriage of Benjamin
Sr. and Rebecca....John Ashley Hill, and Benjamin Jefferson C Hill,
Jr. Benjamin Sr. divorced Rebecca in 1840. Rebecca and her sons
moved to Texas at some point and were recorded in the 1860 Spring
Hill Census living with Dr. George Washington Hill.
The 1862 will of John R Hill states that he was a nephew of
Benjamin J C Hill and a cousin to siblings Mary Jane & Benjamin J C
HIll Jr. John R Hill was a son of George Washington Hill and a
grandson of John Ashley & Lucinda Langston Hill.
Interesting....John R Hill's will also left property to Anna C
Sneed, daughter of N T Sneed....who followed Benjamin Jefferson Hill
in the role of Grand Master of the Spring Hill Lodge. Had Anna been
Anna C Hill who had married one of the Sneed sons...or....could she
have been the "Object of the affections" of John R Hill??
The Spring Hill Masonic Lodge No. 155 was organized in 1854
and a Lodge Hall was constructed the same year. The initial Lodge
Hall was located in the vicinity of the present day Spring Hill
Cemetery , sometimes referred to as "The Old Spring Hill" as opposed
to "The New Spring Hill" which was not created until after 1858. and
was located a mile north and across Treadwell Branch.
The Lodge Hall at "The New Spring Hill" was located on second
floor of a brick building and the lower floor of the structure
housed a General Merchandise Store. The Lodge Hall was accessed by
wood steps on the outside of the structure.
Early minutes of the Lodge reveal that membership during years
prior to the Civil War averaged eighteen. Reports made during the
Civil War indicate that the entire membership was in the service of
the CSA. After the Civil War membership grew to almost fifty and the
Lodge flourished.
When the Town of Dawson was organized on the new railroad many
residents of Spring Hill moved their homes to the new town. The
Masonic Lodge moved from Spring Hill to Dawson in 1881, but the name
remained Spring Hill
Masonic Lodge No. 155 until 1905.
Early meeting sites for the Spring Hill Lodge in the new town
of Dawson are unknown, but when a two story building was constructed
on "Rat Row" the second floor was always known as The Lodge Hall.
Lodge Night brought members from Dawson and the outlying areas...all
dressed in their finest..
who would gather for a few minutes on the sidewalk to exchange
pleasantries before climbing the stairs to the secret meetings.
There were stories that the Lodge Members rode goats at times.
The Spring Hill Masonic Lodge SEAL disappeared for many years,
but was found in a field several counties away. The journey of the
SEAL was never discovered, but it remains on display at the Museum
of The Grand Lodge of Texas at Waco.
No record exists as to who the first Grand Master may have
been in 1854.
It may have been that a visiting Mason from the Grand Lodge of
Texas served in that capacity until 1855 when William Blackburn was
elected to the position.
The Corsicana Masonic
Lodge #104
The Corsicana Masonic Lodge #104 had formed in December 1851
when James Riggs was Secretary. Ethan Melton,who had settled early
in the Dresden area, was one of the original officers. William
Ritchie and James Moody were listed as Fellow Masons.
John Treadwell and James A Johnson were shown as Apprentice
Masons. |