Charles W. Jester
April 3, 1841 - April 2, 1909
Death of C. W. Jester.
Special To The News.
Corsicana, Tex., April 2. -
C. W. Jester, president of the Corsicana National Bank, died this afternoon at
12:12 o'clock at his residence, corner Ninth avenue and Fifteenth street. Mr.
Jester was born in Illinois in 1841 and came to Corsicana when 17 years of age.
Before his election as president of the Corsicana National Bank in 1878 he was
engaged in the saddle and harness business. Besides his banking interests he was
also concerned with other enterprises and was largely interested in Northeastern
Texas. His surviving brothers are Hon. Geo. T.
Jester of this city and L. L.
Jester, president of the Jester National Bank of Tyler. He leaves a wife and six
children. His remains will be buried here Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Obituary Submitted by
Dana Stubbs
One of Corsicana's Best Citizens Answers the Final Sermon
Mr. C. W. Jester died at his home, corner Ninth avenue and Fifteenth street,
this afternoon at 12.12 o'clock, and one of Corslcana's best and most prominent
citizens has gone to his final reward. It is not exaggeration to
say that the city is in mourning and that over the entire county there will be
felt deep sorrow as the information of his death is received. He was a popular
man. More, he was a good man. Although frugal habits and con-
servative business principles employed from youth had fructified into the
accumulation of much of this world's goods, he was always a plain citizen and
his heart beat in warm sympathy for his people. He was a man who
was easily approached and made no distinction of classes. A man with him was a
man to whom he ever extended a hearty hand-clasp, a cordial greeting and succor
when needed. A member of the First Methodist church and one of its official
family, he contributed of his time, talent and money to the widening of the
church's influence and to its constant upbuilding. He was a Christian gentleman
whom all respected and whose companionship was constantly sought, yet he was a
man of few words and wholly free from ostentatious show. The vain pomp and glory
of the world were as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals to him. He loved and
adhered to the plain walks of life and died in the full confidence of his
people. With it all he was a man of fine sense, well read and of deep
convictions and sound judgment. His advice was always on the side of right, just
as was his life, and he left an example which to follow means to receive the
rewards of this world and the blessings of the eternal hereafter.
Those who are in a position to know speak of his life at home as being ideal. A
gentle, considerate, affec-
tionate husband, and noble father, whose home-coming was daily heralded with
pleasure by his children, sums up the home life of this truly good man. The
visitor who crossed the threshhold of that home found him a courtly, genial
gentleman who, without effort, but because of being a gentleman born, dispensed
hospitality with a grace and ease that was charming. That these are not words of
extravagant praise hundreds of friends will bear willing testimony.
Mr. Jester was born April 3d, 1841, in Madison county, Illinois, and was the
eldest of a family of six children. His father died when this son was only ten
years of age, leaving the family in other than affluent circumstances. Therefore
the burdens of life fell upon him early, but with the aid of his two younger
brothers, he took up the struggle and together they worked their way to success.
At the age of 17 years Mr. Jester came with the other members of the family to
Texas, arriving in Corslcana in 1868, where he has resided since. Many hardships
were encountered but he met them in that calmly determined spirit which was one
of his chief characteristics and overcame them. For some time he was engaged in
the saddle and harness business and there, as wherever his field of labor lay,
friends were made and his popularlty grew. In 1898 he became president of the
Corsicana National Bank which position of trust and honor he held at the time of
his death. Besides his connection with the bank he is also largely interested in
other enterprlses and has considerable interests in Northeastern Texas.
Mr. Jester leaves a wife and six children, viz.: George B., Judge C.L., Miss
Ida, Dr. Homer B., Hugh and Miss Lila. He has two brothers and one sister who
survive him, they being Mrs. R. P. Bates of Corsicana, L. L, Jester,
President of the Jester National Bank of Tyler, and Gov. Geo. T. Jester of this
city. Numerous other relatives also survlve him in Corsicana and also [this part
of paper is torn]
It will be observed that tomorrow, April 3d will be Mr. Jester's Birthday. For
that reason the funeral is being deferred to Sunday, it being the wish of the
family that he be not buried on his natal day.
Mr. Jester's death will be a doubly severe shock to many of his friends, as only
yesterday the cheering news came from his bedside that he was not then
considered seriously ill. He was stricken with pneumonia one week ago today.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Friday, Apr 2, 1909
Submitted by Karen Rost
Buried Sunday Afternoon.
The mortal remains of the late C. W. Jester were laid to rest in the family lot
in Oakwood yesterday afternoon. The funeral procession formed at the home at
3:30 and went to the First Methodist church, where Rev. James Campbell, pastor
of the church, read the burial service and Rev. Horace Bishop made an impressive
talk on the life and character of the deceased.
The church was filled to overflowing and many [unreadable] about the build-
ing till the services were over and the procession to the cemetery was reformed.
The procession was one of the largest ever seen in Corsicana and the-floral
designs were profuse and of the rarest and most-beautiful. At the conclusion of
the services at the grave the mound was litterally hidden beneath these rare and
beautiful flowers, and the graves of the two little daughters of the deceased
who were taken many years ago were also covered by loving frlends with floral
The following gentlemen were pallbearers: Active—J. L. Halbert, W.M. Tatum, C.
H. Allyn, T. P. Kerr, J. M. Bartlett of Rice, Fred Flemming of Dallas, J. E.
Whiteselle and Ab Haslam. Honorary—James Garitty, F. N. Drane, J. A. Thompson,
S. W. Johnson, E.E. Dunn, F. Y. Doke, E.W. Johnson, W. N. Kenner, J. M. Blandlng,
John Duren, S. A. Pace, Travis Holland, C. R. Terry, R. Q. Mills, A. Fox and
Louis Cerf.
There many people in the procession from the surrounding country who had known
the deceased for years and came from their homes in the quietude of the Sabbath
day to pay their last respects to one whom they respected and loved in life. In
addition to those were a number of colored people, some old and others young,
who had been In the employ of the family at various times, and who were grieved
at the taking off of their former employer and benefactor and wanted in thelr
humble way to give expression to their sorrow.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, Apr 5, 1909
Submitted by Karen Rost
Corsicana Looses [sic] One of Its Best and Noblest Men
The city was startled Friday afternoon when the death of Charles W.
Jester was announced about town. In the morning he had been reported
better and every one hoped and believed that he was getting well and
the news of his death was a great shock to all. He had been taken to
bed with pneumonia and had been sick about one week.
Mr. Jester came to Navarro county with his father when he was a
small boy and by sheer industry won his place in the financial world
as business man and banker. He was a man of noble traits of
character and deeds of charity and his name is linked with that of
the development of the home of his boyhood days indelibly, for he is
known for the good he has done, and all may well say he has not
lived in vain.
Mr. Jester was in 68 year and his birthday would have occurred the
day following his death and for this reason the funeral did not
occur until Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, taking place from the
First Methodist Church, of which he had been a member a great many
At the conclusion of the services at the grave the mound was hidded
[sic] by a great bank of flowers, the last remembrance of dear
friends left behind.
A large number of friends from the county who had known deceased for
a great many years rode for miles to be at the funeral services and
were in line of march to the cemetery.
- Corsicana Democrat & Truth - Thursday, April 8, 1909
- Submitted by
Karen Rost

Oakwood Cemetery,
Corsicana, Navarro County,

Oakwood Cemetery,
Corsicana, Navarro County,
Photos by
Edward L. Williams