Joshua Lucius Halbert
Josh Halbert, born in 1869, was the son of
Capt. Joshua Long Halbert, one of the pioneer settlers, and it might be noted that he was the first
Corsicana mayor born in Corsicana. Small in stature but big in accomplishments, he
held the office for five terms, or 10 years, during which time many things were done for the city. He continued to street paving program and removed the bois d' arc paving blocks from the downtown area. In 1913 he helped bring the Texas Electric Railway to
Corsicana, thereby furnishing the city hourly interurban trips to Dallas. With many stops reroute, it took about 3 hours to go to Dallas. The present City Charter,
voted in Dec. 11, 1917, was one of his major accomplishments. Another achievement was a fresh water supply to replace the old artesian water system installed 30 years
previously. So his administration constructed Lake Halbert, a 525 acre body of water named in his honor and well known to all for its fishing, hunting, and outing facilities.
Mayor Halbert was married to Ida Jester (1879-1961 bur Oakwood Cemetery), daughter of Charles Wesley &
Eliza (Rakestraw) Jester of Corsicana. He lived at 1250 West Third Avenue and practiced law, with his office in the Hardy-Peck building. He died in 1929 and was buried in the
Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana, Texas. He had three children, Mrs. Eliza Ruth of Corsicana, Mrs. Fannie Rust of San Angelo, and a son Josh III, now deceased (also bur at
July 1, 1929
Josh L Halbert Found Dead At Home Early Monday
Josh L. Halbert, 60, former Mayor of Corsicana and an outstanding
leader in municipal, civic, financial and religious circles for many
years, were found dead in his bathtub shortly before 8 o'clock
Monday morning.
Death was attributed to an attack of vertigo.
He is survived by his wife, three children, Josh Jr., Eliza and
Fannie, three sisters, Mrs. Annie Halbert Parr of Hillsboro, Mrs.
Helene Halbert Groce of Waxahachie and Mrs. Hallie Halbert
Goldborough of Marshall.
Funeral services will be held at the First Methodist Church Tuesday
afternoon at 5 o'clock. Pallbearers will be Douglas Jackson of
Shreveport, La; Lowry Martin, Henry Robbins,
Beauford H. Jester, Charles G.
Jester, Josh H. Groce of Waxahachie, F. B. McKie and C. Allyn Gordon
all relatives of the family.
Honorary pallbearers will be the members of the board of stewards of
the First Methodist and all members of the newly formed Josh Halbert
Bible Class of the First Methodist Church.
Mr. Halbert narrowly escaped death Tuesday morning when his
automobile plunged over an embankment on the Drane Road, and
suffered cuts and bruises. He was able to be up and about his home
Sunday and attending physicians thought he was doing nicely. He told
his wife Sunday night that he felt unusually well.
Mrs. Halbert discovered the body shortly before 8 o'clock and aid
was summoned, but all efforts at artificial respiration failed.
Mr. Halbert was perhaps best known for his services as a municipal
leader, having served as Mayor of Corsicana for twelve years,
relinquishing his duties in April, 1923. During his tenure of office
a large part of the paving of streets in Corsicana was carried out.
July 2, 1929
A proclamation by Mayor R. L. Wheelock asking the merchants of
Corsicana to close their places of business Tuesday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock, resolutions of respect adopted by the Corsicana City
Commission and the flag on the municipal building at half-mast were
among the final tributes paid Tuesday to the late J. L. Halbert, who
died suddenly at his home Monday.
Final rites were held from the First Methodist Church with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Dr. Horace Bishop of San Angelo, Dr. Frank P. Culver and the Rev. A.
W. Hall conducted the services.
Active pallbearers were Douglas Jackson of Shreveport, La.; Loury
Martin, Henry Robbins, Beauford H. Jester, Charles G. Jester, Josh
Groce of San Antonio; F. B. McKie, Allyn Gordon and James F.
Roseborough of Marshall.
Honorary pallbearers were the board of stewards of the First
Methodist Church and the members of the newly formed Josh Halbert
Bible class of the First Methodist Sunday school.
